
Technical inspection of the building sample. Composition of the technical inspection report. Technical condition of the building

Buildings of section No. 1.
The right to carry out this type of work is confirmed by the Certificate of Admission.
The survey was caused by the need to assess the technical condition of the building structures in connection with the existing deformations of the structural elements.
The design documentation for the inspection of building structures included the following types of work:
- performance of measurement work to determine the parameters of the bearing structural elements of the building;
- assessment of the actual technical condition of the main load-bearing structures and the building as a whole;
- issuance of recommendations to ensure the further operational suitability of the building.

Based on the results of a survey conducted in accordance with the requirements
SP 13-102-2003 and GOST 53778-2010, this report has been compiled, which includes:
- drawings of the building (plans, sections, facades);
- the results of the examination of structures (walls, ceilings, coatings, structural elements) with photographic fixation of existing defects;
- conclusions on the assessment of the technical condition of structures;
- recommendations for ensuring the further normal operation of the building.
When performing work, the following documentation was used:
1. Technical passport for the warehouse building.
2. A fragment of a topographic survey of the building site.

2.2. Brief description of the object
2.2.1. common data

The surveyed building is located in Rostov-on-Don.
Climatic conditions:
- Climatic region - III В;
- design winter temperature - 220 С;
- calculated snow load for the II snow region (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85 *) on the horizontal projection of the roof - 1.20 kPa;
- standard wind pressure for the III region (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85 *) at a height of up to 10 m - 0.38 kPa;
- normative depth of soil freezing (according to SNiP 2.02.01-83) - 0.9 m;
- seismicity of the area - 6 points.
Building characteristics:
- level of responsibility of the building - normal;
- degree of durability - II;
- degree of fire resistance of the building - II;
- functional fire hazard class - f 1.1.
Technical and economic indicators:
Total area - 687.8 m2.
Construction volume - 2313 m3.

2.2.2. Conditions for the construction and operation of the building

The warehouse building was built in 1966. There is no information about previous surveys of the building, as well as about the surviving documentation for the construction of the building.
According to the employees who operate the building, several years ago, for a long time, the soils of the base of the foundations were soaked with hot water supply waters (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200baxis "2").
During the survey, it was noted that part of the building in the axes "1" - "2" was attached later than the main building.
In the immediate vicinity of the axis "5" of the surveyed building is located next.
When examining the building, increased humidity and dampness in the basement rooms were noted.

2.2.3. Space-planning and design solutions

The building is a one-story brick building, rectangular in plan, with overall dimensions in the axes 37.3x11.7 m. Under the part of the building in the axes "2/1" - "4" there is a basement 2.4 m high. The height of the first floor is 3.7 ... 3.8 m
The constructive scheme of the building is frameless with load-bearing brick longitudinal walls.
Foundations - tape on a natural basis.
Basement ceiling - reinforced concrete multi-hollow slabs.
Covering - reinforced concrete ribbed and multi-hollow slabs.
The beam on which the floor slabs rest in the axes "1" - "2" is metal.
Lintels over window openings - metal.
The roof is made of rolled welded materials.
Plans, sections and facades are shown on the sheets of the graphic part and in photographs in Appendix 4.1.

2.3. Structural survey

2.3.1. Foundations and engineering-geological conditions

During the inspection of the building, the foundations were not opened and were not studied.
There are no data on engineering-geological surveys. The terrain is calm and flat.

2.3.2. Walls and lintels

Wall and lintel materials
The walls of the building are made of ceramic bricks. The surface of the walls in the premises is plastered. The thickness of the outer and inner walls is 440 mm with a plaster layer. Brick brand M100.
Brick partitions 150…300 mm thick were installed in the basement and first floor rooms.The thickness of the walls of the building does not meet the requirements of heat engineering standards.
Defects in walls and lintels
The main defect of the building walls are vertical, inclined and horizontal sedimentary cracks. The width of the opening of cracks in the walls of the building is up to 15 mm. The maximum deformations are marked in the axes "1" - "3".
Lintels over the openings of the building are made of metal from L75x75 corner and channel)

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