
Will with large families to give the area according to the Renovation Program. Housing conditions for large families can be improved during renovation

The owners of non-residential premises will receive a reimbursement of the value of its real estate at market value including compensation for damages. 20. The right to preserve the lease agreement. Small and medium businesses who rented non-residential premises from the state in five-story buildings has the right to lease on the same conditions of equivalent non-residential premises. It is maintained and the right to redeem the rental premises. 21. The right to judicial protection. It is possible to appeal in court a decision on renovation, the equivalence or equivalence of the available apartment and other issues. 22. Public discussion. Renovation block planning projects will be discussed with residents within the framework of public hearings.

Conditions of large families can improve in Moscow within the renovation

On Saturday, July 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the renovation of the Housing Fund in the city of Moscow. Its text is posted on the official portal of legal information. The law guarantees relocation to an equivalent apartment in the same area.

Exceptions - Zelenograd and Tinao, whose residents will receive housing within the county. Those who are not satisfied with the equivalent new apartment will be able to get equivalent or monetary compensation in the size of the market value of the old apartment. The list of homes included in the draft renovation program identified residents of five-story buildings by voting.

Participation in the voting in the "Active Citizen" system and in the centers of civil service "My Documents" adopted residents of 4543 houses. The inhabitants of 4079 houses were expressed for the inclusion of his home into the project program - 90 percent. Muscovites new apartments will provide for free.

According to the Renovation Program, conditions for large families can be improved?

Attention! The cash listed on the account must be necessarily spent only on improving housing conditions. The waste of money for other needs is prohibited. For the listed amount, you can buy housing in the secondary or primary real estate market. The state does not limit in the choice of apartments.

Subsidies to receive housing in 2018 to improve the quality of life of such families who raise three and more children, the state is ready to allocate subsidies for the purchase of housing. Some families who do not want to stand in a queue for a social apartment, simply draw up a subsidy for its acquisition. This means that about 30 or 50% of the housing will pay the state, and the rest will be obliged to pay the family.

How to get an apartment of a large family in 2018: Benefits and subsidies

According to the deputy, the proposed measure will reduce the number of waiting and help stimulate fertility in the country. All material load is supposed to be assigned to investors, and not the city, added on the site. According to the deputy, the provision of preferential conditions for the receipt of housing with large families will contribute to improving the reputation of companies, reports.
Earlier, Sobyanin said that about 4.5 thousand houses entered the list for the open voting of Muscovites "for" or "against" the inclusion in the Renovation program of the capital of the capital. Voting will occur on the portal "Active Citizen". Also residents can vote in MFC at the place of residence or at the place of work.

Voting will be held from May 15 to June 15.

What guarantees residents of five-story builds gives federal law

Moscow has new benefits for large families, as well as for people with disabilities with disabilities. We are registered in need of housing in many children (with 3 or more children), as well as raising children with disabilities, will write off 30% of the value of the housing purchased from the city. These subsidies and benefits provided by the state are designed to help improve the housing conditions of large families throughout Russia.

It is necessary to immediately stand in a queue for housing and not shy to ask for material assistance from the state. Changes in 2018 in 2018 do not plan to make changes to the norms regulating the provision of large families with housing. Our experts track all changes in legislation to inform you with reliable information.

The renovation law was offered to change for large families


In some regions of Russia, a familiar family with four children can be recognized. How many children need for social housing is for your region, you can find out in the district administration.

  • Children should live with their parents. At the same time, they can live in fact and elsewhere, but are registered, should be on one living space with their parents.

In accordance with Art. The 49 Housing Code of Russia The poor families with three or more children may apply for social housing from the state. To do this, it is necessary to obtain the status of a large family, and collect a package of documents to provide it to the appropriate authority in a specific region.

Download for viewing and seals: Housing Code of the Russian Federation Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992

The needs of large families will be taken into account in the Renovation Program

The land plot is provided by the size of at least six acres, it can be issued only once and in that region where the faces live. With the president of Russia amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation of March 1, 2015, a free land plot at the request of individuals can be replaced by an apartment. This implies the opportunity:

  • highlighting the apartment on the basis of social hiring;
  • providing free social housing in property (can be both an apartment and an individual house);
  • providing subsidies for the purchase of housing.

These are all the main opportunities, how can the apartment can get a large family in Russia in 2018.

Moscow City Duma adopted the law to protect the rights of Muscovites with renovation

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  3. Conditions of large families can improve in Moscow within the renovation

13 May 2017 at 14:43 | Updated May 13, 2017 at 2:44 PM Topic: Spec Project "Housing Renovation Program in Moscow" © Riamo, Nikolay Korehkov Riamo - May 13th. Housing conditions for large families offered to improve in the State Duma, taking into account the number of residents in the apartment during renovation in Moscow, reports on Saturday, Russia Today.

According to the deputy of the city parliament, Yaroslav Kuzminov, this law is primarily aimed at protecting the rights of residents of the Russian capital. This is reported on the website MHD. He was adopted on May 17 during the meeting of the Moscow City Duma. The document should be an addition to the federal renovation law, which was adopted in the first reading on April 20.

"The program of renovation of a residential fund in Moscow is the real possibility of improving the housing conditions of hundreds of thousands of Moscow families, the real opportunity to update the city, to create a new quality of life, to make Moscow an even more comfortable and safe city," said the Chairman of the Duma Commission on the Urban Economy when discussing the draft and Housing Policy Stepan Orlov, "" This bill will show the State Duma deputies, in which direction Moscow wants to move. The metropolitan authorities about many of them said before, but now they have found a legal form.

By law, the house is included in the demolition program, if two thirds of owners and social employers vote for it. S. Orlov expressed confidence that the law should be accepted and in that this year the renovation program should be launched. The decision to participate in the program must approve two thirds of the owners and employers. If residents do not want their home to demolish, they will be able to hold a meeting of apartment owners, make a decision and transfer it to the district council. "It seems to me that the bill is extremely necessary, important, it shows, in what form the city involves implementing the renovation program." You can vote both the owners and tenants of the apartments of houses included in the preliminary list.

The draft law establishes additional guarantees of inclusion in the program and exit from the program.

"The amendment does not take into account that, in accordance with the draft law, the rehabits citizens will be provided to an equivalent or equivalent housing or equivalent monetary compensation at the request of the inhabitants." For such Muscovites it is planned to work a system of benefits.

Registration of new housing in the property will be carried out free of charge. Increased Match them will be according to the norms depending on the family composition. At the request of each family, a new apartment can be selected by the main characteristics (sizes, number of rooms), or at market value. Also, the market value of the property will be commemmed by the owners of non-residential premises. The authorities promise to all residents of old houses to give apartments in new ones.

The concept of equivalent includes the preservation of the number of rooms, no less residential area and a large area of \u200b\u200bpublic premises. If the tenant does not suit the proposed equivalent apartment, he will be able to receive monetary compensation. At the same time, amendments were rejected, requiring changes to the General Plan, as well as to guarantee residents when choosing embodiments of at least three equivalent apartments.

Housing conditions need to be improved not to those who do not have learned to use condoms, and scientists, doctors, shorter formed and useful people who cannot buy an apartment themselves due to low salary. And if a person only gives birth to children, thumps and does not work, it is necessary to sterilize / castrate, and not to stimulate the fruit even more. To make smart people, not alkashi and chocks! Give normal people to educate children! As for the fucked, we have a state, supports anyone, except those who work and pulls everything. And in general, why, in principle, stimulate the emergence of large families? It is better that most families have 3 children than one family with 10 hungry and uneducated children, and the rest are without children or with one child.

Conditions of large families can improve in Moscow within the renovation


It is necessary to see how the family will be adapted to the new territory, which accompanying mechanisms need to be included that public organizations that work families can be made. And it is very important today to take into account that the family values \u200b\u200bsocial services that it receives, access capabilities, when you can get to kindergarten or to school. A roadmap is very important, which will clearly expand the emphasis, relieve the stress in the family so that it is not afraid to improve its living conditions. "The" New House "discussion site has been decided to include in a resolution proposal to conduct full-scale family needs.

According to the Renovation Program, conditions for large families can be improved?


    Between accommodation in large families for the purchase of an apartment or other residential premises. Any such family that has such a status legally, a subsidy is assumed to acquire residential premises. They are given from 30 to 50% of the value of the chosen real estate object, and the remaining part they must pay themselves.

    Tip! One of the conditions for participation in such a housing subsidy program is the automatic removal of them from the queue to receive a social apartment.

    In order to take advantage of this program, it is necessary to apply to the agency of housing programs of your city.
    • Free land. The land plot can be allocated both for the construction of a private house and for the conduct of gardening.

    How to get an apartment of a large family in 2018: Benefits and subsidies

    Two moves will not need. 9. Exemption from capital repairs. Since the inclusion of the house in the renovation program. Previously collected funds will be directed to the construction of new homes. 10. Comfortable urban environment and high-quality homes. - monolithic houses or modern panel; - the possibility of redeveloping apartments; - glazing balconies and loggias, basket for air conditioning; - Minimum stairs - a convenient entrance to the entrance for disabled people, pensioners and mothers with wheelchairs; - freight and passenger elevators; - comfortable streets and parking; - Wide sidewalks - green yards and parks; - Social objects within walking distance.
    11. Not satisfied with the equivalent apartment - you can get an equivalent apartment or monetary compensation. The amount of compensation will be equal to the market value of the old apartment and losses. 12. Help in moving.

    What guarantees residents of five-story builds gives federal law

    On improving the housing conditions of many citizens, who joined the Renovation program, concerns the question: if they are in line for improving the conditions, will this fact be taken into account when providing new apartments? The law says that this fact will be taken into account. Thus, the city government guarantees that when relocation to a new home, such families will receive apartments more, even if their queue has not yet come to improve. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 20 of the Law of Moscow NO 29, the norm of living space on Muscovite - 18 square meters.
    m. Thus, the size of the new housing will be calculated from these indicators. How to get an apartment for more square? So, for this there are two ways: paid and free. A free way is to get an apartment more, in a queue to improve the conditions.
    To do this, it is necessary to stay on housing. The rules of recognition of the Muscovite Slave are given in Art.

    The renovation law was offered to change for large families

    In the plinths, the cable channels will make, the electrical wiring will be made with safe switches and sockets. Energy efficient electric plates will be installed in the kitchens. The bathrooms in the apartments will be separate, bathrooms - with a chrome-plated heated towel rail, sink with a mixer and a metal bath with a protective screen and high-quality faucets.


    The courtyards and territory around the houses will be landscaped on new standards: they will create parks, cycles, sports and playgrounds with a safe rubber coating, where there are swings, slides and shells. In blocks, pleasure zones will appear with lighting, flower beds and benches. Guarantees in the residents of five-story buildings established by the new federal law and the previously adopted law of the city of Moscow 1.

    Voluntaryness. Participation in renovation is only by decision of the owners and employers of apartments.

    The needs of large families will be taken into account in the Renovation Program

    • What benefits are laid marked
    • Obtaining social housing
    • How to get a large family status
    • Where to apply for status
    • List of documents for setting in the queue
    • Getting housing
    • Subsidies to receive housing in 2018
    • Changes in 2018

    Families in Russia, which raise three or more children, much, and financially parents becomes difficult, it is necessary to raise them all, feed, shore, etc. And it is also necessary to take care that children be, where to live, they were warm and comfort. It is to relieve life to such families, in 2016 the state introduced new subsidies and benefits for parents raising three and more children. Pets on housing for large families allow them to get an apartment with special, favorable for them, conditions.

    Moscow City Duma adopted the law to protect the rights of Muscovites with renovation

    Exceptions - Cases when the townspeople will decide to increase the area or number of rooms by purchasing additional "squares". For them, the system of benefits will be worked out: discounts and delay payments, taking care of maternal capital and mortgage. Veterans, lonely and lonely residing retirees, disabled, large families and other beneficiaries will help with moving.

    Monolithic and panel houses of a new generation from modern materials will be built on the site of the fastest five-story buildings, and comfortclass repairs will be repaired in the apartments. New houses will be with glazed balconies and loggias, baskets for air conditioners. As a rule, the apartments will provide for redevelopment.

    The area of \u200b\u200bnew housing will be no less, but even more at the expense of more spacious kitchens, hallway, corridor, bathroom, toilet. For decorations will be used materials of light tones.

The renovation program of the residential foundation in Moscow is a real opportunity to improve the housing conditions of hundreds of thousands of Moscow families, the real opportunity to update the city, to create a new quality of life, to make Moscow an even more comfortable and safe city, "said chairman of the Commission of the Moscow City Duma on urban economy and housing policy Stepan Orlov. - It seems to me that the bill is extremely necessary, important, it shows, in what form the city involves implementing the renovation program. This bill will show deputies of the State Duma, in which direction Moscow wants to move.

The city will be obliged to help poor citizens when moving, - told deputy of the Metropolitan Parliament Yaroslav Kuzminov. - This is the first case in history so that the authorities assume such obligations. We first regulated issues of ensuring the right of residents on an extraordinary improvement in housing conditions in homes, which are included in the list of houses for voting on the inclusion in the project of the Renovation program and registered as needing.

Large families included in a separate category. When relocation, parents will receive such housing, what is needed to educate all children. The size of the old apartment has no value.

The law is spelled out 12 additional guarantees For residents of five-story buildings.

First: People will relocate from the dilapidated houses in new buildings in the same area.

"The exceptions are Zelenograd and Tinao, in which the equivalent apartment can be provided within the administrative district," the law says.

Second: Residents of the submitted five-story buildings will give equivalent housing. The law is clearly stated that the number of rooms and residential "squares" will be no less than in the old apartment. The total area will accurately increase the largest kitchens, toilets, a corridor.

Third: Only five-story buildings in which two thirds of the inhabitants vote for renovation will fall into the final list of homes.

The owners and tenants of the apartments have the right to hold a general meeting and make a decision to exclude their home from the renovation program at any stage.

Fourth: If a person does not want to move to a new apartment, he will be able to receive monetary compensation. The city will pay him the market value of old housing.

Fifth: Veterans, lonely pensioners, disabled and other beneficiaries at their own expense will help with moving.

Six: Move people will immediately go to landscaped places. Roads, parking, playgrounds will be done before checking. That is, residents of the current five-story buildings do not have to move to the construction site.

Seventh: Specified in documents and guarantees for owners of non-residential premises. They will be provided with an equivalent area, or an equivalent monetary refund.

Eighth: The law says that the sections will receive new apartments with improved housing conditions (depending on the family composition). Two moves will not need.

Nine: Residents of five-story buildings whose houses will fall into the renovation program will be released from contributions to overhames.

Tenth: New apartments are guaranteed to be free. But citizens will have the opportunity to buy "squares" if they decide to increase the number of rooms in the apartment. For such Muscovites it is planned to work a system of benefits. For example, the city is ready to provide discounts and postponement of payment, take into account the maternity capital and mortgage.

Eleventh: Move people will be either in monolithic houses or in panel (but the last episodes with high energy efficiency). For the most part, the entrances will be from the side of the yard. The floor of the lobby and elevator halls will be done at one level, without steps.

New apartments will be glazed balconies. In buildings will make possible redevelopment.

Twelve: Residents of houses that have not entered the preliminary list also have a chance to get into the renovation program. For this, at the meeting of the owners, two thirds of the participants must support the idea of \u200b\u200bdemolition.

And at this time

From May 15, the voting of residents of five-storey houses on the inclusion of the Renovation program was launched. The will will last until June 15, 2017. Owners and employers of apartments in homes that came to preliminary lists can take part.

For three years, in Moscow, almost 30 thousand has increased the number of large families.
15.06.2017 Zyuzino district of Moscow Also in the capital, there is a decrease in socially dangerous families and the number of parental deprivities.
06/14/2017 Molnet.ru.

Complete information for each house will help not yet identifying Muscovites to adopt a weighted decision.
13.06.2017 Prefecture of SAO Moscow In the final week of the voting on the Renovation project, the Moscow government published data on the number of undefined apartments in each house included in the preliminary list.
06/13/2017 NEWSMSK.com. May 28, 2017. Reception of residents in the Moscow City Duma under the Renovation Program.
06.06.2017 Moscow Center

We publish the material posted on the Central Communist Party of the Communist Party. KPRF leader GA
06/07/2017 Communist Party Moscow City Court accepted one of the seven filed claims to consideration, which challenges the decision of the metropolitan government on renovation.
06/07/2017 Newsmsk.com. During the two addresses of the Tagansky district, they planned to begin a comprehensive improvement of territories.
04/29/2019 Prefecture of Cao.

As part of the Gardening Program from May 1 to May 9, experts will disembode 11,350 colors in Presnensky district.
More fifty container sites were reconstructed in the area of \u200b\u200bLublin. "In the framework of the state program" Residence "of the subprogramme" Reconstruction of waste collection sites ",
29.04.2019 Governorate district of Lublin In 2019, eight container sites are planned to reconstruct eight container sites in the Babushkinsky district of the capital.
29.04.2019 Babushkinsky district of Svao Moscow

In the National Research Technology University "Misis", contractors repaired the entrance group.
04/29/2019 Prefecture of Cao. In the Butyrsky district there will be a planned shutdown of hot water. Work will be held in advance drawn graphics.
29.04.2019 District Butyrsky Svao Moscow On April 30, the central heating will be disconnected in the houses of Ivanovo, - reports the Energy Company MOCEK.
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In the Basmanny district, planned to plant 102 wood during 2019.
04/29/2019 Prefecture of Cao. Improvement of the courtyard territories will be carried out in the Arbat area until the end of August 2019.
04/29/2019 Prefecture of Cao. The Fine Department of the Children's School of Arts named after Svyatoslav Richter will repaired the auction winner.
29.04.2019 Information Center

All regions of Moscow are now held public hearings dedicated to renovation.
04/29/2019 Ramenki.info. Kudryashka lives in the "oak grove", and leva - in the "spark" dog and man / photobank volunteers of two municipal shelters located on the territory of Svao, are looking for owners with their wards.
29.04.2019 Star Boulevard More than 200 entrepreneurs took part for renting and selling 66 properties of Moscow in the last week.
29.04.2019 Information Center

In the marina grove, it is planned to disconnect hot water. Work will be held in advance drawn graphics.
29.04.2019 District Maryina Grove Svao Work on the construction of a large metal metro line (BCC) completed by 50%.
04/29/2019 Ramenki.info. About 600 thousand square meters. The housing is planned to introduce in Moscow under the Renovation program until the end of 2019. This journalists reported to journalists by the deputy mayor of Moscow on the issues of urban planning policies and construction Marat Husnullin.
04/29/2019 Ramenki.info.

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