
Countryside houses. Country house projects. Term for receiving state aid

Privatization of a private house in countryside is quite common today, since many people are looking for the opportunity to arrange private housing, but at the same time not everyone is looking in the territory of large cities.

But at the same time, you need to understand that and, which is located in rural areas, is somewhat different from how apartments in cities are transferred to private ownership.

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In this regard, when getting the opportunity to register for some kind of housing, it is better to understand in advance how the privatization of a private house in rural areas is carried out and what difficulties you may encounter.

Why is it needed

The privatization procedure of a private house itself is often not required, since the concept of a “private house” already provides for its registration in the ownership of a certain person with the provision of everything necessary.

Objects that belong to the private housing stock, in the overwhelming majority of cases are not included in the list state property, therefore, in principle, they cannot be privatized, but at the same time it is possible to draw up documents confirming the right of ownership, since in some situations a person can live for a long time in the territory of a certain room, but at the same time not have any documents that could confirm the legal grounds such a stay.

At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that even if the ownership rights to a private house were registered, this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to formalize the plot of land on which it stands, and in this situation the privatization procedure should already be carried out.

Such plots, in accordance with the current legislation, are registered in the private property of the owner absolutely free of charge, but the main condition for such registration is the construction of a house on this territory until 2001. In such a situation, all clearance operations can be carried out in accordance with a simplified scheme.

Basic conditions

As mentioned above, in different situations, the procedure for privatizing a house can acquire many new features and nuances, so it is better to prepare for them in advance.

Characteristics of a summer cottage and village object

A dacha or village object is a living space that meets all hygienic, engineering, technical and sanitary standards. It should be noted that such housing must be suitable for living, and a citizen who is going to register it or a certain part of it in his own property must have a documented right to operate it.

Such a right can be acquired in the event that a person has received a house for use in accordance with a warrant or social tenancy agreement, depending on when this property was provided - before or after 2005.

To carry out the privatization of any housing, the family that lives in it must not own any other living space, and the housing itself must fully comply with housing standards providing a certain amount square meters for each resident

Required documents

To register a private residential building together with the land in its ownership, the authorized body must provide a certain number of documents, namely:

  • passports of each of the residents registered on the territory of this housing, including also minor children;
  • a statement that states the desire to privatize the specified property;
  • documents of title confirming the applicant's ability to register this property;
  • a building permit, as well as an act confirming the commissioning of a residential building;
  • land management business, which is drawn up by specialized companies that have a license to carry out land surveying or any other similar work;
  • extract from cadastral passport land plot, as well as the plan and passport of the house itself, which must be drawn up at the BTI after the necessary package of documents is provided there;
  • a declaration that lists the main parameters of the privatized housing;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of participation earlier in the privatization processes;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee for registration services;
  • an extract made from the house book and including information about who and on what rights lives on the territory of the specified property;
  • a copy made from the financial and personal account of the applicant.

It is worth noting that two recent documents must be provided within a month after receiving them, as otherwise they will lose their legal force.

The procedure for the privatization of a private house in rural areas

After the entire required package documents, you will need to draw up an application for privatization, and then submit it along with your request to the municipal council, which will decide on the transfer of the house to the private property of an individual.

In the overwhelming majority of cases in rural areas, the village council acts as such a body, therefore, to resolve such issues, it will be necessary to go there.

After obtaining consent and signing the corresponding agreement, you will need to go to the nearest branch of Rosreestr, where the registration procedure for this housing will be carried out. It should be noted that in the process of general or collective privatization, a package of documents is issued to each of the participants in this procedure.

Important clarifications

In order not to face any difficulties or unforeseen situations during the privatization process, it is worth remembering a few of the most significant points that were met by all stakeholders when decorating houses in 2020.

The cost of the procedure

Starting from March 2020, the procedure for registering a house for private ownership will be carried out completely free of charge, but it should be noted that this does not mean that it is free at all, since you still have to pay for some services.

First of all, each interested person must pay a fee for state registration services, which on this moment is 1,000 rubles for any individual.

In addition, if you entrust the execution of documentation to professional lawyers, then in this case, you will additionally need to pay for their services, and this will already cost from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles depending on the amount of work and which organization the owner decides to contact.

Thus, it is hardly realistic to name the exact cost of privatizing an apartment in rural areas, since at the moment the higher authorities have not yet had time to clearly formulate what exactly paid privatization looks like, which, in accordance with the norms of the current legislation, is a priori considered free of charge.

Period of registration

It is possible to privatize housing free of charge only in the following cases:

  • on the specified plot of land there is a residential building belonging to the person concerned;
  • the applicant received the site on the basis of the right of perpetual exploitation;
  • the applicant received the land plot before 31 October 2001 for the purpose of building his own home on it or conducting ancillary activities.

The situation with the registration of houses in private ownership is especially favorable for people who are members of various country, horticultural or horticultural cooperatives. In accordance with the current legislation, the so-called "Dacha Amnesty" allows such persons in the event of privatization to submit a minimum package of documents, and the registration procedure itself is absolutely free. It should be noted that in in this case the date of joining the cooperative or partnership does not play any role. This rule will be valid until 2020.

To carry out the privatization procedure, you need to apply to the appropriate authority with an application, and also provide the following package of documents:

  • the plan of the specified object, secured by an extract made from its technical passport;
  • arranged with government agency social employment contract;
  • passports of each person taking part in the privatization;
  • an extract from the house book;
  • copy of personal account.

Houses in rural areas are very different in terms of condition, price, location, etc. I often do not find what to answer when I am asked about "a house in the village", because everyone puts something of their own in this concept. Four years ago, we arrived in our area and began to look for houses, there were many options at that time. I will describe the main types of houses.

The choice of a house depends on whether you want to live there permanently, whether you want to build (complete), how much money you have, your ideas about what the village should be, the amount of land around the house, whether you will have a farm, whether you want close neighbors, like-minded friends, or is satisfied with the existing circle of neighbors, etc.

1. Well-maintained cottage in the village.
This is a very rare, but most tempting option for those who have accumulated funds. Such houses are usually built for themselves, there is little chance of hack-work, you can count on quality. In addition, they were built not so long ago, usually in places where communications have already been connected, and where there is a sufficient amount of land. But such a house is not so easy to sell, usually the owners have good reasons for this. For example, we were offered this option, because the parents were building a house for the son's family, but he preferred the city and flatly refused to live in the countryside, and the pensioners themselves urgently needed money to buy a city apartment for him. Or the house was built with the expectation of a large family, then there was not enough money to complete the construction, money was needed for other purposes. It should be noted that often such cottages were built by people who had access to cheap material. Therefore, their price is appropriate, the owner invests in it the costs of 10 years ago, and if, for example, to build such a house now, then only on the basis of materials it will cost several times more.
This option is preferable for those who have the means, want to have a large house, find themselves among any neighbors, want to settle in this place once and for all, do not want to get involved with their construction site, are only ready to finish building and make cosmetic repairs, be content with the available allotment of land ( usually 20 acres).
Such options become less and less every year, because people realize the value of living in rural areas, and often their well-being improves, and people are ready to further invest in a house.

2. Plain village house

This category includes all the houses in the village, which, again, are very different from each other. In our village there are almost no wooden houses... All traditional houses, in which mostly grandmothers live or which are abandoned and falling apart, are made of stone and plastered on top. Or are they houses made of small red bricks (now this is no longer produced). These are small huts with low ceilings. There is usually a canopy, a couple small rooms, in which there is always a place for icons, small but numerous windows with wide ledges. There may be stove heating, or gas may be supplied, depending on who lives there. Almost all villages in our region are gasified. Therefore, the presence or absence gas heating does not play a big role. If you wish, you can lead to any house and gas and water. What attracts in this version is the garden. Such houses usually have a large allotment of land, up to 50 acres, on which an ancient garden is planted, a solid old cellar has been dug, which, possibly, already requires repair. Such houses are, of course, only suitable for temporary residence during the construction of their own home. Sometimes you wonder how closely people lived. The hostess, pushing aside the faded curtain, shows a niche in the wall measuring a meter by one and a half, and explains: "And this is where our grandmother lived." Of course, there are more spacious houses, everything depended on the well-being of the peasant. But in general, they all represent a temporary dwelling for a person with modern spatial requirements.

There are many such houses in stock. All the villages in the area are dotted with them. And their price is from 10 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the condition and requests of the owners. The only problem is that often the owners simply cannot be found. It happens that you need to conduct a whole investigation, interviewing neighbors and relatives from other villages: who inherited this house, where they live, how to find Moscow relatives, etc. Very often, the search leads to a dead end: for example, the owner is in prison, and, of course, it is in no way possible to deprive him of this house. But even such houses often refuse to sell, the concept of a family nest gradually appears, and the townspeople value such an allotment.

Examples taken while we were walking today:

Well maintained old type residential building. Inside there is a stone. As you can see, gas is supplied to it (through the blue pipe)

The house is simpler and more striking, the same stone

There are also such. But the material is clearly visible - natural stone.

3. A country house of a later construction.

These are more solid houses that enterprising villagers built for themselves during perestroika. They are often made of bricks (gray). They have several rooms with relatively high ceilings and a kitchen. Nice attic, canopy. In the yard there may be a garage and other outbuildings, sometimes very scary and antediluvian. These houses are sold less readily and for a higher price. They can be repaired, the roof can be repaired, for example. Such houses have little land, but they do have it. Sotok 10-20. There is often gas, water supply and sewerage. These are state farm houses. The history of their construction is as follows: a project of a house for a specialist came to the state farm, and the house was built anyhow with state funds, the most enterprising owners controlled its quality, someone let it go. As a result, houses have many shortcomings, which, in principle, can be corrected, or you can put up with them. For example, a poorly made roof, uneven floor, uneven walls, to which the wallpaper does not want to stick nicely, etc. Another disadvantage is the overcrowding of residence. They saved on communications, and built entire villages for specialists, where houses were literally glued to each other. For example, we live in a village called a "poultry house" because it was built for specialists in the neighboring poultry farm. It is necessary to speak about such settlements separately.

Along the main road are typical houses cottage type made of silicate bricks.

4. An apartment in a cottage "industrial village".

This is our case. We chose this option because we perceive it as temporary housing that will serve us for many years until we build our house in an ecovillage, which is located 7 km from here, in a more remote place. This is a government-owned development community for specialists. It consists of cottages. A cottage in the local sense is a well-maintained brick house for several owners. Usually two. But it happens that it is divided into 4 parts. We have a cottage for two owners. A grandmother lives behind the wall, with whom we do not intersect in any way. The entrance to the house is from two sides. We have a spacious house (three rooms, attic, bathroom-toilet, large kitchen, garage) with all amenities, about 100 sq. meters. Financially, this is one of the most preferable options, because all the material is specified, and people received such apartments for free. Therefore, they do not mind selling them at any price. Three years ago we purchased this housing for 160 thousand rubles. Now, of course, prices have increased. But it is much cheaper than building your own home from a similar material (silicate brick). There is little land, 4 hundred square meters, mostly it is filled with sheds from the previous owner, who was a livestock breeder. This option can also be considered only as temporary (albeit very comfortable) housing, because it is not associated with the village in its usual sense (space, nature, freedom).

Our street - closely spaced houses with all communications.

And this is our house behind a green fence. At the moment, the roof is being blocked for us. For three years we lived with a leaking, hastily and haphazardly made roof, substituting basins in some places during the rain.

5. House in a remote village.

Rather, it is an extreme option for those who value nature in its purest form and are ready to put up with difficulties at least at the initial stage of arrangement. There is usually no asphalt road to such villages, which means that it is not possible to get there every day (black earth roads are impassable in the rain). Houses are more like a roof over your head than a comfortable dwelling. At best, of all the blessings of civilization, there is only light. Stove heating. Buying a house there is also difficult, although it costs a penny, because the owners usually live in more civilized places.

Next time I want to talk about the options for finding houses.

Rural houses in a village in Bulgaria are quite diverse. However, buying rural real estate in Bulgaria is available more than anywhere else. After all, here is one of the most low levels house prices throughout Europe. Rural regions are very picturesque and rural properties in Bulgaria are usually located in beautiful locations. In most cases, these are quiet, calm areas where you can have a great rest away from the noise of the city and the fast pace of life.

Almost everyone can buy a rural house in Bulgaria. The market has a large number of offers in various price categories. Foreigners do not miss the opportunity to spend their holidays in an ecologically clean area. Therefore, houses in Bulgaria in rural areas are in steady demand.

Why buying a rural house in Bulgaria is beneficial

A standard village house in Bulgaria is built of bricks and concrete, has a reinforced concrete structure and a stone foundation. Buildings of this kind can be operated for many decades. Solid and reliable, these rural houses constitute the main property in Bulgaria in the countryside. Of course, there are also buildings erected at the beginning of the 20th century. As a rule, they can be renovated at the request of the new owner in accordance with modern standards. Many people take this opportunity to buy a rural house in Bulgaria at an inexpensive price, and then modernize it with additional investments. Besides, a village house in Bulgaria has other advantages.

Calm pace of life. In rural outback, life is less stressful; communication with friends, unity with nature, and cooking healthy food come first. In a word, everything that has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical condition of a person.
City amenities. Bulgarian villages have a developed infrastructure, convenient transport links, necessary engineering Communication... You will enjoy the benefits of civilization without feeling its negative impact.
The presence of a vegetable garden or garden. Household plots are quite large. Village houses in Bulgaria are usually sold with a garden or vegetable garden with an area of ​​at least 500 sq.m., most often 1000-4000 sq.m.

A subsidy is a gratuitous state financial assistance to citizens of our country to improve their living conditions, which consists in the construction of an individual dwelling house by them. This kind support is paid from the federal or local budget... It is very important that such a cash payment is not subject to any taxes.

Category of citizens eligible for such material assistance

Subsidized construction should be counted on to adult citizens of the country who have permanent registration in the area of ​​the country in which the construction of a house is supposed to be. At the same time, none of his family members had previously received similar assistance on an individual basis, excluding maternity capital.

Other restrictions are imposed at the provincial or district level Russian Federation... For example, citizens living in a certain area may be excluded from such categories; installed required time permanent residence in the region, etc.

Types of payments

There are two kinds state aid in residential construction:

  • targeted subsidy;
  • compensation for the costs of a built house.

The first is provided to individual developers even before construction begins. Its size is calculated on the basis of the estimated calculation provided by him. There is an upper limit for such payments, which is set at the level of the constituent entities or regions of the Russian Federation.

The maximum amount of payments for compensation of costs after the construction of a house is also determined at the level of regions and subjects of the country. In this case, the payment is made after the end construction work, but not later than two years after the issuance of a permit for its implementation.

The amount of the subsidy can be divided into targeted and compensatory parts.

Subsidy size

Many factors affect the amount of such cash assistance:

  • family composition;
  • amount of children;
  • the financial situation of the spouses;
  • type of settlement etc.

Also taken into account living conditions the applicant, their compliance with social norms, the family has other real estate. In some cases, compensation can be up to full cost building a house. The area of ​​the future house should not be less than social standards, and the amount of the subsidy should exceed all construction costs.

The amount of aid varies by region of the country. For example, in the Novosibirsk region, the maximum targeted subsidy for building a house is currently 150,000 rubles, and the maximum compensation for costs is also 150,000 rubles. Families with many children(with more than 2 children), an increase in this amount is provided based on the calculation of 50,000 rubles. for each child under age.

For example, a subsidy for the construction of a house in rural areas in 2019 for young professionals can go up to 70% of the total cost of housing construction.

Basic terms of provision

The necessary conditions for receiving a payment can be considered the following:

  • the land plot intended for the construction of a house must be located at the time of submission of documents to private property and have a valid building permit;
  • the subsidy applies to one developer and one residential building;
  • the project of the future house must correspond building regulations and social norms, its living space should not exceed these norms.

Only if all of these conditions are met can the applicant count on a subsidy.

Submission of documents

To obtain such material assistance you need to contact the housing department of the local administration. After that, the set of documents goes to the Construction Department. It is there that the amount of payment will be calculated, taking into account the size of the local budget.

A list of documents to be submitted and sample applications can be obtained from housing committees or multifunctional centers. Some regions of the country accept documents in both paper and electronic versions.

Refusal to grant subsidies

The applicant has the right to refuse to allocate a subsidy if:

  • the full package of the required documents was not submitted or the information in them is unreliable;
  • one of the conditions necessary to receive such payment has not been met.

An applicant who has received a refusal has the opportunity to re-submit the documents after eliminating the reasons that led to this refusal or changes in life circumstances.

Time for consideration of an application

The period for consideration of an application for a subsidy and verification of the submitted documents is from 10 to 30 days (depending on the region of the country) from the date of submission of the documents to the housing committee of the district.

After a decision is made to pay (or refuse to pay) a subsidy, a representative of the commission must notify the applicant of this decision within five working days.

Subsidy issuance period

In the event that the commission made a positive decision, the issuance Money for the construction of a residential building is carried out according to the order of applicants available at the moment. The term of its receipt can be more than one year. At the same time, its value increases according to the waiting period. Its maximum value is limited legislative acts districts and regions of the country.


Translation sum of money the established subsidy is carried out to the applicant's bank account specified by them in the application. The account must be opened with a state bank. Cashing out and misuse of these funds is prohibited.

Its transfer is made both in advance (with the provision of a report on the use in the future), and as the applicant's personal funds are spent. Target payout is carried out before the start of construction, compensation - after its completion.

Obligations of the borrower

The recipient will have to document the intended use of the subsidy within the specified time period (determined by the local governing bodies):

  • cadastral passport of the constructed dwelling;
  • contract with a construction company;
  • copies of payment orders for building materials used in the construction of a house, etc.

If the established list of documents is not submitted on time, then the recipient will be obliged to return the full amount of the subsidy issued. Otherwise, both administrative and criminal liability is envisaged.

Many people dream of a house in the village. First, you need to decide how the layout of a village house will look like, and only after that, start creating a project.

An example of the project and layout of a village house

Having chosen a site, it is necessary to register it with the local municipality, after which, and if something else is being built, then be sure to include it in the project. Now this scheme needs to be submitted for approval. The approved project and documents of the registered plot should be submitted to the municipality for approval. And only after it is approved, the construction can begin.

The main stages have been passed, but during construction, nuances and issues will arise that also need to be addressed. You can order a project of a village house in architectural bureaus or construction organization... There are those who can create a building project and implement it. It can be more expensive than hiring multiple developers, but easier.

Simple project of a village house

This is because the house will be built by one organization, and they most often give finished projects is free. This does not mean that the projects are bad. Free in this case is a gift if the house will be built by that company. Before the foundation is laid, you need to think about how it will look, taking into account the area of ​​the building itself.

The layout of the house includes:

  1. House height, number of floors,.
  2. Necessarily pipes for heating and sewerage.
  3. if there is one.
  4. Location and size of additional buildings in the courtyard of the house.
  5. Entrance to the house.
  1. Arrangement of rooms on floors.
  2. Pipes. Carrying out sewer pipes and pipes for heating.
  3. The location of all windows and doors.
  4. Annex building. What size should it be and where should it be located.
  5. The thickness of the walls (this depends on the material from which the house will be).


Project of a country house made of logs with an attic

To do this, you need to know the rules for creating projects. There are many programs for your computer and online services... Both can help. All the points mentioned above will need to be entered into the project of the house being created. It is necessary to take into account all the questions that arise. Otherwise, for example, the pipes will not fit in their designated place. It is still worth leaving this to the professionals.

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Photo of the layout of houses

Experts know better where it is better to round the corner, and where to make a straight line. On their account, various projects of village houses, projects of one-story private houses and planning projects with an extension, heating and everything else.

Reconstruction or build

If there is a basement in the house, then it is necessary to calculate the height of the foundation. Hire an excavator, dig holes for the foundation and for the sewer. Only after that the foundation is laid according to the project of the house.
After the foundation, the walls of the house are erected. It is necessary to erect them, leaving space for windows and doors.

3D layout of a small village house

The walls inside the house should be erected together with the main load-bearing walls. Wood is often used instead of brick. will take less time, and you will have to spend a lot of money. Wood as a material for construction is an expensive pleasure. Appearance such houses are amazing and reminiscent of country houses. Wooden houses are more difficult to build according to the project. When necessary, a brick can be broken, and a log house with a diameter of half a meter will have to be sawed.

Appearance wooden house the rustic style is simply gorgeous. Not everyone will understand this, therefore, projects of village houses are not very popular. Having left for the outback, it is easy to find a village house. They are usually many years old. Therefore, such houses with a plot of land are bought either for restoration or rebuilt. If the purchased plot is large enough, then you can put another house on it.

Project and layout of a classic old wooden house

And the procedure with bypassing and collecting the necessary papers will have to be repeated "inside and out." If the rebuilding of the house begins, then it will be easier with the paperwork. The first step is to check the strength of the supporting structures; for this it is better to invite a specialist. He will check everything and tell you what needs to be done. Finding such a specialist is not difficult.

It is best to start with the reconstruction of the foundation - it could have collapsed over the years. Next, you need to check the walls.

Outside the walls, you can cover up, but inside you will see everything possible problems... After checking the walls, the roof must be checked. everything is simpler: its basis is a wooden frame. You can figure out whether it is whole or not, just by carefully examining it. Now it remains to decide on financial part question and calculate future costs.

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Vacation houses or guest places on your site

Construction technology

You can build a house from:

  • panels;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • sawdust concrete blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks.

The choice is really big. The price is also very different. Each material for building a house is very different in structure, quality and characteristics, but another difference is in the technology of building a house. Many people love wood, so the technology of building a wooden house will be considered.
There are two types of wood for building a house: a bar and a log. Here it is necessary to consider - a bar is cheaper than a log, but how much it will be needed is unknown.

The log looks much more massive and more exclusive. When the foundation is ready for further construction, insulation is laid under the first row, after which the row itself is laid out. Any excess insulation sticking out from under the wall can be removed. Then gradually.

At the joints in the logs, grooves are made, which are placed on the previous log. For greater stability, a small notch is made along all the logs. It turns out that the log seems to fit into the previous one, which gives greater stability to the walls. The logs are tied together at the joints. Each log must be treated with an antiseptic against decay, mold and the rest. There is a bioseptic and a fire retardant - all these means will help to avoid or get rid of everything that can spoil the tree.

After the end of the collection, when the process has reached the roof, the problem of crevices arises. They can appear, even if the logs are the most even and docked, like parts of the designer. To solve the problem, tow is sold in any hardware store. In the old days they used moss, but now there is not so much of it. With tow, they often use adhesive tape with a heat-insulating bundle. When tamping into the slots, the tapes must be twisted together and pushed into the slot with a spatula.

Then carefully smear this seam, and then remove the excess. The heat leakage problem will be solved.
Roof options are different. You need to choose the one you like best. Most often they use the simplest and most reliable option. Assembling it according to the drawing will not be a problem. But with what to cover the roof of a wooden house - it is necessary to compare prices, quality and possibilities.

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