
VTB corrects the Board. VTB - news, reviews and descriptions, employees and first persons CEO of VTB Bank 24

All lending organizations in the country are divided into two main categories: there are institutions with state support (state banks) and private (without public support). Many people are mistaken when VTB Bank is attributed to private organizations. Nevertheless, it is a bank with state support and has its own functions inherent in such institutions.

The history of the creation of VTB

In 1990, the Bank of Foreign Trade was established, the purpose of which was to work for the external economy of Russia and infusion into international economy. Exactly three months later, Vneshtorgbank received a license to implement financial operations of any kind and type. The founder of the company is the State Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

The first achievement of the organization was to enter the ranking of institutions with the highest capitalization: Already in 1994, Vneshtorgbank appeared on a 425 place out of 1000.

Composition of the group VTB

The VTB Group of Companies has a unique international structure that allows us to develop cooperation with other countries and organizations, promote Russian companies to international markets. All companies that are part of the Group have uniform logos, development strategy, centralized management systems, management and control processes.

The structure of the group is very extensive and includes investment and insurance companies, a non-state pension fund and crediting institutions scattered around the world.

The history of the development of VTB

From the moment of receipt of the license for all types of financial transactions, VTB actively begins to develop. The output in the top 1000 in 1994 was the first signal about the emergence of a new major player in the financial market.

1997 - the transfer of the bank to the legal form of an open joint-stock company, after which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation becomes the owner of the largest share share - 97%.

2001 - the period of active growth of the organization. At this time, VTB rises in the list of banks with high capitalization in 222, due to the increase in the authorized capital. Now the amount is 42.1 billion rubles, and the share of the Central Bank increased to 99.9% of the shares.

2002 - change of leading shareholder VTB. The state bought a share in the Central Bank and became the priority owner of the share package. At this time, the organization changes inside the organization: Andrei Kostin becomes the chairman of the Board, the composition of managers is changing. The purpose of further work is to strengthen the current positions, an increase in the number and quality of services provided, the introduction of VTB and branches into all financial spheres.

The year is the acquisition of Guta Bank and the launch of the VTB 24 project on its basis. At the same time, VTB is strengthened in the North-West of the country: this is committed to the purchase of a bank of industrial construction.

2007 - public recognition of VTB is the most transparent of all banks in Russia. What events unfold at this time? The company openly places its shares for sale, as a result of this, the number of shares owners is increasing. These are ordinary citizens, Russian and foreign investors and funds. The number of managers increases: Audit Committee and Management Committee has been created.

In 2008, VTB receives the first license in Russia for the placement of banks and departments in India and China. Abroad, the company's name is now "VTB Capital PLS".

2009 - crisis time for institution. Despite the deterioration of the situation in the financial market, thanks to the correct strategy, VTB has reached the established framework and exceeded the plans and tasks for several important indicators. Attracting assets increased by 4%, on loans by 3%, the growth of client funds amounted to 21%, the total interest income increased by 10%.

From 2010 to 2013, an organization's growth in the Group of Companies continues. Assets increased by 2 times, customer money - 2.7 times. In addition, the Group includes the Bank of Moscow and TransCreditBank. The creation of the "Summer Bank" even more strengthened positions in the financial market, the Summer Bank was recognized as the most successful young bank in 2013.

2014-2016 - time to improve efficiency and quality. Together with Russian Post, "Mail Bank" was created, instead of the "Summer" brand. A large number of plans set out are exceeded, several banks are combined into a single VTB group.

Owners and guidance

Who owns VTB? As before the leading owner of the institution's shares is the Government of the Russian Federation, it has a controlling stake in 60.9% of capital. The leadership of VTB consists of Board and Supervisory Board. President - Kostin Andrei Leonidovich, consists of the Board of the Bank and is his chairman

The composition of members of the Board:

Composition of the Supervisory Board:

Affiliated companies

The VTB Group of Companies is actively developing in several countries: Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. There are VTB branches and ATMs for cashless removal of funds for customers and partners.

Subsidiaries are located in Germany, Great Britain, Serbia, Georgia, Angola and on the island of Cyprus. There are several additional branches in China, Singapore and India - one by one for the country.

Social responsibility

VTB actively carries out social support in several directions: culture, sports, health, technology. A special project "VTB - Russia" was created, where the Bank's activities in charitable and sponsorship cases are broadcast.

Where is the sponsorship of VTB?

  • In museums, galleries and theaters: Tretyakovka, Russian Museum, Big and Mariinsky Theaters and Workshop P. Fomenko.
  • Sports clubs: Dynamo FC, Dynamo HC, KAMAZ Master's rally, women's Russian Basketball team, volleyball federation, sports gymnastics and athletics.

In health care, the funds go to various funds, such as: Foundation Konstantin Khabensky, "Old age in joy", "House with Lighthouse" and many others. Periodically guided assistance to various medical institutions throughout Russia and in the Republic of Karelia.

The project "VTB - Russia" is organized as a means of transferring information to residents. On social networks, various activities, sports and cultural events are covered, which in any way are associated with VTB activities.

Independent Overview of VTB Bank

What is this credit organization? VTB is a vertex group of financial companies. The main specialization is the service of corporate clients, legal entities and individuals.

What products provide VTB to their customers?

  • Cash service;
  • Selling and buying precious metals;
  • Issuing loans, mortgages, cards.
  • Opening accounts and deposits.
  • Financial institutions have investment services, a settlement center, lending.

The organization does a big emphasis on corporate clients and their service. Some banking products are available only to organizations and IP.

Geography of finding offices

WTB headquarters is located in Moscow on Vorontsovskaya Street, a bank in St. Petersburg has been registered. Departments and ATMs are located in all regions of the country and abroad, only in the city of Moscow there are 215 branches throughout the city, without regard to the area and separate ATMs.

How to find a VTB branch?

  1. You need to go to the site and find the "Department and ATM" button.
  2. Enter the city if the location is not automatically defined.
  3. Select a way to provide information: filtered list, metro circuit or on the map.

The bank has a free hotline, which can contact on service issues every resident of Russia. Phone number: 8-800-100-24-24, for calls from any corner of the country.

List of banks with state participation of 2019

What organizations are considered banks with state participation? These are those institutions in which the state is fully or partially involved. Types of government intervention are different:

  • full participation;
  • partial;
  • indirect;
  • created according to federal laws.

Under full government participation implies the government's ownership of a bank shares in the amount of 100%. Such organizations are: Rosselkhozbank, Bank Russian Capital.

Partial participation is the ownership of the state of the leading package of shares. Banks with partial public participation include: VTB with a state share of 60.9% of the accommodation portfolio, Sberbank with a state share of 50% Plus 1 Promotion, Gazprobank has shareholders in the form of DC and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which owns 70% of the share.

Indirect participation of the state - when the government owns the bank through one or more controlled organizations. Such a bank was VTB24 before the unification with the VTB Group of Companies.

The financial institution established by federal law in Russia is only one thing: the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is the largest organization whose goal is to strengthen the banking system in the country, the protection of the Russian currency and the stabilization of payment systems and the financial market as a whole.

NameView of the State CommitteeShare ownership by stateLeading owner of shares
RosselkhozbankFull1 Government of the Russian Federation
Bank Russian Capital1
OpeningPartial0.99 TSB RF
Gazprombank0.7 Government of the Russian Federation
Sberbank50% plus one share

Some of the country's largest banks do not apply to crediting organizations with state participation and are completely commercial: Tinkoff, Alpha Bank. The state in these financial institutions does not have the slightest share of shares, therefore cannot manage the affairs of these organizations.

Features of preferential programs with state support

VTB has several programs for large families and young families in the field of mortgage lending and automotive. What are the features of these products?

  • Fixed rate. It will be impossible to reduce it, as it is offered on special conditions.
  • Pre-defined maximum loan amount and, accordingly, the cost of a car or apartment.
  • The decision on issuing a loan for preferential programs is adopted by VTB Bank, and not a state and not the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Pensioners can get the right to repay interest on the loan using public funds.

Conditions for products are quite simple and anyone can familiarize themselves with them on the official VTB website in special lending sections.

Functions of state banking institutions

The Central Bank of Russia clarified the functions of credit institutions with municipal support. In addition to its basic obligations to provide financial services to the population, such banks should:

  • assist in improving the economic condition of the country and the distribution of fixed capital.
  • actively form the investment market, stock and stock services.
  • to form a positive attitude of citizens to the financial system.
  • providing insurance programs for deposits and bank accounts.

All additional financial services, they are also required to provide at the request of the client.

Pros and cons of the state presence in the activities of banks

What advantages are banks with state participation?

  • A big degree of confidence from customers.
  • In the case of the crisis, "state" institutions receive the necessary support from the government.
  • Stable rates on loans, mortgages and deposits.

In addition to positive parties, negative are also located:

  • The probability of failures on loans is higher than that of private banks.
  • Requirements for additional documents above: To obtain a loan, it is necessary to provide references.
  • Rates on credit lines are usually higher.

Financial organizations with state support raise a greater sense of trust in Russian citizens. In fact, the bank's affiliation to private development or the state does not have difference: the company's reliability is assessed by special services and services, for example, the RA-Expert.

All results of bank reliability checks and evaluation are published on services and are in open access to all customers. Thus, Alfa Bank, who has nothing to do with state support, is located in the top ten banks of the country in the rating of Reliability QA.

VTB is a reliable financial organization whose history has proven that with proper strategy of development, you can achieve very great success. At the moment, the Bank is considered to be quite young and one of the most promising institutions of Russia, whose branches are located throughout Russia and in many other countries.

The credit institution was established in 1990 under the name "Bank of Foreign Trade RF" (later - Vneshtorgbank, now - VTB). Until III quarter of 2002, a package of 99.9% of the Bank's shares was owned by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which within the framework of the banking sector reform transferred it to the Ministry of Property Relations of Russia. In May 2007, VTB Bank successfully conducted an IPO. In the course of the primary public placement, 17.7% of the shares bought institutional Russian and foreign investors, 4.8% - about 120 thousand individuals. In September 2009, detergent was conducted, according to which the share of the state in the authorized capital reached 85.5%. At the time of the IPO, the capitalization of VTB amounted to 35.5 billion US dollars. In May 2013, VTB carried out additional issues of stocks of 102.5 billion rubles, following which he reported a decrease in the share of the state owned before (through the Federal Agency for State Property Management) of 75.5% of shares, up to 60.9%; The remaining stocks are in free handling.

In 1999, the Bank of Russia secured in capital and supported the liquidity of Vneshtorgbank to eliminate the consequences of the 1998 crisis (VTB Capital was negative). The GUTA-Bank interbank crisis did not have the consequences of the Interbank Crisis of 2004 (now the "daughter" VTB - VTB 24) was also restructured on the funds of the Bank of Russia and with its active support. Since 2002, after the transfer of VTB shares from the Central Bank to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Bank is headed by Andrei Kostin, who held a similar position in Vnesheconombank, as well as who worked in the National Reserve Bank owned by a businessman who was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and now the regional deputy Alexander Lebedev.

From January 2005, the Bank is a member of the Mandatory Insurance System of Individuals. In the same year, I changed the Moscow "registration" to St. Petersburg, and also received from the bank of Russia a good inheritance in the form of a system of Sovgranbanks of the former USSR (Mosnarbank, BSEN-Eurobank, Ost-West Handelsbank and East Westuminaced Bank). The state banking group formed in 2006 (VTB Group) today unites over 20 credit and financial companies in 17 CIS countries, Europe, Asia and Africa.

In October 2012, VTB consolidated 99.6% of TransCreditbank shares, and in November 2013, a complete transition of corporate and retail business banks to VTB and VTB 24 was completed, and the TKB brand stopped existence.

In early 2011, VTB acquired the main part of the shares of the Bank of Moscow. On May 10, 2016, the reorganization of the Bank of Moscow was completed in the form of accession to VTB Bank, within the framework of which the main part of the business was transferred to the latter. After integration, a separate retail direction was formed - VTB Bank of Moscow, which includes maintenance of customers - individuals and small business representatives. VTB Bank of Moscow makes a special emphasis on the introduction of innovative, high-tech products and services, in particular, quite active in the consumer lending market, bank cards and mortgages. As part of the integration of clients of VTB Bank, more than 10 million individuals and small business enterprises have become.

In addition, on the basis of the regional Bezhnitsa Bank (the former "daughter" of the Bank of Moscow) was launched by the so-called "light bank" - "Summer Bank", focused on express lending, issuing credit cards and cash loans. In 2015, it was decided to create a new Mail Bank on the basis of the Bank, in which the VTB Group today retains control (50% plus one share owned by VTB Bank 24), and the second shareholder is the subsidiary of Russian Post.

Currently, the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosim Property Management Agency) owns 60.93% of VTB Bank, 2.95% of the shares are controlled by the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SNFAR), 2.47% belongs to the Swiss bank Credit Suisse, 3.50% - Alfa-Bank JSC, 1.91% - Rosselkhozbank JSC. Minoritarian shareholders own 28.2% of the shares of the credit institution. Ordinary shares of the Bank are treated on the Moscow Stock Exchange, as well as on the London Stock Exchange in the form of global depositary receipts.

PJSC "Bank VTB" is the head bank of the VTB Group, which today includes more than 20 credit and financial companies. As of October 1, 2017, the regional network of VTB Bank has 43 branches. Branches are open in 20 cities of Russia, two branches - in India and China. One representative office is located in Italy, China and Kyrgyzstan. On the basis of branches, nine branches of VTB Bank (in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow (two branches), St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar) are openly on the basis of branches. According to the latest available data, the piston number of VTB Bank has exceeded 12 thousand people.

The main specialization of VTB Bank is historically maintaining corporate clients. In this segment, the main directions are the comprehensive service of groups of companies with revenue over 10 billion rubles in the "market" industries and the maintenance of large customers of the construction industry, state and defense sectors, as well as work with the Middle Business. The last direction includes providing customers with a revenue from 300 million to 10 billion rubles a wide range of standard banking services, as well as specialized service of municipal business companies. Comprehensive services to corporate clients include remote banking services, warranty, documentary and depository operations, operations on the stock exchange market, work with precious metals, etc. Client Base VTB has about 4 thousand large corporate clients and borrowers, among which you can Select companies such as Gazprom, Rosneft OJSC, OAO MOESK, Atomstroyexport OJSC, Saturn OJSC, NPK OJSC, Polymetal OJSC, OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK, OAO " TMK ", OJSC" SUEK ", OJSC" Rostelecom ", GK" Synergy ", GK" Metal Technology ", GK" Russian Sea ", GK" Dixie ", X5 Retail Group NV," Seventh Continent "," M. Video "," Children's World "," Sportmaster ". In 2016, companies and organizations such as Novorossiysk Sea Trade Port, Baltic Leasing, Unified Basketball League, "RussNeft", Sia International, Mosenergosbyt, Indian Group Essar, Essar, enterprises of the Uralchim Group, , RusHydro structures, LenEnergo, Evraz Group, Gazprom Neft, NOVATEK and others.

As a result of the integration with the Bank of Moscow, from May 2016, VTB Bank carries out maintenance of retail customers (earlier retail direction, as well as small business focused in another bank VTB group - VTB 24). VTB Bank is currently providing individuals and small business representatives a full range of banking services, including credit and deposit products, RKOs, foreign currency and documentary operations, remote service services. On November 2, 2016, the VTB Supervisory Board decided to join the VTB 24 bank to VTB, which was planned to be completed by the end of 2017. In October 2017, Mikhail Zadornov said that the legal association of structures will occur on January 9, 2018. Official accession of VTB 24 occurred on January 1, 2018.

From January to December 2017, the net assets of the VTB Bank slightly decreased (-1.2%), reaching 9.4 trillion rubles at the beginning of December. Despite the not too significant change in the volume of business, a noticeable dynamics was observed in the bank's liabilities structure. The bank repaid almost 1 trillion rubles, or more than a third of its interbank debt. Repayment fully affected loans from the Central Bank, the volume of which decreased to minor marks. Most of the fundamental funds were replaced by budget funds in the form of deposits of the Federal Treasury and financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Also, the means of non-governmental organizations, the contributions of individuals and their own capital of the bank demonstrated the positive trend. In the structure of assets, the bank almost reduced the securities portfolio and almost as much in absolute expression increased loans to enterprises and organizations. At the same time, the retail portfolio also demonstrated a positive trend. Together with major repayments in liabilities, the Bank has somewhat reduced the supply of highly liquid assets (-15% since the beginning of 2017).

To finance their active operations, VTB uses several key sources of funds: funds of enterprises and organizations attracted by the MBC. At the end of the period in the structure of liabilities, these sources were formed 44.4% and 17.4%, respectively. Another important source of funds for a credit organization is its own capital, the sufficiency of which, in accordance with the N1.0 standard, was 11.0% on December 1, 2017 (at a minimum of 8%). On issued bonds and bills account for another 1.5% of liabilities. It is worth noting that in 2016 the bank for liquidity management has begun placement on the market of a new tool - one-day bonds. Turns on customer accounts in 2017, on average, stably kept at the level of 13-20 trillion rubles per month.

As the main groups of bank assets, the MBC issued 11.4% of net assets issued, the articles of other assets - 8.2%, investments in the capital of other organizations - 9.8%, investments in bonds - 7.5%, highly liquid Assets - 2.6%. But the main part is 55.3%, ─ falls on the loan portfolio, which from the beginning of 2017 increased by 5.8%, reaching 5.2 trillion rubles by December 1. The loan portfolio for 95.4% is formed by loans provided to legal entities. The volume of overdue loan debt on the aggregate portfolio from the beginning of 2017 decreased by 6.5%. The share of delay in the portfolio decreased from 2.8% to 2.5%. During the same period, the level of reservation of the loan portfolio has grown from 3.7% to 4.0%. The level of provision of the loan portfolio was traditionally low, since the beginning of 2017 decreased from 38.5% to 35.2%.

The credit institution is an active participant in the IBC market, both lending and attracting liquidity, but generally advocates net lender. Monthly turnover on placed MBC in 2017 was on average at the level of 3-5 trillion rubles, according to the 7-3.0 trillion rubles. In transactions for attracting liquidity in the money market, the Bank regularly uses a bond portfolio from which the reporting date in a pledge on repo operations was about 16.5%.

In January - November 2017, the credit institution received a net profit of 90.1 billion rubles under RAS, which exceeded the result of only 2016 (70.0 billion rubles).

As of December 1, 2017, among banks operating in Russia, the Bank VTB PJSC occupied a second position in the amount of net assets and in terms of the total credit portfolio.

Supervisory Board:Anton Siluanov (Chairman), Sergey Dubinin, Mattias Varnig, Sergey Galitsky, Yv-Tibo de Sylgi, Andrei Kostin, Shahmar Arif Ogly Movsumov, Nikolai Podgov, Valery Petrov, Vladimir Chilyukhin, Andrei Sharonov.

Governing body:Andrei Kostin (Chairman), Yuri Soloviev, Anatoly Protnikov, Herbert Moos, Andrei Puchkov, Denis Bortnikov, Vladimir Verkhhinsky, Maxim Kondratenko, Olga Dergunova, Valery Lukyanenko, Erkin Norov, Mikhail Sukhov, Mikhail Zadornov, Gennady Soldatenkov.

* The VTB Group includes more than 20 credit and financial companies operating in all major segments of the financial market. In the CIS countries, the Group is represented in Armenia, in Ukraine, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. VTB banks in Austria, Germany and France work within the framework of the European subchelding headed by VTB Bank (Austria). In addition, the Group has subsidiaries and associate banks in the UK, in Cyprus, in Serbia, Georgia and Angola, as well as one branch of VTB Bank in China and India, two branches of VTB Capital PLS in Singapore and Dubai.

Consolidated assets of the VTB Group as of September 30, 2017 accounted for 12.9 trillion rubles (+ 2.4% since the beginning of 2017), own funds - 1.5 trillion rubles (+ 2.6%), net profit for 9 months 2017 - 75.3 billion rubles (for the same period of 2016 - 34.1 billion rubles).

President VTB24 found a place in the united bank.

In the VTB group, they decided on the fate of the current VTB24 President Mikhail Zadornov in the Joint Bank. According to "Kommersant", he will become another first deputy chairman of the VTB and will oversee finance, operational activities and personnel. From the management of the retail, he will be completely completely, the global curator of this direction in the United Bank will be the current deputy chairman of the Board of VTB24 Anatoly Programnikov. Other top managers of VTB24 in the Board of the Joint Bank will not include.

The management reform in VTB "Kommersant" told several sources close to VTB. According to them, on Tuesday about the coming changes, employees were informed by the official letter. "The new structure approved in connection with the Association from January 1, 2018, VTB and VTB24, which is now headed by Mikhail Zadornov," said one of the interlocutors "Kommersant." According to the new scheme, the Chairman of the Board of VTB Andrei Kostina will have three first deputy: the operating Yuri Solovyov and Vasily Titov and Mikhail Zadornov, who will be responsible for finance, accounting, operational activities, personnel.

Deputy chairman of VTB Herbert Moos, who is now supervised by the VTB financial unit, in the same position will be engaged in strategic issues and connections with investors (IR), it will obey directly chapter VTB Andrei Kostin. An independent direction will remain risks, under the curacy of deputy chairmen of VTB Mikhail Sukhova. Victoria Vanurin, who came out of the Board at the end of May, Victoria Vanurin, who was responsible for operating activities, according to the interlocutors "Kommersant", goes to VTB Capital. In addition to Mikhail Zadornov, Anatoly Protnikov will be included in the Board of the Joint Bank from among the top managers of VTB24. He will be a global curaitor of the VTB retail business in the post of deputy chairman of the Board. Vladimir Verkhhinsky, the current head of the Retail of the VTB Bank will remain on the board and will work in the team of Mr. Prizlikov.

The press service of VTB on Tuesday confirmed the relevant changes in the management structure in connection with the association of banks.

Determining the role of Mr. Zadornov in the United Bank was the most difficult issue, indicate the interlocutors "Kommersant". "According to Mikhail Mikhailovich (Zadornov .-" Kommersant), we have not completed such work, "President VTB President Andrei Kostin admitted on June 1. - I am intensive negotiations with him about his functionality, we still have discrepancies in positions." From the moment of adoption in 2016, the decisions on the accession of VTB24 to VTB (this issue was discussed since 2014), the discussions about the place and powers of Mikhail Zadornov in the Joint Bank. In 2016, according to the interlocutors, "Kommersant", even the option was discussed, in which Mr. Zadornov could share the leadership of the bank with Andrei Kostin. "There was an idea that Mikhail Zadornov was engaged in operational management of the Bank as the title of VTB, and Andrei Kostin in the status of the President concentrated on strategic matters," says one of the interlocutors "Kommersant". "However, such a construction was not supported in the government." Last December, Mr. Zadornov entered the board of the head bank VTB, and it seemed obvious that he would continue to be a global retail curate. However, at the end of May, he unexpectedly came out of the Board of VTB. At the same time, it was announced that VTB clips approved the candidacy of Anatoly Programnov to election to the post of deputy chairman of the Board, and he will oversee the retail business of the VTB Group. According to the interlocutors, "Kommersant", the continuation of the career of Mr. Zadornov in the VTB group at that time was questioned, there was a risk that he could leave the group after reorganization. A few days later, Mr. Kostin said that he was discussing a new scope of responsibility with him.

Experts agree that the decision to appoint Mikhail Zadornov by a curator of operating, financial and personnel issues in the United Bank is a true choice. "Mikhail Zadornov is a very strong manager who knows how to determine pain and align them," says Morgan Hunt Maria Yankovskaya. "VTB will have a deep transformation of the entire business and the final association of assets," the owner of the company Mr.Hunt Aramis Karimov agrees. "In these conditions, the task in the field of finance and operating support for such a large-scale business is unambiguously key."

I had the opportunity to become part of the team of one of the largest banks of the country - VTB24. Based on the accumulated experience and emotions, I would like to leave a review about work in this bank, namely in the department of the client service under the leadership of the head of the department Z.E.V.

About 60 people operate in the department (I just can not say, because to "mortals" such information has never been brought), divided into 2 groups. My activity was carried out specifically in the group for issuing maps and preparation of documents. I will not talk about the advantages / minuses and structure of the second group, because Unfortunately, we fell entirely from her by the head of the department and the possibility of elementary to get acquainted with the colleagues we never had. My job was to issue salary maps to customers in the organization. With all the seeming simplicity of such work, there was enough difficulties in it. Basically, these difficulties were associated with the Samodogo of our boss (Z.E.V.). In order not to be unfounded, I will give some examples:
1. Processing is not less than 3-4 hours on a daily basis (issuing maps "to the last client" + trip to the office for processing issued cards + Preparation of documents for the following issuance + Preparation of documents on issued cards for transferring to the archive)
2. Coordination of the start of issuing maps to customers to an indecently early morning (departure from the office at 5-30 - 6 in the morning. To the question "How to get to work at such a time of day?" The answer was in the style of the head of the department: "I don't like - a statement on A4 (dismissal on their own. "We are all client-oriented and ready to work, but there is a misunderstanding of the fact why, with this work day, it is impossible to treat our employees in human and give the opportunity to sleep a little (come to work or immediately to the customer not to 9-00, and later).
3. The ratio Z.E.V., I will not be afraid of this word, like animals that do not need to sleep, there is, relax, see family, children, etc. On any question / misunderstanding there is a single answer: "I do not like - write a statement on A4." At the same time, I would like to note that Z.E.V. Always goes before his subordinates.
4. Full lack of growth inside the department. This is due to the fact that Zakharov E.V. The vacancies are gaining exclusively "their" people. Basically, it is his friends / acquaintances who are far behind the "fit" and which are not distinguished by a great mind and intelligence. Our department is gradually turning into a collection of people of the "pre-mentioning" age. At the same time, the wage indexing and the increase in such people occurs more often more often than we have, "simple mortals."
5. There is no freedom of speech. In no case cannot be spoken at any meeting, so as not to angry the boss and do not put oneself and its work at risk.
6. Partial deprivation of premiums - in the order of things. It makes no sense to clarify the reason, otherwise the next quarter will repeat.

This is only a small part of those things that have become key to my dismissal. I would like to note the great team of the guys, who began to decay as the crown of our head of the department increases and continue to decay in the future.

Summing up, I can say one thing: I am completely satisfied with the VTB24 bank as a great employer, I liked the team of the department (before the start of "collapsed" by our chiefs), my salary was satisfied with me, but to work under the start of Z.E.V. Neither physically nor morally unbearably.

Board of the Bank VTB is a collegial executive body of the institution. In his work is guided by the Regulation. The company is headed by his president president. It is considered the sole executive body. The leadership of VTB Bank is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders and the Supervisory Board.

Founders and guidance

The president

Kostin Andrei Leonidovich (1956, Moscow) - the main position since 2002. Also included in the Supervisory Board and the Strategy Committee and Corporate Governance.

It owns 0.00183% of shares and 0.00036% of the authorized capital of the Public Joint-Stock Company VTB.

In 1979 graduated from Moscow State University. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the High School of Management SPbSU. Works in many other organizations, enters the guardianship of the funds. Repeatedly awarded orders, thanks and diplomas for achievements in the banking industry, social work, the development of international banking activities of the Russian Federation.

Vice-President of the Company

A. L. Kostin has two first substituents.

Board members

The decision on the number of members and personal composition of the body is adopted by the Supervisory Board, it also solves the issue of the number of participants and chooses them.

The chairman is the president. His deputies are considered members of the Board, the main structure:

  • A. S. Puchkov.
  • Yu. A. Solovyov.
  • Bortnikov D. A. - From November 2011
  • Dergunova O. K. - from 2016, as well as from 2007 to 2012.
  • Lukyanenko V. V. - for a long time he was elected before he began to replace the chairman in August 2016. It owns 0.00046% of the Bank's ordinary shares, 0.00009% of the authorized capital.
  • Moos Herbert - in position since 2009, respectively, 0.01042 and 0.00207%.
  • Printedry Anatoly Yuryevich - since 2017. Belongs 0.000011 shares and 0.000002% of the authorized capital.

Only 998 VTB founders.


General Director VTB - A. L. Kostin. He heads the leadership of VTB.

LLC IC "VTB Insurance" is engaged in the provision of insurance services in the Russian Federation since 2000. Since 2011, Galperin Gennady Aronovich is the general director of the company. Starting from 2012, it does not come out of the top 1000 Russian managers drawn up by the Association of Managers, in 2014 was in the sixth place in the Insurance Group. He has education and extensive experience in this area.

In 2006, VTB Registrars JSC headed Petrov Konstantin Sergeevich, just finished second education in Rea them. G.V. Plekhanov. He also studied at the Moscow State Academy of Light Industry. Both specialties are related to the management of economics and finance.

Directors Departments

  • The Department of the corporate network is headed by R. Yu. Eremenko
  • Interaction with users from market industries - D. N. Sninar. In the same department, D. N. Rupper leads the Directorate of Energy.
  • B. Sh. Abdulhakovich - Director of the Department of Subsidiary Companies in the Department of Strategy and Corporate Development.
  • In the Department of Public Relations and Marketing V. V. Maksimenkov, the head of public relations management, and V. V. Hotkin engaged in relations with shareholders.
  • In the Department of Strategy and Corporate Development, A. I. Maslennikov engaged in development issues.
  • K. B. Duvalin - manages the service in the Legal Department, ensuring the legal regulation of collective relationships.

The daily work of VTB Registrar and VTB Insurance is regulated by their General Directors and Board of Directors.

Act in accordance with the Charter of the Organization. The composition includes all the above director.

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