
Federal Law Room 340. Association Self-Regulatory Organization "Bryansk Regional Association of Designers

The Ministry of Construction has published a draft order for approving the forms of notifications provided for by the new norms of the Urban Planning Code (introduced by the Law on Amendments from August 3, 2018 No. 340-FZ (hereinafter - FZ No. 340), which entered into force on August 340) 2018) for individual objects housing construction (Izhs) instead of building permits and commissioning.

A total of 7 forms of notifications are introduced:

  • On the planned construction or reconstruction of the IZhS or Garden House.
  • On the compliance of the parameters of the IZhS object or garden house established parameters and the admissibility of its placement on the land plot.
  • On the discrepancy between the parameters of the IZhS object or garden house established parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of an IZhS object or a garden house.
  • On the change in the parameters of the planned construction or the reconstruction of the AIHS or the Garden House.
  • On the end of construction or reconstruction of an IZhS or Garden House.
  • On the conformated or renovated object of ILS or a garden house, the requirements of legislation on urban planning activities.

On the discrepancy of the established or renovated object of ILS or a garden house, the requirements of legislation on urban planning activities.
The exchange of documents from the above list will replace the procedure for coordinating the construction and commissioning of the built house.
Note that in notifications about the planned construction and the end of construction there are mandatory wording that the house is not intended for the section on independent real estate objects. " The basis for issuing notification of non-compliance may be the inconsistency of the parameters of the IZhS object, which were introduced into the GRK of the RF Law No. 340.

Article 51.1. Notification of the planned construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing construction or garden house

1. In order to build or reconstruct the object of individual housing construction or a garden house, the developer submits on paper through personal appeal to authorized for the issuance of permits for the construction of the federal executive body, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local government body, including through a multifunctional centereither sends to these bodies by means of a post office with a notice of the presentation or a single portal of state and municipal services notice of the planned construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing or a garden house (hereinafter also - notice of the planned construction), which contains the following information:

1) surname, name, patronymic (if available), place of residence of the developer, details of a document certifying personality (for an individual);

2) the name and location of the developer (for a legal entity), as well as the State Registration Number of the record of state registration legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and an identification number taxpayer, except for the case if the applicant is a foreign legal entity;

3) the cadastral number of the land plot (if available), address or description of the location of the land plot;

4) information on the right of developer to the land plot, as well as information on the availability of other persons on the land plot (in the presence of such persons);

5) information on the form of permitted use of the land and object capital construction (object of individual housing or garden house);

6) information on the planned parameters of the object of individual housing or a garden house, for the purpose of construction or reconstruction of which a notice of planned construction was submitted, including about incites from the boundaries of the land plot;

7) information that an object of individual housing construction or a garden house is not intended for the section on independent real estate objects;

8) mailing address and (or) email address to communicate with the developer;

9) The method of directions of the developer of notifications provided for in paragraph 2 of Part 7 and paragraph 3 of Part 8 of this article.

2. The form of notification of the planned construction is approved by the federal executive body that performs functions to develop and implement state policies and regulatory management in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning.

3. To the notification of the planned construction attached:

1) the guidelines for the land plot in case of the rights to it are not registered in the Unified State Real Estate Register;

2) a document confirming the powers of the representative of the developer, in case the notification of the planned construction is directed by the representative of the developer;

3) a certified translation into Russian documents on state registration of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state in the event that the developer is a foreign legal entity;

4) a description of the appearance of an object of individual housing construction or a garden house in case the construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction facility or a garden house is planned within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of the federal or regional importance, except for the case provided by part 5 of this article. A description of the appearance of the object of individual housing and a garden house includes a description in the text form and a graphic description. The description of the external appearance of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house in the text form includes an indication of the parameters of the object of individual housing and a garden house, the color solution of their appearance, planned to use building materials that determine the appearance of the object of individual housing or a garden house, as well as a description of the other characteristics of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house, the requirements for which the urban planning regulations are established as the requirements for architectural solutions Object of capital construction. A graphic description is an image of an external appearance of an object of individual housing or a garden house, including the facades and the configuration of an individual housing object or a garden house.

4. Documents (their copies or information contained in them) specified in paragraph 1 of Part 3 of this article are requested by the bodies specified in the paragraph of the first part 1 of this article in state bodies, local governments and subordinate government agencies Or local self-government organizations, which are at the disposal of these documents, on time no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the notice of the planned construction, if the developer has not submitted these documents on its own. According to the interdepartmental requests of the organs specified in the paragraph of the first part 1 of this article, the documents (copies of them or the information contained in them) specified in paragraph 1 of Part 3 of this article are provided by government agencies, local governments and subordinate state authorities or local governments Organizations, which are at the disposal of these documents, on time no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the relevant interdepartmental request.

5. The developer has the right to carry out the construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing or a garden house within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal or regional importance in accordance with the type of architectural decision of the capital construction object, approved in accordance with Federal law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "On objects cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation "for this historical settlement. In this case, the notice of the planned construction indicates such a typical architectural solution. The appearance of the appearance of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house to notify the planned construction is required.

6. In the absence of a notice of the planned construction of information provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, or documents provided for in paragraphs 2 - 4 of Part 3 of this article, authorized to issue permits for the construction of the federal executive body, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the authority Local self-government within three working days from the date of receipt of notice of planned construction returns the developer to this notice and the documents attached to it without considering the reasons for the return. In this case, the notification of the planned construction is considered non-directional.

7. Commissioners for the issuance of permits for the construction of the federal executive body, the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or the local government body within seven working days from the date of receipt of notification of the planned construction, except in the case of the case provided for by paragraph 8 of this article:

1) conducts an inspection of the compliance of the objective construction objects specified in the notification of the planned construction of the object of individual housing and a garden house, the reconstruction of capital construction facilities established by land use and development rules, the territory planning documentation, and mandatory requirements for capital construction objects established by This Code, other federal laws and acting on the date of receipt of notification of planned construction, as well as the admissibility of placing an object of individual housing construction or a garden house in accordance with the permitted use of land and restrictions established in accordance with the Land and Other Legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) directs the developer to the method defined by him in the notification of the planned construction, notification of the compliance of the objects specified in the notification of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing or garden house established by the parameters and admissibility of placement of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land or on the inconsistency of the specified In the notification of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house, established parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of the object of individual housing and a garden house on the land plot. Forms of notification of the compliance of those specified in the notification of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house established by the parameters and admissibility of placing an object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot, notifications of the inconsistency of the inconsistency indicated in the notice of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing or gardening The houses established by the parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot are approved by the federal executive body, carrying out functions to develop and implement state policies and regulatory management in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning.

8. If the construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing and a garden house is planned within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal or regional importance and in the notice of the planned construction, it is not contained on a typical architectural decision, in accordance with which the construction or reconstruction of such objects of individual housing construction is planned. or a garden house authorized to issue permits for the construction of a federal executive body, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government authority:

1) for no more than three working days from the date of receipt of this notice, in the absence of grounds for its return, provided for by part 6 of this article, sends, including using a unified interdepartmental electronic interaction system and regional interdepartmental electronic interaction systems connected to it, Specified notice and an applied description of the appearance of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house into the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of protection of cultural heritage facilities;

2) conducts an inspection of the compliance of the parameters specified in this notice of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house to the limit parameters of the permitted construction, the reconstruction of capital construction facilities established by land use and development rules, documentation on the territory planning, and the obligatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction facilities established by this Code , other federal laws and acting on the date of receipt of this notice, as well as the admissibility of placement of an individual housing construction or a garden house in accordance with the permitted use of land and restrictions established in accordance with the Land and Other Legislation of the Russian Federation and in force on the date of receipt of this notice ;

3) On the period no later than twenty working days from the date of receipt of this notification, it sends the developer to the method defined by it in this notice, provided for in paragraph 2 of Part 7 of this article, notice of the compliance of the objects specified in the notice of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing construction or garden house established parameters and the admissibility of placing an object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot or on the inconsistency of the objective housing of individual housing and a garden house specified in the notification of the planned construction of the objects of individual housing and the garden house established parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot.

9. The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites, within ten working days from the date of receipt from authorized permits for the construction of a federal executive body, the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or local government notice of the planned Construction and provided for in paragraph 4 of Part 3 of this article describing the external appearance of the object of individual housing or a garden house considers the specified description of the external appearance of the object of individual housing and a garden house and sends, including using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional systems connected to it Interdepartmental electronic interaction, notification of conformity or inconsistency of the specified description of the external appearance of the object of individual housing construction or gardener About the house, the subject of the protection of historical settlement and the requirements for architectural solutions of capital construction facilities established by urban planning regulations in relation to the territorial zone located within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal or regional importance. In case of non-configuration within the specified period of notification of the inconsistency of the specified description of the appearance of the object of individual housing and garden house, the specified object of the historical settlement and the requirements for architectural solutions of capital construction objects The specified description of the external appearance of the object of individual housing or a garden house is considered to be relevant to such a subject of protection of historical settlements and requirements for architectural solutions of capital construction facilities.

10. Notification of the discrepancy indicated in the notice of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing or a garden house established parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of the object of individual housing or a garden house on the land plot is sent to the developer only if:

1) the parameters of the object of individual housing or garden house specified in the notification of the planned construction of the object of individual housing and a garden house; The Code, other federal laws and the receipt of notification of the planned construction;

2) the placement of the individual housing construction planned in the notification of the planned construction of individual housing or a garden house is not allowed in accordance with the types of permitted use of land and (or) restrictions established in accordance with the Land and Other Legislation of the Russian Federation and acting on the receipt of the notification of the planned construction;

3) notification of the planned construction is filed or sent by a person who is not a developer due to the lack of rights to the land plot;

4) on the period specified in paragraph 9 of this article, from the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects, a notice of the discrepancy of the appearance of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house is subject to the protection of historical settlement and the requirements for architectural Decisions of capital construction facilities established by urban planning regulations in relation to the territorial zone located within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal or regional importance.

11. In the notification of the inconsistency of the objective housing and garden houses indicated in the notice of the planned parameters of the object and (or) the inadmissibility of the placement of the object of individual housing or a garden house on the land plot should contain all the grounds for the development of such notifications with the limit parameters. permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects, which are established by land use and development rules, documentation for the territory planning, or compulsory requirements for the parameters of capital construction facilities, which are established by this Code, other federal laws, act on the date of receipt of notice of planned construction and which do not correspond The parameters of the object of individual housing or garden house specified in the notification of the planned construction, as well as in the case of The accommodation of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot - the established type of permitted use of the land plot, the types of restrictions on the use of the land plot, in connection with which the construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house, or the information that the face is not allowed Supported or sent a notice of planned construction is not a developer in connection with the lack of rights to the land plot. In the event of the direction of such notification on the basis of paragraph 4 of Part 10 of this article, the obligatory application to it is notification of the inconsistency of the appearance of the object of individual housing or a garden house, the subject of the protection of historical settlements and the requirements for architectural solutions of capital construction facilities established by urban planning Regulations in relation to the territorial zone located within the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal or regional importance.

12. Commissioners for the issuance of permits for the construction of a federal executive body, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local government body in terms of part 7, paragraph 7 of Part 8 of this article also sends, including using a unified interdepartmental electronic system Interaction and regional interdepartmental electronic interaction systems connected to it, notification of the inconsistency of the objective housing objects specified in the notice of the planned construction of the object of individual housing or a garden house established parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of an individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot:

1) to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized for the implementation of the State Construction Supervision, in the case of the direction of this notice on the basis provided for in paragraph 1 of Part 10 of this article;

2) to the federal executive body authorized to the implementation of state land supervision, local government body, carrying out municipal land control, in case of referral notice on the basis of paragraph 2 or 3 of Part 10 of this article;

3) to the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites, in the event of the direction of the specified notification on the basis of paragraph 4 of Part 10 of this article.

13. Obtaining a notification of the compliance of the compliance with the objective of individual housing or garden houses specified in the notification of the planned construction of the object and admissibility of placing an object of individual housing and a garden house on a land plot from authorized permits for the construction of a federal executive authority, the executive authority The authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the authority of local self-government or the non-direction of these bodies within the period provided for by part 7 or paragraph 3 of Part 8 of this article, notification of the inconsistency of the objects specified in the notification of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing or garden house established parameters and (or) inadmissibility Placement of an object of individual housing construction or a garden house on the land plot is considered to be coordinated by the specified construction bodies or reconstruct The objects of individual housing construction or a garden house and gives the right to develop or reconstruct an object of individual housing construction or a garden house in accordance with the parameters specified in the notification of the construction planned, within ten years from the date of the direction of the development of such notice of planned construction in accordance with the Developer With part 1 of this article. This right is maintained in the transition of rights to the land plot and an object of individual housing construction or a garden house, with the exception of cases provided for in paragraphs 1 - 3 of Part 21.1 of Article 51 of this Code. At the same time, the direction of a new notice of planned construction is not required.

14. In the event of a change in the parameters of the planned construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing or a garden house, the developer submits or sends to the methods specified in paragraph 1 of this article, notice of the authorized authority of the executive authority, the executive authority of the constituent Federation or local governance authority indicating the variable parameters. Consideration of this notification is carried out in accordance with the parts of 4 - 13 of this article. The form of this notice is approved by the federal executive authority, performing functions to develop and implement state policies and regulatory management in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning.

15. In case of obtaining a notification of the compliance of the compliance with the objective of individual housing and garden house, the established parameters of the object and admissibility of placing the object of individual housing and a garden house on the land plot from the authorized permits for the construction of the federal executive authority, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the body of local self-government or the non-direction of these bodies within a period of paragraph 7 or paragraph 3 of Part 8 of this article, notification of the inconsistency indicated in the notice of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing construction or garden house established parameters and (or ) Inadmissibility of placement of an object of individual housing construction or a garden house on a land plot of losses caused by the development of demolition or bringing into social The vests with the established requirements of the object of individual housing construction or garden houses built or reconstructed in accordance with the parameters specified in the notification of the planned construction, due to the recognition of such an object of individual housing construction or a garde house by unauthorized construction due to the inconsistency of their parameters to the limit parameters of permitted construction, Reconstruction of capital construction facilities established by land use and developmental regulations, documentation for the territory planning, or compulsory requirements for capital construction facilities established by this Code, other federal laws, or due to the inadmissibility of the placement of such objects of individual housing construction or a garden house in accordance with the restrictions, established in accordance with the Land and Other Legislation of the Russian Federation and acting on the date of receipt of the notice On the planned construction, in full subject to compensation due to the treasury of the Russian Federation, the treasury of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the treasury of the municipal formation, provided that the court will be established by the authority of the public authority or local government authority, who sent a notice of the compliance with the Decision On the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing construction or a garden house established by the parameters and admissibility of placement of an individual housing construction or a garden house on a land plot or who did not fulfill the duty in the period under part 7 or paragraph 3 of Part 8 of this article, notification of the inconsistency of the specified In the notification of the planned construction of the parameters of the object of individual housing and a garden house established parameters and (or) inadmissibility of the placement of the object of individual Limited construction or garden house on the land plot. ";

13) in paragraph 5 of Part 2.2 of Article 52 of the Word " individualscarrying out construction, reconstruction, major repairs of an individual residential building, as well as "exclude;

14) in Article 53:

a) Part 1 after the words of the "project documentation" to add words "(including decisions and activities aimed at ensuring compliance energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of the capital construction of the accounting instruments used energy resources)»;

b) add part 7.1 of the following content:

"7.1. After completion of construction, the reconstruction of the capital construction object signed an act confirming the compliance of the parameters of a constructed, reconstructed capital construction object with the requirements of project documentation (including decisions and activities aimed at ensuring compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of the capital construction of the accounting instruments of the energy resources used ), a facial engaged in construction (face engaged in construction and the developer or technical customer in the case of construction, reconstruction on the basis of a construction contract agreement, as well as a person carrying out construction control in the case of implementation construction control Based on the contract), except for the implementation of construction, reconstruction of individual housing construction facilities, garden houses. ";

c) in part 8 the words "can be established by regulatory legal acts" shall be replaced by the words "is established by the Government";

15) in Article 54:

a) add part 1.1 of the following content:

"1.1. During the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, not specified in paragraph 1 of this article, as well as in relation to such capital construction facilities, work on the construction, the reconstruction of which are completed (except for the case, if on the completion of these works, permission was obtained for commissioning) , State construction supervision is carried out in the form exit Check Only in the presence of the grounds provided for by subparagraph "b" of clause 2, subparagraph "b" or "in" clause 3 of paragraph 5 of this article, or on the basis of appeals and statements of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, information from state authorities (Officials of the Organ state Supervision), local governments, from the media on violation during the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, not specified in paragraph 1 of this article, established by land use and development rules, documentation for planning the territory of the limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction or mandatory requirements The parameters of capital construction facilities established by this Code, other federal laws. In relation to the capital construction objects specified in this part, the state construction supervision is carried out taking into account the characteristics established by parts 6.1 and 6.2 of this article. "; c) in the first paragraph of paragraph 3 of part 5, the words "in paragraph 1" should be replaced by the words "in paragraph 2";

d) add parts 6.1 - 6.3 of the following content:

on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - section IV of the law,

Citizens who do not have any reasons for retirement due to labor and other socially useful activities are established, a social pension (Section VIII of the Law) is established. Such a pension can be appointed as appropriate instead of a labor pension (as desired by it).

Article 4. The right to retire citizens of other union republics, foreign citizens and stateless persons

Citizens living in the Russian Federation of other Union Republics, foreign citizens and stateless persons are entitled to receive a pension on the general reasons with citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

Article 5. The right to choose a pension

Citizens who have at the same time the right to various state pensions are appointed and paid one of them by choosing.

The right to receive two pensions is provided:

(a) Citizens who have become disabled due to military injury (law), participants in the Great Patriotic War (subparagraphs "A" - "F" and the Federal Law "On Veterans"), which have become disabled due to the overall disease, labor injury and other reasons (except for persons , the disability of which came due to their unlawful actions). They may establish an old-age pension (or for long service) and a disability pension;

b) the widows of servicemen who died in the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, who did not enter the new marriage. They may establish an old-age pension (or a disability pension, for long service, social) and pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - for the deceased husband.

c) parents of military personnel held by military service for the appeal who died (dead) during the passage period military service or the dead due to military injury after dismissal from military service (except in cases where the death of military personnel came as a result of their unlawful actions).

It may be established in old age pension (a disability pension, for long service, social) and pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (law). At the same time, the pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner is established by each of the parents of the deceased (deceased) serviceman.

Article 6. Appeal for the Pension

Citizens may apply for a pension at any time after the occurrence of the right to it, without restricting any longer and regardless of the nature of their occupation by the time of treatment.

Article 7. Calculating and increasing pensions due to wage growth in the country

In connection with the growth of wages in the country, pensions are subject to calculation and increase by applying the individual retirement coefficient in compliance with the following conditions:

a) the individual retirement coefficient is determined by multiplying the amount of the pension as a percentage, relieved depending on the duration of the employment experience, on the ratio of average monthly earnings for the set period, from which the pension is calculated, to the average monthly wages In the country for the same period.

The ratio of the average monthly earnings of the pensioner to the average monthly wage in the country is established by dividing the average monthly earnings of the pensioner for the corresponding period on the average monthly salary in the country for the same period.

In determining the individual retirement coefficient, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the pensioner to the average monthly wage in the country is taken into account in the amount of not over 1.2, regardless of the basis for the purpose of the pension, with the exception of the definition of the individual pensioner coefficient to persons living in the regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to the districts Far North.

In determining the individual coefficient of the pensioner to persons living in the regions of the Far North or in areas equal to the districts of the Far North, in which the decisions of the state power bodies of the USSR or federal state authorities have established regional salary factors, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the pensioner to the average monthly wage in The country is taken into account in the following sizes:

not over 1.4 - for persons living in these areas and locations, which establish a district coefficient in the amount of up to 1.5;

not over 1.7 - for persons living in these areas and locations, in which the district coefficient of 1.5 to 1.8 is set to employees wages;

not over 1.9 - for persons living in these areas and locations, in which the regional coefficient in the amount of 1.8 and higher is established to wages.

At the same time, if different district wage coefficients are installed, in determining the individual retirement coefficient, the wage ratio, which operates in this area or terrain for workers and employees of non-production industries is taken into account.

Persons whom appointed in accordance with the first part of Article 14 of the Law, when traveling from the regions of the Far North and the localities equated to the regions of the Far North, the amount of pension calculated to the new permanent residence permanently calculated with the application of the corresponding random Retiree earnings to the average monthly wage In the country specified in the fourth paragraph of this item.

Pensioners, with the exception of the persons specified in paragraph, the ninth of this clause, when traveling from the regions of the Far North and the localities equated to the regions of the Far North, to the new permanent place of residence, the calculus of pensions is made using the individual retirement coefficient defined with regard to the attitude of the average monthly earnings of the pensioner to The average monthly wage in the country not exceeding 1.2.

b) when determining the individual retirement coefficient in accordance with this article, calendar periods of work, military and equivalent service provided for, and paragraph "F" of Article 92 of the Law, as well as periods included in the work experience on the basis of paragraphs "A" and "E" of Article 92 of the Law. At the same time, part of the second article 16 of the law does not apply.

The size of a disability pension due to a common disease with full work (part of the second article 29 of the Law) may not exceed the size of the old age pension appointed with the full work (law) equal or greater duration;

c) an increase in the appointed pensions due to the growth of wages in the country is held four times a year from February 1, May 1, August 1 and from November 1.

To increase the pension, the individual retirement coefficient applies to the average monthly wage in the country for the period from January 1 to March 31, if the increase is made from May 1; from April 1 to June 30, if the increase is made from August 1; From July 1 to September 30, if the increase is made from November 1; From October 1 to December 31 of the previous year, if the increase is made from February 1 of the next year.

In the same order, the size of the newly appointed or recalculated pension on the grounds established by law is determined;

d) the pension amount calculated in accordance with this article, in all cases there can be no less relevant minimum pension set by law;

e) the amount of pension calculated in accordance with this article, limiting the maximum amount established by law, is not subject to;

(e) The minimum amount of old-age pension (Article 17 of the Law) and, accordingly, the minimum sizes of other types of pensions increase within the deadlines provided for by paragraph "in" of this article, while the new minimum pension is determined by multiplying the current minimum pension on the average average wage growth index In the country for the corresponding quarter. However, in all cases, the minimum amount of old-age pension cannot be lower than the size provided for in Article 17 of the Law;

h) a pensioner that fulfills the paid job, calculus and increase the pension in accordance with this article is made from the 1st day of the month following the one in which the pensioner stopped performing the specified work.

The average monthly salary in the country for the periods listed in paragraph "in" this article is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the submission of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics no later than January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 of the relevant year.

In cases where the amount of pension, calculated in accordance with this article, does not reach the size provided for by other norms of the law, the pensioner has the right to choose the calculus of the pension without the use of an individual coefficient.

The increase in pensions calculated on the standards of the law without the use of an individual coefficient is made in the deadlines provided for by clause "in" of this article, by indexing in accordance with the growth of average monthly wages in the country.

Article 8. Funds for payment of pensions

Financing the payment of pensions appointed in accordance with this Law is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the expense of insurance premiums of employers, citizens and allocations from the federal budget. When introducing changes and additions to the current law, requiring an increase in expenses for the payment of pensions in the relevant federal law, the source of financial support for additional costs is determined.

c) disabled students in vision group: men - at the achievement of 50 years and with a common work experience at least 15 years and women - at the reach of 40 years and with a general work experience at least 10 years;

d) Citizens, patients with pituitary nanice (Liliputs) and disproportionate dwarfs: men - at the reaches of 45 years and with a common work experience at least 20 years, women - at least 15 years old and with a common work experience.

Article 12. Pension due to special conditions Labor

The pension due to the special working conditions is established:

a) men - at the achievement of 50 years and women - at the achievement of 45 years, if they worked accordingly at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months on underground work, on work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops and their common work experience 20 and 15 years.

Citizens who have no less than half of the experience in underground work, on work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops, the pension is appointed with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 10 of the Law, for one year for each full year of such work to men and women;

b) Men - at the achievement of 55 years and women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked, respectively, on work with severe working conditions at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years and have a common work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law.

Citizens who have less than half of the experience in working with difficult working conditions, the pension is appointed with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 10 of the Law for one year for every two years and six months of such work to men and for every two years of such work to women;

c) women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked as tractor drivers in agricultureother industries national economy, as well as engineers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines for at least 15 years and have the overall work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law;

d) women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked at least 20 years in textile industry On work with increased intensity and weight.

e) men - at the achievement of 55 years, women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as workers' locomotive brigades and employees of certain categories directly carrying out the organization of transportation and ensuring traffic safety rail transport and the metro (on the list of professions and posts), as well as truck drivers directly in technological process in mines, in mines, cuts and ore careers on the removal of coal, slate, ore, rocks and have the overall work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law;

e) men - at the achievement of 55 years, women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments on sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, search, topograph -hetezic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest-storey and exquising works And have a common work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law.

At the same time, the period of work directly in the field conditions from six months is taken into account for the year of work, less than six months - according to its actual duration, and in seasonal work - in accordance with Article 94 of this Law;

g) men - at the achievement of 55 years, women - in achieving 50 years, if they worked, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as workers, masters (including senior) directly on logging and forestry, including maintenance of mechanisms and mechanisms and equipment (on the list of professions, posts and industries), and have a common work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law;

h) men - upon reaching 55 years old, women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked, respectively, at least 20 and 15 years as mechanisters (dockers-mechanisters) of complex brigades on loading and unloading work in ports and have a common work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law;

and) to men - at the achievement of 55 years, women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in the board station on the ships of the marine, river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry (except for port vessels that are constantly working on the water area ports, service-auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity reports) and have the overall work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law;

k) Men - at the achievement of 55 years and women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they worked as drivers of buses, trolley buses, trams on regular urban passenger routes, no less than 20 and 15 years old and have a common work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law ;

l) Men and women - at the reach of 40 years, if they constantly worked in rescuers in professional rescue services, professional emergency and rescue formations (on the list of positions and specialties approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) at least 15 years and participated in liquidation emergency situations;

m) men - at the achievement of 55 years old, women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they were engaged in work with convicts as workers and employees who perform criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment (on the list of works and professions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) , respectively, at least 15 and 10 years old and have a common work experience specified in Article 10 of the Law.

o) Men and women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they have worked for at least 25 years in the posts of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Fire Protection of the Ministry of the Interior, Firefire and Rescue Services of the Ministry of the Interior) provided for by the list of operational posts State Fire Services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Lists of relevant work (professions and posts), taking into account the implementation of which the pension is established under reduced retirement age, are approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. Summation of work with various special working conditions

Labor activity with special working conditions is summed in the following order:

to the work listed in paragraph "B" - the work specified in the points "D", "E", "F" and "and";

to the work listed in paragraph "and" - the work specified in paragraphs "B", "D", "E", "F";

Article 14. Pension in connection with the work in the Far North

Pension due to work in the Far North is established: men - at the achievement of 55 years and women - at the achievement of 50 years, if they have worked at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to the districts of the Far North , and have a common work experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years.

Citizens working as in the regions of the Far North and in areas equal to the districts of the Far North, the pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equal to the districts of the Far North is considered to be for the nine months of work in the areas of the Far North.

Citizens who worked in the regions of the Far North at least 7 years 6 months, the pension is appointed with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 10 of the Law, for four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. When working in areas equal to the districts of the Far North, as well as in these areas and regions of the Far North, the rule set by part of this article is applied.

Labor activity indicated in Article 12 of the Law is equal to work in the Far North.

The list of regions of the Far North and the localities equated to the districts of the Far North is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 15. Pension with incompletely general labor experience

Citizens who have reached the retirement age specified in Article 10 of the Law and with no complete overall employment experience for the appointment of a pension provided for by the same article establishes a pension with incomplete labor experience, if it is at least five years.

Article 16. Pension size

The pension is established in the amount of 55 percent of earnings (section VII of the Law) and, moreover, one percent of earnings for each full year of the overall employment exceeding the retirement required for the prescription (Article 10, and the Law).

When prescribing a pension in accordance with and the law, an increase in its size for one percentage of earnings is also made for each full year of special employment over the necessary pension.

The amount of pension calculated in the above order cannot exceed 75 percent of earnings.

Article 17. Minimum pension

The minimum pension in general labor experience equal to the required pension required to assign a full pension is set not lower than the size established by federal law.

Article 18. Maximum pension

The maximum pension in general labor experience equal to the required pension required for the appointment is set at the level of the three minimum pension (part of the first article 17 of the Law), and the pensions appointed in connection with the underground work, work with harmful working conditions and in hot workshops ( Item "A" of Article 12 of the Law), - three and a half.

The amount of pension (part of this article) increases by one percent for each full year of the overall employment over the required retirement, but not more than 20 percent.

Article 19. The size of the pension in incompletely common work experience

The amount of pension with incompletely common work is determined in proportion to the existing experience, based on the full pension, installed for the experience of men of 25 years and women of 20 years (law).

The calculation of the pension in proportion to the existing experience is made as follows: the corresponding full pension is determined; This pension is divided into the number of months of the desired experience; The resulting amount is multiplied by the number of months of actually existing experience (in this period, the period over 15 days rounded until a complete month, and the period up to 15 days is incorporated inclusive).

The amount of pension with incompletely general labor experience cannot be lower than a social pension (paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law).

Article 20. The period for which the pension is established

The pension is appointed life.

Article 21. Pensions Supplements

The following surcharges are set to pensions:

a) to care for the pensioner, if it is disabled I group or needs constant unauthorized care (help, supervision) on the conclusion of a medical institution or reached the age of 80;

b) on disabled dependents (Articles 50 - 53 of the Law), if they themselves do not receive any pension. The allowance for disabled dependents is paid to non-working pensioners;

c) Participants in the Great Patriotic War (subparagraphs "A" - "W" and "and subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law" On Veterans "), which does not receive a retirement retirement simultaneously with an old-age pension.

The size of the discharge for the care of the pensioner, if it is disabled I group I or reached the age of 80, is equal to the size of the social pension specified in paragraph "A" of Article 114 of the Law.

The size of the discharge of the pensioner, if it has not reached the age of 80 and needs constant unauthorized care (help, supervision) on the conclusion of a medical institution, as well as the allowance for each disabled dependent of the pensioner is equal to the size of the social pension specified in paragraph "b" of the article 114 of the law, and on a disabled dependent - the disabled person of the group III - specified in paragraph "in" of this article.

The allowance for participants in the Great Patriotic War, specified in paragraph "in" part of the first article, is established in the following sizes:

a) reached the age of 80 years or being disabled I and II groups - two minimum old-age pensions (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

b) the rest of the Great Patriotic War - one minimum old-age pension (part of Article 17 of the Law).

Article 22. Payment of pensions to working retirees

For the work after the prescription of the pension, a premium is established in the amount of 10 percent of the pension for each worked year (12 full months of work), but not more than three years of work. Such a suggestion is established for the work after the introduction of the law of those citizens who, continuing to work, were retired, but did not receive it. Taking into account this surcharge, the total pension is not limited.

The pension established by the unemployed early, working retirees is not paid. After achieving such citizens of the retirement age, in which they acquire the right to retire on common, preferential grounds or in connection with the special working conditions, the payment of the pension is made in accordance with part of this article.

III. Disability pension

Article 23. Disability and its groups

Disability is considered a violation of human health with a resistant disorder of the functions of the body, leading to a complete or significant loss of professional working capacity or significant difficulties in life. Depending on their extent, three groups of disabilities are allocated.

Citizens who have fully lost the ability to regular professional work under normal conditions, the disability of the I group is established if they need constant unauthorized care (assistance, supervision), and group II, if they do not need such care.

Citizens who invalid the ability to regularly work partly, establishes the III group of disability.

Article 24. Definition of disability, its groups, causes and time of the offensive

Disability, its group, reason, and if necessary, and time of the offensive, are determined by medical and labor expert commissions (VTEK) operating on the basis of the provision approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 25. The period for which disability is established

The disability of the I Group is set for two years, II and III groups for one year.

The period of re-examination is not established: men older than 60 years and women older than 55 years old, disabled with irreversible anatomical defects, other people with disabilities - on the list of diseases approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 27. Pension on the grounds provided for for military personnel

Pension on the grounds provided for for military personnel (including partisans of the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars, as well as Jung, Sons (pupils) of regiments), is prescribed upon the occurrence of disability due to military injury (law) or a disease obtained during the military service period (law).

On equal bases with military personnel, the pension is prescribed to persons of the commanding and ordinary composition of the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, the disability, which has occurred due to injury, contusion, injuries obtained in the performance of official duties in the internal affairs bodies is equal to disability due to military injury, and the disability, which has occurred due to other reasons that occurred during the service period in these bodies - to disability Due to the disease obtained during the military service.

Article 28. The time of disability

Article 26 of the Law is established regardless of when a disability has come (before labor activity (studies) during the period of work (study), or after it stops, etc.), and on the grounds specified in Article 27 of the Law, if the disability has come during military service or no later than three months after dismissal from military service, or Later, but due to military injury or disease received during military service.

Article 29. Conditions determining the right to pension on the general basis (law)

Disability pension due to labor injury and occupational disease (Article 39, Law) is appointed regardless of the duration of the general employment experience.

Disability pension due to the overall disease (law) to citizens who have become disabled under the age of 20, is also appointed independently of the duration of the overall employment experience. In other cases, the appointment of a disability pension due to the general disease is needed by the following work experience of the onset of disability: citizens under the age of 23 - at least one year, and at the age of 23 and older - one year with an increase in it for four months for each Full years of age, starting from 23 years, but not more than 15 years.

When switching from a disability pension due to labor injury, a professional disease, military injury or a disease obtained during military service, a retirement of disability due to a common disease, the necessary work experience is determined by age to the time of the initial failure of disability. This rule applies if the break in disability does not exceed five years.

Article 30. Pension with incompletely general labor experience

Citizens who are disabled I and II groups due to the general disease and not fully labor experience for the appointment of a pension (law), a pension is established with incompletely common work experience.

Article 31. Pension size (except for disability pensions due to military injury)

Pension (except for disability pensions due to military injury) is established in the following sizes: persons with disabilities I and II groups - 75 percent, group III - 30 percent of earnings.

In cases where the pension cannot be calculated from earnings, it is established in a solid amount equal to the minimum pension size (law).

Article 32. Minimum pension

Pension on disability I and II groups is set at the level minimum size old-age pensions (part of the first article 17 of the Law), and the disability pension of the Group III - at 2/3 of the minimum size of this pension.

Article 33. Maximum pension

The maximum amount of the disability pension I and II groups is set at the level of the maximum size of the old age pension (part of the first article 18 of the Law), and the pensions for disability of the group III - the minimum size of this pension (part of the first Article 17 of the Law).

The amount of the disability pension I and II groups (part of this article) increases by one percent for each full year of the overall labor experience in the excess of the old-age pension required for the appointment of an old age at full, but not more than 20 percent.

Article 34. Pension size with incompletely common work experience

The disability pension of the I and II groups with incompletely common work is determined on the basis of a full disability pension in the manner prescribed by Article 19 of the Law. Its size cannot be lower than a social pension (paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law).

Article 35. Conditions determining the right to retire on the grounds provided for for military personnel (law)

Disability pension due to military injury (law) or disease obtained during the military service (law) is appointed regardless of the duration of the overall work experience, including military service.

On equal bases with military personnel who have been disabled due to military injury, the pension is established:

citizens from the number of workers and employees of the relevant categories, the disability of which came in connection with the injury, contusion, injury or disease obtained in the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities in the front-line areas railways, on the construction of defensive frontiers, naval databases and airfields, and equivalent to pension provision for military personnel according to special decisions of the USSR government;

citizens who have become disabled due to injury, contusions, injury or disease obtained during the stay in the fighter battalions, platforms and detachments of the people's protection;

citizens designed to educational and testing fees and have become disabled due to injury, contusion or injury obtained in the performance of official duties during the passage of these fees.

Article 36. The size of a disability pension due to military injury

The disability pension I and II groups due to military injury (the law) is appointed in the maximum amount established by part of the first article 18 of the law, and the pension on disability of the Group III due to the same cause - in the amount of half of the specified size.

Article 37. Pension Migrants from other countries

Soviet citizens - migrants from other countries that have not worked in the Russian Federation or the USSR, the pension is assigned:

a) for disability due to the labor injury, the professional disease, military injury received during the Great Patriotic War in the fight against the army of states that were in a state of war from the USSR, regardless of the duration of the general employment experience;

b) for disability due to the overall disease - in the presence of a common employment experience required by age to the time of termination of work (law).

Article 38. Pensions Supplements

The pensions for disability I and II groups establishes the premiums provided for by paragraphs "A", B "and" in "part of the first Article 21 of the Law.

The pension for disability III of the Group establishes a premium provided for by law.

Article 39. Disability due to labor injury

The disability of the worker who carried out the work specified in the first article 89 of the Law is considered to have come due to labor injury if the accident caused health damage occurred:

a) when performing employment duties (including during business trips), as well as when performing any action in the interests of the organization, at least without the instructions of the administration (the board of the collective farm, etc.);

b) on the way to work or from work;

c) on the territory of the organization or other place of work during working hours (including established interruptions), during the time required to bring the instruments of production, clothing, etc. before starting or at the end of work;

d) near the organization or other place of work during working hours, including established breaks, if the finding there has not contradicted the rules of the internal labor regulation.

In addition, the disability of a citizen is considered to have come due to labor injury, if an accident caused by health damage also occurred:

e) upon passage of production training (practice), or conducting curriculum (experiments) during study;

(e) When performing state duties, as well as the tasks of Soviet or public organizations whose activities are not contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

g) when performing civil debt on saving human life, protecting property and law enforcement.

Article 40. Disability due to a professional disease

Disability is considered to have come due to a professional disease, if the disease that caused it is recognized by professional. The list of occupational diseases is approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 41. Disability due to military injury

The disability of citizens held by military service, including the Jung, sons (pupils) of the regiments, is considered to be due to military injury, if it is a consequence of injury, contusion, injuries obtained in the protection of the USSR, the Russian Federation or in other duties of military service (official duties), or disease associated with staying at the front.

Article 42. Disability due to the disease received during military service

The disability of citizens held by military service, including the hens as Jung, the sons (pupils) of the regiments, is considered to have come due to the disease obtained during the military service, if it was a consequence of injury as a result of an accident not related to the fulfillment of military service duties (service duties), or diseases that are not associated with staying at the front.

Article 44. Determination of the cause of disabilities in its strengthening

When the disability is strengthened due to a different reason, the cause of disability is determined at the request of the disabled person.

Article 45. The period for which the pension is established

The pension is established for the period on which the disability (law) is determined.

Article 46. Changing the size of the pension when revising the group of disability

When revising the disability group, the pension in a new amount is paid from the day the disability group is changed. If the disability is not installed, then the pension is paid until the end of the month, which produces a re-release, but not more than a day that disability is established.

Article 47. Suspension and renewal of pension payments when passing a re-examination period

If a citizen did not appear on a designated period for re-evidenced by VTEK, the payment of the pension is suspended. It renews from the day when a citizen is again recognized as disabled. When passing the period of re-examination for a good reason and the establishment of WTEC disability over the past time, the pension is paid from that day from which a citizen is recognized as disabled. If the other disability group (higher or lower) is installed when re-released, the pension is paid for the specified time on the previous group.

Article 48. Restoration of the previously appointed pension and appointing it again

The previously appointed disability pension due to the general disease is restored, if from the date of the cessation of its payment due to the expiration of the period on which the disability has been established, no more than five years have passed. The restoration of the previously prescribed pension for disability due to other causes is not limited.

In the event of a disability, again after the break, a disability pension may be assigned (at the request of the disabled person) on the general basis.

Article 49. Payment of pensions to working pensioners

Pension working retirees is paid in the full amount (without allowing admissions).

IV. Pensions on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner

Article 50. Circle of family members who have the right to retire

The right to retire has disabled members of the deceased family, held on his dependency (law). Parents and widows (widows) of citizens who died due to military injury, one of the parents or spouse, another member of the family specified in paragraph "in" of this article, as well as to each of the parents of servicemen who have held military service for the victims (dead) in The period of military service or the dead due to military injury after dismissal from military service (except in cases where the death of military personnel came as a result of their unlawful actions), the pension is appointed regardless of whether they were dependent on the dead (dead).

Disable family members are considered:

a) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren who have not reached 18 years old, or older than this age, if they have become disabled until it is 18 years old, while brothers, sisters and grandchildren - provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;

b) father, mother, spouse (wife, husband), if they reached 60 or 55 years (respectively, men and women) are either disabled;

c) one of the parents or spouse, or grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability, if he (she) is engaged in care of children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 14, and does not work;

d) grandfather and grandmother - in the absence of persons who are obliged to contain them;

e) parents of the dead (deceased) servicemen who were held by military service, if they reached 55 and 50 years (respectively, men and women) (law).

Parents and spouse of the deceased, who were not dependent on his dependence, have the right to retire if they subsequently lost the source of livelihoods.

Article 51. Right to retire students at the age of 18 and older

Students, pupils aged 18 years and older, but not more than reaching the age of 23 years, have the right to retire on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner until the end of training in full-time in educational institutions of all types and species, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, with the exception of educational institutions additional education.

Article 52. Right to retire stepfather, stepmother, stepmaking and stepdaughter

Stepfather and stepmother have the right to retire on a par with the father and mother, provided that they brought up or contained a deceased stepbery or a stepdaughter at least five years.

Steying and stepdaughter have the right to retire on a par with their own children.

Article 53. Defennia

Family members of the deceased are considered to be dependent if they were on its full content or received assistance from him, which was a permanent and major source of livelihood.

Members of the deceased family, for whom his help was a permanent and main source of livelihood, but who themselves received any retirement, have the right to retire on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

The dependent of children of deceased parents is assumed and does not require evidence.

Article 54. Family of missing citizens

The families of missing citizens are equal to the families of the dead, if the lack of a breadwinner is certified in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the families of military personnel missing during the military operations are equal to the families of the victims due to military injury (law).

Article 55. Preservation of retirement rights in adoption

Minors who have the right to retire (law) maintain this right when adopting them.

Article 56. Preservation of a pension when entering into a new marriage

The pension appointed on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - the spouse is maintained when entering into a new marriage.

Article 57. General grounds for pension provision

The pension is appointed on the general basis, if the death of the breadwinner came due to labor injury, professional or general disease.

Article 58. Pension on the grounds established for families of military personnel

The pension on the grounds established for the families of military personnel (including family partisans of the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars) is appointed if the death of the breadwinner came due to military injury or the disease obtained during the military service.

On equal bases with the families of military personnel, the pension is appointed by the families of the people of the leading and ordinary composition of the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, the death of the breadwinner, which occurred due to injury, contusion, injury, obtained in the performance of official duties in the internal affairs bodies, is equal to the death of the breadwin due to military injury, and the death of the breadwinner, which occurred due to other reasons that occurred during the service in these bodies, - To the death of the breadwinner due to the disease received during the military service.

Article 58-1. Pension on the grounds established for parents of the dead (deceased) servicemen who held military service

Pension on the grounds established for the parents of the dead (dead) servicemen who held military service on call, is appointed if death (death) has come during the period of military service or after dismissal from military service due to military injury (except for cases when the death of military personnel has come As a result of their unlawful actions).

Article 59. The time of the death of the breadwinner

Pension on the grounds specified in Article 57 of the Law is established regardless of when the death of the breadwinner came, and on the grounds specified in Article 58 of the Law, if the death of the breadwinner came during military service or no later than three months after dismissal from military service, or Later, but due to military injury or disease received during military service.

Article 60. Conditions determining the right to retire on general reasons (law)

The pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner due to the labor injury and the professional disease is prescribed regardless of the length of the work experience of the breadwinner.

Pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner due to the general disease is established if the breadwinner of the death day had a common work experience, which would be necessary for him to appoint a disability pension (law).

Article 61. Pension with incompletely general labor experience of the breadwinner

The families of citizens who died due to the general disease and are not fully working experience sufficient to appoint a pension (law), a pension is appointed with incompletely general labor facing the breadwinner.

Article 62. The size of a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (except for a pension on the case of the loss of the breadwin due to military injury and pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner to parents of the victims (dead) servicemen who held military service

Pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (except for a pension on the case of the loss of the breadwinner due to military injury and pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner to the parents of the dead (dead) servicemen held by military service) is set in the amount of 30 percent of the breadwinner earnings for each disabled family member, and for each A child who has lost both parents and died lonely mother - as a two-year size of the minimum amount of old-age pension (part of Article 17 of the Law).

Article 63. Minimum pension

Pension, including in case of incompletely overall labor, the breadwinner cannot be lower than the social pension specified in paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law, based on each disable member of the family.

Article 64. Maximum pension

The maximum pension size is set at the minimum size of old-age pension (part of Article 17 of the Law) for each disabled family member, with the exception of a pension on children who have lost both parents, and a deceased lonely mother (law), as well as pensions to the parents of the dead (dead) military personnel held by military service for call (law).

Article 65. Pension size with incompletely common labor experience

The amount of pension with incompletely common labor experience is determined (based on the full pension) in the manner established by Article 19 of the Law.

Article 66. Causes of the death of the breadwinner

The death of the breadwinner is considered to have come due to the labor injury, the professional disease, military injury, the disease obtained during the military service period, the general disease, if it was the consequence of the reasons specified respectively, ,,, law.

Article 67. Conditions determining the right to retire on the grounds provided for for the families of military personnel (law)

Pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwin due to military injury or the disease obtained during the military service period is appointed independently of the duration of the overall employment experience of the breadwinner, including military service.

On equal basis with the families of military personnel who died due to military injury, the pension is established by the families of the citizens listed in Article 35 of the Law, which died due to such an injury.

Article 68. The size of the pension upon the death of the breadwin due to military injury

The pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinter due to military injury is assigned in the maximum amount established by Article 64 of the Law.

Article 68-1. The size of the pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner to the parents of the dead (dead) servicemen held by military service

Pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner to parents of the dead (deceased) servicemen who held military service in appeal (law) is established by each of the parents in the amount of three minimum pensions of old-age pension (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

Article 69. Pension to the families of dead pensioners

The families of dead pensioners pension are appointed on the general basis regardless of the duration of the overall labor experience of the breadwinner.

The families of dead pensioners who have become disabled due to military injury, the pension is appointed by the rules established by the law, regardless of the cause of the death of a pensioner.

The families of dead pensioners include those families whose feeders died during the period of retirement or no later than five years after the cessation of pension.

Article 70. Pension surcharge

The following surcharges are set to pensions: to care for the pensioner - under conditions and in the sizes provided for in Article 21 of the Law; Children with disabilities and disabled since childhood I and II groups who lost both parents, as well as these children died lonely mothers - in the amount of a social pension provided for by paragraph "A" of Article 114 of the Law.

Article 71. The period on which the pension is established

The pension is established for the entire period during which a member of the deceased family is considered disabled (law).

Article 72. The period from which the amount of pension changes and its payment is terminated

With a change in the number of family members provided by the Pension, the pension is reviewed by the number of family members eligible for its receipt.

The pension in a new amount is paid from the first day of the month following the circumstances of the circumstances, entail a change in the size of the pension. Upon the occurrence of circumstances, entailing the termination of the payment of pensions, the payment of the pension ceases from the same term.

Article 73. The procedure for paying pension for the period of finding children state Provision

Children who have lost both parents, and the deceased lonely mother for the period of their stay in full state content paid 50 percent of the pension, and other children are 25 percent.

In the same procedure, a social pension is paid, established on children who have lost their parents.

For the period of finding children in children's institutions in full state security, the difference between the appointed and relying on the payment of pensions to children to transfer to the accounts of these institutions.

Article 74. Allocation of pensions

At the request of any family member, his share of pensions stand out and paid separately. At the same time, the share of pensions on children who have lost both parents, and the dead lonely mother is determined in the amount established by Article 62 of the Law.

The proportion of pensions is allocated since the first day of the month following the one in which the statement of pension was received.

Article 76. Payment of pensions to working retirees

Retired pension is paid in the total amount.

V. Pensions for long service

Article 77. Activities, taking into account which a pension is established for long service in accordance with this Law

The service retirement is established in connection with a long underground, other work with particularly harmful and heavy working conditions, as well as some other professional activities.

Article 78. Conditions determining the right to retire citizens employed on underground and open mining

Citizens, directly occupied full-time on underground and open mining (including the personal composition of the mountains and other use of coal, slate, ore and other minerals and on the construction of mines and mines (on the list of works and professions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), have the right to retire regardless of age if they worked at the specified works for at least 25 years, and employees of leading professions on these works - miners of the cleaning slaughter, the penetrations, the boomiers on the jackhammers, the machinists of mountain leaving machines, if they worked on such works Less than 20 years.

Article 78-1. Conditions that determine the right to a retirement for long service in connection with the work on the ships of the fleet of the fishing industry, the sea and river fleet

Pension due to work on the ships of the sea fleet of the fishing industry for the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products On the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on the individual types of ships of the sea, river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry, are established by men at a length of at least 25 years old, women - 20 years.

Article 78-2. Conditions that determine the right to retirement for long service in connection with work in professional rescue services, professional emergency rescue formations

The pension due to the worktelone in professional rescue services, professional emergency-rescue formations (on the list of posts and specialties approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) can be established regardless of age at a length of at least 15 years.

Article 79. Conditions determining the right to retire due to work in civil aviation

The pension due to the work in the flight and flight test formation is established: men at a length of at least 25 years old, women - at least 20 years; When leaving flight work on the state of health - men in length of at least 20 years, women are at least 15 years old.

The pension due to air traffic management is established: men - at the achievement of 55 years and with a common employment experience at least 25 years, of which at least 12 years 6 months of work on direct flight management of aircraft; Women - at the achievement of 50 years and with a general labor experience at least 20 years, of which at least 10 years of work on direct flight management of aircraft.

Pension due to work in the engineering and technical composition for aircraft maintenance is established: men - at the achievement of 55 years and with the overall work experience in civil aviation at least 25 years, of which at least 20 years of direct service of aircraft; Women - at the achievement of 50 years and with the overall work experience in civil aviation for at least 20 years, of which at least 15 years old on the direct service of aircraft.

Article 80. Conditions determining the right to a pension due to pedagogical activities in schools and other institutions for children

The pension due to pedagogical activities in schools and other institutions for children is established at a length of at least 25 years.

Article 81. Conditions determining the right to pension in connection with therapeutic and other work on the protection of public health

The pension due to therapeutic and other work on the protection of public health is established when driving at least 25 years countryside and urban-type settlements and at least 30 years in cities.

Article 82. Conditions determining the right to retire due to creative work on the scene, theaters and other theatrical and entertainment organizations and groups

The pension in connection with creative work on the stage in theaters and other theatrical and entertainment organizations and teams is established at a service of 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, depending on its nature.

Article 83. Lists of works, with which a pension is appointed, and the rules for the calculation of driers

The lists of the relevant work (professions and posts), taking into account the pension for long service, and in the necessary cases and rules for calculating the driving and appointment of pensions, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Article 84. Pension size

Pension (except retired employees engaged in underground and open mining works) is set in the amount of from 55 to 75 percent of earnings. When driving equal to the required, the pension size is 55 percent of earnings; For each full year of service over the required it increases by one percent of earnings. When driving in the flight and flight test composition in men from 20 to 25 years and women from 15 to 20 years old (part of Article 79 of the Law) pension decreases by 2 percent of earnings for each year (including incomplete), missing to full Silews.

The size of the pension of the test pilots I increases by 10 percent. In all cases, the amount of pension cannot exceed 75 percent of earnings. At the same time, the limitations established by Article 86 of the Law are not applied.

The pension of employees engaged in underground and open mining (law) is established in the amount of 75 percent of earnings.

Article 85. Minimum pension

The minimum pension is determined at the minimum amount of old-age pension (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

The size of the pension (part of the first article) increases by one percent for each full year of special employment (driving) in excess of the retirement required for destination, but not more than 20 percent.

Article 86. Maximum pension

The maximum pension is determined at the level of the total maximum size of the old age pension (part of Article 18 of the Law), and for the flight composition of civil aviation at the level of three and a half minimum sizes of old-age pensions.

The maximum pension size (part of the first article) increases by 1 percent for each full year of special employment experience (driving) over the retirement required for the purpose of the pension, but not more than 20 percent.

Article 86-1. Premiums for pension

To the service retirement pensions establishes a premium provided for by paragraph "in" part of the first article 21 of the Law.

Article 87. Payment of pensions to working retirees

Pension (except retired employees engaged in underground and open mountain work, as well as pensions appointed in connection with pedagogical activities in schools and other institutions for children, and pensions appointed in connection with therapeutic and other work on the protection of public health in rural areas and urban-type settlements) is paid under the condition of leaving the work (service), with which it is established. When performing another work, the pension is paid in the manner prescribed by part of the first article 22 of the Law.

Pension appointed by employees engaged in underground and open mining work, as well as a pension appointed in connection with pedagogical activities in schools and other institutions for children, and a pension appointed in connection with therapeutic and other work on the protection of public health in rural areas and Urban-type settlements (Articles 78,, Law) are paid in the manner prescribed by part of the first Article 22 of the Law, regardless of the nature of the work.

Vi. Labor experience and its calculus

Article 88. Types of labor experience, including pension provision

Taking into account the general employment experience, that is, the total duration of the labor and other socially useful activities specified in this section of the law is established by an old-age pension, and in appropriate cases of disability pension and pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

Taking into account the special employment experience, that is, the total duration of certain employment activities (services) is established by an old-age pension due to the special working conditions (law), work in the extreme north (law), as well as a seniority pension (Section V of the Law) .

Article 89. Work included in the overall work experience.

In general work experience includes any work as a worker serving (including employment to establish Soviet power and abroad), a member of a collective farm or other cooperative organization; Other work on which an employee not being worked or employees was subject to state social Insurance; work (service) in militarized protection, in the organs of a special communication or the mountain-trap part, regardless of its nature; Individual labor activity, including agriculture.

The period of creative activities of members of the Creative Unions of the USSR and the Union republics - writers, artists, composers, cinematographers, theater figures and others, as well as writers and artists who are not members of the relevant creative unions are equal to the above work. The experience of creative activity is calculated in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 90. Military service and another equivalent to it, the service included in the overall work experience

Service as part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Armed Forces former USSR, in the internal affairs bodies, external intelligence bodies, bodies of counterintelligence of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, in which the law provides for military service, former organs state security Of the Russian Federation, as well as state security bodies and the internal affairs of the former USSR (including during the period when these bodies were called differently), staying in partisan detachments in the period of civil and Great Patriotic Wars are included in the overall work experience on a par with the work listed Article 89 of the Law.

Article 91. Study included in the general work experience

Preparation K. professional activity - training in collections, schools and training courses, advanced training and retraining, in secondary special and higher educational institutionsStaying in graduate school, doctoral studies, clinical residency is included in the overall work experience on a par with the work listed in Article 89 of the Law.

Article 92. Other periods included in the overall work experience

The total work experience includes on a par with the work specified in Article 89 of the Law, the following periods:

a) temporary disability, which began during the work period, and the disability of the I and II groups due to injury related to production, or a professional disease;

b) the care for the disabled group I, a child-disabled child, the elder if he needs unauthorized care for the conclusion of a medical institution;

c) the care of the non-working mother for each child under the age of three and 70 days before his birth, but not more than 9 years a total of;

d) Accommodation of wives (husbands) of military personnel held by military service under the contract, together with husbands (wives) in areas where they could not work with a specialty due to the lack of employment opportunities;

e) accommodation abroad wives (husbands) of employees of Soviet institutions and international organizations, but not more than 10 years a total of;

e) stay in places of conclusion above the term appointed when revising the case;

g) payments for unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works and moving in the direction of employment service to another terrain and employment.

Article 92-1. Other periods included in special employment experience

When establishing an old age pension due to the special working conditions in accordance with Article 12 of the Law, the disability of the I and II Groups due to injury associated with production, or a professional disease equal to work on which the indicated injury or disease was obtained.

Article 93. The calculation of periods counted in labor experience

Periods counted in labor experience are calculated by their actual duration, except in cases listed in Article 94 of the Law, and special rules The calculus of the length of the years (law).

Article 94. Preferential calculation of periods counted in labor experience

When counting the employment experience specified in ,,, law, the following periods of work (service) are calculated in a preferential manner:

the full navigation period on water transport, the full season in the organizations of seasonal industries - for the year of work. The list of relevant seasonal works is approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

in leprosaries and anticipate institutions - in double size;

in military units, headquarters and institutions that are part of the current army, in partisan detachments and compounds during the battle, as well as the time spent on cure in therapeutic institutions due to military injury (law) - in a triple size;

in Leningrad during the blockade (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944) - in a triple size;

during the Great Patriotic War (from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945), with the exception of work in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy, in double size;

in the areas of the Far North and localities equal to the districts of the Far North, - one-hour size;

military service conscription - double.

Citizens unfoundedly attracted to criminal liability, unreasonably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, detention time, staying in places of detention and reference is counted into the overall work experience in a triple size.

Article 95. Inclusion in the overall work experience of staying in the occupied territory and in Leningrad during its blockade.

Citizens living in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy during the Great Patriotic War and rendered to the Day of Occupation or in its period of 16 years, the total work experience is counted all the time of their stay at the age of 16 and older in the occupied territory of the USSR or other states, And also in the territories of the states in a state of war from the USSR, except when they committed a crime within the specified period.

Citizens who lived in Leningrad during his blockade (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944), as well as citizens - the prisoners of fascist concentration camps, the time of consumer living in the blockade G. Leningrad and finding in concentration camps in the period of the Great Patriotic War is counted In general work experience in a double size, except when they committed a crime at the specified period,

Article 96. Proof of work experience

Labor experience gained to register as an insured person in accordance with the Federal Law "On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the State System pension insurance"is established on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant state and municipal bodies, organizations.

Labor experience acquired after registering as an insured person is established on the basis of information of individual (personalized) accounting.

Article 97. Proof of work experience testimony

Work experience (except for work in individual citizens), specified in the first article 89 of the law, can be established on the basis of the testimony of two or more witnesses, if the work activities are lost due to a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, etc. n.) And it is impossible to restore them. In some cases, it is allowed to establish an experience of working on testimony when losing documents for other reasons (for example, due to negligent storage, intentional destruction, etc.).

Article 98. Terms of inclusion in foreign citizens in labor experience abroad

In the case when foreign citizens or stateless persons and their families require a certain overall work experience, work abroad is included in such an experience, if at least two thirds of it falls to work in the USSR unless otherwise provided by the contract.

VII. Calculus pensions from earnings

Article 99. The calculation of pensions from earnings and establishing it in solid sums

The pension due to labor and other socially useful activities (law) is calculated on established standards from the average monthly earnings, except for its appointments in the appropriate maximum amount of citizens who have become disabled due to military injury, families of citizens who died due to such injury (Article 36, Law), as well as children who have lost both parents, and children deceased lonely mother (law).

Citizens who pension cannot be calculated from earnings, it is established in solid amounts equal to the minimum sizes of relevant pensions.

Article 100. The composition of earnings from which the pension is calculated

In earnings for calculating pension include all types of payments (income) obtained in connection with the performance of work (official duties) provided for in Article 89 of the Law on which are accrued insurance contributions in Pension Fund Russian Federation.

b) temporary disability allowance;

c) Scholarship, paid for the period of study (law).

Article 101. Evaluation of the natural part of earnings

The natural part is estimated at the state retail prices of the period when labor was made.

Article 102. Periods for which determined average monthly earnings When appointing a pension

The average monthly earnings in the appointment of the pension is determined (at the request of the pension applicant): For the past 24 months of work (services, except for urgent military service) before appealing to the pension or for any 60 months of work (service) in a row throughout the work before the pension appeal .

From among the months for which the average monthly earnings is calculated are excluded (at the request of the pension applicable), incomplete months of work due to its start or termination not from the first day of the month and months (including incomplete) leave provided due to child care At the age of three years, as well as the time of work during which a citizen was disabled or received a compensation for damage caused by injury or other damage to health, carries out a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or an elderly in need of unauthorized care to conclude a medical institution . At the same time, excellent months are replaced by other, directly preceding the elected period or directly following it.

The average monthly earnings determined by the first and second paragraphs of this article, for the periods prior to registration as a insured person in accordance with the Federal Law "On Individual (Personalized) accounting in the State Pension Insurance System" is established on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant state and municipal Organizers, organizations.

The average monthly earnings for the periods after registration as an insured person is established on the basis of information of individual (personalized) accounting.

Article 103. The procedure for counting average monthly earnings

The average monthly earnings for the periods listed in Article 102 of the Law is calculated by dividing total amount Earnings for 24 months of work (services) and 60 months of work (service), respectively, 24 and 60.

If the work lasted less than 24 months, the average monthly earnings is calculated by dividing the total amount of earnings for actually developed months by the number of these months.

In cases where the period of work was less than one full calendar month, the pension is calculated on the basis of the conventional monthly earnings. It is determined as follows: Earnings for all worked time is divided into the number of days worked and the resulting amount is multiplied by the number of working days in a month, calculated on average for the year (21.2 - at a five-day working week; 25.4 - at the six-day working week) . In this case, the earnings from which the pension is calculated cannot exceed the amount of two tariff rates (salary) of this employee.

The procedure for increasing earnings in connection with an increase in the cost of life and changes in the level of nominal wage is established by law.

Article 104. Calculating the earnings of some categories of workers

Earnings of individuals working for individual citizens by their services, taken to calculate the pension, is limited to the amount of earnings of workers and employees of the appropriate profession and qualifications employed in public organizations and in organizations of domestic services.

Members of the Creative Unions of the USSR and the Union republics, other creative workers (part of the second Article 89 of the Law) pension shall be calculated on the general grounds established by this section of the law. At the same time, their average monthly earnings are determined in the last two calendar years before applying for a pension or for any five calendar years in a row throughout the work before the pension appeal.

Article 105. Calculation of pensions to citizens - migrants from other countries

Pension to Soviet citizens - migrants from other countries who did not work in the USSR are calculated from the average monthly earnings of workers and employees of the relevant profession and qualifications in the USSR by the time of the prescription of the pension.

Article 105-1. The calculus of pensions to citizens who worked abroad

The average monthly earnings of citizens who worked abroad are calculated on the general reasons with the exception of payment for work abroad. At the same time, citizens aimed at work in the establishment and organization of the former USSR and the Russian Federation abroad either in international organizations, the average monthly earnings on their wishes can be counted in the manner provided for in Article 105

The recalculation of pensions is made at the request of a pensioner from the earnings, from which it was appointed (recalculated) earlier or from earnings as with a new retirement appointment.

Article 107. Pension recalculation due to increasing earnings

Each subsequent recalculation is made no earlier than 24 months of work after the previous recalculation.

Article 108. The calculation of pension on the case of the loss of the feeder-pensioner

The families of dead pensioners pension is calculated (as desired by the pension) from that earnings, from which it was calculated to the breadwinner, or from the earnings determined in accordance with this section of the law.

Article 109. The calculation of the pension during the transition from one pension to another

When switching from one pension to another earnings is determined on the general reasons established by this section of the law. The pension on a new foundation may also be calculated (at the request of the pensioner) from that earnings from which the previously paid pension was determined.

Article 110. Raising pension

The amount of pension, calculated in accordance with this Law, increases:

a) the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation and citizens awarded the Order of the Fame of Three degrees - by 100 percent of the pension size, but not less than 200 percent of the minimum pension of old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law), the heroes of socialist labor - on 50 percent of the size of the pension, but not less than 100 percent of the minimum amount of old-age pension (part of the First Article 17 of the Law);

b) champions of the Olympic Games - by 50 percent, but not less than 100 percent of the minimum size of old-age pension (part of the first Article 17 of the Law);

c) citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory Three degrees or Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees - by 15 percent;

Part One Article 17


g) Citizens (except those specified in paragraph "E" of this article) who have worked for at least six months during the Great Patriotic War (from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945), except for work in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy, or awarded orders and medals of the USSR for selfless work and impeccable military service in the rear during the Great Patriotic War, - by 50 percent of the minimum pension in old age (part of Article 17 of the Law);

h) citizens awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" sign (with the exception of the citizens specified in the points "E", "F" of this article), - by 100 percent of the minimum amount of old-age pension (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

and) citizens unreasonably repressed for political reasons and subsequently rehabilitated - by 50 percent of the minimum pension in old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

k) disabled since childhood due to injury, contusion or injury related to hostilities during the Great Patriotic War or with their consequences receiving old-age retirement, disability or on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - by 100 percent of the minimum stage of old-age pension (part First Article 17 of the Law).

Article 111. Rules for the accrual of premiums to a pension.

The premiums for pension, including the minimum and maximum, are charged after it increases in accordance with Article 110 of the Law.

Pension with the allowances is not limited to the maximum amount.

If there is two or more non-working retirees in the family, each disabled family member, which is in their total dependency, is taken into account to accrual the allowance only to one of the pensioners, by their choice.

Article 112. Improving the minimum and maximum sizes of labor pensions and social pensions to citizens living in areas where district coefficients are installed in wages.

The minimum dimensions of labor pensions and social pensions are determined for citizens living in areas where regional coefficients for workers and employees have been established using the appropriate coefficient for the entire period of their residence in these areas. At the same time, if different coefficients are installed, the coefficient acting in this area for workers and employees of non-production industries is applied.

In the same order, the maximum dimensions of labor pensions are determined for these citizens.

Citizens who have been appointed in accordance with Article 14 of the Law in the Far North and localities equivalent to the areas of the Far North, when leaving these areas and localities, the size of a pension defined during its establishment, taking into account the relevant district coefficient . At the same time, the limited size of the district coefficient, taking into account the departure of these citizens from the districts of the Far North and equivalent locality of them maximum size This pension is 1.5.

VIII. Social pensions

Article 113. Conditions determining the right to social pension

Social pension is established: persons with disabilities I and II, including disabled since childhood, as well as persons with disabilities of the Group III; disabled children; children under the age of 18 who lost one or both parents; Citizens who have reached 65 and 60 years (respectively, men and women).

Medical testimony, in which a child under the age of 18 is recognized as disabled, is approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.


Social pension is set in the following sizes:

a) disabled since childhood I and II groups, disabled groups of group I, disabled children, as well as children who have lost both parents and deceased lonely mother - in the amount of the minimum old-age pension (part of the first article 17 of the Law.

The day of appeal to the pension is considered the day of submission of an application with all necessary documents. When sending applications and documents by mail, the day of appeal is the date of their departure.

In cases where the statements are applied to the application, documents applicable to the pension gives an explanation, which documents should be submitted additionally. If they are presented no later than three months from the date of receipt of the appropriate clarification, the day of appeal is the day of submission of an application.

The application for the appointment of a pension is considered by the social protection authority no later than 10 days after its receipt with all the necessary documents or the receipt of additional documents.

Article 119. Appointment of a pension earlier than the day of appeal

The relevant pension is appointed earlier than the day of appeal (Article 118 of the Law) in the following cases:

pension in old age and pension for long service - from the date of termination of work (service), if the appeal followed her no later than the month from the date of leaving the work;

disability pension - from the date of the establishment of disability, if the appeal after it followed no later than 12 months from this day;

pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - from the death of the breadwinner, if the appeal followed her no later than 12 months from the date of his death; When contacting the pension, it is later appointed for a year earlier than the day when the appeal followed.

In all cases, the pension is appointed no earlier than from the day the right to it occur.

Article 120. General rules Pension payments

Pension payment is made for the current month. Delivery and transfer of pensions is carried out at the expense of the state.

Article 121. The term from which the size and type of pension changes.

The size of the prescribed pension varies: if it occurs, the right to increase it - from the first day of the month following the one in which the pensioner applied to raise pensions with all the necessary documents; Upon the circumstances entailing a decrease in the pension - from the first day of the month following the one in which the relevant circumstances came.

Translation from one pension to another is made from the first day of the month following the one in which the appropriate application is submitted with all the necessary documents.

Article 122. Pension payment during the residence of the pensioner in state or municipal stationary social service institutions

Pensioners, regardless of the foundation of the appointment and type of pensions living in state or municipal stationary institutions of social services, is paid 25 percent of the prescribed pension. During the period of temporary absence of a pensioner in these institutions, it is paid 75 percent of the prescribed pension. At the same time, the period of the temporary absence of a pensioner is considered a calendar period from one to three months.

If a pensioner living in state or municipal stationary social service institutions (excluding periods of temporary absence of a pensioner in these institutions), there are disabled family members consisting of dependency, the pension is paid in the following order: one member of the family is a quarter of a pension, on Two family members are a third of pensions, on three and more family members - half of the pension, on the retirement itself - 25 percent of the pension.

The difference between the amount appointed and paid in accordance with the parties of the first and second of this article pension is sent to state or municipal stationary institutions of social services, where this pensioner lives. These funds are credited to the accounts of these institutions in excess of budget allocations and are sent to strengthening their logistical base and improving the living conditions of the elderly and persons with disabilities in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 123. Payment of pensions not received by a pensioner

The amounts of the prescribed pension, not received by the pensioner in a timely manner, are paid for all the past time, but not more than three years before applying for their receipt.

The amounts of pensions not received in a timely manner of the fault of the bodies appointing or paying a pension are paid over the past time without limiting any term.

Article 124. Suspension of pension payment during imprisonment.

During the deprivation of a pensioner of freedom, by the court sentence, the payment of the prescribed pension is suspended.

Article 125. Payment of disaffected by the amount of pensions due to the death of a pensioner

The amounts of pensions due to the pensioner and affected due to his death are paid to its heirs on the general basis.

Family members of the deceased funeral producing these amounts are paid before the adoption of the inheritance.

X. The responsibility of the organization and citizens. Resolution disputes on pension issues

Article 126. Responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in documents issued for the appointment and payment of pension

The organization (citizen) is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the documents issued for the appointment and payment of pensions.

In cases where the information contained in the documents is incorrect and pension has been made on their basis, the organization reimburses the relevant social protection authority caused damage.

Article 127. Responsibilities of the organization and pensioner. Their responsibility

The organization is obliged to report on a five-day period to a pension to the employment of a pensioner.

The pensioner is obliged to inform the authority that pays him a pension about the occurrence of circumstances, entailing a change in the size of the pension or the cessation of its payment.

In case of failure to comply with these duties and payments in connection with this, the unnecessary amounts of pensions, the organization and the pensioner reimburse the relevant body of social protection of the population caused damage.

Article 128. Recovery of pensions, unnecessarily paid due to pensioner abuse

The amounts of pensions that are unnecessarily paid by the pensioner due to its abuse (submission of documents with obviously incorrect information, concealment of changes in the family of the family, which is paid a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner, etc.), can be held from a pension to a decision paying a pension. The amount of deductions on this basis should not exceed 20 percent of the pension due to the pensioner to pay, beyond the deductions on other grounds. In all cases, pension recovery in accordance with the legislation for the pensioner remains at least 50 percent of the pension due.

In case of termination of the payment of pensions, the remaining debt is charged in court.

Article 129. Disputes on pension issues

Disputes on the appointment and payment of pensions, deductions from the pension, recovery of unnecessary amounts of pensions are permitted hasional organ Social protection of the population. If a citizen (organization) does not agree with the decision adopted by this body, the dispute is permitted in the manner prescribed by the legislation on civil proceedings.

Xi. The procedure for introducing the law "On government pensions in the Russian Federation"

Article 130. The term of entering into force

This Law is in force: in part of pensions for disabled people and other participants in the war (including from among the wired structural composition), families of the dead military workers, citizens, unreasonably repressed for political reasons and subsequently rehabilitated, minimum sizes of labor pensions, pensions for children - Round orphans, participants in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, social pensions, as well as in part of the norms that are not related to the amount of pensions and the procedure for calculating the pension and earnings (Section VII of the Law) - from March 1, 1991; In the rest of the part - from January 1, 1992, while until May 1, 1992, pensions are paid in the amount not higher than the minimum pension of old-age pension provided for by part of the first article 17, not counting the allowances for them.

Article 131. Reply of pensions for pension documents.

Citizens who have under the terms and conditions of this Law are eligible for a higher pension, the pension is assigned (translated) in accordance with the law.

The recalculation of pensions is made according to the documents available in the pension case, based on the earnings from which the pension is calculated. The procedure for increasing earnings in connection with an increase in the cost of life and changes in the level of nominal wage is established by law.

If the time of recalculation presents additional documents, in particular on earnings that meet the requirements of the law, then recalculation of the pension is carried out with such documents.

Article 132. Reply of pensions on documents submitted after the Law

When presenting additional documents after the introduction of this Law (about experience, earnings, etc.), giving the right to further increase the previously appointed pension, the pension is reincurated again. At the same time, recalculation of pensions is made from the day the law enforcement, but not more than 12 months (the month of submission of documents is excluded).

In case of submission specified documents After July 1, 1993, the pension is recalculated on the general reasons established by Article 121 of the Law.

Article 133. Conservation of previously established pension

Citizens who have been appointed prior to the introduction of this Law that does not have the right to a higher pension under the terms and conditions of the law, it is maintained in the previously established amount, but not lower than the minimum amount of the old-age pension established by this Law.

In the same order, a pension is paid, established after the entry into force of this Law on the terms and conditions of the previous legislation.

Article 133-1. The inclusion in a special work experience, which establishes a pension of old age, the time of work that has previously retired on preferential terms

The time performed before January 1, 1992, underground work, work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops, as well as other works with severe working conditions, giving up to January 1, 1992, the right to receive a pension on preferential terms is counted in a special employment experience. , taking into account the old age pension is appointed on par with the works specified respectively in paragraphs "A" and B "of Article 12 of this Law.

Article 134. Recalculation of previously appointed personal pensions

From November 21, 1990, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the further appointment of personal pensions is suspended.

Personal pensions appointed on the territory of the Russian Federation until November 21, 1990, are canceled from January 1, 1992. Citizens who have been established before their cancellation, from January 1, 1992 pensions are established in accordance with the current legislation on common to all other citizens grounds.

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Last week, we are with the help of our St. Petersburg expert on the new Federal Law No. 340-FZ of August 3, 2018 "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation". The emphasis was made that this regular regulatory act of the authorities will add "headache" and SRO, and the National Burents. Then we . Both publications caused a great interest of the professional community, and most importantly there are many questions that continue to enter the editor. The group of our voluntary experts from two capitals agreed to give answers to the questions of the readers of the site for the application of the norms of the new law. And today we are starting to publish the answers of our experts.

QUESTION. In what period of the SRO should bring their documents in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law No. 340-FZ?

ANSWER. Federal Law of August 3, 2018 No. 340-FZ is not defined transitional period. This document entered into force on the date of publication - August 4, 2018.

Considering that the norms of the Federal Law actually provide for amending the constituent and internal documents of the SRO, as well as the introduction of changes to the subtitone regulations Of the Russian Federation, seems to be several possible options Action SRO:

A) Amendments to one stage:

  • holding general Assembly members of the SRO and the meeting of the permanent collegial body after entering into force of all the subtitle regulations and preparations, taking into account their requirements of projects of documents of the SRO;
b) Changes in two stages:
  • preparation and introduction of changes to the SRO documents, taking into account the requirements of Federal Law No. 340-FZ;
  • preparation and introduction of changes to the documents of the SRO, taking into account the requirements of the regulatory regulations.
QUESTION. From what period of the SRO has the right to take into its members of individuals implementing contracts only demolition of capital construction facilities?

ANSWER. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 55.6, a legal entity (including a foreign legal entity) and an individual entrepreneur (including a foreign legal entity) and an individual entrepreneur, subject to the compliance of such legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, subject to the compliance of such legal entities and individual entrepreneurs established by a self-regulatory organization to its members and payments Such persons in the complete amount of contributions to the compensation fund (compensation funds) of a self-regulatory organization, unless otherwise specified by this article.

Federal Law No. 340-FZ instructs the SRO to establish the requirements for its members exercising under the contract of the contract only demolition of capital construction facilities, as well as the amount of the contribution to the Compensation Fund to provide contractual obligations in the form of a simple level of responsibility.

Based on the foregoing, the SRO has the right to take into its members of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs exercising under contracts only demolition of capital construction facilities, after adoption and entry into force of the relevant internal documents SRO imposing requirements for persons engaged in contract agreements only demolition of capital construction facilities.

QUESTION. Is it a separate right to demolish capital construction sites that SRO can provide its members?

ANSWER. Article 55.8 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation almost all over the text made amendments to federal law No. 340-FZ, starting with the change in the name of the article itself. Now Article 55.8 is referred to as follows: "The right of a member of a self-regulatory organization to carry out engineering surveys, to prepare project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition Capital construction objects. "

There are also changes in part 1 of article 55.8 of the town-planning code of the Russian Federation:

"one. An individual entrepreneur or legal entity has the right to carry out engineering surveys, to prepare project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul , demolitioncapital construction facilities under a contract for the implementation of engineering surveys, the preparation of project documentation, under construction contract, under the contract of demolitionenclosed with the developer, technical customer, the person responsible for the operation of the building, facilities, or the regional operator, provided that such an individual entrepreneur or such a legal entity is a member of a self-regulatory organization in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction , overhaul, demolition Capital construction facilities, unless otherwise established by this Code. "

At the same time, part 12 of article 55.16 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is complemented by a new item in which a separate contribution to the compensation fund compensation is harm:

"6) One hundred thousand rubles If a member of a self-regulatory organization plans to carry out only the demolition of the capital construction facility, not related to the construction, reconstruction of the capital construction object (a simple level of responsibility of a member of the self-regulating organization)."

Also in paragraph 1, the words are complemented: "1) One hundred thousand rubles if a member of a self-regulatory organization plans to carry out construction, reconstruction (including demolition of the object of capital construction, its parts in the construction process, reconstruction), overhaul of the capital construction facility (hereinafter For the purposes of this part - construction), the value of which on one contract does not exceed sixty million rubles (the first level of responsibility of the member of the self-regulating organization) ".

As can be seen from the changed point 1, the demolition of the capital construction object is part of The rights to the construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities, if the person also carries out construction and / or reconstruction of capital construction facilities.

Based on the above standards for persons engaged only by the demolition of capital construction objects, the right under the contract for the implementation of demolition concluded with the developer, the technical customer, the person responsible for the operation of the building, facilities, or the regional operator, is an independent (individual) right that SRO provides His member.

From the editorial In the near future we will continue to publish the answers of our voluntary experts. And from all readers, we are waiting for new issues on federal law No. 340-FZ.

Your donor.rf.


The letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from 07.11.2018 N 32363-VA / D23I "On the application of the provisions of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ and the Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ in terms of cadastral accounting and state registration of rights on objects of individual housing construction and garden houses "

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

About application

Cadastral Accounting and State Registration Rights

On objects of individual housing construction

And garden houses

From August 4, 2018, the Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ came into force "On Amendments to the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law N 340-FZ), which was introduced The notification procedure for the construction of individual housing construction facilities (hereinafter referred to as the ISH object) instead of the previously active permitting order, and also changed the selected provisions of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015. N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 218- FZ).

In addition, from January 1, 2019, the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 N 217-FZ will come into force on the conduct of citizens of gardening and gardening for their own needs and on amending the individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation "(hereinafter referred to N 217-FZ), in particular:

it is recognized by the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 N 66-FZ "On Horticultural, Gardening and Country Non-Profit Associations (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law N 66-FZ);

the concepts of "country land plot", "residential structure" are excluded from the legislation;

the concept of "Garden House" is introduced (paragraph 2 of Article 3

the garden house can be recognized as a residential building, a residential building can be recognized as a garden house in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation (part 3 of Article 23 of the Federal Law No. 217-FZ);

types of allowed use land plots "Garden land plot", "for gardening", "for conducting gardening", "Dachnaya land plot", "to keep a country farm" and "for country construction" contained in the Unified State Real Estate Register (hereinafter - EGRN) and (or ) those specified in the prolonged or other documents are considered equivalent; Land plots for which such types of permitted use are established are garden land plots (part 7 of Article 54 of the Federal Law No. 217-FZ);

located on the garden land plots of the building, information about which was made to EGRN to the day of entry into force of the Federal Law N 217-FZ with the appointment of "residential", "residential structure", recognized by residential buildings (part 10 of Article 54 of the Federal Law No. 217-FZ) .

From the day the federal law of N 340-FZ (August 4, 2018) as a result of changes in the city planning code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Grado-Planting Code) of the concept of "object of individual housing construction", "Residential House", "Individual residential building" apply In one meaning, unless otherwise provided by federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (paragraph 39 of Article 1 of the Town Planning Code).

In accordance with the changes submitted by the Federal Law of N 340-FZ to the Federal Law N 218-FZ, the state cadastral registration of the established objects of IZH, Garden Houses and the State Registration of the rights to them should be carried out simultaneously on the basis of the statement of the authority or local government authorized authority on the issuance of building permits. The statement by these bodies is filed in electronic form, the application should be made:

notification of the end of the construction or reconstruction of an IZhS object or a garden house;

the technical plan submitted by the developer together with the notice of the end of construction or reconstruction of the facility of the ILS or the Garden House to the authority of the state authority, the local government authority, authorized for the issuance of building permits;

agreement on the definition of shares in the right of common share ownership of the built or reconstructed object of ILS or a garden house concluded between the right holders of the land plot, if the land plot on which the ILS or a garden house is built or reconstructed, belongs to two or more citizens on the right of common share ownership Or transferred to rent with multiplicity of persons on the side of the tenant.

In the notice of the end of the construction or reconstruction of the IZhS or Garden House, the information on the payment of state duty for the state registration of the right to the created real estate object (part 16 of article 55 of the Town Planning Code).

The developer is entitled to independently apply to the organization's registration authority in the event of non-fulfillment by the authority or local government authority, authorized for the issuance of permits for the construction of the above responsibility. At the same time, the developer submits to the registration authority only a statement, other documents of the registration authority requests the authority to issue permits for the construction of the government or local government authority (part 1.2 of Article 19 of the Federal Law No. 218-FZ).

information that notification of the end of the construction or reconstruction of the IZhS or Garden House facility, about the state cadastral accounting and (or) of the state registration of the rights of which filed a statement was not sent (or returned without consideration and is considered an unforetentified) developer into the authority or body or body local governments authorized for the issuance of building permits (paragraph 59).

In this regard, we assume necessary to pay attention to the following.

Regarding residential buildings and residential buildings created or created on garden or country land.

In this case, it is not necessary for notifying the notification of the planned construction provided for in Article 51.1 of the Town Planning Code (as amended by the Federal Law N 340-FZ), nor obtain permission to enter the object of commissioning (Part 3 - 4 of Article 16

5. However, in the presence of permission to build an object of the IZhS, the developer shall notify the end of construction or reconstruction of the IZhS facility, the executive authority or the local government body, which issued permission to build an IZhS facility, in accordance with Part 16 of Article 55 of the Urban Planning Code (Part 4 of Article 16 Federal Law N 340-FZ).

IN this case Consideration of the notification of the end of the construction or reconstruction of the IZhS facility is carried out according to the rules stipulated by the parts of 18-211 of Article 55 of the Urban Planning Code (as amended by the Federal Law No. 340-FZ). The direction of notification of the inconsistency of the constructed or reconstructed object of ILS is allowed only in the event of a non-compliance of the ILS object with the requirements for the construction of an IZhS facility.

To the notification of the end of construction, the developer must be made among other documents, the technical plan of the created IZhS object.

In these cases, information about the facility of the ILS, with the exception of information about the location of the IZhS object on the land plot and its area, is indicated in the technical plan on the basis of:

or permits for the construction and design documentation of such an object (if available);

or permits for the construction and declaration of real estate object provided for by part 11 of Article 24 of the Federal Law of N 218-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law N 340-FZ) (in case project documentation not manufactured).

When considering the documents submitted to the issuance of permits for the construction of public authority or the local government authority, with a statement on the implementation of state cadastral accounting and state registration of rights to the created Izhs object or at the request of the license authority (part 1.2 of Article 19 of the Federal Law No. 218-FZ ) is not allowed to suspend such accounting and registration actions due to the lack of notification of the planned construction (reconstruction) of the IZhS object, since in this case the preparation technical Plan The construction permit is applied.

Also, if an application for the implementation of state cadastral accounting and state registration of rights was represented by the right holder of the land plot until the federal law of N 340-FZ entry into force, such a statement and documents attached to it, including in the event of the suspension of accounting and registration actions, Must be considered according to the rules of the Federal Law of N 218-FZ, which operated before the entry into force of the Federal Law N 340-FZ.

6. In the event that the construction (reconstruction) of the ILS object on the land plot intended for individual housing construction or to conduct a personal subsidiary farm, in the borders of the settlement begins to receive in the prescribed manner for building permission and until the federal law of N 340- FZ, the copyright holder of such a land plot has the right before March 1, 2019 to send to the authorized permits for the construction of a federal executive authority, the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or the local government authority, provided for by paragraph 1 of Article 51.1 of the City Planning Code (as amended by the Federal Law No. 340- FZ) Notification of planned construction or reconstruction in the appropriate land plot of an IZhS object (part 5 of article 16 of the Federal Law N 340-FZ).

Consideration of such a notification is carried out in the manner prescribed by Article 51.1 of the Town Planning Code, upon completion of the construction of the land holder of the land plot, the notification of the end of construction or reconstruction is sent for the end of Article 55 of the Urban Planning Code, and the consideration of such a notification is carried out in the manner prescribed by part 17 - 21 of Article 55 of the city planning Code. In this case, obtaining a permit for the construction and permission to commission the object is not required.

Thus, in relation to part 5 of article 16 of the Federal Law N 340-FZ it should be noted that this norm allows the state cadastral records and the state registration of rights to residential buildings, the construction of which has begun (including and completed) until the day of entry into force Of this law, without permission to build a building (despite the requirements of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code as amended by August 4, 2018), subject to the appropriate notification to the authorized body before March 1, 2019. At the same time, the aggregate of these facts (the lack of building permit, the beginning of construction without permission to build, the lack of permission to commission the Object Committee) is not the basis for the suspension of state cadastral accounting and state registration of the rights to the residential building, subject to the requirements provided for and the town-planning code (as amended by the law N 340-FZ).

7. Regarding the preparation of the Technical Plan of the IZhS or Garden House, the construction of which is not completed.

9. Regarding the forms of notifications necessary for the construction or reconstruction of an IZhS or Garden House.

Other news

This law in Russia introduces the notification procedure for the construction of residential buildings 1) on land plots of IZhS, 2) LPH sections within the boundaries of settlements and 3) gardening sites of citizens.

Instead of requesting permission for the construction of a residential building, any citizen - the owner of such a plot - has the right to simply notify the local administration about the planned construction of a residential or garden house (Art. 51.1 of the RF GRK) by registered mail, through the Public Services portal or through MFC, sending paper in shape Type:

"I, name, who lives there, passport No., owning a land plot (address) with such a cadastral number on such a right (lease, property, gratuitous, etc.), the allowed use of the site is such ( For example: LPH, IZhS, gardening), intends to build an individual residential building on it (garden house) in size __ by __ m. Of the 2nd (3) floors with a height of __ meters [now it is allowed to 20 m.]. This house is not intended for the section on independent properties. What I do notify the administration in accordance with Federal Law No. 340-FZ of 03.08.2018
I propose to send to my postal address (or on my email) Notification of the compliance of my house established by law parameters for its construction in accordance with Article 51.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.
Sincerely, ... ... ... (FULL NAME, Signature, Date). "

The application is a guide document on the land plot (lease agreement, a contract of free use, etc. or EMERG EMERG on the right of ownership, but it is obligatory not required, because All information EGRN administration will receive on interdepartmental communications or just look at the computer where they are there).

Next, the administration checks the parameters of future construction within 7 days (first of all, on the subject of whether the construction of the permitted use of the land plot and its territorial zone is consistent according to local PZZ) and sends its notice to the applicant - on the configuration of the established parameters and its admissibility on land plot. The form of this notice (and notifications from a citizen) will be approved by the Ministry of Travel of the Russian Federation, and so far such a form is not yet approved, notify the administration on the planned construction can be in free form, since Law No. 340-FZ dated 03.08.2018 already entered into legal force And this can be used directly.

To prohibit construction, just so the administration is no longer entitled, or maybe only in accordance with Part 10 of Art. 51.1 GRK of the Russian Federation to draw up a notice of the inconsistency of the construction of the law and its parameters - but this administration should be done for 7 days, while properly substantiates its position, and if within 7 days such a notice from the administration does not come to the Developer - the construction is considered agreed ( .13 tbsp. 51.1 GRK).

Such a limit of time will allow to prevent future construction only if there are clear and gross violations of legislation, in particular:
1) When the planned building does not correspond to the established form of permitted use of the Earth (for example, a residential building on the site "for gardening" to build);
2) when the planned building does not correspond to the established settings in the PZZ (for example, due to the inadmissibility of accommodation in a territorial area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings), and
3) When the violation of the law is clearly visible and immediately - for example, the land plot is in some security zone (for example, next to the gas pipeline) and the construction there is not allowed at all.
At the same time, the responsibility for losses in the improper notification is the treasury (part 15 of Art. 51.1 of the RF GDC).

The non-receipt of no letter and notification is to coordinate construction and gives the right to build a construction in accordance with the parameters specified to them within 10 years from the date of the direction to the administration of its notice.

Such is the legal mechanics of the presumption of conscientiousness of a citizen, the legality of any activity carried out by the person and the fiction of the silent consent of the state for this activity in the absence subsequent objections For its implementation, in applied to the construction of residential buildings by citizens and families on their land.

So, today everyone can build a house. It remains to make changes to the law on personal subsidiary farm and the Land Code of the Russian Federation - and build residential buildings will be not available for 1% of Russia, but everywhere. Currently, these changes are already preparing. But now the hardest ban has been removed from Russia, which blocked the will of people to build their house on her land. And these changes in the RF GDC are significant and long-awaited. For permits to build private residential buildings in the relying manner and in Russia, no longer received according to the law. Not our mentality and not our gene pool, to live on someone else's will on his land! Our ancestor behind the century and millennium for the Millennium in his own will and came to Earth, according to his own will and the house put on his land. With the way Rus and settled, and expanded, and fastened! And now it is given to this priming tradition in Russia and return! In line - construction of residential buildings on agricultural land and law on generic estates!

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