
How to open an account in Switzerland? How to open a Swiss bank account: what foreigners need to know. What documents are needed to open a bank account in Switzerland Swiss bank account minimum amount

One of the indispensable attributes of the fact that life is a success is the presence of an account in a Swiss bank. The exceptional reliability of banks, customer care, the possibility of anonymous service in some cases - all this attracts those who want to keep their accumulated capital, and we are talking about safety, since earning a lot of money by placing a deposit in Switzerland, as a rule , will not work due to the traditionally small interest on deposits.

Before considering the details of opening an account in a foreign bank, it is necessary to find out the attitude of Russian legislation to this issue. In accordance with Art. 12 of the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ "On currency regulation and currency control", citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities have the right no limits open accounts (deposits) in countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) or the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF). The Swiss Confederation is one of the participating countries, therefore, after opening an account, it will be enough to notify the tax office at the place of registration within a month. Since 2007, this rule has been extended to open an account in a country that is not a member of the OECD and FATF.

Bank types

Depending on the specifics of the services provided, Swiss banks can be divided into several types:

Banks universal service (Union Bank of Switzerland, Credit Suisse, Swiss Bank Corporation). They carry out the following operations: opening current accounts, letters of credit, granting loans, etc. In fact, these are ordinary banks that everyone is used to dealing with.

Hi-class cans (Lombard Odier & Cie, Pictet & Cie). The system of work is based on the management of the client's money, without exposing them to the standard risks of banking operations. As a result, banks do not issue loans and do not participate in commercial transactions.

cantonal banks . There are 24 cantonal banks in Switzerland, which are semi-governmental organizations with a state guarantee. In conducting their activities, these banks are subject to commercial principles, and their main task is to support and stimulate the economy of the canton. Cantonal banks are involved in the whole range of banking activities (with a focus on loans and credits).

Representative offices of foreign banks. They position themselves as institutions of the Swiss banking system, although they are not.

Types of banking operations

When opening an account, the client must determine for himself the degree of personal access to money and confidentiality. With this in mind, he can open the following types of accounts: current, savings and depository, in turn, they can be divided according to the degree of confidentiality into nominal and numbered.

Current account

It differs in that the number of transactions on this account is unlimited. The client can carry out any settlement operations. You pay for such freedom of action with a reduced interest rate on the deposit. The situation is similar to the one that exists in our banks, when the interest on a deposit placed on a card account is significantly lower than on a savings or term deposit. Speaking of cards. After a certain time has elapsed from the moment of opening an account, the client can expect to receive a credit card.

savings account

In many ways, the procedure for working with an account coincides with what is practiced in our banks. The client opens an account and deposits an amount into it for a certain period. Income is generated from accrued interest on the deposit. Thus, the larger the deposit and the term of its placement, the greater the percentage the client will receive. In return, he is either limited in the number of operations on the deposit, or is deprived of the right to receive interest on the deposit.

Deposit account

It aims to service securities and other assets of the client. In other words, the bank records and manages income received from working with the client's securities.

personalized account

As the name implies, the account is opened in the name of the client and is completely unsuitable for those who are interested in the confidentiality of transactions, as the receiving bank sees the account number and the name of its owner. In return, the client gets the opportunity to use the funds by contacting any branch of the bank and presenting a passport.

Numbered account

No names, just numbers. Just what you need for someone who does not want anyone else to know about his money.

When opening an account, not the client's name is used, but a set of numbers, which guarantees his anonymity to third parties, but of course not to the bank itself. When carrying out transactions with the account, the receiving bank sees only numbers. A numbered account will securely hide the client's money in the event of a divorce or bankruptcy, but will not save you from disclosure of information if the client is suspected of money laundering, since in this case Swiss law obliges banks to provide relevant information to law enforcement agencies upon their request.

The set of numbers that identifies the account holder is, in fact, the same pin code and plastic card number that we use in everyday life, so the client is obliged to take all precautions when using this information and must not allow it to leak.

Procedure for opening a bank account

First of all, the client needs to decide on the currency in which he will open an account. As a rule, the Swiss franc, dollar or euro is used as the deposit currency.

In most cases, before opening an account, the bank will want to get to know the client directly, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to meet with a bank employee and go through a kind of interview. For this, it is not necessary to go to Switzerland. If in our country there is a representative office of the bank you are interested in, then a meeting with the manager of the Russian branch of the bank will be enough. It is quite natural that the bank will want to get acquainted with the documents confirming the legality of the origin of the client's capital.

What the client does is of great importance for the bank. For example, a bank will never agree to open an account for a client candidate who is in the public service, so the direct path to Swiss banks is closed to our officials. The bank will not be interested in paying taxes in the client's country on the deposited amount.

Most banks have a minimum deposit system, in exceptional cases, under the guarantee of replenishment of the account, the client can open an account for an amount below the minimum amount. If the difference has not been credited to the account within the period agreed with the bank, the bank reserves the right to close the account. The minimum deposit amount in most private banks is 300-500 thousand Swiss francs.

The final decision on opening an account or refusing to do so is usually made by the bank within two to four weeks.

If a positive decision is made to open an account, the client is provided with all the necessary details, including those for transferring funds, since Swiss banks prefer not to deal with cash. The size of the amount to be credited to the account is also discussed with the client. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to meet with the bank manager once or twice a year to complete client orders, discuss new products offered by the bank and manage the account.

In addition, do not forget that your home state is watching you and will look forward to the moment when you submit a tax return and pay income tax, since interest received on deposits in foreign banks is included in the tax base (

Opening an account with a Swiss bank is worth it not only because of the high level of confidentiality or guaranteed reliability, but also because of the exemplary banking service. An account in Switzerland for a foreign company is an access to one of the most developed banking sectors in the world. Individuals, including foreigners - citizens and residents of other countries, will also find the benefits of jurisdiction. You will not be left alone with the question of how to open a bank account in Switzerland if you contact our company. At the moment we offer the following:

  • Opening an account with CIM Banque – cost from 600€;
  • Other banks - individually.

7 benefits of opening an account in Switzerland

The word "Switzerland" for many people is almost synonymous with the word "Reliability". As a rule, the task of opening an account in Switzerland, either independently or with professional help, appears simultaneously with an understanding of why this is necessary. If the latter is not yet available, then our article will help you. Key facts about jurisdiction are summarized in the video:

It is an amazing fact that being between large and powerful states, and having practically no natural resources of its own, the country was able to become one of the most prosperous in the world. This became possible thanks to competent public administration and investments in the following sectors of the economy:
  • mechanical engineering;
  • watch industry;
  • agriculture;
  • Energy;
  • Education and labor market;
We will not dwell on each in detail, we will only note the fact that, it would seem, even such a trifle as chocolate or watches make a significant contribution to the development of the country. And this is no coincidence, because 95% of all watches produced are exported outside the country, and chocolate is valued all over the world.

The banking sector is also the hallmark of the jurisdiction. Deciding to open a deposit, get a bank card or open another product, you can count on the following 7 benefits:

  • The stability of the banking system;
  • High level of service;
  • Very strict observance of banking secrecy;
  • Minimal financial risks;
  • Ability to open multi-currency accounts, including in rubles;
  • Individual approach to each client of the bank;
  • A wide range of banking institutions with a long history and a high status in the international arena.
Behind all this beautiful picture lies one depressing fact - if you are a foreigner who does not have a residence permit in Europe, or you own a foreign company offshore, for example in the UAE, then not all banks will open doors for you.

In which Swiss bank to open an account for a foreigner or a company

When opening, you may encounter various problems:
  • The Bank does not cooperate with foreigners or non-residents;
  • Too high minimum deposit requirements;
  • Long opening procedure associated with the global verification of the client;
  • Lack of support in Russian.
This is not an exhaustive list, but most of the problems are reflected in it. Our practice has shown that CIMBanque is in many cases the best solution for both individuals and corporate clients.

CIM combines high customer requirements with maximum flexibility at the same time. This allows:

  • Collaborate with foreigners, including citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries;
  • Offer a wide range of services to individuals and legal entities;
  • Have low deposit requirements and affordable prices for services.
In addition to CIM, more than a hundred other credit organizations operate in the jurisdiction, and in order to choose the best one in your particular situation, you need to compare offers by criteria.

Criteria for choosing a Swiss bank

There are 261 banks operating in the jurisdiction. TOP-5 largest assets in terms of assets:
  • Credit Suisse AG;
  • UBS AG;
  • UBS Switzerland AG;
  • Raiffeisen-Gruppe excl. Notenstein Privatbank AG;
  • Credit Suisse (Schweiz).
Some organizations, such as UBS, separate their business into domestic and international, creating specialized divisions for this. But not all Swiss banks will benefit from opening an account. In addition to reliability, when choosing, focus on the following parameters:
  • Works with foreigners;
  • Support in English or other foreign language;
  • Serves onshore and offshore companies;
  • Does not impose or has low requirements for a minimum deposit;
  • Possible remote or urgent opening;
  • Works with various currencies, including rubles;
  • Provides remote access;
  • It is controlled by government agencies and is a member of major associations.
If you do not live in Switzerland or Europe, then the number of branches and ATMs is not an important selection criterion. It is enough that the bank has a branch in a major city, preferably in Geneva. As well as the ability to issue an international card that works in the country you need.

Participation in associations is one of the indicators of the development of the organization. Successful companies are controlled by the state-owned FINMA and are included in:

  • Swiss Bankers Association (SBA);
  • Swiss Exchange;
And if the bank is a member of the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Telecommunication) system, then customers can count on a full range of services for international activities, including currency payments.

4 languages ​​are officially used in the country, but many foreign-oriented banks have employees who speak various foreign languages. Sometimes even Russian speakers. Their task is to make banking services and products as convenient and accessible as possible for any client, including a foreigner.

Absolutely universal offers do not exist, but it is ideal if a banking organization offers services in the following areas:

  • Accounts for individuals and legal entities;
  • Debit and credit cards;
  • Investment products;
  • Professional advice;
  • Lending.
In this case, you will receive a full range of services in one place.

Can I open an account remotely or online?

Only some major players in the banking sector have such an opportunity. If we are talking about CIM, then yes, such a possibility exists.

With all the apparent simplicity of filling out the application form for opening an account, in fact, the process without qualified assistance threatens to turn into a complicated one. Firstly, the bank has transparent terms of service (download the current ones for February 2019 from this link), but even before submitting an application, you need to thoroughly understand them. Secondly, remote opening is not available to everyone and not always. Thirdly, the correct filling out of the application affects not only the positive / negative decision on the part of the bank, but also the future fate of your funds.

Remote opening requires Internet access and a webcam. The bank manager will call you without fail to complete the registration procedure. Thanks to this, you will be able to access banking services without leaving your homeland.

In addition to remote opening, a personal visit is also available. Ideally, before the visit, you make an appointment at one of the offices, which are located in three cities: Geneva, Wollerau and Lugano.

How to open a bank account in Switzerland

As a rule, banks request the following package of documents from the client:
  • A copy of an identity document;
  • A document confirming the official address of residence;
  • Documents for the company (if a corporate account is opened);
  • Confirmation of the origin of funds;
Please note that until 2017, many organizations accepted a utility bill as proof of address. This was practiced in many jurisdictions: Ireland, Canada and others. But in 2018, many people abandoned this, including in Switzerland. Therefore, you will need to provide an official statement.

Opening dates

Without professional help, the terms are not only stretched, but there is not even any guarantee that the account will eventually be opened. With professional help, all procedures usually take about 2 weeks. Of which 4-5 days are required for consideration of the application, and 2-3 days for express delivery of documents to the address of the bank. Of course, if the package of documents is not collected, then the required time for preparation must be added to the estimated time.

What is an activation payment

This occurs only in jurisdictions with increased interest from clients and strict control. In this case, this means that in order to open, you will be required to deposit a certain amount into the account. For example 5,000 (private account) or 10,000 (company account) Swiss francs. After opening an account, the deposit is only 1000 francs, you can use the rest of the amount at your discretion.

In practice, it looks like this:

  • The bank approves the client;
  • Issues a temporary or permanent IBAN;
  • The client transfers the initial (activation) payment;
  • The customer gets access to all products and services.
If you want to avoid this, then consider Latvia, which is often referred to as "Eastern Switzerland" due to the soundness of the banking system.

Opening an account in Switzerland is not as difficult as it might seem. Justification of the opening goals, initial payments and other features - all this is inextricably linked with the reliability of the system, as it ensures its stability. Ultimately, this is good for you.

Our company will help you become the owner of a Swiss account. Contact us for an initial consultation and together we will find the best solution for you personally. For communication, use any convenient method from the "Contacts" page or the form below.

Greetings! I am sure that you need to set yourself life goals that are exceptionally large-scale and ambitious. By the way, many psychologists say that this is the only way to achieve real success!

Therefore, today I will talk about how to open a Swiss bank account for a Russian citizen. Agree, such a goal certainly falls under the definition of "large-scale and ambitious."

Imagine for a second that you do not know where to put the extra $500,000. And the first thing that comes to mind is a reliable Swiss bank!

Can a Russian citizen open such an account?

It is possible, but the procedure will differ from that intended for citizens of Switzerland (or Russians who have a residence permit in the country of "banks and chocolate").

At a minimum, you will need to prove the source of capital. Well, of course, representatives of the Swiss credit institution will check the identity of the client almost under a microscope.
Are there any restrictions on the minimum deposit amount?

Individuals residing outside of Switzerland (including Russians) can open a deposit here by depositing an amount from 300,000 to 500,000 Swiss francs. For reference: on November 19, 2015, the CHF/RUB exchange rate was 63.8 rubles.

By the way, because of the crisis in Russia, almost all of them raised the minimum amount of "entry" for our compatriots.

Can I open a deposit remotely?

In many Swiss banks it is possible to open an account via the Internet, fax or telephone. However, an individual will still have to provide the office with the originals of all documents. The easiest way is to do it personally (you will have to go to Switzerland) or through Russian intermediaries (meeting with a representative within Russia).

What documents are required to open an account?

Firstly, a foreign passport, an identification card or some other official identification document.

Secondly, a document on the origin of the money that is deposited into the account. The amount to open an account is considerable, so a certificate of income of 30,000 rubles will not work here.

Ideal option: legal business, inheritance or capital from the sale of real estate.

In what currency can I open an account?

In the national Swiss currency, as well as in euros, US dollars and British pounds. They say it will be soon.
Are deposits in Switzerland protected by bank secrecy?

Such a concept as banking secrecy is enshrined at the legislative level. Both former and current employees of Swiss banks are criminally liable for disclosing confidential information about their customers!

By the way, the attitude towards citizens of the countries of the former USSR is exactly the same as towards clients from other countries.

Why are they considered so reliable?

“Safe as in a Swiss bank” is not just a catch phrase. The fact is that it is in Switzerland that the stability of the banking system is very strictly protected by law.
After the reforms, the country ranks first in the world in terms of the requirements for the size of own reserves of large financial institutions. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the country survived the last financial crisis almost painlessly (unlike their counterparts from the US and Europe).

Swiss banks offer a lot of capital guarantees. For example, cash, securities and precious metals that are stored in safes remain the property of their owners in case of bankruptcy. And they return to them at the first request!

How to open a deposit in a Swiss bank in Russia?

I don’t know how it is in other cities, but intermediaries are already working in Moscow to help bankers from Switzerland and large Russian investors find each other.

Such offices:

  • Organize meetings with Swiss bankers in Russia
  • Assist with all necessary paperwork
  • Advising clients on investment and financial planning
  • Opening Swiss bank accounts and facilitating a Platinum Card or Mortgage for the purchase of real estate in Switzerland

It is clear that such mediation will have to pay a lot. The procedure for opening a deposit through an intermediary in Russia looks something like this:

  1. You send a letter to the intermediary requesting information about its partner banks (for example, Syz Co, Bank de Commerce at de placement or Corner). When choosing a bank, we take into account its reliability rating, capital adequacy level, interest rate and service fees.
  2. Send a brief information about yourself to the intermediary. The most important point is confirmation of the legality of the origin of funds. You will need copies of real estate purchase and sale agreements, tax returns, bank statements.
  3. Arrange a meeting with a private Swiss banker in Russia if it is not possible to personally visit an institution in Switzerland.
  4. If everything is OK, you will receive a confirmation letter about opening an account with details. After that, the money must be transferred to Switzerland through one of the Russian banks (required by our legislation). In addition, you must notify the local tax office of opening an account.
  5. After crediting money to your account, you just have to form an investment package (buy shares, funds, precious metals) or simply leave money on your account at a minimum interest rate.

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Professional service, respectability, high level of capitalization and liquidity make Alpiysky Krai the best place to place and store the savings of foreign citizens. In order to open a Swiss bank account, an individual from Russia should personally visit the country (or meet with a representative in the Russian Federation), make a minimum deposit into the account and confirm the legal origin of income. Capital management is carried out by fax or telephone, payment transactions require coordination with bank managers.

The legislative framework

In 2016, article 305 bis of the Criminal Code of the Swiss Confederation was legalized, which includes the concept of "qualified tax evasion". The law provides for administrative liability of bankers who suspect that clients have illegally attracted capital, but neglected measures to suspend operations. This contributed to an increase in the level of compliance control when opening an account abroad. Financiers seek to protect their companies from scandals and punishments.

It's important to know! It will not be possible to open an account in a Swiss bank for individuals who make up a list of intruders, government officials, spouses and minor children of officials.

Types of Swiss accounts: settlement

The most common option used for household purposes, such as shopping for groceries in supermarkets. Registration of a current account is available to non-residents of the country, permanently residing or employed in Switzerland, as well as travelers. More than 300 banks and 3000 branches are at the service of clients.

  1. Three financial giants: UBS AG, Credit Suisse Group Raiffeisen Group dealing with the opening of standard bank accounts for permanent residents travelers.
  2. 24 cantonal banks subordinate to certain administrative divisions(remember, there are 26 cantons in Switzerland). If a resident moves to another subject of the federation, he is forced to transfer the account to the new canton. Bank accounts are opened in the official currency, cash transfers and withdrawals in euros are not possible.
  3. 13 private banks.


Deposit programs of Swiss banks are characterized by minimal restrictions, allowing a private person to open an account in euros, dollars and francs. When opening an account in a foreign bank, no fee is charged. And the maintenance costs 100 to 500 francs annually. The cost of additional banking operations (statements, transfers) is set by banks individually.

Dividends on deposits are close to zero:

  • savings account - 0.15%;
  • private - 0.01%;
  • pension accumulative - 1.125%.

The negative refinancing rate (-0.25…-1.25%) was set by the Central Bank of Switzerland. A negative percentage means that companies that maintain correspondent accounts are required to pay 0.75% annually of the amount in excess of the established limit. The new law does not affect deposits of less than 10 million francs, as well as investments of banks below 20 times the minimum allowable reserve. The established refinancing rate reduces income from savings accounts, forcing banks' money to work for the country's economy. As the press service of the Central Bank of Switzerland explained, this measure is a penalty for saving liquid funds (they should not be “dead weight”).

An additional factor that influenced the rate cut was the appreciation of the Swiss franc. The government is forced to set negative rates on CHF deposits. Zero or positive rates remained on dollar and euro accounts. However, depositors rely on the stability and reliability of the francs, allowing them to save their savings.


Investment funds and trusts operate in Switzerland, offering a wide range of instruments for increasing capital. The most favorable conditions for investment accounts are provided by private companies that deposit more than 250,000 euros, large bankers require less, but the result is lower.

Anonymous account - a tool that ensures the confidentiality of banking transactions and placed amounts. The identification of the deposit owner is based on a numerical value, the rest of the information is hidden. The measure taken previously made it possible to hide the identity of the client from government agencies (especially the tax service). With increasing financial reporting requirements, anonymous accounts are rare and costly.

banking secrecy

Previously, Switzerland hid information about depositors from government agencies, which caused pressure from the United States, Germany, France, and Great Britain. In 2015, the government of the Altai Territory amended the legislation, prohibiting the transfer of information to tax authorities within the state, but allowing automatic exchange with the United States under FATXA.

Instructions for opening a Swiss bank account

To place capital in a foreign bank, a potential investor uses the services of a subsidiary (issuer, representative office, branch). If the financial institution of interest does not operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, you will have to apply directly or choose a law firm that acts as an intermediary between the depositor and the banker. The cost of services will be 500-1000 dollars.

Before opening a Swiss bank account, a citizen of Russia should prepare copies and originals of documents:

  • foreign passport;
  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • proof of income, for example, a real estate sale agreement, a cash withdrawal statement from another bank, a receipt for receiving money from the sale of securities.

It's important to know! The amount of investment (in dollars, euros, francs or pounds sterling) must not exceed the amount of net income for the last five years.

You should also prepare documentation on education, professional activities, salary, family composition. It is advisable to get recommendations from acquaintances who are clients of Swiss banks. Personal information is transferred to the company manager responsible for disclosing bank secrecy.

After collecting the documents and transferring the information to the bank representative, it remains to wait for a letter from Switzerland confirming the successful registration of the account. The procedure for reviewing papers and making a decision takes 1-30 days. Account details are provided in the account opening confirmation letter. To fully activate your account, you must transfer to the deposit an amount exceeding the limit.

The minimum deposit amount for non-residents of Switzerland is 10,000–2,000,000 €, the minimum balance is 1,000–2,000,000 €. Restrictions do not apply to foreigners residing in the country or staying periodically for work purposes.

Remote account opening online

As part of Due Diligence(procedures for drawing up an objective view of the investment object), Swiss bankers conduct a mandatory verification of the client's identity, guided by an identity document.

It is impossible to open a deposit on the territory of a foreign state through remote access channels (Internet, mail, telephone, e-mail or fax). However, the bank has the right to accept an electronic application, which is subject to re-processing as soon as the identity is confirmed by a passport and identification card. If there is a representative office, branch or subsidiary of the selected company in Russia, the identity card is carried out on the spot. Otherwise, confirmation of the procedure on the territory of the bank will be required. Foreign financiers also check the authenticity of the new client's address by registered mail or by requesting utility bills.

Providing reports to the Federal Tax Service

Within one month from the date of opening a foreign account, a written notification must be sent to the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service. Further, in the personal account of the taxpayer, the client generates a report on the movement of money for the previous period (quarter, year). According to the Moscow Inspectorate No. 13, holders of foreign accounts must provide the Federal Tax Service with notarized account statements in the most convenient way: by registered mail or by the client's personal presentation.

Information for completing the report:

  1. Full name, TIN of the account holder, date of birth, address of residence of the client, passport data.
  2. Name of the Swiss organization (in Latin letters), BIC or SWIFT Code of the bank.
  3. Switzerland code (use the "All-Russian classifier of the states of the world").
  4. Open deposit/card number.
  5. The foreign currency code of the account corresponding to "OKV".
  6. Co-owners of the deposit (if any).
  7. The amount at the beginning and end of the year, the amount of incoming and outgoing transactions.

Note! Rare foreign companies will provide the opportunity to make transfers. A Swiss account is usually opened for the management and preservation of capital. Representatives of the Alpine countries prefer to keep confidentiality, the less money movement, the better.

It is also important to take into account the restrictions on the replenishment of foreign accounts within the framework of the currency regulation of the Russian Federation. Allowable items of income include wages, wills, dividends, coupon yields, rentals.

The amount of taxes and fines

When making a deposit in a Swiss bank, a Russian citizen is required to notify the Federal Tax Service about opening, closing, changing details and cash flow (FZ No. 173 of 06/28/2014). Income from foreign bank accounts is subject to a single tax rate of 13%. Russians permanently residing outside the Russian Federation pay taxes at the place of residence, where the rate is determined by state policy. Settlements are made in ruble currency.

In case of violation of legislative acts, the client faces fines:

Sanctions for late notification

How to open a Swiss bank account: step by step

We offer step-by-step instructions on how to open an account in a Swiss bank: types of accounts, what documents are needed, questions asked and misconceptions of people.

How to open a Swiss bank account is of interest to many.

After all, everyone at least once heard a mention in films that it is in Switzerland that it is worth keeping hard-earned money.

At the same time, without worrying about their safety.

In real life, things are not so simple.

Nevertheless, anyone who wants to open an account with a reliable bank should know about the features of the Swiss banking system and the registration procedure.

Who can open a Swiss bank account?

It really is available to everyone.

But still, there are certain reasons why bank representatives may refuse. For example:

Swiss banks carefully monitor their reputation.

It is not for nothing that they have earned the title of the most reliable banking system all over the world!

Therefore, if the depositor is involved in any political scandal, he may be denied service.

The same can be said about the source of origin of the client's money.

If the bank representatives have doubts that they were received honestly, most likely they will not deal with you.

  • In addition to the previous point: if there is reason to believe or even evidence that the money has been stolen, the Swiss bank will refuse to open an account.
  • How to choose a Swiss bank in which to open an account?

    In the minds of many, the "Swiss bank" is a specific institution.

    Of course it isn't.

    There are more than 300 banks in the country.

    What is worth knowing in order to choose the one with whom it is worth cooperating?

    UBSAG and CreditSuisseGroup are the choice for those who value stability.

    These banks are considered the best in the field.

    They are the largest, which means they give more guarantees.

    An analogue of regions in Switzerland is called cantons (26 in total).

    There are 24 cantonal banks in the country.

    Each is tied to a specific area and acts according to its legislation.

    These are private banks, recognized as the oldest financial institutions in the system.

    There are 13 of them in the country.

    They focus on the work of managing customer deposits.

    While ordinary banks pay more attention to loans and deposits.

    What account can I open in a Swiss bank?

    • personal - allows you to use any bank services and personal funds on the account;
    • savings - they are recognized as a particularly safe account option, and are used for ordinary accumulation and interest on the deposit amount;
    • investment - should be opened to those who are engaged in investing and buying securities.

    Can I open an account using the Internet?

    It is not possible to open a bank account on your own using the Internet.

    At least because of the security policy.

    To become a bank customer, you need to accurately identify the person.

    And the Internet does not provide such an opportunity, both from the legal side of the issue, and for banal technical reasons.

    However, this does not mean that it is impossible to personalize the client in absentia.

    This is possible due to the receipt by the representatives of the bank of a certified copy of any suitable identification document.

    You can transfer documents to the destination through intermediaries: a branch of a banking institution, a representative office, a financial specialist, a consul, a notary.

    In the future, in addition to the document, you will need to confirm the address through correspondence.

    How can I open an account while in my country?

    For remote opening, as mentioned above, it will be necessary to confirm your identity using an official document (passport, driver's license).

    You should not hope that they will not treat you so strictly and it will be easier to act just because you are a resident of another country.

    In order to activate the process of opening an account in a Swiss bank, the client must contact its subsidiary "point".

    This includes issuing banks, subsidiaries, representative offices and, of course, branches.

    If none of the above is available in your country, and you want to open an account in a particular selected bank, you will have to contact them directly.

    At the same time, keep in mind that each specific financial institution will have its own account registration system, rules for its use and the minimum amount for the contribution.

    What documents are required at the bank to open an account?

    The main point is, of course, any document that can officially confirm the identity of the applicant.

    In addition to your personal integrity, the bank is also interested in the fate of the money that you will deposit into the account.

    So you should be prepared that you will be required to provide documents that indicate the source of the money.

    For example, a contract for a real estate transaction, data on the sale of shares or other securities, a certificate of your inheritance.

    In addition to confirming the person directly, the bank will need documents with other basic information: date of birth, type of employment, contacts, data on the place of residence.

    The specific list of required documents differs for each individual bank.

    One thing is for sure: all submitted documents will need to be certified.

    Any notary from your city of residence can act as a witness.

    What questions can be asked in a Swiss bank?

    If you have already tried to open an account at least once, then you know about one of the mandatory components - questions from bank employees.

    In this case, they may be more "deep" than the usual questions from the state banks in your country.

    However, they should not be taken too seriously either.

    Rather, it is a conversation from the category of "mandatory routine."

    Questions asked may include:

    1. Do you open a deposit for yourself?
    2. How did you get the money that you plan to deposit in the bank?
    3. How would you characterize the current monetary situation?
    4. What business are you in?
    5. Have you experienced any problems transferring money?

    Can I open an anonymous account in Switzerland?

    One of the constant accompanying cinematic bank accounts in Switzerland is their supposedly complete anonymity.

    However, any more or less legally savvy person understands that this is impossible.

    It is possible to become a client only by confirming your identity. And this already contradicts the concept of anonymity.

    However, there is a close concept - a numbered deposit account.

    Its essence lies in the fact that in addition to "opening" your person to the bank, in the future you will not have to advertise it.

    Instead of using a name, any transactions with your money will take place under the "heading" of a personal assigned number.

    This is, in its way, the maximum anonymity.

    But there is also a pitfall here.

    Do not use a numbered deposit account for international transfers.
    After all, when performing this operation, you are required to provide personal information.

    Is it safe to open Swiss bank accounts?

    Where did the rumors about the absolute reliability and safety of Swiss banks come from?

    The fact is that any such organization in Sweden must undergo a licensing procedure.

    And all this according to the highest quality standards of the Basel Commission.

    They regulate the issue of liquidity, the size of the authorized capital and many other banking issues.

    This is already an indicator of high quality.

    But for Switzerland, these rules and requirements have been tightened twice - thanks to the categorical legislation.

    That is why using banks in this country means entrusting money to the most reliable vault.

    What other advantages are there in choosing a Swiss bank,

    see in the video:

    Popular misconceptions about Swiss banks

    We've cleared up some misconceptions, but there are still a few more.

    Consider the most popular:

    Putting money on a deposit in Switzerland is very profitable and reliable.

    The question of reliability has been discussed above.

    As for the interest rate, there is nothing to please.

    For the national currency, it is 18-24%, that is, as in most other state-owned banks in other countries.

    But for the dollar, the figure is quite sad - 6-8%.

    For many, it becomes an unpleasant surprise that there is such an unusual item for a Russian person as an “irreducible balance”.

    For banks in Switzerland, it is quite large - from $ 200,000.

    Although some organizations have lowered the threshold to $5-10,000.

    Contributor information may be disclosed.

    This is true, but if you are a citizen of the United States of America.

    For legal and legislative reasons, banks do not have the right to hide the information requested by official structures about the inhabitants of this country.

    How to open a bank account Still, it is better to find out in a specific selected organization.

    After all, each has its own characteristics and requirements.

    Is it possible for a Russian citizen to open a deposit in a Swiss bank and how to do it?

    Greetings! I am sure that you need to set yourself life goals that are exceptionally large-scale and ambitious. By the way, many psychologists say that this is the only way to achieve real success!

    Therefore, today I will talk about how to open a Swiss bank account for a Russian citizen. Agree, such a goal certainly falls under the definition of "large-scale and ambitious."

    Imagine for a second that you do not know where to put the extra $500,000. And the first thing that comes to mind is a reliable Swiss bank!

    Questions and answers

    Can a Russian citizen open such an account?

    It is possible, but the procedure will differ from that intended for citizens of Switzerland (or Russians who have a residence permit in the country of "banks and chocolate").

    At a minimum, you will need to prove the source of capital. Well, of course, representatives of the Swiss credit institution will check the identity of the client almost under a microscope.
    Are there any restrictions on the minimum deposit amount?

    Individuals residing outside of Switzerland (including Russians) can open a deposit here by depositing an amount from 300,000 to 500,000 Swiss francs. For reference: on November 19, 2015, the CHF/RUB exchange rate was 63.8 rubles.

    By the way, because of the crisis in Russia, almost all of them raised the minimum amount of "entry" for our compatriots.

    Can I open a deposit remotely?

    In many Swiss banks it is possible to open an account via the Internet, fax or telephone. However, an individual will still have to provide the office with the originals of all documents. The easiest way is to do it personally (you will have to go to Switzerland) or through Russian intermediaries (meeting with a representative within Russia).

    What documents are required to open an account?

    Firstly, a foreign passport, an identification card or some other official identification document.

    Secondly, a document on the origin of the money that is deposited into the account. The amount to open an account is considerable, so a certificate of income of 30,000 rubles will not work here.

    Ideal option: legal business, inheritance or capital from the sale of real estate.

    In what currency can I open an account?

    In the national Swiss currency, as well as in euros, US dollars and British pounds. They say that soon it will be possible to make a contribution in Chinese yuan.
    Are deposits in Switzerland protected by bank secrecy?

    Such a concept as banking secrecy is enshrined at the legislative level. Both former and current employees of Swiss banks are criminally liable for disclosing confidential information about their customers!

    By the way, the attitude towards citizens of the countries of the former USSR is exactly the same as towards clients from other countries.

    Why are they considered so reliable?

    “Reliable, like in a Swiss bank” is not just a catch phrase. The fact is that it is in Switzerland that the stability of the banking system is very strictly protected by law.
    After the reforms, the country ranks first in the world in terms of the requirements for the size of own reserves of large financial institutions. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the country survived the last financial crisis almost painlessly (unlike their counterparts from the US and Europe).

    Swiss banks offer a lot of capital guarantees. For example, cash, securities and precious metals that are stored in safes remain the property of their owners in case of bankruptcy. And they return to them at the first request!

    How to open a deposit in a Swiss bank in Russia?

    I don’t know how it is in other cities, but intermediaries are already working in Moscow to help bankers from Switzerland and large Russian investors find each other.

    • Organize meetings with Swiss bankers in Russia
    • Assist with all necessary paperwork
    • Advising clients on investment and financial planning
    • Opening Swiss bank accounts and facilitating a Platinum Card or Mortgage for the purchase of real estate in Switzerland

    It is clear that such mediation will have to pay a lot. The procedure for opening a deposit through an intermediary in Russia looks something like this:

    1. You send a letter to the intermediary requesting information about its partner banks (for example, Syz Co, Bank de Commerce at de placement or Corner). When choosing a bank, we take into account its reliability rating, capital adequacy level, interest rate and service fees.
    2. Send a brief information about yourself to the intermediary. The most important point is confirmation of the legality of the origin of funds. You will need copies of real estate purchase and sale agreements, tax returns, bank statements.
    3. Arrange a meeting with a private Swiss banker in Russia if it is not possible to personally visit an institution in Switzerland.
    4. If everything is OK, you will receive a confirmation letter about opening an account with details. After that, the money must be transferred to Switzerland through one of the Russian banks (required by our legislation). In addition, you must notify the local tax office of opening an account.
    5. After crediting money to your account, you just have to form an investment package (buy shares, funds, precious metals) or simply leave money on your account at a minimum interest rate.

    Have you ever opened a deposit in Switzerland? Subscribe to updates and share useful posts with your friends!

    How to open a Swiss bank account for individuals

    Surely, many of our fellow citizens believe that only wealthy people can open an account in a Swiss bank. In part, of course, this is true, because in order to use the services of foreign credit organizations, you need to meet certain requirements, but nevertheless, they are quite feasible even for the average Russian. True, the procedure has some features, so you should carefully consider how to open a Swiss bank account for a Russian citizen, this will be discussed further.

    Can a Russian citizen open a Swiss bank account?

    Everyone has heard about Swiss banks for sure, especially often this topic is raised in feature films, mainly the situation concerns wealthy people who try to keep their savings as securely as possible. But in reality, opening a Swiss bank account for individuals will not be difficult if he knows all the intricacies of this process. First of all, let's take a look at the main points:

    1. For Swiss banks, their reputation is in the first place, because they are famous all over the world for their high reliability and collect funds on their accounts literally from all over the world. Therefore, they have a special requirement for the client, he carefully checks each client, if he is caught in any political scandal or criminal activity, then the service will be denied.
    2. In order to open an account in a Swiss bank, absolutely every client, regardless of his social status and financial situation, must document the source of funds.
    3. If the client cannot prove the source of his income, or his official salary does not allow him to have such savings, then he will also be denied service.

    In general, before opening a Swiss bank account for an individual from Russia, he must clearly understand that this is possible only if his money is earned by honest work, he can document the source of income. And finally, there are other features and nuances that you should definitely take into account.

    Bank selection

    You should not assume that when it comes to a Swiss bank, one large organization immediately appears, in fact this is far from the case. There are currently about 300 commercial organizations operating in Switzerland. Therefore, as elsewhere, the client is faced with the task of choosing the right financial partner, and do not forget that the choice will largely depend on your goal, that is, either go out to keep your savings or make money on them. However, here is a list of the most popular banks in Switzerland:

    1. UBSAG and CreditSuisseGroup are the most reliable credit institutions in Switzerland, which are key to the state's economy.
    2. Cantonal banks are credit institutions that are tied to a specific area and operate exclusively according to its legislation, in total there are 24 such banks in Switzerland.
    3. Finally, the most experienced financial institutions are private banks, there are 13 of them in Switzerland, they are focused on attracting deposits and opening accounts, since all the rest mainly specialize in lending.

    Important! The largest bank in terms of assets in Switzerland is Credit Suisse AG, it was founded in 1856, it ranks first among other financial institutions.

    How to open a Swiss bank account

    So, back to the main question, how to open a Swiss bank account for a Russian citizen. After you have chosen a bank, find out its coordinates, contacts and other information. By the way, for this it is absolutely not necessary to go to Switzerland, because all information about banks is available on the Internet, so you can get acquainted with it without leaving your home. In the next step, you need to decide what kind of account you would like to open, here you have three options:

    • personal account - it allows its owner to manage funds at any time convenient for him;
    • a savings account or deposit allows you to securely save your capital and make a profit from it;
    • an investment account is, in fact, a trust management, that is, you entrust your own funds to a credit institution, and it, in turn, invests money in profitable projects.

    Surely many customers will be interested in the question of whether it is possible to open an account remotely, that is, via the Internet, because in our country this practice is used in commercial banks. This is partly true, but in any case, at least once you have to visit financial institutions in order to identify a person and sign an agreement. But, nevertheless, you do not have to go to Switzerland if you want to use the services of a commercial bank, because all documents can be sent by mail.

    Please note that it is impossible to open an account remotely via the Internet in any commercial bank, if you receive such an offer, then be sure that this is a scam.

    How exactly to open an account in a foreign bank for a private person is a strictly individual question, that is, you can get advice only from a representative of the bank, who will explain to you all the possibilities in opening an account. What is this about? Some credit institutions have their representative offices abroad, in particular, in Russia, that is, perhaps the bank you have chosen has a branch or subsidiary in Russia, then your task will be simplified as much as possible, because you will be able to go through the identification procedure at home.

    Otherwise, the issue will be discussed on an individual basis, you may be able to send notarized documents translated into German, because it is the official language in Switzerland. Here you will have to spend some time collecting and translating documents.

    By the way, from documents from individuals, you will definitely need:

    • documents confirming the identity of the applicant, for Russian citizens this is a passport;
    • a document confirming your income or another source of money, for example, if they were received from any transactions, then you need contracts;
    • among other documents: confirmation of registration, certificate of employment, contact details.

    Important! Each copy of the documents must be certified by a notary and, if necessary, translated into German.

    By the way, one cannot fail to say that the employees of Swiss banks are extremely responsible for their work, and they always check each client, in this regard, they can ask questions that the client of our bank has never heard. For example, you may be asked how you characterize your financial situation, or what kind of business you are in, for what purpose you invest money in a bank, and others. Do not be afraid of this approach to opening an account; for representatives of Swiss financial institutions, they are united.

    As for the conditions for servicing deposit accounts, the issue is strictly individual, as a rule, each commercial institution has some features, for example, the minimum amount required to open an account is unlikely to be less than 5,000 euros. But as for profitability, you won’t have to count on a high income if you open a deposit, here interest rates range from 0.01 to 1.5% per year.

    Security issue

    The only goal that Swiss account holders usually pursue is anonymity and security. By the way, contrary to all expectations, a bank account cannot be anonymous, for the simple reason that identification of an individual is required to open it, which means that it is no longer anonymous.

    With regard to security, here clients can be sure that no one will save their savings more reliably than Swiss banks. The thing is that each credit organization carries out its activities on the basis of a license, all Swiss banks meet the highest quality standards, they are constantly checked by the Basel Commission. That is, each bank is checked for liquidity.

    In fact, Swiss banks deserve attention due to the fact that they act on the basis of strict requirements established at the legislative level. But if you expect to make a profit on a deposit in a Swiss bank, then you should not count on an ultra-high percentage. By the way, the annual rate will largely depend on the currency you choose, for example, dollar accounts have a lower percentage than euro deposits.

    Please note that all the terms of cooperation for Russians will largely depend on the chosen credit institution, so the conditions and requirements should be clarified with the credit institution.

    To summarize, a Russian citizen can keep money in a Swiss bank, and the conditions and requirements here are quite acceptable. The only thing worth remembering is that there are high requirements for clients, so you should carefully consider the preparation of documents and the method of their transfer. By the way, individuals who have opened accounts in foreign banks must notify the Tax Inspectorate, otherwise they face a fine.

    Swiss bank deposit

    Bank deposit in our time is a popular service. After all, he not only allows you to accumulate money, but also to increase your funds.

    At the same time, you can open a deposit not only in a Russian, but also in a reliable Swiss bank. It offers, first of all, stability to save deposits.

    Basic information

    To get started, in order to open an account with a Swiss financial institution, it is worth studying the following aspects:

    • can you, as a citizen who does not always arrive in Switzerland, open an account in a Swiss bank;
    • can you open an account in Switzerland to pay real estate expenses;
    • how long it will take to open an account with a Swiss financial institution;
    • Do you need to deposit any amount of finance into the account? If so, what are the amounts of such contribution;
    • whether it is possible to open an account in a Swiss financial institution via the Internet, mail, cellular, e-mail or fax;
    • do you have documents available that a financial institution may require when opening an account with a Swiss financial institution;
    • whether it will be possible to open an account in a Swiss bank in a foreign currency - euros or dollars;
    • whether the opening of an account with a Swiss financial institution will be kept confidential;
    • what is the guarantee of financial savings in an account in a Swiss financial institution;
    • whether the method will use a credit card that is associated with the billing;
    • what is the price for the provision of services for opening an account in a Swiss financial institution;
    • whether they will pay profit on the amount of the contribution;
    • whether you can close an account with a Swiss financial institution at your convenience.

    What it is

    A deposit is the process of transferring the depositor's funds to the bank at interest with their return after a certain time or at the request of the client.

    By investing money in a bank, you begin to make a profit from them. The Swiss National Bank is the central financial institution of Switzerland.

    Contact information (official site)

    If you know a foreign language, you can go to the official website of the Swiss National Bank https://www.snb.ch, and get acquainted with the information.

    You can also use the services of financial institutions to issue accounts:

    • UBS AG (Union Bank of Switzerland);
    • Credit Suisse Group;
    • Raiffeisen Group.

    Regulatory regulation

    Swiss financial institutions conduct their activities in accordance with regulatory documentation, namely:

    According to Swiss law, banks have dormant accounts, deposits are considered as such if the correspondence has ceased to reach the addressee, and if the bank has learned about the death of the depositor.

    How to make a deposit in a Swiss bank

    The first thing to remember is that Swiss financial institutions use a system of very strict rules regarding opening accounts, regardless of the location of the client.

    Due diligence laws in Switzerland require a financial institution to verify the identity of an individual against an official document.

    If the Swiss financial institution you are interested in has a subsidiary, branch or representative office in the territory where you live, then such verification can be done at your place.

    If the financial institution is not represented, then you need to personally contact a financial institution in Switzerland or contact an intermediary financial institution so that they can help arrange an audience with Swiss bankers for you and provide you with all the additional information you need.

    All the necessary information on how to open an account with a Swiss financial institution should be obtained from intermediaries that provide such services, or contact directly with a Swiss financial institution.

    What conditions are offered

    Conditions provided by the financial institution:

    • a way to open an account in Swiss francs (CHF), euros (EUR), dollars (USD), British pounds sterling (GBP) and yuan;
    • responsible storage of account information;
    • secure storage of finances;
    • the advantage of using a credit card, which is associated with the opening of an account;
    • payment of profit according to the amount of the contribution;
    • the ability to close the account on demand.

    Required documents

    To open a deposit account with a bank in Switzerland, you will need a passport, identification card or other identification document.

    Moreover, the bank has the right to demand a document on the source of income. This may be a certificate from the place of work, or from the tax service.

    Also, a banking organization may request documents on the origin of funds - an agreement on the sale of valuables, real estate, etc.

    In addition, the bank checks whether the tax has been paid on the deposited money. Banks try to check customers as much as possible, especially new ones.

    Sometimes other documents may be required (at the discretion of the organization). It is worth pointing out that from year to year, credit structures show more stringent requests for the composition of the package of documents.

    Can I apply online

    Most banking organizations provide the opportunity to open an account in electronic format. For example, to make a deposit in the Swiss Forex Bank, you need:

    1. Register on the bank's website and receive documents for opening an account.
    2. Fill out the agreement and sign it, then send it to the bank branch in Geneva. Certified copies of documents must be sent along with the agreement.
    3. Deposit money and get a username and password.

    Some banks may also request original documents. The account is opened within 1-7 days after receiving the documents.

    About deposits in Svyaznoy Bank, read here.

    How much does the service cost

    Opening a bank account in Switzerland is free. But his service, banking operations, correspondence require payment.

    The amount of the fee is set by the bank itself, there is a significant difference between different banks. Alas, in some cases, the cost of maintenance may exceed the amount of expected interest.

    If you have been wondering for a long time how to open an account in a Swiss bank and how the procedure works, but received little information. Then check out this article, where you can get complete information about it.

    Swiss banks hold the most wealth of millionaires in the world. This is due to the fact that many old Swiss banks are the most reliable and have survived not only the global economic and financial crises, but also wars. But neither crises nor wars could destroy the main Swiss banking institutions, in which hundreds of millionaires from all over the world want to invest their money.

    Who can open a Swiss bank account

    All people, both residents and non-residents of Switzerland, can open a Swiss bank account. The difference between a Swiss citizen and a foreigner when opening an account in a Swiss institution lies in the fact that the foreigner is obliged to confirm the origin of his capital.

    To open an account in a Swiss bank, you need to appear in person in it. Remotely without personal presence, it will not work to open a bank account.

    An exception for opening a bank account remotely may be bank brokers, such as Dukascopy, but they have high commissions and lower reliability. In addition to providing a bank account, they offer their clients to trade on. Here they have the possibility of opening an account remotely within a few weeks.

    What documents are needed to open a bank account in Switzerland

    When opening a current account in Switzerland, you will need: a foreign passport, an identification card (ID) and other official documents that will allow you to identify your identity. Also, when opening a bank account, documents confirming the origin of the money that will be invested in the account being opened are requested.

    Therefore, before traveling, you should first prepare a list of required documents for opening an account in a Swiss banking institution!

    A bank account is opened on average within one banking day, but there are cases of opening an account up to five days.

    What currency is the account opened in?

    Swiss banks allow you to open accounts: in euros, US dollars, British pounds and Swiss francs.

    Minimum deposit for investment

    The amount of the minimum investment in your bank account in Switzerland depends on the citizenship of the client and the conditions of the bank itself. Swiss citizens can deposit less and receive an additional advantage compared to foreigners. Additionally, there may be a difference in the conditions for accepting money in different Swiss institutions.

    The approximate minimum deposit for opening a bank account for a foreigner is $500,000 or more. In young banks, the amount can be much lower, but correspondingly low guarantees.

    The possibility of using a bank plastic card

    For each bank account opened in Switzerland, the client can issue a bank plastic card. For detailed conditions, you should check with the bank where the account is opened.

    Received, the client can use both in Switzerland and in his country and around the world.

    Bank account maintenance

    When opening a Swiss bank account, no fee is charged. But after an account has been opened, a commission for its maintenance immediately begins to accrue on it, as in any bank in the world.

    Commission and other expenses are charged for maintaining an account, making bank transfers, servicing plastic cards, SMS notifications.

    In Swiss institutions, maintenance is the most expensive in the world, so the cost of maintaining a bank account may exceed the deposit interest accrued on it. Therefore, when opening an account, you should carefully read the terms of service and tariffs.

    Swiss bank privacy

    In Switzerland, banking secrecy is treated very scrupulously. All banks are required to keep information about their customers confidential and not to disclose it to anyone. All former and current employees of banks, in case of disclosure or dissemination of bank secrecy, are subject to criminal liability.

    As you know, legislation in Europe is more demanding and tough on its citizens than in Russia and the CIS countries. That is why banking secrecy in Switzerland will not be disclosed.

    Security of funds

    The safety of clients' capital in Swiss banking institutions is one of the most reliable, as they have withstood all world wars and crises. In addition, the state guarantees control and regulation over all banking structures in the country, with the help of strict control over all banks.

    In the event of bankruptcy, all paper money in cells, precious metals, works of art and other material assets are guaranteed to be returned to their owners. As for the funds kept on deposits and bank accounts, they fall into the bankruptcy estate and are distributed among the bank's customers.

    Conditions for closing a bank account in Switzerland

    In most cases, closing a Swiss bank account and picking up your own can be done at the written request of the client. More detailed conditions for closing an account in Swiss banking institutions should be clarified when opening it.


    When opening a bank account in Swiss banks, you should carefully study the laws of Switzerland, familiarize yourself with and understand the conditions and tariffs for servicing an account. Having the right information, opening an account in Swiss banking institutions will be smooth and simple.

    This article on how to open a Swiss bank account ends, we wish you all success and health!

    mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state