
Urban planning and technical audit of the land (Due Diligence). Urban planning study and calculation of the costs of the construction project Cost and terms of the service

Produced in order to determine the possibility of its use for construction. Such a study allows the owner or buyer to first of all determine whether the site is suitable for construction at all or is not subject to development for any reason. It happens that the site is surrounded by some objects, the zones of influence of which partially cover the territory of the site or completely. These zones have a certain distance either from the objects themselves or are themselves located on the ground in such a way that they extend to nearby lands.

GRAD development

  • Departure to the land plot, examination of it and the immediate environment, photography of the memory and the environment.
  • Analysis of territorial planning documents for the site:
    • master plan of the city or urban district (GP);
    • land use and development rules (PZZ);
    • territory planning project (PPT);
    • (GPZU), if available.
  • Consultations in local and regional administrations and other interested organizations and departments. Conducting meetings allows you to identify circumstances that are not available during the usual analysis of documents. For example:
    • With regard to Moscow, consultations are held at the Moscow Committee for Architecture, NIIPI Genpan of Moscow, the UGR of the district, GlavAPU, the Prefecture of the district. If the need is identified - in the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage, the Department of City Property, Moskomstroyinvest, Mosgorgeotrest and other departments.
    • In relation to the Moscow Region, meetings are held in the Administrations of urban districts, the Chief Architecture of the Moscow Region, the Territorial Administrations of the Chief Architecture of the Moscow Region, and the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region. If necessary - to the Ministry of Investments of the Moscow Region and so on.

Urban planning and technical audit of the land (Due Diligence)

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the FGU on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being
An expert opinion or an act of surveying the site of the FGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology"
Conclusion of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
Conclusion of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance
Specifications (requirements for the project) of the Department of State Fire Supervision
Conclusion of the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
Initial data for the development of the Civil Defense and Emergencies section of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation
Letter from the Ministry of Culture on the presence or absence of monuments of history, culture, architecture, archeology, zones of their influence and protection
State Unitary Enterprise "Geocenter-Moscow" (Roskomnedra) certificate on the presence or absence of minerals in the area under consideration
Conclusion of the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in the Moscow Region (Rosprirodnadzor)
Background concentrations of harmful substances and climatic characteristics of the construction area

Urban planning study of the land plot

Based on the materials drawn up as part of the town planning study, the head of the municipality signs a project concerning the coordination of changes in the type of permissible use of land plots, the placement of construction objects or reconstruction.

Urban planning study of the land plot

Article 44
3. As part of the town-planning plan of the land plot, the following shall be indicated:
1) the boundaries of the land plot;
2) the boundaries of the zones of operation of public easements;
3) minimum indents from the boundaries of the land plot in order to determine the places of permissible placement of buildings, structures, structures, outside of which the construction of buildings, structures, structures is prohibited;
4) information on town planning regulations (if the land plot is subject to the town planning regulations). At the same time, the town-planning plan of the land plot, except for cases where the land plot is provided for state or municipal needs, must contain information on all types of permitted use of the land plot provided for by the town-planning regulations;
5) information on the permitted use of the land plot, requirements for the purpose, parameters and location of the capital construction object on the specified land plot (in cases where the land plot is not subject to the town planning regulations or the town planning regulations are not established for the land plot);
6) information about capital construction objects, cultural heritage objects located within the boundaries of the land plot;
7) information on the technical conditions for connecting capital construction facilities to engineering and technical support networks (hereinafter referred to as technical conditions);
8) the boundaries of the zone of planned placement of capital construction facilities for state or municipal needs.
5. The form of the town-planning plan of the land plot is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

YurClub Conference

The certificate of examination of the main work on the construction of an individual housing construction object or the performance of work on the reconstruction of an individual housing construction object, as a result of which the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential premises (residential premises) of the reconstructed object increases by at least the accounting rate of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential premises established in accordance with the housing the legislation of the Russian Federation,

Town-planning plan of the land plot, Cadastral extract on the land plot

  • collection and analysis of the main initial permits for the land plot;
  • checking the compliance of the category of land, types of permitted use (VRI) of the land plot with the planned functional purpose of capital construction facilities, the general plan of the municipality, land use and development rules;
  • checking the existing urban planning documentation for the land plot and capital construction facilities, including the GPZU, planning and / or land surveying projects (PPT / PMT / PPMT) for compliance with the functional purpose of the planned facilities and established urban planning regulations;
  • determination of the presence of protected zones, special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones, the imposition of restrictions on the part of linear objects - roads and railways, network supply companies. Identification of the need to remove engineering networks from the land according to the specifications of operating organizations;
  • analysis of the location of the land plot in relation to zones with special conditions for the use of the territory (ZOUIT), including specially protected natural areas (SPNA), cultural heritage sites, water protection (coastal, coastal) zones, recreational zones, sanitary zones of drinking water supply facilities, intersection with the State Forest Fund, sanitary -protective zones of operating enterprises;
  • verification of falling into the construction restriction zones in connection with the provisions of the territorial planning schemes (STP) of the Russian Federation, subjects of the federation, municipalities;
  • verification of access to the near-aerodrome zones of civil and military airfields and heliports.

A professionally executed urban planning study of a land plot can significantly help an investor-developer, since as a result of urban development you get a comprehensive analysis of the liquidity of the site for subsequent construction, the list of necessary approvals, an algorithm of actions for project implementation in the form of an individual road map with an assessment of the timing and risks during implementation (plan -work schedule with details of all steps with deadlines and recommendations).

Town-planning plan of the land plot

An exclusive offer is also offered for the preliminary calculation of the costs of an investment construction project with the preparation of a time-based implementation plan and taking into account all administrative procedures during its implementation. In fact, before the start of construction and even before you make a final decision on the start of the project, you receive from us information on the timing and required volumes of attracting financial resources at each stage of its implementation. At the same time, the implementation schedule will be tied as closely as possible directly to the specifics and the proposed architectural and design and planning solution of your facility, with specific detailing of all urban planning procedures before and during construction, including taking into account the direct costs of the physical construction of the facility itself, putting it into into operation and registration of rights to newly formed real estate objects.

Urban planning study and calculation of the costs of a construction project

The protection of civil rights is carried out in the ways established by Article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in other ways provided for by law. The method of protection must correspond to the content of the violated right and the nature of the violation. A necessary condition for the application of one or another method of protecting civil rights is to ensure the restoration of the violated right of the plaintiff (paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Civil Code).

Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of August 21, 2014

The location of the construction object outside urban and rural settlements must comply with the urban planning documentation for urban planning for the development of the territories of the district (general plan of the district), the rural district, or other urban planning documentation at the regional level that determines the functional zoning of the territory, urban planning requirements for its organization and use.

TSN 11-303-2001

* (In order to change the permitted use of a land plot, one of the following documents is submitted, which contains information that is the basis for changing the type of permitted use of a land plot: - Cadastral passport of a building, structure, structure, object under construction. - Town-planning plan approved in the prescribed manner a land plot in which the type of permitted use of the land plot is established, determined in accordance with the list of types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction objects approved in accordance with the established procedure (for owners, land users, landowners of land plots in the city of Moscow)).

Change in the permitted type of use of the land plot

Urban planning study of the location of the object is carried out if a justification for the construction or reconstruction of buildings or structures is created, the investment attractiveness of construction measures is calculated, and an analysis is made of the possibility of construction or reconstruction on the planned site.

Urban planning study

  • text materials are filled in according to the regulatory requirements for the implementation of this documentation; technical and economic indicators as part of the Town Planning Conclusion and Town Planning Study reflect the main indicators for the area of ​​the land plot and development, a list of buildings and structures on the site indicating their purpose, number of storeys and capacity (for production facilities).
  • graphic materials are developed in color with drawing on them the boundaries of the land plot, adjacent land users, settlements, planning restrictions (water protection zone, coastal protective strip, coastal strip, protection zones of engineering communications, protection zones of objects of historical and cultural heritage, sanitary protection zones from objects, red lines and other lines of urban planning), symbols, names of settlements, roads and railways, etc.

ALPN Architectural Laboratory Polina Nozdracheva

Conducting a legal analysis of an investment project is a multifaceted and structured work, including the analysis and evaluation of various factors affecting the possibility of implementing a project on a selected land plot, based on its current legal status. This work explains what stages the customer needs to go through to implement the project.

Town-planning plan of the land plot

1.4. GPZU are prepared at the request of interested state authorities, local governments, interested individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who are owners of land plots (hereinafter referred to as the Applicants).

Decree of the Head of the Yuzhsky municipal district of N 1042

03 Dec 2018 163




The order of the pre-project
and design preparation for construction
in the Moscow region


TSN 11-303-2001 of the Moscow region

Approved by order
Minmosoblstroy dated 12/17/99 No. 339
in accordance with the resolution
Government of the Moscow Region
dated 13.04.98 No. 38/11



Developed:Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (Frolov A.E., Zubakhin V.F., Novoselov Yu.A., Efimova L.V.); State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI Urban Planning (Klimova S.P., Shavshukov V.V., Lyubimov V.M., Kadyshev G.I., Tseykinskaya A.I., Glukhov A.I., Danilychev I.A., Korolev A.V. ., Gladuntsov A.I.); Open Joint Stock Company "GUKS" (Eremenko A.I., Khokhlov V.V.); chief architect of the Mytishchi region (Mukhtarov R.Kh.);

with the participation of: the head of the department of engineering and scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of Mosoblstroy (Zakharov I.B.), the chief architect of the Odintsovo district (Zhdanov A.P.); chief architect of the Stupinsky district (Volodin S.V.); head of the APM of the institute Mosgrazhdanproekt (Aleksandrov V.V.); Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management of the Moscow Region (Martyanov V.V.), Deputy. head of department (Gotovkin B.M.), chief specialist (Polyanskaya L.I.); Deputy Head of the Licensing and Expert Department of the Moscow Region (Mishcherin V.I.); Head of Department of the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Moscow Region (Ivanov V.A.); Deputy Head of the Main Department of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region (Egorychev E.L.); Head of the Department of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Moscow Region (Ryabova V.I.); head of the TPM of the Leninsky district (Samarin S.A.).


Territorial building codes of the Moscow Region, which regulate the pre-project and design preparation of construction projects in the Moscow Region, are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Moscow Region on urban planning, ecology, land relations, investment and construction, design, use and protection of land, the interaction of state authorities, local authorities in these matters and on the basis of generalization of the positive experience of pre-project and design preparation and construction in the Moscow region.

Territorial building codes (TSN) have been developed with the aim of generalizing disparate regulatory documents, improving and simplifying the current procedure for pre-project and design preparation for the construction of facilities in the Moscow Region, reducing the time and number of approvals, as well as improving the quality of initial permits and administrative documentation.

These TSN specify and develop the main provisions of the current federal and territorial norms and rules, and are aimed at ensuring the rational organization of the territory, the effective use and protection of land.

1 area of ​​use

1.1. These TSN establish the procedure for pre-project and design preparation of construction *) major repairs in the Moscow region, taking into account the peculiarities of conducting investment activities in urban and rural settlements, inter-settlement territories and in zones of a special legal regime for the use of the territory () **) and special regulation of urban planning activities ().

*) Hereinafter, the concept of "construction" includes new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

1.2. The provisions of these TSN are obligatory for state bodies and local self-government bodies of legal entities and citizens engaged in urban planning for the development of territories and settlements in the Moscow Region, determining the types of land use, designing, building, reconstructing and overhauling real estate, developing and coordinating project documentation.

1.3. The procedure for the development and approval of urban planning and design documentation in full, the rationale for investments in the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of real estate objects are established in the relevant regulatory documents.

1.4. The procedure for pre-design and design preparation of individual housing construction in the Moscow Region is established by the Law of the Moscow Region "On the organization of construction (reconstruction) of real estate objects carried out by individuals in the Moscow Region" (31.03.99 No. 10/50), TSN PMS-97 MO "Composition , the procedure for the development, approval and approval of design documentation for individual low-rise construction in the Moscow Region "and is not considered in these TSN.

2. General provisions

2.1. These territorial building codes include issues of pre-project and design activities from the application of the customer (investor, developer) to the local authorities addressed to the Head of the municipality () to provide him with a land plot for construction, or to permit design and construction (or major repairs) on his areas with formalized land use rights, prior to the issuance of a building permit.

2.2. The sequence of the process of pre-project and design preparation of construction, determined by the specific conditions for the environmental and urban planning situation and the availability of approved urban planning documentation, is shown in the diagrams ( and ).

2.3. Due to the high value of the land resources of the Moscow Region for the period of pre-project and design preparation for construction until the final introduction of a mechanism that ensures full accounting of land use and control over the collection of land payments, mainly short-term relations (temporary use or short-term lease) are introduced for the right to use a land plot.

2.4. A document authorizing the placement of construction or major repairs of a real estate object on a land plot requested by a customer (developer, investor), as well as granting the right to design and build on a previously provided land plot, is a relevant resolution of the Head of the municipality.

To real estate objects constituting a state secret (Article 63);

To objects of urban planning activities of special regulation of federal and regional significance (Article 6, , , );

When issuing permits for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing facilities of interdistrict, regional and federal significance in the Moscow region (,);

To road service facilities on the federal roads of the Moscow Region (),

When placing horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations (),

When issuing permits for the construction of new or expansion of existing quarries (, ),

as well as to the placement of objects:

On the territory of the reserve for the development of the settlement within the boundaries of the suburban zone of the city (art. 50 and);

In roadside lanes of federal and territorial public roads or facilities located outside these lanes, but requiring special access to them for operation ();

On lands of regional significance within the territory of districts and cities, the Heads of which have not been delegated the powers of the heads of the territorial executive bodies of the Administration of the Moscow Region (, , , );

On federal lands;

On the territory of the districts of the central part of the Moscow region ();

In general purpose areas (Article 6, Clause 6);

In the strip 200 m from the Moscow Ring Road ();

In historical settlements, as well as in settlements on the territories of which there are monuments of history and culture;

In specially protected natural areas ();

On the lands of the forest fund (, , ), especially valuable and valuable lands;

In territories adjacent to the main highways and railways of federal significance, at a distance of 200 m from both sides;

In the zones of military facilities and in other zones of sensitive territories (, art. 48);

In territories exposed to natural and man-made emergencies, hazards arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions (, , , , );

In security zones and zones of planning restrictions;

During the development of urban planning documentation for urban planning for the development of the territory of the municipality and for regulating the development of territories of urban and rural settlements ().

2.6. The basis for making a decision on the use of territories and investing in it the funds of its own budget, the funds of the regional, federal budgets or the use of investments of special funds, funds of legal entities and citizens acting as customers for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of real estate, is approved in the prescribed manner urban planning documentation.

2.7. The urban planning documentation developed, agreed and approved in accordance with the established procedure is concentrated and stored in the local bodies of architecture and urban planning, and the architectural and planning and engineering and transport studies contained in it are the basis for the formation of the development of settlements, inter-settlement territories, the development of social, engineering and transport infrastructures, conducting rational land use, developing the necessary environmental measures, measures to preserve cultural and historical heritage, and is also the starting point for the formation of market relations in the field of urban planning, holding tenders, competitions, auctions, concluding the necessary agreements and contracts.

2.8. The sequence of preparation, the volume of pre-project and project documentation for a specific construction object depends on the degree of provision of the territory of the district, city or other settlement with urban planning documentation, the general plan, the planning project and the development project of this territory, as well as on the compliance of the planned construction with previously developed documentation, urban planning regulations and modes of use established in the Urban Planning Cadastre.

2.9. In the absence or availability of outdated urban planning documentation, as well as in case of non-compliance with the planned construction, additional urban development and justifications are required as part of the pre-design work of construction preparation.

3. Preparation of initial permits for the construction, overhaul of buildings and structures on the territory of the municipalities of the Moscow region

3.1. Having intentions to build or overhaul an enterprise, building or structure, the customer (investor, developer) carries out urban planning activities from a preliminary acquaintance with the possible conditions for placing investments and real estate in the city, town or other municipality in order to study a set of factors affecting the investment potential of the land plot for construction (reconstruction) ().

Local authorities for architecture and urban planning, at the request of the customer (investor, developer), provide preliminary consultations on the possibility of locating construction with an assessment of the land plot according to the following main factors:

The location of the land plot, taking into account its prospects, based on the materials of urban planning for the development of the territory;

The presence of a developed transport infrastructure and the possibility of providing a land plot with various types of engineering communications;

The state of the environment;

Aesthetic, historical and landscape value of the territory;

The level of development of social infrastructure;

Engineering-geodetic, engineering-geological conditions and conditions that complicate the conduct of construction work;

Possibility of negative public opinion;

Influence of potential dangers of natural, technogenic, biological-social, military character.

3.2. Based on the goals of the investment, the customer (investor, developer) submits to the local authorities (addressed to the Head of the municipality) a petition of intent (), a justification for investments containing sufficient materials and information to make a decision: the purpose of the object, the timing of design and construction, dimensions land plot, its possible location; technical and technological data, the number of employees, the enterprise's need for raw materials, materials, energy and water resources, transportation, environmental impact assessment (EIA) and conditions for waste treatment, the method of their disposal; information on sources of financing, lending, bank details, registration address of the investor's constituent documents in accordance with SP 11-101-95 () and other regulatory legal documents (, ,).

3.3. On behalf of the Head of the municipality, local architecture and urban planning authorities are studying the possibility of placing a new construction object or carrying out reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs with the preparation of materials for the Urban Planning Study for the placement of the construction object.

3.4. The head of the municipality, prior to issuing an instruction to the local authorities of architecture and urban planning, may transfer the materials of the petition of intent with the rationale for investments to the district (city) Commission on Urban Planning and Land Relations for consideration and approval of the location of the construction object on the territory of this municipality.

With a positive decision of the Commission, the materials of applications for the intention to build an object are transferred to the local Architecture and Urban Planning Authorities for urban planning study, if it is possible to place a construction object on the requested land plot.

3.5.1. The location of the construction object in urban and rural settlements must comply with the general plan and urban planning documentation on the development of the territory (planning project, development project).

The location of the construction object outside urban and rural settlements must comply with the urban planning documentation for urban planning for the development of the territories of the district (general plan of the district), the rural district, or other urban planning documentation at the regional level that determines the functional zoning of the territory, urban planning requirements for its organization and use.

3.5.2. Local bodies of architecture and urban planning carry out urban development on the location of the construction object with the preparation of an urban planning conclusion, which includes: clarification of the degree of compliance of the object being placed with the functional purpose of the territory, compliance with the principles of architectural and planning organization of the territory, engineering support and established red lines according to the approved urban planning documentation, identification of specific requirements for the construction object when placing on a specific land plot, consideration of possible alternative options for the placement of the object.

If it is necessary to change the intended purpose of a land plot, change the form of ownership and terminate the right to own land, district (city) committees for land resources and land management provide land management preparation of the justification for the location of the construction object. Materials, including an explanatory note, information on the qualitative characteristics of the land plot, on adjacent land users, preliminary calculation of losses and losses of agricultural production, requirements for compliance with special conditions, are transferred to the chief architect of the district (city) for consideration when preparing documents to the Head of the municipality on the issue of placing the object construction on the requested land.

3.5.3. If the location of the construction object is in accordance with the approved urban planning documentation and urban planning regulations, the execution of the act of choosing a land plot and the coordination of urban development materials with the State Supervision authorities is not carried out (. Art. 28;. Art. 56).

3.5.4. The results of urban development are:

Urban planning conclusion (), containing an explanatory note, a layout of the object in M ​​1: 10000 and a plan for placing the object in M ​​1: 2000 with planning restrictions, the boundaries of the proposed land plot and project proposals for the development of territories adjacent to the site.

On the object placement plan, the chief architect of the district (city) makes an entry on the compliance of the object placement with the agreed and approved urban planning documentation.

Draft resolution of the Head of the municipality on the approval of the preliminary placement of the construction object and the permission to conduct design and survey work ();

3.5.5. Copies of urban development materials are transferred to the customer (investor, developer) for review and approvals specified in these materials.

3.5.6. Agreed materials of town-planning study and the draft resolution of the Head of the municipality are transferred by the Chief Architect of the district (city) to the Head of the municipality for consideration and signing.

3.5.7. The resolution of the Head of the municipality is the basis for the customer (investor, developer) to:

Carrying out additional approvals during the construction of facilities specified in these TSN, or when placing facilities in the territories listed in the specified paragraph;

Obtaining (executing) documents for the right to use the site (if necessary) for the period of design and approval of project documentation;

Obtaining a permit (order) for engineering surveys;

Obtaining the necessary technical conditions for connection to engineering communications ();

Obtaining an architectural and planning assignment (APZ) () or an urban planning assignment for the development of urban planning documentation on the development of the territory (if necessary);

Development of project documentation.

3.6. Preparation of initial permits in the absence of developed and approved urban planning documentation.

3.6.1. In the absence of approved urban planning documentation or in case of non-compliance of the declared location of the construction object with the provisions of urban planning documentation to resolve the issue of the possibility of locating the construction object (overhaul) on the requested land plot by the customer (investor, developer) at the direction of the Chief Architect of the district (city) based on the conclusions of the preliminary urban planning elaboration, urban planning documentation is developed, justifying the possibility of placing the object in the specified place, and its coordination with district or regional supervisory services and interested organizations is carried out.

3.6.2. In this case preliminary urban planning study, carried out by local authorities for architecture and urban planning within 20 days, includes the preparation of a situational plan M 1: 2000 with the boundaries of the proposed land plot and options for placing the construction object with a layout of M 1: 10000 and contains a conclusion about the need to develop one or another type of urban planning documentation substantiating the possibility of placing the construction object on the requested land plot.

The chief architect of the district (city) coordinates the decision made with the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region and the head territorial design organization for urban planning in the Moscow Region, State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI Urban Planning.

3.6.3. Urban planning documentation, substantiating the possibility of locating a construction object, can be carried out, depending on the significance of the object, the current environmental and urban planning situation in the area of ​​​​the proposed location, special conditions for the construction and operation of the object, in the following forms:

Urban planning justification for the placement of the Construction object.

Town-planning conclusion ().

In exceptional cases, when applying for the placement and construction of large industrial and communal, resort and recreational, residential complexes, business, cultural, multifunctional centers and other facilities that involve a significant reconstruction of the existing planning organization of the territory, the chief architect of the district (city) has the right to decide on refusal to issue initial permits until the development and approval of urban planning documentation for urban planning for the development of the territory of a district, city, other municipality, or until the development and approval of a planning project and / or development project.

The procedure for the development, approval and approval of the specified urban planning documentation is set out in these TSN.

For objects under construction under projects of mass and re-use, certified in the prescribed manner, as well as other technically simple objects on the basis of approved (approved) justifications for investments in construction and urban planning documentation, project documentation can be developed in one stage - a working draft as part of the approved parts (in relation to the composition of the feasibility study (project) and working documentation.

The composition and content of sections of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, incl. for major repairs must comply with SNiP 11-01-95.

5.2.2. The composition of the project, the approved part of the working draft:

General explanatory note with initial permits;

Main drawings:

Situational plan, M 1:2000 (1:5000, 1:10000);

General plan, M 1:500 (M 1:1000);

Traffic organization scheme (if necessary), М 1:500 (1:1000);

Historical and architectural reference plan (if necessary);

Relief organization scheme, M 1:500 (1:1000);

Earth mass plan, M 1:500, (1:1000);

Plan and construction of road surfaces, M 1:500 (1:1000);

Scheme of improvement and gardening of the territory, М 1:500 (1:1000);

Summary plan of engineering networks (scheme), M 1:500 (1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000);

Drawings of floor plans, M 1:100 (1:200);

Facades and sections, M 1:100; (1:200) (color solution);

Structural schemes (for unique solutions);

Technology and its floor layout solutions;

Stroygenplan, M 1:500 (1:1000),

Consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction or cost estimates with object, local estimates for objects financed from the budget (or at the request of the customer).

A set of a project or an approved part of a working draft is submitted for examination according to the list specified in this section.

5.8.8. When new regulatory documents for design are released that require adjustment of the project during the construction process, it is carried out by the design organization under an agreement with the customer. Re-examination of projects is not carried out.

In the corrected project documentation, space-planning design solutions, technical and economic indicators should not be changed, otherwise the project documentation is again submitted for examination.

6. Issuance of a building permit

6.1. The basic requirements for the procedure for issuing building permits are provided for in Art. 62 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Preparation of documents for the issuance of building permits is carried out by local bodies of architecture and urban planning.

6.2. To obtain a construction permit, the customer (investor, developer) submits to the Chief Architect of the district (city) an application for a construction permit, a resolution of the Head of the municipality on permission to place the construction object and the conclusion of the Town Planning Council of the Main Architecture or the local authority for architecture and urban planning on the project.

6.3. A building permit () is issued by the local government of the municipality. On behalf of the Head of the municipality, a building permit is signed and issued by the chief architect of the district (city) (Article 23 and Article 27).

The building permit is approved by the Head of the district, city or other municipality.

6.4. A building permit is issued for a period not exceeding three years. The building permit can be extended based on the application of the customer (investor, developer). The procedure and term for extending the validity of a building permit are established by local governments.

6.5. Prior to the start of work, construction objects are subject to registration with the Gosarchstroynadzor of the Moscow Region with the issuance of an appropriate permit for construction and installation work (,).

The customer (investor, developer), along with the application for registration, submits documents to the Gosarchstroynadzor bodies in accordance with these TSN.

8. Law of the Moscow Region "On Local Self-Government in the Moscow Region" (05.06.96 No. 14/92)

11. Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated February 27, 1992 No. 18/5 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Allotment of Land Plots for State and Public Needs in the Moscow Region”

12. Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region dated March 31, 1993 No. 55 “On the Formation of the Regional Land Fund for Low-Rise Construction”

13. Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region dated December 13, 1994 No. 282 “On Compliance with the Procedure for Allocating Land Plots on the Territory of the Moscow Region”

20. Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 13, 1998 No. 38/11 “On approval of the procedure for carrying out work on the preparation, approval of registration, publication and distribution of territorial building codes in the Moscow region”

23. Order of the Minister of Construction of the Minmosoblstroy dated 10.06.98 No. 19 “On the procedure for paying for the services of utility, operational, supervisory and other organizations during the construction of housing and cultural facilities”

24. Order of the Minister of Construction of the Minmosoblstroy dated 10.08.98 No. 32 “On the Temporary Procedure for the Development, Coordination and Approval of Urban Planning Tasks for the Location of Construction Projects in the Moscow Region”

25. Decision of the Small Council of the Moscow Regional Council dated May 27, 1992 No. 4/11 “On streamlining the withdrawal and provision of land plots in the Moscow Region adjacent to Moscow”

26. Decision of the Small Council of the Moscow Regional Council dated September 16, 1992 No. 9/20 “On the approximate procedure for the withdrawal and provision of land plots in cities and towns of the Moscow Region”

37. Encyclopedia of an individual builder. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Gosstroy of Russia, Moscow, 1998

38. T. Afanasyeva. "Urban Planning Legislation and Investment in Real Estate". Newsletter "Land use and development", August-September 1997

40. Law of the Moscow region "On the organization of construction (reconstruction) of real estate objects carried out by individuals in the territory of the Moscow region" dated 31.03.99 No. 10/50

42. Decree of the Government of Moscow and the Government of the Moscow Region dated 02.03.99 No. 151-16 “On the procedure for selecting and presenting land plots for accommodating horticultural non-profit associations of residents of the city of Moscow”.

49. Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region dated October 20, 1993 No. 187 “On State Expertise of Urban Planning and Design and Estimate Documentation and Approval of Construction Projects”

56. Law of the Moscow region "On subsoil and subsoil use in the Moscow region" dated 02.02.99 No. 2/99-OZ

1. Investor (customer) - address.

2. Location (district, point) of the enterprise, building and structure planned for construction or the deposit planned for development (extraction).

3. Characteristics of the construction object, including:

Functional purpose of the object;

Technical and technological data;

The volume of industrial production (provision of services) in value terms as a whole and by main types (in physical terms);

The term of construction and commissioning of the facility.

4. Approximate number of workers and employees, sources of satisfaction of the need for labor force.

5. Estimated need of the enterprise for raw materials and materials (in appropriate units).

6. Estimated need of the enterprise for water resources (volume, source of water supply).

7. Estimated need of the enterprise for energy resources (electricity, heat, steam, fuel); supply source.

8. Transport support.

9. Provision of workers and their families with housing and communal and social facilities.

10. The need for land resources (with appropriate justification of the approximate size of the land plot and the timing of its use).

11. Wastewater disposal. Treatment methods, wastewater quality, discharge conditions, use of existing or construction of new treatment facilities.

12. Possible impact of the enterprise, construction on the environment:

Types of impact on the components of the natural environment (types of violations, name and quantity of ingredients - pollutants);

Possibility of emergency situations (probability, scale, duration of impact).

13. Production waste (types, volumes, toxicity), methods of disposal.

14. Sources of financing for the planned activities, founders, participating shareholders, financial institutions, commercial banks, loans.

15. Use of finished products (approximate distribution).

Investor (customer)

«___» __________


Annex 2



(Amended December 21, 2000)


Main architector

district (city or other




"____" ____________________ G.


for accommodation_______________________

(name of the construction object)

in accordance with

Customer (investor, developer)

_________ G.

Town-planning conclusion on placement


(Name of the construction site with the address)


Customer (investor, developer) ___________________________________________


1. Information on the construction site

Location (address);


Developer (investor);

Type of construction work on the object;

Functional purpose.

2. Approximate technical and economic indicators of the object:

Land area;

Built-up area;

The total area of ​​the object,

number of storeys;

Improvement area.

3. Site characteristics

The location of the land plot in the city system (the system of settlement of the district), indicating the length to major highways, to settlements, adjacent land users, etc.;

Placement of the object relative to existing zones (objects) indicating the distances to the site (industrial and communal zone (object), zone of protection of historical and cultural monuments, zone of specially protected landscape, residential buildings, zones of other restrictions);

Description of the boundaries of the site;

Presence of temporary buildings;

Availability of engineering and technical facilities, etc.;

The presence of green spaces, incl. trees _________;

- _______________________________________________________________________

4 Characteristics of the urban situation

The current urban planning documentation and the degree of compliance with it, the location of this construction object (reflect project proposals for the approved urban planning documentation in graphic materials);

The prospect of building (development) of the adjacent territory;

Historical and architectural characteristics of the territory.

By placement in the settlement system (city-forming factors, perception zones, orientation, visual and compositional connections, observance of historical building lines, landscape preservation, etc.);

According to the architectural solution (composition, silhouette, scale relative to the surrounding buildings, recommended wall material, facade color scheme, etc.);

By the efficiency of the use of the site (including the use of underground space);

For the improvement of the territory;

On the organization of lighting of the object,

Special conditions for objects in the zones of historical and cultural monuments (including the presence of historical and cultural monuments, buildings and structures of historical and architectural value of the preserved historical layout, special requirements for the reconstruction of lost building elements, regeneration of valuable sites, etc.) in areas of valuable landscape .

6. Characterization of the possible impact of the construction object on the environment and sanitary and hygienic conditions of human life. The class of the object according to the sanitary classification, the size of the sanitary protection zone and the possibility of its organization.



7 Conditions for the organization of transport services


8. Conclusion on the engineering support of the construction site

In accordance with _________________________________________________________

(name of urban planning documentation)



This conclusion is advisory in nature. The final decision on engineering support is made only on the basis of technical conditions for connection to engineering communications and after the completion of design work.

9. Conclusion on the possibility of locating a construction object (use of a land plot)




10. Basic conditions, requirements and recommendations for the design and construction of the facility (including additional approvals)









1. The urban planning conclusion is the basis for the decision by the Head of the municipality to approve the placement of the construction object on the specified land plot.

2 The Urban Planning Conclusion drawn up in accordance with the established procedure is submitted to the Main Architecture of the Moscow Region for registration in the Urban Planning Cadastre of the Moscow Region.

3. The urban planning conclusion does not give the right to carry out construction work, to use the territory and conduct economic activities on it and formalize property and land relations.

The material was prepared by specialists of the department (department)

architecture and urban planning ______________________

district (city), other municipality

  • Cable laying in a trench

      Gasket types:

  • Geodetic services
  • Installation of electrical equipment and networks
  • Electrolaboratory services
  • Obtaining technical specifications (TU)
  • The system consisting of interconnected documentation, which is the basis for making decisions aimed at the use of territories, is called urban planning documentation.

    Firma Starling & K LLC provides urban development services, covering the full range of services - from its creation to the transfer of permits to the customer for the start of construction or reconstruction. A large accumulated experience and constructive cooperation with all permitting authorities allows us to issue the best solution at the end and promptly obtain all necessary permits.

    Our company is ready to lay on its shoulders the implementation of all activities related to the complex of coordination and permitting works. If you contact us, you can be sure of the clear and timely completion of the task. The necessary documents will be executed exactly on time and construction work will be started on time and without delay. Entrust such a time-consuming and highly specialized task to professionals who are able to fulfill their obligations, regardless of the circumstances. Reliability, efficiency, guarantees and an individual approach to each of our clients is our credo. By contacting us, you can save time and money, and therefore make your business successful.

    Each stage of work will be under the personal control of your personal manager . All approvals with the competent authorities are made without your participation. For more information about the stages of work and deadlines, please call

    Documentation development

    The development of urban planning documentation is carried out in accordance with the established rules. There is a division into documentation related to the development and planning of territories and documents related to the territorial development of settlements.

    The town-planning study preceding the preparation of the project is carried out to justify the location of the object or to carry out reconstruction work. The degree of investment attractiveness is determined, and the availability of the reconstruction of an old or the construction of a new object within a specific land plot is also revealed. Historical and cultural aspects, economic and social needs, requirements of environmentalists and compliance with hygienic and sanitary standards are taken into account.

    Urban development allows you to identify the availability of the use of land plots for construction purposes. The complexity of territorial development is taken into account, corresponding to the norms of urban planning documentation and current legislation, as well as cultural and historical heritage. Hygienic, sanitary, economic, social, environmental and fire safety requirements are always taken into account. The town planning regulations are also important.

    Urban planning is carried out with the aim of locating construction objects in municipal territories owned by the state.

    The process of urban planning study regarding the location of the object allows you to identify the following data:

    • plot parameter;
    • the best option for the location of objects, depending on the actual urban situation;
    • basic approximate object dimensions within the existing restrictions;
    • requirements for the conditions of removal, demolition, transfer of structures.

    Based on the materials drawn up as part of the town planning study, the head of the municipality signs a project concerning the coordination of changes in the type of permissible use of land plots, the placement of construction objects or reconstruction.


    A very time-consuming work is the coordination of permits for the construction of new buildings or the implementation of repair work in state authorities. The developer is forced to focus on collecting documentation for the reconstruction or construction of the facility. Next, a lengthy procedure for coordinating the study of the placement of new buildings or the implementation of reconstruction work begins.

    Following this, development is carried out with subsequent approval for design. It is planned to create a planning project for development, which will be further agreed along with the working documentation. We are talking about a time-consuming procedure, because it is very difficult to collect the necessary documents in a short time and sign them at the right authorities. Therefore, in order to coordinate the urban planning study, we recommend contacting professionals.

    The lowest prices on the market for urban planning

    Minimum terms for approval and submission of finished documentation The lowest prices in the service market Provision of a personal manager Professional implementation of each stage of work

    Town-planning preparation (study)

    The cost of urban planning development of a land plot by a qualified specialist of the Land Fund: 30,000 rubles.

    Town-planning preparation of the land plot is carried out in order to determine the possibility of construction within the boundaries of the plot in question.

    Based on the results of the Urban Planning Preparation, a conclusion is issued and recommendations are prepared for the start of construction, as well as a SPOZU (scheme for the planning organization of a land plot) is being prepared.

    Stages of urban planning preparation and documents:

    • Study of urban zoning and territorial planning documents.
    • Obtaining a GPZU (urban planning plan for a land plot).
    • Collection of information on existing restrictions and encumbrances of the land plot.
    • Preparation of SPOZU (scheme of the planning organization of the land plot).
    • Preparation of an opinion on the possibility of construction and the need to coordinate the location of the facility.

    Necessary documents for urban planning preparation:

    • Design documentation or architectural, draft design (if available).
    • GPU (if any).
    • SPOZU (if available).
    • Documents confirming the right of ownership or use of the land.
    • Notarised power of attorney..

    For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to collect all the documents and obtain building permits.

    First of all, if there is no own site, it is necessary to obtain a site for the construction of the facility. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Law of the Moscow Region dated June 7, 1996 No. 23/96-OZ "On the provision of state-owned land plots for entrepreneurial and non-commercial activities in the territory of the Moscow Region", to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, except for state and municipal unitary enterprises and institutions, state-owned land plots may be leased or owned. The right to use a land plot is confirmed by the following documents: a certificate of ownership, a contract of sale or a lease agreement.

    Contracts for the lease or purchase and sale of undeveloped state-owned land plots are concluded through tenders and auctions for the sale of land plots or the right to lease them.

    The customer submits an application to the municipality for advice on the possibility of placing this project. The application is evaluated by the local administration according to the following factors: the prospects of the site; the presence of a developed infrastructure and the possibility of providing the site with engineering communications; state of the environment; historical and landscape value of the territory; engineering-geodetic and engineering-geological conditions, the impact of potential natural and man-made hazards (according to clause 3.1 of TSN PPS-99).

    Further, a petition of intent is submitted to the local self-government bodies. (Example of a statement and petition of intent). The following data shall be indicated in the application: purpose of the object; terms of design and construction, land area, possible location; technical and technological data; environmental impact assessment and waste treatment conditions; information on sources of financing, lending, bank details, registration address of the investor's constituent documents in accordance with SP 11-101-95.

    After that, on behalf of the head of the municipality, local architecture and urban planning authorities are studying the possibility of placing a new construction object, according to the master plan, with the preparation of materials for urban development for its placement. The customer, at the direction of the chief architect (district or city), based on the conclusions of the preliminary urban planning study, develops urban planning documentation. In the future, it will be coordinated with: the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Moscow Region; Committee for Water Management of the Moscow Region; Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Moscow Region; Department of traffic police of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow region; Committee for Culture of the Administration of the Moscow Region; Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Moscow Region.

    The assignment for the development of urban planning documentation is issued by the local administration. Then the customer contacts the design organization. The following documents are required for the development of urban planning documentation:

    1. Letter of application from the customer indicating the area of ​​the land plot, category of land and type of permitted use, details;
    2. Conclusion of the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region with an order to fulfill the Urban Planning Conclusion;
    3. Preliminary urban planning study, agreed in the GUL MO "NIiPI Urban Planning" (color copy);
    4. A package of documents (copies) on the approval of the location of the facility from municipal and regional services, technical and economic indicators as part of the preliminary urban planning study should contain information on the area of ​​the land plot and development, a list of buildings and structures located on the site; indicating their purpose, number of storeys, capacity (day of production facilities) indicating the type of production;.
    5. Photos of the location of the object with indication of the points of photo fixation (in electronic form or on paper).

    The composition of the design materials for urban planning documentation includes an explanatory note and graphic materials: layout of the projected territory; plan of modern use of the territory; scheme of planning organization of the territory; scheme of functional zoning of the territory; scheme of landscape-visual analysis of the territory; transport service scheme; water supply and sewerage scheme; scheme of engineering preparation of the territory; communication scheme; building sketch; red line diagram.

    In the future, with a positive conclusion of the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region, the head of the municipality approves the materials of the urban planning justification. Local bodies of architecture and town planning prepare the town-planning conclusion.

    The town-planning conclusion contains: an explanatory note, a layout of the object in M ​​1:10000 and a plan for the placement of the object in M ​​1:2000 with planning restrictions, the boundaries of the proposed land plot and project proposals for the development of territories adjacent to the site (in accordance with Appendix 4 of TSN PPS- 99). On the layout plan of the facility, the chief architect of the district makes a record of the compliance of the placement of the facility with the agreed and approved urban planning documentation and a draft resolution of the head of the municipality on the approval of the placement of the construction facility and permission to conduct design and survey work and the right to build (in accordance with Appendix 5 of TSN PPS-99 ).

    The resolution of the head of the municipality makes it possible to: conduct additional approvals during the construction of facilities (according to clause 2.5 of TSN PPS-99), or when placing facilities on the territories; registration of documents for the right to use the site for the period of design and approval of project documentation; obtaining a warrant for engineering surveys; obtaining the necessary technical conditions for connection to utilities (Appendix 6 of TSN PPS-99); obtaining an architectural and planning task (Appendix 7 of TSN PPS-99); development of project documentation.

    The composition of the project documentation



    General explanatory note

    Situational plan

    The following are shown: red lines, building lines, site boundaries, street names, existing and planned buildings and structures, connection points to existing engineering networks, north-south direction.

    General plan

    The following are shown: site boundaries, existing, demolished, planned buildings and structures, indicating their number of storeys, on-site driveways and passages, absolute elevation corresponding to the conditional zero elevation of the building, geological workings.

    Historical and architectural reference plan

    Relief organization scheme

    Shown: directions of slopes, breakpoints of reliefs, storm gratings, earthworks balance tables.

    Earth mass plan

    Pavement design plan

    Landscaping and landscaping scheme

    It is allowed to combine the scheme of improvement and gardening of the territory with the general plan.

    Master plan of engineering networks

    Shown: the boundaries of the site, existing and planned buildings, all existing and planned communications and facilities.

    Floor plan drawings of non-repeating floors

    Facades and sections

    Structural schemes

    Technology and its floor layout solutions

    Show: the arrangement of all technological equipment.


    They show: construction site fencing, residential buildings, temporary roads, ways for moving tower cranes, places for storing structures and materials.

    Consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction

    When using standard projects, the scope of project documentation can be reduced as follows: sheets of a standard project, initial data, a general explanatory note, a general plan, a master plan for engineering networks, a solution for landscaping and landscaping are attached.

    Project documentation is subject to approval by organizations, the list of which is determined by the architectural and planning task: Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Moscow Region; Committee for Water Management of the Moscow Region; Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Moscow Region; Department of traffic police of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow region; Committee for Culture of the Administration of the Moscow Region; Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Moscow Region. It is also possible to coordinate with other organizations if necessary.

    After approval, the design and estimate documentation is submitted for state examination in one copy, consisting of: a general explanatory note, project materials, environmental protection, estimate documentation and investment efficiency.

    The purpose of the state examination is: verification of compliance with the approved requirements in the prescribed manner of norms and rules; assessment of the effectiveness of investment investments directed to the construction of facilities carried out at the expense of budgetary funds; compliance with the technical conditions issued by the state supervision bodies.

    In turn, project documentation for the following objects is not subject to state expertise: individual residential and country houses located on plots for individual housing construction or country construction; trade pavilions up to 100 m2; relating to non-capital construction; any extensions, superstructures with a total area of ​​up to 100 m2 and up to two floors, except for public facilities, as well as facilities financed from the budgets of all levels; detached capital construction facilities with the number of floors not exceeding 2, the total area of ​​which is not more than 1500 m2 and which are not intended for citizens to live and carry out production activities; stand-alone capital construction facilities with the number of floors not exceeding 2, the total area of ​​which is not more than 1500 m2, which are intended for the implementation of production activities and for which it is not required to establish sanitary protection zones or it is required to establish sanitary protection zones within the boundaries of land plots, on which such objects are located.

    The cost of the examination is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 18.08.97 N 18-44 "On the procedure for determining the cost of work on the examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation."

    To obtain a building permit, the customer submits the following documents to the chief architect of the district:

    1. Application for a building permit;
    2. Decree of the head of the municipality on permission to place the construction object;
    3. The conclusion of the Town Planning Council of the Main Architecture or the local body of architecture and town planning on the project;
    4. Investment contract for the construction of a real estate object in the Moscow region in accordance with the legislation of the Moscow region.

    A building permit is approved by the head of the district, city or other municipality. Further, on behalf of the head of the municipality, the building permit is signed and issued by the chief architect.

    Prior to the start of construction and installation works, construction objects are subject to registration with the Gosarchstroynadzor of the Moscow Region. The customer, along with the application for registration, submits documents to the Gosarchstroynadzor bodies in accordance with Appendix 11 of TSN PPS-99. And opens a building warrant.

    After the construction, it will be necessary to put the facility into operation. The delivery of the object is accepted by the state commission, formed from the state supervision bodies. The following must be present at the commissioning of the facility: the customer, the general contractor, all subcontractors, the design organization and the state commission.

    When handing over an object to the state commission, it is necessary to submit the following documents: design assignment; certificate of technical indicators of the facility under construction; building permit; sets of drawings with all changes recorded in the course of work; land acquisition documents; permits of all organizations with which the project documentation was coordinated.

    The general contractor submits as-built documentation, which includes:

    1. Acts of acceptance of geodetic works and schemes for their implementation;
    2. Schemes of engineering networks and underground communications;
    3. General and special work logs, including quality control, architectural supervision log (if any);
    4. Intermediate acceptance certificates, equipment testing certificates, as well as documents on the acceptance of engineering systems;
    5. Working drawings of the object under construction, in which records must be made on the compliance of the stages of work with these drawings;
    6. All other documents that reflect the implementation of design decisions;
    7. Additional architectural documentation.

    The commission inspects the object to be handed over, checks the compliance of its project documentation. The commission assesses the suitability for operation of the object to be handed over - in accordance with their purpose. The commission draws up an act of acceptance of the object, which must be approved by the head of the local administration.

    After the facility is put into operation, documents are submitted to the BTI to conduct a primary technical inventory of the facility.

    The primary inventory of buildings and structures consists in: identifying their presence and location on the land; description by main features; establishing the internal and external dimensions of areas and volumes; determination of economic characteristics, including inventory value; identifying possible contradictions between technical documents and the actual state of objects.

    Based on the results of the primary technical inventory, a technical passport is issued for each accounting object, the form of which and the composition of the information included in it are established by the authorized body for state regulation in the field of state technical accounting and technical inventory of capital construction objects. Accounting objects are assigned an inventory number in the prescribed manner.

    The following documents are required for the initial inventory:

    1. Letter of guarantee (for legal entities) or application (for individuals);
    2. Administrative document on the allocation of a land plot;
    3. Building permit;
    4. Situational plan of the land plot;
    5. Project documentation;
    6. Permission to put the facility into operation;
    7. Identification document;
    8. If necessary: ​​documents confirming the right to act on behalf of another person.

    The primary inventory of real estate objects, as well as the issuance of documents on accounting objects, are carried out on a paid basis in the territorial BTI, at the location of the real estate object.

    After carrying out all the above approvals, the object is completely ready for operation.

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