
Compared to large. Degrees of comparison. The skyscraper was developed by the Americans, and built by the South Korean company

"If you look at the level of tax seizures, which has developed in 2017, it is 30.8% of GDP," said the Minister of Finance, speaking on Wednesday at the Gaidar Forum in Moscow. It's about tax income State budget in relation to the total economy (GDP) over the past year.

Over the past 10 years, the tax burden on the Russian economy as grew, and has declined. In 2007, it accounted for 36.5% of GDP, at the peak of the crisis in 2009 - 30.9%, after which it rose again - up to 34.4% in 2014.

Today, this figure in Russia is noticeably lower not only than in most countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), but also average for OECD level. The latest OECD data for 2016, and for Japan and Australia - for the 2015th:

However, in addition to tax paymentsFor Russian businesses there are still insurance contributions (at the high level of which the Minister of Finance complies), as well as numerous non-tax payments that are not spelled out in Tax Code. The latter includes, for example, environmental and utilization fees, fee for the system "Platon" for travel trucks, payment of the services of the state and state funds, etc.

But in this case, it is primarily about insurance premiums (as a whole - 30% of the wage foundation), which employers are obliged to list for their employees in extrabudgetary funds - Pension (22%), as well as compulsory medical (5.1%) and social (2.9%) insurance. "Nowhere is there such a load on the wage foundation that is in Russia - recognized exactly a year ago, speaking at the previous Gaidar Forum in Moscow, and the Minister economic Development Maxim Oreshkin. - It is clear that many just do not pay. And this is the biggest problem with which you need to work. "

Annual "profile" rating for 190 countries of the world - Paying Taxes - For 12 years in a row, experts make experts World Bank and the international audit and consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers. By the way, the data of this particular rating for each country are indicated in the relevant part of the overall international ranking of the World Bank - Doing Business.

In 2017, about 33 million people, or 44.8% of all employed (in 2006, 45.1% were 45.1%, were included in 2013, in this year or another, in 2013 - 45.1%, in 2013 - 44.5%, in 2016 - 40.3%). "These are the people who during the year or had a" unformed "work, or received a salary" in the envelope "- explain the authors of the study.

In the government, on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, plans are discussed by a noticeable reduction in the overall rate of business insurance premiums (up to 22%) while simultaneously increasing the value added tax rate (from the current 18% to the same 22%, which will inevitably increase the prices in the country ). The decision has not yet been accepted.

As the old folk wisdom says: everything will be known in comparison. This selection will clearly show that even the most more and impressive athletes and athletes can look so cool next to even more impressive people. What to say, if even an old Arnie can be small.

1. This is all the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger, the very "Iron Arnie". His height is this moment About 180 cm, and the weight is approximately 100 kg.

2. And here Arnie in the company of professional starmen and paeerlifter.

3. Although, comparison with the legend of Wrestling - Andre Giant, becomes even more visual.

4. Now look at the wine diesel, it is also not small guy.

5. But compared to the "rock" he no longer seems so great.

6. But if the Basketball Player "Shakil O'Neill" stands next to the Duein "Rock" Johnson, he will seem like a baby.

7. You might think that the shack is simply unrealistic. And yes, it is. But only until another famous basketball player Yao Min.

8. But Alexey Becker (left) and Alexander Eskin (right). Big guys? - Undoubtedly!

9. But Mikhail Koklyaev appears in the frame and everything changes. Misha - Real Russian Bogatyr - 192 cm Growth and 160 kg Weight. It is really big.

10. Although, there is someone, compared to whom and Cocmeys no longer seems giant. This is Kirill Sarychev, his height is 197 cm, and the weight is from 170 to 180 kg.

11. Speaking about really large people, It is impossible not to recall the famous Sira of Gregor "Mountain" of the clergy from the series "Game of Thrones". Here he is next to Iron Arnie.

12. Haftor Björnson (so in fact the name of the actor, who plays the "mountain"), really very big, take a look at at least this photo.

13. However, in one of shopping centers He somehow met two of his fans. And for this photo you will not say that he is "Mountain."

Burj Khalifa is the highest building in Dubai and the highest skyscraper in the world. In the form of the building resembles stalagmites, which rushes at 828 meters. In the building of 163 floors, which accommodate 9 hotels and the fountain system. The total cost of the structure is estimated at 4.1 billion dollars. And this is still the most striking facts about Burj Khalifa.

1. The highest building in the world

It is well known that Burj Khalifa is the most high building worldwide. However, how high it is high compared to other monstrual structures? The height of the Khalifa Burge is 828 meters, and the height of the second largest building in the world (Shanghai Tower) is 632 meters. The difference is more than obvious. Also Burge Caliph is three times higher than the Eiffel Tower.

2. Inside the building

Those who believe that Burj Khalif is very impressive outside, they simply have not been inside the skyscraper. The highest one viewpoint is located at an altitude of 452 meters. In total, in the building of 164 floors, 1 of which is underground, and as many as 58 elevators, which go at a speed of 10 meters per second (this is one of the fastest elevators in the world). Also in Burj Khalifa is 2957 parking venues, 304 hotels and 904 apartments. What is interesting, in Burj Khalifa there is a special elevator system designed for evacuation during a fire.

3. The skyscraper was developed by the Americans, and built by the South Korean company

While Burj Khalifa is in Dubai (the initial name of the skyscraper - Burj Dubai), the building of the building was developed by the American company Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Chicago engineers helped develop a special reference structure that resembles a three-beam star. The construction of the building was entrusted to the South Korean company Samsung Engineering and Construction.

4. Multiple records

Everyone knows that Burj Khalifa is a record at the height of the building in the world. In fact, the Dubai skyscraper belongs not only to this record. This is the highest free standing building, building with the highest residential floor, building with the largest number of floors, the building equipped with the highest lifes and the second in height of the observation platform (the most highly located observation deck is in the Cantonese television bash).

5. What happened to build

In order to build such a titanic building almost a kilometer, it took a lot of time and effort (namely, 6 years and 22 million people-hours). In particularly intense days, more than 12,000 workers were at the construction site.

6. Huge weight

For the construction of a huge building it took a huge amount of materials. One aluminum went so much that it would be enough to create 5 A380 airbones. 55,000 tons of reinforcement steel and 110,000 tons of concrete were also spent. This is approximately equal to the weight of 100,000 elephants. And if you take and fold the reinforcement from the building in a row, it would stretch to a quarter of the Earth.

7. Heat resistance

In Dubai, very hot, the average temperature here is 41 degrees. In July 2002, the highest temperature of 52 degrees was recorded in Dubai. Naturally, the building built in this country must withstand extreme temperature differences. That is why more than 300 Chinese cladding experts were hired, which developed a cladding system capable of protecting from local temperatures.

8. Power consumption

Naturally, for normal life in such a huge building requires a monstrous amount of resources. For example, the Burj Khalif requires about 950,000 liters of water every day (at the same time in Dubai, about 200-300 liters of water a day are used on average). Also, the building consumes a huge amount of electricity (approximately as much as "eaten" 360,000 stove light bulbs).

9. Sink of skyscraper

How 26,000 glass panels are clean and wash, which always look perfectly smooth. For this, 12 cars are answered, which weigh about 13 tons each, moving along special rails on the outside of the building. Serve cars 36 people.

10. Floral design

The Design of Burj Khalifa was inspired by Himenokalles - a flower, which has long petals divergent from the center. Three wings of Burj Khalify diverge to side like these petals.

Qualitative adjectives have the degree of comparison: positive (source), comparative(com pars) I. excellent(Superlative). Grammatical category degrees of comparison It acts as a grammarized core of the functional-semantic category of graduality, the value of which is implemented by multi-level linguistic means. The value of the degree of comparison is that the comparative degree transmits the intensity of the feature in comparison with the same feature in another subject .

Scientific discussion

Starting from Aristotle to the present, words transmitting gradual value (measures, degrees, the values \u200b\u200bof the trait, process, phenomena, subject), There were an object of studying many researchers 3. M. V. Lomonosov in his "Russian grammar" considered the degree of comparing category subjective assessment . Russian grammar XIX century. These aspects are brought together. Two categories of quality qualities were established - multicolute(old, old, older) and relative(the oldest of ..., one other older) .

Do not call the present phenomena by the term graduality This uses modern scientists, linguists described a number of language phenomena corresponding to the very essence of graduality. All theories and descriptions of various quality Degrees C. The historical point of view was an important perspective in the study of graduality. Starting from the XV century. In Russian, there are all sorts of forms with a graded value.

Signs, procedural, object in a certain way (to a greater or lesser extent) correlate with the concepts degree, measure. Most of the words of the modern Russian language expresses variable and measurable ( qualitative) Sign: degree of comparison (adjectives); Education with suffixes of magnifying and decreasing (nouns names); Ways of verbal action with a measure of measure; gradual oppositions in the lexical system of the language; graded syntactic structures; Using gradation as a stylistic method. As graduated and graduated Units are considered such words that, by virtue of their semantic-grammatical features, are able to express one or another (measure) of the manifestation of the feature: "in the everyday language" compare "- it means to express your attitude," evaluate "," measure ", guided by our feelings and Our passions. "

Graduality - Functional and semantic category with value measures, degree of manifestation Symptom, process, phenomena, states expressed by multi-level linguistic means. Comparative degree comparative) Indicates such a variable sign that can manifest itself in the subject to a greater or lesser extent than in another subject. Wed: This question more difficultprevious one.This question more difficult,than previous one. Excellent degree superlative) Indicates such a variable sign, which manifests itself in the subject in the largest or less subject than in the other subject: it easythe question of the topic is studied. - It the most difficultthe question of the topic is studied.

Forms of comparative and excellent degrees can be simple (synthetic) and complicated (analytical).

Simple the form comparative degrees have indicators - suffixes - Oh (s), -e: high easye.(alternation from // Sh In the root of the word + truncation of the base - suffix -Ob-), Syl silnher (Siln-to her) etc. From the names of adjectives good, bad, small Supplement forms of comparative degree are formed: good - better, bad - worse etc. A simple excellent degree is formed by attaching suffixes - -, - aysh-: highayshiy, Siln.eysh.iY et al. for example: Lion Tolstoy - Genialeysh.iY ofwriters XX century.

Complex the form comparative degree formed by additional words more / less + Positive degree: more (less)high (kind).

Complex the form excellent The degree is formed in several ways:

  • a) with the help of an additional (auxiliary) word (particles) is the most difficult, the highest etc.;
  • b) with additional (auxiliary) words most, least: the least complex etc.;
  • c) a combination "Simple form of comparative degree + pronoun in the parental case total (or all) ": the most difficult (all) and etc.;
  • d) combination "amplifier particle everything + simple form of comparative degree ": The pain in the heart became everythinghote. (M. Sholokhov).

In the suggestion, the simple form usually performs the function faithful And the composite can be like beyond so I. definition. Wed: She is it was more beautifulwhat he imagined her (L. Tolstoy).

The complex form of comparative and excellent degrees is formed almost from all qualitative names of adjectives. A simple form has limitations.

There are no forms of a simple comparative degree from the names of adjectives:

  • - with absolute qualitative meaning: bald, blind, chrome, mute, bass, deaf etc.;
  • - with the basis for [ sh"], [j.]: beggar, dozha and etc.;
  • - with suffix -Sh-: friendlysC.iy, enemysC.iY etc.;
  • - from some ungalled adjectives with suffix -K-: Padtoiy, movetoiy, Shat.toiY etc.;
  • - with suffix -On - / - Ev-: troubleoVboleVoh etc.;
  • - with suffix -L-: unawl.things, mouthl.oh etc.;
  • - from the individual names of the adjectives standing by the mansion for the reasons of historical nature, for example proud, young and etc.

There are no forms of a simple excellent degree from the names of adjectives:

  • - with suffix -Sh-: friendlysC.iy, tragicsC.iy, enemysC.iY etc.;
  • - with suffix -K-: Gad.toiy, thundertoiy, ringingtoiY etc.;
  • - with suffix -On - / - Ev-: rowoVoh, stationeVoh, boeVoh and etc.;
  • - from the names of adjectives proud, young etc.

Excellent The degree has two varieties of importance:

  • 1) manifestation of a sign in high degree Compared to other objects ( superlative): oldestworkers etc.;
  • 2) Expression limit degree manifestations of signs whatever to other subjects (irrelevantly a sign of a sign - elative): Got into stupidposition is rareyhappening etc.

IN grammatical The relationship is complex comparative and excellent degrees are no different from positive (source) degree. Simple forms of comparative degree are immutable, Wed: House (at home) (pine-a (s), building-e (s)) above,than...

Syntax (syntagmatic) conditions The use of morphological varieties in Russian is characterized by the following features.

1. Expressing relative degree of availability of a sign The name of adjective B. comparative or excellent degree used as a gradual syntactic member - predicate or definitions. Wed:

So, arguing, Selifan wishes finally in the most remoteabstract. Maybe she prompted him othermore significant reason more serious, nearto the heart ... But about all this, the reader will know gradually and in due time, if only it will have a patience to read the proposed story, very long, having after it is widely and more spacious as it approaches the end, crowned business (N. Gogol).

These are complex, analytical education. In the role of an indicator of degree more (comparative degree) and words most or most (in excellent degree). Excellent degree rate most stylistically neutral, and the word most It is book. Wed:

Mosttypical cases; mostsimple question. - Bar View the prudent cooler of the castle, he sought to create the most unexpected, the most bizarrethe ratio of figures (V. Nabokov).

2. Names adjectives in comparative degrees acting as definitions can express the result of a subjective assessment.

Analysis of subjective assessment can be conveyed by lexical means, for example: elderly man (unlike old). In conjunction with the word more The adjective name is used both in full and in brief form: this question is more important.: important (composite form); this question is more important: the most important (Simple form). Brief form more important transmits a state thought in time: currently this question more important.

Typical for the Russian language is a simple (synthetic) form of a comparative degree on - Oh, -eh. It is ionymis in the form of a comparative degree of adverbs. Wed: he behaves modestly (NARCH.); his requirements are modest (arr.).

Excellent The degree of the adjective, acting in the function of the nominal facility, has three forms similar to the forms of comparative degree: this question is very (important): most (important): more importantly (total). If an excellent degree expresses quality In an inanimate or animated object, then preference is given to the forms "most + full form of adjective":

This suitcase the heaviest;His job the best.- Vronsky is one of the sons of Cyril Ivanovich Vronsky and one of the bestsamples of gilded youth (L. Tolstoy).

  • 3. Comparative degree in function predicate-tame It is used in special compparative structures in which the comparison object is expressed so either otherwise. It is formed in two ways:
  • 1) Connection of a simple form of a comparative degree with a genitive comparison: Wilson is more important than other birds (V. Mayakovsky);
  • 2) compound compound form of a comparative degree consisting of a word more and a brief form of a positive degree and the Union what: Wilson is more important than the other bird.

The most common should be considered the first method, because the use of "forms of comparative degree is not limited to simple morphological rules. The types of education and the functioning of degrees of comparison in Russian should be studied and digestively with the syntactic and semantic conditions of their use."

All qualitative and estimated and most qualitative names of adjectives form comparison degrees expressing different degrees of quality. But in some cases they do not have degrees of comparison due to their semantics: adjectives some, barefoot etc. denote absolute quality And logically do not allow a comparative or excellent degree. It is important to note that comparative and excellent degree designate different values in contrast positive degrees:

"One at two meetings immediately ..."

(V. Mayakovsky)

Forms of comparative degree with the prefix in addition to it, cheaper etc.), acting as a faith, acquire a shade "relaxed" comparative degree: He is a not one; He will be smarter than all of us. -

And he was a guys wondering

He was started on the Medreedih,

He saved her horns

what higher pup lower liver

  • (in the "slightly higher / lower" value).
  • (A. Pushkin)

Forms of adjectives by - it, -e, -sh With the prefix by- Indicate the predominance of some quality in one of the compared items: (book) more interesting; (boy) inximate etc.

In combination with the parent case of determination pronoun total or all (which, but essence, became formants, excellent degree rates) the comparative degree acquires the value of excellent. Such stable combinations carry the value of the highest degree of quality by comparative opposition any other subjects in the aggregate and not from the same category. This is a complex form of an elative that does not combine with forms on -Yesh-, -yis. For example:

Most of all I was struck by the fact that from Monday he will be a nuddle (V. Nabokov); And shouting geese, / in the sky disappearing, / which is most expensive / side of the native ... (M. Isakovsky).

All three degrees are a gradation series: rough: Rough: rude; rough: Rouga: the coolestetc.

In russian language comparative The degree is often used in value. excellent. Diffuses such use pEITIVE case of the second element With a comparative degree. It can also be used at excellent degree: best of all, richer than all. In some cases, you can notice the "limited" value of excellent degree - it is better (...) all others, except for one (two ...).

Relying on the system of degrees of comparison Otto Esperesen, excluding an excellent degree as a kind of comparative, to highlight the graduation steps:

  • 1. Superiority (>) more dangerous (better) than ...
  • 2. Equality(\u003d) with only dangerous (good), like ...
  • 3. Lower degree (less dangerous (good) than ... etc.

It's obvious that first and third steps tightly connected because

in both cases is expressed inequality. Two ways of expression with the opposite value are distinguished, which make it possible to change the ratio of the first and third steps to the inverse: worse than = less good than. Based on this, you can set the following equality: older than = less young than. Wed:

Levin himself did not remember his mother, and his only sister was older than himSo, in the house of Shcherbatsky, he for the first time he saw that very environment of the old noble, educated and honest family, which he was deprived of the death of his father and mother (L. Tolstoy).

Comparison Sister Levin older than him does not mean that Sister is old and comparative degree there may mean smaller degree than positive in expression Sister Stara. Similar to Proposal Sister older than levin says nothing about Old Town Levin; by old age Levin will be implied if you attach the adverb yet: Sister is even older than Levin. We see that such use of the word yet Not self-evident.

When denial of steps superiority (1) Sister is not as old as Levin We get the value either equality (2) or lower degree (3). When denial of steps equality (2) We get the value lower degree (3): less old than; younger than. Wed: As well as old as V. An objection for this statement will be the following: Oh, no, not as old as B, but much older.

There are structures proportional conformity In which the deterministic element represents a period of time, but does not have an explicit expression. The following values \u200b\u200band features of their expression are detected in such proposals:

a) Repeat the form of a comparative degree:

Become all darker and darker (\u003d than longerit has continued, especially darkerbecame). He became more and moreimpatient; Heartache everything became hot(M. Sholokhov);

b) Formant everything In the aggregate with a comparative degree forms an excellent degree: He said all inadvertent.

V. V. Vinogradov pointed out the names of adjectives on -Yeshe / - She May have three meanings in modern Russian:

1) whatever big measure (limit degree) Symptom (Elative value):

He is the smartest man; Wonderful weather. - He began to pass off the leaves and flowers and swept away from the smallest dust (V. Nabokov).

Some forms of excellent degree are separated from the paradigm and perform in the value of the elative, i.e. In the meaning of absolutely greater degree of quality: the greatest scientist (does not mean the greatest) ,

  • 2) excellent degrees: verpery of friends, the greatest poet,
  • 3) comparative degree (value, almost lost in modern Russian, but leaving traces in phraseology): under the clue.

The most common is the use of forms on -Yest / -Eeis in elative value. Such forms in free combinations are evaluative. Wed:

I got into a stupid position; This is the rarest case, etc. - It the clearer, decent and talented man (N. Gogol); Nothing happened on nothing, he listened to calmly, and when the father was picking attacle, attractive (\u003d "Evaluation Character") Details, said, by the way, that, as an adult, will call on the last name, the son blushed, blinked, leaning back at the pillow, opening his mouth and winding his head ... (V. Nabokov).

Gradually appreciable value of the excellent degree of form on -Yest / -Eeis implemented by a combination with a pretext of:genius (musicians), the oldest (workers) etc. For example:

And as in my wagon ... with the clothes and linen there was a bed, then I read myself in my misfortunes happieged outmortals (A. Pushkin).

Elective significance is very close to the category of subjective assessment. Elative forms express gradual significance and serve to express the ultimate degree of quality without specifying attitudes towards other subjects: In the air wearing the smallest dust; Found a rarest copy.

Consequently, the formal means of expressing values \u200b\u200bof measure and degree (graduality) in the field of qualitative names of adjectives (and high-quality adventures) is morphological The level relating to the properties of morphemes and cases of analytical education. As a grammarized kernel graduality acts corresponding to it category degrees of comparison - comparative, superlative andelative.

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