
Internal structural divisions (VSP) KO. The operations they perform. How to get help in vsp what is it Who runs the vsp channel in tb

On January 27, 2016, the Kyrgyz Republic received the GSP + (Generalized Scheme of Preferences) status granted by the European Union. This is a system of preferential customs tariffs for goods exported by developing countries to developed ones. This status implies additional trade incentives for countries that already benefit from the GSP. The Minister of Economy Arzybek KOZHOSHEV tells about what gives and guarantees to Kyrgyzstan such a decision of the European Union.

- Dear Arzybek Orozbekovich! In January of this year, Kyrgyzstan acquired the GSP + status. Why is this needed, what are the benefits for our entrepreneurs?

- First, I will briefly inform the readers about the procedure and form of obtaining the Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP). Back in March 2015, the Ministry of Economy (at the initiative of the government of Kyrgyzstan) sent a statement of intent to obtain this status to the European Commission.

At the end of last autumn, on November 25, after considering our request and discussing the export-import potential of Kyrgyzstan, the European Union approved it. On January 26, 2016, after the consideration of the application by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament, a corresponding decree of the European Union appeared in the official bulletin of the EU, which announced the granting of GSP + status to Kyrgyzstan. The decision came into force on January 27. I will add that GSP + is an increased number of preferences, guaranteeing the complete elimination of tariffs (duty-free import) for more than six thousand commodity items. The addition of the "+" (plus) sign means that this scheme is more progressive than the previously created VSP scheme.

What are the advantages of this status? Its use is important for our country in connection with the provision of new opportunities for increasing and diversifying the export of Kyrgyz producers to European markets. The republic got the opportunity to carry out duty-free import of more than six thousand items of goods to the EU countries. Previously, exporters paid a customs duty of 14.6% on some types of fruits and vegetables and up to 5-9% on garments. Of course, this is very beneficial for our entrepreneurs! In addition, this status will help Kyrgyzstan attract foreign investment, including from the EAEU countries, in the development of various sectors of the economy.

- Which countries have a similar status and for how long is it granted?

- In 2014 and 2015, the list of countries enjoying GSP + status included: Georgia, Armenia, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Mongolia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama and Peru. In 2016, six countries were excluded from the list (the last in the list), and in 2016, such status remained with nine countries - Georgia, Armenia, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Mongolia, Pakistan, Paraguay, the Philippines and Kyrgyzstan. Among the EAEU member states, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan now have the status of a GSP + user.

- Remind us what goods have been exported by our producers to Europe so far?

- Mainly agricultural: fresh fruits, processed fruits (dried fruits, juices, jams, preserves), other food products, tobacco products. But in recent years, the list of our exports to Europe includes textiles, clothing, felt and leather products, and carpets. Obtaining the GSP + status provides the country's businessmen with tremendous opportunities for expanding export volumes, and hence making a profit, which ultimately will have a positive effect on the growth of the country's economy.

- What is now required from our side, what are the following actions?

- First, the Ministry of Economy must provide conditions for the export of products. The GSP + regime requires Kyrgyzstan to fully fulfill its obligations under 27 international conventions: respect for human rights, good governance, labor and environmental standards, as well as to create an overview of the procedure for the sale of goods in accordance with the norms of these conventions. In addition, the country undertakes to carry out regular monitoring in accordance with the procedures established by the EU in Article 13 of the EU Regulation No. 978/2012.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure quality requirements, certification of goods. The VSP + user status does not provide for simplification of procedures for obtaining certificates or their cancellation. Let me emphasize: the requirements in the field of technical regulation (for safety, quality, packaging, labeling and other conditions of products supplied to the European market) have remained the same. This means that products exported there must necessarily document their compliance with the requirements of the European Union.
Depending on the type of product and its purpose, it is required to provide an "EC Certificate of Conformity" or "EC Declaration of Conformity": if the product falls under European directives that determine the procedure for marking products with the CE mark (CE Mark), then this certificate or declaration is needed. When this is not required, test results or registration certificates for specific products are provided, which is determined by EU legislation (directives, decisions, regulations). EU certificates of conformity can be issued by structures located exclusively in the countries of the European Economic Community (EEC), and by some structures in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Japan.

Thirdly, the Ministry of Economy should inform domestic producers. An information campaign on new opportunities for Kyrgyz exporters to supply duty-free products to EU countries was launched on February 4 this year during a press conference in the Kabar news agency, where Deputy Minister of Economy Kylychbek Dzhakypov and Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Cesare de Montis, reported, that Kyrgyzstan, by the decision of the EU Commission, received the status of a user of a special scheme for stimulating sustainable development and good governance of the GSP + EU. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Economy on February 7, February 17 - on the radio "Birinchi", and on February 26 - on the KTRK TV channel. On February 25, at the National Institute for Strategic Research, a discussion of this topic was held, a working group (more than 37 interested persons) was created from representatives of government agencies, business (including associations), donor organizations and independent experts to develop an action plan to promote domestic goods to the EU markets.

- What should this working group do?

- Experts will study the state of the domestic market, identify problems and outline steps to eliminate them in order to promote domestic goods to European markets using new preferential opportunities. But the goal is not only to identify the problems and difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan, but also to formulate measures to eliminate them, and then outline a plan of specific measures that should eliminate these problems. Then Kyrgyz goods will be able to enter the markets of European countries using new preferential opportunities. Naturally, the public and entrepreneurs will be regularly informed about the specific results of the experts' work.

- Already have the first results?

- Yes, the first circle of problems in promoting products to European markets has been identified, they primarily relate to infrastructure, quality, implementation of the HACCP system at enterprises (English Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)), in translation - risk analysis and critical control points. This is a concept that provides for the systematic identification, assessment and management of hazards that significantly affect product safety, product certification, availability of trade information, and cargo consolidation.

We are discussing with the EU Commission the issue of providing complete information on the requirements for these groups of goods when they are shipped to the EU. The arrival of EU representatives to our country is planned for June 8-9. At the Ministry of Economy, experts from the EU advisory mission will discuss the supply of goods to Europe with representatives of the Kyrgyz business community.

And during the discussions with the participation of representatives of the donor community, we proposed to consider the possibility of supporting the promotion of Kyrgyz goods to the EU markets using new preferential opportunities, including such areas as the introduction of the HACCP system at export-oriented enterprises, conducting a marketing analysis of the EU market to determine the needs and the list products that will be competitive in that market.

We also plan to meet with exporters of Armenia (has a GSP + user status since 2014) to study their experience in supplying goods to the EU.

- When will the working group present the results of its work?

- To date, the working group has completed the development of an initial draft of an action plan that will help in solving problems and promoting Kyrgyzstan's goods to European markets using new opportunities. After discussion and revision, this plan will be implemented in the plan of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic for the development of exports for 2015-2017, approved by the resolution of the GKR on March 31, 2015.

- Which of the goods that were previously in great demand can win their "niche" in the markets of European countries?

- I think this is a very wide range of products. Now a list of a group of priority goods has been determined that have a real export potential for delivery to the markets of the EU countries. We have divided the list into three groups depending on the degree of willingness of entrepreneurs to export their goods. In the next year or two, the garment industry has an export potential, including in ethnic style, felt products, medicinal herbs, beans, dried fruits, walnuts, honey, bottled water, and some types of alcoholic beverages. In the medium term, Kyrgyzstan is ready to export selected vegetables and fruits with an emphasis on documentary compliance with the term "organic", jewelry. In the longer term, among the export items to Europe are meat products, hides. And now the country is discussing measures to promote them.

Remember the former glory of woolen and half-woolen fabrics of the Kyrgyz Worsted and Cloth Combine, natural silk and cotton fabrics of Osh factories, leather products of our factories, carpet products of previously operating, but, unfortunately, now idle or bankrupt numerous carpet factories. And workshops in all regions of the republic that produce consumer goods from natural raw materials will not bypass the attention of European buyers. It is also worth talking about the growth of exports of cotton, honey and many other goods.

Photo courtesy of the press service
Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

What is VSP at Sberbank?

  • VSP in Sberbank is such an abbreviation. which means the internal division of Sberbank. Which one is specific - it should be clear from the context, for example, this is SB - the bank's security service, or OK - the lending department.
  • VSP - Internal structural unit. If you do not go into details, then in the common people this is a bank branch. If you live in a rural area, but you do not have a GSP (branch of the Savings Bank) and the population of the post actively uses the services of the Savings Bank, you can call the hotline and ask a question about whether it is planned to open a GSP in your area. After a certain number of operations, which is used by the population, the GSP is opened in the area or not.
  • VSP stands for internal structural unit. Simply put, this is the office, the premises of Sberbank, which you can choose for yourself as a priority. If you draw up an impersonal metal account or a deposit, you can independently choose the GSP in which the account will be opened. Choose the office closest to your home or work so that it is convenient to visit if necessary. And if you transfer from a previously opened account, the GSP of the office where you opened the account is indicated.
  • VSP stands for internal structural divisions. This, roughly speaking, is a Sberbank premises, an office, a bank building. And they are also called Sberbank branches in Russian. This abbreviation is found in recruitment advertisements for Sberbank.
  • Sberbank is a huge powerful structure, which is divided into branches, branches, offices, main branches, territorial offices. VSP is an internal structural unit. To make it convenient for you, this is any additional office in your city where clients are served. More often this name is used by employees for short service offices.
  • Perhaps many people have come across this term, which refers to Sberbank. In fact, VSP is an internal structural unit. More precisely and more simply - this is a branch, an office of Sberbank, more precisely, service offices. After all, there are many branches of Sberbank in every city. They are made for the convenience of people.
  • In advertisements for vacancies of Sberbank, you can often find the abbreviation VSP. Nothing terrible is hidden behind these letters, VSP in Sberbank these are internal structural divisions. These can be departments, departments, and so on. When applying for a job, it is worth clarifying which internal unit is meant and where it is located geographically, since this can be of significant importance.

As a former employee of Sberbank, I can professionally answer your question. In Sberbank, the abbreviation VSP means internal structural division.

This is an additional branch or branch in your region or region for the convenience of customers, so that you do not have to run and look for branches.

The zone of the internal structural unit is located in the Sberbank branch itself, where all bank tellers, cashiers and branch managers who perform their professional work are located and do not allow clients there.

Sverbank is a large and even huge structure that has spread its branches throughout the Russian Federation and abroad. So these departments are VSP, and they can be deciphered as: internal structural divisions. In order not to write them for so long in ads or somewhere else, they resort to the abbreviation VSP.

Indeed, everywhere in forums, in vacancies, and on the Internet, this abbreviation VSP is found, but without decoding. Yet it stands for the Internal Structural Division of Sberbank. As we know, Sberbank is a very large organization that has many branches, additional offices, branches, and a lot of structural divisions to manage.

Source: http://info-4all.ru/obrazovanie/biznes-i-finansi/chto-takoe-vsp-v-sberbanke/

Slide presentation "VSP 3.0"

make a presentation for the speaker.

VSP is an internal structural unit, in the common people of a bank branch. Sberbank has a VSP improvement program.

The third stage of improvements was devoted to the presentation of our customer at the IV Strategic Conference of the heads of the regional network of Sberbank. The event took place from 9 to 13 February in Crimea.

To support the presentation, it was necessary to create slides that would clearly reflect every thought in the presentation. The assignment was received at the end of December, so work on the project began on New Year's holidays.


We did a lot of analytical work, came up with a design, created programming and animation. The presentation also included video interviews with Sberbank employees.

Throughout the work, every day we communicated with the customer, together we were looking for the best solutions, plunged into a large amount of new information for us. A month of continuous work almost 24 hours a day. We supplemented the slides with the latest statistics even late the evening before the performance.

As a result, everything went on at the proper level: the speaker successfully delivered his presentation in front of an audience of 1,500, and our slides supplemented his presentation with visual images and visual statistics.

Below you can watch the Sberbank-TV report on the conference.

Source: http://Rivelty.ru/portfolio/sberbank_vsp/

Help about the epidemiological environment: what is needed, design features, where to get:

States pay great attention to the sanitary and epidemiological situation in their territories. This is necessary in order for infectious diseases to be detected and localized in time.

A rapidly spreading infection can easily lead to dangerous outbreaks of epidemics. Therefore, preventive measures are extremely relevant.

In this regard, every person who goes, for example, to a sanatorium or a rest house, should have a certificate of the epidemiological environment.

Medical certificate of contacts

Children and adults are in constant contact with other people. The social circle can include classmates and colleagues, friends and relatives, passengers on buses and passers-by, visitors to public places, employees of various organizations, neighbors.

Any of them can carry a potential risk of infection for a person. Of course, the state of health of all citizens cannot be checked.

That is why a certificate of the epidemiological environment indicates the absence of infectious patients only at the place of residence.

The medical document confirms that there have been no dangerous contacts in the person's closest social circle over the past 21 days. It should reflect the following main points:

  1. Date of issue.
  2. Recipient data (full name, age, date of birth).
  3. Address of the actual residence.
  4. Conclusion that no infectious patients were identified within three weeks.
  5. Place of providing the certificate.
  6. Doctor's signature and seal.

Without this information, the document will not be considered authentic.

Why do you need a certificate of epidemiological well-being

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides that a certificate of the epidemiological environment, a sample of which is approved by the country's Ministry of Health, may be required in a number of cases:

  • a trip of a child or an adult to a holiday home;
  • the need to undergo spa treatment;
  • rest in a summer camp for children;
  • admission to school or preschool educational institution, as well as to some modern colleges and lyceums;
  • returning to kindergarten after rest;
  • hospitalization in a hospital.

It should be borne in mind that it is possible to obtain a document only before immediate departure or admission to an educational institution.

How is a medical document issued

A certificate of the epidemiological environment is drawn up in a medical organization located at the place of residence of the recipient. For adults, the document is issued by an epidemiologist or district therapist, while for children - by a pediatrician. At the same time, a doctor, relying on human health or the epidemiological state in the region, may require the provision of:

  • conclusions of the examination by a dermatologist;
  • the results of the analysis of feces;
  • recent fluorography;
  • vaccination certificate.

If recently outbreaks of dangerous diseases have not been identified, then obtaining documents will not cause special problems.

Methods of obtaining

You can get a certificate of the epidemiological environment both in a regular medical institution and in a paid medical center.

The latter option is popular for those who do not want to spend precious hours on long waiting, do not want to sit in line for a doctor, and want to finish the formalities as soon as possible in order to make the last preparations before the long-awaited departure.

Naturally, the second method will require additional financial costs, but this fact does not stop many people. Saving effort and time is more important to them.

It is worth noting that some citizens do not want to visit medical institutions at all. Then the certificate about the epidemiological environment is simply bought. However, the purchase of counterfeit letterheads is highly discouraged.

Indeed, due to the irresponsible attitude to important documents, you can ruin your entire vacation or disrupt planned events. One should not refer to the lack of time or the bureaucracy of state organizations.

Such excuses can lead to the massive spread of typhoid, measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever and others.

Features of a medical document

Each person should be interested in the fact that the certificate about the epidemiological environment, the form of which must be viewed in advance in order to avoid forgeries, was received according to all the rules. If everyone is conscientious about its design, then dangerous health problems associated with outbreaks of infectious diseases can be easily avoided.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the document is valid for only three days. After this period, it will have to be taken again. It is issued to the administration of educational institutions for children one day prior to its provision. This must always be remembered so as not to create additional difficulties for yourself and your child.

Thus, a certificate of epidemiological well-being is an important medical document, which indicates that the recipient has not been in contact with infectious patients recently.

It guarantees that a person does not become a carrier of a dangerous disease.

You should deal with registration in a specialized medical institution, avoiding illegal methods, because taking care of your own health is relevant for everyone.

Source: https://www.syl.ru/article/295556/spravka-ob-epidokru ..

VSP materials: types and features

The upper structure of the track, otherwise the VSP is a complex structure that includes rails, fastenings with anti-theft protection, rail supports), ballast, bridge deck, turnouts and other devices.

What is this design for?

The upper structure of the track first receives and then sends to the main site of the roadbed the dynamic effects arising from the interaction with the wheels of the rolling stock.

In addition, the VSP gives direction to the wheels when the rolling stock moves.

All types of materials that make up the VSP are divided into types, have their own standards, and are also categorized.

What functions do VSP materials perform?

The rails are attached to the sleepers by means of intermediate rail fasteners. There are also butt rail joints in the form of bolts with washers and plates that connect the rails. There are three types of joints: welded, bolted and glue-bolted.

Due to the pads, the pressure from the rails is transferred to the supports. So that the rails do not move over time, anti-theft devices are installed. This is the name for the brackets that are attached to the rail base in a certain way. Railway crutches are intended for fastening rails to sleepers.

These are metal rods with an oval head and a sharp end.
The devices that make up the VSP also include ramps, turnouts and blind intersections. This is thanks to them, it is possible to branch one track into two or more, and turn the rolling stock 180 degrees.

Translations are placed on special beams, similar to sleepers. They are launched using special transfer mechanisms.

All VSP devices must be stable, durable, reliable and economical.

Only VSP made of exceptionally high-quality materials will be able to ensure the safety of train traffic at the highest speeds. Similar VSP materials are offered by the PromPut company from its warehouse.

All materials comply with standards and GOSTs, both new and used. More details at http://vs-group.biz/.

Laying sleepers

Sleepers and beams are used as rail supports, which are installed on transfers for switches and metal bridges. In addition, on artificial buildings, block ballastless reinforced concrete bases are used.

How many sleepers will be needed per 1 km, as well as the sequence of their installation on one rail link (all this is called a stacking diagram), is formed depending on the conditions for equalizing the pressures in the ballast layer along its depth, plus whether the necessary resistance of the rail and sleeper grid is provided with respect to the longitudinal and lateral shear.

Laying of sleepers is usually done in two ways: 1840 pcs / km (on a link of 25 meters - 46 sleepers) in straight and curved with a radius of at least 1200 m and 2000 pcs.

/ km (there are 50 sleepers on one link) in curves with a radius of 1200 m and less (if the speed is more than 140 km / h in curves with a radius of 2000 or less). Laying sleepers in straight lines is 1440 pcs / km, and in curves with a radius of less than 650 m - 1600 pcs.

/ km (there are 40 sleepers on one link), allowed only on class 5 lines.

In almost all layings, the distance from one axis to another, in the event that the rails have the designation P65, P75 is 42 cm, and with P50 - 44 cm.The distance from one axis to another for other sleepers along the entire rail link is equal to and is 54.6 cm (plot 1840 units / km) and 50.2 (at 2000 units / km). The most permissible error between the axles of the sleepers is only 8 cm.

What are rails

Rails are profiled rolled metal products in the form of strips made of steel.

It is they who facilitate the movement of rolling stock, as well as the movement of trams, locomotives and mine cars, crane trolleys, cranes and other moving devices.

With the help of rails, a surface with minimal resistance for rolling of wheels of rolling stock is formed, and the action of force from the wheels to the supports is received and transmitted, and a direction is given to the wheels of the rolling stock.

In those areas where there is an auto-blocking, the rail threads act as conductors of the signal current, and in areas where there is an electric traction - the reverse traction current. Nowadays, each rail is denoted by the letter P and a rounded number that equals the mass of one meter. It turns out that the rail, with a mass of one meter 64.72 kg, will be designated as P65.

What are the pads for?

Rail fasteners are divided into two types - intermediate and butt. The ends of one rail are connected to another with the help of butt fasteners. Butt joints are divided into bolted, glue-bolted and welded.

The main components of butt joints are overlays. How long the joints will last depends on the service life of the rails themselves.

With the secondary laying of the track, it is possible to reduce the percentage of materials used, take, for example, 90-95% of linings, 70-80% of bolts, and washers - 50-60%.

Rail connections are of intermediate and butt type. The first ones combine the rails and the base, plus they do not allow the width of the rail track to change, press the rails against the base, etc. In appearance, the rail fasteners of the intermediate type also differ: they can be lined or unlined (there is no lining).

Due to the spacers, a much larger area is provided when transferring pressure from the rail to the support, in addition, when the rails are tilted, it is not necessary to hew wooden sleepers and with their help all the fasteners are combined if there is a need for a shift.

Why are anti-theft devices needed?

Anti-theft devices are installed on the rail base if joints are used, in which the fasteners do not form the required pressure on the rail base and do not provide the required longitudinal connection between the rail and the base. In this case, spring brackets are used, fixed on the rail foot, then the force of rail stealing is transferred to the linings or to the sleepers.

One of the mechanisms of the VSP is a road turnout switch. This design branches the track into two or more tracks, which are used to transfer the rolling stock from one branch to another. Fixtures are divided into types according to the number and location in terms of connected or intersecting paths, depending on the purpose of the connection and intersection.

The turnouts can be made in the form of a simple turnout, a cross turnout, a blind intersection, an exit, a turnout street or a plexus of paths. There are transfers of arrows on transfer bars, made of wood or reinforced concrete.


As a rule, the usual translation of arrows is used. In this case, the device includes two frame rails, two blades, a pair of root devices, a transfer mechanism, support and thrust devices, switch rods and other small parts.

The arrows differ from each other by wits, frame rails, the connection of frame rails with supports and the design of the transfer mechanism.

In addition to the main ones, there are also minor differences, in particular, in the fixtures of cross-braces on frame rails, in fixtures for wits, in cross-ties between wits, and special switch pads.

Transactions carried out by the GSP of a credit institution (branch) should be reflected in the daily balance sheet of a credit institution (branch)

The procedure for opening banking divisions is regulated by:

Article 22 "Branches, representative offices and internal structural divisions of a credit institution" FZ"On banks and banking activities";

- Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2004 No. 109-I“On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to make a decision on the state registration of credit institutions and the issuance of licenses to carry out banking operations” (hereinafter - Instruction No. 109-I);

The GSP of a credit institution (its branch) is its (its) subdivision located outside the location of the credit institution (its branch) and carrying out banking operations on its behalf, the list of which is established by the regulations of the Bank of Russia, within the framework of the license of the Bank of Russia issued to the credit institution ( regulations on the branch of the credit institution).

Additional office. Can carry out banking operations or part of them, provided for by the license of the Central Bank for the credit institution or branch that created it. It opens only on the territory of the same settlement where the bank itself or its branch is located. The most numerous among the VSP.

Credit and cash office. it may be located outside the territory where the parent credit institution (branch) is registered. Carries out operations for the provision of funds to small businesses and individual entrepreneurs and their return (repayment), as well as cash services for legal entities and individuals, accepting cash in the Russian Federation and foreign currency for making transfers on behalf of an individual entrepreneur without opening a bank account, as well as certain types of banking operations and other transactions with foreign currency in cash and the currency of the Russian Federation, checks (including travel checks).

Operating cash desk outside the cash register. are auxiliary points of banking services and have the right to carry out cash transactions with legal entities and FLs, accept utility and other payments from FLs, accept cash Russian currency and foreign currency for making transfers on behalf of FLs without opening a bank account, as well as certain types of banking operations and other transactions with cash foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation, checks (including travel checks).

By Ordinance No. 1794-U dated February 21, 2007, the Bank of Russia gave credit institutions the right to open a new type of internal structural unit - operational office... It may be located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where the head credit institution (branch) is registered, and outside such territory, but within the federal district, on the territory of which the head credit institution (branch) is located, which opens an operational office. Carries out all or part of the banking operations provided for by the Central Bank license for the financial institution (branch) that created it. Offices have a number of restrictions on the implementation of operations. For example, they are not entitled to carry out specific operations - for the purchase and sale of foreign currency in the interbank and exchange currency markets, securities and other financial assets associated with the acceptance of financial risks by the bank, etc.

Unlike an additional office, operational cash desks outside the cash unit, credit cash and operational offices can be located outside the department of the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia, which oversees the activities of the bank (branch) that opened this subdivision.

And one more point established by the Bank of Russia (Ordinance dated July 22, 2013 N 3028-U) is mobile cash register, -VSP of a credit institution operating on the basis of a vehicle equipped with armor protection. It is intended for operational and cash services for the population, and primarily in rural areas, as well as for the transportation of cash and valuable goods.

The upper structure of the track, otherwise the VSP is a complex structure that includes rails, fastenings with anti-theft protection, rail supports), ballast, bridge deck, turnouts and other devices.

What is this design for?

The upper structure of the track first receives and then sends to the main site of the roadbed the dynamic effects arising from the interaction with the wheels of the rolling stock. In addition, the VSP gives direction to the wheels when the rolling stock moves. All types of materials that make up the VSP are divided into types, have their own standards, and are also categorized.

What functions do VSP materials perform?

The rails are attached to the sleepers by means of intermediate rail fasteners. There are also butt rail joints in the form of bolts with washers and plates that connect the rails. There are three types of joints: welded, bolted and glue-bolted.

Due to the pads, the pressure from the rails is transferred to the supports. So that the rails do not move over time, anti-theft devices are installed. This is the name for the brackets that are attached to the rail base in a certain way. Railway crutches are intended for fastening rails to sleepers. These are metal rods with an oval head and a sharp end.
The devices that make up the VSP also include ramps, turnouts and blind intersections. This is thanks to them, it is possible to branch one track into two or more, and turn the rolling stock 180 degrees. Translations are placed on special beams, similar to sleepers. They are launched using special transfer mechanisms.

Laying sleepers

Sleepers and beams are used as rail supports, which are installed on transfers for switches and metal bridges. In addition, on artificial buildings, block ballastless reinforced concrete bases are used. How many sleepers will be needed per 1 km, as well as the sequence of their installation on one rail link (all this is called a stacking diagram), is formed depending on the conditions for equalizing the pressures in the ballast layer along its depth, plus whether the necessary resistance of the rail and sleeper grid is provided in relation to the longitudinal and lateral shear.

Laying of sleepers is usually done in two ways: 1840 pcs / km (on a link of 25 meters - 46 sleepers) in straight lines and curves with a radius of at least 1200 m and 2000 pcs / km (there are 50 sleepers on one link) in curves with a radius 1200 m and less (if the speed is more than 140 km / h in curves with a radius of 2000 or less). Laying sleepers in straight lines is 1440 pcs / km, and in curves with a radius of less than 650 m - 1600 pcs / km (there are 40 sleepers on one link), it is allowed only on class 5 lines.

In almost all layings, the distance from one axis to another, in the event that the rails have the designation P65, P75 is 42 cm, and with P50 - 44 cm.The distance from one axis to another for other sleepers along the entire rail link is equal to and is 54.6 cm (plot 1840 units / km) and 50.2 (at 2000 units / km). The most permissible error between the axles of the sleepers is only 8 cm.

What are rails

Rails are profiled rolled metal products in the form of strips made of steel. It is they who facilitate the movement of rolling stock, as well as the movement of trams, locomotives and mine cars, crane trolleys, cranes and other moving devices. With the help of rails, a surface with minimal resistance for rolling of wheels of rolling stock is formed, and the action of force from the wheels to the supports is received and transmitted, and a direction is given to the wheels of the rolling stock.

In those areas where there is an auto-blocking, the rail threads act as conductors of the signal current, and in areas where there is an electric traction - the reverse traction current. Nowadays, each rail is denoted by the letter P and a rounded number that equals the mass of one meter. It turns out that the rail, with a mass of one meter 64.72 kg, will be designated as P65.

What are the pads for?

Rail fasteners are divided into two types - intermediate and butt. The ends of one rail are connected to another with the help of butt fasteners. Butt joints are divided into bolted, glue-bolted and welded. The main components of butt joints are overlays. How long the joints will last depends on the service life of the rails themselves. With the secondary laying of the track, it is possible to reduce the percentage of materials used, take, for example, 90-95% of linings, 70-80% of bolts, and washers - 50-60%.

Metallic lining

Rail connections are of intermediate and butt type. The first ones combine the rails and the base, plus they do not allow the width of the rail track to change, press the rails against the base, etc. In appearance, the rail fasteners of the intermediate type also differ: they can be lined or unlined (there is no lining).

Due to the spacers, a much larger area is provided when transferring pressure from the rail to the support, in addition, when the rails are tilted, it is not necessary to hew wooden sleepers and with their help all the fasteners are combined if there is a need for a shift.

Why are anti-theft devices needed?

Anti-theft devices are installed on the rail base if joints are used, in which the fasteners do not form the required pressure on the rail base and do not provide the required longitudinal connection between the rail and the base. In this case, spring brackets are used, fixed on the rail foot, then the force of rail stealing is transferred to the linings or to the sleepers.

One of the mechanisms of the VSP is a road turnout switch. This design branches the track into two or more tracks, which are used to transfer the rolling stock from one branch to another. Fixtures are divided into types according to the number and location in terms of connected or intersecting paths, depending on the purpose of the connection and intersection.

The turnouts can be made in the form of a simple turnout, a cross turnout, a blind intersection, an exit, a turnout street or a plexus of paths. There are transfers of arrows on transfer bars, made of wood or reinforced concrete.

As a rule, the usual translation of arrows is used. In this case, the device includes two frame rails, two blades, a pair of root devices, a transfer mechanism, support and thrust devices, switch rods and other small parts. The arrows differ from each other by wits, frame rails, the connection of frame rails with supports and the design of the transfer mechanism. In addition to the main ones, there are also minor differences, in particular, in the devices for cross-braces on frame rails, in devices for wits, in cross-ties between wits, and special switch pads.

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