
How to find out the names of neighbors at? How to learn about the neighbors in advance? Found a neighbor vkontakte what to write

Briefly: Many people are divided by data about their location in social networks. Find among them their neighbors.

Sometimes it is necessary to learn more about the families of the guys with whom your child plays in the yard. Or find a person who forgot the cap on the bench. Consider what holiday yesterday was in the apartment from above. Or what a man goes past the entrance every day.

Services from the article will use such situations. They will help you find posts in social networks, which are published in close proximity to you - and pages of their authors. Use carefully.

1. We are looking for neighbors videos

In our country there are a lot of interesting and talented video blocks. And some of them can live two steps away from you! Follow the link below and type your city's name / village in English. After that, the map will appear with links to videos.

You can in surprise to find that a noisy 9-year-old girl from the next apartment is Youtube Star with thousands of subscribers. And the eccentric quiet man from the second entrance is an experienced fisherman who has something to learn.

2. Find them tweets

Click anywhere on the map and you will receive a list of all the latest tweets within a radius of 10 km. If you wish in the settings, it can be increased to 20 or even 50 km.

On the territory of Moscow, new tweets appear once a few seconds (the test was deep at night). And in some small town it may not sleep and think about the meaning of life is just one Twitter user.

3. We look at their photos from VK

This search engine was specifically conceived to search for people of the opposite sex. It can immediately be selected in relationships and accounts with closed personal messages. You can also set a limit on the date of publication and keywords. The search radius varies from 10 m to 50 km.

For one request you can find up to 3000 photos. For each shot displays the name, date of birth, marital status and link to the owner's page. How many beautiful and positive people live around!

4. Search in Instagram / Flickr

Service GobABL (for use you need to register) Allows you to find a photo in Instagram and Flickr, made within a radius of up to three miles from the specified address. They can be filtered by user name and keywords. If you click on the map icon (the second icon on the right of the search icon), then you can see the marks of all photos on the map.

He also knows how to search for posts on Twitter, video YouTube and posts on Google+. But the first two services are given in the article not just like that. Unfortunately, Gobabl is free only for the first 14 days, and then you need to pay or register again. This is not very convenient.

5. Learn what they communicate in Twitter nearby

If in the same Global click on the third icon from the search icon, then you will go to the page with analytics of posts. There you can find out the statistics on the hasties, which most often use residents of the desired area.

6. We find the most chatty neighbors

On the analyst mentioned above there are tabs Active Users. and Top Users.. They can determine the most sociable and most popular people among their neighbors.

7. Looking for a photo of 500px

And this service will help to find fresh photos from Flickr, 500px and Instagram, which are in a given radius from a certain point.

Be careful!

These services can take advantage of not only curious idlers, but also apartment thieves. If you live at the address of the registration and registered under your real name, then you should not publish a photo with the signature: "Hooray! Tomorrow fly away! " Or "how sad ... before the vacation for three weeks."

Or disconnect the location definition on your devices so as not to get into the list of accounts, followed by the criminal elements of your area. And further. Do not turn into an officer of the secret police do not follow each silence nearby. It is harmful to mental health;)

Other articles on the topic of collecting information about people.

It's no secret that in our time, staying even in a crowded city, we are in complete ignorance even about their neighbors. Not only are we practically do not know anything about your neighbor, except that in the evenings he shaves music, throws garbage at the entrance or vice versa - very quiet and friend, sometimes we have never seen your neighbor even in the face. With this you need to somehow fight, because neighboring relationships can often be even more useful than friendly.

What is the meaning of neighboring relations?

However, how to make these very acquaintances? Do not be labeled to your neighbors and fall like snow on your head? This is at least not polite. This will help you a specially created social network. Here you can find your neighbor in any city, meet, chat, and then meet on the staircase or go to visit him on tea. Is it really very convenient and modern? In addition, communicate on this light, understandable site with a pleasant design and convenient functions is a pleasure.

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Briefly: Many people are divided by data about their location in social networks. Find among them their neighbors.

Sometimes it is necessary to learn more about the families of the guys with whom your child plays in the yard. Or find a person who forgot the cap on the bench. Consider what holiday yesterday was in the apartment from above. Or what a man goes past the entrance every day.

Services from the article will use such situations. They will help you find posts in social networks, which are published in close proximity to you - and pages of their authors. Use carefully.

1. We are looking for neighbors videos

In our country there are a lot of interesting and talented video blocks. And some of them can live two steps away from you! Follow the link below and type your city's name / village in English. After that, the map will appear with links to videos.

You can in surprise to find that a noisy 9-year-old girl from the next apartment is Youtube Star with thousands of subscribers. And the eccentric quiet man from the second entrance is an experienced fisherman who has something to learn.

2. Find them tweets

Click anywhere on the map and you will receive a list of all the latest tweets within a radius of 10 km. If you wish in the settings, it can be increased to 20 or even 50 km.

On the territory of Moscow, new tweets appear once a few seconds (the test was deep at night). And in some small town it may not sleep and think about the meaning of life is just one Twitter user.

3. We look at their photos from VK

This search engine was specifically conceived to search for people of the opposite sex. It can immediately be selected in relationships and accounts with closed personal messages. You can also set a limit on the date of publication and keywords. The search radius varies from 10 m to 50 km.

For one request you can find up to 3000 photos. For each shot displays the name, date of birth, marital status and link to the owner's page. How many beautiful and positive people live around!

4. Search in Instagram / Flickr

Service GobABL (for use you need to register) Allows you to find a photo in Instagram and Flickr, made within a radius of up to three miles from the specified address. They can be filtered by user name and keywords. If you click on the map icon (the second icon on the right of the search icon), then you can see the marks of all photos on the map.

He also knows how to search for posts on Twitter, video YouTube and posts on Google+. But the first two services are given in the article not just like that. Unfortunately, Gobabl is free only for the first 14 days, and then you need to pay or register again. This is not very convenient.

5. Learn what they communicate in Twitter nearby

If in the same Global click on the third icon from the search icon, then you will go to the page with analytics of posts. There you can find out the statistics on the hasties, which most often use residents of the desired area.

6. We find the most chatty neighbors

On the analyst mentioned above there are tabs Active Users. and Top Users.. They can determine the most sociable and most popular people among their neighbors.

Be careful!

These services can take advantage of not only curious idlers, but also apartment thieves. If you live at the address of the registration and registered under your real name, then you should not publish a photo with the signature: "Hooray! Tomorrow fly away! " Or "how sad ... before the vacation for three weeks."

Or disconnect the definition of location on your devices so as not to get into the list of accounts, followed by the criminal elements of your area. And further. Do not turn into an officer of the secret police do not follow each silence nearby. It is harmful to mental health;)

Most often, learn about how many persons are spelled out in the apartment, real estate buyers are trying before the transaction. Sometimes it happens that the owner of the apartment does not know about the tenants prescribed in his house.

This is possible if the acquisition was not conducted on legal purity. Let us consider in more detail how you can get a list of residents at home.

Main ways

Passport Office

First of all, such information can provide a passport office. Before purchasing an apartment, you can ask the owner to bring a certificate from this instance, in which the number of prescribed tenants is indicated. In the perfect version, it should be clean.

In order to make sure the data obtained, you can contact the passport table and ask them to provide these data. In some cases, they can request a copy of the preliminary agreement on the acquisition of an apartment, so immediately take it with you.

In a passport desk, it is best to request an extended certificate, which reflects data on all persons ever living on this area.

Polish policeman

The information you are interested in can also be obtained from the district policeman. To do this, explain to him that you are interested in purchasing an apartment and want to get accurate data on the prescribed tenants. In addition, ask to find out if the neighbors do not hurt, or they are alcoholics, drug addicts or the opposite, calm. It is best to know that before buying.

Also, if you have a familiar district policeman from another site, you can contact him, and it will receive the necessary information from colleagues.

Directories and sites

If you are looking for people on personal information (name, year of birth, address), you can use special sites. There are a large number of reference sites with which you can get all the information you are interested in about the inhabitants of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Thus, you can get information about those who live in regional centers. However, it is more difficult with small settlements: most likely, you will have to look for the necessary data in the telephone directory. Also, you can send a request to the passport desk or local administration - they will send data to email.

The Federal Migration Service

This information can be obtained from the FMS.

To do this, you will need:

  1. Provide In the service request and passport (in this case, you do not need to pay for the duty).
  2. For a month Get an answer.

Since legislation prohibits disclosing information about citizens without their consent, first of all, an employee of the migration service will send a request at the specified address.

This request will indicate information about you (as about the applicant) and the purpose of the request itself. If the FMS employee gets permission to provide these information, you will receive them within 30 days.

How much does this information need?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, certain categories of citizens retain the right to accommodate in the apartment when changing the owner. For this reason, you must be aware of this before buying an apartment, although in such situations it is recommended to search another option.

  1. Temporarily discharged convicts To imprisonment. After exit, they can register again.
  2. Citizensissued in connection with the passage of military service.
  3. PersonsThey were discharged from home or apartment, but later they were recognized as missing.
  4. Minor citizens Temporarily located in correctional institutions.
  5. Placed in specialized homes Elderly faces.
  6. Citizenswhich are undergoing treatment in a psychoneurological institution.

Although the acquisition of the "unclean" apartment significantly reduces the price, but the new owner appears new difficulties.

We write out residence

In the case of purchasing an apartment with registered residents, there is only one way to write them down - through court.

However, there are several circumstances that significantly complicate this process:

  1. Indoors are prescribedwho have not achieved adulthood is the most difficult case, because you will have to get around a lot of instances and collect an impressive package of documents.
  2. Citizen lives in the apartmentwho at one time refused the right to privatization of the apartment - that is, he exchanged him for life living.
  3. Citizen He received the right to use the apartment as a result.
  4. Persons and their relativeswhich are spelled out on this housing, are members of the LCD.
  5. Citizen He concluded a rental agreement, which indicated the right to use the object.
  6. Face It is a loans in accordance with the agreement on granted home or apartment.
  7. Prescribed face is incapable.

We write out through the court

First of all, you need to get a decision on the removal of a person from the registration accounting.

For this you need:

  1. Contact in the world court.
  2. Make a lawsuitwhich indicate the reasons for the discharge.
  3. Apply a receipt On payment of court costs.
  4. Attach documents About discharge.

It is advisable in the hands of having evidence that you tried to notify the tenants about your plans to go to court. It is best to give him a package with documents with witnesses personally.

For the trial, the following documents should be prepared:

  • photocopy of the passport of the plaintiff;
  • copy of all pages;
  • copies of documents confirming property ownership;
  • extract from the USRR;

In some cases, the judge may postpone an extract to provide the opportunity to find new accommodation. If the court satisfied your petition, you must provide a solution to the passport table so that on its basis the registered it is discharged from the apartment.

Since very often discharged continues to live in someone else's apartment, it is recommended to contact the bailiffs.

As you can see, find out the list of tenants at home or apartments before purchased is very important. That is why it is best to contact the real estate agency - they have the necessary connections in state structures. Despite the fact that their services are worthwhile, the cost of the loss of the "unclean" apartment is much more.

Get the answer of the lawyer in 5 minutes

You moved to your new home, which means that you still do not know anyone in the area. If you do not want to stay anonymous, and it is important for you to get acquainted with your neighbors, here are some steps that will help you with this. How to find out your neighbors and make friends so that they give you a bulb or wifi password in a difficult moment - now think!

  • Still talk and appear!

Since the first impression matters, it would be advisable to pay attention to your appearance, especially in the first days after moving.

Even if it is very convenient to get up in the morning and buy bread in the nearest store, do not forget to put myself in order, because it will increase the chances, like the neighbors.

This does not mean that you should dress like in a restaurant, but try to find a decent look so as not to frighten your neighbors from the first day.

As a rule, you have the opportunity to meet with neighbors on the stairs, in the elevator, in the yard. Always start with greetings and remember that it is important to always be polite.

  • A little good manner will not leave anyone indifferent!

After several meetings, you can imagine as their new neighbor. If you want to join a discussion with neighbors, your move, an ideal topic for discussion. More curious people will ask who you live, one or family, and from these questions before conversation one step.

If you are a more shy person, try to ask him about the location zone of your home, about the unit administration, etc. Do not forget about the classic invitation to a cup of coffee. You can also suggest your help if your neighbor needs something.

  • Visit nearby shops.

Almost in every area there are a number of shops, where sellers are very friendly, because they know all their customers who live nearby. In the store or on the market you have every chance to meet your neighbors. Choose the usual time when people go shopping (for example, on Saturday morning), and be prepared to communicate with the neighbors.

  • Arrange a party for neighbors.

Organize a party for unfamiliar people is not the easiest thing in the world, but this way will help you get close to the neighbors. First, try to find out what age they have. It will be inappropriate to invite very older neighbors to such an event.

If you managed to swap greetings with some neighbors, you can talk to them about your plans. Thus, you can make together a list of people you need to invite to a party.

Try not to arrange too loud party, because you do not know these people, and you can not foresee their behavior. How to find out your neighbors - organize a fun event that will cover everyone with your fun, but beware of too much alcohol or too late.

Saturday can turn into an interesting meeting between your neighbors!

  • Classic methods, how to recognize your neighbors - sugar and coffee.

The classic method, how to learn your neighbors is an invitation to coffee or a sugar or salt at the neighbors. You noticed that a family with which you want next to you. Ask them to lend you some trifle needed in the farm, of course, with a guarantee that you all return it.

If you want some sugar for a tasty cake, do not forget to treat the cake and a friendly neighbor. After that, you can invite for coffee.

You have a chance to meet good people who will appreciate your gesture, and with which you can make friends with all your life.

How to find out your neighbors, we told, Meet, be friends, help them, and they will certainly help you out - even give salt, even though the password from WiFi!

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