
Deposits with a maximum interest rate. Top banks on deposits in Russia. How interest accrued on deposits

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2020, there is an opportunity to invest money so to earn. One way is to issue a profitable deposit for individuals. But in which of the most reliable banks of Russia today is the most high percent By deposits? The agency's specialists website analyzed the proposals of the country's largest banks, reaching an overview of deposits in rubles with profitable interest rates.

Deposits of individuals - a traditional way of investing money

There are many ways to invest money to get passive income. You can buy currency and wait for it to grow in price, you can earn money on forex, invest in PAMM account, try to get income, trading binary options and much more.

All these ways to make money bring a rather high profit, but also associated with a certain risk. Bank deposits of individuals and today remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing savings in Russia.

Choose the most profitable contribution: what to pay attention to

Choosing a bank to entrust money depositors, as a rule, pay attention to at least two parameters:

  • - the amount of interest rate, which allows you to choose a contribution with maximum income;
  • - the reliability of the bank, which allows not to worry about the safety of savings even during the banking crisis.

Complete a high interest rate and sufficient reliability of the bank is quite difficult. Analysts agency site tried to do this by studying the conditions of deposits in the rubles of the Russian Federation for individuals in reliable banks.

What deposits in reliable banks of Russia are the most profitable today

Each bank has its own lineup of profitable contributions for individuals with unique conditions.

To somehow bring the "to the common denominator" parameters of deposits in different banksWe tried to find out what the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to the one who intends to open a deposit today in 2020.

For the purity of the experiment, we compared the rates in the largest banks Russia in deposits for a period of 12 months, since it is precisely such a period of investments is the most popular. As estimated amount They took 1 million rubles. And still tried well-called investment or comprehensive suggestions with the obligatory investment of money insurance, mutual diseases or promotions. As a result, the following list was obtained (accurate conditions and interest rates on deposits check in banks).

Self favorable contributions In reliable banks of Russia from the top 10

Credit Bank of Moscow

Contribution "Mega online"

Replenishment / without partial removal / without capitalization / percent at the end of the term

Bank FC Opening

Contribution "Reliable"

Without replenishment / without partial removal / capitalization / interest accrual at the end of the term.


Contribution "My Income"

Without replenishment / without partial removal / without capitalization / interest at the end of the term.

Contribution "Accumulative Account"

Without replenishment / without partial removal / capitalization / percent accrual monthly.


Contribution "Capital"

Without replenishment / without partial removal / capitalization / percent monthly

Sberbank of Russia

Contribution "Save"

Interest rate

Without replenishment / without partial removal / with capitalization / percent accrual monthly. Banks of Moscow \u003e\u003e

The main types of deposits of individuals

Today, banks of Moscow offer a large number different species Favorable deposits for individuals. But all of them can be divided into several groups:

✓ Urgent deposits under the highest percentages. Opening such a deposit, you give your money for a certain period (3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and at this time you can't pick them back without losing interest or replenish the bill.

✓ Refilled deposits of individuals. Opening such a deposit, the depositor can save money, RESETS, and at the same time interest and interest grow. However, it is impossible to remove funds from the account and not to lose.

✓ Deposits with partial removal of funds without percent loss. Such deposits, as a rule, have the lowest interest rates. But it is possible to take part of the funds to a pre-negative abnormal residue, which will be accrued to the amount of interest.

Of course, in any unforeseen situation, if you need money ahead of time The end of the deposit, you can always get them, but the missed benefit will be sorry. So, going to make a contribution to the bank, it is better to decide in advance when you take money to not lose your income.

Contribution or so-called "deposit" is cashthat the client accommodates in the bank to protect and increase its capital.

The higher interest rate bank deposit - the more potential income. In Moscow, the best interest on ruble and monetary deposits Often are offered during seasonal sentences or other special shares of banks.

Bank deposits for individuals of Moscow differ in terms, currency and rates are also found additional conditions (Possibility of replenishment, partial removal without percent loss, monthly interest payments on the card and others).

And small, and larger reliable banks of Moscow offer several in 2020 additional features According to urgent deposits and deposits with maximum and not high percentages for individuals:

  • partial removal and replenishment funds on the deposit account gives the client the opportunity to use money without breaking the contract with the bank;
  • capitalization - This is a monthly interest accrual to the deposit account. That is, future interest are accrued not only on the amount of the initial contribution, but also added percentages;
  • automatic prolongation - Automatic extension of the contract if the contributor does not take into account at the end of the validity period.

To arrange itself the best contribution in rubles or currency profitable bet In the city of Moscow, consider these three points.

Depending on the urgent currency used deposit deposits divide on ruble, currency (deposits in euros, dollars, british pounds and other currencies), multicurrency (deposit funds are divided into parts and invested in several currencies). In 2020, for individuals, the most profitable interest rate deposits in Moscow banks are offered today in Russian rubles.

Investment in currency - One of the popular techniques for preserving and multiplying your capital in the city of Moscow, even in crisis time. Although rates on foreign currency deposits due to the instability of the course significantly decreased, you can get income in increasing currency rate to ruble. So you can get best income From the deposit in 2020.

Most banks of Russia offer currency deposits in dollars and euros, deposits in other currencies are rare. You can compare currency quotes on our website in the Currency Courses section. However, proposals of deposits under a good percentage in these currencies are a bit, since the demand for them is low.

What to choose the contribution of a pensioner, a student or a middle-aged person? Choosing a proposal with a better bet and conditions will help you with the form "Choice of the Deposit". With its help, you can search for offers on deposits with a high percentage of profitability from reliable banks, or focus on the best suggestions.

In 2020, today among deposits in Moscow banks, the most profitable high percentage in rubles at the deposit is a contribution to the top (with NIC) Gazprombank in Gazprombank Bank (AO) - 8.10% per annum. The minimum deposit amount of 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit period. According to our data, this is the best bank deposit Moscow with a maximum rate in rubles.

IN the largest city Russia - Moscow - the maximum number of banks is presented: according to various data from 450 to 470, including representative offices and branches of regional financial and credit institutions. The options offered by them are the attachments of funds - just a huge amount. If you search in Moscow banks deposits under high interest today, the first 20 banks are not mandatory the largest institutions. They just give profitability just below average, since they have enough capital for investment. But the organization is less actively involved by customers, offering interesting offers and various investment options.

What bank should prefer

Naturally, in the first bank, offering a sufficient percentage, should not go. It should be analyzed by at least several parameters:

  • founders and partners - it may well be that "the steering wheel" cost people who are hardly worth trusting;
  • the financial condition of the bank - it can be traced on the reports published on the Central Bank website, special attention pay the ratio of assets and liabilities obtained by profit reporting time and size authorized capital (the bigger, the better);
  • position in international and national ratings, including "folk" (on banki.ru sites or sravni.ru);
  • availability of insurance - if the contributions are insured in the DC, then, when recalling a license, the Bank does not threaten anything to the bank.

Do not look for only favorable deposits In Moscow's banks today - you need to pay attention to and on their features that will help you draw up the right investment strategy:

  • deposit period;
  • is the early removal and under what conditions is possible;
  • the procedure for paying interest;
  • presence or lack of capitalization;
  • the possibility of replenishment;
  • whether the percentage increases with increasing the amount of accumulations, etc.

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow banks for today: the first 20

Among the many banks of the capital were chosen by the 100 largest, from the deposits offered by them were chosen 20 most profitable. Other selection criteria:

  • currency - Ruble;
  • the minimum amount is 100,000;
  • term - at least 1 year.

These parameters helped choose the most high rates According to deposits in the banks of Moscow for today, which are listed in the table (if one bank offers two or more deposit, the most profitable in the rating included).

Bank's nameDeposit nameRateMinimum amountThe procedure for accrual interestReplenishmentRemoval
TauricalFestive12.3 50000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
NovikombankFavorite12.25 10000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
International Bank of St. PetersburgCapital12.2 50000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
PromsvyazbankPremium12 3 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
AvangardSavings12 100000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
BFG-CREDLoyal11.75 100000 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
Bank BFAContribution №111.25 30000 Monthly, capitalization / conclusionNotNot
Peresvet.Rational11.2 30000 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
TranscapitalbankGrowth time. Spring11.16 20000 QuarterlyNotNot
GlobeksAccurate calculation Online11.15 100000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
TrustOur people11.1 30000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
InvesttorgbankFabulous percentage11.07 50000 QuarterlyNotNot
Credit Bank of MoscowAll inclusive online11 1000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Credit Europe BankUrgent11 3000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
MetalLighBankMaximum income11 10000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Uniastrum BankLarge percentage11 20 000 At the end of the deadlineNotYes, within a minimum
FinprombankMy conditions11 30000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
Military Industrial BankSpring History11 (growing)50000 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
Center-Invest.Grow big11 50000 Annual capitalizationYesNot
EducationBase11 100000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot

Top 50 currency deposits in Moscow banks under the maximum percentage

In connection with the decline in the ruble exchange rate, many customers have woke up interest in foreign currency deposits. At the same time, Russians invest not only in the purchase of dollars and eurosbut acquire and exotic currencies - pounds, francs, yen, Australian dollars, in lately The popularity of yuan and "Canadian" are gaining popularity. However, the most popular US dollar remains the most popular.

  • currency - dollar;
  • amount - from 1,000;
  • term - at least 1 year;
  • bank is among the 200 largest.

It should be noted that some deposits in currency in Moscow banks under maximum percentage The top 50 includes a multicurrency deposit, which will be the corresponding mark, if it is not clear from the deposit name. According to such deposits, invest only in the dollar will not work, it will be necessary to purchase rubles and euros (or other currency due to the contract) in the minimum volume.

Bank's nameDeposit nameRateMinimum amountThe procedure for accrual interestReplenishmentRemoval
TauricalUrgent3.8 1000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
GlobeksAccurate calculation Online3.35 200 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
BinbankStandard3.2 100 MonthlyNotNot
Ugra25 years of reliability3.1 500 MonthlyYesYes
PromsvyazbankPremium3 3 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
GlobeksRelier online (Multi)3 300 MonthlyYesYes
NovikombankFavorite3 300 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Bank BFAContribution №13 500 Monthly, capitalizationNotNot
BinbankMaximum percentage2.9 300 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
TrustOur people2.9 500 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
TrustGenerous interest2.9 500 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
TauricalMulticurrency2.8 710 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
FinprombankMy conditions2.8 1000 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
UgraMulticious basket2.8 1000 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
Credit Europe BankUrgent2.75 100 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Loko BankSpring in Plus (Multi, Dollar + Euro)2.75 300 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
GlobeksON-LINE BONUS2.7 (growing)200 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
MDM BankMaximum percentage2.7 (growing)300 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
BinbankMonthly income2.65 (growing)300 Monthly payment to the accountYesNot
TrustMulticurrency 2016.2.65 500 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
UgraGrowing income2.63 1000 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
SMP BankMaxim2.6 (growing)50 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
InvesttorgbankOptimal2.6 100 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
PromsvyazbankMy benefit2.6 (growing)300 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Military Industrial BankSpring History2.6 (growing)1000 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
FinprombankPractical2.6 1000 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
Peresvet.Knight2.6 1000 MonthlyYesYes
All-Russian Regional Development BankSmart money2.5 1 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
RaiffeisenbankTriple Benefit (Multi)2.5 1 At the end of the term, annual capitalizationNotNot
Home Credit BankProfitable year 2.5 100 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
OTP BankCumulative2.5 300 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
Ural Bank Reconstruction and DevelopmentCumulative2.5 300 DailyYesNot
Bank BFAStrategy of accumulation2.5 500 MonthlyYesNot
MetalinvestbankMaximum income2.5 1000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
TrustPension income2.45 100 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
St. PetersburgDeposit online2.4 100 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
EducationBase2.4 200 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
BinbankMulticurrency2.4 410 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
Bank FinservisComfortable2.35 1 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot
Credit Europe BankCumulative2.35 100 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
RosselkhozbankClassic online2.35 100 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
MDM BankMDM - Magnificent Seven2.35 1000 At the end of the term, capitalization dailyYesYes
Military Industrial BankComfortable2.3 (growing)100 At the end of the deadlineYesYes
BFG-CREDClassical2.3 300 At the end of the deadlineYesNot
Absolut BankAbsolute maximum +.2.3 1000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Eastern Express BankOriental2.25 500 Monthly, capitalizationNotNot
Renaissance CreditRenaissance profitable2.25 500 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
Tinkoff BankSmartvklad.2.25 1000 Monthly capitalizationYesYes
Moscow Industrial BankClassical2.25 1000 At the end of the deadlineNotNot
EducationMaximalist2.2 100 Monthly, capitalizationYesNot

The deposit in the bank was and remains the easiest and most reliable way to receive additional profits from available funds without loading itself with additional work. For residents of Moscow, deposits in banks are especially relevant: having the opportunity to postpone into account more moneyThey can count on a higher percentage and profits. But in which bank is to make a contribution, and where will it be profitable and safe?

About security today everything is simple: system state insurance Deposits protects investors from the loss of money due to the ruin or liquidation of the bank, and any amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles will be returned to its owner. In case you intend to put in the account a little less, it is not worried about: you can only choose a program with best Terms On the deposit - and open an account. At the beginning of 2017, it is possible to resume the decline in interest rates, so it makes sense today to choose the most appropriate offer.

What deposits in Moscow banks will bring the greatest interest? Where to invest money in 2017 will be most profitable?


Start from Sberbank, as from the most popular bank among depositors in Moscow, it would be reasonable. But not very - to do accumulation in this bank. The whole thing in percent, which are the lowest among all other banks that we consider in this review. Sberbank offers its customers 6.95% per annum on deposits as the maximum possible, except for the "Good year" seasonal offer with a bet of up to 8%.

Nevertheless, the deposits "manage", "Keep" and "replenish" are quite convenient for the bank's customers. There are no hard restrictions on the amount and deadlines here: the client can independently choose any period (from 1 month) and put on account even the minimum amount (from 1000 rubles). In terms of deposits, interest is capitalized, and the rate as the amount increases increases in the account. When opening the deposits of the online bet above average by 0.4%.

VTB 24

Among the banks offering contributions are different in that it offers its customers wide opportunities for additional income. The bank offers three deposit products - "comfortable", "accumulative" and "profitable". The maximum income is possible at the contribution "profitable". With the amount of investments from 200 thousand rubles and storage period of 181, it is possible to count on a percentage rate of 6.80% (taking into account capitalization - 6.90%). With the amount of the deposit of 1500,000 rubles, the maximum effective rate will be 7.75% under the opening period from 91 to 181 days. When opening a contract in the Internet bank, interest will be higher.

Alfa Bank

On the this moment offers to its customers not only credit products, but also a number of programs on deposits. The smallest percentage for income (not accumulative) deposits is 7.10% (the contribution "potential +"), the greatest - on the deposits of "victory +" (8.34%) and "Prize +" (7.60%) with the amount of the contribution from 10 000 rubles. On the deposit "Victory" at the maximum rate of 8.96%, it is possible to expect, invested from 5 million rubles for a period of 184 to 276 days. And according to the savings program "Lifeline" under the amount of the contribution from 50 thousand rubles and a period of 1 year, the income will be up to 8.0% per annum, and this product is charitable: monthly Bank 0.05% of the deposit amount to the Charitable Foundation for Saving Sick Children Line Life.

VTB Bank of Moscow

The organization offers several deposit programs with different conditions. Most profitable proposition It is valid until January 31, 2017 on the "Seasonal" deposit - up to 10% per annum can be obtained by placing from 100 thousand rubles for 400 days. The contribution is divided into percentage periods of 100 days, replenishment and partial removal is not provided. Also, under the program "Maximum Income", you can get a high percentage of 8.46 %% per annum (with capitalization, for 1 year with the amount of from 1.5 million rubles). Contributions to 550 thousand rubles will bring up to 7.76% per annum (with capitalization). When opening the contributions "Maximum Income", "Maximum Growth" and "Maximum Comfort" in the Internet Bank acts elevated bid - + 0.3% to the deposit rate in rubles of the Russian Federation and + 0.1% to the deposit rate in US dollars / euro.

Home Credit Bank

Home Credit offers to his depositors several savings programs. One of them is the contribution of "profitable year" opens in rubles and in currency. The contribution "profit year" is issued for a year, minimum size first installment - 1000 rubles with interest rate - 8.75% (9.13% - with capitalization) per annum. Interest rates in US dollars - 1.50% (1.51% with capitalization, in euro - 0.5%. Deposits in the rubles "Maximum income" and "Pension" offer higher interest - 8.75% (with capitalization - 9.34%) under a period of 18 months. But the deposit "Maximum income" opens only in an Internet bank. Under 8.0% per annum opens the "Capital" deposit for a period of 36 months, but without capitalization. For all deposits, except " Cabinet ", the minimum amount of the first contribution and replenishment is 1000 rubles. The contribution of the" Cabinet "can be opened for 12 months, having an amount of at least 3 million rubles, with an interest rate of 8.9% (9.29% with capitalization).


Bank Tinkoff offers its customers one type of deposit, issued remotely, with interest rates to 8.0% (8.84% - with capitalization) per annum in rubles, 1.5% in US dollars (2.01% - with capitalization) and 0.75% - in euros (with capitalization - 1.25%). This percentage can be counted with the amount of balance from 50 thousand rubles and the shelf life of 12 to 24 months, with a period of 3 to 5 months - 5.5%, from 6 to 11 months 6.5%. If funds are listed bank transactionThis is added 1% of the deposit amount.

The possibility of replenishment is provided (there are limitations for timing) and partial removal to an unsigned residue.

Russian standard

The maximum rate in the Bank of the Russian standard can reach 10% on the Maximum Income Deposit Program. The contribution is located on 720 days, which are divided into percentage periods, the most profitable one is 360 days under 10%. The amount of placement in the design on the bank's website or in the office is from 30,000 rubles, and when opening in an Internet bank - from 10,000 rubles at the same rate. According to the urgent deposit "Refilled", the holder of funds can get up to 9.5% per annum. The shelf life is half a year or a year, the minimum amount for opening is 30 thousand rubles, but on the specified bid can be calculated by placing them for a period of 360 days.

Where is more profitable to keep money?

As you can see, deposits in Moscow banks are offered on different conditions. All organizations can be divided into two groups - banks with the smallest and most maximum rates. The first group includes Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB24 and the Bank of Moscow. In the second - Tinkoff, Home Credit, Russian Standard. The best interest on deposits in rubles is waiting for you in the banks of Home Credit and Russian Standard. Here you can get up to 10% per annum and more. However, one interest rate to draw conclusions about the profitability of the contribution in a particular bank is not enough. We recommend paying attention to the ability to make profitable and expenditure operations on the account, because by most of the high-yield deposits, replenishment is also prohibited, and partial removal of funds, interest is also usually paid only at the end of the deadline, which is not always convenient to depositors.

Updated in December 2016

A complete list of the most relevant banks for investors for investors is available at http://www.podborvklada.ru - there you can find a constantly updated list of deposits with the best conditions.

28 May

Money is not only a tool for making calculations. They should not only save, but preferably. One of effective ways Increase the amount of savings are deposits. Open them offers many banking organizations, of course, on different conditions. How to choose beneficial deposits, discuss today.

Contribution: Concept and essence

The contribution is a certain amount of funds you send a bank organization to get income in the form of interest. The contributor to become simple: Agreement should be concluded for the placement of money in rubles or other currency in the bank account.

Any citizen is entitled to place a contribution to individuals, regardless of his social status and the material situation.

Top 20 banks in which the contribution can be discovered

We will analyze the conditions for opening deposits in several criteria.

We also immediately note important information: all data relating to interest rates and opening conditions received from official banking organizations. It can change, be supplemented, this is the prerogative of banks.

Tinkoff Bank

  1. Minimum contribution - 50 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period - 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period - 24 months;
  4. Minimum% rate – 5,5%
  5. Maximum% rate – 8,8%;
  6. % Calculation - to contribute either at the request of the client for a card;
  7. Replenishment - Whatever time, via the Internet;
  8. Removal of parts - Whatever time, as you are comfortable.

Summary: Ease of discovery, the ability to shoot and replenish the score at any time, quite the lifting amount of the contribution. The bank participates in the deposit insurance system, which we mentioned today. From pleasant bonuses it can be noted that everyone who has discovered the contribution becomes the owner debit card bank. There is also an opportunity to discover the contribution to different currencies.

  1. Minimum contribution - 1 ruble (depends on the type of deposit open);
  2. Minimum placement period - 30 days (Contribution "Save");
  3. Maximum placement period - 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate – 3%;
  5. Maximum% rate – 7%;
  6. Accrual% - occurs depending on the type of deposit;
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal of parts - allowed.

Summary: The bank is definitely reliable, stable, supported by the state. Participates in the Deposit Insurance System, you can not attend the office personally. At the same time, we note that interest rates leave much to be desired.

VTB 24

  1. Minimum contribution - 200,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period - 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period - 60 months;
  4. Minimum% rate – 4,10%;
  5. Maximum% rate – 7,4%;
  6. Accrual% - every month;
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal of parts - Perhaps (the contribution "Comfortable").

Summary: The amount of the first contribution is large, not to make it for everyone. The number of available contributions is small, but it is unlikely to be counted negative parties. At the same time, it is possible to finally remove funds, as well as replenish the contribution.

  1. Minimum contribution - 10 rubles (contribution "to demand");
  2. Minimum placement period - depends on the type of contribution;
  3. Maximum placement period - depends on the type of contribution;
  4. Minimum% rate – 0,01%
  5. Maximum% rate - 8.75% (investment contribution »);
  6. Accrual% - every month;
  7. Replenishment - Yes, according to the deposits "managed", "accumulative", "Pension income"
  8. Removal of parts - Yes, according to the deposits "to demand" and "manageable".

Summary: The amount of the initial contribution is available for all, there are no restrictions on the deposit periods.

  1. Minimum contribution - 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period - 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period - 2 years;
  4. Minimum% rate – 7,25%
  5. Maximum% rate – 9,0%
  6. Accrual% - according to your choice (every month or capitalization);
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal of parts - Not for all types of deposits.

Summary: Not all contributions are available for replenishment, cash for removal needs to be ordered in a few days. Positive aspects: You can manage your contribution without visiting the office.

  1. Minimum contribution - 100 rubles (according to the deposit "Pension");
  2. Minimum placement period - 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period -1095 days;
  4. Minimum% rate - 0.01% (by deposit "to demand")
  5. Maximum% rate - 7.8% (by the deposit of "vacation");
  6. Accrual% - at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal of parts - Only on the "dynamic" contribution.

Summary: Bank participant in the deposit insurance system is the possibility of personal counseling.

  1. Minimum contribution 10 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. 2 years;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 7,35%;
  6. % Calculation daily, monthly;
  7. Replenishment - Yes, perhaps;
  8. Removal of parts Yes, perhaps.

Summary: There is an increase in the rates when opening online, the Bank enters the deposit insurance system, a relatively small minimum contribution.

Bank opening

  1. Minimum contribution 50 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 2 years;
  4. Minimum% rate depends on the type of deposit;
  5. Maximum% rate 8%;
  6. % Calculation 1 time per month (capitalization available);
  7. Replenishment - possibly;
  8. Removal of parts - Perhaps on the contribution of "Free Management".

Summary: There is an opportunity to replenish the deposit amount, an online opening is available.

Alfa Bank

  1. Minimum contribution 10 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period - more than 3 years;
  4. Minimum% rate 4,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 7.2% on the contribution of "victory +";
  6. % Calculation every month;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts - Yes.

Summary: There is a possibility of obtaining serious income, but for this you need to make a large amount of the minimum contribution, up to 3 million rubles.

  1. Minimum contribution 30 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,5%;
  6. % Calculation every month;
  7. Replenishment -yes, by the contribution "Always at hand";
  8. Removal of parts possibly.

Summary: It is possible to make a minimum contribution to several payments, there is a possibility of monthly replenishment.

  1. Minimum contribution - 10 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 24 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,0%;
  5. Maximum% rate 9%;
  6. % Calculation at the end of the contract;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts yes.

Summary: For the opening of the contribution over the Internet, 0.25% is plusing. It is possible to make money and not lose interest.


  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 4 years;
  4. Minimum% rate 5% (on deposits in gold and silver);
  5. Maximum% rate 9%;
  6. % Calculation every month;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts Available.

Summary: A small amount of the first contribution, the choice of deposits is wide.

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 7,4%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,3%;
  6. Accrual% - 1 time per month;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: The bank increases the deposits rate for persons who discovered it through the Internet and ATMs (+ 0.3%). Also, the percentage will be higher if you are a salary client or a pensioner.

  1. Minimum contribution 10 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 366 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 366 days;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,3%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,10%;
  6. % Calculation every month;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: We see that the minimum contribution is small, it is possible to shoot and replenish contributions, also% can be obtained every month.

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate -7,0%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8.22% (if you make 3 million rubles);
  6. % Calculation 1 time per month or at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts not.

Summary: Opening is available in rubles and in currency, it is impossible to partially take money, but at the same time you can replenish the entire line.

  1. Minimum contribution 5000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 1 year;
  4. Minimum% rate 7,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8.25% ("Capital");
  6. % Calculation Every month, every quarter;
  7. Replenishment - Yes;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: The company's website contains information that deposits are accepted only in rubles, in addition, it is possible to obtain an increased% if you discover the contribution via the Internet. It is permissible to close the contribution ahead of schedule and not losing accrued%.

  1. Minimum contribution 5000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 24 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,5%;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,6%;
  6. % Calculation everyday (if the contribution "to demand");
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: can be replenished open contributions And take part of the funds.

Bank "Ugra

  1. Minimum contribution 100 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 61 day (on the contribution "Special Client")
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6%;
  5. Maximum% rate 10%;
  6. % Calculation 1 time per month;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: Deposits can be replenished and removed by parts by parts, initially you can make a small amount.


  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,1%;
  5. Maximum% rate 9,0%;
  6. % Calculation every month;
  7. Replenishment -yes;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: The banking institution offers a wide range of deposits, there is from what to choose.

  1. Minimum contribution 30 000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 91 day;
  3. Maximum placement period 720 days;
  4. Minimum% rate 6,5;
  5. Maximum% rate 8,5%;
  6. % Calculation Each quarter, at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment -permissible;
  8. Removal of parts Yes.

Summary: The bank offers a fairly wide selection, when opening in an Internet bank, the percentage is a little higher.

Comparative table for all banks

Banking Institution Maximum on deposit Contribution for opening Ability to remove / replenish
10% 100 rubles yes Yes
9% 1000 rubles yes Yes
Ubrir 9% 1000 rubles yes Yes
9% 1000 rubles not for all deposits
Promsvyat Bank 9% 10 000 rubles yes Yes
Tinkoff Bank 8,8% 50 000 rubles yes Yes
8,7% 10 rubles yes Yes
8,6% 5000 rubles yes Yes
Russian Standard / Sovcombank 8,5% 30 000 / 30 000 yes Yes
8,3% 1000 rubles yes Yes
8,25% 5000 rubles yes Yes
Home Credit Bank 8,22% 1000 rubles no Yes
8,1% 1000 rubles yes Yes
Bank opening 8% 50 000 rubles yes Yes
7,8% 100 rubles yes Yes
VTB 24 7,4% 200 000 rubles yes Yes
7,3% 10 000 rubles yes Yes
Alfa Bank 7,2% 10 000 rubles yes Yes
7,0% 1 ruble yes Yes

In the next part of our conversation, we consider how to make a comparison of deposits.

How to compare different deposits

It is clear that the most an important indicator For comparison, most people consider the interest rate. But no less important and indicators that we have already considered in the table above are the opportunity to make money and replenish the score.

The level of income that you will receive by deposit primarily depends on the bet. If you discover the contribution to the currency, then get a smaller income if in rubles more. Rates on currency deposits are always lower than on ruble.

Separately, we note that at present, the opening of deposits without visiting the Bank's office is becoming increasingly popular, online or through an ATM. Some banks offer for such an opening% slightly higher than standard. We also wrote about this in the article.

If you read the recommendations of various specialists, they note that you should not give priority when choosing a contribution to such an indicator as the interest rate. It happens that their high levels hides in themselves the big risk or completely unable to favorable conditions. The rate indicated in advertising in fact below.

There is another criterion for comparison: the size of the minimum and maximum amount of the contribution. It cannot be said that he plays a big role, but attention to it is worth it, since the minimum contribution is associated with expendable operations. Speaking simple languageThis means that if you output the means partially, this amount should remain on the account.

It is impossible to withdraw money more than this amount, you will lose everything that was accrued. This is especially important for depositors who have small amounts of funds, invest in any time to remove the maximum.

Goals placement deposits

It would seem that nothing complicated: you discover the contribution to not lose money, save them, as well as increase their number. But there are a number of other purposes. Let's talk about them.

1. Earn.

Do not be surprised, it is quite possible. Often banking organizations are carried out shares of various nature. If circumstances are successful, you can get an additional income.

2. Get benefits.

As an example, we give one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation. It has such a condition: for a person who will discovery for a certain amount, preferential conditions will be valid mortgage lending. Imagine who are not so little.

3. Protect your money from inflation.

If you set yourself such a goal, you can choose a practical any type of deposit - they will all help it. Keep money at home in the box - not the most the best way, sooner or later inflation will eat them, and no one is insured against the thieves.

4. Accumulate on a large purchase.

We all know that there are people who do not delay money in his pocket. They say about these: give him a million, he will spend in 2 hours. As a result, it turns out that money is needed for something really serious, but they are not.

In this case, and comes to the rescue bank deposit. And it is better to make money it was impossible to remove money. Then it will work out.

And now let's talk about what deposits are at all and how they are classified.

What are the contributions

To attract a large number of customers, banking organizations are constantly expanding the line of deposits by adding new ones. We will now consider the most popular types of deposits for us - simple inhabitants.

All deposits can be divided into 2 categories: Urgered and poste restante.Urgent open for a certain time, the contributions to the demand of a specific period do not have.


It is worth noting that the highest rates on this group. In addition, this deposits are not always allowed to make money, as well as to make funds to the account.


Thanks to the presence of such a contribution, you can control your finances, carry out accumulation management. Another contribution is called universal.


Provided for such clients who plan to carry out its replenishment throughout the entire deposit period. They are most often used by people who wink on expensive purchases.


These are deposits, open which offer specific customer groups. This includes deposits for students, pensioners and so on.

By seasons.

Dedicated to some time of the year. They often have quite high bets, but there is no possibility of prolongation.


Designed for those who want to accumulate on their own an initial fee by mortgage. They can be replenished, but cannot be extended automatically.

Part of the funds or the whole amount immediately at the end of the contract will be sent to pay mortgage contribution. Now in the Russian Federation, such a contribution is not found in all banking institutions.


This contribution refers to the category of urgent and tied to a change in the value of any asset. The asset can be a dollar rate, securities, precious metals and so on.


The meaning of such a contribution is that funds are stored in various currencies: most often it is rubles, euros and dollars. There is, of course, the ability to store money in more exotic currencies, but it is rarely found.

The main advantage of this type of contribution is the ability to not lose yield and translate funds from one currency to another. This is called conversion. The commission is usually not taken for it, but also the rates are lower here than in other types of deposits.


Opened in the name of the child, which is not 16 years old. Contribution - target.

License plate.

A person makes funds only in cash. The client at the opening of such a contribution can count on the complete anonymity of his account.

How to choose a bank to place the deposit

Choosing a banking organization, which you can entrust money and not be afraid of losing them, will take a decent amount of time.

To make this task a little easier, we give several recommendations:

  1. Do not neglect other people's reviews. Familiarize yourself with them, it will definitely not be too much. Only special attention is paid to those presented in the network as a whole, and not on the official websites of the banking organization.
  2. Explore information in the media for publications about the bank in a negative key.
  3. When visiting the Bank, specify how interest rates act on deposits: if they are overestimated - this is a reason to alert;
  4. You can use the information posted on the portal Bank.Ru. The positive side here is that all data on the site is set out in a simple language, you do not need to be a specialist in the field of economics to deal with the subject;
  5. Find out if the bank has branches and branches;
  6. An important criterion for choosing is the participation of the bank in the system of state insurance of deposits. This information is on the Internet in free access, it will not find it any problems.
  7. On the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, you can view information that concerns the reporting of banking organizations. Here is the only negative in what to figure it out. simple man It is difficult to help a specialist.
  8. An important indicator is the amount.
  9. You can ask the bank's ratings, they publish special agencies. Of course, to keep track of them difficult, but as additional information It can be used.
  10. An indirect sign that the bank is not all good, are frequent failures in the implementation of various operations.

Errors that we admit, choosing a bank

Not always a potential investor can adequately assess the reliability of the selected banking organization.

Errors, by the way, are allowed the most banal:

  1. Choosing the highest rate on the deposit. It is dictated by the desire to increase the amount of their funds. If your goal is only in this, you'd better take advantage of others financial instrument. Very high rates should not attract, but repel the client. Their presence is the indicator that the bank needs funds, he has difficulties with finance.
  2. Excessive confidence in the bank specialists. Even if the employee is convincingly and beautifully, his words must be confirmed something. Stable and reliable institutions provide customers with all the information available in public domain.
  3. Opening of the contribution to the service banking organization. Often, investors trust their funds to the bank in which they receive salary or other types of permanent payments. It is convenient, but you do not need to carry all the money into one institution, it is better to distribute several.
  4. Following unverified recommendations. The experience of your friends and relatives is important, but do not need to follow him. They are based mostly in the opinion of a particular person, and not at the actual state of affairs.

Summing up a small result, I would like to say that the choice of banking organization needs to be approached with high attention and thoroughness. It is better to spend time searching for the maximum suitable bank than to risk your cash savings.

Insurance of deposit state

Thanks to the introduction of this system, a person can return his money, even if the bank is recognized or he recalled a license.

In 2017, deposits of up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured. If your deposits are open in several banks and all these credit organizations Subjected to bankruptcy, from each you get 1,400,000.

The action of this program is applied to deposits made in currency. Amount B. this case It will be calculated by this course that is valid at the date of feedback from the license bank. Recalculation is carried out in rubles.

Causes of refusal to open the contribution

Banking organization, not voicing the cause, may refuse to the Client in the opening of the contribution.

This happens infrequently, and the reasons may be the following nature:

  • Client under 14 years old;
  • The client does not have the opportunity to present a passport or another document that will make his identity;
  • A citizen of another state wants to discover the contribution, which cannot confirm its right to find in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the next part of our article, we will consider in detail 20 banking organizations that have already proven themselves as reliable. People trust them with their money without fear for their safety. We offer to analyze the line of deposits that offer the data of the institution, and then conclude, in which bank it is better to discover the contribution.

NDFL and Fosters of Fislice

Most of deposit programs Payment does not require. The tax will be accrued only if the income level exceeds the legislation. But in the current year, banking organizations lowered rates on deposits due to the fact that they rose insurance rates. So, the high level of profitability does not have to wait.

You may ask: so you need to pay something or not? Reply like this: this direction of payments is practically not controlled. If you receive a notice of payment, of course, make a payment. But if during the 3 years you did not notify about it, you can not pay.

Interest on deposit: how to calculate

To begin with, we immediately note that you should not fully trust the amount of interest on the deposit, which is indicated in the advertising of a banking organization. Before you entrust your blood earned money to the bank, try to calculate interest yourself. Perhaps it will seem difficult to you, but we will try to clarify how to do it as simple as possible.

First of all, you should not fully trust the calculation of the contribution calculator.

The actual result will not show, because:

  1. Their functional is scant, all the details of the calculator does not take into account. Therefore, from its application you can refuse and try to calculate everything manually.
  2. Calculate everything before deciding on the bank and type of deposit. It is necessary to evaluate and compare various proposals.
  3. If questions arise, contact consultants of the bank, they will clarify all the necessary moments.

And now we turn directly to the terminology and calculations.

Interest on deposits are charged in two ways: according to the formulas of a complex or simple percentage.The key parameter in both cases is the interest rate on the deposit.

Under the concept of%, the contribution is understood by the amount that the bank pays to its client for using his money.

The value of the bet is usually prescribed in the contract, indicate it as percentage of annual. The rate can be floating or fixed.

If we are talking about simple way Accrual%, they are not added to the amount of the deposit, but list the depositor to the open account.

With the second embodiment, the income accrued is attached to the body of the contribution, it turns out that its main amount has increased, which means that the total yield is growing.


Calculate interest in case of simple accrual:

S \u003d (p x i x t / k) / 100Where:

  • S - accrued%;
  • P - the amount you make;
  • I - the rate of deposit for the year;
  • t - the number of days for which% counters;
  • K - Number of days for the year (do not forget about the leap).

Example. Citizen O. discovered a contribution to the amount of 200,000 rubles, for a period of 12 months, under 9.5% per annum. Accrual% simple. After the expiration of the contribution of the income O. will be: (200000 * 9.5 * 365/365) / 100 \u003d 19 000 p.

If the complex interest is understood, the calculation will look like this:

S \u003d (p x i x j / k) / 100Where:

  • S - accrued%;
  • P - the amount you made;
  • I -% by deposit for the year;
  • j - the number of days in the estimated period;
  • K - the number of days a year.

Example. Citizen O. discovered a contribution to the amount of 200,000 rubles, for a period of 6 months, under 9.5% per annum with capitalization. After the expiration date of the contribution of income O. will be: (200000 * 9.5 * 180/365) / 100 \u003d 9369 p. (for 6 months).

Deposit in currency: nuances

With prevailing economic conditions Depositors prefer to keep part of their money in the currency. If you are ready to open this contribution, then remember: if the bank loses the license, the deposit amount will be paid to you in rubles.

In addition, there is another subtlety: the DSE starts insurance payments 14 days after the license is revoked from your bank. And during this time, the currency rate can grow, so you can lose some amount.

What are the risks of the depositors

This is an important question that cannot be left unanswered. After all, everyone knows that any medal has two sides: positive and negative. We have already talked about the advantages of the opening of deposits, we will now discuss possible risks.

The most common are the following:

  • Banking organization recognized bankrupt;
  • Payment of NDFL;
  • An increase in rates for deposits opened for a long time;
  • Liquidity risk;
  • Risks reinvestment.

And now a little more.

Bank is recognized bankrupt.

To slightly reduce the possibility of such a situation, place your savings in different banking organizations, the amounts of no more than 1,400,000 rubles. If something happens to the bank, the state will return to you.

Payment of NDFL.

It will have to do only if the rate according to your contribution by 5% will exceed the refinancing rate. Then you have to pay, and in the amount of 35% with the amount of exceeding.

An increase in bets for deposits opened for a long time.

If you discover under 9% per annum, for a period of 36 months, and after a year the rate has become 12%, you lose 3% income.


Such a risk occurs if you are developing an agreement on an urgent contribution. Better open a deposit where funds can be partially removed.

Risk of reinvestment.

Suppose you discovered a deposit for 6 months, denied 10%. These tools you plan to reinvest. But after 6 months, the rates fell and now you can get only 8% per annum.

To minimize risks, make the choice of the bank carefully.

Fraudulent operations related to deposits

Recently, the review of the license from banking organizations is regular. But the problem also in the fact that 27 thousand people appealed to the Deposit Insurance Agency with statements that people cannot receive compensation for their funds. As it turned out, there were fraudulent activities with deposits, from banks.

What is the essence of such fraud? It turned out that banking organizations kidnapped funds from their depositors. Double accounting was conducted, and the man did not even guess that he was robbed. In accounting, the data that deposits were opened, or did not specify at all, or in a strongly reduced amount: instead of 500,000 reflected only 50 rubles.

After the licenses were withdrawn, the depositors faced the fact that there are no money on their accounts, there is nothing to reimburse.

How to protect yourself from such manipulations? Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this 100%. But we recommend to keep all the documents in the original: orders confirming operations, contracts on the opening of deposits and so on. And act actively, do not expect that the situation itself is normalized.

Enter according to this algorithm:

  • Contact B. banking organization With statement O. insurance compensationby attaching the documents that you have on your hands;
  • The application from the Bank is transferred to the Insurance Agency;
  • The agency registers it and considers;
  • If the decision is positive - entrepreneurs will be made to the register of payments;
  • As a result - you will get my money in full.

Of course, this procedure will make you spend not only time, but also nerves. Although most likely that the outcome will be positive.

You can still advise place deposits in banks that are among the largest. This somewhat reduces the risk of license and fraud. But this is a personal matter of everyone, we will not impose anything.


So, our dear readers, now you know how to choose a suitable bank and discover contributions. If you place your tools successfully - not only save money, but also get income. The main thing is to choose a bank thoughtful, and best place funds in several stable banking institutions.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state