
Commission on urban planning, state property and land use. On approval of the Regulations on land use and development commission, its composition Ensuring the activities of the district commission

1. The Commission on Land Use and Development (hereinafter - the Commission) is created to prepare land use and development rules in accordance with the City Planning Land Codes of the Russian Federation, as well as to solve the following tasks:

Consideration of applications of legal entities and individuals on preliminary coordination and provision of land plots for the construction and placement of various facilities, buildings, structures in the territory of the State Rural settlement Filippovskoye;

Consideration of the conditions for holding competitions and trades for the sale of ownership, land rental rights;

Consideration of acts of selection of land plots;

Consideration of proposals for establishing servitors and burdensions for specific land plots in accordance with the legislation;

Establishing land use boundaries;

Determination of the method of informing citizens on the provision of a land plot of the need for work to identify the opinion of citizens, the definition of the territory on which the study of public opinion should be carried out;

Consideration and approval of land inventory results;

Establishing the requirements of damages and other trading costs
Real estate, relocation of residents, transfer of structures and engineering communications
construction of objects of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, compliance with the terms of construction, landscaping of territories;

Consideration of controversial issues between copyright holders of land plots in accordance with the legislation.

2. The Chairperson, the secretary, personal and quantitative composition of the Commission approved by the decision of the head of the settlement.

3. The Commission includes representatives:

1) a representative body of the settlement, district;

2) Administration of the settlement and administration of the district (municipal employees
performing functions in the fields of urban planning, land management, property relations, environmental protection);

3) the state body of the protection of objects of cultural heritage of the Vladimir region (if there are objects of cultural heritage in the relevant territory);

4) EMERCOM of Russia in the Vladimir region;

5) territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor;

6) Cadastral Accounting Authority.

The Commission may also include representatives of other territorial services and organizations, representatives of public and other organizations representing the interests of the associations of citizens.

4. The main tasks of the Commission are:

Preparation of the draft land use and development rules;

Consideration of proposals of legal entities and individuals on the draft rules;

Organization and consideration of the results of public hearings on the draft rules;

Consideration of proposals for amending the approved rules;

Consideration of proposals for the provision of a conditionally resolved type of use of land plots or capital construction facilities.

5. The Commission has the right to:

Attract specialists from organizations and institutions operating on the territory of the settlement;

Request and receive information, certificates from all areas located on the territory of the settlement of enterprises, organizations and institutions on issues relating to the competence of the Commission.

6. Commission meetings are carried out as needed, but at least once a month.

7. The commission is headed by the Chairman of the Commission either, with its absence, Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

8. The Chairman of the settlement is appointed by the Commission. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission appointed the deputy head of the settlement, which oversees the issues of land and property relations.

9. The meeting of the Commission is convened by the Chairman of the Commission on its initiative, and in its absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. The collection of members of the Commission is carried out by the secretary of the commission.

10. The meeting of the Commission is competent if there are at least half of the members of the Commission.

11. Representatives of public authorities and local governments, organizations, the rights and legitimate interests of which are touched upon by the Commission meeting, individuals and representatives of legal entities under consideration at the meeting, individuals and representatives of legal entities under consideration.

12. The decision of the Commission is adopted by a majority of the members of the Commission members present at the meeting. With equality of votes, the voice of the Chairman of the Commission is decisive.

13. The Commission's decision is issued by the Protocol, which is signed by the Chairman of the Commission or, in the case of its absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Commission and the Secretary of the Commission.

14. Any member of the Commission is exempt from participating in the voting on a specific issue if it has a direct financial interest, or is in related relationships with a submitter of the application, which considers the issue.

Article 9. Commission for land use and development

9.1. The land use commission and development of the urban settlement "Village Proletarian" (hereinafter - the Commission) is a permanent advisory body at the head of the administration of the urban settlement and is formed to implement these rules. The Commission is dealing with issues on the preparation and amendments to land use and development rules, the organization of public hearings on the issuance of permits for the conditionally permitted type of use of land, permits for deviation from the limit parameters of permitted construction, on projects planning and projects of intertarization, territorial planning documents. The Commission is formed on the basis of a resolution of the head of the administration of the urban settlement "Village Proletarian" and operates in accordance with these Rules, the Regulation on the Commission, other acts, approved by the head of the administration of the urban settlement.

9.2. Commission's powers.

The competence of the Commission includes:

Ensuring the consideration of draft proposals for amending these Rules prepared on the initiative of the urban self-government bodies, at the stage preceding public hearings;

Conducting public hearings of these Rules (on issuing permits to the conditionally permitted type of use of the land plot, permits for deviation from the limit parameters of permitted construction);

Preparation of conclusions for the head of the administration of the urban settlement on the results of public hearings, proposals for the pre-trial settlement of disputes in connection with the appeals of individuals and legal entities about the decisions of the urban settlement administration regarding land use and development issues;

Consideration of the proposal of citizens and legal entities to make changes to the land use and development rules;

The implementation of coordination of the activities of local governments on land use and development issues;

Organization of training projects for regulatory legal acts, other documents related to the implementation and application of these Rules.

Considers other issues related to the implementation of land use rules and buildings of the urban settlement.

9.3. The chairman of the Deputy Head of the City Settlement Administration is appointed.

The Commission should include:

Representatives of the local government bodies;

Persons representing public and private interests of citizens (these persons cannot be state or municipal employees);

Persons representing public interests and private interests of individuals and legal entities, public associations and commercial organizations.

The Commission may include representatives of state bodies whose activities may be associated with the implementation of land use and development rules.

The Commission operates in accordance with these Rules, the Regulations on the Commission, other documents approved by the head of the urban settlement "Prelletarian settlement".

The total number of the Commission is determined by the decision of the head of the administration of the urban settlement, but there can be no more than 9 people.

9.4. Commission decisions are made by a simple majority of votes, if there is a quorum of at least two thirds of the total number of members of the Commission. With equality of votes, the voice of the Chairman of the Commission is decisive.

The Commission's secretary is an employee of the administration authority of the urban settlement appointed by the Chairman of the Commission.

9.5. At each meeting of the Commission, a protocol is conducted, which is signed by the chairperson at the meeting and the secretary of the Commission. Copies of materials considered at the meeting are attached to the protocol.

Commission meetings are open to all interested parties that can receive copies of the protocols for a fee, the size of which should not exceed the cost of their manufacture.

Documents considered at the Commission meetings, the Commission's Protocols are stored in the Archive of the Commission.

9.6. Representatives of enterprises, administrations, commercial structures, where land and capital construction sites are located on which the relevant recommendations are prepared for which the relevant recommendations are prepared. These representatives have the right to vote on a par with members of the Commission.

If there is information about the direct or indirect financial interest of a member of the Commission on a specific issue, the related relations of a member of the commission with the applicant on a specific issue, such a member of the Commission should be released from participation in the voting on a specific issue.

9.7. The meeting of the Commission is conducted by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman. With their absence, the meeting is conducted by a member of the Commission authorized by the Chairman of the Commission. The results of each meeting of the Commission are issued by the Signed Chairman (deputy) of the Commission and the Secretary of the Protocol, to which copies of the Materials related to the topic of the meeting may be attached. The Commission has its own archive, which contains the protocols of all meetings, other materials related to the activities of the Commission.

9.8. Information about the work of the Commission is open to all interested parties.

The Commission has the status of the Advisory Authority at the head of the executive body of the local government (mayor's office or the city administration). This means that its conclusions do not have direct force, but are an intermediate link preceding the decision-making of the head of local self-government. However, the advisory status does not deprive the commission of the value and does not make it useless.

This status is due to the legal fact that the Commission formally does not have the right to make decisions on orders by municipal property - this is the prerogative of only selected and appointed authorized local governments. Thus, in this technology, an unusual mechanism is applied - the adoption of meaningful (essentially) and formal (legitimate) solutions are separated from different subjects. To this end, the local regulatory act is recorded that the presence of recommendations of the Commission on the relevant issues is mandatory for the head of the administration.

9.9. Public hearings held by the Commission may be appointed working and Sundays. In the days of official holidays, the Commission meeting and public hearings are not held.

9.10. The Commission prepares and sends to the head of the administration of the city settlement recommendations on the results of consideration of written conclusions and public hearings no later than 7 days after their conduct. The Commission provides a personalifying of the right holders of land plots, having a common border with a plot, in relation to which special coordination is requested.

The city commission on land use and development discussed the results of public hearings on amending the land use and development rules (PZZ) on the site on Okulov, 14. Its area is 1 hectare. This is the territory of DC "CHELT", which is in disrepair. The authorities plan to demolish it and involve the asset under the project of the construction of the hotel. To do this, the regional ministry of the SUPPACE appealed to the Commission and proposed to change the zoning of the site with the C-2 (service area and business activity of the local value) on the Z-5 zone. Allowed uses in the C-5 - markets, warehouse facilities, shops, shopping complexes, car dealerships, hotels. The regional department also asked to establish new height limits for this section - 52 m instead of active 20 m.

Public hearings on the draft CHZ Changes took place on August 6. His comments and suggestions for changing the protection zone of cultural heritage facilities presented the architect Gennady of the Window, who recently entered the land use commission. "I have been engaged in visual landscape analysis with monuments for 18 years. Never seen such an illiterate approach to the site, "said Mr. Legens today at a meeting of the commission. He explained that he analyzed the situation when working with the neighboring site and noted that it was impossible to increase the highness of up to 52 m "No circumstances": "This mark overlaps the bell tower - the visual dominant of Perm. At the same time, according to Gennady Voegennikova, the project "very good" itself, but it must be refined. The project, according to the architect, "insanely raw", because graphic analysis was not made, the graphic images of the hotel are not included in the relief, are not calculated from the absolute marks of the city. Experts department of urban planning reported that the project is coordinated in terms of the protection of cultural heritage. "Let's ask the Ministry of Property Management to provide evidence and justification, especially by changing altitudes," the chairman of the commission Viktor Ageev proposed. The question of the direction of draft amendments to PZZ for final approval on the Duma was postponed.

Building of DK "Cleut" with an area of \u200b\u200b5.7 thousand square meters. M is located in the regional property since 2005, the plot from 2006. Five years ago, the regional authorities were going to transfer to the Institute of Culture to expand the area, but before the realization did not come. In addition, this platform was repeatedly seen under the new building of the Perm Art Gallery. The last time for this idea the regional authorities returned last spring, but then the question of new areas for the gallery and their location was postponed. Also, the building of DC was interested in Kryukruka Theater "At Bridge" Sergey Fedotov, who proposed the leadership of the region to convey the structure of the theater.


Administration of Zalnensky rural settlement

P o s t a n o v e n and e

In order to implement the rules of land use and development of the municipality "Salnensky rural settlement", approved by the decision of the Council of the Zalnensky rural settlement of 01.01.2001 No. 43, guided by Art. Art. 31, 33, 39, 40 Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality "Zalnien Rural settlement"


1. To approve the provision "On the Land Use Commission and Development" (Appendix 1).

2. To approve the composition of the land use commission and development (Appendix 2).

3. This resolution is published in the print media of the official publication "Newsletter of the Zalnensky Rural Settlement", on the official information website (http: // www. Admzsp. RU).

4. To recognize the decree of the administration from 01.01.2001. No. 61 "On the development of a draft (adjustment) of the master plan and land use and development rules" (as amended by 01.01.2001. No. 20).

5. Control over the execution of this Resolution Leaves.

Head of settlement

(Head of Administration)

Attachment 1

to the decree

Administration of the Zalnensky rural settlement


About land use and development commission


1.1. The landing and development commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a deliberative body at the head of the Zalnensky rural settlement, and is created to ensure the implementation of land use rules and the development of the Zalnensky rural settlement (hereinafter referred to as Rules).

1.2. The Commission is formed on the basis of a resolution of the head of the Zalnensky rural settlement and operates in accordance with the Rules of this Regulation, the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts governing its activities.

2. Tasks of the Commission

2.1. The main tasks of the Commission are:

Creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the territory of the municipality on the basis of documents of urban planning zoning and territorial planning;

Creating conditions for the planning of the territories of the municipality;

Implementation of the provisions of the Rules, ensuring changes in them;

Ensuring the availability and freedom of participation of citizens and their associations in the implementation of urban planning activities.

3. Powers of the Commission

3.1. The Commission's powers in accordance with the tasks assigned to it include:

3.1.1 Development of a draft amendments to land use and development rules;

3.1.2 Consideration of proposals of state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities on amending the rules of land use and development;

3.1.3 Consideration of appeals on the provision of permits for the conditionally allowed type of use of the land plot or the object of capital construction, to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities;

4. Composition of the Commission

4.1. The composition of the Commission is determined by the head of the Zalnensky rural settlement.

4.2. The Chairman of the Commission is the head of the Zalnensky rural settlement, which manages the work of the Commission and is responsible for the implementation of tasks assigned to it. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission is the Deputy Head of the Administration of the Salnensky Rural Settlement.

4.3. The Commission includes employees of the administration of the Zalnensky rural settlement, determined by the decision of the head of the settlement (chapters of the administration). The Commission on coordination may include: managers (representatives) of the structural units of the administration of the Tomsk District, the administration of the Tomsk region in the field of architecture and urban planning, management of municipal property, forestry and land resources, other divisions; deputies of the Council of the Zalnensky Rural settlement; representatives of state authorities; Representatives of public associations, commercial and non-commercial organizations.

4.4. In the absence of a member of the commission or the impossibility of his participation in the meeting of the Commission, its powers exercises on the basis of an appropriate order (order or other act) another representative of the body, organization, a structural unit, whose representative (which) is the missing member of the Commission.

4.5. The number of the commission may not exceed 20 people.

5. Procedure of the Commission

5.1. The Commission operates in the form of meetings. Meetings are held as the need for the need for this, as well as as appropriate queries and documents are received. Meetings should be appointed taking into account the requirements of meeting the deadlines for responses to the relevant requests and appeals, as well as the deadlines for the decision-making of the Commission.

5.2. The meeting of the Commission appoints the Chairman of the Commission. The meeting of the Commission leads its chairman, and in the case of its absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

5.2. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission prepares the documents and materials necessary for the meeting of the Commission, organizes the work on the meeting of the Commission.

5.4. The notification of the members of the Commission on the appointment of meetings of the Commission is organized by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. Commission members should be notified of the appointment of the Commission's meeting at least a week before the date of the meeting. Together with the notification of the appointment of a meeting of the Commission, the Commission's members are sent to the Agenda meeting of the Commission, information on the content of requests, appeals, other materials, which will be considered at the Commission meeting. Commission members have the right to request information from the Deputy Chairman of the Commission regarding the issues that are subject to consideration at the Commission meeting.

5.5. For office work, the Secretary of the Commission is appointed - the office manager of the administration of the Zalnensky rural settlement. The commission of the Commission is imposed on the commission of the Commission's meeting, as well as by order of the Chairman of the Commission, the implementation of other orders.

5.6. The meetings of the Commission conducts a protocol. The protocol is carried out by the secretary of the Commission. The minutes of the Commission's meeting is signed by the Chairman and the Commission's secretary. The meeting of the Commission must indicate:

a) the date and place of the Commission meeting;

b) the appearance of members of the Commission and the presence of a quorum;

c) information about persons invited to the meeting;

e) documents studied when considering proposals;

5.7. Responsible representatives of the microdistrict are required for the meeting of the Commission, where real estate objects are located on which the relevant recommendations are prepared. These representatives who are not members of the Commission have the right to vote on a par with members of the Commission.

At the meeting of the Commission, specialists, other individuals and legal entities, the presence of which are needed to solve the issues under consideration, or can contribute to this. These individuals are not members of the Commission and do not have the right to vote.

5.8. The meeting of the Commission is considered to be eligible if it presents at least 2/3 of the Commission's members from the total number by a member of the Commission.

5.9. Commission decisions are made by a simple majority of votes from the total number of members present at the meeting of the Commission members. With equality of votes, the voice of the Chairman of the Commission is decisive. Commission decisions are recorded in the minutes of the Commission meeting. The decision of the Commission may be set out in a separate written act in the form of concluding, decisions, recommendations, etc., which must be signed by all members of the Commission. In case of refusal to a member of the Commission from signing such an act, this is done by the corresponding mark in this act, which is assigned by the Chairman of the Commission.

5.11. Commission members who do not agree with the Commission adopted by the Commission have the right to state a special opinion in writing, which is attached to the minutes of the Commission's meeting.

5.12. Any member of the Commission is exempt from participating in the voting on a specific issue if it has a direct interest in solving the question under consideration.

5.13. The member of the Commission is entitled to independently dismiss from participation in voting on a specific issue, if its direct interest in solving this issue has been identified, or it will also indicate such interest.

Head of settlement

(Head of Administration)

Appendix 2.

to the decree

Administration of the Zalnensky rural settlement

The composition of the land use and development commission

Chairman of the Commission

Head of the Zalnensky Rural Settlement (Head of Administration)

Members of the Commission

Deputy Head of Administration

Representative of the administration of the Zalnensky rural settlement

Representative of the administration of the Zalnensky rural settlement

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning Department of Housing and Communal Services, Construction, Transport and Communications

Representative of the administration of the Tomsk district

Deputy Chairman of the Land Management Committee for Land Resources of Economic Policy and Municipal Resources

Representative of the Department of Architecture and Construction of the Tomsk Region

Chairman of the Committee on Architecture and Town Planning

Works will be conducted in parallel with the advent of new metro stations. Total planned to build 55 transport and transfers. Now at the design stage there are Biryule and ruble-archangel lines of the subway.

In honor of the International Women's Day, the girls will receive a discount on a 25% ticket. In addition, women will hand over spring flowers and gifts from partners.

The gerontological center plan to build at: 7th Lazenki Street, ownership 12/10. The center will use the latest methods and technologies in the field of rehabilitation. It will jointly work by Russian and European specialists.

"If you feel good, but for self-insulation requires a sick leave, please do not attend the clinic and do not cause a doctor to the house. In this case, you should call the hotline of the Health Department 8-495-870-45-09. Specialists will accept an application, and within two days, the courier will deliver a hospital leaf to the house. Hospital sheets will be issued regardless of well-being, even healthy people, "explained Moscow Mayor in his blog.

Lazorian ponds located near the manor Sviblovo will become part of the longest Moscow park in the floodplain of the Yauza River. Two reservoirs will be put in order for 2020. After completion of work in Sviblov, a comfortable recreation area will appear.

Muscovites who are worried about the safety of beavers in the city will be able to watch them with the help of a round-the-clock video surveillance system and special photo drives in those places where video cameras cannot be connected.

Media screens work almost in three thousand wagons. They are broadcast information about changes in public transport, information about the freelance situation is reported, weather forecast, news, and reference information is given.

The authorities of the city are interested in sharing experience between the Texas Medical Center and the Moscow International Cluster, as well as the experience of Houston in the development of technology parks.

Specialists of GBU "Gardening" have already begun to prepare floral seedlings. Now in the greenhouses, more than 5 million multicolored viola ripen, which will begin to decorate the city already in April.

For entrepreneurs, the starting intensive is provided, which includes thematic master classes. After that, organize a diagnostic session that will help participants understand what to choose a strategy how to sell more products and services and how to strengthen the command.

This is reported by the Hydromet Center of Russia. It is noted that a strong wind with gusts up to 15 meters per second is expected in Moscow from 21:00 Wednesday to 21:00 Friday, March 6.

Muscovites and tourists are waiting for concerts, theatrical ideas, including interactive, creative classes, folk fun. At the festival sites it will be possible to purchase products and souvenirs from the Crimea, try dishes prepared by the favorite recipes of the inhabitants of the peninsula. Participation in all events of the entertainment and cultural program of the festival is free.

The passage of Moscow and Moscow region will be free for women on March 8. This was written by the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin in his Twitter. He noted that also on March 8 and 9, parking on the streets of Moscow will be free.

Visitors to the festival saw 320 submissions, participated in 20 carnival processions and eaten about 440 thousand portions of pancakes and pancakes. Within the framework of the cultural program, 2,600 culinary and craft master classes were organized.

The books of modern foreign and domestic writers will replenish the funds of more than 200 children's libraries and libraries of the family type of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow. We are talking about publications issued in Russia from March 2018 to March 2019. They will appear on the shelves of the capital reader on January 28.

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