
Economic system in which economic decisions are accepted. Types of economic systems. Conditions for the transition to a market economy are not-favorable for Russia. Among them

Economic system

Economic system (eng. Economic System) - the totality of all economic processesCommitted in society based on the property and economic mechanism in it. In any economic system, the primary role is played by production in aggregate with distribution, exchange, consumption. In all economic Systemsah for production requires economic resources, and the results of economic activities are distributed, exchange and consumed. At the same time, in economic systems there are also elements that distinguish them from each other:

  • socio-economic relations;
  • organizational and legal forms of economic activity;
  • economic mechanism;
  • system of incentives and motivation of participants;
  • economic ties between enterprises and organizations.

The main types of economic systems are listed below.

Economic system in different scientific schools

The concept of an economic system (its content, elements and structure) depends on the economic school. In the neoclassical paradigm, the description of the economic system is revealed through micro and macroeconomic concepts. The object of neoclassics is defined as a study of the behavior of people maximizing their utility in a limited resource environment with unlimited needs. The main elements are: firms, households, state.

Economic systems are also studied from the point of view of other theoretical schools directly related to economic theory. From the point of view of researchers of modern post-industrial society, the post-industrial economy (neo-economics, "Information Society" or "Society of Knowledge") is born as a special technological way, which significantly modifies the economic and social systems in general. In the "Economic Development" paradigm, a special group of the third world countries is allocated, where there are a number of important patterns: the institutional structure, the features of macroeconomic dynamics, a special model. Thus, the development economy considers the class of special economic systems. Unlike the dominant concepts of neoclassic and neo-regisitutionalism, the historical school focuses on the historically established differences in national economic systems.

Parameters Comparison of Economic Systems

Technical and economic and post-economic parameters

Economic systems are studied from the point of view of technological instructions. From the point of view of the structure, this is: pre-industrial economic systems, industrial and post-industrial economic systems. An important parameter for post-industrial systems is a measure of creative activity and its role in the economy. For its measurement, the measured parameters of the level of education are usually used, for example, the share of persons with higher education, the structure of professional employment, etc. The most important characteristic is an assessment in the economic system to solve environmental problems. Demographic parameters allow you to answer questions related to the approach of the economic system to the post-industrial society, and directly related to this parameter have: life expectancy, child mortality, incidence, other nation's health parameters. The proportion of post-industrial technologies is usually calculated in the share of those employed in the production of various industries in the total mass of GDP.

The ratio of the plan and market (resource allocation)

These parameters are particularly relevant for countries with economies in transition. There is a characteristic of the mechanisms of state planning of the economy, the development of commodity-money relations, the measures for the development of the natural economy, the measure of the development of the shadow economy. Characteristics of the market development: Measure of the development of market institutions, a measure of market self-organization (competition), market saturation (lack of deficiency), market structure. Regulatory development measures: antimonopolistic regulation; Measure of the development of state regulation (selective regulation, anticyclic regulation, programming); Measure of the development of regulation from public associations . A more detailed study of the role of the state in the economy is carried out in the theory of public selection, which considers the decision-making process of decisions, a system of public contract (constitutional economy) and so on. .

Parameters of comparison of property relations

When analyzing economic systems, the ratio of the shares of state, cooperative and private enterprises is given. Nevertheless, such a characteristic formal, for the deeper characteristics of the economic system, high-quality and quantitative characteristics Descriptions of the essence of forms and methods of controlling the property and its assignment. For example, for countries with economies in transition, you can give such a characteristic by answering the following questions:

  • a measure of the concentration of powerful powers in the hands of the bureaucratic party and state apparatus and the separation of the state from the Society (the workers are not involved in the assignment of public wealth);
  • the degree of centralization / decentralization state owned ("Transferring" of some control functions to the level of enterprises) and, for example, the population of cooperative property;
  • a measure of the decomposition of the state-bureaucratic pyramid of economic power and the formation of "closed departmental systems", strengthening power in the fields in the regions.

Over time, the economic system can be democratized when a greater amount of powers of the management of property and assignment departs to enterprises and individuals.

An important characteristic of property relations is the form of ownership, what is the proportion of enterprises: fully in state ownership; joint-stock enterprises, the controlling stake in which is in the hands of the state; cooperatives and collective enterprises; joint-stock enterprises whose controlling stake in the hands of workers; joint-stock enterprises where the controlling stake belongs to individuals and private corporations; private personal enterprises using hired work; Based on personal labor owners; enterprises belonging to foreigners; Property of public organizations; different types joint ventures.

Comparative analysis of social parameters

The level and dynamics of real income. The "price" of the obtained real income (the duration of the working week, the family of working time family, the intensity of labor). Consumption quality (market saturation, time spent in the field of consumption). Share of free time, directions for its use. Quality and quality of labor. Development of the socio-cultural sphere, the availability of its services. The development of the scientific and educational sphere and its availability.

Comparative study of the mechanism of operation of economic systems

Modern Market Economic System

The market is a complex economic system of public relations in the field of economic reproduction. It is due to several principles that determine its essence and distinguish from other economic systems. These principles are based on human freedom, its entrepreneurial talents and on a fair attitude to them. Indeed, these principles are a bit - they can be calculated on the fingers of one hand, but their importance for the very concept of a market economy is difficult to overestimate. And these basics, namely: Freedom of the individual and honest competition - are very closely related to the concept of a rule of law. The guarantees of the liberty and honest competition can be given only in conditions civil society and the rule of law. But the very essence of the rights found by the person in the conditions of a rule of law is the right of freedom of consumption: every citizen has the right to arrange his life as it seems to be in his framework financial opportunities. It is necessary that the rights to property are irregular, and in this defense of their rights, he himself plays the main role, and the state of protection against illegal encroachments to the property of a citizen of other citizens is taken by the state. Such an alignment of strength holds a person within the law, since ideally the state stands on his side. The law, which begins to respect, whatever it becomes, becomes fair at least for the one who respects it. But, protecting the rights of citizens, the state should not cross the border, both totalitarianism and chaos. In the first case, the initiative of citizens will deteriorate or manifest itself in a perverted form, and in the second - the state and its laws can be revealed by violence. However, the "distance" between totalitarianism and chaos is large enough, and the state in any case should play "its" role. This role is to effectively regulate the economy. Under the regulation, a very wide range of measures should be understood, and the more effective its use, the higher the confidence in the state.

Distinctive features:

  • the diversity of ownership of ownership, among which is still the leading place occupies a private property in various kinds;
  • deploying a scientific and technical revolution that accelerates the creation of a powerful production and social infrastructure;
  • limited state intervention in the economy, however the role of the government in social sphere still great;
  • changes in the structure of production and consumption (increasing role of services);
  • growth of the level of education (post-school);
  • new attitude towards work (creative);
  • increased environmental attention (restriction of the degreasing use of natural resources);
  • humanization of the economy ("human potential");
  • informatization of society (increase in the number of knowledge manufacturers);
  • renaissance of small business (fast update and high differentiation of products);
  • globalization of economic activities (the world has become a single market).

Traditional economic system

In economically weak developed countriesoh, there is a traditional economic system. This type of economic system is based on backward technology, the wide distribution of manual labor, the multipleness of the economy.

The multiplicity of the economy means existence under the economic system of various forms of management. Natural community forms based on community management and natural forms of distribution of the created product are preserved in a number of countries. Melno-frozen production is of great importance. It is based on private ownership of the production resources and personal labor of their owner. In countries with a traditional system, small-handed production is represented by numerous peasant and craft farms, which dominate the economy.

In the context of relatively poorly developed national entrepreneurship, foreign capital plays a huge role in the economy of the countries under consideration.

In the life of society, the traditions and customs and customs, religious cultural values, caste and class divisions, restraining socio-economic progress prevail.

The solution of key economic tasks has specific features within various styles. For the traditional system, such a feature is characterized - the active role of the state. Redistributing through the budget a significant part national incomeThe state sends funds to the development of infrastructure and providing social support to the poorest segments of the population. The traditional economy is based on traditions transmitted from generation to generation. These traditions determine, there are products and services to produce, for whom and how. List of goods, production technology and distribution are based on customers of the country. The economic roles of members of society are determined by heredity and custom affiliation. This type of economy is preserved today in a number of so-called underdeveloped countries, in which technical progress penetrates with great difficulties, for it, as a rule, undermines the customs established in these systems, traditions.

The advantages of the traditional economy

  • stability;
  • predictability;
  • quality and a large number of products.

Disadvantages of the traditional economy

  • defenselessness before external influences;
  • inability to self-improvement, to progress.

Distinctive features:

  • extremely primitive technologies;
  • the predominance of manual labor;
  • all key economic problems are solved in accordance with age-old customs;
  • the organization and management of economic life is carried out on the basis of the decisions of the Council.

Traditional Economic System: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Benin. These are the least developed countries of the world. The economy is focused on agriculture. In most countries, the fragmentation of the population prevails in the form of national (folk) groups. GNP per capita does not exceed 400 dollars. The economies of countries are represented mainly by agriculture, rarely mining industry. Everything that is produced and is presented is not able to feed and ensure the population of these countries. As opposed to these states are countries with higher income, but also focused on agriculture - Azerbaijan, Cotd-Divoire, Pakistan.

Administrative and command system (planned)

This system dominated previously in the USSR, the countries of Eastern Europe, and a number of Asian states.

Characteristic features of AKC is public (A in reality - state) property practically to all economic resources, monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy in specific forms, centralized economic planning as the basis of the economic mechanism.

The Economic mechanism of the ACC has a number of features. He suggests, firstly, the direct management of all enterprises from the Unified Center - the highest echelons of state power, which negates the independence of economic entities. Secondly, the state fully controls the production and distribution of products, as a result of which free market relations between individual farms are excluded. Thirdly, the state apparatus leads economic activities with the help of, mainly administrative and administrative (team) methods, which undermines the material interest in the results of labor.

Full population of the economy causes an unprecedented monopolization of production and sales of products. Giant monopolies approved in all areas national economy and supported by ministries and departments, in the absence of competition they do not care about the introduction of new products and technology. For a deficient economy generated by a monopoly, the lack of normal material and human reserves in case of a violation of the balance of the economy is characterized.

In countries with AKS, the decision of general economic tasks had its own specific features. In accordance with the dominant ideological plants, the task of determining the volume and structure of products was considered too serious and responsible to convey its decision to direct manufacturers to industrial enterprises, state farms and collective farms.

Centralized distribution of material benefits, labor and financial resources was carried out without the participation of direct manufacturers and consumers, in accordance with the pre-selected as public goals and criteria, based on centralized planning. A significant part of resources in accordance with the dominant ideological plants was sent to the development of the military-industrial complex.

The distribution of manufactured products between the participants of production was severely regulated by the central bodies for the means of the ubiquitous tariff system, as well as centrally approved standards of funds to the payroll. This led to the predominance of the equalization approach to pay

Main features:

  • state property practically to all economic resources;
  • strong monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy;
  • centralized, directive economic planning as the basis of the economic mechanism.

The main features of the economic mechanism:

  • direct Board by all enterprises from the Unified Center;
  • the state fully controls the production and distribution of products;
  • the state apparatus is managing economic activities with the help of predominantly administrative command methods.

This type of economic system is characteristic of: Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea. Centralized economy with the overwhelming shares of the public sector in more than depends on agriculture and foreign trade. GNP per capita slightly exceeds 1000 dollars.

Mixed system

Mixed economy presents such an economic system where the state and the private sector play important role in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of all resources and material goods in the country. At the same time, the regulatory role of the market is complemented by the mechanism of state regulation, and private property coexists with socio-state. The mixed economy arose in the interwar period and to this day represents the most effective form of management. Five main tasks solved by mixed economies can be distinguished:

  • employment;
  • full use of production facilities;
  • stabilization of prices;
  • parallel growth of wages and labor productivity;
  • balance balance.

Distinctive features:

  • priority of the market organization of the economy;
  • multisectoral economy;
  • the state management entrepreneurship is combined with private with its comprehensive support;
  • orientation of financial, credit and tax policies for economic growth and social stability;
  • social protection of the population.

This type of economic system is characteristic of Russia, China, Sweden, France, Japan, Great Britain, SSH.


  • Kolganov A.I., Buzgalin A.V. Economic comprability: Comparative analysis Economic systems: textbook. - m.: Infra-M, 2009. - ISBN 5-16-002023-3
  • Nureev R.M. Essays on the history of the institutionalism. - Rostov N / D: "Assistance - XXI century"; Humanitarian Perspectives, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-91423-018-7
  • Viyapin V.I., Zhuravleva G.P., Petrakov N.Ya. and etc. Economic Systems: Cybernetic nature of development, market management methods, coordination of the economic activities of corporations / Per with Prochest. - N.Ya. Petrakova; Viyapina VI; Zhuravleva GG .. - m.: Infra-M, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-16-003402-7
  • Dynkin A.A., Korolev I.S., Hesin E.S. and etc. World economy: Forecast until 2020 / by Ed.- A.A. Dynkin, I.S. Korolev, G.I. Machavariani. - M.: Master, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-9776-0013-2



  • Site Inoshetseva V. L. Modern post-industrial society: nature, contradiction.
  • Erokhina E. A. Theory of Economic Development System-synergistic approach.
  • Liiv E. H. Infodinamics Generalized entropy and Negentropy 1997

· Market;

· command-administrative;

· Mixed;

· Traditional.

· transitional.

For economically backward countries, it is characteristic:

· Economy transition period;

· Economics of classical capitalism;

· Planned Economy;

· Economy of industrial society

· traditional economy.

In a centralized economy, the question of which goods and services should be made, decide (is):

· Manufacturers

· Consumers

· state

· foreign investors

The dominant form of ownership is determined by:

· forms of distribution, exchange and consumption of benefits

· Economic growth rates

· social structure Society

· sectoral structure Economy

Modern market economy is based on:

· Fodal property

· private property

· Multiple property

· collective property

The transformation of state ownership in private is called:

· Nationalization

· Denomination

· Dealvation

· privatization

Transformation of private property to the state called:

· Privatization

· Restructuring

· nationalization

· Dumping

Scale of Evaluation of Educational Achievements for Test Materials

Questions to test for the course Economic theory

5. Requirements and resources.

Questions for the exam in the course Economic theory

1. The subject and methods of economic science.

2. Economic system and its properties.

3. Elements of the economic system.

4. Property: concept, subjects, objects, forms.

5. Requirements and resources.

6. The problem of choice in the economy. Curve production opportunities.

7. Market: concept, structure, functions.

8. Demand. Law of demand. Demand factors.

9. Offer. Law of proposals. Factors offer.

10. Market balance. The equilibrium price and its functions.

11. Administrative establishment of the price and its consequence.

12. Elasticity of demand. Factors of the elasticity of demand.

13. Elasticity of the proposal. Elasticity factors offer.

14. Cumulative and utmost utility. The law of decreasing utmost utility.

15. Consumer preferences and utility function. Curve indifference.

16. Budgetary restriction and budget line. Consumer equilibrium condition.

17. Entrepreneurial firm and form of its organization.

18. Production function of the company and its properties. The equilibrium condition of the manufacturer.

19. Production in the short term. Cumulative, medium and limiting variable factor products. The law of the decreasing limit recoil of the variable factor.

20. Economic costs of the company: internal and external.

21. Permanent, variables and cumulative costs. Medium and limit costs.

22. Production costs in the long-term period. Positive and negative scales effects.

23. Profit: Economic and Accounting. Conditions Maximizing profits in the short and long term.

24. Competition: concept, function, types. Price and insensitive competition.

25. Free market and free competition.

26. Pure monopoly. Socio economic consequences Monopolies.

27. Natural monopoly. State regulation Activities of natural monopolies.

28. Goals, directions and organization of antitrust policy.

29. Oligopoly. Features of competition and pricing on the oligopolistic market.

30. Monopolistic competition.

31. Laws of the formation of demand for resources.

32. Labor market and its components.

33. Equilibrium on the labor market and factors that violate it.

34. Labor market in conditions of imperfect competition.

35. Real capital: main and revound. Capital assets.

36. Percentage of capital and its nature. Discounted cost.

37. The demand and supply of land.

38. Land rent.: Absolute and differentiated. Land price.

39. Economic functions states.

40. National production and its indicators.

Choose two basic signs for classification:

  1. who owns capital and land;
  2. who makes decisions on the distribution of limited resources.

We get the opportunity to allocate four main types of economic systems:

  1. traditional;
  2. command (socialism);
  3. market (capitalism);
  4. mixed.

The most ancient economy systems are traditional.

Traditional economic system - organization of organization economic LifeIn which land and capital are in general possession of the tribe (community) or are inherited within the family, and limited resources are distributed in accordance with existing traditions.

The remains of such a device of economic life can also be found at the tribes living in the deaf corners of the planet (for example, among the peoples of the Far North of Russia). This economic system is characterized by the smallest return on the use of limited economic Resources And therefore provides a very low level of well-being living in accordance with it, and often a low lifespan. Recall that even in Europe before the mass transition from the traditional economic system to the capitalist system, the average life expectancy was about 30 years, and the case was not only in frequent wars:

  • Primitive technologies
  • Natural exchange (barter)
  • Low labor productivity
  • Poverty from generation to generation

How the change of economic systems influenced the population of the Earth

For many millennia, an increase in the number of people's population has happened extremely slowly; According to the estimated counting, by the end of the era of Neolithic (2 thousand years BC) it was only 50 million.

After 2 thousand years, at the beginning of our era, there were already about 230 million people on Earth. In the first millennium AD. Further increase in the number of people first came in contradiction with low level development of productive forces. The growth of the population slowed down again - for a thousand years it has increased only by 20%. By 1000, only 275 million people lived on Earth.

Over the next five centuries (by 1500), the population of the planet has increased less than 2 times - up to 450 million.

In the era of the emergence of the new economic system - capitalism, the growth rate of the population has become higher than in the former epochs. Especially he increased in the XIX century. - In the era of the heyday of capitalism. If the population of the Earth in 1650 was 550 million people (an increase of 22% in 150 years), then by 1800 - 906 million (an increase of 65% for the same period), by 1850 reached 1170 million, and 1900 exceeded 1.5 billion (1617 million).

Noticeably higher growth rates of the world's population are explained by a continuous decrease in mortality. The indicator of mortality is closely related to the level of social economic Development of a country, the material situation of the population and the state of the health care system. The process of decline in mortality was first planned in Europe, which has converted other parts of the world in development.

If in modern industrial societies with capitalist and mixed economic systems, the average life expectancy is about 70-75 years, then in the Middle Ages, it in no way exceeded 30 years. Gille de Saint-pat, listed the witnesses on the process of canonization of Louis Saint, calls a 40-year-old man's "husband of mature age", and 50-year-old - "man of advanced years".

The market system (capitalism) came to replace the traditional event. This system is based on:

  1. the right of private property;
  2. private business initiative;
  3. market organization of the distribution of limited resources of society.

Market system (capitalism)- The way of organizing economic life, in which capital and land are owned individualsTaking all economic decisions, and limited resources are distributed through various kinds of markets.

First of the basics market system - The right of private property. This is the name of an individual person recognized and protected by law:

  • own;
  • enjoy
  • dispose of a certain type and volume of limited resources (for example, a land plot, coal or factory), which means that revenues from this.

Government provides only compliance with economic legislation
Private ownership of capital
Markets form prices and distribute resources and benefits

Opportunity for a separate person to own such a type production resourcesAs capital, and receive incomes with its help identified another frequently used name of this economic system - capitalism.

At first, the right of private ownership was protected only by the power of weapons, and only kings and feudalists were owners. But then, having passed the long path of wars and revolutions, humanity has created a civilization that allows each citizen to become a private owner.

The second base of the market system is a private economic initiative. This means the right of each production resource owner to independently decide how to use them to receive income.

The third basis of the market system (capitalism) is actually markets, i.e. Specific way organized activities for the exchange of goods.
It is the markets that perform the following functions:

  • determine the degree of success of one or another economic initiative;
  • form ultimately the amount of revenues that bring the property to their owners;
  • ensure the distribution of limited resources between alternative spheres of their use.

With a market economic system, everyone's welfare is determined by how successful it can sell the goods on the market, which owns: its workforce, skills, products of their hands, own land plot Or ability to organize commercial operations. And ideally the one who will offer customers the goods of the best quality and for more favorable conditionsIt turns out to be the winner in the struggle for the money of buyers and opens the way to an increase in welfare.

Such an organization of economic life, which is the most relevant psychology of people, ensured a sharp acceleration of economic progress. At the same time, she gave rise to great differences in the welfare level between those who had private property, and those who did not have it. It was discovered in such a model of the economic system and other serious shortcomings that we will later say. And they gave rise to criticism and, accordingly, attempts to create a different model of the economic system, deprived of defects of pure capitalism, but maintaining its main advantages.

The result of attempts to construct an alternative economic system, and also practically implement the relevant scientific theories became a command system, more often called socialism (from Lat. Socialis - public).

Command System (Socialism) - The way of organizing economic life, in which capital and land really are owned by the state distributing all limited resources.

The birth of this economic system was the consequence of a number of socialist revolutions of the beginning of the XX century., First of all in Russia. Their ideological banner was theory called "Marxism-Leninism". It was developed by German political figures K. Marx and F. Engels, and implemented the leaders of the Communist Party in our country in practice. Lenin and I.V. Stalin.

In accordance with this theory, humanity could sharply speed up their path to altitudes of welfare and eliminate differences in the individual welfare of citizens through, firstly, the liquidation of private property, the transfer of all production resources to the common property of all citizens of the country and, secondly, The economic activity of the country on the basis of a single general obligatory plan, which is developed by the highest guidance on a scientific basis.

The roots of this theory go to the Epoch of the Middle Ages, in social utopies, but its practical implementation accounted for the XX century., When it appeared, and then collapsed the so-called socialist camp.

During the heyday of socialism (1950-1980s.) More than a third of the population of the Earth lived in the countries of the socialist camp. So this is perhaps the largest economic experiment, which knows the history of mankind. The experiment, which ended in failure, despite the huge victims of several generations of residents of these countries. Thus, only collectivization - the transition to the planned, socialist methods of the organization of agriculture was carried out from 1930 to 1940, according to the current data of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, from 1.8 million to 2.1 million of the life of the peasants.

At the same time, the very fact of socialist revolutions, as well as other events that occurred in the world of the economy over the past two centuries showed that a purely market system (classical capitalism) is imperfect. And therefore XX century. Became a period of birth of a new version of the Market Economic System (Capitalism) - a mixed economic system (social market economy).

Mixed economic system - The way of organizing economic life, in which land and capital are privately owned, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out by markets with significant participation of the state.

The mixed system retains all elements of the market system (capitalism) as its basis, but adds to them a sharp expansion of the sphere of intervention in economic life from the state that uses among other and command methods of management. This means that in the mixed economic system, the state assumes the solution of those tasks that the markets or cannot solve at all, or decide not in the best way.

At the same time, the majority of goods and services are still implemented through free markets, and the state does not attempt to force all sellers and buyers to act on the basis of a consumer plan or establish prices for all goods and services (Fig. 3.3).

IN modern world The most close to the purely market system (classical capitalism) is a number of Asian countries, Africa and Latin America. The team system (socialism) is still the basis of life in Cuba and in North Korea, and the mixed economic system (in its various modifications) is characteristic of countries such as USA, Japan, United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands.

Disintegration of the socialist camp in the late 1980s - early 1990s. and the transition of the peoples of these countries to recreating the destroyed market mechanisms became evidence of the historical victory of the market (or rather mixed) system over the planning team. And this victory was achieved by a peaceful way, as a result, losing socialist countries (with a planned system) economic Competition With countries where a mixed economic system was created.

Why does socialism with his command economic system so cruelly deceived the expectations of many nations?
The fact is that the command system does not accidentally begun with the destruction of private property. The state can command the use of economic resources only if the law does not protect the right of the private owner independently dispose of what belongs to him.

But if no one owns anything if all the resources (production factors) are announced by common property, and state and party officials are fully managed by them, this is fraught with very dangerous economic consequences. Revenues of people and firms cease to depend on how well they use limited resources, as far as the result of their work is really needed by society. This leads to an irrational, urgent use of limited resources and a slowdown in the end of the growth of people's welfare.

Do not be a socialist experiment, the Russian Federation And other former republics of the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe today would not be a transition economy, and would be highly developed states. The command system in them is largely destroyed, but in its place there is no purely market, neither effectively working mixed economic system.

The movement of the economic systems of Russia and Eastern Europe countries to the mixed economic system is due to the fact that market mechanisms underlying this system create the best of famous humanity (although not absolutely perfect) opportunities for more rational use of limited resources. After all, the law of the market is simple: to get the goods you need, just suggesting in the exchange of owners of these benefits something created by you and desirable for them.

In other words, the market makes everyone think about the interests of others: otherwise his goods can be unnecessary, and instead of the benefit it will be one loss. Every day and sellers, and buyers are looking for the most optimal version of the compromise between their interests. Based on such a compromise and market prices are born.

Unfortunately, the market as a mechanism for the distribution of limited resources in production economic Goods Also not immaculate - he does not at all ensure the perfect solution to all problems. That is why worldwide is constantly looking for ways to improve market mechanisms. Even in those countries that avoided socialist revolutions and subsequent experiments with planning, market processes early XXI in. very different from the methods of business starts of the XX century.

Oh or ordered, no matter how regulated by the state, economic life in developed countries of the world, its basis remains all the same three elements:

  1. private property;
  2. private initiative;
  3. market distribution of limited resources.

It is in the markets that the accuracy of the economic solutions of producers of goods and their right to receive profit as a remuneration for efforts are checked. The mechanism for the formation of such an assessment is a comparison of costs for the production of goods and market prices, for which these products can actually sell.

But how do these prices are formed? To find an answer to this question, we need to get acquainted with two forms forming market prices: in demand and suggestion.

Test No. 1.

1. A combination of material and spiritual means economic activity, as well as traditions, norms, habits of people regulating economic life - this is:

    economic mechanism;

    economic system;

    economic culture;

    relations of production;

2. The set of interrelated elements forming a certain integrity, the economic structure of society, the unity of relations that develop on the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic benefits is:

    1. Relations of production;

      means of production;

      economic mechanism;

      economic culture;

      economic system.

3. Indicate the type of property when the exclusive right to own, the disposal and use of property objects and receipt of income has a private person:

    collective property;

    public property;

    cooperative property;

    joint stock ownership;

    private property.

4. What is the driving forces of any economic system?

    Unity of phases of reproduction (production, distribution, exchange and consumption);






Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test number 2.

1. The mutual pressure of participants in economic economic relations in order to property assignment benefits is:






2. Public and economic formation based on private ownership of the means of production and operation of waged labor - this is:






3. The first element in the structure of the economic system is:

    a family;




    economic system;

    economic mechanism;

    public property.

    K. R. Macconnell;

    J. Debre;

    W. Rosto.

Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test number 3.

1. Indicate one of the features of the American model of economic systems:

    system of all kinds of promotion of entrepreneurial activity;

    strong social policy;

    the patronage of small and medium enterprises.

2. Specify two lack of a formation approach:


    not all countries fit into the "Slender" scheme that supporters of this approach were offered;

    moves the role of the human factor in history on the secondplan;

    much attention is paid to spiritual factors for the development of society.




5. The most common in market economy The varieties of collective ownership are:

    people's property;

    cooperative property;

    joint Stock owned.

Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test number 4.

1. The main distinguishing feature (property) of the economic system is:

1) integrity;

2) hierarchy;

3) self-reproduction;

4) feasibility.

1) industrial society;

3) ;

3. The order of the head of state said that all types of banking operations continue to further instructions in the country. Which economic system includes similar methods of regulating the economy?

1) traditional;

2) market;

3) command;

4) mixed;


1) antique;

2) post-industrial;

3) Socialist;

4) capitalist;

5) transitional.

5. For economically backward countries, it is characteristic:

3) planned economy;

4) Traditional economy.

Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test number 5.

1. Historically changing relations between people about possession, use, disposal factors, conditions and results of production - this is:

1) distribution;

2) hierarchy;

3) property;

4) economy;

2. Determine 3-property subjects:

1) firms;

2) the state;

3) cash;

4) scientific discoveries;

5) population.

3. Determine the property types:

1) private;

2) labor;

3) unearned;

4) collective;

5) public.

4. Determine two forms of private property:

1) labor;

2) rental;

3) cooperative;

4) joint stock;

5) Easy.

5. Determine the two forms of state ownership existing in the Republic of Belarus:

1) joint stock;

2) republican;

5) communal.

Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test No. 6.

1. If the property of ownership is implementing the relations of possession, orders and use, then this property is:

1) nominal;

2) temporary;

3) constant;

4) full;

5) partial.

2. The most important category of classification of economic systems from the standpoint of the formation approach is:

1) industrial society;

2) technological method of production;

3) social and economic formation;

4) state regulation.

3. Which of the above ownership forms is more effective in terms of labor productivity?

1) state;

2) municipal;

3) Private.

4. A combination of forms and methods of the organization of social production is:

1) economic system;

2) economic mechanism;

3) Public property.

5. For what economic system is characterized by total socializing property?

1) market;

2) command-administrative;

3) mixed;

4) traditional.

Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test number 7.

1. For which economic system is characterized by total socializing property?

one). Market;

2.) Command-administrative;

3.) Mixed;

4.) Traditional.

2. Determine the two forms of state ownership existing in the Republic of Belarus:

1) joint stock;

2) republican;

3) cooperative property;

4) property of religious organizations;

5) communal.

3. For economically backward countries, it is characteristic:

1) the economy of the transition period;

2) the economy of classical capitalism;

3) planned economy;

4) Traditional economy.

4. The most common in a market economy varieties of collective ownership are:

    people's property;

    cooperative property;

    joint Stock owned.

5. The economist who suggested the theory of economic growth, is:

    K. R. Macconnell;

    J. Debre;

    W. Rosto.

Topic: "Economic Systems"

Test number 8.

1. The set of forms and methods of organizing social production is:

1.Economic system;

2. Economic mechanism;

$ 1st ownership.

2. Determine two forms of private property:

1) labor;

2) rental;

3) cooperative;

4) joint stock;

5) Easy.

3. The economy, which is in the process of change, transition from one state to another is:

1) antique;

2) post-industrial;

3) Socialist;

4) capitalist;

5) transitional.

4. In the legal sense, property is:

    ownership fixed by law;

    objectively existing relationships regardless of the will and consciousness of people.

4. The economy, which is in the process of change, transition from one state to another - this is:

1) antique;

2) post-industrial;

3) Socialist;

4) capitalist;

5) transitional.

4. A combination of forms and methods of the organization of social production is:

    economic system;

    economic mechanism;

    public property.

Matrix replies





















To better understand how modern How humanity has learned to find answers to its main questions, it is necessary to analyze the millennium history of the development of economic systems of civilization.

Depending on the method of solving the main economic problems and type of ownership to economic resources, you can allocate four major types of economic systems: 1) traditional; 2) market (capitalism);3) command (socialism);4) Mixed.

Of these, the most ancient is the traditional economic system.

Traditional economic system - a way to organize economic life in which earth and capital are in general possession of the tribe, and limited resources are distributed in accordance with existing traditions.

As for ownership of economic resources, in the traditional system, it was most often collective, that is, hunting grounds, arable land and meadows belonged to a tribe or community.

Over time, the main elements of the traditional economic system have ceased to arrange humanity. Life showed that production factors are used more effectively if they are owned by individuals or families, and not in collective ownership. Neither richest countries World The basis of the life of society is not collective property. But in many poorest countries The world remains of such a property.

For example, The rapid development of Russia's agriculture was only at the beginning of the XX century, when P. A. Stolypin reforms destroyed the collective (community) land ownership, replaced by the ownership of land with individual families. Then, the communists who came to power in 1917 actually restored community land tenure, declaring the land with "common property".

Having built his agriculture on collective ownership, the USSR could not have been under 70 years in. achieve food abundance. Moreover, by the beginning of the 80s, the food situation was so bad that the CPSU was forced to adopt a special "food program", which, however, was also not fulfilled, although the money for the development of the agricultural sector was spent huge.

On the contrary agriculture European countries, USA and Canada, based on private ownership of land and capital, solve the task of creating food abundance succeeded. And so successfully that farmers of these countries could have a considerable share of their products to be exported to other regions of the world.

Practice has shown that markets and firms better solve the task of the distribution of limited resources and an increase in the production of life benefits than the Soviets of Elders - bodies that have made fundamental economic decisions in the traditional system.

That is why the traditional economic system has ceased to be the basis of organizing the lives of people in most countries of the world. Its elements went to the background and are preserved only by fragments in the form of different customs and traditions that have a secondary meaning. In most countries of the world, other ways of organizing the economic cooperation of people play a leading role.

To change the traditional came market system(capitalism) . The basis of this system is made up:

1) the right of private property;

2) Private Economic Initiative;

3) Market organization of the distribution of limited resources of society.

Law of private property there is recognized and protected by law the right of an individual person to own, use and dispose of a certain type and amount of limited resources (for example, a plot of land, coal or factory), and therefore and receive income from this. It is the possibility of owning such a type of production resources as capital, and to receive revenues on this basis led to the second, frequently used name of this economic system - capitalism.

Private property - recognized by society the right of individual citizens and their associations to own, use and dispose of a certain amount (part) of any types of economic resources.

For your information. At first, the right of private ownership was defended only by the power of weapons, and only kings and feudalists were owners. But then, having passed a long path of wars and revolutions, humanity has created a civilization in which every citizen was able to become a private owner if his income allowed to acquire property.

The right of private property allows the owners of economic resources to independently make decisions on how to use them (if only it did not damage the interests of society). At the same time, this almost unlimited freedom of disposal of economic resources has a circulation side: private ownership owners carry all the completeness of economic responsibility for their selected options for its use.

Private Economic Initiative There is the right of each owner of the production resources to solve themselves how and to what extent to use them to receive income. At the same time, everyone's welfare is determined by how successful it can sell the resource on the market, which owns: its labor, skills, products of their hands, own land plot, products of their factory or ability to organize commercial operations.

And finally, actually markets - In a certain way, organized by the exchange of goods.

It is the markets:

1) determine the degree of successfulness of a business initiative;

2) form the magnitude of the income that property brings to its owners;

3) dictate the proportions of the distribution of limited resources between alternative spheres of their use.

The dignity of the market mechanism It is that it forces each seller to think about the interests of buyers to achieve benefits for himself. If he does not do this, then his goods can be unnecessary or too expensive and instead of the benefit, he will receive some losses. But the buyer is forced to reckon with the interests of the seller - he can receive the goods, only paying the price for him in the market.

Market system (capitalism) - the way of organizing economic life, in which capital and land are owned by individuals, and limited resources are distributed through the markets.

Competition based markets have become the most successful ways of distribution of limited production resources and created with their help.

Of course, I. market system has its drawbacks. In particular, it generates huge differences in income and wealth levels When one bathe in luxury, while others are stirred in poverty.

Such differences in income have long encouraged people to interpret capitalism as an "unfair" economic system and dream of a more committed device of their lives. These dreams led to the appearance in H.I.X in. social movement called marxism In honor of his main ideologist - a German journalist and economist Karl Marx. He and his followers argued that the market system had exhausted the possibility of its development and became a brake for the further growth of humanity welfare. Therefore, it was proposed to be replaced by a new economic system - team, or socialism (from Lat. Societas - "society").

Command Economic System (Socialism) - The way of organizing economic life, in which capital and land are owned by the state, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out on the instructions of the central bodies and in accordance with the plans.

The birth of the command economic system appeared consequence of a number of socialist revolutions , whose ideological banner was Marxism. The concrete team of the command system was developed by the leaders of the Russian Communist Party V.I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin.

In accordance with the Marxist theory Humanity could sharply speed up their path to improving well-being and eliminate differences in the individual well-being of citizens by eliminating private ownership, eliminating competition and maintenance of the country on the basis of a single common (directive) plan, which is developed by the state management on a scientific basis. The roots of this theory go to the Epoch of the Middle Ages, in the so-called social utopies, but its practical implementation accounted for the XX century, when the socialist camp arose.

If all the resources (production factors) are announced by common property, and state and party officials are fully managed by them, it entails very dangerous economic consequences. Revenues of people and firms cease to depend on how well they use limited resources.As far as the result of their work is really needed to society. Other criteria are more important:

a) for enterprises - the degree of implementation and over-fulfillment of planned tasks for the production of goods. It was for these managers of enterprises awarded orders and appointed ministers. It doesn't matter that these goods could be completely uninteresting to customers who - whether they have freedom of choice - would prefer other benefits;

b) for people - the nature of relationships with the bosses, which distributed the most scarce goods (cars, apartments, furniture, vouchers abroad, etc.), or the occupation of a position that opens access to "closed distributors", where such scarce benefits can be bought free.

As a result, in the countries of the command system:

1) even the simplest of the necessary people needed "deficiency". The usual picture of B. the largest cities Steel "Parachutists", i.e., residents of small cities and villages who came with large backpacks to purchase food, as there was nothing in their food stores;

2) The mass of enterprises constantly carried losses, and even existed such a striking category, as planned and unprofitable enterprises. At the same time, employees of such enterprises still received regularly wages and premiums;

3) The biggest success for citizens and enterprises was to "get" some imported goods or equipment. In the queue, for Yugoslav's female boots, they were recorded from the evening.

As a result, the end of the XX century. He became an era of deep disappointment in the possibilities of the planning-command system, and the former socialist countries were not difficult for the revival of private property and market systems.

Speaking about the planned-command or market economic system, it should be remembered that in its pure form it can be found only on the pages of scientific papers. Real economic life, on the contrary, is always a mixture of elements of various economic systems.

The modern economic system of most developed countries of the world is mixed. Many nationwide and regional economic problems are resolved here by the state.

As a rule, today the state participates in the economic life of society for two reasons:

1) some of the needs of society due to their specificity (the content of the army, the development of laws, the organization of traffic, the fight against epidemics, etc.) It can satisfy better than possible on the basis of only market mechanisms;

2) it can soften negative consequences activities of market mechanisms (too large differences in the wealth of citizens, damage to ambient from commercial firms, etc.).

Therefore, for the civilization of the end of the XX century. The prevailing has become a mixed economic system.

Mixed economic system - The way of organizing economic life, in which land and capital are in private ownership, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out by both markets and with significant participation of the state.

In such an economic system the basis is private ownership of economic resources, although in some countries (France, Germany, United Kingdom, etc.) there is a fairly large state sector. It includes enterprises whose capital is fully or partially owned by the state (for example, the German airline "Lufthansa"), but which: a) do not receive from the state plans; b) work on market laws; c) are forced to compete with private firms on equal footing.

In these countries the main economic issues are mainly solved by the markets. They also distribute the predominant part of economic resources. However, part of the resources is centralized and distributed by the state with the help of command mechanisms In order to compensate for some weaknesses of market mechanisms (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The main elements of the mixed economic system (I - the scope of market mechanisms, II - the scope of command mechanisms, i.e. control of the state)

In fig. 2 The scale is shown specifically representing how different states are among the economic systems.

Fig. 2. Types of economic systems: 1 - USA; 2 - Japan; 3 - India; 4 - Sweden, England; 5 - Cuba, North Korea; 6 - some countries of Latin America and Africa; 7- Russia

Here, the location of the figures symbolizes the degree of proximity of economic systems. different countries To this or that type. The most fully purely market system is implemented in some countries.Latin America and Africa. Production factors there are already mainly in private property, and state interference in solution economic issues Minimum.

In countries like USA and Japan., Private property is dominated on production factors, but the role of the state in the economic life is so great that we can talk about the mixed economic system. At the same time, in the economy of Japan, more elements of the traditional economic system have been preserved than in the United States. That is why the figure 2 (the Japan economy) is somewhat closer to the top of the triangle, symbolizing the traditional system than the figure 1 (US economy).

In economies Sweden and Great Britain The role of the state in the distribution of limited resources is even more than in the United States and Japan, and therefore the symbolizing of their number 4 stands upper numbers 1 and 2.

In the most complete form, the command system has been preserved now on Cuba and in North Korea. Here, private property is eliminated, and the state distributes all limited resources.

The existence of significant elements of the traditional economic system in the economy India and similar to it asia and Africa (Although the market system dominates here) determines the placement of the corresponding figures 3.

Location Russia (digit 7) is determined by the fact that:

1) the foundations of the command system in our country are already destroyed, but the role of the state in the economy is still very high;

2) the mechanisms of the market system are still formed (and are still weaker than even in India);

3) production factors switched to private property not yet completely, but such the most important factor Production such as land is actually in the collective ownership of members of the former collective farms and state farms, only formally transformed into joint-stock companies.

What economic system is the future path of Russia?

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state