
Financial pyramid companies. Hype pyramids. What modern financial pyramids look like

In Ukraine, and on the suspension of the work of offices. MMM-2011 refutes the information about the collapse, stating that there are only "certain problems with unprofitable structures."

One of the largest Russian "financial pyramids". The MMM association was registered in 1992 by Sergei Mavrodi and specialized in accepting deposits from the public in exchange for its own shares.

During the five years of MMM's existence, the company has produced 27 million shares and 72 million tickets. During its heyday, MMM OJSC promised an income of 200% per month. The number of the company's investors amounted to various estimates, from 10 to 15 million people.

In the summer of 1994, information appeared in the media that tax service Russia and the tax police during the audit of one of the structures of JSC "MMM" revealed "gross violations tax legislation", and ordered to recover 49.9 billion rubles to the budget. Mavrodi refused to pay the fine: the company insisted that all taxes had been paid. Conflict with tax authorities provoked a panic among investors who began to get rid of shares and tickets.

On September 2, 1997, OJSC "MMM" was declared bankrupt by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court. The founder of the pyramid, Sergei Mavrodi, was sentenced in 2007 to 4.5 years in prison. On May 22, 2007, he was released, having served the allotted time in prison during the investigation. According to the capital department of the FSSP, for 2009 on the performance of Moscow bailiffs there were more than 800 executive documents on the recovery of about 300 million rubles from Sergei Mavrodi in favor of the affected depositors. In total, more than 10 thousand citizens throughout Russia were recognized as victims in the MMM case.

Moscow bailiffs were able to recover 18.7 million rubles from the founder of the "financial pyramid", but these funds are not enough to satisfy the material damage of all claimants.

According to bailiffs, the total debt of the MMM founder to citizens is almost five billion rubles.


The Vlastilina enterprise was opened in 1992 in Podolsk (Moscow region) by Valentina Solovieva and soon began to accept deposits from citizens. In particular, a depositor who provided an amount equal to half the cost of a new Russian-made passenger car could expect to receive vehicle within a month. In 1994, the company began to accept money for deposits(including currency), as well as contributions to apartments. Around the same time, interruptions in payments began, and not one of the apartment contracts was fulfilled at all.

In 1995, Solovieva was arrested and taken into custody. In 1999 she was sentenced to seven years in prison, and in 2000 she was released on parole at the request of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of the Moscow Region (“for good work and behavior”).

16,000 clients were recognized as victims in the case, losing a total of 536.7 billion rubles and 2.6 million dollars.

"Russian House Selenga"

The Selenga Russian House company was founded in 1992 in Volgograd by Sergey Gruzin and Alexander Salomadin. During the year, the company opened 73 branches and 800 agencies throughout the country. Funds received from citizens were directed, in particular, to the development of the RDS-Avia company and the Russian Trade supermarket chain, as well as publishing houses, motor transport enterprises and travel companies. In 1994, the company began to have problems with payments on deposits. In 1996, Gruzin and Salomadin were arrested, in 2000 they were each sentenced to nine years in prison, but in 2001 they were released on parole.

According to law enforcement agencies, 2.4 million people were deceived, and the total amount of money received from them amounted to more than 2.8 trillion non-denominated rubles (of which almost a third was spent on maintaining the company).

Concern "Tibet"

In 1993, Vladimir Dryamov organized in Moscow and a number of regions of the country points for accepting deposits from the population, functioning under the guise of the Tibet concern, and in 1994 embezzled the collected funds and disappeared abroad. In 1998, Dryamov was arrested in Greece and extradited to Russia; in 2001 he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but in 2002 the sentence was commuted to nine years.

According to law enforcement agencies, at least 130,000 citizens were deceived, and the total amount of stolen money was at least 17 billion non-denominated rubles.


The Khoper-invest company was established in 1992 in Volgograd by mother and son Leah and Lev Konstantinov and was a regional network of points for accepting cash deposits from individuals. Part of the funds received was directed to the development of a number of projects, in particular, the Lyulka-Saturn design bureau and the Kuznetsky Most model house, the other was exchanged for currency and, using various fraudulent schemes, was exported to Finland and Israel.

In 1997, Leah Konstantinova was arrested and in 2001 sentenced to eight years in prison (released on parole), while Lev Konstantinov left for Israel in 1995.

According to law enforcement agencies, more than 4 million people were deceived, and the total amount of funds received from them amounted to more than 3 trillion non-denominated rubles.

Business Club "RuBin" (CJSC "SUN")

According to information posted on the holding's website, the Rubin business club has been operating for 12 years. However, as the investigation will later establish, work on the market for 12 years does not correlate with the facts of registration and tax registration (2005 and 2006). Business-club "Rubin" was active in attracting funds from the population.

In order to join Rubin, it was enough to deposit 3,000 rubles. The proposed project guaranteed a return to the investor of 25% per annum - with a deposit of 3 thousand rubles and 50% - with a deposit of 30 thousand rubles.

At the same time, contributors were involved in the search for new project participants.

The first signs of the collapse of the pyramid appeared on February 18, 2008, when all the documents were taken out of the organization's office, allegedly in connection with the check of the Economic Crime Control Department, and the company's staff programmer destroyed all the information on the computers. Since that time, all settlements with depositors have been stopped.

February 27, 2008 by the Investigation Department at the Internal Affairs Directorate Central region Petersburg, a criminal case was initiated against the business club "RuBin" on the grounds of a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, on the fact of embezzlement by unidentified persons from among the employees of OOO "SAN" (CJSC "SAN") of citizens' funds in a special large size on total amount at least 1 million rubles under the pretext of participation in the investment project Business Club "RuBin".

In June 2008, the investigation issued a decision to bring the head of Rubin, Alexander Polshchenko, as a defendant under the fourth part of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud. Polshchenko was put on the federal wanted list, his property was seized.

Damage caused by the fraudulent scheme preliminary estimates, is measured in tens of billions of rubles, and the number of victims in Russia alone exceeds 100 thousand people.

The largest financial pyramids abroad

Company "India"

It is generally accepted that the creator of the first financial pyramid was John Law (John Law de Lauriston, born in 1671 in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh). As French finance minister, chairman of a state bank, and head of the world's first open joint-stock company, John Law went down in history as the inventor of the pyramid scheme.

One of the projects that Law created at the end of 1717 was the "Company of the Indies".

The Indium Company was created as a joint-stock company and was supposed to direct its resources to the development of colonies belonging to France along the Mississippi River.

To begin with, 200,000 shares were issued, each worth 500 livres each. The main feature of these shares was that those wishing to buy them could pay not only with banknotes and coins, but also with state obligations, which were quoted on the market below par.

Just a few months later, there was an insane demand for the company's shares. Soon the 500-livre notes rose in price to 10,000, then to 12-15,000. Most of the money raised by the company was invested in bonds public debt. And at the beginning of 1720, John Law was appointed the state controller of finances. However, this is where the problems with the liquidity of securities began. Merchants and speculators began to get rid of banknotes and shares. Hundreds of thousands of stocks poured into the market. In the autumn of 1720 the company was declared bankrupt. Law began to be hunted by crowds of people demanding the return of their money. In mid-December 1720, Law had to secretly flee from France. All his property was soon confiscated and used to satisfy creditors.

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC

The company was founded by Bernard Madoff in 1960 on Wall Street and had the status of one of the most profitable and reliable investment funds in the United States. According to the company itself, it managed over $17 billion in capital.

Madoff's pyramid collapsed after the financier revealed the whole truth about the fraud to his sons Mark and Andrew, who are high-ranking employees of his now closed financial company who passed this information on to the authorities.

Deceived citizens and financial institutions invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Madoff's business.

The list of deceived investors included not only the wealthiest US citizens and celebrities, but also the world's largest banks - BNP Paribas, HSBC, Credit Agricole, Societe Generale, Natixis, Nomura, Royal Bank of Scotland, UniCredit.

In June 2009, Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison. At that time he was 71 years old. In court, he admitted that he had been defrauding investors and regulators for 20 years. He did not make any transactions, but simply transferred all the money to his bank account, issuing funds from it at the request of clients in the form of "profit".

Stanford International Bank

Stanford International Bank of Texas billionaire Allen Stanford ran a fraudulent scheme for 15 years based on the sale of certificates of deposit guaranteeing high percent profitability. Investors bought these papers, believing in the promises of "incredible and unreasonably high stakes percent".

In June 2009, the financier was taken into custody. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Stanford with fraudulent transactions. The commission assessed that Stanford, his family and friends "committed a major fraud based on false promises" and fabricated data from past years in order to deceive investors.

According to prosecutors, Stanford embezzled about $7 billion from investors. With this money, he led a luxurious lifestyle, started various business projects and bribed regulators to help him cover up his criminal schemes.

In March 2012, a court in the US city of Houston found Texas billionaire Allen Stanford accused of fraud on 13 of 14 counts.

Stanford, 61, faces up to 20 years in prison on the most serious charges, but if he serves consecutive prison terms, he could spend much more time behind bars.

Since 2000, the L&G company, founded by Kazutsugi Nami, began to collect investors' money at 36%. Those who invested more than 10 thousand dollars could receive dividends of 900 dollars every three months. The company promised to make all of humanity millionaires thanks to its system and functioned well until 2007, then stopped issuing dividends and replenishing accounts, and did not return deposits. At the time of the arrest of the executives, there were only 300 million yen ($3 million) in the company's accounts.

L&G managed to raise 128.5 billion yen ($1.43 billion). 37,000 gullible investors suffered. On March 18, 2010, the Tokyo District Court sentenced the president of Japan's largest financial pyramid, 76-year-old Kazutsugi Nami, to 18 years in prison.

Yingkou Donghua Trading

During 2002-2005, the founder of Yingkou Donghua Trading, Wang Zhengdong, fraudulently scammed 3 billion yuan ($417.11 million) from individuals who had invested in his business. The scammer promised clients from 35% to 60% of the profit.

The funds were raised under the guise of investments in the defunct companies Donghua Zoology Culturing and Donghua Spirit. More than 10 thousand people were affected.

Wang Zhengdong was arrested in June 2005. Sentenced to capital punishment. The verdict was handed down by the Intermediate Court of Yingkou City (Liaoning Province, Northeast China) and later confirmed by the Provincial Court in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning. Wang Zhengdong's 15 accomplices got away with much lighter punishment - they were sentenced to prison terms of five to ten years.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

There is no limit to human greed. The thirst for easy money just like that, in no time, turns off the ability to think logically, and even think with your head in general. Even the instinct of self-preservation disappears somewhere.

I am convinced of this every time I see another “adept” who has poured a lot of money into another “investment company”. And he begins to tell, so he will earn a lot, a lot, and everything will be fine with him.

You look. Think a lot:

Doesn't seem to be dumb. Looks like you have your own business. How does he not understand elementary things, that money does not fall from the ceiling so easily?

Where do those "apostles" who brainwash people like that study? Learn to write sales texts, huh? :)

Where is the limit of that thirst for easy money, which turns even smart people into stupid zombies?

How many times can you repeat there is no easy money. And they don't exist on the internet.. And don't look.

Signs of explicit financial pyramids

About the so-called HYIPs (HYIP - High Yield Investment Program) - fraudulent projects that mow under investment funds with a high level of income. Such type of projects help to invest money in crypto-currencies, energy, something else (depends on the invented legend). In fact, this is a financial pyramid scheme. As long as investments are made and new people are attracted, the structure lives on and even pays interest. As soon as payments exceed the inflow of money, the project is closed.

Sometimes it closes even earlier - at the very peak of the influx of money. And the founder of such a project is hiding in nowhere with other people's money.

Almost every year (or even more often) there are rumors that another one like this has burst investment project. People make noise, yell, resent ... and after some time they again carry their money to another "cool European project with huge interest." And all over again. Everything is in full circle.

Someone likes to play such games of chance every time. They are specifically looking for HYIPs that are still paying and trying to earn some money before the pyramid collapses.

But the benefit of participating in such a scheme (by the way, illegal - these are financial frauds) is 1% percent of investors. Guess who's in it?

If you are so interested in the world of investments, remember (it's so obvious and so simple!):

Can't be really serious and big investment company, which exists for two or three months and is registered somewhere in Cyprus or Malta;

If you are promised huge interest and huge income in a short time, this is also a dirty business. Where they promise more, they fool more;

The site of a serious company will not be miserable, with errors in the texts, with an unfinished design and functionality;
- if they offer to sell useless or non-existent goods;

If well developed affiliate program- you get a percentage for each investor you bring - this is also a sign of a pyramid scheme.

And one more thing: even if the company has a network of offices, a huge campaign has been carried out to attract investors, with festivals and meetings, there is an authorized capital, at the meeting they gave you a company flag and a pen and treated you to a sandwich, and even let you sign an agreement - this does not mean anything. This is not a guarantee that you will not be thrown. On the contrary - the more they poke in the nose authorized capital, the more they try to blur your eyes.

A real, live, fresh example is Vertex Life. Closed just the other day, leaving thousands of people with a nose. And there were offices in Kiev and Moscow. Even in Lviv they were supposed to open. Events were held, flags were handed out and even contracts were signed with investors.

At first there were failures on the site. Then it turned out (according to the stories of the founders) that some IT specialist from the team hacked the database (!) And stole all the money (!!). You can't get into the office - only by special invitation. And then bam…. And that's it. The site is working, but there is no withdrawal button.

The founders fled.

It's a shame? And how. But no one asked to invest money there (and the minimum investment was 100 bucks). They saw with their eyes that they were buying ... yes, they wanted to earn money very quickly and without hassle.

Again, there is no easy money. They don't exist on the internet either. Nowhere. The law of conservation of energy works: if you want dough, make an effort.

Yes, there are masters who make money on “honest” HYIPs, but this is just luck for the time being. And that's it.

Should you invest in cryptocurrencies?

One of the trendy investment options is for those who lack thrills. To cryptocurrency.

Citizens of the Russian Federation know that bitcoins and, in general, all cryptocurrencies are prohibited in their country. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation cites an article from the Constitution, according to which "the introduction and issue of other currencies (except for the ruble) are not allowed." Moreover, central bank considers bitcoins also a financial pyramid.

It's not worth the risk - a violation is a violation. And a lot of scammers got divorced on this topic, promising to earn thousands of dollars on bitcoin. In fact, they make money on their own ...

By the way, the NBU also advises Ukrainians not to carry out operations with cryptocurrency. Like, deceived - they are to blame.

Bitcoin is at least more or less real - it is an exchange commodity, you can actually pay for services with it (I already wrote about this).

And his success haunts the rest.

They go further - they open platforms for investments in crypto-currencies, which in fact do not exist. Real example, now exists - S-coin. Again, a “serious European” office CoinSpace, has been on the market for several years. Here she came to the expanses of the CIS (according to legend). Registered in Malta. Offers to invest in ghost cryptocurrency. There are no coins yet.

What else is given (and you think it's a scam or not):

The site is a specific crap on crutches with errors;

Does not work with any payment system. Only with banks (and then on this moment work with maps on the site is impossible);

The exchange was supposed to go public in October. Now they promise to come out in the spring (they admit that they have nothing);

They promise that immediately after entering the exchange, one S-coin will be equal to one euro;

They offer to sign for themselves, to bring other investors.

Pyramid of pure water. Interest is paid from the inflow of money from new customers. S-coin is sold and bought only within this site (no one needs a product ...).

Similar projects - the sea. Google about Helix (or read here if you're too lazy) or OneCoin.

And after...

If the world of investments beckons, and you want to drain money somewhere, then first:

Register here and browse topics. You will learn a lot of interesting things. Including about obvious fraudulent projects - they are taken out in a separate branch.

View the blacklist and . Constantly replenished and updated.

Read useful literature on the topic of investment. Do not climb into the water, not knowing the ford.

Invest in your business, in real estate, buy gold, after all. Put money on deposit or just ride around the world.

Do not invest in any "cool European companies that are serious." Check the information before giving your hard-earned money - news about scams and HYIPs is easily searched for, literally from half a dozen.

Do you have extra money and want to spend it somewhere?

Open an animal shelter.

Buy toys for kindergarten.

Buy a computer for your school.

Buy medicines or help make repairs in the hospital.

For this, at least they will say sincere thanks to you. And you won't feel like a fool.

Portuguese Pyramid of Dona Branca 3. Scheme "Double Check" That is why the scheme was called "Double Check". In a year and a half, the pyramid expanded throughout the country, more than three thousand investors gave him savings of more than $ 880 million at the rate of that year. 105. ATLANTIS GROUP 108. Global Network (www.inetworkspace.com, formerly Intway and Inspace) 111. Network of Partner Links - NPL for short 115. Center Region Company - with CFS records 123. Gold Line International 125. Emirates Partners Travel 127. ADT - American Diamond Traders Inc. ----------- Financial pyramids of 2015: Mega Lux, which deceived thousands of citizens, as well as a list of network pyramids in Russia ". Yeah.

List of financial pyramids 2018

In the offices of depositors, young girls are usually met, who, over a cup of tea, say that the organization has a business that helps them feel confident even in a crisis - usually it is an extensive network of car services and car dealerships throughout Russia. Then the companies suddenly close. And many investors are left with nothing. Not everyone manages to return the money True, some clients are still lucky: the police arrested the deceivers for fraud. And the deceived depositors had a hope to get their money back.

Some of them even managed to win civil suits. Return the money together with the interest due under the contract. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars. Among the victims were not only residents of the capital, but also a number of regions of Central Russia.

Sunlight shops jewelry store of gold jewelry - the treasury of Yakutia

Canadian Diamond Traders (CDT) 2003 sluggish candiamond.ucoz.lv Ponzi scheme in disguise gems City Emerald June 2010 cityemerald.com Ponzi scheme in disguise gems Diamond Mine MLM April 7, 2012 2013 diamond-mine-mlm.com FP useless services Wazzub January 2012 2013 (in oblivion) ​​wazzub.info disguised FP search engine Perfect Balance March 19, 2012 idealbalans.com FP contributions ISIF 2009 July 1, 2011 isifedu.com disguised FP training online business Mics Capital 2010 2012 micscapital.com disguised FP commercial social network Inmarket 2008 oblivious in oblivion en101.com disguised FP online training in.yaz.

hype pyramids

Payouts are not guaranteed Bank deposits do not generate income, but only allow you to save money from inflation. Therefore, inquiries about where to invest money “under high interest", do not run out.

Journal headings

Russia Pays Conditions changed 04/18/2018 Hashing24 hashing24.com May 8, 2016 hype, bitcoin mining about $20 about $3 10% per month 6400 forum 7,117 in Russia Pays 04/18/2018 Elysium Company elysium.company spring 2017 classic + investment. 0.03 BTC 1 year from 30% to 50% per year 3000 Unknown 18.04.2018 Alpha Cash alpha-cash.com September 1, 2017 CresoCoin cresocoin.org March 2017 hype, cryptocurrencies 650 rubles 20% per month 1300 ↓ Unknown 04/18/2018 Stepium stepium.com September 2017 classic 0.06 ETH passive income no 1300 ↓ reviews Unknown 04/18/2018 9mln 9mln.com September 2017 classic $3 passive income no 2000 Works 04/18/2018 * There are several types of pyramid schemes.

  1. Investments - You invest money and do nothing and wait for interest.


We will provide your protection and achieve your justification! Briefly describe the fact of the charge brought against you and the lawyer will take the first steps to protect you today!

  1. We will competently build the position of your defense and will represent your interests in the police, prosecutor's office, and court.

Classification of HYIPs and a list of financial pyramids B Lately there are much more financial pyramids on the Internet than offline. And no wonder! Indeed, on the Web, the organizer of the FP can remain anonymous, and launching mass advertising online is much easier and cheaper than in real life. The most popular type of FP on the Internet is HYIP (from the English HYIP - High Yield Investment Program). It differs from classic financial pyramids in that it regularly pays participants passive income. Residents of Boston rushed to buy papers, while Charles maintained interest with paid articles in the press. 2.

What new Internet projects and financial pyramids in 2018 are not scams?

Per month net income financial group is more than 27%.

  • "YES! Credit" - a loan can be obtained in 30 minutes at 2% per day.
  • Provided by contributors cash DA!Invest invests in DA!Credit and other reliable, highly profitable business areas.
  • Rostfinance Perm

RostFinance LLC (Limited Liability Company) is registered in Moscow and operates in all regions of the Russian Federation. The company provides entrepreneurs step by step instructions for starting a business. From the moment the client opens a business, RostFinance undertakes legal support and provides free staff training. The company helps an entrepreneur open an office in 5 days, while the average payback period for a business is 45 days.
OOO Rostfinance Perm also contributes to loan repayment on favorable terms for clients.

Anglo-Saxons will let stupid Russian-Jewish oligarchs around the world

Rates on attracted by these financial institutions higher, but, as previously noted, these organizations are not included in the system DIA insurance, that is, investments in them are not guaranteed by the state. In addition, it should be borne in mind that among MFIs, only microfinance companies (MFCs) have the right to attract funds from citizens who are not their founders and only in the amount of at least 1.5 million rubles. Microcredit companies (MCCs) do not have the right to attract funds from citizens who are not their founders.
As for the CPC, they have the right to attract only the funds of their members (shareholders). From January 1, 2015, you can open in brokerage company individual investment account and receive not only financial results from ongoing transactions with securities, but also tax deduction at the rate of 13% per year.

There are more and more financial pyramids in Russia

That is, from a legal point of view, they are not financial pyramids. But in practice, these companies work exactly like financial pyramids. Most often this is due to a POOR or UNUSED product (one that could not be sold on the free market) or because of its long implementation (for example, Sky Way).


And also because of the miscalculations of the management when opening the company. In addition, many online MLM companies with intangible products fall into this category. Below is a table of such companies. Let us remind you once again that these companies are NOT LEGALLY pyramid schemes - do not write about it in the comments!!! Name Of.


And since the creators themselves are at the top, everyone else will inevitably lose out. It would seem that representatives of business cannot fail to understand this fact - people who not only have extensive life experience, but also have a high degree of pragmatism. But the thing is that consumer psychology, along with an incredible thirst for money, also gives rise to a certain ... faith in miracles.

This paradox has been repeatedly described by psychologists and lies in the fact that access to easy money leads to an overestimation of one's capabilities. This is especially true for those elites whose fortunes arose at once, in a dubious way. In their minds there is a revolution that reduces self-criticism to a minimum.
This happened to those who became rich as a result of the collapse of the USSR. The dashing money that fell into their hands taught them to think that they are smarter and more cunning than everyone else, the whole society.

Five main signs of financial pyramids READ

The company, founded in 1992, was a classic example of a pyramid scheme. Income was paid to the participants from the contributions of newly arrived contributors.

The pyramid collapsed in 2003. The collapse of MMM is solely the merit of the country's government, Mavrodi argued. According to various estimates, the number of victims reached 10-15 million people. In 2007, Mavrodi was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for fraud. Per last years he created several more companies, and also actively tried to work with other countries.

The MMM website is still up and running. It states that “MMM is an international mutual fund, a financial social network". There is no minimum deposit amount, the maximum is $10,000, since the company was created “to help ordinary people With small contributions and not for the profit of the rich.”

“In just 3 months, a participant can increase his contribution by 8 times!!! No banker and no business will offer you this. Therefore, for MMM in 2018, simply enormous growth is expected, ”the website says.

Mavrodi even launched his Mavro cryptocurrency. In the first month, 33,000 people took part in the project. primordial well Mavro was one dollar, but last year, when the project was restarted, it offered its holders only 50 cents.

The pyramids continue to live

Despite the collapse of MMM and other negative examples, Russians continue to carry their money to dubious offices.

Thus, about a thousand residents of Kamchatka are demanding, through the courts, the return of money invested in the Eastern Savings Fund consumer credit cooperative. The fund also operated in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk, Petropavlovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The police, according to local media reports, believe that the "Eastern Savings Fund" has become part of a financial pyramid, which, in addition to it, included 21 more credit cooperatives in 17 regions across the country.

The number of affected shareholders is not known. The money of the shareholders was promised to be invested in construction, but instead they were allegedly dumped into the accounts of one-day firms. Meanwhile, Vostochny was included in the State Register of Citizens' Credit Consumer Cooperatives maintained by the Central Bank.

In 2017, 137 organizations with signs of a financial pyramid were identified. Such statistics were provided by the Central Bank at the request of Gazeta.Ru. This is less than it was in 2016 (180) and 2015 (200).

The Bank of Russia notes that the reduction in the number of pyramid schemes is due to preventive measures taken jointly by the Central Bank, law enforcement agencies and executive authorities in the regions.

The preliminary damage from the activities of organizations with signs of a financial pyramid, according to the results of 2017, amounted to about 1 billion rubles, reported to the Central Bank.

Earlier, the Bank of Russia reported that in 2016, according to preliminary estimates, the damage amounted to about 2 billion rubles, in 2015 - about 5.5 billion rubles.

The Central Bank says that they are betting "on a proactive position." At present, departments for combating illegal activities are being created in all main departments. In Krasnodar, on February 2, the Central Bank opened an appropriate center of competence, which will develop a methodology for identifying and suppressing dubious schemes. Use single base data and methodology can all structural units Bank of Russia.

“This approach will make it possible to track the migration of fraudulent schemes and stop their spread at an early stage, identify the organizers of such companies, and help build more effective interaction with the public,” the Central Bank said in a comment.

Fraudsters on prevention

The Central Bank believes that one of the problems is the lack of financial literacy of the population, therefore, they are implementing appropriate educational programs. The Ministry of Finance does the same. Gazeta.ru was explained in the department that they provide information and educational support to citizens on fraud prevention as part of the project "Promoting the level of financial literacy population and the development of financial education in Russia”.

For now, though, financial educational program covered about 10 regions. There are "seminars and master classes".

People learn to recognize fraudulent schemes, including “by characteristic criteria to determine whether a company belongs to a financial pyramid,” the ministry clarifies. Booklets and other manuals that seminar participants receive also "contain the necessary information for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation."

This project is being implemented, among other things, with money, a loan for which was opened in 2010. As a representative of the Russian office of the World Bank explained to Gazeta.Ru, the target audience of the program is ordinary citizens, consumers of basic financial services with low and middle income levels. But the emphasis is on schoolchildren and university students.

The total amount of project financing is $113 million, of which $88 million is from the Russian budget and $25 million is a WB loan.

Maturity, at the time of conclusion loan agreement, was 17 years old. But the Ministry of Finance clarified that the project itself will be completed in the first quarter of 2019. To replace him last year, the ministry developed a "Strategy to improve the financial literacy of the population."

Hoping for a miracle

Almost half of Russians (46%) lack knowledge in the financial sector, experts noted earlier. Over half (51%) do not understand the specifics state system in deposit insurance, few (29%) understand the relationship between risk and return.

Nearly one in ten who sign financial contracts, relies on chance, that is, signs without reading (9%), a fourth (26%) read, but sign regardless of understanding.

There are also psychological reasons that fuel the persistence of financial scams. But these are completely different reasons, and not those hinted at by officials or employees of the Central Bank.

“Financially illiterate and poor citizens are in abundance in any country, but for some reason, pyramid schemes appear more often in Russia and Nigeria. The hopelessness that prevails in the regions is the reason why people carry money to scammers, in the hope of a miracle, ”says the expert.

Excitement is also present, of course. Many deceived are sure that they will have time to jump off in time, cutting down the money.

Mikhail Adamov

Reading time: 5 minutes


A pyramid scheme is a money scheme, and the profit here is achieved by constantly attracting fresh investors, and not by investing in income-generating assets. For its monetary prosperity, the pyramid releases securities, as they are the most liquid and very convenient instrument. If the size of the infusion of finance into the system is less than the amount of income payments, then we are talking about a pyramid scheme.

Signs of a financial pyramid

The idea of ​​creating a monetary scheme was born in France and England in the seventeenth century. In Russia, it first appeared in the 90s of the last century.

Signs of financial pyramids

  • Illegal (lack of license).
  • Hiding financial information.
  • Redistribution of funds between project participants.
  • The need to pay an entrance fee.
  • Earnings of a project participant registered earlier are always higher than those of the lower one.
  • Fixed interest payment guarantee.
  • The place of registration of the company is somewhere on the islands.

8 famous pyramid schemes on the Internet

Let's take a look at the most common monetary mechanisms currently operating on the Internet.

  • MMM (founder - Sergey Mavrodi)

JSC "MMM" became the most massive pyramidal company. The idea began to unwind with the help of advertising in the media. The monetary mechanism is rapidly developing due to the promises of the joint-stock company to pay huge dividends.

The founder of the project, Sergey Mavrodi, is turning into Russia's leading entrepreneur. Shares soar in price from 25 to 125 thousand rubles per unit, people are in a hurry to buy them. About 15 million people become contributors. The system collapses in 1994. People pay 1,000 rubles for a share, not 125,000.

Sergei Mavrodi is arrested. However, a week later new pyramid. History repeats itself: stocks rise, fall, points close, shareholders panic.

  • Legion financial group

FG "Legion" is an international consortium of companies. Capital management is carried out by attracting investments, while using the funds of the accounts of banks with a rating of AA-AAA, which are included in the world top 25 (WER).

The financial group uses the Placement Program "PPP" (private placement programs), guaranteeing monthly interest payments according to the tariff plan for all investors. Interest is paid from the accounts of legal entities.

Legion has an affiliate program, due to which the investor also receives a percentage of the attracted capital. There is also income without own investments.

  • Financial group YES

Financial group "DA!" is an association of a number of companies specializing in various areas financial activities. The group consists of two organizations:

  1. "DA! Invest", whose monthly income when investing money exceeds interest rates by standard banks. The monthly net income of the financial group is more than 27%.
  2. "YES! Credit" - a loan can be obtained in 30 minutes at 2% per day.

DA!Invest invests funds provided by depositors into DA!Credit and other reliable highly profitable business areas.

  • Rostfinance Perm

RostFinance LLC (Limited Liability Company) is registered in Moscow and operates in all regions of the Russian Federation. The company provides entrepreneurs with step-by-step instructions for starting a business.

From the moment the client opens a business, RostFinance undertakes legal support and provides free staff training. The company helps an entrepreneur open an office in 5 days, while the average payback period for a business is 45 days.

OOO Rostfinance Perm also contributes to loan repayment on favorable terms for clients. Provides financial and legal services: credit broker, payment of loans in any bank in Russia, correction and contestation credit history, legal assistance"Anti-collector".

QNET (QuestNet, Quest.net, QI) came to Russia in 2010 from Southeast Asia, its headquarters is in Hong Kong.

QNET's field of activity is e-commerce: the sale of personal care products, nutritional supplements, tour packages, energy-charged biodiscs.

The cost of products is not indicated on the website, but at a personal meeting, employees explain to candidates that each of them must buy goods from the company in the amount of 60-80 thousand rubles. A client who invites another person receives $200. All payments go through an online wallet.

There are all signs of a financial pyramid

  1. Intrusive adware.
  2. Lack of documents.
  3. Weird diagrams.
  4. The promise of fast and high earnings.
  5. Controversial goods and entry fees.
  • Zeus Pyramid

The Zevs business incubator is a business school, a legal project registered in Ufa. The number of participants exceeds 40 thousand people.

Each Investor contributes 10 thousand rubles, Co-Investor - 500 rubles, project participant - 200. Zevs sells its services and products via the Internet.

The project has passed international certification, has HTTPS protocol and protection against DDoS attacks.

  • Financial pyramid Crocus

The Crocus financial group uses schemes for raising money and lending, similar to those used by the DrevProm company, recognized as a financial pyramid.

The group's products are microcredit and "co-financing" of loans.

What actually happens is this:

  • the client takes the money to the firm;
  • crocus makes no more than three payments to the bank and disappears along with the money;
  • the bank sues the borrower and sues him for everything that was received due to the increase in interest and penalties.

The essence of the scheme is that customers are offered to repay the loan for a certain percentage (24-81%), depending on the amount of debt and the term of the loan.

  • Financial group NBF pyramid

The company "NBF" is called "Business Independence" and attracts investors' money at 60% per annum. The NBF consists of two parts: a microfinance organization and a collection agency.

Money is attracted to the company through a loan agreement for its collection agency.

The decision on whether or not to invest in a particular project is up to each of us!

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