
Toasts from the film Prisoner of the Caucasus for all occasions. Quotes from the movie captive of the Caucasus

- What is it?
- You need a toast.
- Yes.
- A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.
- No, I don’t drink.
- And I drink? What is there to drink?

Life, as they say, is good!
- A good life is even better!

- You misunderstood me. I don't drink at all. Do you understand? I have no physical ability.
- On this occasion - the first toast.

My great-grandfather says: I have a desire to buy a house, but I have no opportunity.
I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire.
So let's drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities.

- Well done.
- So.
- Listen to another toast.
- So…

And when the whole flock flew south to winter,
one small but proud bird said: "Personally, I will fly directly into the sun."
She began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.

So let's drink so that none of us, no matter how high he flies,
would never break away from the team.

- What happened dear?
- What, what is it, dear?
- I'm sorry for the bird!

And the princess hanged herself out of anger on her own scythe, because he
I counted exactly how many grains are in the bag, how many drops are in the sea, and how many stars are in the sky.
So let's drink to the cybernetics!

- To your health!
- To your health!

Our acquaintance began long ago.
Very, very ...)
No matter how you come to the river, a tiny bird will certainly fly up from the edge of the water and rush, almost touching its surface ... Kulik-carrier.

Tringa (Actitis) hypoleucos

Our constant neighbor)
One of the most numerous waders all over the south of the tundra.
The most common sandpiper on our rivers.

These birds appear in April from the southern edges and immediately begin their zigzag current flights with noisy beats of their wings over the water. At the same time, the male performs a trill and makes symbolic holes in the ground for the nest.

If Kulichka lady of the heart likes the "nest project", then she reciprocates and ....
the male begins to build a real comfortable nest for future offspring.
Himself ... alone)
The female does not take part in the construction ...

The nest is a small hole with a scanty litter of dry grass and leaves.
The color of the walls of the fossa and litter almost merges with the surrounding environment, and the nest can be difficult to notice even in those cases when it is placed in rare vegetation or is completely open.

The female always lays exactly 4 eggs.
Eggs are pale greenish, with small reddish-brown and dark gray spots.
They weigh about the same as the mother herself.

For 20 days, parents incubate eggs ... both, in turn, letting go of each other to stretch their legs and feed.
The hatched chicks leave the nest almost immediately, and after four weeks they can fly and live independently.

The carriers feed on worms, insects and their larvae.

Carriers love to sit in high, open places above the water, even on reeds or ship masts.

These little kulich are not only masterly fly, but also swim well, dive deeply and very quickly row under water with their wings, swimming a rather considerable distance.

Pursued by birds of prey, carriers rush into the water directly from the air and emerge at a distance of several meters from the dive site, they can dive to a depth of one meter and remain under water for more than 30 seconds, raking under water with their wings.

And he is really very tiny - less than a starling.
And always there ...)

You walk along the river and he accompanies you, flying from coast to coast ... either swiftly planning, then from time to time making a couple of sharp flaps of his wings ...
and a fast, thin trill rushes after him: "tilili-li-li-li ..."

Veteran bird watchers describe it as "a trill reminiscent of the sound of a small violin" ... "a little sad call signs:" puii .., puii .. "
These are the romantics))) birdwatchers)

Romantics and inventors.
They invented tiny devices - geolocators, small navigators that store information about how the bird to which it was attached lives its bird life.

Actually from the story of ornithologist Zhenya (oh, forgive me Evgeny Grigorievich!))))
and my desire began to tell my friends about the carrier wader.

Last fall, exactly a year ago ... ornithologists caught a carrier cake that nested almost next to their house, attached a tiny ring with a geolocator to its leg and let it go - fly)

And then, in the spring, by a lucky chance, they were able to catch the tramp who returned to the nest and remove the geolocator ring from him.

When the information from the geolocator was deciphered, it turned out that the little kulichok was a noble Flyer.

Having taken off from the North, in the Surgut region, he took a break after a couple of thousand kilometers on the Borovoe lake in Kazakhstan, and then "rushed" to Pakistan.
Four days of non-stop flight.

Red line ... track)

The flight map is very schematic) but ...

How amazingly this World is arranged ...

How many forces, opportunities, talents have been released to those living on planet Earth ...
From little cakes to ... we are so reasonable and loving to complain from time to time about fatigue, lack of mood ... and other nonsense ...))))))

P / S: this time the photos are not mine - they were taken from a wonderful photographer, here: http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/bos-foto/

My great-grandfather used to say: "I have the desire to buy a house, but I have no opportunity. I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire." So let's drink to our desires to match our capabilities.

At a driving school in Georgia, a driver's license applicant takes an exam. The inspector explains the traffic situation:

You are driving along a narrow road. On the left is a high-high mountain. On the right is a harsh, harsh abriv. Suddenly on the road - a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible-dreadful old woman. Whom are you going to crush?

Of course, the old woman!

Fool! .. The brake must be pressed!

So let's drink to the fact that in a difficult situation we do not forget to press the brake!

On the beach, a girl asks her mother: "Mommy, why are the aunts' swimsuits smooth, while those of the uncles protrude?" The mother was embarrassed, wanted to spank the girl, but then, nevertheless, with a serious look, said: "And the uncles, daughter, put money there."

I propose a toast to rich wallets!

And then one small but very proud bird said:

Personally, I will fly directly to the Sun!

And she began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge!

So let's drink so that each of us, no matter how high he climbs, never breaks away from the team!

One Georgian tells a friend:

Understand! I was at the doctor, and he said to me: "You can't drink! You can't smoke! You can't go with women!"

Poor fellow! - sympathizes with a friend.

What poor fellow am I? I gave him money ... and he allowed me everything!

Let's drink to rich people!

Let's drink to those men who can stand up for themselves and lie down for others!

He who lies does not fall. The one who runs is falling. Let's drink to the runners!

One night I walk in the park, the moon, the stars, and a guy and a girl are kissing on the bench. I go another time: the moon, the stars ... and the same guy on the same bench is kissing another girl. I go next time: night, moon, stars ... and the same guy, on the same bench, with the third girl.

So let's drink to the constancy of men and the inconstancy of women!

One day a swallow with its little chicks escaped from predators and ended up on the edge of a deep mountain gorge. And the first chick began to ask:

Mommy, carry me over and I will always love you!

You're lying! - said the swallow and threw him into the abyss.

Mom, carry me over and I'll save you someday too! - said the second chick.

You're lying! - said the swallow and also threw him into the abyss. And the third chick said:

Mom, save me, and when I grow up, I will also save my children!

But you are telling the truth, - said the swallow and saved him.

So let's drink to the bitter truth!

An elderly man was standing at a bus stop, a young man approached him and asked: "What time is it?" The man did not react to this in any way. The guy repeated his question. Silence again. With a strong curse, the stranger left.

A person standing next to him asked discontentedly:

What a manner, why didn't you answer the young man?

I'll tell you why. So I'm standing here on my own and waiting for the bus. A guy comes up to me and wants to know the time. Let's say I answer. Then we can start a conversation, and he will offer: "Let's have a drink." Then we'll drink one and another. Then I will offer him a bite to eat, and we will go to my house, fry sausage and eggs in our kitchen. At this time my daughter will come in, and he will fall in love with her, and she will fall in love with him. After a while they will get married. But why such a son-in-law who cannot get himself a watch?

So let's drink to men who can buy themselves everything they need!

They say the bad luck streak sometimes turns out to be take-off.

So let's drink to our joyful prospects on the runway!

Let's drink to honest and humble people! Moreover, there are so few of us left ...

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!

Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!

Don't drink good wine if you can drink very good wine!

And most importantly, do not forget to drink so that you always have money for what is best!

Women are divided into three categories - "ladies", "I will not give", and "ladies, but not you."

Let's drink to you for 132 years.

And so that you die at 132 years old.

And ne is simple umer, but killed.

And ne is simply killed, and zarezali.

And ne just zarezali, but out of eagerness.

And ne just out of eagerness, but for the cause!

So let's have a drink here,

They won't give in the next world!

Well, and if they give it there -

Let's drink there and drink here!

Friends! Let's drink to our enemies. So that they have everything: a country villa, a luxurious car in the garage, Persian carpets, a swimming pool, a fireplace, and of course, a satellite phone on which they would only call 01, 02 and 03 !!!

First toast: Goodbye! We will not see you sober today!

You don't have to chase a woman like a tram that has gone. Remember that there is the next tram behind.

So let's drink to the fact that trams run more often!

God made a man out of clay, and a small piece of clay remained with him.

What else are you blind to, man? God asked.

The man thought: everything seems to be there - arms, legs, head - and said:

Make me happy.

But God, although he saw everything and knew everything, did not know what happiness was. He gave clay to a man and said:

Blind your own happiness.

For our successes in this matter!

Let's drink to the fact that late at night we walk down the street and we are attacked by money! But we could not fight them off!

Once, a young horseman with his beautiful wife was driving through the mountains of beautiful Georgia. He beat as strong as a bull, as fast as a mountain river, his eyes were like an eagle's, a dagger as sharp as an attack of appendicitis, his mind twisted like a karakul on a hat ...

And so, on a rock, a mountain goat appeared over the road. And the horseman at full gallop drew his gun and shot at the animal, but not a single muscle flinched on the goat's muzzle. Then he stopped his horse and, taking aim, fired again, but the goat did not even move. Then the horseman got down to the ground, and kneeling down, fired again, but the goat only jumped aside. And when the horseman wanted to lie down for a shot, the goat had already disappeared. Both the young horseman and his young wife starved to death.

So let's drink so that we don't come across such goats on our way of life!

Dear women! I wish you always have four animals: a mink on your shoulders, a "jaguar" in the garage, a lion in bed and a donkey that would pay for all this!

Once a camel asks his mother:

Mom, look at the horse's slender, slender legs, but why do we have such crooked paws?

But we will go through the desert, but the horse will not be able to, it will get stuck.

Mom, look what the horse's teeth are even, but why are we so crooked and bent, and saliva flows all the time?

But we can eat thorns in the desert, but the horse cannot.

Mom, look at the back of the horse, smooth, beautiful, but why do we have that hanging out there?

But we can survive in the desert for two weeks without water, but a horse cannot.

Mom, what the hell do we need at the zoo?

So let's drink to survive in our zoo!

The girl's weapon is her clothes.

Let's drink to general disarmament.

The Eagle was flying high in the sky. And the Eagle had a beautiful pearl necklace around his neck. Suddenly, from behind a cloud, a Berkut flies out and says to the Eagle: "Make way for me!"

But the proud Eagle said: "No!" And did not give way. And they began to fight. They fought day and night and no one could win. In the heat of the fight, Berkut accidentally tore the necklace and pearls scattered all over the Earth ...

So let us drink to those Beautiful Pearls that sit here among us!

A turtle floats on the river, on its back sits a poisonous snake. The snake thinks: "If I bite it, it will throw it off." The turtle thinks: "If I throw it off, it will bite."

So let's drink to the faithful female friendship that can overcome any obstacles!

Women are flowers. And the flowers are beautiful when they bloom.

So let's drink to dissolute women!

A guy comes to the sorcerer and asks:

Make me a dick to the ground.

The sorcerer thought, thought and made his legs ten centimeters long.

So let's drink to a well-written technical task!

Let's drink vodka to the generation that chooses Pepsi! Because we will get more!

People say: “If you want to make the right decision, consult with your wife and do the opposite. I drink to our wives, who give us the opportunity to find the right decision in a difficult situation.

One evening a young woman came into the telegraph office and in a trembling voice asked for a form. She wrote a telegram on one form, tore it up, then on a second, and tore it up again. Finally, she wrote a third telegram and handed it through the window, asking to send it quickly. When the telegram was sent and the sender went home, the telegraph operator asked the first two.

Here's what was written in the first:

Everything is over. I don’t want to see you again.

The second had this text:

Don't try to write and see me anymore.

And the third was like this:

Come immediately by the next train. Waiting for an answer.

So let's drink to the constancy of the female character!

I was recently in France and got into a conversation with a Parisian.

A good woman, he said, is one who has a husband and a lover.

Is it? I thought it was bad, ”I said.

No, the bad one is the one who has only a lover.

And I thought it was the fallen one.

No, the fallen one is the one who has no one.

And I thought it was lonely.

No, the lonely one is the one who has one husband.

So let's drink, dear friends, for single women!

One wise Georgian said:

If you want to be happy one day, get drunk.

If you want to be happy for a week, get sick.

If you want to be happy for a month, get married.

If you want to be happy for a year, get a mistress.

If you want to be happy all your life - be healthy, dear!

So let's drink to the happiness of all those present - to health!

Going to war, the king put on a chastity belt on his charming wife. Sitting on a horse to ride on a campaign, he called his faithful friend and servant to him:

I give you the key to my most important treasury. If they kill me in the war, you will undo the chastity belt that my wife is wearing. And you will do it exactly one year after my death. Only you can I entrust this key, for I do not doubt your honesty and nobility.

Awarded such trust, the friend and servant bowed to the king, kissed the sovereign's hand, and took the key. Before the king had time to drive far from the castle, he heard the clatter of hooves: his faithful friend and servant was chasing him.

Yesterday it was solemnly announced that Georgian wine is returning to Russia. And it is not just returning, but not a single sip has been sold yet, but this return has already been called "triumphant". And the joyful faces of winemakers flashed everywhere, confidently predicting the sale of their products at least ten million bottles a year.

And I am in no way trying to pretend to be a connoisseur or a professional now, but I speak as the most ordinary consumer and representative of such a standard Moscow family, which, especially without smacking his lips, ordinary supermarkets have a couple of hundred bottles of wine a year.

They have already warned that the rehabilitated wines will cost "more than three hundred rubles." We buyers know very well what that means. That is, you can't even buy for three hundred. And so I go to the store. And there now the range of prices, of course, is very large, but it is within these limits that one can easily find in the assortment quite decent products of Bordeaux, Rioja or something like that. So what could motivate me for the same money, and, most likely, more expensive, to buy a bottle of Saperavi instead?

And it was not by chance that I started with this, after all, including dry. Because most of the other popular Georgian wines in our youth, such as Khvanchkara, Kindzmarauli or Akhazheni, are only semi-sweet. Have you seen big fans of this kind in our country for a long time? For more than twenty years I have not met such people for more than twenty years, approximately since the time of the Soviet "fire extinguishers".

Now I will tell you one little secret and I think that I will not let anyone down, since it is known to almost everyone. I don’t know where how, but in Moscow for a long time you can order Georgian wine in many decent restaurants of Georgian cuisine. From the most seasoned and vintage to young and homemade. Moreover, it costs much less than a “branded” one from far abroad. But they take it very rarely. Maybe some foreigners for the exotic. And even our local Georgians prefer French, Italian or Spanish, in extreme cases, Chilean.

I’ll say right away that, of course, I don’t have any statistics on this topic, but I just ask my Georgian comrades out of patriotism not to start reproaching me for lying and claim that in fact they drink exclusively the drinks of their historical homeland. It is enough just to go from the street without warning into any institution of this kind, and you will see what is on the tables. There will be mostly some kind of "Valpolicella", and by no means "Khvanchakara".

And I also want to mention one nuance, which is quite far from the gourmet and aesthetic side of the issue. Our vodka, of course, is constantly getting more expensive, and we are proud to say that the percentage of its consumption among the people in relation to wine is steadily decreasing. But still, no matter how this white villain may harm the national budget, there is still no problem to buy an excellent “half liter” for one hundred and fifty rubles. At the same time, I know a lot of people who are ready to take a bottle of the Medoc region instead of two or three or even much more bottles of vodka. But somehow I hardly imagine a person who can exchange the same amount of forty degrees for 0.75 "Georgian semi-sweet".

I only ask you to understand me correctly. I'm not going to argue with anyone, it's just that I myself am very interested in how this whole story will end. Who will buy and drink these same ten million bottles a year, to put it mildly, an extremely peculiar alcohol? Nostalgic elderly ladies, lovers of "sweet", not paying much attention to its taste? Moscow Georgian patriots who want to express their love for the land of their ancestors even in this way? Eastern youth, who suddenly considered it a fashionable "bauble" to change a vulgar cocktail in the club for a glass of "Ojaleshi"?

It is extremely curious what is at least an approximate social and psychological portrait of the prospective consumer. Somehow I have some doubts about this.

Not to mention the fact that I personally have these "wines from Ivanishvili", regardless of their taste and quality, will get stuck in my throat. But the physiological characteristics of one particular organism can be ignored. The rest is someone who will "triumphantly" drink, will you?

Latvia is a country with a population of just under two million. A third of the number of only registered residents of the Moscow region and one-fifth of the same official number in Moscow. Slightly more than half of the population of the distant Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In terms of territory, Latvia is comparable to such countries as Sri Lanka, Togo, Croatia. It is smaller than Denmark, Bhutan and Haiti. From east to west the country - from Ludza to Ventspils - can be traveled in six hours, it is about 450 km, and from south to north - from Daugavpils to Valka - in three and a half hours, it is about 280 km.

The population of Latvia consists of twenty percent of "non-citizens". These are people who were born in this country, but are not ethnic Latvians.

Yes, do not be surprised that the twenty-first century is in the yard, and in Europe there are countries that deprive part of their population of civil rights. In addition to Latvia, this racial policy is pursued by Lithuania and Estonia.

Despite the already small number of inhabitants, in fact there are even fewer people in the country. As soon as Latvia joined the European Union, its inhabitants began mass labor migration to the UK and Ireland. According to unofficial statistics, and there is simply no official one, up to 80% of the able-bodied population of this proud country works as a servant in hotels in Western Europe, repairs plumbing, sweeps the streets. The local population treats them in much the same way as we treat migrants from Central Asia.

There is no economy in Latvia. The GDP is slightly more than in Cote d'Ivoire, and less than in Tanzania. This country is not able to maintain either its own army or navy, therefore all foreign policy statements of the Latvian government are connected with hysterical requests to ensure their safety. statements by the United States and NATO countries have placed their bases there, thereby leveling the country's independence as an independent state.

In addition to poverty, or rather because of it, nationalist sentiments are strong in Latvia. Russia, which has been feeding this country for fifty years, is usually called the occupiers and is considered enemy number one.

In response, Russia is still the main sponsor of life in Latvia. We are supplied not only with industrial goods from this country, which are not in demand anywhere else, but we also organize all the cultural events of the proud state. This is the New Wave in Jurmala, and the wailing KiViN in the same place. The Russian cultural workers who flock to Latvia provide revenue for hotels, restaurants and, thus, contribute a significant part to the country's meager budget.

This summer, the Latvian government finally lost its common sense. It came to the point when it was ready to gouge out its own eye, just to make someone worse. For the New Wave Festival, the Latvian Foreign Ministry refused to issue visas to some Russian artists.

I, that it's time to stop sponsoring the economy of a country unfriendly to us, refuse to import it, and respond to the aggressive and offensive statements of the head of this state, which have recently sounded in news feeds.

We seem to have been heard. Igor Krutoy, who is the organizer of the New Wave in Jurmala, is considering transferring the festival from Latvia to another country. In response, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia

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