
Conducting inventory and registration of its results. Example. Act on the results of the inventory act inventory enterprise Sample

To date, there are a large number of enterprises and organizations operating in various settlements and in various fields of activity. For work, various techniques, equipment, computers, furniture and so on are used.

Of course, all this has a certain value. In order to keep records of inventive values, inventory is performed. This process is accompanied by the preparation of various documents that have a certain structure and providing people with information that they are interested.


Act of inventory of inventory of inventive value is one of these documents. It must be compiled by a special commission commission. Note that the document is drawn up in established by law formwhich is approved by the Resolution.

It is worth saying that this act is nothing else, as a confirmation of a documentary about the availability of inventory values \u200b\u200bin a company or organization, its finance, as well as forms.

Despite the fact that such an act has the established form of compilation, in some cases the documents may differ between themselves content and structure. For example, such documents may relate the following types of acts:

  • about inventory cashier;
  • about checking the debt of shortage and theft;
  • about investment materials;
  • about the inventory of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other persons acting as creditors and debtors.

Thus, each of the documents of this nature corresponds to the form having a form established form.


Speaking about documents of this species first of all mentill inventory forms. Without their use, it is impossible to correctly perform the inventory process, which is carried out in accordance with certain rules and standards. It should be noted that each stage of execution of this procedure is accompanied by special formshaving an approved form.

Let's try to deal with each of the documents that are needed to take into account the results of the inventory procedure in the company, organization or in the enterprise. Note that it is imperative to explore these documents. In this case, they will be filled true.

Proper filling

In the event that the company has commodity and material values, the warehouses that are fixed behind them, periodically may be subject to the inventory process. It is worth saying that this process is characterized by complexity and labor intensity.

It should be noted that it is associated with the fact that the most common goods are presented in large quantities and in a wide range. The main task that is placed before the inventory procedure is to check for compliance with the number of indicators with their valid appointment.

In the event that the procedure of inventory of commodity and material values \u200b\u200bis performed, then it is necessary to produce filling an act in accordance with the Inv-4 form. It should be noted that this form has a "typical" appearance and can be used in the process of registration of an act on the inventory of valuables inventory.

In addition, the document applies if a change is made responsible for the value of the person in the organization. The procedure is performed during the transfer of all documents to the person who was appointed responsible.

In escapes on material and commodity values \u200b\u200byou need to specify a number of specific data. First of all, they include:

  • the name of the goods that was shipped;
  • the number and cost of goods;
  • shipping date;
  • the number and list of documents that are talking about accounting on accounts.

Due to the fact that this act is used in the process of inventory prices for commodity and material values, then for various categories of goods it is necessary to perform the preparation of different acts - for commodity and material values, which has not come to pay, as well as on the values \u200b\u200bof the shipped species, which Did not be paid by the buyer on time.

If the enterprise has the values \u200b\u200bof the commodity-material type that were not paid on time, then in the "Notes" item should specify the name of the buyer. Filling the act is applied immediately before the values \u200b\u200bare shipped.

This act implies the implementation of inventory of commodity and material values, must be compiled in two copies. It should be noted that people who act as responsible for the inventory at the enterprise in the organization or company are engaged in drafting this document.

At the final stage of compiling the document must be signed. The first copy of the actual act remains directly from a materially responsible person, and the second is given to the accounting department.

Carrying out the completion of acts implied by the implementation of the inventory must be observed a number of rules. It is from the correctness of their compliance depending on the implementation of the procedure for the preparation of this document depends. There is a speech about the following rules:

  1. Acts should be filled from hand or with computer equipment, in specialized editors, and after printed.
  2. The signature in any case should be placed in ink or ballpoint handle.
  3. The document should miss any corrections or errors.
  4. It is impossible to in the form of this act there were rows or graphs that are not filled.
  5. Values \u200b\u200band their number should be indicated in the nomenclature, as well as in units of measurements that are taken into account.

First faced with the need for work on drawing up an act of an inventory, you can use software. To date, there are a large number of specialized programs of this species that allows you to conduct inventory accounting and in general, to simplify the process of conducting an inventory.

The process of automating work with documentation

Due to the fact that even experienced specialists who have come across such work in the filling of such documents, who have come across such work many times, then those who have no experience, the probability of an error is very large.

In order to significantly save one time on performing this procedure, it is necessary to get rid of errors that occur. To do this, it is recommended to use programs that imply the filling of the forms in automatic mode.

Such programs, as already noted, are presented in large quantities and have many advantages. To such advantages of the use of software products that ensure the ability to automatically fill out acts of inventory inventory of inventory-material values \u200b\u200binclude:

  1. Automatic filling of documents.
  2. Adding printing and signatures (if necessary, transfer via email).
  3. The ability to create branded forms of the organization on which logos will be present, as well as details for payment.
  4. Ability to save the document in any electronic format.
  5. The ability to send an act via email directly from the program.
  6. Warehouse accounting of existing goods that represent material value.

It should be noted that such software products are most often intended not only for automatic paper making. Using them, there is an opportunity without any problems to manage the entire company or organization. In addition, there are often such programs related to the server.

Thus, authorized on a computer or mobile device, there is a possibility through the Internet get the necessary information or perform any actions. Note that the only condition in this case is the availability of Internet access.

Correctly approaching the issue of compiling such a document as an act of inventive material values, it is possible to conduct detailed accounting of the entire property in the company or in the company. Note that such programs also allow you to ensure the efficiency of working with clients, personnel, partners, and so on. Trade, financial and warehouse records will also be carried out properly.

How to avoid difficulties in compiling

As already noted, making this document, errors may occur in filling out blank. First of all, this is explained by the fact that a person has insufficient experience in this matter. As a result, a lot of time is spent on the inventory process.

To avoid a similar situation, you must have a specialist in your organization or company of work. Professionals know which nuances exist in solving this issue and accordingly will be able to draw up an act of inventory of inventory of inventory values \u200b\u200bfor the minimum period of time, as well as in full compliance with the established standards.

If we are talking about a small organization, in the state of which there is no such specialist, you can always contactide in third parties to the compilation services. It is recommended to contact the company with a reputation. As a rule, there are always many good reviews about their activities.

In the event that the company values \u200b\u200bits reputation, then its specialists will always be happy to provide customers with a competent and detailed answer to the question. At the same time, in most cases, the provision of consultation is absolutely free. By calling the selected company or personally by visiting the office, the client will be able to get the information you are interested in in full. Note that communicating with a professional, you will immediately be able to determine its qualifying skills.

As you can see, drawing up an act of inventory of inventory of commodity values \u200b\u200bis a rather difficult task. That is why in order for the decision of this issue, there was no difficulty, it is necessary to approach it responsibly. Otherwise, with further work there may be many different problems and difficulties that will need to be solved very quickly.

How does an inventory occurs when changing a materially responsible person? Details - in this video.

Conducting a complete or partial inventory of inventory of commodity values \u200b\u200b(TMC), the Commission allocates a group of goods, materials and products that have already been shipped to the buyer, but not yet paid. During the audit, the Inventory Inventory is drawn up.

The enterprises include: finished products, raw materials, goods, excess production, while the Inventory Inventory Blanca is filled and not taken into account the goods shipped by the Customer, for which the payment has not passed. Under this group of goods, a separate ACT ACT is filled. If the goods are stored, then the basic information is reflected in. All TMTS, which are on the way, the inventory commission reflects.

If the TMC is already shipped, but not paid, or payment has not been received on time, then the ACT ACT is filled. All other documents are also filled with an inventory commission, which is approved by a special order for conducting planned (unscheduled) inventories. There will be 2 blanks: one is given to the accounting department, the other is sent to a materially responsible person.

Act inventory of inventory of commodity values \u200b\u200b(Form Inva-4) - Example of filling

When filling out the form, there are some features, for example, the form is filled from two sides. The front side contains a cap and is filled as an inv-3 form blank.

The form is the serial number and date of filling. Next, there are graphs in which the data includes all shipped materials, goods and products. One position is 1 group in which there is 16 graph.

1 - No. in order;

2, 3 - Name and OKPO customer services, buyer, Persons who shipped goods;

4, 5 - the name of the TMC, X-ka and the nomenclature number of TMC;

6, 7 - the name and opections of the unit of measurement;

8 - number, month, year shipment;

9 - 13 - the columns are filled on the basis of existing shipping documents, it can be commercially transport, commodity invoice overhead and other settlement and payment, etc. The name of the document and its number and the date of issue are entered into a separate column. Also indicates the amount of goods, weight and sum

14, 15 - Counts are filled with accounting data - the number of shipped goods or products, the total amount.

16 - In the notation of the act for all shipped, but not paid goods, the data of the buyer fits.

All TMCs are filled in a separate line in the table, after the results of the graphs 12-15 are displayed. After that, discrepancies are detected. Be sure to below the act of the act is prescribed in words the amount of shipped, but not paid by TMC.

Commission members put signatures and transfer the form to the accounting department

As in any company, in the public sector institutions periodically inventory. For registration of the results, specialized forms of documents applied in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance No. 52n dated March 30, 2015. On the features of one of them - the form 0504835 "Act on Inventory Results" will learn from this publication.

When the act of inventory results f. 0504835.

An assets inventory algorithm is identical for commercial companies, and government agencies, and state institutions. It happens in stages, in the following order:

  • by the establishment by the Institution, the head appoints an inventory commission;
  • preparation for the event is being prepared (the necessary primary documents are issued on the receipt and consumption of assets, accounting balances are bought);
  • accountable persons draw up receipts - confirmation of the presence of the property in the responsible storage;
  • inventory appointed by the order appointed. The participation of the Commission in the full composition and the presence of accountable persons is necessary.

Compliance with the listed steps is necessary, since ignoring any of them may result in protesting results. Only forms described by type of property are distinguished from the general order of design, and the inventory results are drawn up with an act of form 0504835.

Act on the results of inventory: design features

Form No. 0504835 is compiled on the basis of decorated inventory describing. The act of three parts is:

  • title with the name and code of the document, the name of the subject, which aroused the act, the date of drawing up;
  • the meaningful part, where the inventory information is recorded. It lists the members of the Commission, objects of verification and its results;
  • regulating part, i.e. signatures of members of the inventory commission with decoding signatures and indicating posts.

The compiled document is transmitted to approval by the head of the institution or government agencies. Act of the results of inventory a fairly convenient and understandable form, generalizing the results obtained.

Act on Inventory Results: Filling Sample

Inventory inventories are compiled on accountable persons, sites and accounts of accounting. That is, if one employee, being a materially responsible person, is responsible, for example, for the safety of non-financial assets (inventory and materials) in the warehouse and in operation, the inventory inventories are separated separately for each site, and the inspection results are combined in the act on The results of the inventory, an example of filling in which we present the reader's attention. If there are no discrepancies between the credentials and the real availability of the inspection, then the Act of the form 0504835 is compiled on the basis of the description.

If during the inspection discrepancies were found between the presence of property and accounting data, the statement of discrepancies (F-MA 0504092) is attached to the act of inventory (F-MA 0504092), which is attached to the appropriate OTICI. It demonstrates the discrepancies of each position, establishing surplus and shortage in quantitatively money. And in this case, in addition to describing in the act, the results of the statement are necessarily included. We offer an example of filling out the document:

The executive act is signed by members of the Commission, and is approved by the management. According to the facts of discrepancies, the person responsible writes an explanatory note, which is also applied to the act. Depending on the established results, the head decides: excess surpluses, and shortages, as a rule, are accumulated from the perpetrators.

Act inventory - one of the most important documents compiled by the Inventory Commission on a specially established form approved by the relevant decree, and represents nothing but a documented confirmation of the actual availability of all the material values \u200b\u200bof the Company, its funds and forms available to the appropriate registers of the company in the accounting enterprise accounting.

Inventory are subject to all assets and obligations of the company, it is carried out to find out whether the actual availability of objects in the enterprise is indicated in accounting registers. In some cases, inventory is required: When changing a material and responsible person, before drawing up an annual balance, in reorganization, liquidation, etc. (paragraph 22 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n).

Inventory must be documented. This includes relevant orders, acts of inventory, inventory objects, accurate statements, various references, accounting logs. All documents on the results of inventory are drawn up at least in two copies. Check the availability of property, the Commission should only in the presence of materially responsible persons.

Blanks inventory

Blanks inventory - This, without which no inventory, conducted by the rules and modern standards, can do, and each stage of it meets its form with its own approved form of document.

Example of an inventory act

Act inventory


Separed division in Novokuznetsk

Base for inventory: Order No. 49 of 06.07.2018

The start date of the inventory: 07/07/2018

Inventory End Date: 07/07/2018

Date of drawing up Act: 07/07/2018


By the beginning of the inventory, all expenditure and receipt documents for cash were commissioned in accounting and all money, various values \u200b\u200band documents received for my responsibility were reconciled, and the dropped out of the expense.

Financially responsible person: Kassir Parhomenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna

The act is compiled by the Commission, which established the following:

1) Cash 42 000 rubles. 37 kopecks.

2) brands - rub. - Cop.

3) securities - rub. - Cop.

4) - rub. - Cop.

Total actual presence in the amount of 42,000 rubles. 37 kopecks.

_Forty two thousand rub. ____ cop.

According to accounting data in the amount of 44,000 rubles. 00 cop.

__Forty four thousand_rub. ____ cop.

Inventory results: surplus ___ - ___ rub. _ - __ Kop.

nude __ 1999 ___ rub. _ 63 _ Cop.

Latest cash order numbers:

parcel No. ___ 121 _____,

expenditure No. ___ 137 ________

Chairman of the Commission:

Deputy Executive Director Polishchuk P.R.

Commission members:

chief Accountant Prokopenko M.V.

deputy Head of the Department of Kadrov Dontsova V.S.

senior Specialist of the Financial Department of the Ottopova D.V.

I confirm that the cash listed in the act is on my responsible storage. Financially responsible person: Kassir Parhomenko E.V. July 07, 2018

Explanation of the causes of surplus or shortage: inattention.

Financially responsible person Cashier Parhomenko E.V.

Decision of the head of the organization: Assign a service investigation

Leader: general director Sudeva W.P.

When an inventory act is drawn up

Many managers suggest that they are entitled or not to carry out an inventory at their own request. This is not quite so. In accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this procedure must be carried out in the following cases:

  • before drawing up annual accounting reporting, the inventory of fixed assets can be carried out 1 time in 3 years, library funds - every 5 years
  • when transferred to the organization of property for rent, buy, sell
  • when changing financially responsible persons (dismissal, translating, etc.)
  • detection of facts of embezzlement, abuse or damage
  • in reorganization (change in organizational and legal form) or liquidation of the organization
  • in case of fire, natural disaster, etc. Emergency situations
  • if a collective (brigade) responsibility has been introduced into the organization, the inventory is mandatory to conduct when changing the head of such a brigade, when retired from the team more than 50% of its members, at the request of one or more members.

In addition to these cases, the inventory is carried out by the decision of the head. The purpose of the event is to identify the actual availability of property and compare with accounting data. At the same time, when changing materially responsible persons, in addition to the act of inventory, an act of acceptance and transfer of entrusted property is drawn up.

What property is subject to inventory? Fixed assets, financial investments, finished products, goods, intangible assets, cash and other financial assets, loans, loans and reserves.

How is an inventory certificate

The procedure is carried out by the decision of the head by the Commission, the composition of which is necessarily approved by the order. At the same time, the composition of such a commission is usually constant. It includes representatives of the administration of the organization, accounting, economists, technicians, etc., incl. It is possible to attract independent audit organizations. The absence of at least one member of the Commission inventory can be the basis to recognize its results invalid.

Depending on the purpose of the inventory, it is planned or unscheduled, inventory acts may have a different form and content:

  • cash inventory certificate
  • act inventory products shipped, etc.

The form of each such an act of approval by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Such forms are exemplary, but very convenient for use.

The inventory act is drawn up by no less than 2 copies, no obstacles, corrections and blots are not allowed. The actual presence of property is carried out exclusively with the participation of financially responsible persons who, during the procedure, explanations may be extended.

The document should be signed by all members of the Commission and a materially responsible person, which at the end of the inventory act gives a claim to the members of the Commission's claims.

Form form invo. Inventory inventory of fixed assets

This form of inventory inventory inventory is formed by the results of inventory of material and responsible persons of the organization for compliance with the actual availability and stated characteristics of fixed assets of accounting data. Inventory inventory is drawn up in two copies and is signed by members of the Commission and material and responsible persons separately for each place of storage. For the fixed assets taken in the lease, the opis is drawn up in three copies separately for each landlord.

Blank form invo 1a. Inventory inventory of intangible assets

This form of OPTIC is formed according to the results of the inventory of material and responsible persons of the organization for compliance with the actual presence of intangible assets of accounting data. Inventory of intangible assets, the availability of documents confirming the rights of the organization for its application and the correctness of the reflection in the organization's balance sheet is checked. Inventory inventory is compiled in two copies and is signed by members of the Commission and material and responsible persons.

Inv-3 form blank. Inventory inventory inventory of commodity values

This form of inventory is formed by the results of inventory of commodity and material values \u200b\u200bin places of storage of the organization (in the subsessing of material and responsible persons) for compliance with the actual availability of values \u200b\u200bwith accounting data. Inventory inventory is compiled in two copies and is signed by members of the Commission and material and responsible persons. The relevant acts identified during the inventory are drawn up with relevant acts.

Inv-10 form blank. Act inventory of unfinished fixed assets

This form of an act is formed by the results of inventory of unfinished repairs of fixed assets (buildings, structures, machines, equipment, etc.) for compliance with the actual costs and accounting data. The inventory act is drawn up in two copies and is signed by the members of the Commission and the material and responsible persons. One copy is transmitted to the accounting unit, the other - financially responsible persons.

Blank form invo 11. Act inventory expenditure of future periods

This form of an act is formed by the results of an inventory of expenditure of future periods for compliance with the actual costs confirmed by primary accounting documents, with accounting data. The inventory act is drawn up in two copies and is signed by the Commission's responsible members. One copy is transmitted to the accounting unit, the other remains in the Commission.

Inv-15 form blank. Cash inventory act

This form of an act is formed by the results of the organization's cash register inventory for compliance with the actual availability of money, brands, checkbooks, etc. with accounting data. The act is drawn up in two copies (except the situation with the change of material and responsible persons) and signed by all members of the Commission and persons responsible for the safety of values.

Blank form invo 16. Inventory inventory of securities and blanks of strict reporting documents

This form of inventory inventory is formed by the results of inventory of material and responsible persons of the organization for compliance with the actual availability, securities and blanks of documents of strict reporting of accounting data. Inventory is compiled in two copies and is signed by members of the inventory commission and material and responsible persons. When changing financially responsible persons, an opis is drawn up in three copies.

Blank form invo 17. Act inventory calculations with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors

This form of an act is formed by the results of inventory of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors for compliance with the actual receivables and payables confirmed by primary accounting documents and accounting data. The inventory act is drawn up in two copies and is signed by members of the Commission. One copy is transmitted to the accounting unit, the other remains in the Commission.

Blank form invo 18. Accurate statement of the results of inventory of fixed assets

The real form of a sidissibility is formed to reflect the results of inventory of fixed assets and intangible assets for which deviations from accounting data are revealed. The accurate statement is compiled in two copies by an accountant. One copy is stored in accounting, the second is transmitted to a materially responsible person.

Blank form invo 19. The accurate statement of the results of inventory of inventory of inventory

The accurate statement in the form of the Invo 19 is formed to reflect the results of inventory of inventory of inventory values \u200b\u200bfor which deviations of actual indicators (quantities, amounts) from accounting data are revealed. The accurate statement is compiled in two copies by an accountant. One copy is stored in accounting, the second is transmitted to a materially responsible person.

Blank form inv-22. Inventory order

The order in the form of the ex-22 is a written task specifying the content, the volume, order and timing of the inventory of the object being checked, as well as the personal composition of the inventory commission. The order is signed by the head of the organization and is awarded to the Chairman of the Inventory Commission.

Inva-23 form blank. Journal of accounting for monitoring the implementation of orders for inventory

The InV-23 form is applied to designing inventories and control checks the correctness of the inventory. This magazine registers orders to carry out inventory compiled in the form of the Inva 22

Form form inv-24. The act of control check is the correctness of the inventory of values

The results of the control checks for the correctness of the inventories are drawn up with an act in the form of the Inv-24 and are recorded in the journal of accounting of control checks the correctness of inventory inventories.

Blank form invo 25. Journal of accounting of control checks the correctness of the inventory

This magazine registers the results of control checks for the correctness of the inventory issued by acts in the form of the Inv-24.

The article will talk about an act of inventory. What is a document for which it is intended, and how to make it right - further.

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In the process of the organization's activities use various equipment. It must be constantly checking - to exercise inventory. Inventory results are issued by the act. How to properly implement this procedure?

General aspects

Inventory contributes to the identification of theft, fraud by employees. Her holding is necessarily in any organization.

The inventory process is applied to verify the compliance of various documentation, materials, equipment organization. Asset check is carried out, their assessment is made.

Act must enter both the identified compliance and inaccuracies. This verification is carried out in such cases:

  • during the transaction when purchasing an organization, it;
  • before drawing up annual reporting;
  • when the persons responsible for the property are changed;
  • when the property is embezzlement or damage;
  • in case of natural disasters;
  • when;
  • at the personal request of employees.

In these cases, the availability of an inventory act is mandatory.

For each type of property, a form has been developed:

The procedure can be appointed both by the personal decision of the organization's leadership and by solving others, for example, the tax service.

May be tax and accounting. Tax inventory aims to identify that property that is subject to accounting and taxation.

The task of accounting is to identify the actual availability of property and compare the data obtained with accounting data.

Also divided by:


Purpose of the document

Legal regulation

Accounts receivable and accounts

Inventory of settlements with debtors and creditors is responsible for a senior person and accountant. The check is carried out at the end of the reporting year and is responsible for the year.

The main goal is to identify debts. Inventory makes it possible:

  • identify the amount of debt on goods that are implemented, but not paid;
  • set the amount of debt for the goods received;
  • identify the amount of debt of the estimated and received;
  • determine the residual amount of debt on the day of the procedure;
  • to identify the timing of the limitation of the agreements.

In the act, you must specify the following information:

  • data on debts that the Commission confirmed and has not confirmed;
  • a list of confirmed and non-confirmed debts;
  • debt for which the return period has expired;
  • debts that are dubious - customers before the organization;
  • information about the debts of the enterprise to customers.

Before proceeding with check, it is necessary to understand such moments:

  • liberately reflects the balance of debt in the balance sheet;
  • the reasons for which debt was formed;
  • when the debt arises;
  • by whose fault it happened;
  • is there a chance to get debt.

The check is assigned immediately as debt arises. If the organization has no debts, it has the right to assign such an inspection and check the accounts.

Deep inventory is necessary in such situations:

  • property redeems or rented;
  • materially responsible person changes;
  • the reporting year is coming to an end;
  • property stolen;
  • replaced the head of the organization.

Accounts receivable is carried out if you need to verify accounting accounts. If the limitation period of the debt has expired, then it can not be paid.

During the credit debt checks, such debts are detected:

  • goods and exceeding their own budget;
  • income hidden by the enterprise;
  • means for spending the objectives not provided for by the budget;
  • violations in the organization.

After verification, the act is being developed. It must be sent to counterparties, where they are responsible for debt.

If there are discrepancies, they may require documentation from creditors, which confirms these debts. If the lender refuses to do this, the debtor has the right to apply to the court.

Calculations with buyers, suppliers and other

Any calculation is subject to inventory. At the end of the verification, remnants of accounting accounts are detected. This is the basis for the execution of the act. It is also compiled in several copies - one for accounting, the second - for the commission.

Emissions into atmospheric air

Inventory materials of emissions of harmful substances are used in order to:

  • develop standards for the formation of harmful substances that enter the air during the use of technological equipment;
  • develop standards for emission limit standards;
  • regulate emissions;
  • put on accounting objects that have a negative impact on the air and the health of residents;
  • develop environmental protection plans;
  • develop programs to reduce the effect on the atmosphere;
  • make reporting;
  • develop emissions.

Inventory of emissions is carried out by organizations, enterprises, institutions with laboratories. Responsible for the correctness of the data - guidelines of organizations. The process is carried out 1 time every 5 years.

Sources of emissions are:

  • smoke and ventilation pipe;
  • ventilation shaft;
  • deflector.

Waste production

During the activities of the enterprise, various waste is formed - overdue goods or raw materials, rejected products and so on.

Increased hazards include:

The inventory process helps to provide an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of waste received and the frequency of their output. The purpose of the procedure is to identify inconsistencies between the indicator regulatory and actual.

The procedure begins with the execution of the order of the management person of the organization. The head must establish the timing of its holding, objects and data on the members of the Commission.

In the inventory process, the number of waste is found, their classification is carried out by groups and sources of occurrence.

Also calculated the volume of education of waste materials per year. The documentation regarding the accounting of the presence, waste storage is checked.

Act - the final result of the data received. The document may contain advice and instructions for further work with spent materials.

According to these results, the organization makes conclusions - to transfer this material to the processing to other enterprises or dispose of them on their own.

In the act you need to evil the following information:

  • waste location;
  • as a result, they were formed;
  • name of waste and encoding;
  • the class of danger, which was assigned to them - from 1 to 5;
  • characteristic - condition, solubility level, volatility and other;
  • place of storage;
  • whether disposal is possible;
  • other necessary indicators.

According to the results of the inventory of weapons and cartridges

Inventory is carried out in order to complete weapons and cartridges for their compliance with the standards, checking their accounting.

It is carried out by order of the management of the enterprise or by addressing employees of the internal affairs bodies. 10 days before the procedure, the Commission is appointed, the timing and important issues are determined.

Main features:

Before checking the presence of weapons, the Commission should explore their storage locations. Safes, cabinets, boxes (what weapons are stored with cartridges) is sealed by the Commission.

After their check, it is necessary to attach a label to them indicating the date of verification.

If the shortage is revealed, this is necessary to inform the head of the enterprise. According to the results, the act in two copies is drawn up. For weapons, which is issued for temporary use - in 3 copies.

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