
VTB - news, reviews and descriptions, employees and first persons. VTB corrects the board of Vice President VTB 24

Financial management in a commercial bank is to manage the processes of formation and use of cash resources. It is closely associated with organizational and technical management, management of banking departments, their relationships in various banking processes, including the Bank's personnel management.

Financial management in the Commercial Bank is aimed at determining the rational requirements and methodological foundations for the construction of optimal organizational structures and modes of functional and technological systems that ensure the planning and implementation of financial operations of the Bank and supporting its sustainability with specified parameters, the planning of the Bank's financial activities and management of the processes of attraction and placement Money. Financial management, along with personnel management, is the fundamental tools to achieve the highest possible profits by the owners from the activities of the commercial bank.

The VTB group operates a matrix management system, according to which the control is carried out in two directions:

Administrative Management is the management of subsidiaries as legal entities within the organizational structure of the VTB Group. A corporate governance mechanism is used to implement administrative governance - the implementation of the Head Bank's rights as the main shareholder through the participation of its representatives in the management bodies of subsidiaries.

Functional management - Coordination of business areas and directions of support and control within the VTB Group as a whole. Functional coordination is an additional control mechanism providing expert study of management decisions at the preparation stage.

The main control services in the bank are the internal control and internal audit service. Considering the specifics of the tasks solved by these services, they must have the status of the highest executive body, or be under the supervisory body of the Joint Stock Company, depending on which of these bodies are not on legal status, but actually has real power in the management of this commercial structure and Carries full responsibility for its activities. At the same time, in any case, the internal audit service should be subordinate to the first leaders of these authorities.

The scheme of the structure of the VTB24 organization is presented in Figure 2.1. (The figure adopted conventions: a solid line - submission, dotted line - control).

Figure 2.1 Scheme of the organizational structure of the VTB24 bank

Bank management bodies are: General Meeting of Shareholders, Supervisory Board of the Bank, Collegial Executive Body - Board of the Bank, Sole Executive Body - President, Chairman of the Bank's Board.

The general meeting of shareholders is the highest branch of the Bank. Shareholders may be legal and (or) individuals. The competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders includes the following questions:

1) introducing changes and additions to the Charter of the Bank;

2) reorganization of the bank;

3) the liquidation of the bank, the appointment of the liquidation commission;

4) election of members of the Supervisory Board of the Bank;

5) the election of the President, Chairman of the Board of the Bank and the early termination of its powers;

The Supervisory Board of the Bank carries out the overall management of the Bank's activities. The competence of the Supervisory Board of the Bank includes the following questions:

1) determining the priority areas of the Bank's activities;

2) convocation of the annual and extraordinary general meeting of shareholders;

3) approval of internal documents of the bank, etc.;

4) the discovery and closure of branches, the opening of the Bank's representative offices.

The Board is headed by the President - Chairman of the Board. The term of office of the President - the Chairman of the Board and other members of the Management Board is determined by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Bank on the formation of the executive bodies of the Bank, but may not exceed five years.

The Board, together with the President of the Board of the Bank, managing the current activities of the Bank.

The competence of the Bank's Management Board includes the issues of management of the Bank's current activities:

· Organization of implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Bank;

· Consideration of the bank's reporting, including reporting prepared in accordance with international accounting standards, making decisions on the publication of this financial statements;

· Decisions on the opening (closing) of additional offices and operating offices of the bank.

The Bank's internal control system includes:

Management (General Meeting of Shareholders, Supervisory Board; President-Chairman of the Board - Sole Executive Body; Board - Collegiate Executive Body);

Audit committee;

Chief Accountant (his deputies) of the Bank;

The branch manager (his deputies) and the chief accountant of the branch (his deputies);

Structural units (responsible employees) of the Bank, carrying out internal control in accordance with the powers determined by the bank's internal regulatory acts.

Currently, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank - Kostin Andrei Leonidovich. The Board of Directors of the Bank includes: Herbert Moos, Zadornov Mikhail Mikhailovich, Kostin Andrei Leonidovich, Oseevsky Mikhail Eduardovich, Perevina Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Pyun Igor Ivanovich, Puchkov Andrei Sergeevich and Titov Vasily Nikolaevich.

The Board of VTB 24 (CJSC) is headed by the President-Chairman of the Board Mikhail Zadornov, in addition to him, 8 leaders of the Board are included in the executive body: Vorobyev Vyacheslav Viktorovich (Deputy President-Chairman of the Board, Director of the Network Department), Peacekin Mikhail Mikhailovich (Deputy President-Chairman Board, Director of the Communication Department), Melenkin Aleksandr Viktorovich (member of the Board, Director of the Financial Department), Plesina Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Deputy President-Chairman of the Board, Director of the Retail Business Department), Protnikov Anatoly Yuryevich (Deputy President-Chairman of the Board), Rusanov Sergey Georgievich ( Member of the Board, Director of the Department of Banking and Information Technologies), Sokolov Alexander Konstantinovich (Member of the Board, Director of the Risk Analysis Department) and Chulkov Valery Vladimirovich (member of the Board, Director of the Operations Department).

The head office of the VTB24 Bank (CJSC) is located at the address: city Moscow, Street Measnitskaya, House 35.In the head office there are main divisions of the bank: Department of Network, Retail Business Department, Department of Mortgage Lending, Small Business Customer Service Department, Risk Analysis Department, Investment Department, Department of WIP clients.

Business support is carried out by: Finance Department, Client Services Department, Operational Department, Department of Banking and Information Technologies, Department of Personnel and Corporate Development.

The Financial Department conducts an accounting design of monetary and financial operations, reflects all the operations produced in the Bank of Accounting and Reporting, and also monitors compliance with financial discipline.

The Credit Committee is the main body ensuring the implementation of the Bank's policies and the provision of loans.

shareholder Bank Codec Market

I, Novichkova Elena Alexandrovna, became your client, your bank in (May 6. Numbers 2011.) By order No. 13, and received the amount of the loan type "Type of Credit- Auto Standard" -213.252.50. rub. Code ÜK 2B4204. and 15% per annum. The type of interest rate is threatening. Credit agreement No. 621 / 0006-0012799. Next, a pledge agreement No. 621 / 0006-0012799-Z01. This loan agreement was successfully repaid. (Quantity is paid ... Card blocking Secondly block the salary card without a reason 2nd month in a row. For posts before the bank there is no salary card. When you call a hotline of the bank, the reason for blocking the card can not explain not anyone can It is said that there are no debts and contact the Bank's office. In the office of the bank they say that it would call for a hot line. illegal blocking of the map Good day! Please understand the illegal blocking of my bank card 4272 2902 1396 6963.

((GetInfotext ()))

Komsomolskaya, D.1 for translation d / s on the card of your bank account without a client map. Waited for more than an hour. So far I have not begun to raise your voice on your employees, no one deigned to do me.

All your employees in the Podolsk department are engaged in the fact that credit cards are trying to "push", the rest of their customers are not interested. They do not understand what they do. Different people on the same questions are responsible in different ways.
Or close the office or type more competent workers. Svetlana 89629389552 The chaos appealed to your bank on Savushkina 131 and in the shock of service we stood in the queue of 1 hour 30 minutes.
Then we were invited when we were already talking when someone would deal with. All that we did is the right visit to 350 thousand.
Rub. Everything else is today Thursday 01/19/2017 Money on account No 3 mistakes for 5 days Translation for some reason on 300 thousand.

Bank VTB 24 (Public Joint Stock Company)

SMS about what is obliged to pay 225 rubles per classic package. On November 11, I again turned in ... Introduction and accrual interest on Mortgage loan Kazantseva Yevgeny Igorevna, Mortgage agreement No. 623 / 3500-0000483.


Contract number (Insurance) V02650-0006144 Under the terms of the mortgage agreement, I must pay for insurance in a timely manner. I paid the insurance premium in advance, 08/15/2016 the number of the receipt 39033975, the amount of 29396 p.

And she passed a copy of the payment document to the insurance manager in extras. Office


Mytishchi, the manager said that he would give payment information to the Department of Mortgage Lending. This is the third year of payment of the insurance premium ... Jamb with a mortgage.

Tin! The case came with a friend! Muravlenko city, Tyumen region, this is the north. The woman began selling an apartment, found a buyer! She moved to work in Tyumen, so KV and decided to sell.

Complaint on VTB


The linear functional structure combines the benefits of linear and functional structures. The system-forming are vertical connections that are divided by: 1.

Main (linear) - by means of which the guide carries out direct control of subordinates. The linear manager determines the main tasks at a particular point in time and concrete performers.

Linear bonds are directed from top to bottom and adjustable with the help of orders, decrees, orders. 2. Additional (functional) are a deliberative character.

For these ties, organizational units may give orders to employees of the lower level on their competence. The organizational structure of CJSC VTB 24 is presented in Fig.1.1.

The leadership of VTB 24 (CJSC) is carried out by the Board, which is headed by President Chairman of the Board.

VTB 24 - ul. Myasnitskaya, d. 35, Moscow

Calls we tortured calls. Require for the telephone Dmitrieva Anatoly Nikolayevich ... We do not live like that. Man gave our number. We explained - it is useless! Your employees do not understand, worry in the mornings on weekends and late in the evening! When will it stop ??? Go to the address and look for the one who you need.
If the calls do not stop - I will complain everywhere and everywhere, that was a science for negligent bank workers! Cheating and wonders from pensioners VTB-24 employees behave incorrectly and inappropriate towards pensioners. Having retireed, I began to go to the head office VTB to pass salary cards and terminate the contract. Unfortunately, reacted with confidence in the employee who explained the purpose of his visit. The girl assured me that the cards were closed and I should not have anything. And in a month, at the end of October 2016


It must be specified when using which credit product there was a described problem when it happened and concisely state the text of the application, putting in the designated 5 thousand characters. You can attach electronic documents to the form, no more than 12 MB.

  • Specify personal and contact details.
  • Check the accuracy of the information specified in the Internet reception, and confirm the desire to send the form to the Central Bank.

Important! The result of the consideration of the claim and the rate of receipt of the response from the Central Bank largely depends on how correctly the information is set forth. Financial Ombudsman In most cases, customers are not satisfied with the methods that use collectors when collecting debts. But non-compliance with the law regulating such activities is a reason to apply to the financial ombudsman - Pavel Alekseevich Medvedev.

VTB 24

Credit management conducts a single credit policy; forms a high-quality and high-profit loan portfolio; Develops recommendations on improving the Bank's strategy in the field of resource accommodation, organizes bank lending in rubles and foreign currencies of legal entities and individuals. The retail lending department is organizing lending to individuals in accordance: the requirements of the Regulations on consumer lending to individuals, develops and implements new credit products, conducts a single credit policy, forms a qualitative and high-profitable loan portfolio, the department of commercial lending - conducts a single credit policy; Organizes and carries out lending to the Bank in rubles and foreign currencies of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, credit institutions and non-bank institutions.

If we are talking about minor violations (for example, the disclosure of confidential information), you can use the online service of https://ipriem.genproc.gov.ru/contacts/ipriem/ by sending an appeal to its territorial unit. In the proposed form, you will need to specify your personal data, make the text of the claim and choose a way to get an answer from the options proposed by the system. Video: VTB Bank illegally imposes insurance legislative base to complain to the actions of VTB Bank employees, one can rely on the following legislative acts:

  1. FZ "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" of January 17, 1992. N 2202-1-FZ.
  2. FZ "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" of 07/02/1992 N 2300-1 (ed. From 07/03/2016).
  3. FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" of 10.07.2002 № 86.
  4. FZ "On the procedure for considering the appeals of citizens of the Russian Federation" of 02.05.2006

Made. You scored a photo of models that do not know how to work where we look for our money and for which we paid 3000 thousand. Rules for hemorrhoids, fraud and endless negligence is warned, it means armed ...

Asset Management? People investing their own capital want to have a high income at the exit, an order of magnitude exceeding the deposit. They can invest capital in VTB 24 in Pyp. What are the following actions? The answer is to increase shares. How does it benefit from investigating funds? First, it is necessary to figure out what is management of assets from VTB 24 and mutual impact, but only after that it is looking for the safest and most profitable way to make a transaction.

Who manages?

Assets are managed by qualified employees belonging to the financial sector. Their task is to make a profit as much as possible. Also necessarily take measures to reduce all alleged risks. If these conditions are non-compliance, the transaction can become unfavorable, which will cause losses incurred by investors. With a literate holding of the diversification process, a large profit will be obtained, significantly exceeding the market even when the company will work below the alleged level.

Pyp specificity in VTB 24

Having preferred PIPs from VTB 24, you need to pre-compare yield, and this is mandatory. It is also necessary to draw attention to the fact that there are two ways: an independent conduct of the procedure or the abnormilence of its professionals knowing the lot in such matters.

First you need to figure out what kind of umbilical assets management in VTB 24? It is the accumulation of capital of individuals and legal entities that are investors. In the future, they are called shareholders. What is the essence of the program? Thanks to major money sums, it is possible to participate in similar procedures at the trust level, like trading in the financial market. Revenues are obtained by PIPs without any risks. When the reporting period ends, Pypham specialists receive their profits, subsequently divided between shareholders. Of course, the income also receives the management company. The percentage of this profits is listed to persons who carried out a financial procedure, depending on what was written during the conclusion of the agreement on the transaction. The assets management of the Commercial Bank VTB 24 is now very popular.

What is it? represent assets with high liquidity of the following sample:

  • bonds and promotions with both a state of state and without;
  • securities and precious metals of foreign issuers;
  • deposits and Eurobonds of Financial Companies.

Differences between funds

Between all the funds there are certain differences in the specifics of the work and in the structure of the appropriate profile. The state of the industry is reflected in the structure of the disease. Also contributors it is necessary to consider that such transactions are capable of bringing great profits, and in principle, not to become a source of income. In this case, the deposit is not refundable. In this case, the cause becomes the fall of quotations. Therefore, before the attachment of its capital, it is necessary to assess the estimated risks. That is why it is best to get expert advice. What is the method of managing asset management VTB 24?

FIF "Treasury VTB 24"

There is an established goal in investing funds in the tool segment. In this case, a fixed income is envisaged. What are his advantages? The fact is that they focus on the preservation of investor funds. At the same time, profitability looks like this: the acquisition of state, subfederal, corporate bonds, which have a fairly high degree of credit quality.

Credit Expertise

The yield and risk are stabilized by preliminary credit expertise. The active duration control is also important, which depends directly from the opinion of the manager, which assess the dynamics of interest rates, depending on market indicators. What is a similar system based on? Originally conducted a scrupulous analysis of issuers. There is also a valid process in macroeconomics and in the territory of the Russian Federation, and around the world. In this case, investment time is from one year. The interest rate ranges from 0.09 to 0.55 per day. To purchase more relevant information, you need to visit the official website of the financial organization or contact the financial segment employee.

"VTB 24 Capital" - Asset Management

The yield of VTB 24 mutually obvious. Such a program is quite in demand among the clientele of a financial institution, which is engaged in a search for an embodiment of income in this area, but does not have adequate knowledge for independent implementation procedure. In this case, PAI is an excellent option that does not require a scrupulous work, as well as high time costs. This issues for a certain remuneration can have a specially trained financial institution. Why exactly in VTB 24 assets management attracts special attention of customers?

As an example, you can take an electric power supply fund. Investing at the same time, it intends to contribute to the shares of relevant companies. It is done for long-term capital gains. At the same time, assets can be placed in ordinary shares, and in privileged. Duration of action - from two years. A specialist engaged in such a program first develops strategies and analyzes graphs. In this case, the risks are excluded almost completely. Each depositor still has to understand that there is no one hundred percent warranty.

The yield of assets management in VTB 24 varies in the range of 0.09 to 0.55% per day.

How can I become an investor?

To purchase pairs, you need to register your "personal account" in the system. To do this, visit the Branch of VTB 24, as well as provide bank employees all documents. Such a procedure lasts no more than fifteen minutes. In the future, the investor conducts its actions in the financial organization system through the "Personal Account" on the official website. Due to this, the level of service increases, and it is possible to ensure security, since for all financial operations it is necessary to enter the code sent to the phone number, which is specified during registration. The VTB 24 client can cooperate with organizations such as "solid management", "Investment Partners" and "Capital Activities of VTB 24".

The size of the insured amount is doubled - from 700 thousand to 1 million 400 thousand rubles. Even if the bank will experience difficulties - the state guarantees the return of this amount. Deputies also reviewed other important bills designed to support the stability of the financial system.

To ensure stable operation of the banking system, it is planned to be allocated from the budget to the Insurance Agency one trillion rubles. So that these funds are not thrown into the foreign exchange market, the Accounts Chamber will strictly monitor their spending.

If there is a need, deputies will be able to receive information about the movement of funds in daily mode. As the Minister of Finance explained, this giant amount is a trillion rubles - will first go to the Deposit Insurance Agency, and then it can be spent on assisting banks, but not everyone, and the most important players for regions or sectors of the economy.

"Will be selected by banks, based on systemic significance, that is, based on the amount of calculations that the bank produces, from the volume of deposits that the bank has, and on the basis of the need for capital support. Trillion will give the opportunity to increase the capital of the banking system by about 13%. But I want to say that this is not live money. This is the money that we invest in the capital and get back bonds of banks. This money will be returned to the QA and ultimately to the budget, "said the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov .

This money is necessary that banks can pay among themselves, to lend enterprises and fulfill obligations to private clients.

"An important question is a question about the decapitalization of banks in the amount of 1 trillion rubles. Measure is definitely necessary, important, it inspires certain optimism for people, they may not worry about their contributions," said the Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation on the security of health, a member Fractions of the LDPR Sergey Kalashnikov.

On another law, large banks will be able to get almost 400 billion rubles from the National Welfare Fund.

In addition, an important amendment was adopted to increase the insurance indemnity on deposits of exactly 2 times with 700 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles.

"In 2008, this measure to raise the amount of insurance compensation played a very important stabilizing role. Let's hope that this time the same thing happens," said Bank analyst Dmitry Miroshnichenko.

"This will definitely increase the attractiveness of bank deposits for the population, deposits of ruble and partly this will remove the excitement in the population to foreign currency. According to my estimates, this year the population remains 2-3 trillion. Rubles that they had to bring on the ruble deposits, But did not do this, "says Professor Nou-HSE Alexander Abramov.

Contributions not exceeding 1 million 400 thousand - in 90% of customers of Russian banks.

"This is very important for any development of events. Despite the fact that the state supports the banking system, but even if it suddenly happens to any bank, all the means of citizens will be fully secured financially, secured by law. These funds will be provided by the amendments to Law and Budget, "says the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, a member of the United Russia faction, Andrei Makarov.

"The main task is to inspire our people that their savings will not be lost in any case, so an increase of up to 1 million 400 thousand deposits of Russians in banks is the first step. I am sure that there will be more additional steps, but today deposits in Russian banks are guaranteed The state, they are protected by this law and this increased rate, "notes the member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for transport, Deputy Head of the Fair Russia faction Oleg Nilov.

"This rule must be distributed not only to personal deposits, but also to the accounts of the middle and small business. If a normal small business, then he has no more than a million in accounts or one and a half million. They must also be taken under warranties," says Member of the DG Committee Health Protection, First Deputy Head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Sergey Solulysky.

But so far the law on deposit insurance extends only to individuals. Thus, soon, in the case of a license revocation, its depositors will be able to count on the return amount to 1 million 400 thousand rubles. All these documents did the Duma took the day without waiting for the evening hour of voting.

"We have to tell all people: Calm down. Those who today encourage you to buy dollars, those who today tell you that the government and parliament, the state does not take any measures - provocateurs. And no matter what purposes they do it. Those Who wants to make money on the market or those who want to get political dividends on your fears. This is what we are talking about. And this is not a high talk style, this is a professional conversation style. For one simple reason that you can throw a few false digits, but I understand Perfect to refute each of these numbers, you need hours of performances, and you are not interested in listening to the truth, you want to cheap now to try to earn voter popularity, "says Andrei Makarov.

The laws will take effect today - they must go through the Federation Council, and then they will be sent to the signature to the President. The market has already reacted to new bills and other solutions to the growth of the ruble exchange rate and raising rates on ruble deposits.

"Given the situation on the situation in the financial market, VTB-24 bank decided to raise the bid on ruble deposits. On average, the rates will be increased by 2.5 points," says Vice-President VTB-24 Yuri Kozlov.

In Sberbank, the maximum contribution rate in rubles exceeds 10% (10, 29%), VTB -24 -12% (12.5%) in Gazprombank - 9% (9.40%), in the Bank of Moscow, 14%, In Rosselkhozbank, 17%, Alpha Bank, 19% (19.56%).

"High interest rates on deposits will attract investors into ruble assets, will reduce interest in dollar assets. The dollarization of the housekeeper will cease to occur, the demand for rubles will be increased," said Timur Nigmatullin financial analyst.

The Central Bank considers adopted measures sufficient to reduce the pressure on credit institutions. And the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov in the evening stated in an interview with the TASS agency that the provision of Russian banks by 1 trillion. rubles with a margin will cover the needs of credit institutions at any circumstance.

The credit institution was established in 1990 under the name "Bank of Foreign Trade RF" (later - Vneshtorgbank, now - VTB). Until III quarter of 2002, a package of 99.9% of the Bank's shares was owned by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which within the framework of the banking sector reform transferred it to the Ministry of Property Relations of Russia. In May 2007, VTB Bank successfully conducted an IPO. In the course of the primary public placement, 17.7% of the shares bought institutional Russian and foreign investors, 4.8% - about 120 thousand individuals. In September 2009, detergent was conducted, according to which the share of the state in the authorized capital reached 85.5%. At the time of the IPO, the capitalization of VTB amounted to 35.5 billion US dollars. In May 2013, VTB carried out additional issues of stocks of 102.5 billion rubles, following which he reported a decrease in the share of the state owned before (through the Federal Agency for State Property Management) of 75.5% of shares, up to 60.9%; The remaining stocks are in free handling.

In 1999, the Bank of Russia secured in capital and supported the liquidity of Vneshtorgbank to eliminate the consequences of the 1998 crisis (VTB Capital was negative). The GUTA-Bank interbank crisis did not have the consequences of the Interbank Crisis of 2004 (now the "daughter" VTB - VTB 24) was also restructured on the funds of the Bank of Russia and with its active support. Since 2002, after the transfer of VTB shares from the Central Bank to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Bank is headed by Andrei Kostin, who held a similar position in Vnesheconombank, as well as who worked in the National Reserve Bank owned by a businessman who was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and now the regional deputy Alexander Lebedev.

From January 2005, the Bank is a member of the Mandatory Insurance System of Individuals. In the same year, I changed the Moscow "registration" to St. Petersburg, and also received from the bank of Russia a good inheritance in the form of a system of Sovgranbanks of the former USSR (Mosnarbank, BSEN-Eurobank, Ost-West Handelsbank and East Westuminaced Bank). The state banking group formed in 2006 (VTB Group) today unites over 20 credit and financial companies in 17 CIS countries, Europe, Asia and Africa.

In October 2012, VTB consolidated 99.6% of TransCreditbank shares, and in November 2013, a complete transition of corporate and retail business banks to VTB and VTB 24 was completed, and the TKB brand stopped existence.

In early 2011, VTB acquired the main part of the shares of the Bank of Moscow. On May 10, 2016, the reorganization of the Bank of Moscow was completed in the form of accession to VTB Bank, within the framework of which the main part of the business was transferred to the latter. After integration, a separate retail direction was formed - VTB Bank of Moscow, which includes maintenance of customers - individuals and small business representatives. VTB Bank of Moscow makes a special emphasis on the introduction of innovative, high-tech products and services, in particular, quite active in the consumer lending market, bank cards and mortgages. As part of the integration of clients of VTB Bank, more than 10 million individuals and small business enterprises have become.

In addition, on the basis of the regional Bezhnitsa Bank (the former "daughter" of the Bank of Moscow) was launched by the so-called "light bank" - "Summer Bank", focused on express lending, issuing credit cards and cash loans. In 2015, it was decided to create a new Mail Bank on the basis of the Bank, in which the VTB Group today retains control (50% plus one share owned by VTB Bank 24), and the second shareholder is the subsidiary of Russian Post.

Currently, the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosim Property Management Agency) owns 60.93% of VTB Bank, 2.95% of the shares are controlled by the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SNFAR), 2.47% belongs to the Swiss bank Credit Suisse, 3.50% - Alfa-Bank JSC, 1.91% - Rosselkhozbank JSC. Minoritarian shareholders own 28.2% of the shares of the credit institution. Ordinary shares of the Bank are treated on the Moscow Stock Exchange, as well as on the London Stock Exchange in the form of global depositary receipts.

PJSC "Bank VTB" is the head bank of the VTB Group, which today includes more than 20 credit and financial companies. As of October 1, 2017, the regional network of VTB Bank has 43 branches. Branches are open in 20 cities of Russia, two branches - in India and China. One representative office is located in Italy, China and Kyrgyzstan. On the basis of branches, nine branches of VTB Bank (in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow (two branches), St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar) are openly on the basis of branches. According to the latest available data, the piston number of VTB Bank has exceeded 12 thousand people.

The main specialization of VTB Bank is historically maintaining corporate clients. In this segment, the main directions are the comprehensive service of groups of companies with revenue over 10 billion rubles in the "market" industries and the maintenance of large customers of the construction industry, state and defense sectors, as well as work with the Middle Business. The last direction includes providing customers with a revenue from 300 million to 10 billion rubles a wide range of standard banking services, as well as specialized service of municipal business companies. Comprehensive services to corporate clients include remote banking services, warranty, documentary and depository operations, operations on the stock exchange market, work with precious metals, etc. Client Base VTB has about 4 thousand large corporate clients and borrowers, among which you can Select companies such as Gazprom, Rosneft OJSC, OAO MOESK, Atomstroyexport OJSC, Saturn OJSC, NPK OJSC, Polymetal OJSC, OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK, OAO " TMK ", OJSC" SUEK ", OJSC" Rostelecom ", GK" Synergy ", GK" Metal Technology ", GK" Russian Sea ", GK" Dixie ", X5 Retail Group NV," Seventh Continent "," M. Video "," Children's World "," Sportmaster ". In 2016, companies and organizations such as Novorossiysk Sea Trade Port, Baltic Leasing, Unified Basketball League, "RussNeft", Sia International, Mosenergosbyt, Indian Group Essar, Essar, enterprises of the Uralchim Group, , RusHydro structures, LenEnergo, Evraz Group, Gazprom Neft, NOVATEK and others.

As a result of the integration with the Bank of Moscow, from May 2016, VTB Bank carries out maintenance of retail customers (earlier retail direction, as well as small business focused in another bank VTB group - VTB 24). VTB Bank is currently providing individuals and small business representatives a full range of banking services, including credit and deposit products, RKOs, foreign currency and documentary operations, remote service services. On November 2, 2016, the VTB Supervisory Board decided to join the VTB 24 bank to VTB, which was planned to be completed by the end of 2017. In October 2017, Mikhail Zadornov said that the legal association of structures will occur on January 9, 2018. Official accession of VTB 24 occurred on January 1, 2018.

From January to December 2017, the net assets of the VTB Bank slightly decreased (-1.2%), reaching 9.4 trillion rubles at the beginning of December. Despite the not too significant change in the volume of business, a noticeable dynamics was observed in the bank's liabilities structure. The bank repaid almost 1 trillion rubles, or more than a third of its interbank debt. Repayment fully affected loans from the Central Bank, the volume of which decreased to minor marks. Most of the fundamental funds were replaced by budget funds in the form of deposits of the Federal Treasury and financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Also, the means of non-governmental organizations, the contributions of individuals and their own capital of the bank demonstrated the positive trend. In the structure of assets, the bank almost reduced the securities portfolio and almost as much in absolute expression increased loans to enterprises and organizations. At the same time, the retail portfolio also demonstrated a positive trend. Together with major repayments in liabilities, the Bank has somewhat reduced the supply of highly liquid assets (-15% since the beginning of 2017).

To finance their active operations, VTB uses several key sources of funds: funds of enterprises and organizations attracted by the MBC. At the end of the period in the structure of liabilities, these sources were formed 44.4% and 17.4%, respectively. Another important source of funds for a credit organization is its own capital, the sufficiency of which, in accordance with the N1.0 standard, was 11.0% on December 1, 2017 (at a minimum of 8%). On issued bonds and bills account for another 1.5% of liabilities. It is worth noting that in 2016 the bank for liquidity management has begun placement on the market of a new tool - one-day bonds. Turns on customer accounts in 2017, on average, stably kept at the level of 13-20 trillion rubles per month.

As the main groups of bank assets, the MBC issued 11.4% of net assets issued, the articles of other assets - 8.2%, investments in the capital of other organizations - 9.8%, investments in bonds - 7.5%, highly liquid Assets - 2.6%. But the main part is 55.3%, ─ falls on the loan portfolio, which from the beginning of 2017 increased by 5.8%, reaching 5.2 trillion rubles by December 1. The loan portfolio for 95.4% is formed by loans provided to legal entities. The volume of overdue loan debt on the aggregate portfolio from the beginning of 2017 decreased by 6.5%. The share of delay in the portfolio decreased from 2.8% to 2.5%. During the same period, the level of reservation of the loan portfolio has grown from 3.7% to 4.0%. The level of provision of the loan portfolio was traditionally low, since the beginning of 2017 decreased from 38.5% to 35.2%.

The credit institution is an active participant in the IBC market, both lending and attracting liquidity, but generally advocates net lender. Monthly turnover on placed MBC in 2017 was on average at the level of 3-5 trillion rubles, according to the 7-3.0 trillion rubles. In transactions for attracting liquidity in the money market, the Bank regularly uses a bond portfolio from which the reporting date in a pledge on repo operations was about 16.5%.

In January - November 2017, the credit institution received a net profit of 90.1 billion rubles under RAS, which exceeded the result of only 2016 (70.0 billion rubles).

As of December 1, 2017, among banks operating in Russia, the Bank VTB PJSC occupied a second position in the amount of net assets and in terms of the total credit portfolio.

Supervisory Board:Anton Siluanov (Chairman), Sergey Dubinin, Mattias Varnig, Sergey Galitsky, Yv-Tibo de Sylgi, Andrei Kostin, Shahmar Arif Ogly Movsumov, Nikolai Podgov, Valery Petrov, Vladimir Chilyukhin, Andrei Sharonov.

Governing body:Andrei Kostin (Chairman), Yuri Soloviev, Anatoly Protnikov, Herbert Moos, Andrei Puchkov, Denis Bortnikov, Vladimir Verkhhinsky, Maxim Kondratenko, Olga Dergunova, Valery Lukyanenko, Erkin Norov, Mikhail Sukhov, Mikhail Zadornov, Gennady Soldatenkov.

* The VTB Group includes more than 20 credit and financial companies operating in all major segments of the financial market. In the CIS countries, the Group is represented in Armenia, in Ukraine, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. VTB banks in Austria, Germany and France work within the framework of the European subchelding headed by VTB Bank (Austria). In addition, the Group has subsidiaries and associate banks in the UK, in Cyprus, in Serbia, Georgia and Angola, as well as one branch of VTB Bank in China and India, two branches of VTB Capital PLS in Singapore and Dubai.

Consolidated assets of the VTB Group as of September 30, 2017 accounted for 12.9 trillion rubles (+ 2.4% since the beginning of 2017), own funds - 1.5 trillion rubles (+ 2.6%), net profit for 9 months 2017 - 75.3 billion rubles (for the same period of 2016 - 34.1 billion rubles).

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