
The nearest insurance company where to get the policy. Honey. A new sample policy - where to get? Insurance policy of mandatory health insurance. Replacing the policy with a change of insurance company

Currently, any citizen of the country must receive free medical care. This right confirms the policy of the mandatory medical insurance. From the beginning of 2011, each of us can also independently choose the insurer. Today there are more than 50 companies in the country.

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Where you can get a medical insurance policy

The employer was engaged in the issuance of medical policies to employed citizens earlier. He also determined, in which medical insurance company will be insured by an employee. For non-working and juvenile citizens, the company chose the state. Today everything has changed.

For several years now we can not only choose a medical insurance company yourself, but also receive medical services not only in your city or region, but also throughout the country. Therefore, going on vacation to the other end of the country, you can be sure that in the event of a disease, medicine will come to the rescue for free.

To make an electronic policy, you can come to any branch of the insurance company that works in the area of \u200b\u200byour stay. Order Medical Insurance Policy can be, regardless of employment and age. For juvenile children, the policy receives a parent or guardian.

How to get a new policy?

If you have already decided on the choice of a medical insurance company and learned the address to which its closest branch is located for a new document. Currently, the excitement associated with the replacement of the policies of the old sample to the new subsidies and in the offices of the insurers there are no queues, so the whole procedure will take at least time.

You will need:

  • Fill out an application form in which you report the need to obtain a new policy, a duplicate of the lost or replacement of the old one, which has expired. The application is issued by a personally by the applicant or a trustee in the presence of a power of attorney decorated by the notary.
  • Provide an employee of the insurer's company the necessary documents.

Insurance agent:

  • It will explore the authenticity of the submitted documents and will make the necessary information to the common base.
  • It takes pictures of you (if you agree that on your medical policy there was a photo, children up to 14 years old on the page not necessarily).
  • Consulters the list of services provided for by this type, as well as where to submit a complaint if the services are not provided or not fully.
  • Let's give a temporary policy of the A5 format, which will be valid until the moment of receipt of the new (as a rule, 30 days).

Most insurance organizations notify customers that the policy is ready by phone by calling, SMS, or send a message to the electronic box. You can get the policy, coming to the office of the company, or ordering delivery with the courier. At the same time, the temporary document will be traveled back instead of the new one.

Policy services OMS

The list of services provided by the Policy of the OMS is annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The list of packed insurance services includes:

  • emergency medical care;
  • outpatient medical care;
  • some types of diagnostic procedures;
  • hospitalization when the patient must be under the constant supervision of medical professionals (chronic exacerbations, injuries, poisoning, childbirth, interruption of pregnancies, etc.);
  • in the hospital for the purpose of rehabilitation or prevention of diseases;
  • treatment and examination using high technologies and special equipment;
  • educational conversations, dispensarization and preventive lectures;
  • some types of mandatory vaccination;

Also, insurance covers the cost of medicines and nutrition of the patient if it is in inpatient treatment.

Some insurance companies expand the list of procedures that patients can pass free of charge in state medical institutions. In addition, they can enter into contracts with private clinics and commercial diagnostic centers. This makes it possible to hold the OMS policy to be serviced in paid clinics. What medical services will be available to patients, the commercial clinic and the insurance company are determined.

Is your policy valid?

Since the beginning of 2014, OMC policies operate in the Russian Federation. They are a plastic card with an electronic chip. This card contains all the necessary information about your owner, as well as the policy of the Insurer. Also, the policy can be made in the paper version. Until 2014, medical institutions provided services for both old-sample policies, but they are currently invalid.

Who needs to urgently get a medical policy

Medical policy is required to each person living in our country. Situations when his absence can play with you a keen joke, happening most often, unexpectedly and have not to go, but literally run to the insurance company. However, even healthy people in a number of situations, it is better to order a document as soon as possible.

Cases when you may need an urgent OMS policy:

  • you moved to another region of the country that does not apply to the action of your insurance company;
  • you have a child born;
  • you changed your passport or changed the name;
  • you are not satisfied with the quality of insurance services medical companyAnd you want to go to another.

How to choose an insurance medical organization

A complete list of all insurance companies is on the website of the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance. Select from it will have one. The company's choice is to come seriously, because it is she who will not only pay your hiking to those skilled in the art, but also will be obliged to protect you, as a client, if you encounter a doctor's refusal to inspect you or give a direction to the examination.

The following points may be decisive in choosing an insurer:

  • a large number of insured people suggests that companies are trusted, and it has sufficient experience;
  • the closer the office of the company, the easier it will be to solve the issues arising;
  • the ability to quickly contact the employee and get a telephone consultation;
  • presence insurance agent in a medical institution;

In the event that the quality of the services of the insurance organization will be unsatisfactory, it is possible to transition to another company. True, it is possible to do it only once a year.

Another fact that deserves attention is a mother and her children are insured by one organization. The same applies to guardians.

What documents will be needed to obtain the CHIA policy?

For the design of the medical policy, it is not necessary to collect numerous documents and make them photocopies. It will take the minimum package, which, as a rule, includes a passport and insurance pension certificate.

Additional documents will be needed to certain categories of persons:

  1. For citizens of the Russian Federation:
    • passport;
  2. For children (up to 14 years), Russian citizens:
    • certificate of the birth of a child with a mark of citizenship;
    • parental passport;
    • Reduss;
  3. For refugees: A refugee certificate or, with its absence, a document on the consideration of a refugee recognition.
  4. For foreigners located on the territory of the Russian Federation:

For how long the policy of the OMS is issued

New medical Policy It is issued at the same time, so it does not have to change every year. It will be considered valid always if human passports (Name, citizenship) are not changed. An invalid is considered a damaged medical policy with an unserved code or an individual number. Such a plastic document should be replaced by contacting the same insurer who issued it.

Medical insurance policy is issued to each Russian to be able to get high-quality medical advice in any region.

However, if a person changed his passport data or has lost the policy, it must be urgently changed to a new similar document.

On the peculiarities of obtaining, replacing and otherwise we will talk to you in this article.

What is OMS?

Under the abbreviation of OMS understands compulsory medical insurance, get this species Insurance can any citizen, regardless of the place of work, gender, age and social status.

On the day of submission of the application, the insurer issues a temporary certificate to the Client medical insurance. And a month later, the citizen will receive a polis of a single sample.


Earlier in various regions, policies were produced for various validity period. Since 2011, the government has initiated a gradual replacement of policies to the entire sample policy.

Modern OMS policies are a plastic card that is not an indefinite. Terms of validity have only policies that are issued to foreign citizens.

If a citizen still uses the old policy, which is now allowed, then it is possible to see its validity period on the rear of this document.

If the shelf life has expired, the owner of the policy should replace it. OMS policies are also subject to replacement in such cases:

  • replacement locations;
  • if there are not accurate data on the insured person in the Police;
  • inappropriate status of the policy card: damage, scuffs, etc.

When changing the surname or name, many official documents must be changed, including a medical policy. Moreover, the policy is subject to exchange, even if it changes at least one letter in the name, patronymic or name in the passport.

If a person moves to live in another region of the Russian Federation, the policy is also subject to exchange. Inaccuracies and mistakes made in the policy, the owner of the document may not be detected immediately.

If the Insured Citizen reveals such errors, it should be immediately engaged in replacing the policy, as problems may arise during the appeal medical help.

In short, in all cases when the data in the medical policy does not coincide with the passport data, the policy is subject to replacement.

The policies of the old sample

If the policy was obtained until 2007, it should be changed on polis Oms Single sample.

The insurance of a new sample has no shelf life and acts indefinitely, the replacement of the document will only be changed in the event of a change in data on citizen, damage or theft of polis.

The change in the policy for a new option is necessary for the convenience of citizens. The OMS policy of a single sample allows a person to unhindered receiving medical care in any subject of the Russian Federation.

How to change?

If there was a need to change the policy of health insurance, it is necessary to contact the insurance company that issued a policy. You can also contact the clinic at the place of residence or at the place of work.

To change the policy of the OMS, a citizen gives the policy of an old sample or plastic poliswhich is subject to replacement. Also presented a passport of a citizen.

If the client appealed to the insurance company, but it turned out that its activities were discontinued, a citizen of 2 months should choose a new policyholder.

According to law insurance Company I must inform your customers about termination in writing. If you can't decide on the choice of a new insurance company, the OMS territorial Fund will independently transfer your data to another insurance company.

Consequently, in case of cancellation of the insurer's activities, the citizen does not lose the right to receive medical care.

How to change in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

When choosing, before conclusion, it is desirable to closely look at the proposed list of services and make sure that the contract includes all medical services that should be submitted by law.

The location of the clinic is very important, especially for residents of Moscow. If you intend to find a clinic that is located near the house, contact your selected clinic, in the hospitality of a medical institution you will be provided with a list of insurance companies with which they are working.

In special items created by insurance companies in various parts of the city.

It should also be noted that when changing the place of service to change the insured policy of the OMS, as the policy is issued to the citizen. There is no graph with the employer's data in the insurance policy, so a person can change the place of work repeatedly, without changing the insurance policy.

No need to change policy and in cases of temporary moving to another region of the Russian Federation. In case of crossing, the policy issued earlier is valid throughout Russia. If you have electronic Polis, it will facilitate your identification in any medical institution.

Who else should receive OMS?

OMS have the right to get refugees who entered the territory of the Russian Federation. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the Polis of OMS is issued for an unlimited period, and for refugees it will only act during their stay in Russia.

The person who received refugee status should contact the insurance company with a passport and with the document, which confirms its temporary registration.

Get Policy Replace [Restore]

Causes of replacement, restoration of the OMS policy:

  • when changing the surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, the insured person;
  • establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information;
  • the dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use;
  • listen polis.

draw your attention tothat in case of changing the place of residence (another region) or the choice of another insurance company, the policy of the replacement is not subject to, and on the revolving side of the paper form it is stamped by an insurance company or changes to the electronic policy of the OMS, if there are PIN and PUK codes.

To replace (restore) the policy of compulsory health insurance:

To get a policy of compulsory health insurance:

Who will make the policy of compulsory health insurance?

On yourself to another face

Documents for registration of the CHAM policy. Choose your population category:

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel and equivalent)

    1. birth certificate

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance On the child (if any).

    1. Personality document (citizen passport Russian Federation, Temporary ID of the citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of the passport)

    2. Document certifying the identity of the lawful representative of the child

    3. SNILS - Certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child

    1. Certificate of refugee or certificate of consideration of a refugee recognition in a substantial, or a certificate from the Federal Migration Service on the adoption of a complaint about the deprivation of refugee status or a certificate of provision of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation

    2. Residence permit

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with the International Treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    1. A document recognized in accordance with the International Treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the person of the person without citizenship

    2. Residence permit

    3. SNILS - Certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

    1. A document recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the person of the person without citizenship, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    2. SNILS - Certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if available)

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Labor contract of the working state - Member of the EAEU

    4. Target part of the form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen or a stateless person in a place of stay or its copy, indicating the place and duration of stay

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Document confirming the facial attitude to the category officials, EAC officers

    Power of attorney and document certifying a representative. For the offion of the OMS policy on minors you need a power of attorney from the legal representative.

Where to get the policy of the OMS

For registration or renewal (replacement), the CHA policy is needed in person or through the representative to contact. For reso-honey a large number of points for issuing policies, it makes it possible to choose a location convenient and reduce the time to receive a document. You can choose the office by or by calling the company's contact center by number 8 800 200-92-04.

Polis OMS single sample

The OMS policy is a document confirming the law of a citizen for the free receipt of medical care (services) in the scope of the basic health insurance program throughout the Russian Federation and the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which issued an OMS policy.

According to 326-ФЗ, the manufacture of the OMS policy of a single sample is organized by the Federal Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance of the Russian Federation, and the issuance of them to the insured persons is carried out by insurance medical organizations (SMO) in the manner prescribed by the rules of compulsory health insurance.

The policy of OMS or, as often, it is called, the Medical Policy is needed not only to receive medical care. Often, a medical policy or a copy of it is asked to provide when the child's device in kindergarten or school, when admitting work, as a rule, the OMS policy is asked to impose organizers of various sports competitions.

As for the cases of appealing for medical care, the presentation of the compulsory medical insurance policy is the responsibility of the insured person established by the Federal Law (except for emergency cases).

Replacing the policy of a new sample or its renewal It is required only when changing the surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, the insured person, establishing inaccuracies or the erroneousness of information contained in the policy, dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use, loss of the policy. The insured is obliged to notify during the month its insurance company about changing the surname, name, patronymic, place of residence, the data of the identity document.

The following documents are presented with a statement about the delivery (loss) of the policy of military personnel:

1) a document certifying the person (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of the passport);

3) Polis (seems only when the policy is delivered).

With compulsory medical insurance, each citizen may be insured only by one insurance medical organization and have only one OMS policy.

A document confirming the presence of medical insurance in a patient allows him to take advantage of the medical staff provided for by the state, paying which will be the insurance company. Not every person today is known that all the variations of the policy of the new sample existing in the country are equivalent. And the presence of a document of one form or the absence of another cannot cause refusal to maintain in the selected institution. What do they differ among themselves and which of the species has more advantages? Reply to these questions in this article.

When and why did the issument of the policy of the OMS of the new sample start?

Until 2011 in the territory of the Russian Federation there were several formats of OMS policies. The most common variety was a green plastic card, which appeared back in 1998. In connection with the current situation, the question arose about the streamlining of relations in the field of medical insurance. In early 2011 entered into force new law RF "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation", adopted on November 29, 2010. He provided all citizens without exception the opportunity to choose in their preference insurance hormourization for further permanent service. Also normative act He marked the beginning of the issuance of insurance policies of a single state sample, which would operate throughout the country, regardless of the registration of their owners.

As a result of legislative changes from May 1, 2011, there was a release of a new format policies: an alternative to green plastic card was a blue-colored paper document printed on an A5 format. He received the status of an indefinite (issued the owner for life). Older options received by citizens until May 1, 2011, the validity of which has not yet expired, were also recognized by applicable.

Over the next four years, the paper format managed to demonstrate its impracticality. It turned out to be uncomfortable during transportation due to large parameters - to bend the document in half was forbidden, since in the very center there was a barcode that could have been stealing. Problems arose and preserved forms - rubbing, crumpled, pollution, because their lamination is also unacceptable. In order to eliminate these disadvantages from August 1, 2015, the plastic policy of OMS with an electronic chip was possible for Russian citizens. Compact sizes and durable material allow a person to have an electronic policy always with you.

Along with the above option appeared universal electronic map. (UEC), which, besides the insurance function, performs the role of a bank card, pension certificate, etc. Its development is associated with attempts to integrate maximum information about the owner in one device and simplify human access to various electronic services. A card is issued to all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 14, on personal appeal.

What does a new sample OMS look like?

All the options discussed above, the release of which began after May 1, 2011 - paper, electronic policy and UECs are valid today and equivalent. They guarantee the same set of free medical servicesprovided for in legislation and will be maintained until the population transition to a single sample will be maintained.

Paper policy of a new sample

The blue paper document A5 format is a watermark form, which in size corresponds to half the standard sheet from the album. It is two-way - on each of them contains a list of the necessary data on the owner. On the front side of the paper policy of the new sample presents:

  • State coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the insured, its floor and date of birth;
  • Document number consisting of 16 digits;
  • Unique barcode;
  • Hologram;
  • The validity period of the form.

From August 1, 2012, forms began to be issued, the barcode on which was moved from the center closer to the top to avoid erasing the image as a result of leaf beggars. Look both options like this:

  • Data on the insurance medical institution to which the owner is attached (name, address, telephone);
  • Signature of the responsible employee of the medical staff;
  • Printing a medical institution.

On the back, the possibility of changing a citizen of the honeycomb, to which it can attach - up to 10 times. To do this, it is necessary to provide a blank to the clinic and secure changes. When a change is changed, new data on the insurance company, its contact data is recorded on the turning side.

Paper version of the policy can not be laminated and preferably not bend. For such a document, the owner is not required.

The electronic policy of the OMS is made in the form of a three-color plastic map of the standard size (reminds usual banking), it is easily placed in a wallet, a purse. It contains a chip on which information about the owner is stored. On the front side of the electronic policy of the new sample are presented:

  • Number of the document from 16 digits;
  • Image of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  • The name of the insurance company issued an electronic policy;
  • OMS system logo;

On the back of the policy presented the following information:

  • Phone of the OMS Foundation, which issued an electronic policy;
  • Photo of the insured person (except children under 14 years of age);
  • Signature owner;
  • Personal data (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, floor);
  • Month and year when the card action expires (issued for five years);
  • Hologram, indicating that the electronic policy is genuine.

If you change any personal data, a person needs to appeal to employees of its insurance organization to order a new electronic policy of the OMS. The information contained on the chip cannot be adjusted.

The UEC is a multifunctional plastic card, in the structure of which is integrated by the OMS policy. Using it, you can open a bank account, provide it as a travel ticket to public transport or how to reduce. It contains maximum information about the owner and relieves it from the need to wear many cards in the wallet. Its receipt is not compulsory and is carried out at the request of a person. On the front side of the EEC card presented:

  • Electronic Chip S. personal information;
  • The logo of the organization that issued a map;
  • Logo of the banking institution chosen for service;
  • Card number;
  • Image of state coat of arms;
  • Name payment system;
  • Protective numbers.

On the back of the policy presented the following information:

  • Telephone organization that issued a map;
  • Photo;
  • Signature owner;
  • Personal data (surname, name, patronymic, floor, date of birth);
  • Month and year when the card expires;
  • OMS policy number;
  • SNILS number;
  • Bank card number.

On the turn on the EEC causes a magnetic strip. This allows you to use it in terminals and ATMs for cash withdrawal, the implementation of non-cash payments, the transfer of funds, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the sediment

Each form insurance Polisa.which today in the country today is distinguished by their positive and negative features. Based on the relation "Plus" and "minuses" of documents, a citizen decides whether to hurry to change the paper version to one of the electronic and which of them is preferred. The main disadvantage of the paper option is its impracticality to use. But it is compensated by the convenient opportunity to make changes to the form in the event of attaching a person to another medical institution.

The electronic policy of OMS distinguish the main advantages - compactness, mobility, strength and wear resistance of a plastic card. It is characterized by a high level of protection - the presence of chip, photo and signatures prevents the possibility of using a document by another person. Its essential drawback is that far from all medical organizations Equipped with special equipment to read information from the chip. Therefore, holders of such documents may encounter doctors to prevent additional passport. In addition, not all branches of insurance companies are capable of issuing an electronic policy. Additional inconveniences may arise from the owners and in the event of a change of personal data - it will entail the need to replace the card itself.

The UEC is characterized in general as a similar set of "pluses" and "minuses" as the previous electronic version. In arsenal advantages, it is advantageously distinguished by multifunctionality against other forms of insurance documents. But modern level Infrastructure development indicates the presence of a minor number of institutions equipped with equipment capable of working with applications embedded in it.


The transition of the population of the Russian Federation into a single electronic medical policy of the new sample will be phased. Therefore, citizens do not need to strive immediately, as soon as possible to exchange their document. Issuance plastic cards in obligatory Already produced for newborns, as well as in the case of the necessary replacement of a damaged, damaged lost policy. All varieties provide absolutely equal guarantees today.

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