
Exhibition of wall newspapers “20 years of the Federal Treasury. Congratulations on the Treasury Day - Lipetsk Directorate was created at the same time

The Treasury is a fairly young structure in our state. Nevertheless, over twenty years of its existence, it has managed to establish itself as an effective mechanism for managing public finances. What is the essence of an important financial institution? What is its role in the life of ordinary citizens and the country as a whole? We are talking about this with Tatyana PELIPETS, head of the Federal Treasury Department for the Lipetsk Region.

Tatyana Mikhailovna, first of all, we congratulate you and your colleagues on the 20th anniversary of the Treasury Service. The anniversary fell on Saturday, December 8th. Surely, you prepared for it in advance.

- Thanks for the congratulation. Indeed, we held a number of events on the eve of the anniversary. A lot of creative competitions were devoted to him: a photo competition "Through the lens of the treasurer", competitions for wall newspapers - "Let's remember how it was", drawings - "The world through the eyes of children", handicrafts - "Very clever hands". The literary competition "The Word of the Treasurer", the competition of projects "Treasury-2112" turned out to be interesting.

- And where does the history of the Treasury Service of Russia begin?

- It is difficult to identify the starting point for the emergence of the country's treasury system. If you look into the depths of the centuries, then in ancient Russia the princes and boyars had special people who kept the treasury. Under John III, in connection with the establishment of orders, the treasurer was already a fairly prominent court rank, occupying a place after the last and in front of the Duma nobles. By the middle of the 17th century, the wide department of the treasurer was greatly reduced, the revenues were transferred to financial orders of various names. Then the time came when the famous statesman of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, gave the following description: "The uncertainty of power and lack of responsibility." Indeed, in tsarist Russia, in the center and in the localities, there were more than a dozen state financial institutions that were in charge of cash and at the same time had the functions of controlling financial documents on state revenues and expenditures. They demonstrated low efficiency and thereby exacerbated the crisis in the financial economy of Russia. The idea to create a harmonious treasury system was born during the reign of Catherine II. It was fully realized in the 19th century. The Manifesto "On the Establishment of Ministries" was approved at the legal level by the Institute of the State Treasury.

… Rulers and epochs changed. Until the October Revolution, the treasury ensured the safety of public finances. In the mid-20s of the last century, the State Treasury ceased to exist, its functions were transferred to the State Bank.

- And then history repeated itself at the end of the twentieth century?

- In the "dashing" 90s, the state in the process of transition to a market economy lost control over state money. In February 1992, the State Bank of the USSR ceased to exist - the budget execution system collapsed. The situation was critical. The republican budget of the country has not been approved, information on treasury revenues is not available. Chaos in the financial economy of the state was overcome by creating a body that centralized the movement of all budget flows. Then the role of the state cashier, supervising the targeted and efficient use of budget funds, was entrusted to the young treasury system. On December 8, 1992, the President of Russia signed a decree establishing the Federal Treasury.

- Was the Lipetsk Directorate created at the same time?

- The Department of the Federal Treasury for the Lipetsk Region was established by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 1993. Its first leader was Alexander Ivanovich Biryukov. He created a team of like-minded people - people who believed in the importance and necessity of re-creating the bodies of the Federal Treasury on the territory of the Russian Federation. Many of these people continue to work in the Office today.

- Including you?

- Yes, I was invited to work in the control and audit department of the Office. Since May 1993, I worked as the head of this department, and in May 2003 I was appointed head of the Federal Treasury Department for the Lipetsk region.

- What is the treasury in the modern sense? What are its main functions?

- The main task of the treasury is cash services for the execution of federal, regional and municipal budgets (there are 315 of them in the region). More than three thousand personal accounts have been opened for customer service. Every month our employees carry out about 500 thousand payment transactions. Over 20 years of work, the Federal Treasury bodies have gone from manual entry of payment documents to the use of a bar coding system, and then to electronic document management technology. High organization of work, professional approach to business allows to process up to 20 thousand payment documents daily. In the mode of the Single Treasury Account, a high level of manageability of budgetary funds is ensured.

- In a modern state, the sustainable development of any institution is impossible without clear strategic planning ...

- Our service in this sense is no exception. For both the Federal Treasury and its territorial bodies, the development vector is determined by the Strategic Map for 2010-2015. There are several priority goals: the formation of a unified information space for the financial activities of public legal entities; improvement of cash services for the public administration sector, the system of budget payments and the financial management system in the Russian Treasury; ensuring safety and development of functional activities; conducting an effective personnel policy.

- What is the mechanism for achieving these goals?

- There are many tools. For example, today everyone is familiar with projects when salaries are transferred to employees' bank cards. But this is nothing more than the use of new payment technologies. The goal is to minimize cash, fight against shadow circulation and, as a result, more efficient replenishment of the treasury. Similar mechanisms are beginning to operate in the public administration sector - for example, for payments to organizations for work and services rendered using corporate bank cards. The advantages are obvious: reducing paperwork, reducing the risks associated with receiving and issuing cash, accelerating payment transactions.

Another progressive direction in the work of the Treasury is the improvement of the electronic document management system (EDMS) with the participants in the budget process. Clients exchange documents with the Federal Treasury authorities in electronic form without using paper media. This increased the reliability and efficiency of operations, and reduced the material costs of both parties. As a result of electronic exchange, an "audit trail" remains, which allows you to control all elements of the operations performed. Today more than 95 percent of our clients are users of the electronic document management system. I think that many, like me, have already become convinced of the correctness of the words of one of the famous people of the planet, Bill Gates: "A paper number is a dead number, and a number in electronic form is capable of generating thoughts and actions."

- And what new thoughts and actions were born in your service?

- We are constantly looking for innovative ways of working. Today the same electronic "dialogue" with clients in the Treasury has reached a qualitatively new level. The system of remote financial document circulation - SUFD-online allows you to conveniently and safely manage payments from any point connected to the Internet.

The large-scale project "Modernization of the treasury system of the Russian Federation", which started in 2005, ended with the creation of a modern system for managing the state budgetary resources. Its main element - application software (“Automated system of the Federal Treasury”) - allows you to centrally store data, process information, promptly generate reports, conduct cash services for budget execution at a high technological level.

Already today, treasury technologies are making public finance information transparent and accessible. Since 2011, the Federal Treasury has been the operator of the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for posting data on orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services for state and municipal needs. That is, our service is entrusted with the functions of technical support for this site, maintaining reference information, endowing customers with electronic digital signature certificates.

This year, the official website of state and municipal institutions was launched, on which organizations post all information about their activities. It is designed to ensure public control over the activities of state and municipal institutions, to inform the public about their financial activities. As in the first case, the Federal Treasury is the operator of this resource, provides an electronic digital signature for those who work on the site.

In the future, the Treasury of Russia will become the operator of a number of new state information systems: state and municipal payments, GAS Management and the Electronic Budget system. Thanks to new information resources, the government and all interested users will have the opportunity to more fully and efficiently analyze the state of public finances, and, consequently, to make optimal management decisions. Thanks to the Electronic Budget, the accounting of budgetary operations of federal bodies and the executive branch will be concentrated at the level of the Federal Treasury. It is this service that will keep budget records throughout the country, that is, it will take over the functions of the centralized accounting department of the state.

Today we are paying great attention to the reform of budget payments. The system of banking payment technologies is being integrated with the payment system of the Federal Treasury. It is planned to transfer to the system of functioning accounts the accounts of all public legal entities opened in the institutions of the Bank of Russia and credit institutions. This will simplify the execution of payment transactions and reduce their time to one day. "Treasury Bank" is a new concept of the Federal Treasury bodies, a new direction of its development for the next five years. In short, our service is constantly evolving, new technologies are being introduced. Only responsibility does not change, it is vital for all treasurers. Indeed, millions, billions of rubles pass through the country's financial system. It is necessary that all budgetary flows are directed in the right direction.

- To solve large-scale tasks, well-coordinated work of the team is needed. How do you build it?

- If you adhere to the main principle - treat people the way you want them to treat you - then you can easily ensure the well-coordinated work of the team. In any events, changes, first of all, it is necessary to focus on how the person feels at the same time. More and more new tasks are assigned to the system of the Federal Treasury, because it is regarded by society as one of the most organized systems of government in the Russian Federation. Its rapid development, implementation of large-scale projects would have been impossible without a team of like-minded people. From the first day of its existence, our Department has been working on the selection of professional personnel, the creation of a friendly team, a close-knit team. We have developed a good tradition of holding collective holidays to form the corporate spirit, to reveal the professional and creative potential of our employees. We attach great importance to social activities. Today the bodies of the Federal Treasury are actively involved in various actions: "Donate blood - give a particle of yourself to children", "Day of smoking cessation", in the all-Russian sports competitions "Ski Track of Russia". We also support inmates of the orphanage, we help colleagues from other regions who have found themselves in difficult life circumstances. Someone else's misfortune does not leave us indifferent, so we immediately responded to the call for help to the victims of the floods in the city of Krymsk.

The youth council of the Department is the initiator of many events. Last year, he took second place in the All-Russian competition for the development of youth initiatives in the Federal Treasury. Among other winners, our young colleagues traveled to Moscow and took part in the Gosmolodezh forum.

The primary organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Treasurers of Russia works in our Directorate. We also created a Council for the History of the Treasury in the Lipetsk Region. Very interesting materials are kept in the Treasury Museum.

So, we are all united not only by purely professional matters. Although in this main direction we are achieving good results.

- For example, this year we became the winners of the competition for the title of "The best control and audit division of the Treasury of Russia." What is the formula for success?

- One of the most successful managers of the 20th century, Edward Lawlor, came up with the following formula: "Success is achieved only by people with experience in a team who really want to use the experience of the team." Professionalism, team spirit, the ability to combine accumulated knowledge, experience, the best treasury traditions with new methods of work turn into reality the most daring plans of the Department team.

- We wish your team continued success on this path. Thank you for the conversation, Tatyana Mikhailovna.

The origins of the treasury service should be sought in the depths of centuries, even in Ancient Russia there were positions of treasurers, whose competence included the task of monitoring the material heritage of the state. As a rule, this responsible mission was assigned to the boyars or representatives of the princely family.
Today, the functions of the treasury have become much broader - they are financial management of resources and control over budget spending. Thanks to the treasury service, financial flows have become more transparent, money does not just flow from the federal budget into someone's pockets, but goes to regional budgets and is spent on socially significant needs. The tasks of the treasurers include strict control of financial flows.

The day of the formation of the Russian treasury is a holiday of financiers who are on guard of order and make sure that the funds received as taxes of law-abiding citizens are spent in accordance with the interests of the people. The conscientious and responsible work of the treasurers is worthy of gratitude and recognition.

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I dream that I will turn on the TV,
And, suddenly, I hear on the air -
The ruble has become gold today!
And the hardest in the whole world!

We are happy to congratulate all the treasurers,
Your good work is the best reward
Thanks to you, the Russian treasury,
Remains still quite complete.
We wish not to get lost in work,
You develop in all directions.
Always bring only joy to the people,
Their prosperous old age depends on you.

On a cold December day one day
The President signed his next decree -
Create a treasury in our country,
To make life better on Russian soil.
Congratulations to the treasury workers,
We will always wish you success in your work,
So that the Russian treasury does not decrease,
And the whole country will be grateful to you for this.

We remember the recent times
When there was a ruble, it was wooden.
When my home country bought
Green Buck, damned!

We remember the ministers by their names.
More than once, in vain, they were remembered,
Yes, there were tough times.
Hooray! They passed!

I save up rubles for my needs,
I don't need a green dollar.
With delight I sing an ode ruble!
I'm so in love with him!

Treasury and Treasury -
Any country needs it.
And all the workers
Of such an important yard
All Russia wants to congratulate!

In your work, you are professionals,
You should take a good example from you
Employees of the financial, budgetary sphere,
And we are not the only ones envious of your accuracy.

Let you in all matters
Both small and large in life,
Good luck and success
Fortune in your optimism.

Our ruble has gone through a lot,
It was gold and wood.
But he did not change his name,
And it continues to be desired.

He was trampled on from the outside,
We are driven by both the dollar and the euro.
I was an outcast in my own country
But he always dreamed of being the first!

Let the ruble grow stronger, let it return
The former name is golden!
And he will, to the envy of everyone,
Solid currency, world!

Treasury for a long time,
Keeps financial records,
Parish, income and gate money,
According to strict rules, laws, everything will go away.

And, behold, at the beginning of December
Treasury Day
Celebrating Russia!
This structure is very important,
Then let it be in the country
Works easily, transparently,
Strictly, efficiently.

The Treasury of Russia is an executive body,
No comic passions flow here,
Money, laws, budget control,
Every employee knows his role.

May this day, the holiday of the treasury,
Financial sorcery is happening around!
Let the glasses be poured more fully
Let's drink to you as soon as possible!

Education day treasury,
Today our country celebrates
Friends are not an easy act
It must provide the country with the budget!

Therefore, today we congratulate,
Happy treasurers of the whole country,
And with all our souls and hearts we wish
Happiness, good luck and of course love!

An exhibition of wall newspapers was opened in the Office of the Federal Treasury for the Ivanovo Region as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Federal Treasury bodies "20 years of the Federal Treasury" , organized with the participation of the Youth Council and the Primary Trade Union Organization of the OPS of the Treasurers of Russia.

The purpose of the exhibition is to tell the young employees of the Department the history of the formation of the bodies of the Federal Treasury, the history of the creation and development of departments of the Department of the Federal Treasury in the Ivanovo region, about important events and events in the life of the team over the years in a non-standard, creative form.

Nothing limited the participants' imagination. They were free in the choice of theme and way of decorating the wall newspaper.

26 bright, colorfully designed works were presented for the competition. Each newspaper is unique. There are classic wall newspapers, made on a large paper format, showing the working life and leisure of the team. There are modern newspapers - computer typesetting, with unusual fonts, colors and photographs. And two departments approached the task of the competition from a non-standard perspective and created magical "treasury" newspapers in "3D format". There are newspapers - paintings painted with watercolors. The nautical theme prevails here: the Treasury is a ship that conquers uncharted oceans, and treasurers are pioneers, pioneers, fearlessly sailing on it. And there are wall newspapers decorated with handmade flowers using the amazing quilling technique.

The exhibition shows that although we live in the age of the Internet and high technologies, such a genre as a wall newspaper continues to live not only in our school past. In their masterpieces (there is no other word for it), the authors put all their love for their native team, proudly demonstrating their achievements and talents.

The results of the competition will be announced on December 8. The jury has a difficult task - to choose the three best wall newspapers.

The fact that not only responsible, competent specialists, but also creative people work in the PFR Branch in the city of Baikonur, we were convinced once again when preparations were underway for the wall newspaper competition dedicated to the anniversary of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Long before the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the PFR, when the competition for wall newspapers was announced, the employees of the Department got down to business: they were thinking about the idea of ​​a wall newspaper, its implementation and design. Everyone who took part in the competition showed their skills and creativity, since wall newspapers were put up for the judgment of colleagues, different in content, presentation of material, presence of humor, etc. - "Treasury Bulletin", "Budget department close-up", "One day in the life of OASV and VZ and VS" and others.

The jury was the team of the PFR Branch in the city of Baikonur. Each employee of the Department voted for this or that favorite wall newspaper. According to the voting results, the first place in the competition of wall newspapers dedicated to the anniversary of the PFR was taken by the Treasury department. The employees of this department, as well as the employees of three other departments, who won prizes, were awarded prizes. The rest of the competition participants received wall calendars for 2016 with the PFR symbols. The awarding of the winners and participants of the competition took place at a solemn meeting of the Branch, which took place on December 18 in the assembly hall of the OPFR in the city of Baikonur.

On December 8, our country celebrates the Day of Formation of the Treasury in Russia. This date was chosen for the event, since on this day in 1992 the President of our country signed the Law on the Federal Treasury, on the basis of which this system of bodies was created. That is why it is on December 8 that we send congratulations on the day of the Treasury to those whose work is associated with this industry.

The treasury system of our country performs an important function for the entire state. It is this structure that deals with the distribution of the country's budget. Thanks to the development of the treasury, the whole country is developing as a whole. Specialists working in the treasury bodies do everything necessary for the competent and timely distribution of "state" funds between the regions of the state.

Although the treasury system is young in its modern form, it appeared long before the adoption of the law. There were bodies that collected and distributed public funds. Now this function is entrusted to professionals working in the treasury.

Each region, which has a treasury, be sure to prepare for its holiday long before December 8th. On this day, reports on the work are prepared, the results of the work of the Treasury are summed up, all the merits and achievements are revealed. The distinguished branches are awarded by the Federal Treasury with certificates and diplomas.

On this day, congratulations on the day of the Treasury fall in a huge stream on employees of this industry.

If you also need to congratulate a representative of this profession on such a holiday, contact our resource for help. Here you will find congratulations of any content and form that will help prepare the holiday for this day, or simply show a sign of attention to a representative of this profession.

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