
Development of design documentation for the preservation of a cultural heritage site. Moskomnasledie adaptation project Obtaining permission for restoration

For owners of apartments in houses that are of particular historical value, redevelopment can cause more difficulties than in ordinary standard houses, primarily due to the fact that it is necessary to coordinate changes in the apartment additionally with the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow. In addition, only an organization licensed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation can carry out project documentation.

The main difficulties in redevelopment in the house of the monument

The complexity and main difference between the coordination of redevelopment in the house of the monument is that in addition to the main package of documents, which is necessary for any redevelopment, it is necessary to prepare additional documents, for example, a photomontage of the fact that the events you have planned will not affect the facade of the monument house in any way, and the project itself differs significantly from the standard redevelopment project in its composition, and it is called differently - fixture project.

It is obvious that the monument houses were built a very long time ago, otherwise they would hardly have had such a proud title, respectively, the degree of wear of the supporting structures or engineering systems may be different, from which difficulties arise at the stage of development of project documentation. Even the demolition of non-bearing walls in memorial houses must be treated with extreme caution, since in most cases these walls are unloading partitions.

Also, it is worth noting that most of these historical buildings have wooden floors, which in practice causes a lot of controversy when analyzing those measures that are provided for by the redevelopment project, which, as we have already mentioned, is even called differently in the case of a memorial house - fixture project monument for modern use.

The procedure for coordinating the redevelopment in the house of the monument

The key task of the owner, according to the current law on cultural heritage sites, is to ensure that the redevelopment does not affect the characteristics and appearance of the house, which is of cultural and historical value.

If you doubt the status of your house, then its belonging to the above mentioned objects can be found on the official website Moskomnaslediya.

Let's take a look at the points of coordinating redevelopment in the memorial house:

1) At the first stage, the owner should clarify the status of his house and the subject of protection. The house can either be an identified object of cultural heritage, or the monument itself. If the house is an identified object of cultural heritage, then the subject of protection has not yet been determined. That is, the status of the house is in some kind of "suspended" state. That is, the house, as it were, has signs of a monument, but not yet a monument, and "sometime" a commission must pass to determine its exact status. If the house is a monument, it is necessary to understand what is protected in it. In the vast majority of houses, this is the facade. But in our practice, there have been cases when the interiors were also guarded (for example, there is some kind of "historically important" stucco molding in the apartment. You can find out this information either from " security obligations a"(If it is. P The appendix of this document is "technical condition report”, which provides complete information about the state of structures, facade and engineering systems), or by writing a request to the Moskomnaslediya one-stop shop.

2) Development of project documentation. The adaptation project must be developed by a design organization that has a license from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and a permit from the SRO. (Our organization has both of these documents).

3) Submission of this documentation for consideration by the housing inspection. Before making its decision, the Housing Inspectorate sends documentation to the Moscow Heritage Committee for analysis.

4) In most cases, the Moscow Heritage Committee issues a positive conclusion, after which the housing inspection issues an order for redevelopment. However, Moskomnasledie may require an additional positive opinion of three experts in the field of monument protection, which will entail additional costs.

5) Submission of an application for a permit to carry out redevelopment works. Submitted by the owner to the one-stop shop along with the following package of documents (3 copies):

  • identity document of the owner (copy).
  • adaptation project - 2 copies.
  • copy title documents
  • notarized power of attorney if necessary
  • Mosgaz help when installing a gas stove
  • mortgage bank statement

If you want to agree on the redevelopment in the memorial house, our company is ready to assist you in this, we can either develop project documentation for independent approval, or provide a full redevelopment service.

If you own (personal or corporate) or lease real estate that is an object of cultural heritage of various jurisdictions (federal significance, regional significance, local (municipal) significance), any work on its repair or redevelopment must be coordinated with the local authority in charge of preservation of such architectural monuments.

This rule, put into effect in 2002, is valid on the territory of all regions of the Russian Federation.

But even before you are given the appropriate approval, to obtain it, you will need project documentation for the preservation of a cultural heritage site.

It will be helped to develop and formalize it properly by specialists and designers "", licensed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to carry out relevant activities.

When the project is developed in detail (stage "Draft project"), full-time experts certified by the Russian Ministry of Culture perform the state historical and cultural expertise (GIKE). Its result will be the issued Conclusion, with a justification for the admissibility or inadmissibility of the changes made.

In order to start design work, you will also need to receive the Assignment for their development. It will be issued to you by the local authority responsible for the preservation of cultural heritage.


Type of service Cost, rub.
Development of project documentation substantiating the work on the preservation of a cultural heritage site from 500.000
Development of project documentation for the restoration/reconstruction of a cultural heritage site with adaptation for modern use (including extensions and redevelopment of interiors and facades) from 1.000.000
Development of project documentation for protection zones / adjustment of protection zones of a cultural heritage object from 800.000
Development of Sections on the preservation of cultural / archaeological heritage sites from 650.000
Legalization of already carried out (completed or incomplete) redevelopment of interiors, facades, extensions, superstructures at cultural heritage sites negotiable price
Order service

Services of the Design Department

The Department of Design at Cultural Heritage Sites, represented by a subsidiary legal structure licensed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, provides services for the development of the following types of documentation:

  1. To preserve the object of cultural heritage;
  2. Restoration of a cultural heritage site;
  3. Restoration of a cultural heritage object with adaptation for modern use;
  4. Reconstruction of a cultural heritage site with adaptation for modern use (including possible redevelopment of individual premises and outbuildings);
  5. Correction (elimination) of the protective zone of the cultural heritage object;
  6. Project of protection zones (correction of protection zones) of a cultural heritage site;
  7. Project documentation or sections of documentation substantiating measures to ensure the safety of the object of cultural (archaeological) heritage included in the register; identified object of cultural heritage or an object that has the characteristics of a cultural heritage object, when carrying out earthworks, land reclamation, economic works, works on the use of forests and other works within the boundaries of the territory of a cultural heritage object or on a land plot directly connected with a land plot within the boundaries of the territory of a cultural heritage object heritage.
  8. Development of sections on the preservation of cultural / archaeological heritage in the existing design documentation for new construction.

Restoration with the adaptation of a cultural heritage object

Such a complex of works allows not only to preserve the building, which is of historical and cultural value, but also to functionally adapt it for practical use in modern conditions. The main purpose of this activity is the restoration of the external (sometimes internal) appearance of the building, inherent in it at the time of construction. Such activities may include:

  • carrying out survey and research work to establish what the historical appearance of the building was;
  • based on the information received, design documentation for the restoration of a cultural heritage site is drawn up;
  • development of ways to preserve the object in case its condition becomes worse, for example, due to weather conditions.

Legalization of redevelopment inside or outside the object of cultural heritage

Would you like to make an extension to your building, built in the 19th century? Or has such an extension already been made - by you or the previous owner - without the appropriate approvals? Appropriate government approval is required. body, and for it - documentation on the work to preserve the object of cultural heritage.

It does not matter if the already mentioned extension or redevelopment already exists, or if you only intend to do it - permission for design work from the state. you will receive the authority in any case, including in the case of unfinished work at the facility, which had previously been stopped by the authorized state authority. But in this case, you will need additional funds to bring such redevelopment to the requirements of existing building codes (this is a prerequisite in order to legitimize such work).

As a rule, three documents will be enough for you to start redevelopment legally. This is the Technical Inspection Act + the project itself, which will provide for modern options for using the old building + a positive conclusion of the state historical and cultural expertise for this project. After that, it will be possible to coordinate the redevelopment in state bodies without any problems.

A huge number of non-standard houses in our native capital, especially in the center, are of particular importance. Owners of living space in such buildings sometimes face problems, because the registration process the project of adaptation of cultural heritage objects has many nuances, ignoring them can cause difficulties for the owner.

Coordination of the redevelopment of buildings that are objects of cultural heritage

In any redevelopment of the above-mentioned objects, the individual features of the structure should be taken into account, in order to preserve the design and architectural parameters, for this very reason, these objects were given such a high status. These requirements apply to residential and non-residential areas.

First of all, if for some reason you are not sure about the status of your house, information about the status of the building can be obtained on the Moskomnaslediya website. The legislative framework imposes on the owner of the apartment the obligation to agree on the redevelopment in buildings that have the aforementioned status, to develop a project for the adaptation of cultural heritage objects (PPKN) to a modern function, which differs significantly from the standard for typical houses.

Development and content of the project

The PPPP should include:

  • originals of acts with the conclusion of historical and cultural expertise;
  • minutes of all meetings of the commission of experts (copies);
  • if the apartment belongs to the memorial or repair work on the project makes changes to the proportional features, dimensions and characteristics of the building, it is required to provide an agreement with experts and a security obligation (copies).

Only those organizations that have are allowed to design work for the redevelopment of cultural heritage sites. The Department of the Moscow Heritage Committee conducts the procedure of the State Historical and Cultural Expertise, and also monitors the fulfillment of security obligations imposed on the owner of the apartment.

If it is necessary to carry out redevelopment work for an individual, it is necessary to provide the following package of papers with the Moscow Heritage Committee: a document for an authorized person, a notarized copy of the contract and license of the contractor’s company, a notarized copy of the contract with the design organization, a certified copy of the project documentation, if it was not developed directly by the Department of the Moscow Heritage Committee.

Project development procedure

The procedure for developing the INPP begins with the submission of an application to a single one-stop shop. Within fifteen calendar days, a conclusion is drawn up on the admissibility of redevelopment, containing detailed information on the state of the object before and after the redevelopment, all the necessary calculated data, a list of design work and additional surveys, if required by the project.

To issue a security obligation, you should also contact the “one stop shop” service. This document burdens the owner with a number of obligations, including the maintenance of the condition of the object and its engineering systems provided for by the relevant standards. The owner does not have the right to interfere with inspections by inspectors of the Moscow Heritage Committee, which are carried out at least once every two years.

Example of a security obligation:

Additionally, along with a security obligation, the apartment owner who submitted the application is issued a technical condition certificate that contains information about the subject of protection, the main characteristics of the house, the current state of communication systems, interior decoration, load-bearing structures. All necessary forms can be obtained from the website of the Moscow Heritage Committee. Applications will be considered within forty-five days, as prescribed in the regulations, after which the owner receives an act of technical condition and a security obligation.

Requirements for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings:

8. At cultural heritage sites and identified cultural heritage sites, the installation of air conditioners is allowed provided that they are placed on courtyard facades, as well as in cases where their installation is provided for by the project of work on the preservation of cultural heritage sites and identified cultural heritage sites.

13. Requirements for the composition of the project for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in multi-apartment buildings are established
Moscow government.

14. For objects of cultural heritage and identified objects of cultural heritage, in accordance with Article 44 of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", a project is being developed for adaptation for modern use, presented instead of a project for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building. To agree on the adaptation of a cultural heritage object (identified cultural heritage object) for modern use, a conclusion is required in the form of acts of state historical and cultural expertise when
condition if:

- the performance of works on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of a room, apartment, house - a monument changes the size, proportions and parameters of such a house: its height, number of storeys, angle and (or) appearance of the roof or roof (including the installation (liquidation) of attics , windows, verandas, terraces, awnings), the number and (or) shape of window and door openings in the outer walls of the house (including the installation (liquidation) of external vestibules, porches, shop windows), color schemes and (or) the appearance of the outer walls houses (including the installation (liquidation) of loggias, balconies, elements of facade decor), installation of air conditioners and other attachments (except for cases of their placement on courtyard facades).

15. Works on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building, the production of which requires an appropriate permit,
are carried out by an organization that has a certificate of admission to such work, issued by a self-regulatory organization.

III. Composition, sequence, features, deadlines for the implementation of administrative procedures, requirements for the order of their implementation, including in electronic form If the premises (apartment building) is an object of cultural heritage or an identified object of cultural heritage, within 5 days from the date of receipt of the application and documents, sends copies of documents to the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow to obtain an opinion on the admissibility of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential ( non-residential) premises in an apartment building.
The Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow, within 15 days, submits a conclusion on the admissibility of reorganization and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building, including issued on the basis of the relevant conclusion in the form of acts of state historical and cultural expertise, necessary if:

The room is a memorial apartment or a room in a memorial apartment;
- the premises is an apartment or room, the planning structure and (or) the appearance and interior of which are related to the features of the cultural heritage object, constituting its subject of protection and subject to mandatory preservation;
- the performance of works on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building affects the common property
in an apartment building - a monument that constitutes its subject of protection and is subject to mandatory preservation;
- the performance of works on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of a room, apartment, house - a monument changes the size, proportions and
parameters of such a house: its height, number of storeys, angle and (or) appearance of the roof or roof (including the arrangement (liquidation) of mansards, windows,
verandas, terraces, awnings), the number and (or) shape of window and door openings in the outer walls of the house (including the device (liquidation)
vestibules, porches, shop windows), color schemes and (or) appearance of the exterior walls of the house (including the arrangement (liquidation) of loggias,
balconies, elements of facade decoration), installation of air conditioners and other attachments (except for cases of their placement on
courtyard facades)

The term for the provision of public services

2.14. The decision to agree on the reorganization and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building (Appendix 3 to this
Standard projects for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in apartment buildings are freely available on the official website of the Moscow Housing Inspection (regulations), or a decision to refuse to agree on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building (Appendix 4 to this regulation) is made:
2.14.2. Within 35 days from the date of receipt of the application and the set of documents specified in paragraph 2.10 of these Regulations, if
the premises (apartment building) is an object of cultural heritage or an identified object of cultural heritage.

Requirements for the composition of the project of reconstruction and (or) redevelopment
residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings

11. For objects of cultural heritage and identified objects of cultural heritage, in accordance with Article 44 of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", a project of adaptation for modern use is being developed.
12. The originals of the conclusions in the form of acts of the state historical and cultural expertise, the originals of the minutes of the meetings of the commission of experts, copies of contracts with experts and copies of the security obligation are attached (in 2 copies) to the project of adaptation for modern use, provided that:
- the room is a memorial apartment or a room in a memorial apartment;
- the premises is an apartment or room, the planning structure and (or) the appearance and interior of which are related to the features of the cultural heritage object, constituting its subject of protection and subject to mandatory preservation;
- the performance of works on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building affects the common property in an apartment building - a monument that constitutes its subject of protection and is subject to mandatory preservation;
- the performance of works on the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of a room, apartment, house - a monument changes the size, proportions and parameters of such a house:
its height, number of storeys, angle and (or) appearance of the roof or roof (including the installation (liquidation) of mansards, windows, verandas, terraces, awnings), the number and (or) shape of window and door openings in the outer walls of the house (in including the installation (liquidation) of outdoor vestibules, porches, shop windows), color schemes and (or) the appearance of the exterior walls of the house (including the installation (liquidation) of loggias, balconies, elements of facade decor), installation of air conditioners and other attachments (for except for the cases of their placement on the courtyard facades).

The main condition that must be observed in order to obtain a positive result after the state historical and cultural expertise is to preserve those design features of the building, thanks to which the building was included in the list of cultural and historical values.

Therefore, before carrying out redevelopment, it is necessary to develop a unique reconstruction project, as well as to think over each stage of the adaptation and repair project. These requirements apply to both residential and non-residential buildings. That is, project documentation is initially developed, which should take into account and preserve important architectural, artistic and decorative elements, features of the layout of the room.

What is needed for a redevelopment

Initially, the owner of the apartment should write an application and receive a Conclusion on the admissibility of redevelopment. The conclusion consists of materials that reflect the initial state of the premises and how it will look after the work.

The following documents are required for the design of the device:

  • issued security obligation (obtained in the “single window” service);
  • a document confirming the ownership of the apartment;
  • references from BTI;
  • owner's passport;
  • a document on the technical condition, which describes the subject of state protection (apartment), as well as the condition of the supporting elements.

After the adaptation project is ready, a historical and cultural expertise is required. It is carried out by experts who are accredited to perform the relevant surveys. The result of their work is the Act of Historical and Cultural Expertise.

The company "MVK-Service" offers its services in drafting a fixture for redevelopment, as well as its coordination in all instances.

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