
Complete failure of the program “housing for a Russian family. Russian families deprived of "program" housing "Housing for a Russian family" will continue "Mortgage and rental housing"

The Board of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, chaired by Tatyana Golikova, reviewed the results of the control event "Checking and Analysis of the Activities of the Joint Stock Company" Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending "for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Housing Mortgage Lending in the Russian Federation until 2020 for the period 2014 - 2015 and the expired period 2016 of the year ”and the expert and analytical event“ Monitoring the implementation of the program “Housing for the Russian Family” and the provision of interbudgetary transfers to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of integrated development projects within the framework of the program “Housing for the Russian Family”.

Objects of inspection: Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; Government of the Republic of Tatarstan; Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan; Administration of the Kostroma region; JSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (JSC AHML); Housing Construction Financing Agency JSC (AFZhS JSC).

Audited period of activity: 2014-2016.

Auditors Andrey Perchyan and Yuri Roslyak made reports.

The program "Housing for a Russian Family" is implemented within the framework of the State Program "Provision of Affordable and Comfortable Housing and Utilities for Citizens of the Russian Federation", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2014. The main goal of the Program is to commission at least 25 million rubles by the end of 2017. sq. meters of economy class housing. The Accounts Chamber analyzed data on 70 regions - participants of the Program, including those with a trip to the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

The audit showed that the Program is not a system of activities and resources interconnected in terms of goals and objectives, and in fact is a "declaration of intent" due to a set of additional indicators in the State Program, the implementation of which is not ensured by effective measures.

As of January 1, 2017, 0.8 million sq. meters of economy class housing, or 3.3% of the volume provided by the State Program. At the same time, the Program itself is formed only by 77.6%.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, 0.063 million sq. meters of economy class housing, or 4.2% of the planned indicator (1.5 million square meters), in the Republic of Bashkortostan - 0.042 million square meters. m, or 7% (0.6 million sq. m).

With the planned indicator of 463 thousand families, the total number of families in the consolidated regional registers of citizens eligible to purchase economy-class housing under the Program amounted to 74 thousand families, or 16%. At the same time, the number of families who purchased economy class housing amounted to 26.3 thousand families, or only 5.7%.

For the construction of economy class housing, the Program provided 56 land plots, or 7.7% of the total number of plots selected by the regions. The analysis showed that all the land plots selected for inclusion in the turnover by the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Housing Development did not meet the selection criteria and were not provided for the implementation of the Program. In 2016, AHML JSC abandoned 277 land plots and is preparing proposals for the abandonment of 54 land plots with a total area of ​​5.3 thousand hectares (26.9%). At the same time, the expenses of the Federal Fund for Assistance to Housing Construction Development for their involvement in turnover amounted to 64.7 million rubles.

The lack of proper preparation for the implementation of the Program, control over the selection in the regions and the elaboration of the effective use of support mechanisms from the Ministry of Construction of Russia and AHML JSC did not allow to reduce the cost of housing by 20%. The main goal of the Program was not implemented by the Ministry of Construction of Russia within the established timeframe and scope. As a result, the previous target for the construction of economic housing was excluded from the main conditions for the implementation of the Program due to the difficult economic situation and a decrease in the population's ability to pay.

The audit showed that the Russian Government did not send in 2016 inter-budgetary transfers to the regions for the construction of engineering, social and road infrastructure, which were planned in the amount of 20 billion rubles. in order to implement the Program.

Financial resources to support developers in the form of concessional lending under the AHML JSC program (Stimul program) were provided by AHML JSC to banks in the amount of RUB 12.4 billion. for the implementation of only 4.6% of projects under the Program, while 5.7 billion rubles. (45.9%) were returned by banks to AHML JSC due to the lack of proper preliminary study of lending issues with developers. Infrastructure construction at the expense of developers was practically not carried out due to the lack of buyout guarantees.

Vnesheconombank credit line in the amount of RUB 14 billion. AHML JSC was not provided to finance its obligations to buy out engineering and technical support facilities.

Risk management measures that meet the requirements of the Methodological Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of State Programs of the Russian Federation have not been developed. In particular, there was a lack of quantitative assessment and regulatory measures aimed at risk management.

« The agreements on the implementation of the Program activities, concluded between the Ministry of Construction of Russia, AHML JSC and the regions, were actually formal in nature, including the planned annual values ​​of the volume of commissioning of economy class housing were not established, which did not allow for proper control over the achievement of the Program indicators", - said Yuri Roslyak.

Also, the Accounts Chamber audited the activities of AHML JSC on the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Housing Mortgage Lending in the Russian Federation until 2020.

As of January 1, 2017, the state provided the resource base of the AHML in the amount of 283.6 billion rubles. (authorized capital in the amount of 100.1 billion rubles, government guarantees provided to secure bonds of AHML in the amount of 143.5 billion rubles, as well as a credit line from VEB in the amount of 40 billion rubles, provided at the expense of the National Wealth Fund) ...

None of the AHML Strategies was completed on time. New strategies were adopted in connection with the change in the goals and objectives of the AHML, as well as with the dynamics of the legal regulation of this area. During the audit of AHML JSC, violations and shortcomings in the implementation of specific performance indicators were identified. Thus, the planned value of the indicators “the volume of housing built for rent financed by the AHML” for 2014 and 2015 was only 22.7% of the plan.

AHML violated the methodology for calculating the KPI "The number of mortgage loans provided to citizens from certain social priority categories" and in 2015 included its contingent obligations to buy out mortgages from the Bank of Russia (more than 6 thousand units for the Military Mortgage product) in the calculation of the number issued social mortgage loans.

For 2016, AHML included these contingent liabilities in the calculation of the KPI for “financing the mortgage market”. These obligations actually mean support to banks that are interested in obtaining liquidity from the Bank of Russia secured by mortgages, but are not a form of direct participation of AHML in the mortgage market, since they do not affect the volume of mortgage loans provided.

The Strategy for the Development of Housing Mortgage Lending in the Russian Federation until 2020 refers to the strategic goals of AHML JSC as the creation of mechanisms for the provision of special mortgage loans for socially priority categories of the population at a rate not higher than 2.2% inflation by 2018. The share of mortgage loans provided to socially priority categories of the population by AHML JSC in the total volume of mortgage loans redemption in 2014 was 52.3%, in 2016 - 42.2%.

As part of the implementation of the priority project "Mortgage and Rental Housing", AHML was tasked with organizing collective investments and implementing pilot projects for creating rental housing in cities with a population of over one million. However, as of February 10, 2017, the board of AHML had not made a decision to include in the Fund projects, the implementation of which could contribute to the development of the rental housing market in the largest Russian cities and contribute to the strengthening of internal labor migration.

AHML JSC did not ensure the efficient use and involvement of state guarantees in the amount of RUB 56.3 billion in the economic turnover. (as of January 1, 2017) provided by the Ministry of Finance of Russia for financing mortgage lending. At the same time, the indicated volumes of state guarantees increase the state internal debt of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the Ministry of Construction of Russia attending the Collegium announced their intention to come out with a proposal to exclude from the State Program "Provision of Affordable and Comfortable Housing and Utilities for Citizens of the Russian Federation" of the Program "Housing for a Russian Family" budget financing). In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2017, the Housing for a Russian Family Program has been excluded from the State Program.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia and AHML are planning to solve the problem of increasing the volume of construction of standard (economic) class housing within the framework of the priority project "Mortgage and rental housing" by allocating subsidies to regions (including in 2017 to 33 regions in the amount of 20.0 billion rubles). rubles, most of which were Program participants) for the construction of road, social and engineering infrastructure.

The implementation of such projects, according to the plan of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, should stimulate developers to increase the volume of construction of standard (economic) class housing, and citizens - to purchase it.

Based on the results of the inspections, the Accounting Chamber Board decided to send reports to the chambers of the Federal Assembly, as well as information letters to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the governor of the Kostroma region and AHML JSC.

Detailed information on all identified violations and other results of the control measure is posted on

Complete non-resident: the problems of the implementation of the state program have been known for a long time, and its participants are rescued by the forces of local authorities

The "Russian family" was left without housing - the Accounts Chamber checked the AHML for the implementation of the program, which was supposed to provide Russians with housing at 35 thousand rubles per square meter, and admitted that the expected indicators had not been achieved. In three years, only 3.3% of the planned housing was commissioned. And in Tatarstan the indicators are slightly better - 4.2%. The program, in the opinion of the auditors, is only a “declaration of intent” and is not supported by effective measures. Although the tasks were set ambitious. The developers participating in the program did not receive the promised assistance from the AHML and they hardly hold on so as not to replenish the regiment of defrauded equity holders with their clients. The crisis of the program in Tatarstan aggravated the collapse of Tatfondbank. More details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Not a program, but a "declaration of intent"

The Housing for a Russian Family program was launched in 2015. It was assumed that by the end of 2017 at least 25 million square meters of economy class housing will be built. On the eve, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation published the results of checking the results of two years of work. The department checked the documents of 70 regions participating in the program. Its representatives visited Tatarstan and Bashkiria.

As a result, it turned out that as of January 1, 2017, 0.8 million sq. m or 3.3% of the volume provided by the State Program. In Tatarstan, according to the Accounts Chamber, within the framework of the program, 0.063 million square meters of economy-class housing were commissioned. Of the planned 1.5 million, this is 4.2%. In the Republic of Bashkortostan - 0.042 million sq. m or 7% (of the planned 0.6 million sq. m.).

The main advantage of the program, in addition to the reduced interest rate for the mortgage, was the low price - 35 thousand rubles per square meter. It was assumed that developers will be compensated for the costs of building communications - 4 thousand rubles for each square meter of housing built. As a result, according to the report of the Accounts Chamber, the Russian government did not send in 2016 inter-budgetary transfers to the regions for the construction of engineering, social and road infrastructure, which were planned in the amount of 20 billion rubles.

The main advantage of the program, in addition to the reduced interest rate for the mortgage, was the low price - 35 thousand rubles per square meter. Photo kazan.mlsn.ru

Concessional loans in the amount of 12.4 billion rubles, which AHML provided to support developers, were enough for banks only to implement 4.6% of the program's projects. At the same time, 5.7 billion rubles (45.9%) were returned by banks to the agency, since there was no proper study of lending issues with developers. Infrastructure construction at the expense of developers was practically not carried out due to the lack of buyout guarantees.

The agreements on the implementation of the program measures, concluded between the Ministry of Construction of Russia, AHML JSC and the regions, were actually formal in nature, including the planned annual values ​​of the volume of commissioning of economy class housing were not established, which did not allow for proper control over the achievement of the program indicators , - said Yuri Roslyak, auditor of the Accounts Chamber.

Only Gazprom could meet the high requirements of AHML

The program was initially unviable, according to experts interviewed by Realnoe Vremya. According to Andrey Simakov, General Director of PJSC "Mortgage Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan", the reason for the closure of the program is that the mechanism for allocating federal subsidies for engineering networks did not work in practice.

This means that the developers were unable to attract bank financing. Not a single bank in Tatarstan gave loans for development under the "Housing for a Russian Family" program. AHML acted as the distributor of subsidies, but they came up with such a rating of the developer's credit reliability that only Gazprom could match them. As far as I know, not a single construction company from Tatarstan managed to get into it, which means it did not get access to the expected federal subsidies. That is, large developers did not join the program, since they could not ensure the sale of housing at the declared price of 35 thousand rubles per square meter. As far as I know, the government of Tatarstan is now helping the developer of the Yashlek residential complex in Kuyuki in the Pestrechinsky district. Here they are helped with engineering networks. I know that according to the program, one house was built in Chistopol, but a small one, - says Simakov.

According to Andrey Simakov, the reason for the closure of the program is that the mechanism for allocating federal subsidies for engineering networks did not work in practice. Photo gossov.tatarstan.ru

Director of Stroykom LLC Faik Garayev could not get a loan from the Bank of Kazan. In January, Realnoe Vremya wrote that the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan said that a meeting of the credit committee of Bank Kazan LLC was to be held, where the issue of lending to Stroykom LLC would be considered. But the loan issue was never resolved. Now, according to Faik Garayev, he fulfills his obligations to equity holders, program participants thanks to a “wholesale buyer” and a certain investor. There are hopes of attracting a creditor, but he does not disclose the details, "being afraid to jinx it."

Shareholders deceived by the state program?

The program participants, 84 in total, who signed an agreement with Stroykom for the purchase of apartments in the Yashlek complex under construction in Kuyuki, feared that they would become defrauded equity holders. The deadlines for the delivery of houses were constantly shifting due to the lack of that very support from AHML for building communications.

There is no help, we are floundering on our own. We all hope that they will return us at least 4 thousand rubles for communications, which they promised. How to hand over, we must return, of course, but why can't we pay in advance or bring communications? We could have passed it long ago if, as written, we helped. We would have received loans, and support would have been with communications, ”says Faik Garayev.

The houses in Kuyuki were supposed to be rented out on May 1, 2016, then they were postponed to August 1. Now the developer guarantees that the program participants will celebrate the housewarming by July 1. Four houses have been built, two more in the process.

In total, there are 42 houses in the plan - four are three-storey, the rest are four-storey. Now two houses have been laid, there is the first floor for now. Now the construction has been stopped, the roads are closed in spring and it is expensive to transport. When the roads were being built, they probably thought that not only "Muscovites" and "Cossacks" would ride on them? Such powerful 25-ton machines appeared ... How to work like this? - the developer complains about continuous obstacles.

Faik Garayev was never able to get a loan from the Bank of Kazan. Photo by Gulandam Zaripova

Kayuk in Kuyuki and Morkvash will win on their own

In total, the residential complex has 139 thousand squares of "housing", and since the program does not work, they hope to sell the rest at a commercial price. The cost of "Housing for a Russian Family" was determined at 30 thousand rubles per "square", later it increased to 35 thousand rubles, and later rose to 40 thousand per "square".

Another developer, the Tatnur company, also announces that they will build independently, without participating in the program. They were building a residential complex in the village of Naberezhnye Morkvashi.

We started construction, but today the program itself does not work throughout Russia. Therefore, we will build on our own, without participating in the program. At the first stage of construction, we have mastered 15%. But the construction site didn’t stop because the program didn’t work. We also had ties with Tatfondbank and IntechBank. Now it remains to sort it out there until the end, and then we start in a new way, that is, this is a temporary stop with us. According to the program itself, we were not reimbursed absolutely no costs, - said the director of Tatnur LLC Marsel Khismatullin.

"Housing for a Russian family" will continue "Mortgage and rental housing"

By the time of publication, the answer from the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan about what kind of assistance will be provided to developers who managed to join the program, and how its closure will affect the equity holders, did not come.

In Tatarstan, eight developers were involved in the project, who planned to build 1.2 million square meters. m of housing. Ak Bars Development planned to build a residential complex in Usady, Suvar Kazan - in Narmonka, StroyKom - in Kuyuki, Yashlek district, Tatnur - in the village of Naberezhnye Morkvashi. In Chistopol, the company "Dzhuketau" was to build a low-rise district of 10 thousand "squares". Investa wanted to build a nine-story building with 174 apartments in Vysokaya Gora. In Zelenodolsk "SpetsStroyServis" - a 12-storey building, in Kazan - GZhF - housing in "Salavat Cooper".

In Tatarstan, eight developers were involved in the project, including GZhF with Salavat Kupere

At the federal level, they only talk about the liquidation of the program. In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2017, the Housing for Russian Family program was closed as ineffective. They are now planning to build economy-class housing within the framework of the Mortgage and Rental Housing program. Within its framework, it is planned to allocate subsidies to the regions (including in 2017 in the amount of 20.0 billion rubles to 33 regions, most of which were participants in the liquidated program) for the construction of road, social and engineering infrastructures.

The implementation of such projects, according to the plan of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, should stimulate developers to increase the volume of construction of economy-class housing, and citizens to purchase it.

Daria Turtseva, Vasilya Shirshova, Luiza Ignatieva

17.04.2017 admin

The Accounts Chamber of Russia ascertained the complete failure of the state target program "Housing for a Russian Family": in three years this socially important project was completed only by 3.3%. The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) explained that the program was not in demand by market participants.

The Housing for a Russian Family program was supposed to provide citizens with affordable and comfortable housing. The main goal is to commission at least 25 million square meters of economy class housing by the end of 2017.

The Accounts Chamber analyzed data for 70 regions, and the audit showed that the program is actually a “declaration of intent”, the implementation of which is not supported by effective measures.

“As of January 1, 2017, 0.8 million square meters were commissioned. meters of economy class housing, or 3.3% of the volume provided by the State Program. At the same time, the program itself was formed only by 77.6%, ”the auditors stated and noted that the number of families who purchased economy class housing amounted to 26.3 thousand, or 5.7%.

At the same time, as it turned out during the audit, only 56 land plots, or 7.7% of the total, were provided for the construction of economy-class housing under the program. The analysis showed that all the selected land plots did not meet the selection criteria and were not provided for the implementation of the program.

“In 2016, AHML JSC abandoned 277 land plots and is preparing proposals for the abandonment of 54 land plots with a total area of ​​5.3 thousand hectares (26.9%). At the same time, the expenses of the Federal Fund for Assistance to Housing Construction Development for their involvement in turnover amounted to 64.7 million rubles, ”the Accounts Chamber emphasized.

At the same time, as stated by the auditors, the lack of proper preparation for the implementation of the program, control over the selection in the regions and the elaboration of the effective use of support mechanisms from the Ministry of Construction of Russia and AHML JSC did not allow to reduce the cost of housing by 20%.

“The main goal of the Program was not implemented by the Russian Ministry of Construction within the established timeframe and scope. As a result, the previous target for the construction of economic housing was excluded from the main conditions for the implementation of the Program due to the difficult economic situation and a decrease in the population's ability to pay, ”the auditors noted.

The audit also showed that the Russian government did not send in 2016 inter-budgetary transfers to the regions for the construction of engineering, social and road infrastructure, which were planned in the amount of 20 billion rubles.

“The agreements on the implementation of the program measures, concluded between the Ministry of Construction of Russia, AHML JSC and the regions, were actually formal in nature, including the planned annual values ​​of the volume of commissioning of economy class housing were not established, which did not allow for proper control over the achievement of indicators programs ", - said the auditor Yuri Roslyak.

Also, the Accounts Chamber audited the activities of AHML JSC on the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Housing Mortgage Lending until 2020. As it turned out, none of the Agency's projects was completed on time. In particular, the planned value of the indicators “the volume of constructed housing for rent, financed by the AHML for 2014 and 2015, was only 22.7% of the plan.

As a result, in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2017, the Housing for a Russian Family Program was excluded from the State Program.

The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) reacted to this criticism of the Accounts Chamber and said that the program “Housing for a Russian Family” “turned out to be unclaimed by market participants”.

“The changed economic conditions required new mechanisms for comprehensive support of the housing construction sector. The program was launched in early 2014, but already at the end of the same year, macroeconomic conditions changed significantly - the ruble devalued, the key rate rose to 17%, inflation sharply increased, and real wages and incomes of the population began to decline. Mortgage rates in new buildings actually increased to a prohibitive 15-18%, there was a real threat to housing construction in general, ”the Agency said in a commentary.

It also notes that in these conditions, the government of the Russian Federation made an operational decision to support not the construction of houses for certain categories of citizens, but the entire housing construction as a whole. At the end of March 2015, a program of subsidizing interest rates for the purchase of housing in new buildings was launched.

AHML also drew attention to the fact that budget funds planned for the construction of engineering, social and transport infrastructure in the implementation of projects for the integrated development of territories within the framework of the iron ore program were redistributed to the implementation of the subsidy program.

“The construction sector received support and the opportunity to complete the houses started in 2013-2014. Thanks to this, in 2015, a record amount of housing was commissioned in Russia - more than 85 million square meters. The subsidy program has become one of the most effective anti-crisis measures - a total of 11.9 billion rubles were allocated to pay subsidies.

Each ruble of budgetary funds attracted 124 rubles of off-budget investments into housing construction, of which 46 rubles were funds of the population. Within the framework of the program, 25.7 million sq. meters of housing on the primary market is more than it was planned to introduce under the iron ore program. Moreover, the goal was achieved due to the stimulation of demand and the use of market mechanisms, "- justified themselves in AHML.

Anastasia Smirnova, RIA "New Day"


Moscow. 14th of April. INTERFAX-REAL ESTATE - The State Program "Housing for the Russian Family" (HRS) has been implemented at 3.3% of the originally planned volume, the Accounts Chamber reported following the audit.

"The audit showed that the program is not a system of activities interconnected in terms of goals and objectives, and in fact is a" declaration of intent "," the message says.

The iron ore raw materials subprogram is implemented within the framework of the state program "Provision of affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation", approved by the government on April 15, 2014. The main goal of the iron ore subprogram is to commission at least 25 million square meters of economy class housing by the end of 2017.

The Accounts Chamber analyzed data for 70 regions. The audit showed that, as of January 1, 2017, 0.8 million square meters of economy class housing were commissioned, or 3.3% of the volume envisaged by the state program. At the same time, the program itself is formed only by 77.6%.

"The lack of proper preparation for the implementation of the program, control over the selection in the regions and the elaboration of the effective use of support mechanisms from the Ministry of Construction of Russia and AHML JSC did not allow to reduce the cost of housing by 20%. The main goal of the program was not implemented by the Ministry of Construction of Russia within the established timeframe and volume." , - the report says.

The document also states that financial resources to support developers in the form of concessional lending under the AHML JSC program (Stimulus program) were provided by AHML JSC to banks in the amount of 12.4 billion rubles for the sale of only 4.6% projects within the program. At the same time, 5.7 billion rubles (45.9%) were returned by banks to AHML JSC due to the lack of proper preliminary study of lending issues with developers.

In addition, the construction of infrastructure at the expense of developers was practically not carried out due to the lack of buyout guarantees.

As reported, in accordance with the decree of the government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2017, the subprogram "Housing for a Russian family" was excluded from the state program. The Ministry of Construction and AHML are planning to solve the problem of increasing the volume of housing construction within the framework of the priority project "Mortgage and Rental Housing" through the allocation of subsidies to regions (including 33 regions in 2017 in the amount of 20 billion rubles) for the construction of road, social and engineering infrastructure.

Earlier, the head of AHML, Alexander Plutnik, said that the iron ore program was a failure. At the same time, he noted that "it is necessary to return to it, see how to replace it in order to provide real support to builders and real support to citizens."

AHML told Interfax that the Housing for Russian Family program turned out to be unclaimed by market participants, since the changed economic conditions required new mechanisms to support the housing construction sector. Under these conditions, at the end of March 2015, a program was launched to subsidize interest rates for the purchase of housing in new buildings. Budget funds planned for the construction of engineering, social and transport infrastructure in the implementation of projects for the integrated development of territories within the framework of the iron ore program were redistributed to the implementation of the subsidy program. Within the framework of the program, 25.7 million sq. meters of housing on the primary market is more than it was planned to introduce under the iron ore program.

The message also notes that, following the audit by the Accounts Chamber, the AHML received an information letter with recommendations on including the number of mortgage loans issued to socially-priority categories of the population in the AHML target indicators and on the return to the Russian Ministry of Finance of state guarantees for bond issues redeemed on the agency's balance sheet. ... No violations of the law or inappropriate or ineffective use of funds by the AHML were recorded by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the AHML emphasizes.

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