
Technology system. Organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the object Organizational technological scheme for the production of works

To establish the technological sequence of work within the boundaries of the rational size of the seizures (sites) in order to reduce the construction time and eliminate downtime during the organization of continuous production, an organizational and technological scheme for the construction of the facility is being developed.

Repetitive spans, sections, floors, structural volumes along a certain group of axes, rows and elevations of the building are accepted as captures. The division of the building into captures is carried out taking into account the provision of the necessary stability and spatial rigidity of the supporting structures of the building in the conditions of their independent work within the capture. It is desirable that the boundaries of the seizures coincide with the structural division of the building with expansion and sedimentary joints.

The organizational and technological diagram shows the directions of development of private and specialized flows (Fig. 5.1). The development of flows depends on the space-planning and design solutions of the building, the types of work performed and the machines and mechanisms used.

B a) b) C

The main flow deployment schemes are: horizontal, vertical, inclined and mixed. The dimensions of the grips are set based on the planning, volumetric and structural solutions of the building and the development directions of the main processes for its construction. During the construction of a building, the flow development pattern may be different for the period of erection of the underground and aboveground parts of the building, depending on their design solutions and the complexity of the construction, and also differ from the period of finishing and special works. The predominant development scheme in multi-storey construction is horizontal-vertical, in single-storey construction it is horizontal.

2.1. In the construction organization project, a choice is made of a general organizational and technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an agricultural enterprise or a complex and organizational and technological schemes for the construction of individual main buildings and structures that are part of them.

The general organizational and technological scheme establishes the sequence of construction of objects of the main production, ancillary and service purposes, energy and transport facilities and communications, external water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply networks, landscaping, depending on the technological scheme of the production process of the agricultural complex, the features of construction solutions of the general plan - the nature of the distribution of the scope of work, depending on the degree of dispersion and space-planning decisions of the main buildings and structures, as well as the adopted method of organizing construction production (nodal, complete-block, etc.).

The organizational and technological scheme for the construction of a separate building (structure) establishes the sequence of its construction in parts (nodes, sections, spans, cells, floors, tiers, production departments, sections, workshops, etc.) depending on the technological scheme of the production process or other functional diagram, as well as construction solutions and accepted work methods.

2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes, the completeness of individual technological cycles or redistributions in the general production process, the constructive completeness of a part of an agricultural object or a separate building (structure) in its composition and the spatial stability of a part of a building (structure), organization requirements are taken into account. construction production, creating conditions for continuous production of work.

The choice of a general organizational and technological scheme for construction, as well as schemes for the construction of individual buildings for agricultural (industrial) complexes and enterprises is made in the same way as for industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. The general principles, procedure, methodology and examples of the choice of such schemes, including using the nodal and other methods, are discussed in detail in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and projects for the production of work for industrial construction.

When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:

1) the preparatory period includes work on the organization of the construction site: clearing and preparation of the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures; laying of underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation works; supply of electricity and water to places of consumption;

2) the process of erection of agricultural buildings (the main period of construction) is divided into four technological stages: erection of the underground part of the building; erection of the aboveground part of the building; roofing device; post-assembly work;

3) agricultural buildings according to their saturation with underground facilities (manure trays, canals, etc.) are divided into three categories: without underground facilities; with a poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

Depending on the saturation of the underground economy, each of the four technological stages includes various types of construction, installation and special construction works, and their technological sequence will be different.

2.3. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work is taken at each technological stage.

For buildings without underground facilities:

1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; underfloor preparation device;

3) roofing device;

4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment; the device of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:

1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and canals; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and a device for preparing under the floors;

2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;

3) roofing device;

4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; the device of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fence machines; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with a highly developed underground economy:

1) erection of the underground part of the building: earthworks for foundations and manure trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing of joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the subfloor; installation of manure trays and ventilation ducts with the device and overlapping of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;

2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; the device of partitions made of bricks;

3) roofing device;

4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

2.4. The choice of assembly mechanisms for each type of agricultural building is made individually. For the performance of installation work in work production projects, flow charts or diagrams are drawn up indicating the accepted installation mechanisms, tooling, work production methods and their sequence.

Technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings are shown in Fig. 13.

2.5. During the construction of facilities in the Central Asian region of the country, the volume of construction and installation work in desert and semi-desert areas (arid zone) is increasing. A new type of integrated construction activity has appeared, including land reclamation, agricultural, industrial and other types of construction, creating a solid infrastructure and normalized social conditions in the arid zone. In these conditions, the process of creation (design) of water management construction and state farm construction facilities takes place. In the first case, the issues of irrigation and land reclamation of agricultural land development are solved, which is decisive for the second case - the solution of the issues of organizing rural construction of industrial and non-industrial facilities.

These circumstances make serious adjustments to the nomenclature of off-site and on-site work provided for by SNiP 3.01.01-85 (clauses 1.4 and 2.3), which should be taken into account when developing construction management projects and, in particular, organizational and technological schemes in their composition.

2.6. Preparatory work for the construction of agricultural facilities in undeveloped areas of the arid zone is conventionally divided into three stages:

I - preparatory work for the entire volume of construction (preparation of the territory for construction; construction of a collector and drainage network; construction of access roads and tracks; preparation for operation of construction machines; anti-mudflow measures; forest reclamation measures; anti-erosion measures; consolidation of sands; strengthening saline soils; construction of temporary buildings and structures; laying of external communications of power supply, communications, gas supply, water supply).

Rice. 1. Technological sequence of building erection without underground facilities

a- foundations; b- columns; v- covering elements; G- wall panels; d- cover elements (option with steel-reinforced concrete trusses); 1 - place of storage of foundations; 2 - beams warehouse; 3 - a stack of cover plates; 4 - pyramid; 5 - traverse

II - off-site preparatory work (installation of off-site networks and structures on them; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage networks; temporary and permanent networks of telephone, radio, signaling; temporary and permanent power grids and step-down substations; temporary, permanent heating networks and gas supply networks; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage pumping stations; water supply and sewerage treatment facilities; access road; construction of temporary (mobile) inventory buildings; sand consolidation; strengthening of saline soils).

III - on-site preparatory work (vertical planning of the territory; landscaping, irrigation and gardening; elimination of subsidence soil properties; installation of temporary and permanent engineering networks for water supply and sewerage, heat and gas supply, telephony, radio communication and signaling; protection of site facilities from sand drifts and blowing; preparation for operation of machines in extreme conditions of the arid zone; erection of temporary buildings, sheds, sun protection, construction of awnings).

Rice. 2. Technological sequence of erection of a building with underdeveloped underground facilities

a- foundations; b, v- trays for manure removal of feeders, preparation device for underfloor; G- frame structures; d- wall panels; 1 - storage area for foundation shoes; 2 - place of storage of trays; 3 - storage place semi-frames; 4 - pyramid for wall panels

The preparatory work of the above stages is performed in a different continuous sequence (Fig. 4).

The most rational is the combined execution of the production of the last two stages of preparatory work. In practice, the choice of the order of the preparatory work is dictated by the specific conditions of the virgin lands being developed.


3.1. The calendar plan is developed for the construction of livestock and poultry complexes, enterprises for the storage and processing of agricultural products, the repair of agricultural machinery and other agricultural enterprises, as well as individual buildings and structures to ensure the rational organization of construction, the distribution of resources and funds by stages and periods of construction, taking into account production the capacity of contracting construction and installation organizations, subject to the mandatory observance of the norms for the duration of construction and the backlog. At the same time, it is taken into account that the duration of construction includes the entire construction period from the beginning of the preparatory period at the construction site to the commissioning of the complex (enterprise) or commissioning when the work is performed in full, provided for by the working project (project).

When developing the construction schedule, it is envisaged that all auxiliary and auxiliary facilities are erected in combined flows within the construction time of the main production facilities and do not affect the total duration of construction.

Rice. 3. Technological sequence of erection of a building with a highly developed underground economy

a- foundations; b- columns; v- basement panels; G, d, e- manure trays; f- covering elements; s- external wall panels; 1 - prefabricated foundations; 2 - pyramid; 3 - place of storage of elements of trays; 4 - trays; 5 - long, slings; 6 - ladders for pointing truss blocks; 7 - ladders with hooks for loosening the truss block; 8 - sled; 9 - Wall panels

Rice. 4. Options for the production of preparatory work

a- parallel execution of II and III stages; b- performance of works of the III stage after I and part II; v- in-line production of preparation works; G- implementation of the III stage after the works of the I and II stages; d- sequential implementation of three stages of preparation; e- parallel maintenance of three stages after partial completion of the work of stage I

3.2. The preparatory period includes objects and works related to the development of the territory, site planning, arrangement of temporary buildings and structures, as well as temporary engineering networks and roads used for construction needs. The duration of the preparatory period is 15 - 20% of the total duration of the construction of the main buildings and structures.

3.3. Depending on the space-planning and design solutions, construction schedules may include the following production cycles: erection of underground and aboveground parts of buildings and structures; roofing device; Finishing work; sanitary and electrical works, installation of technological equipment, instrumentation and automation, commissioning.

The composition of the brigades for each production cycle is adopted taking into account the requirements of building codes and regulations, the development of workers and basic construction machines and the possibilities for the work front. At the same time, the maximum possible combination of work on production cycles is provided, based on the technological sequence of the construction of the main buildings.

Construction calendar plans are optimized in terms of labor resources, capital investments and the cost of construction and installation work based on the need for their even distribution over construction periods (quarters, months), taking into account the cost of technological equipment, instrumentation and automation and other costs, as well as the timing of equipment delivery.

3.4. Table 1 shows an example of a calendar plan for the construction of a workshop (complex) of fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 million conventional cans (mb) and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year, developed taking into account the above requirements.

The total duration of the construction of the complex in accordance with the Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 1.04.03-85) is 14 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 2 months, the duration of equipment installation - 5 months with the transfer of equipment in installation from 12 to 14 months and installation of equipment, carried out from 9 to 13 months.

The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation works (below the line),%, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

14 42 75 92 100

The total estimated cost of the complex is 1,357.73 thousand rubles, including 1,023.84 thousand rubles for construction and installation work. The total estimated cost of the workshop - the main production facility of the complex - is 270.53 thousand rubles, including 149.99 thousand rubles for construction and installation work.

3.5. In fig. 5 shows an example of a comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig breeding farm for 100 main queens (model project No. 802-229). The total duration of the construction of the farm according to the SNiP 1.04.03-85 Standards is 9 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 1 month, the transfer of equipment for installation is carried out from 5 to 6 months, the duration of equipment installation is 3 months - from 6 to 8 months. The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation works (below the line),%, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

24 73 100

Table 1

Name of objects and works Total estimated cost, thousand rubles Including the volume of construction and installation work, thousand rubles Distribution of work volumes by construction periods
1st year II year
I quarter II quarter III quarter IV quarter I quarter
Works of the preparatory period 82,93 82,93 82,93 82,93
Workshop for fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 mb and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year 270,33 142,78 - 67,58 35,73 80 42,37 92,75 49,12 30 15,29
Finished goods warehouse 81,79 81,79 - 40 41,79 41,79 - -
Tare block 60,02 60,02 - 30 30,02 30,02 - -
Checkpoint 2,37 2,37 2,37 2,37 - - - -
Transformer substation 15,45 9,56 - 15,45 9,56 - - -
Charger 36,53 26,88 - - - 36,53 26,88 -
Boiler room with chimney 210,28 149,38 - 70,09 49,79 70,09 49,79 70,09 49,79 -
On-site and off-site power supply networks, high-voltage overhead 10 kV and low-voltage cable 380/220 V 10,91 10,91 10,91 10,91 - - - -
Roads, playgrounds and man-made structures 97,95 97,95 32,65 32,65 32,65 32,65 - - 32,65 32,65
Water tank 11,88 11,88 - - 11,88 11,88 - -
Waterworks 18,46 14,76 - 18,46 14,76 - - -
Two-section drip cooling tower 3,9 2,52 - - 3,9 2,52 - -
Sewage pumping station for 3 units 42,23 34,27 - 20 16,27 22,23 - -
On-site and off-site water supply, recycling water supply and sewerage networks 99,39 99,39 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 - -
Heating networks and observation chambers 56,4 56,4 - 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 -
Gas pipeline 17,73 17,73 - - 17,73 17,73 - -
Improvement of the territory of the enterprise 19,32 19,32 - - - 19,32 19,32 -
Other costs 219,86 88,35 31,26 12,5 60,51 24,31 69,8 28,05 42,47 17,06 -
Total 1457,73 1023,95 193,25 145,82 374,02 282,06 432,07 325,42 260,64 196,61 97,79 73,93
Total, cumulatively, RUB thous. - - 193,25 145,82 567,28 427,88 999,3 753,3 1259,94 949,91 1357,73 1023,84
% - - 14 42 73 92 100
Note. Above the line is the amount of capital investments, below the line - the amount of construction and installation work.

The total estimated cost of the farm complex is 844.97 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work - 749.74 thousand rubles; equipment cost - 75.43 thousand rubles, other costs - 19.8 thousand rubles, labor intensity - 18080 man-days. The building area of ​​the complex is 9337.84 m 2.

The farm includes:

a pigsty for single and pregnant sows for 124 heads and 12 boars with an area of ​​888.9 m 2;

a pigsty for farrowing and keeping auxiliary sows with piglets for 80 stalls with an area of ​​1549.7 m 2;

a pigsty for weaning pigs for 760 heads and 600 heads of replacement pigs with an area of ​​1881.4 m 2;

13 other buildings and structures with an area of ​​5017.84 m 2.

The main buildings of the farm are of the same type in terms of design solutions: frame-panel construction, prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and frames, panel and brick walls, brick partitions, coatings from precast reinforced concrete slabs, asbestos-cement roofing, expanded clay concrete, concrete, plank, asphalt and ceramic floors.

Rice. 5. Comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig farm

4.1. The construction master plan in the project for the organization of the construction of agricultural production complexes is developed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual for the development of projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of work for industrial construction.

When developing a construction master plan, the issues of providing construction with energy resources - electricity, water, heat, compressed air, oxygen, etc. are resolved. At the same time:

the estimated need for the specified resources is determined;

rational schemes of engineering networks, power lines and points of connection of temporary networks to the existing ones are selected and substantiated;

the most efficient water supply sources in terms of technical and economic indicators are selected; the places for drilling artesian wells, the nature of the equipment for water intakes and filtering devices are established; the flow rate of water sources and the quality of their water are determined;

the approximate need for construction in equipment and cable products necessary for the installation of temporary power lines and engineering networks is determined;

issues of allocation of electricity, water, gas in the required quantity and required parameters are coordinated with the relevant organizations.

4.2. The basis for calculating the need for resources is the volume of construction and installation work in cost and physical (natural) meters, determined by the design organization in the design and estimate documentation. The data on the amount of work for calculating the resource requirement is given in Form 2 of the construction organization project.

4.3. In the absence of design data, the volume of construction and installation work for approximate calculations can be roughly taken according to the data for analogous objects, as well as according to the calculated standards (indicators) of the volume of work calculated for the consolidated cost and physical meters - 1 million rubles. the cost of construction and installation work, 100 m 2 of useful area of ​​a residential building and others.

4.4. When determining the need for resources, the costs of resources for work performed at the expense of overheads are additionally determined, and losses during transportation, loading, unloading and storage of building materials, products and other resources are taken into account in accordance with the current norms of natural loss.

4.5. The need for all types of resources is linked to the volume and timing of work by construction periods in accordance with the construction schedule. For this purpose, after determining the total need for resources for each type, the requirement is linked to the time of their use at the construction site by plotting the use of each individual type of resource over time. The construction of such schedules is based on the construction schedule.



5.1. The work schedule is developed for the construction of individual agricultural buildings, structures or their parts (units) or the performance of certain types of work, as well as for the preparatory period for the construction of an agricultural complex (enterprise).

In fig. 6 shows an example of a schedule for the production of works on the shop of fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 mb and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year, which is part of the complex.

The total estimated cost of the workshop is 270.53 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work - 149.99 thousand rubles, equipment - 120.54 thousand rubles; building area - 1347.2 m 2. The building is one-story with dimensions in the plan 36 ´ 24 m and a height to the bottom of the covering slabs of 4.8 m. Foundations for prefabricated reinforced concrete columns, precast reinforced concrete columns, walls - from expanded clay concrete panels, covering - from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, three- and four-layer roll roof , mosaic floors, ceramic tiles and asphalt concrete.


Rice. 6. Schedule for the production of works in the fruit and berry and tomato juice workshop

6.1. The construction master plan in the project for the production of work for agricultural buildings and structures and the performance of certain types of work during their construction is developed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual for the development of projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of work for industrial construction. 6 - 10 kW) and distribution points (RP). If they are absent, mobile power plants (ZhES, DES) and complete substations (KTP) should be used - in the absence of RP.

The total demand for electricity should be calculated in kVA for the period of maximum consumption and during the hours of its greatest consumption based on data on consumption for outdoor and indoor lighting, technological needs of construction, operation of electric motors and electric welding transformers according to the formula

where α is the coefficient of power loss in networks, depending on their length, section, etc., is taken equal to 1.05 - 1.1; K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , K 4 , K 5 - coefficients of simultaneity of operation for electric motors (up to 5 pcs. - 0.6; 6 - 8 pcs. - 0.5; over 8 pcs. - 0.4), technological consumers (on average - 0.4), internal lighting (0.8), outdoor lighting (0.9), welding transformers (up to 3 pcs. - 0.8; 3 - 5 pcs. - 0.6; 5 - 8 pcs. - 0.5 and over 8 pcs. - 0.4); P m, P T, P os, P he, P sv - power consumption of installed electric motors, process consumers, lighting devices and devices for indoor lighting of objects, outdoor lighting of facilities and territory, welding transformers, kW; cos φ 1; cos φ 2 - power factor for groups of power consumers - electric motors (on average 0.7) and technological consumers (on average 0.8).

Index P m is determined by the list and passports (catalogs, reference books) of construction machines and mechanized installations at the construction site according to the total power of all electric motors.

Index P t is determined by calculation or according to pre-compiled schedules characterizing the amount of consumed electricity, depending on the planned mode of operation at the construction site.

Electricity consumption for lighting (indoor and outdoor) is determined by specific power indicators per illuminated area (W per 1 m 2) according to the following data:

highways at a construction site with a traffic intensity of less than 200 cars / day .................................... .................................................. ........................................ 0.15

area of ​​loading and unloading cranes ......................... 2,4

mechanized earthworks ............................................... .......................... 2.4

trenching for foundations, communications, pile driving ................... 2.4

area for installation work, welding, assembly of reinforcement, formwork installation, concreting of structures ................................... .................................................. ...... 7.2

concreting large masses, rubble concrete masonry ...................................... 2,4

approaches to workplaces, premises for storing bulk materials ........ 1.5

roofing, flooring ............................................. ......................... 7.2

Index P sv is determined for the total number of welding machines and transformers with a preliminary recalculation of their power according to the formula, kW,

P sv = P cos φ,

where P- power of welding machines, transformers, etc., kVA; cos φ - taken equal to 0.75.

Rice. 7. Schemes of the construction master plan for the underground ( a) and ground part ( b)

1 - RDK-25 crane; 2 - the location of the household town; 3 - area for receiving mortar and concrete mixture; 4 - cable tray; 5 - KB-100 crane; 6 - border of the danger zone; 7 - the boundary of the installation area; 8 - border of the zone of possible drop of cargo; 9 - border of the crane service area; 10 - border of the dangerous zone of the crane operation

6.3. For water supply of the construction site, the water demand is determined by the formula

Q tr = Q pr + Q household + Q wp,

where Q NS, Q households, Q wp - respectively, the total demand for water for production, household and fire-fighting needs, l / s.

Water consumption to meet production needs is determined by the formula

where K well - the coefficient for unaccounted water consumption is taken equal to 1.2; q n - specific water consumption for production needs, taken according to the table. 2; NS n is the number of production consumers (installations, machines, etc. in the busiest shift), pcs; K h - coefficient of hourly irregularity of water consumption; the average is taken equal to 1.5; t- the number of hours per shift taken into account by the calculation.

table 2

Name of units or works Specific water consumption, l
Excavators with engines 10 - 15 for 1 machine-h
Steam boilers using concentrate 1 - 1.2 per 1 kg of steam
Concrete preparation in concrete mixers 210 - 400 per 1 m 3 of concrete
Manufacturing of reinforced concrete products 150 - 250 per 1 m 3 product
The same with steaming 400 - 500 per 1 m 3 product
Concrete and reinforced concrete watering 200 - 400 per 1 m 3 / day
Lime slaking 2500 - 3000 per ton
Plastering surfaces with a ready-made solution 2 - 3 per 1 m2 of surface
Internal combustion engines with direct flow cooling 15 - 40 at 1 hp / h
Tractors (based on work in 2 shifts) 300 - 600 for 1 tractor per day

Water consumption to meet the household needs of the construction site is determined by the formula, l / s,

where q x - specific water consumption for household and drinking needs (according to departmental and regional standards or per one diner in the canteen - 10-15 liters; for one worker per shift - 15 liters on unanalyzed and 25 liters - on sewed construction sites); q d - water consumption for taking a shower by one worker (30 liters per shift); n p is the number of people working in the busiest shift; n d - the number of workers using the shower (taken up to 40% of n R); t 1 - the duration of the use of the shower unit (45 min.); K h - coefficient of hourly irregularity of water consumption, taken according to the following data:

construction works................................................ ............................................... 1,5

power plants ................................................ .................................................. . 1.1

subsidiary enterprises ................................................ .......................................... 1.25

transport facilities ................................................ ........................................... 1,5 - 2

household and drinking water consumption directly at construction ......... 3

canteens ................................................. .................................................. ................. 1.5

Water consumption for outdoor fire extinguishing during the construction period Q wp is taken according to reference data, but not less than 5 l / s.

A schematic diagram of a temporary water supply network, which comprehensively provides household, industrial and fire-fighting needs, can be adopted as circular, dead-end or mixed. If necessary, potable water is separated into an independent system.

On the water supply line, at least two hydrants are provided, located at a distance not St. 150 m from one another, no further than 2.5 m from the edge of the carriageway and no closer than 5 m from the building.

The diameter of the pipes of the water supply pressure external network is determined by the formula, mm,

where Q tr - estimated water consumption, l / s; υ is the speed of water in pipes (for small diameters it is taken 0.6 - 0.9 and for large ones - 0.9 - 1.4 m / s).

Depending on the limiting water flow rate, the cross-section of the pipes is approximately taken according to the data in Table. 2a.

Table 2a

6.4. Heat supply to the construction site is carried out primarily using heat from existing district CHP plants or centralized boiler plants of industrial enterprises.

If there are no heat sources, temporary boiler houses are designed and erected, or decentralized heating installations are used in the form of boilers, locomotives, heating stoves.

The calculation of the required amount of heat for individual farms and construction sites is carried out for an hourly period of their work according to the maximum consumption in winter and the average consumption in the rest of the year. Maximum hourly heat consumption Q, J, for heating temporary industrial, residential and cultural and domestic buildings can be determined by the formula

Q = aq 0 (t ext - t o n) V n,

where a- the coefficient, depending on the design temperatures of the outside air, is taken according to the data in table. 2b; q 0 - specific thermal characteristics of buildings for heating, J / m 3 × h × ° С, taken according to the data in Table. 3; t o n - estimated winter temperatures of outside air for heating; t vn is the calculated indoor air temperature, taken according to the table. 3; V n - the volume of the building by external measurement, m 3; taken according to the table. 3.

Organizational and technological construction schemes are the basis for scheduling. They determine the technological and organizational sequence of work. For example, in accordance with the accepted work technology, it is necessary to perform foundation work, and then proceed with the construction of the above-ground part. Or, when cutting a pit (trench) in conditions of an elevated groundwater level, it is necessary to provide for works related to dewatering. Before finishing work, it is necessary to mount internal engineering systems, which must provide the necessary thermal and water conditions in the premises.

Based on the presented examples, the following generalization can be made. Each work in the calendar schedule can be represented by two events, the beginning and the end, and between these events for any pair of works, a link can be established, showing the relationship between the selected events. Moreover, if related work is performed by a common resource, then the connection between them is called resource or, in other words, organizational connection. If the sequence of related works is determined by technological dependence, then such connections are usually called technological or frontal connections.

In project management programs, all work is presented in the form of a list and, therefore, and the "physical" order of their following is determined by the corresponding numbers in the list. To determine the connections, the condition is accepted that the work, on the event of which the event of another work depends, is preceding. Work, the event of which depends on the event of the previous work, is considered a follow-up. Purely formally, between the previous work, which we denote by the index i, and subsequent work, which we denote by the index j, the connection may be absent, or there may be one of 4 varieties: the final-initial connection OH, the initial-initial connection NN, the finite-final connection OO and the initial-final connection NO. As a result of establishing links between two events of the previous and subsequent work, the following inequalities can be established

t Ojt Hi± t ij

t Ojt Oi± t ij(1)

t Hjt Hi± t ij

t Hjt Oi± t ij

In particular, the last inequality shows that the beginning of the subsequent work ( t Hj) must be greater than or equal to (≥) the end of the previous work ( t Oi) with the additional allowance for the positive or negative time lag (± t ij) defined for this link. As an example, let's take two sequentially executed work processes: concreting a structure and subsequent stripping. Obviously, the beginning of the stripping process should take place no earlier than the end of the concreting process, but to this it is necessary to add the time required to gain a certain strength of the structure. Thus, based on the analysis of all the work combined into a single calendar schedule, its organizational and technological scheme is determined.

After the formation of the organizational and technological scheme, they move on to determining the main quantitative characteristics of the work, which include labor costs - q, duration - t and labor and machine resources - r that define the appropriate duration. The relationship between these characteristics is described by the following equation

q = r t(2)

Each of the quantities included in equation (2) can be defined as a function, argument, or as a given parameter. For example, according to equation (2), the duration of work is most often calculated, that is, it is a function, while labor costs appear as a given parameter depending on the physical volume of work, and the value of labor resources is an independent argument that ultimately determines the desired duration. Labor costs of work are determined either by production (ENiR, RATU, etc.), or by estimated standards (FER, FER, etc.).

It should be noted that those resources that determine the duration of the work are called leading resources. However, there are also driven resources for which the duration is determined by the leading resources. For example, the duration of erection of brick walls of a building will be determined by the number of masons, and the duration of a tower crane, as a driven resource, will depend on the duration of the work of the leading resource, that is, masons. Thus, for the slave resource, the duration will be a given parameter, the amount of the slave resource will act as an argument, and the labor costs will be defined as a function.

To account for this kind of circumstances, in project management programs such as Microsoft Project, is used as a hierarchical scheme for representing the work of compound work, and the definition of the calculation structure for simple work.

3.3. Automated calculation of scheduling in project management programs

The interface of the project management programs like Microsoft Project divided into two main blocks. The first block is a spreadsheet, the second block is a graphical display of the schedule in the form of a Gantt chart, network graph or traditional calendar. The most used form is the Gantt chart, since it corresponds to a greater extent with the linear calendar schedule traditionally adopted in the Russian Federation. The construction of a calendar schedule is based on the input and (or) calculation of characteristics for two main interconnected objects, namely: for resources and for tasks (work) performed during the construction process.

All work and resources used for their execution are entered in a list, i.e. line by line, while they are divided into simple and compound work. Compound jobs can include both compound and simple jobs. Simple jobs do not include any other jobs and determine the duration, complexity and cost of the corresponding complex jobs. Thus, works can be structured in a hierarchical manner. The duration of a compound job is determined by the difference between the maximum end and the minimum start from the entire list of incoming jobs.

Time restrictions for the work performed are determined by two parameters: the type of restriction and, if necessary, the date of the restriction. For simple tasks, 8 types of restrictions are used:

1) as early as possible;

2) as late as possible;

3) start not earlier than on a certain date;

4) finish no later than on a certain date;

5) start exactly on a certain date;

6) finish exactly on a specific date;

7) start no later than on a certain date;

8) finish not earlier than on a certain date;

For compound jobs, only the first three constraints can be used.

In a program like MR a list of all resources used in the construction is formed. For each resource, a schedule of their maximum number (machines, workers, etc.) is determined, i.e. a dynamic limit set by the user is determined, which must not be exceeded in the schedule. If the resource exceeds a certain limit, then a resource conflict will arise, usually displayed in the program in red. The resource conflict is eliminated by the user based on the content of a specific task. For a quantitative assessment of the maximums of the resources used, the corresponding calculated characteristic is used, which determines the peak load of the resource. If a specific resource “goes red”, then from this column you will see its excess over the maximum. The occurrence of a conflict is also influenced by the determination of the moment when the resource is ready, which is set either at the beginning of work, or at its end, or for the entire duration of work.

The user defines the time-based payment for the resource per unit of labor intensity of the work performed as standard and overtime rates and a one-time payment for each resource unit for each assignment. For the resources used, the labor intensity is calculated with the dimension in days. The product of the labor intensity of a given resource by the time wage rate determines the total time wage. The total one-time payment is calculated as the product of the corresponding tariff by the amount of the resource used and by the number of its assignments in the commercial proposal. The sum of the time and one-off costs determines the total cost of the resource used. The work schedule of each labor resource can be organized taking into account either a standard or an individual calendar.

In addition to labor (machines and people), the program uses material resources. The total cost of labor and material resources determines the direct costs.

The costs of work are determined by the costs of the resources used and fixed costs, while the latter can determine some fixed costs (the cost of equipment, furniture, etc.). Thus, the estimated cost taken into account in the program is distributed over time, that is, dynamically, and it determines the investment cash flow.

3.4 Algorithm for calculating work schedules by the critical path method.

To calculate the work schedule shown in Fig. 2, we describe its organizational and technological scheme.

Basic concepts

Control questions

1. What is displayed on the organizational structures of management.

2. What are the connections between the elements of organizational structures.

3. Name the main types of organizational and technological documentation and their purpose.

4. Initial data and composition of PIC development.

5. Initial data and composition of PPR.

6. What are the similarities and differences between PPR and PIC?

7. What are the main project documents developed in the PIC and PPR?

Lecture 3. Scheduling of construction

3.1. Basic concepts.

3.2. Organizational and technological schemes of work execution, and determination of connections and durations.

3.3. Automated calculation of scheduling in project management programs.

3.4. Algorithm for calculating work schedules by the critical path method.

A calendar plan is a design and technological document that determines the sequence, intensity and duration of work, and their mutual linkage (topology, organizational and technological scheme), as well as the need (with distribution in time) of labor, material, technical, financial and other resources required for construction.

Schedules are drawn up in the interests of various management entities at the stage of work planning. Also, according to the calendar plans, an operational record of the work performed is carried out and the operational management of the construction progress is carried out. Scheduling is the main function of all computer-based project management programs such as Microsoft Project (MR), which is the leader in terms of sales. Program type MR allows:

· Develop separate schedules for construction projects;

· Combine individual schedules into multiprojects;

· Regulate the distribution of resources in the calendar plans;

· Conduct budgetary and functional cost analysis;

· Keep records of actually completed work;

· Analyze the characteristics of the current schedule in comparison with "reference" and actual schedules;

· To present schedules in various forms of reports, for example, resource schedules, movement of workers and cash flow;

· To carry out various technical and economic calculations according to individually entered formulas.

Organizational and technological construction schemes are the basis for scheduling. They determine the technological and organizational sequence of work. For example, in accordance with the accepted work technology, it is necessary to perform foundation work, and then proceed with the construction of the above-ground part. Or, when cutting a pit (trench) in conditions of an elevated groundwater level, it is necessary to provide for works related to dewatering. Before finishing work, it is necessary to mount internal engineering systems, which must provide the necessary thermal and water conditions in the premises.

Based on the presented examples, the following generalization can be made. Each work in the calendar schedule can be represented by two events, the beginning and the end, and between these events for any pair of works, a link can be established, showing the relationship between the selected events. Moreover, if two adjacent works are performed by a common resource, then the connection between them is called resource or, in other words, organizational connection. If the sequence of related works is determined by technological dependence, then such connections are usually called technological or frontal connections.

In project management programs, all work is presented in the form of a list and, therefore, and the "physical" order of their following is determined by the corresponding numbers in the list. To determine the connections, the condition is accepted that the work, on the event of which the event of another work depends, is preceding. Work, the event of which depends on the event of the previous work, is considered a follow-up. Purely formally, between the previous work, which we denote by the index i, and subsequent work, which we denote by the index j, the connection may be absent, or there may be one of 4 varieties: the final-initial connection OH, the initial-initial connection NN, the finite-final connection OO and the initial-final connection NO. As a result of establishing links between two events of the previous and subsequent work, the following inequalities can be established

t Ojt Hi± t ij

t Ojt Oi± t ij(1)

t Hjt Hi± t ij

t Hjt Oi± t ij

In particular, the last inequality shows that the beginning of the subsequent work ( t Hj) must be greater than or equal to (≥) the end of the previous work ( t Oi) with the additional allowance for the positive or negative time lag (± t ij) defined for this link. As an example, let's take two sequentially executed work processes: concreting a structure and subsequent stripping. Obviously, the beginning of the stripping process should take place no earlier than the end of the concreting process, but to this it is necessary to add the time required to gain a certain strength of the structure. Thus, based on the analysis of all the work combined into a single calendar schedule, its organizational and technological scheme is determined.

After the formation of the organizational and technological scheme, they move on to determining the main quantitative characteristics of the work, which include labor costs - q, duration - t and labor and machine resources - r that define the appropriate duration. The relationship between these characteristics is described by the following equation

q = r t(2)

Each of the quantities included in equation (2) can be defined as a function, argument, or as a given parameter. For example, according to equation (2), the duration of work is most often calculated, that is, it is a function, while labor costs appear as a given parameter depending on the physical volume of work, and the value of labor resources is an independent argument that ultimately determines the desired duration. Labor costs of work are determined either by production (ENiR, RATU, etc.), or by estimated standards (FER, FER, etc.).

It should be noted that those resources that determine the duration of the work are called leading resources. However, there are also driven resources for which the duration is determined by the leading resources. For example, the duration of erection of brick walls of a building will be determined by the number of masons, and the duration of a tower crane, as a driven resource, will depend on the duration of the work of the leading resource, that is, masons. Thus, for the slave resource, the duration will be a given parameter, the amount of the slave resource will act as an argument, and the labor costs will be defined as a function.

To account for this kind of circumstances, in project management programs such as Microsoft Project, is used as a hierarchical scheme for representing the work of compound work, and the definition of the calculation structure for simple work.

2.1. In the construction organization project, a choice is made of a general organizational and technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an agricultural enterprise or a complex and organizational and technological schemes for the construction of individual main buildings and structures that are part of them.

The general organizational and technological scheme establishes the sequence of construction of objects of the main production, ancillary and service purposes, energy and transport facilities and communications, external water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply networks, landscaping, depending on the technological scheme of the production process of the agricultural complex, the features of construction solutions of the general plan - the nature of the distribution of the scope of work, depending on the degree of dispersion and space-planning decisions of the main buildings and structures, as well as the adopted method of organizing construction production (nodal, complete-block, etc.).

The organizational and technological scheme for the construction of a separate building (structure) establishes the sequence of its construction in parts (nodes, sections, spans, cells, floors, tiers, production departments, sections, workshops, etc.) depending on the technological scheme of the production process or other functional diagram, as well as construction solutions and accepted work methods.

2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes, the completeness of individual technological cycles or redistributions in the general production process, the constructive completeness of a part of an agricultural object or a separate building (structure) in its composition and the spatial stability of a part of a building (structure), organization requirements are taken into account. construction production, creating conditions for continuous production of work.

The choice of a general organizational and technological scheme for construction, as well as schemes for the construction of individual buildings for agricultural (industrial) complexes and enterprises is made in the same way as for industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. The general principles, procedure, methodology and examples of the choice of such schemes, including using the nodal and other methods, are discussed in detail in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and projects for the production of work for industrial construction.

When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:

1) the preparatory period includes work on the organization of the construction site: clearing and preparation of the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures; laying of underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation works; supply of electricity and water to places of consumption;

2) the process of erection of agricultural buildings (the main period of construction) is divided into four technological stages: erection of the underground part of the building; erection of the aboveground part of the building; roofing device; post-assembly work;

3) agricultural buildings according to their saturation with underground facilities (manure trays, canals, etc.) are divided into three categories: without underground facilities; with a poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

Depending on the saturation of the underground economy, each of the four technological stages includes various types of construction, installation and special construction works, and their technological sequence will be different.

2.3. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work is taken at each technological stage.

For buildings without underground facilities:

1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; underfloor preparation device;

3) roofing device;

4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment; the device of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:

1) erection of the underground part of the building: a fragment of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and canals; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and a device for preparing under the floors;

2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;

3) roofing device;

4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; the device of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fence machines; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with a highly developed underground economy:

1) erection of the underground part of the building: earthworks for foundations and manure trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing of joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the subfloor; installation of manure trays and ventilation ducts with the device and overlapping of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;

2) erection of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; the device of partitions made of bricks;

3) roofing device;

4) post-assembly work: installation of joinery; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering work; arrangement of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

2.4. The choice of assembly mechanisms for each type of agricultural building is made individually. For the performance of installation work in work production projects, flow charts or diagrams are drawn up indicating the accepted installation mechanisms, tooling, work production methods and their sequence.

Technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings are shown in Fig. 13.

2.5. During the construction of facilities in the Central Asian region of the country, the volume of construction and installation work in desert and semi-desert areas (arid zone) is increasing. A new type of integrated construction activity has appeared, including land reclamation, agricultural, industrial and other types of construction, creating a solid infrastructure and normalized social conditions in the arid zone. In these conditions, the process of creation (design) of water management construction and state farm construction facilities takes place. In the first case, the issues of irrigation and land reclamation of agricultural land development are solved, which is decisive for the second case - the solution of the issues of organizing rural construction of industrial and non-industrial facilities.

These circumstances make serious adjustments to the nomenclature of off-site and on-site work provided for by SNiP 3.01.01-85 (clauses 1.4 and 2.3), which should be taken into account when developing construction management projects and, in particular, organizational and technological schemes in their composition.

2.6. Preparatory work for the construction of agricultural facilities in undeveloped areas of the arid zone is conventionally divided into three stages:

I - preparatory work for the entire volume of construction (preparation of the territory for construction; construction of a collector and drainage network; construction of access roads and tracks; preparation for operation of construction machines; anti-mudflow measures; forest reclamation measures; anti-erosion measures; consolidation of sands; strengthening saline soils; construction of temporary buildings and structures; laying of external communications of power supply, communications, gas supply, water supply).

Rice. 1. Technological sequence of building erection without underground facilities

a- foundations; b- columns; v- covering elements; G- wall panels; d- cover elements (option with steel-reinforced concrete trusses); 1 - place of storage of foundations; 2 - beams warehouse; 3 - a stack of cover plates; 4 - pyramid; 5 - traverse

II - off-site preparatory work (installation of off-site networks and structures on them; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage networks; temporary and permanent networks of telephone, radio, signaling; temporary and permanent power grids and step-down substations; temporary, permanent heating networks and gas supply networks; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage pumping stations; water supply and sewerage treatment facilities; access road; construction of temporary (mobile) inventory buildings; sand consolidation; strengthening of saline soils).

III - on-site preparatory work (vertical planning of the territory; landscaping, irrigation and gardening; elimination of subsidence soil properties; installation of temporary and permanent engineering networks for water supply and sewerage, heat and gas supply, telephony, radio communication and signaling; protection of site facilities from sand drifts and blowing; preparation for operation of machines in extreme conditions of the arid zone; erection of temporary buildings, sheds, sun protection, construction of awnings).

Rice. 2. Technological sequence of erection of a building with underdeveloped underground facilities

a- foundations; b, v- trays for manure removal of feeders, preparation device for underfloor; G- frame structures; d- wall panels; 1 - storage area for foundation shoes; 2 - place of storage of trays; 3 - storage place semi-frames; 4 - pyramid for wall panels

The preparatory work of the above stages is performed in a different continuous sequence (Fig. 4).

The most rational is the combined execution of the production of the last two stages of preparatory work. In practice, the choice of the order of the preparatory work is dictated by the specific conditions of the virgin lands being developed.


3.1. The calendar plan is developed for the construction of livestock and poultry complexes, enterprises for the storage and processing of agricultural products, the repair of agricultural machinery and other agricultural enterprises, as well as individual buildings and structures to ensure the rational organization of construction, the distribution of resources and funds by stages and periods of construction, taking into account production the capacity of contracting construction and installation organizations, subject to the mandatory observance of the norms for the duration of construction and the backlog. At the same time, it is taken into account that the duration of construction includes the entire construction period from the beginning of the preparatory period at the construction site to the commissioning of the complex (enterprise) or commissioning when the work is performed in full, provided for by the working project (project).

When developing the construction schedule, it is envisaged that all auxiliary and auxiliary facilities are erected in combined flows within the construction time of the main production facilities and do not affect the total duration of construction.

Rice. 3. Technological sequence of erection of a building with a highly developed underground economy

a- foundations; b- columns; v- basement panels; G, d, e- manure trays; f- covering elements; s- external wall panels; 1 - prefabricated foundations; 2 - pyramid; 3 - place of storage of elements of trays; 4 - trays; 5 - long, slings; 6 - ladders for pointing truss blocks; 7 - ladders with hooks for loosening the truss block; 8 - sled; 9 - Wall panels

Rice. 4. Options for the production of preparatory work

a- parallel execution of II and III stages; b- performance of works of the III stage after I and part II; v- in-line production of preparation works; G- implementation of the III stage after the works of the I and II stages; d- sequential implementation of three stages of preparation; e- parallel maintenance of three stages after partial completion of the work of stage I

3.2. The preparatory period includes objects and works related to the development of the territory, site planning, arrangement of temporary buildings and structures, as well as temporary engineering networks and roads used for construction needs. The duration of the preparatory period is 15 - 20% of the total duration of the construction of the main buildings and structures.

3.3. Depending on the space-planning and design solutions, construction schedules may include the following production cycles: erection of underground and aboveground parts of buildings and structures; roofing device; Finishing work; sanitary and electrical works, installation of technological equipment, instrumentation and automation, commissioning.

The composition of the brigades for each production cycle is adopted taking into account the requirements of building codes and regulations, the development of workers and basic construction machines and the possibilities for the work front. At the same time, the maximum possible combination of work on production cycles is provided, based on the technological sequence of the construction of the main buildings.

Construction calendar plans are optimized in terms of labor resources, capital investments and the cost of construction and installation work based on the need for their even distribution over construction periods (quarters, months), taking into account the cost of technological equipment, instrumentation and automation and other costs, as well as the timing of equipment delivery.

3.4. Table 1 shows an example of a calendar plan for the construction of a workshop (complex) of fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 million conventional cans (mb) and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year, developed taking into account the above requirements.

The total duration of the construction of the complex in accordance with the Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 1.04.03-85) is 14 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 2 months, the duration of equipment installation - 5 months with the transfer of equipment in installation from 12 to 14 months and installation of equipment, carried out from 9 to 13 months.

The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation works (below the line),%, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

The total estimated cost of the complex is 1,357.73 thousand rubles, including 1,023.84 thousand rubles for construction and installation work. The total estimated cost of the workshop - the main production facility of the complex - is 270.53 thousand rubles, including 149.99 thousand rubles for construction and installation work.

3.5. In fig. 5 shows an example of a comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig breeding farm for 100 main queens (model project No. 802-229). The total duration of the construction of the farm according to the SNiP 1.04.03-85 Standards is 9 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 1 month, the transfer of equipment for installation is carried out from 5 to 6 months, the duration of equipment installation is 3 months - from 6 to 8 months. The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation works (below the line),%, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

Table 1

The total estimated cost of the farm complex is 844.97 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work - 749.74 thousand rubles; equipment cost - 75.43 thousand rubles, other costs - 19.8 thousand rubles, labor intensity - 18080 man-days. The building area of ​​the complex is 9337.84 m 2.

The farm includes:

a pigsty for single and pregnant sows for 124 heads and 12 boars with an area of ​​888.9 m 2;

a pigsty for farrowing and keeping auxiliary sows with piglets for 80 stalls with an area of ​​1549.7 m 2;

a pigsty for weaning pigs for 760 heads and 600 heads of replacement pigs with an area of ​​1881.4 m 2;

13 other buildings and structures with an area of ​​5017.84 m 2.

The main buildings of the farm are of the same type in terms of design solutions: frame-panel construction, prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and frames, panel and brick walls, brick partitions, coatings from precast reinforced concrete slabs, asbestos-cement roofing, expanded clay concrete, concrete, plank, asphalt and ceramic floors.

Rice. 5. Comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig farm


4.1. The construction master plan in the project for the organization of the construction of agricultural production complexes is developed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual for the development of projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of work for industrial construction.

When developing a construction master plan, the issues of providing construction with energy resources - electricity, water, heat, compressed air, oxygen, etc. are resolved. At the same time:

the estimated need for the specified resources is determined;

rational schemes of engineering networks, power lines and points of connection of temporary networks to the existing ones are selected and substantiated;

the most efficient water supply sources in terms of technical and economic indicators are selected; the places for drilling artesian wells, the nature of the equipment for water intakes and filtering devices are established; the flow rate of water sources and the quality of their water are determined;

the approximate need for construction in equipment and cable products necessary for the installation of temporary power lines and engineering networks is determined;

issues of allocation of electricity, water, gas in the required quantity and required parameters are coordinated with the relevant organizations.

4.2. The basis for calculating the need for resources is the volume of construction and installation work in cost and physical (natural) meters, determined by the design organization in the design and estimate documentation. The data on the amount of work for calculating the resource requirement is given in Form 2 of the construction organization project.

4.3. In the absence of design data, the volume of construction and installation work for approximate calculations can be roughly taken according to the data for analogous objects, as well as according to the calculated standards (indicators) of the volume of work calculated for the consolidated cost and physical meters - 1 million rubles. the cost of construction and installation work, 100 m 2 of useful area of ​​a residential building and others.

4.4. When determining the need for resources, the costs of resources for work performed at the expense of overheads are additionally determined, and losses during transportation, loading, unloading and storage of building materials, products and other resources are taken into account in accordance with the current norms of natural loss.

4.5. The need for all types of resources is linked to the volume and timing of work by construction periods in accordance with the construction schedule. For this purpose, after determining the total need for resources for each type, the requirement is linked to the time of their use at the construction site by plotting the use of each individual type of resource over time. The construction of such schedules is based on the construction schedule.

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