
Rating of world economies today. What place does Russia occupy in terms of the size of the economy in the world? By what indicators is it better to evaluate the country's economy in order to understand where people live better?

How to identify countries with strong economies among the huge number of countries in the world? To identify highly developed states, let's pay attention to the ratings - the results of comparative studies done by international experts and organizations to rank countries according to various indicators. Every year, studies are published showing which country has risen to the top, which has dropped. Let's consider the main indicators by which they determine which countries in 2019 became the most influential in the economic field, have the highest standard of living, prosperity and freedom.

Economic development level

The efficiency and maturity of the country's economy is assessed by the level of economic development. It is not for nothing that only countries with a high level of economic development are included in the group of developed ones, and the rest are called developing ones. This level is determined by various ratings.

Did you know that there are 252 countries in the world, each of which has its own unique living conditions? Moreover, among them there are states where even the most ordinary citizen practically does not need anything and lives a full and happy life. But there are also such lands where more than 90% of the population can hardly make ends meet. In this regard, it will be very appropriate to talk about the countries with the highest living standards in the world, in which everyone would dream of living. And to learn more about this, read the text below.

Country ranking by GDP

The key indicator is the level of the gross domestic product (GDP). This is the name for the total value of goods, services and other results of the activities of enterprises, firms, companies, institutions, organizations, individuals. This is the result of the work of all residents of the country in question during the year. It is calculated in two ways. The first is when all the income received for the year is added up: interest, profit, salary, and so on. The second is when expenditures are summed up (government purchases, investments, consumption, exports minus imports). The official source of such information is the World Bank database. Statistics are updated every year and published in the fall. The indicator is also kept by the International Monetary Fund and the UN.

The backbone of the global GDP is produced by only a few countries, mostly large in terms of territory and population.

If all goods and services produced in monetary terms (GDP) are absolute values, then by comparing the gross domestic product with the population, we obtain a relative indicator indicating the well-being of citizens.

According to the World Bank and the IMF, in 2014 the European Union has the best indicators of the level of GDP (18, 5 thousand dollars). Based on the countries, the first places in this indicator are occupied by:
The country GDP, trillion$ GDP per capita, thousand $ Unemployment rate, %
1. USA17,348 54,370 6,2
2. China10,357 7,572 4,1
3. Japan4,602 36,222 3,6
4. 3,874 47,774 5,0
5. Great Britain2,950 45,729 6,2
6. France2,834 44,332 10,3
7. Brazil2,347 11,573 4,8
8. Italy2,148 35,335 12,7
9. India2,051 1,608 n / a
10. the Russian Federation 1,861 12,718 5,2
11. 1,785 50,304 6,9
12. 1,443 61,066 6,1
13. Spain 1,407 30,272 24,5
14. 0,881 52,225 7,4
15. 0,704 86,468 3,2
16. Sweden0,571 58,538 7,9
17. Norway 0,500 96,930 3,5
18. Austria 0,438 51,433 5,6
19. Denmark0,342 60,947 6,5
20. 0,308 56,287 2,0

The unemployment rate shows what part of the working-age population cannot find a job. This indicator indirectly characterizes the country's economy: the higher it is, the worse the quality of life of people and the economic situation in a certain territory.

Economic freedom

The most important indicator of a country's development is the level (or index) of economic freedom. It has been identified since 1995 by the American Heritage Foundation Research Center and published annually on its website and in the Wall Street Journal.

Based on the theories of Adam Smith, the experts of the Heritage Foundation define economic freedom as the level of non-interference of the state in the process of production, distribution and consumption, with the exception of situations when it is necessary to protect citizens.

The index is calculated according to the arithmetic mean of ten criteria of freedom - property, absence of corruption, government share in economic regulation, freedom of trade, investment, labor, entrepreneurship, monetary, fiscal, financial. For each of them, an assessment scale is developed from 0 to 100 points, which are eventually summed up. The higher the score, the higher the level of economic freedom.

Prosperity rating

The economic achievements of the countries of the world are also measured by the level of prosperity. This indicator is offered by the English analytical center "Legatum Institute". He has been calculating it since 2006. This index is determined by the level of public well-being of countries in the field of economic development, entrepreneurship, governance, health care, security, education, personal freedoms and social capital. Each of the eight criteria is calculated on the basis of statistical research by the United Nations, the World Bank, sociological data from the Gallup Institute and other authoritative centers. Based on the results of comparative studies, a rating of states is published annually. In 2019, such results were published in 142 countries of the world.

Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands have the best indicators on the Prosperity Index.

Other indicators

There are other indicators by which the rating of a country's economic development is measured. This is the level of GDP per capita. It is not considered a strict characteristic, but it is considered an important indicator. According to the IMF list for October 2019, among the countries on this index, the leaders are:

  • Luxembourg
  • Qatar
  • Norway
  • Denmark
  • Iceland.

A more accurate characteristic is the level of the same indicator in terms of parity (the ratio of several currencies) of purchasing power per capita for a certain set of services or goods. Here the first places in 2014 were taken by:

  • Qatar
  • Luxembourg
  • Brunei
  • Kuwait
  • Norway
  • Emirates
  • San Marino

The Human Development Index, which has been published in the reports of the United Nations Development Program since 1990, is another traditional comparative indicator of the standard of living and the economy. A very high human development rating, according to the latest report of 2014, is for Norway, Australia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Denmark.

Based on all these indicators, the strongest and most efficient economies in the world for 2019 are:

1. USA

When judged on a purchasing power parity basis, the United States yields first place to the People's Republic of China. This gap is expected to narrow by 2023, when the US reaches $ 24.53 trillion and China reaches $ 21.57 trillion.

Despite the relatively low employment rate of the population (68%), the median annual income of an American family is $ 38,000. The United States is one of the most economically developed countries on the planet. More than 86% of citizens are satisfied with their living conditions, safety level and economic stability. The average duration is 79 years.

USA ranked first in 2019 in terms of GDP

The most stable economy in the world belongs to the United States, it has held its leading position for over 100 years. A comprehensively developed economic policy is based on the banking system, the largest stock exchange, advanced technologies in the field of IT and agriculture, which is not devoid of innovative solutions and progress. America, due to its significant coverage of fields of activity and advanced technologies in them, has great influence in the world and uses it.

Hong Kong has no equal in terms of economic freedom

Australia ranks high on all counts

Among them are the famous automobile concerns Volkswagen, BMW, Daimler, chemical ones - Bayer, BASF, Henkel Group, Siemens conglomerate, energy companies E.ON and RWE or the Bosch group. Cities such as Hannover, Frankfurt and Berlin host the largest annual international exhibitions and congresses.

Germany is a leading manufacturer of wind turbines and a major developer of solar energy technologies in the world.

At the end of the 19th century, Great Britain, in an attempt to protect its market from second-rate imports, obliged to label German goods with the inscription "Made in Germany".

Now Germany is experiencing a real "boom" in the automotive industry. It owes this to its key sales market - China.

It is Germany that has the strongest economy among the rest of the EU countries.

Switzerland has always been characterized by economic stability, and 2019 was no exception

Canada does not lag behind its neighbor - the United States - in terms of economic development

The Netherlands is distinguished not only by a low crime rate, but also by a consistently strong economy.

New Zealand boasts not only scenic natural beauty, but also a high level of prosperity

Singapore is not lagging behind other economic giants in terms of indicators, and sometimes even ahead of them

10. Japan

Japan has a high degree of economic freedom: the government works closely with the manufacturer to stimulate its development. The main focus is on science and high technology. All this, as well as strict labor discipline, contribute to the recovery of the Japanese economy.

A distinctive feature of the country is "keiretsu" - associations of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors around powerful banks, as well as relatively weak international competition in domestic markets. In addition, there are many more social than production agreements: for example, a guarantee of life-long employment in large companies.

A small country with high discipline and hard work of citizens, which has made it possible to achieve great success in the field of technology and production. A high standard of living is recorded here and life-long employment of citizens is practiced, it is believed that the longer a person has worked in one place, the more prestigious it is. The country's banking sector is stable and developed, high technologies make it possible to compete on equal terms with America and China, and in the field of robotics, Japan has come out far ahead, overtaking the United States. GDP in Japan for 2019 amounted to 4.513 trillion dollars, which allowed it to take the honorable 3rd place among the leading countries in the world.

Japan - the land of the rising sun - was once the strongest state in terms of economic indicators, but in 2019 it is among the ten leaders

Corruption Perceptions Index

Since 1996, the ranking of the level of corruption has been recognized as the most important indicator of the state of the country's economy. The official name is the Corruption Perceptions Index. It was introduced by the international non-governmental organization "Transparency International". It takes into account how widespread corruption is in the public sector.

Interesting: the study is not based on statistics of criminal cases or sentences, but on the opinion of those who suffer from corruption or study this phenomenon.

To determine this index, a scale was developed from "zero" to "one hundred", where 0 means the maximum level of corruption, and 100 - its absence. Although the methodology by which the rating is determined has been the subject of criticism, in general it is recognized by the experts as relatively reliable. The latest study published in 2019 covers 174 countries.

PlaceThe country2015 2014 2013
1 Denmark92 91 90
2 91 91 90
3 Finland89 89 90
4 Sweden87 89 88
5 Norway86 86 85
5 86 85 86
7 84 86 87
8 83 83 84
9 Luxembourg82 80 80
10 81 81 84
11 80 81 85
12 79 78 79
12 Iceland79 78 82
14 Great Britain78 76 74
15 Belgium76 75 75
15 Japan76 74 74
17 Ireland74 72 69
17 United States74 73 73
23 Austria72 69 69
26 Estonia69 68 64
26 France69 71 71
37 Spain6o59 65
69 Brazil43 42 43
69 Italy43 43 42
85 India38 36 36
100 China36 40 39
136 the Russian Federation27 28 28

Credit ratings

The economic "health" of a country is also assessed by its financial or credit ratings. They are calculated taking into account the financial history of the state, the size of its property and capabilities, and the desire to pay debts. Such an index is needed in order to make it clear to potential lenders or investors how safe it is to deal with the country. Financial ratings are assessed by international agencies. Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s and Fitch have the most serious reputations. They work all over the world and help distinguish reliable partners from unreliable ones. Each of them has its own naming system, but in general, countries with a high degree of compulsion are designated by the letter A, medium and below - Ba, risky - B, with high risk and close to default - C.

S&PForecastMoody'sForecastFitchForecastTRADING ECONOMICS
AlbaniaBpositiveB1stable 33 positive
AndorraBBB-negative 55 negative
AngolaB +negativeBa2negativeB +stable38 negative
ArgentinaSDnmCaa1positiveRD 20 nm
Armenia Ba3negativeB +stable38 negative
ArubaBBB +stable BBB-stable60 stable
AAAstableAaastableAAAstable97 stable
AustriaAA +stableAaanegativeAA +stable96 stable
AzerbaijanBBB-negativeBaa3stableBBB-stable55 negative
BahamasBBB-negativeBaa2stable 58 negative
BahrainBBB-negativeBaa3negativeBBB-negative55 negative
BangladeshBB-stableBa3stableBB-stable40 stable
BarbadosBnegativeB3negative 28 negative
BelarusB-stableCaa1negative 23 stable
BelgiumAAstableAa3stableAAnegative88 stable
BelizeB-stableCaa2stable 20 stable
BermudaA +stableA1stable 80 stable
BoliviaBBstableBa3stableBBstable44 stable
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBstableB3stable 28 stable
BotswanaA-stableA2stable 73 stable
BrazilBB +negativeBaa3stableBB +negative35 negative
BulgariaBB +stableBaa2stableBBB-stable52 stable
Burkina FasoB-stable 25 stable
Cambodia B2stable 30 stable
CameroonBstable Bstable30 stable
AAAstableAaastableAAAstable99 stable
Cape VerdeBstable Bstable30 stable
Cayman islands Aa3stable 85
ChileAA-stableAa3stableA +stable78 stable
ChinaAA-stableAa3stableA +stable79 stable
ColombiaBBBstableBaa2stableBBBstable52 stable
CongoB-stableB3stable 25 stable
Costa RicaBBstableBa1stableBB +negative49 stable
CroatiaBBnegativeBa1negativeBBnegative42 negative
Cuba Caa2positive 15 positive
CyprusBB-positiveB1stableB +positive36 positive
Czech RepublicAA-stableA1stableA +stable80 stable
DenmarkAAAstableAaastableAAAstable99 stable
Dominican RepublicBB-stableB1stableB +positive36 stable
EcuadorBstableB3stableBstable29 stable
EgyptB-stableB3stableBstable28 stable
SalvadorB +stableBa3negativeB +stable36 stable
EstoniaAA-stableA1stableA +stable81 stable
EthiopiaBstableB1stableBstable31 stable
European UnionAA +negative 95 negative
FijiB +stableB1stable 35 stable
FinlandAA +negativeAaanegativeAAAnegative98 negative
FranceAAnegativeAa2stableAAstable89 negative
GabonB +negativeBa3stableB +stable36 negative
GeorgiaBB-stableBa3positiveBB-stable40 stable
AAAstableAaastableAAAstable99 stable
GhanaB-stableB3negativeBnegative28 stable
GreeceCCC +stableCaa3stableCCC 9 stable
GuatemalaBBstableBa1negativeBBstable46 stable
HondurasB +stableB3positive 30 stable
AAAstableAa1stableAA +stable94 stable
HungaryBB +stableBa1stableBB +positive46 stable
IcelandBBBstableBaa2stableBBB +stable57 stable
IndiaBBB-stableBaa3positiveBBB-stable47 stable
IndonesiaBB +positiveBaa3stableBBB-stable45 positive
IraqB-stableCaa1stableB-stable24 stable
IrelandA +stableBaa1positiveA-positive70 stable
Isle Of Man Aa1stable 95 stable
IsraelA +stableA1stableAstable75 stable
ItalyBBB-stableBaa2stableBBB +stable59 stable
Ivory Coast Ba3stableB +stable38 stable
JamaicaBstableCaa2positiveB-positive24 stable
JapanA +stableA1stableAstable77 stable
JordanBB-stableB1stable 38 stable
KazakhstanBBBnegativeBaa2stableBBB +stable63 negative
KenyaB +negativeB1stableB +negative20 negative
KuwaitAAstableAa2stableAAstable90 stable
KyrgyzstanBstableB2stable 30 stable
LatviaA-stableA3stableA-stable69 stable
LebanonB-negativeB2negativeBnegative29 negative
Lesotho BB-negative40 negative
LiechtensteinAAAstable 100 stable
LithuaniaA-stableA3stableA-stable68 stable
LuxembourgAAAstableAaastableAAAstable100 stable
Macau Aa2stableAA-stable88 stable
MacedoniaBB-stable BB +negative45 stable
MalaysiaA-stableA3positiveA-stable66 stable
MaltaBBB +positiveA3stableAstable71 positive
Mauritius Baa1stable 65
MexicoBBB +stableA3stableBBB +stable60 stable
Moldova B3negative 25 negative
MongoliaBstableB2negativeBstable30 stable
MontenegroB +stableBa3negative 38 stable
MoroccoBBB-stableBa1stableBBB-stable54 stable
MozambiqueB-negativeB2rurBstable29 negative
Namibia Baa3stableBBB-stable55 stable
AAAstableAaastableAAAstable99 stable
AAstableAaastableAApositive89 stable
Nicaragua B2stableB +stable33 stable
NigeriaB +stableBa3stableBB-negative22 stable
NorwayAAAstableAaastableAAAstable98 stable
OmanBBB +negativeA1negative 73 negative
PakistanB-positiveB3stableBstable19 positive
PanamaBBBstableBaa2stableBBBstable60 stable
Papua New GuineaB +negativeB1negative 35 negative
ParaguayBBpositiveBa1stableBBstable46 positive
PeruBBB +stableA3stableBBB +stable59 stable
PhilippinesBBBstableBaa2stableBBB-positive54 stable
PolandA-positiveA2stableA-stable68 positive
PortugalBB +stableBa1stableBB +positive47 stable
Puerto RicoCCC-negativeCaa3negative 10 negative
QatarAAstableAa2stableAAstable87 stable
Republic of the CongoBstableBa3negativeB +stable35 stable
RomaniaBBB-stableBaa3positiveBBB-stable51 stable
RussiaBB +negativeBa1stableBBB-negative43 negative
RwandaB +stable B +stable35 stable
San Marine BBB +stable65 stable
Saudi ArabiaA +negativeAa3stableAAnegative86 negative
SenegalB +stableB1positive 35 stable
SerbiaBB-negativeB1stableB +positive36 negative
Seychelles BB-stable40 stable
AAAstableAaastableAAAstable97 stable
SlovakiaA +stableA2stableA +stable78 stable
SloveniaA-positiveBaa3stableBBB +positive62 positive
Solomon islands B3stable 25 stable
South AfricaBBB-negativeBaa2negativeBBB-stable46 negative
South KoreaAA-stableAa2stableAA-stable84 stable
SpainBBB +stableBaa2positiveBBB +stable62 stable
Sri LankaB +stableB1stableBB-stable38 stable
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines B3negative 25 negative
SurinameBB-stableBa3stableBB-stable40 stable
SwedenAAAstableAaastableAAAstable99 stable
AAAstableAaastableAAAstable100 stable
TaiwanAA-stableAa3stableA +positive81 stable
ThailandBBB +stableBaa1stableBBB +stable62 stable
Trinidad and TobagoAstableBaa2negative 68 stable
Tunisia Ba3stableBB-stable40 stable
TurkeyBB +negativeBaa3negativeBBB-stable43 negative
UgandaBstableB1negativeB +stable34 stable
UkraineB-stableCaa3stableRD 18 stable
United Arab EmiratesAAstableAa2stableAAstable90 stable
Great BritainAAAnegativeAA1stableAA +stable94 negative
United StatesAA +stableAaastableAAAstable97 stable
UruguayBBBstableBaa2stableBBB-stable58 stable
VenezuelaCCCnegativeCaa3stableCCC 6 negative
VietnamBB-stableB1stableBB-stable32 stable
ZambiaBstableB2stableBstable30 stable
RatingRating value
AAAleast risk, maximum creditworthiness
AA +moderate risk, very high creditworthiness, first tier
AAmoderate risk, very high creditworthiness, second level
AA-moderate risk, very high creditworthiness, third level
Amoderate risk, high creditworthiness, second level
A-moderate risk, high creditworthiness, third level
BBB +moderate risk, sufficient creditworthiness, first level
BBBmoderate risk, sufficient creditworthiness, second level
BBB-moderate risk, sufficient creditworthiness, third level
CCChigh risk and threat of default, significant credit risk

Index with a "human face"

The last few years have demonstrated the importance of such an indicator of economic development as social progress. Therefore, in 2013, an index of social progress was developed as an alternative to economic indicators. Its author is Michael Porter, professor at Harvard University. This rating is calculated based on the analysis of opinion polls, expert opinions and statistical information from international organizations. In determining the achievements of each country in this area, the researchers took into account more than fifty factors.

  1. This is the satisfaction of basic needs - food, water and medical care, housing, the degree of personal safety.
  2. The fundamental pillars of well-being are then taken into account - access to education and information, literacy and communication.
  3. And, finally, the possibilities of development are analyzed - the level of protection of civil and political rights and self-realization is determined.
The countryISPBasic human needsFundamentals of well-beingOpportunities for development
1. Norway88,36 94,80 88,46 81,82
2. Sweden88,06 94,83 86,43 82,93
3. 87,97 95,66 86,5 81,75
4. Iceland87,62 95 86,11 81,73
5. 87,08 92,87 82,77 85,61
6. 86,89 94,89 79,22 86,58
7. Finland86,75 95,05 82,58 82,63
8. Denmark86,63 96,03 82,63 81,23
9. 86,5 94,8 83,81 80,88
10. 86,42 93,73 79,98 85,55
11. Great Britain84,68 92,22 79,04 82,78
12. Ireland84,66 93,68 76,34 83,97
13. Austria84,45 95,04 82,53 75,77
14. 84,04 94,12 81,5 76,49
15. Japan83,15 95,01 78,78 75,66
16. USA82,85 91,23 75,15 82,18
20. Spain81,17 91,09 76,79 75,62
21. France80,82 91,16 78,83 72,46
23. Estonia80,49 88,44 79,61 73,42
31. Italy77,38 88,39 77 66,76
42. Brazil70,89 71,14 76,21 65,33
71. the Russian Federation63,64 74,1 67,63 49,19
92. China59,07 73,74 65,4 38,08
101. India53,06 58,87 57,38 42,93

It is clear from the research findings we have analyzed that there is a direct link between economic freedom, financial security, living standards, and social progress. Countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands are leading among those who provide their citizens with a decent standard of living while respecting civil and political rights, as well as honestly paying the bills. Little Asian "tigers": Singapore or Hong Kong, as well as oil "millionaires" (UAE, Qatar) "ahead of the rest" in terms of economic freedom and per capita income. But countries with strong and efficient economies - the USA, China, Japan, Great Britain, Germany - are distributed in the ranking at different positions, because they are far from always able to provide people living there with a high level of income and opportunities for development.

GDP - Gross Domestic Product. In simple terms, this is an indicator of the value of goods and services produced by a particular state. . These are all products and services produced in the state, which are expressed in monetary terms. This indicator is often expressed in US dollars due to the fact that the US dollar is one of the most stable currencies in the world.

Today, two types of GDP are distinguished:

  • Nominal is the total volume of products and services produced, measured in current prices, that is, in values ​​that are relevant at the moment.
  • Real GDP is the total volume of goods and services produced for a certain period of time, measured in basic values. The base values ​​are called constant prices.

The difference between nominal and real GDP is that real GDP can only be affected by a change in the volume of goods produced. At the same time, the change in the indicator of nominal GDP is directly affected by the price of goods and services sold.

The ratio of the nominal to the real indicator in the economy is called the GDP deflator.

In other words, the deflator is a measure of the difference in the overall value of an economic industry.

We divide the total volume of GDP by the number of citizens living in the state.

The most developed states

The most developed countries in the world in 2019-2020 according to the UN rating of countries were 5 states.


US GDP - $ 20.494 trillion. The USA received such a high GDP indicator thanks to its national currency - the dollar. This currency is used all over the world and is considered one of the most stable.

America has entered the ranking of the countries with the highest GDP levels thanks to corporations such as Microsoft and Google. Every year in America, the country's GDP grows at a rate of 2.2%. The figure for one person is $ 62,605.


China with a GDP of USD 13.608 trillion. China does not leave its positions and still remains one of the leading economies in the world. According to forecasts of economists and financial analysts, China has every opportunity to oust the United States of America soon. This is possible due to the intensive growth in the value of GDP. The share of GDP in China is growing by 10% annually.


Japan ranks third. Despite the fact that economists predict that Japan will partially stop the growth of indicators, this country of the world today has a GDP of 4.970 trillion dollars.

According to statistics, the share of GDP of this republic is increasing by 1.5%. The increase in indicators is due to the established export of cars, household appliances, computers and other electronic goods. In this country, GDP per capita is $ 39,309.


The fourth place is occupied by Germany with a GDP of 3.996 trillion US dollars per year. The country was able to achieve such indicators thanks to the export of Volkswagen cars, industrial equipment and household appliances. Compared to the previous year, the share of the gross domestic product in Germany increased by 0.4%. GDP per capita is USD 48,264.

Great Britain

The last place in the top 5 developed countries of the world was taken by Great Britain. The level of the indicator at around $ 2.825 trillion allowed the UK to oust France.

Table: top 20 countries in the world in terms of GDP after 5 developed countries of the planet in 2019 according to the UN

The name of the country GDP (expressed in billions of US dollars)
France 2,777
India 2,726
Italy 2,073
Brazil 1,868
Canada 1,712
Russia 1,657
South Korea 1,619
Australia 1,432
Russia 1132.7
Spain 1,426
Mexico 1,223
Indonesia 1,042
Netherlands 913
Saudi Arabia 782
Turkey 766
Switzerland 705
Poland 585
Sweden 551
Belgium 531
Argentina 518

Indicators in the EU countries

The European Union is a very powerful and unique economic structure. In 2020.

GDP of the countries of the world for 2019

Top 10 most economically developed countries of the European Union (2018 IMF statistics):

  1. The most developed country in the world, a member of the European Union, is Luxembourg. Despite its small area, this country has an incredibly strong economy, as evidenced by the GDP per capita, which was equal to 114,234 USD in 2018.
  2. Switzerland ranks second. This country has a GDP per capita of 82,950 USD.
  3. Norway ranks third. The size of GDP per capita is equal to 81694 USD.
  4. In Ireland, the GDP per capita is 81,694 USD.
  5. Iceland has an indicator at the level of 74278 USD.
  6. In Denmark, the gross domestic product is 60692 USD.
  7. According to statistics in Finland, the level of GDP is 38,100 USD.
  8. Sweden ranks eighth with a GDP of 53,873.
  9. The Netherlands is experiencing a GDP growth rate. In 2018, this figure was 53,106.
  10. Austria ranks tenth with 51509.

Table: the level of GDP of some EU countries per capita

The "weakest" states

Forex technical analysis economists have conducted research on the forecast of GDP growth and decline for 2020. According to the findings, the list of countries with weak economies in 2020 will consist of states such as:

Forecast of the dynamics of GDP growth in other countries of the world

Table: List of Countries Expected to Increase GDP in 2020

Name of the republic Expected growth (expressed in%) The likelihood of an economic crisis (expressed in%)
India 7.4 0
Vietnam 6.6 0
China 6.5 12
Sri Lanka 6.4 0
Philippines 6.0 5
Dominican Republic 5.4 0
Indonesia 5.2 10
Malaysia 4.5 10
Bolivia 3.9 20
Peru 3.8 10
Romania 3.8 10
Poland 3.5 5
Albania 3.5 0
Slovakia 3.3 8
Thailand 3.2 5
Iceland 3.1 0
Turkey 3.0 20
Bosnia 3.0 0
South Korea 2.9 18
Colombia 2.8 8
Mexico 2.8 10
Sweden 2.8 10
Spain 2.7 5
Czech 2.7 10
Australia 2.6 15
Bulgaria 2.5 10
United States of America 2.5 15
Armenia 2.5 0
Hungary 2.4 0
New Zealand 2.3 13
Great Britain 2.3 13
Uruguay 2.0 25
Kazakhstan 2.0 33
Taiwan 2.0 55
Germany 1.8 8
Canada 1.8 25
Serbia 1.6 18
France 1.4 10
Norway 1.4 15
Ukraine 1.4 60
South Africa 1.4 25
Italy 1.3 13
Denmark 1.9 0
Kuwait 1.9 0
Chile 2.3 5
Azerbaijan 2.4 0

In the EU countries, the GDP level is expected to rise by 1.7%. At the same time, the probability of a recession is 15%.

The growth of GDP during the crisis, the state of the economy, the increase in the average wage are the factors that allowed some countries to maintain leading positions in the quality of life of the population. By the end of 2016, which states have become more comfortable for life, which ones have left the TOP-10 and which ones are still the countries of dreams? About this - in our article!

A good country is a healthy country. According to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN and the World Bank, the TOP-10 states with the healthiest population looks like this:

  1. Iceland. Its primacy is due to the maximum number of health workers (more than 3.6 per 1,000 population), the minimum number of people diagnosed with tuberculosis (only 2 per 1,000 people) and the highest life expectancy in the world (more than 72 years for men and 74 for women).
  2. Singapore. The minimum number of people suffering from obesity (1.8%) and high life expectancy (average - 82 years) allowed this city-state to take a high place in the ranking.
  3. Sweden. The small number of tuberculosis patients (only 3 per 1,000 people), coupled with the minimum infant mortality, allowed her to take the honorable 2nd place.
  4. Germany. More than 11% of the state's GDP goes to healthcare (Germany spends more than 3500 euros annually for the treatment of citizens).
  5. Switzerland. The high place in the rating is due to the large number of doctors (3.6 per 1,000 people)
  6. Andorra. Health spending in Andorra is more than 8% of GDP, and the average life expectancy of the population is over 82 years.
  7. Great Britain. This country is the only state in the West, which owns 95% of the medical facilities operating on its territory. More than 9.8% of GDP is spent on healthcare.
  8. Finland. In this country, about 300 people fall ill with tuberculosis / year, while annually 30 thousand people are diagnosed with cancer (over 75% of patients are completely cured).
  9. Netherlands. The country has a low incidence of tuberculosis (5.4 people per 1,000 inhabitants) and a sufficient life expectancy - more than 81 years.
  10. Canada. The Medicare health care system is the pride of this North American state, because it guarantees almost free medical care to every inhabitant. Expenditures on health care account for over 10% of GDP, and the life expectancy of citizens exceeds 80 years.

The worst countries in terms of health of citizens are African states: Swaziland, Somalia, South Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic, Mali, etc. The rating is compiled on the basis of data from researchers from the University of Seattle and the Bloomberg news agency.

WHO uses a special indicator to determine the quality of health care - life expectancy at birth. According to the rating of the World Health Organization, Russia takes 110th place in terms of the level of medical care. And although the health care system leaves much to be desired, the Russian Federation is ahead of other CIS countries, such as Kazakhstan (111th place), Tajikistan (115), Armenia (116), Uzbekistan (117), Ukraine (151), losing only to the Republic of Belarus (98th place) ...

TOP 10 countries ideal for business

A strong economy is unthinkable without a successful business. In 2016, Forbes compiled a list of countries that are most convenient for doing business. It is noteworthy that 6 out of 10 participants in the rating are EU countries:

  1. Sweden;
  2. New Zealand;
  3. Hong Kong;
  4. Ireland;
  5. Great Britain;
  6. Denmark;
  7. Netherlands;
  8. Finland;
  9. Norway;
  10. Canada.

The American edition has been forming the rating for 11 years, taking into account the level of bureaucracy, the size of taxes, corruption, economic growth, financial and personal freedom of citizens - in total 11 factors were taken into account. Sweden was in the top ten for 7 of them, because its economy grew by 4.2 percent at the end of the year with a GDP of 493 billion US dollars. The data for the assessment were obtained from the reports of the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, Transparency International, an international non-governmental organization against corruption, and others.

In terms of economic development, Russia took 40th place, and in terms of the complexity of starting a business, it was in 26th position. The RF ranked 30th in terms of electricity availability, 44th in credit availability, 45th in terms of taxation, and 115th in terms of the complexity of obtaining construction rights. According to the World Bank, the ideal country for business (without taking into account additional criteria, be it economic growth) - New Zealand, because in it "paying taxes is as easy as writing a check."

The most prosperous countries in the world

Well, where we do not? British non-profit organization The Legatum Institute has published a world ranking study of the most prosperous countries in the world. The most "prosperous" countries are determined taking into account economic and social indicators, business opportunities, education and health care levels, social capital and personal freedoms of citizens. The experts rated 149 countries, giving them scores in the range of 0-10 according to 89 criteria.

Based on the results of the analysis carried out in 2016, the following rating was compiled:

  1. New Zealand (prosperity index - 79.28);
  2. Norway (78.66)
  3. Finland (78.56)
  4. Switzerland (78.10);
  5. Canada (77.67);
  6. Australia (77.48);
  7. Netherlands (77.44);
  8. Sweden (77.43);
  9. Denmark (77.37);
  10. UK (77.18).

The purpose of this study is to study the public welfare of the states of the world on a global scale. The Prosperity Index is a composite measure of the achievement of states in terms of well-being. In this list, Russia occupies 95th position (prosperity index - 54.73). The closest "neighbors" in the rating are Nepal and Moldova (94th and 96th places, respectively). Among the CIS countries, Russia has the best indicators: 25th place for the quality of education, 56th for environmental safety, 69th for entrepreneurship.

Russia's achievements are obvious - every year it moves to the top lines of the rating. At the same time, the results should be viewed through the prism of political sentiments: in the report of the Legatum Institute, the liberal clichés "Putin's Russia", "Soviet legacy", "communist past", etc. are repeatedly used. When compiling the rating, the British organization uses survey data from the previous year, which does not allow 100% to objectively reflect the reality.

Ranking of countries in the world in terms of living standards

The United Nations (UN) has published a report on the quality of life of people around the world since 1990. The ranking is based on the Human Development Index, or Humanity Development Index (HDI). This index allows you to measure the achievements of states in the field of health care, incomes of the population, education, social services, etc.

The report was last published in 2015, and the best countries to live in were distributed in the UN ranking as follows:

  1. Norway (0.94);
  2. Australia (0.935)
  3. Switzerland (0.93);
  4. Denmark (0.923);
  5. Netherlands (0.922);
  6. Germany (0.916);
  7. Ireland (0.916);
  8. United States of America (0.916);
  9. Canada (0.913);
  10. New Zealand (0.913).

Russia is one of the countries with a high human development index (0.798) on a par with Belarus. Our country is slightly ahead of Oman, Romania, Uruguay, slightly behind Montenegro. The countries with the worst HDI index are located in Africa: these are Niger, CAR, Eritrea, Chad, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mozambique and Mali.

  1. Denmark (201.53);
  2. Switzerland (196.44);
  3. Australia (196.40);
  4. New Zealand (196.09)
  5. Germany (189.87);
  6. Austria (187);
  7. Netherlands (186.46);
  8. Spain (184.96);
  9. Finland (183.98);
  10. United States of America (181.91).

The index was calculated without using government data and official reports, so it can be considered subjective and depoliticized. For the calculations, a formula was used that takes into account such factors as the purchasing power of the population, the ratio of the cost of real estate to the income of citizens, safety and cost of living, the quality of health care, climate and even the situation on the roads (the less traffic jams, the better).

Russia ranks 55th on this list with a quality of life index of 86.53. It is slightly ahead of Ukraine and slightly inferior to Egypt and Singapore. Russia has shown quite good results in the real estate sector: the housing affordability index is 13.3 (this is only slightly more than that of Austria, France, Estonia, South Korea). The purchasing power index of Russians is half that of the citizens of the leading countries on the list - only 52.6. But the cost of living index in Russia is one of the lowest (35.62). For comparison: in Switzerland it is 125.67, in Norway - 104.26.

The table of indices that determine the position of the listed countries looks like this:

The country Citizens' purchasing power index Sane


The ratio of the cost of housing and income of the population
Denmark 135.24 78.21 6.33
Switzerland 153.90 69.93 9.27
Australia 137.26 74.14 7.54
108.61 72.17 6.80
Germany 136.14 76.02 7.23
Austria 103.54 78.80 10.37
Netherlands 120.12 69.19 6.47
Spain 94.80 76.55 8.70
Finland 123.42 74.80 7.99
130.17 68.18 3.39

Along with a high standard of living, relative affordability of housing, high purchasing power of citizens, the leading countries in terms of living standards are also the most expensive to live in. The ranking of the most expensive countries to live in looks like this:

  1. Switzerland - 126.03;
  2. Norway - 118.59;
  3. Venezuela - 111.51;
  4. Iceland - 102.14;
  5. Denmark - 100.06;
  6. Australia - 99.32;
  7. New Zealand - 93.71;
  8. Singapore - 93.61;
  9. Kuwait - 92.97;
  10. Great Britain - 92.19.

TOP-10 is compiled on the basis of data from the research company Movehub (Great Britain). The index used (the Consumer Price Index, or CPI) takes into account the cost of food, utilities, transportation, gasoline and entertainment. An interesting fact: the index reflects the ratio of the cost of living in New York (if it is 80, then living in the country is 20% cheaper than in the Big Apple).

The most accessible for life are mainly the countries of Asia and Africa: India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Egypt, Algeria. The states of Europe and North America are still attractive, but quite expensive to live in. The attractiveness is due to the excellent quality of medical and educational services. The best universities in the world are located on their territory: Harvard, Princeton and Yale Oxford and Cambridge universities.

Many leaders of the listed ratings are countries with excellent ecology. According to Forbes, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway are the three cleanest and most favorable countries to live in in terms of climate and ecology. On their territory, there are practically no harmful industries, and endless green meadows, mountains and the purest natural reservoirs make living and resting in them as beneficial to health as possible.

Note that many states are absolute leaders who have distinguished themselves in all respects. Thus, Norway, Iceland and Sweden can be safely called ideal for living, working and tourism. And which countries, in your opinion, have provided their citizens with optimal living conditions and the highest possible standard of living? Share your personal experience and opinions in the comments!

We are looking forward to your feedback, reposts and comments, thank you.

The United States has the most developed economy in the world. China, Japan and Germany follow.

Rating Economy GDP ($ million)
The whole world 85,804,390.60
1 United States of America 20,494,100.00
2 China 13,608,151.86
3 Japan 4,970,915.56
4 Germany 3,996,759.29
5 United Kingdom 2,825,207.95
6 France 2,777,535.24
7 India 2,726,322.62
8 Italy 2,073,901.99
9 Brazil 1,868,626.09
10 Canada 1,712,510.03
11 Russia 1,657,553.77
12 South Korea 1,619,423.70
13 Australia 1,432,195.18
14 Spain 1,426,189.14
15 Mexico 1,223,808.89
16 Indonesia 1,042,173.30
17 The netherlands 913,658.47
18 Saudi arabia 782,483.47
19 Turkey 766,509.09
20 Switzerland 705,501.30
21 Poland 585,782.87
22 Sweden 551,031.68
23 Belgium 531,766.94
24 Argentina 518,475.13
25 Thailand 504,992.76
26 Venezuela 482,359.32
27 Austria 455,736.58
28 Iran 454,012.77
29 Norway 434,750.94
30 United Arab Emirates 414,178.90
31 Nigeria 397,269.62
32 Ireland 382,487.49
33 Israel 369,690.44
34 South Africa 368,288.20
35 Singapore 364,156.66
36 Hong Kong 362,992.54
37 Malaysia 354,348.42
38 Denmark 352,058.41
39 Philippines 330,910.34
40 Colombia 330,227.87
41 Pakistan 312,570.06
42 Chile 298,231.14
43 Bangladesh 274,024.96
44 Finland 273,960.97
45 Egypt 250,895.47
46 Czech 245,225.88
47 Vietnam 244,948.45
48 Romania 239,552.52
49 Portugal 237,978.94
50 Iraq 225,914.18
51 Peru 222,237.57
52 Greece 218,031.84
53 New zealand 205,024.94
54 Qatar 192,009.34
55 Algeria 180,689.12
56 Kazakhstan 170,538.87
57 Hungary 155,703.07
58 Kuwait 141,677.81
59 Ukraine 130,832.37
60 Morocco 118,495.33
61 Ecuador 108,398.06
62 Slovakia 106,472.19
63 Angola 105,750.99
64 Puerto Rico 101,130.90
65 Cuba 96,851.00
66 Sri Lanka 88,900.77
67 Kenya 87,908.26
68 Ethiopia 84,355.46
69 Dominican Republic 81,298.59
70 Oman 79,294.93
71 Guatemala 78,460.45
72 Myanmar 71,214.80
73 Luxembourg 69,487.92
74 Ghana 65,556.46
75 Bulgaria 65,132.95
76 Panama 65,055.10
77 Croatia 60,805.66
78 Costa Rica 60,126.01
79 Belarus 59,662.50
80 Uruguay 59,596.89
81 Tanzania 57,437.07
82 Lebanon 56,639.16
83 Macau 54,545.18
84 Slovenia 54,235.48
85 Lithuania 53,251.37
86 Serbia 50,508.37
87 Uzbekistan 50,499.92
88 Libya 48,319.62
89 Democratic Republic of the Congo 47,227.54
90 Azerbaijan 46,939.53
91 Ivory Coast 43,007.05
92 Jordan 42,290.83
93 Sudan 40,851.54
94 Paraguay 40,842.34
95 Turkmenistan 40,761.14
96 Bolivia 40,287.65
97 Tunisia 39,860.72
98 Cameroon 38,502.06
99 Bahrain 37,746.20
100 Latvia 34,849.08
101 Zimbabwe 31,000.52
102 Estonia 30,284.89
103 Nepal 28,812.49
104 Uganda 27,476.95
105 Yemen 26,914.40
106 Zambia 26,720.07
107 El salvador 26,056.95
108 Iceland 25,882.22
109 Cambodia 24,571.75
110 Cyprus 24,469.84
111 Senegal 24,129.60
112 Honduras 23,803.23
113 Papua New Guinea 23,431.60
114 Trinidad and Tobago 23,410.35
115 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19,781.78
116 Afghanistan 19,362.97
117 Botswana 18,616.02
118 Laos 18,130.72
119 Mali 17,196.69
120 Gabon 17,017.40
121 Georgia 16,209.82
122 Jamaica 15,717.86
123 Albania 15,058.88
124 Palestine 14,615.90
125 Malta 14,542.04
126 Namibia 14,521.71
127 Mozambique 14,457.96
128 Burkina Faso 14,441.76
129 Mauritius 14,220.35
130 Brunei 13,567.10
131 Equatorial Guinea 13,317.45
132 Nicaragua 13,117.86
133 Mongolia 13,009.57
134 Macedonia 12,672.13
135 Armenia 12,433.09
136 Bahamas 12,162.10
137 Madagascar 12,100.46
138 Moldova 11,309.08
139 Chad 11,302.54
140 Congo 11,263.68
141 Guinea 10,989.79
142 Benin 10,358.99
143 Haiti 9,658.08
144 Rwanda 9,509.00
145 Niger 9,239.51
146 Kyrgyzstan 8,092.84
147 Kosovo 7,900.27
148 Tajikistan 7,522.95
149 Malawi 7,064.97
150 Isle Of Man 6,592.63
151 Monaco 6,400.95
152 Liechtenstein 6,214.63
153 Guam 5,859.00
154 Fiji 5,479.50
155 Montenegro 5,452.17
156 Mauritania 5,365.87
157 Togo 5,300.21
158 Maldives 5,272.29
159 Somalia 4,721.00
160 Swaziland 4,703.79
161 Barbados 4,673.50
162 Sierra leone 3,999.95
163 American virgin islands 3,855.00
164 Guyana 3,610.44
165 Cayman islands 3,570.58
166 Suriname 3,427.27
167 Liberia 3,249.00
168 Andorra 3,236.54
169 Curacao 3,116.61
170 Burundi 3,078.03
171 South Sudan 3,070.89
172 Lesotho 2,791.76
173 Greenland 2,713.53
174 Aruba 2,700.56
175 Faroe islands 2,689.16
176 Eritrea 2,607.74
177 Timor-Leste 2,581.00
178 Butane 2,534.97
179 Central African Republic 2,379.72
180 Cape Verde 1,986.93
181 Djibouti 1,965.98
182 Belize 1,925.00
183 Saint Lucia 1,876.19
184 San Marino 1,632.86
185 Gambia 1,624.46
186 Antigua and Barbuda 1,623.80
187 Northern Mariana Islands 1,593.00
188 Seychelles 1,590.18
189 Guinea-Bissau 1,458.16
190 Solomon islands 1,411.90
191 Grenada 1,207.45
192 Comoros 1,203.08
193 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,039.88
194 Turks and Caicos Islands 1,022.31
195 Vanuatu 887.82
196 Samoa 861.49
197 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 813.09
198 Eastern Samoa 634.00
199 Dominica 503.65
200 Tonga 450.35
201 Sao Tome and Principe 422.30
202 Micronesia 344.50
203 Palau 310.11
204 Marshall islands 211.52
205 Kiribati 188.28
206 Nauru 114.72
207 Tuvalu 42.59

Each individual country has its own economic policy, which inherently has both strengths and weaknesses. If the state is rich in minerals, then most often the economy is based on the export of resources, which weakens the production component.

10 largest world economies in 2018


The most stable economy in the world belongs to the United States, it has held its leading position for over 100 years. A comprehensively developed economic policy is based on the banking system, the largest stock exchange, advanced technologies in the field of IT and agriculture, which is not devoid of innovative solutions and progress.

America, due to its significant coverage of fields of activity and advanced technologies in them, has great influence in the world and uses it.

The dollar has been the world currency for many years and is quoted in all countries. for 2019 amounted to $ 20.494 trillion, which makes it possible to understand: why the US economy is the first, leading the rating.


The fastest growing economy, capable of soon squeezing America and moving it from its leading position in the TOP of the largest economies in the world. Industry, agriculture and technology are actively expanding in China. The automotive market is larger than the American and Japanese combined.

Chinese clothing and equipment enter the markets of most countries, exports are very developed in all directions. China provides food for 1/5 of the world's population, while using only 9% of the land designated for agriculture.

Annual GDP growth is 10%, which gives cause for concern in America. is represented in the TOP of the world's economies in the person of China, as the strongest and most developed country, the rest of Asia has weaker indicators.

Despite the crisis that Europe has been experiencing in recent years, it is still stable on its feet and provides itself with annual GDP growth, which at the moment amounted to $ 3.996 trillion.

Great Britain

The economy of Western Europe, represented by the participating countries, presents a vague picture, but the undisputed leader is, which entered the overall rating for all countries of the planet. The country is poor in natural resources, so its economic policy is based on services, industry and tourism.

In terms of industry, the leaders are the following areas: aviation and pharmaceuticals, as well as the automotive and textile industries. The UK attracts investment injections from business representatives from other countries with its liberal banking policy, which allows money laundering.

But in 2018, the country leaves the structure, and experts find it difficult to guess: what damage will it bring to the state's economy and how its position in the world will change.

What can be found on our website.


The economic position of the country has been achieved thanks to the industrial and agrarian policy. At the expense of agriculture, France provides products to the EU countries, ¼ part of all supplies falls on the share of this state.

The best rates for the country’s attendance were achieved largely due to the Eiffel Tower, its recognition and the atmosphere of romance associated with it.

But having a high attendance of the country, it does not come out on tourism. The fact is that the funds left by tourists in the state have a smaller volume compared to America, this is due to the fact that tourists do not stay in France, but after seeing the main attraction, they leave for neighboring countries. France's GDP is currently $ 2.777 trillion.

You can visit our website.

How the world GDP changed from 1970 to 2016 in nominal and constant prices relative to 1970. You can read this and a lot of other interesting information in this article. Where there is no data for 2016, data are indicated for 2013 and there is a mention of this.

For the period 1970-2016 World GDP grew from 3398.7 to 75212.7 and increased by 71817 billion US dollars, or 22.13 times; the change took place due to the increase in the world population from 3692 to 7456 million people, i.e. the population grew by 3764 million people. or 2.02 times as compared to 1970. It also grew due to an increase in GDP per capita in the world, which in 1970 was $ 921, and already in 2016 was $ 10167. The average annual growth of the world's GDP during this period amounted to 1561.2 billion dollars.

During 1970-2016. Per capita GDP in the world increased by $ 9246 or 11.04 times to $ 10167. The average annual growth of GDP per capita in the world during this period was $ 201 per year.

At constant prices by 1970, the picture looks like this. Here it should be said what constant prices are.

Constant prices: A common set of prices used to estimate the output of a firm or the economy as a whole over successive periods. The change in the real volume of activity in an enterprise or in the economy is measured by assessing the value of annual real costs and output in constant prices. Prices for a specific date or average prices for a period are used as constants. It is rather difficult to select an appropriate set of constant prices, since the type and quality of goods are constantly changing. It is impossible to find out the price of a product in 1980 if this product appeared on sale only in 1990, or, conversely, the price of a product in 1990 if its sale was terminated in 1980. The longer the period under review, the greater the share of the total volume of production, in assessing the value of which one has to face such difficulties, and the less reliable comparisons of income or volume of production in constant prices.

So the constant GDP relative to 1970 prices increased from 3398.7 billion dollars. $ up to 13487.4 billion dollars. $ in 2016. The growth amounted to 10,088.7 billion dollars. $ or it grew 3.97 times.

GDP per capita in the world in constant prices relative to 1970 increased from $ 921 to $ 1823 in 2016. The growth was $ 902 or it grew 1.98 times. This means that the purchasing power of one inhabitant of the planet has almost doubled in 46 years.

World nominal GDP, billions of dollars, 1970-2016

GDP nominal per capita in the world, dollars, 1970-2016, current prices

GDP nominal in the world by region

Share of regions in GDP, nominal value of the world,%, 2013

TOP 30 countries by world GDP 1970-2016 (nominal / PPP)

Leading countries in GDP denomination of the world 1970-2016

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