
Maghreb Country Card. The meaning of the word Magrib. Qualitative characteristics of the population of Maghre

Population of Maghreb countries

Much attention is paid to the countries of the East, including the Arab countries in the North African Mediterranean coast. A huge number of articles are devoted to the culture and economy of these countries, but very few works covering the problems of the population of this region. From the point of view of economic geography it is not entirely correct. It is impossible to understand economic and social processes, not knowing the patterns of the development of the population. After all, as the welfare of countries is not directly connected with demographic aspects. Solving the problems of population, we improve the economic and social situation within the state.

The purpose of this work - Analysis of the population of Maghreb countries (it will be about the population of classical Maghreb).

Al-Magrib. A number of North African countries are associated with this title: Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and Mauritania. The name Al-Magrib These states received during the period of conquering campaigns of Arabs. Translated from the Arabian al-Magrib - "the country where the sun" or "West" enters.

For many centuries, the peoples of Maghribes were struggled with conquerors, defended their political and economic interests. Berbers, Roman occupation, Romanization, Vandals, Byzantium, Arabs, Turks, French colonial dominion - all these are the pages of a long and complex story of this edge. Independence Independence by Maghreb's countries has opened a new stage in the development of these states. In February 1989 The leaders of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania signed an agreement on the establishment of the Union of Arab Maghreb (himself) - a new regional political and administrative organization.

The rapid economic and political rise in Maghreb countries caused the need for a detailed study of this region. One of the directions of this study - population.

Demographic characteristics


The total population of the three countries of Maghre is equal to 63 Miles. 925 thousand people, Tunisia - 8 mil. 905 thousand people And Algeria - 28 Miles. 38 thousand people According to the calculations of the World Bank specialists, the number of these three North African countries by 2000. will be 73 mil. people, Algeria - 33 mil. pers., Morocco - 30 mil. person. And Tunisia - 10 Miles. person. The average growth rate of the population for 10 years (from 1985 to 1995) have the following meanings: Morocco - 2.3%, Algeria - 2.8% and Tunisia - 2.4%. During these ten years, there is a slight decrease in the growth rate of the population in Algeria (from 3.2% in 1985 to 2.2% in 1995) and in Morocco (from 2.4% in 1985 to 2.0% in 1995. ). This is due to a number of economic and demographic factors: an increase in cultural and educational levels, a large external migration of the population, a relative decline in fertility, and so on.

The mortality rate (assessment of the World Bank specialists in 1995) for all three countries is approximately 9.3, in Morocco - 10, in Algeria - 9 and in Tunisia - 9 ppm. As in others developing countries, Mortality rates in recent decades have steadily declined. So in Morocco for the period from 1972. in 1986 The total mortality rate decreased 1.6 times.

In Maghreb countries, there is significant fluctuations in mortality rates among different groups population - urban and rural, t. This division hides the differences in the socio-economic situation of the population, the cultural level, sanitary condition, etc.

A relatively small mortality rate in Maghreb countries is due to the youth of the population of these countries. In fact, mortality in Maghreb states is 1.5 times higher than in developed countries.

As in other developing states, the reduction in mortality in Maghreb countries has not been caused not so much by the overall progress of these countries, how much the spread of modern sanitation funds. The fact of reducing mortality is accompanied by contradictory moments: a little changed family-marital standards, a traditionally high birth rate lead to an increase in the population number, as well as to predominantly, the share of persons to working ages, which, in turn, negatively affects the development of countries.

For all three countries, Maghreb family-marriage is characterized by early marriage to the female population. T. K. In the 50s - 60th. This indicator had a downward trend, so in 1964. Tunisia has long improved the minimum marriage age up to 20 years for men and 17 years for women.

The high proportion of married women, starting from the earliest childbearing ages, with insufficiently common practice of intra-family planning, the number of children leads to very high fertility and fertility. The fertility rate in Morocco is 33 ppm, in Algeria - 40 ppm and in Tunisia - 32 ppm.

If mortality rates have significantly decreased by last yearsThis cannot be said about fertility factories. On the contrary, with a decrease in the age of marriage to the Marriage women (the exception is Tunisia after 1964), improving public health, a decrease in the probability of width, etc. The fertility coefficients even increased somewhat.

Like fertility, fertility in Maghreb countries is at a very high level. The coefficient of common fertility of women aged 15 to 49 years in Morocco in 1990 amounted to 113 ppm, in Algeria in 1990 - 105 ppm and Tunisia in 1990 - 98 ppm, the maximum level of fertility is observed in the age group of 25- 29 years and equal Accordingly, 140, 148 and 150 ppm.

High fertility causes a very large number of children in the Maghreb family. On average, the family, which has completed its formation accounts for 5 - 6 live births. IN countryside Fruitness is higher than in the urban on one legability.

The high fertility of Maghreb women leads to the fact that the replacement of generations is carried out in a very short time. The dependence of fertility of families from the social position of spouses, material security, educational level, etc. is extremely contradictory and complex. A number of studies show no longer enough that fertility is slightly higher in more secured and more educated families, with the exception of a very few group of the most secured and educated population.

Traditionally high fertility With sharply reduced general and, especially, child mortality caused the youth of the population of the Maghreb countries. By age structure The population of Algeria is the youngest in the world. In Tunisia in 1990. The share of children aged from 0-4 years old in the entire population was 38.1%, the share of the age group 15 - 64 years - 57.8%, the proportion of persons over 65 years old - 4.1%.

The sexual structure of the population of Maghreb countries as a whole is close to the norm, but significant migration primarily from rural areas in the city, from cities to countries Western Europe It causes imbalance in the ratio of floors in certain age groups.

The youth of the population of Maghreb, a lot of weight throughout the population of people to working ages sets certain difficulties on the path of social economic Development Maghreb countries.

The existing type of population reproduction in these states is "very" expanded. Thus, the net-coefficient of reproduction of the population of Algeria in 1995 was 2.1 in other words, the daughter, replacing his mothers, exceeded the latter in numbers 2 times.

According to the UN forecast (average option), the population of the three countries of Maghreb by 2005. Must be 78.9 miles. pers., By 2010 - 85.2 mil. person. And by 2025. - 103.6 MIL. people, that is, for the upcoming 26 years, the population of Maghreb will increase by 38.02 mil. people, or 1.5 times. Such a rapid growth in the population will supply a whole complex of complex economic and demographic problems in Germany.

The fertility rate is currently at a high level. However, one should not be expected in the coming years of a sharp decrease in the fertility coefficient. The analysis of fertility shows that until the population proceeds to a certain line of cultural development of the decline and this indicator is not expected in the coming years.

The current state of the natural movement of the population of Maghreb is due to the low level of development of this population itself. On the other hand, the natural movement in the parameters in which it is carried out at the present time is a certain brake on the way of increasing the qualitative characteristics of the population of Maghreb. The only possible way out of this circle is the accelerated development of the population, for which radical social transformations are necessary.

Qualitative characteristics of the population of Maghre

The relatively low quality population of Maghreb gives the level of its general education training: in the early 80s, 57% of the population were illiterate in Tunisia. Naturally, with this situation and training, the cultural level, the health of the population cannot be satisfactory. The material base of improving the qualitative characteristics of the population is its income - relative to the narrow. The main part of the incomes of the population goes to the nutrition and items of the very essential. In Morocco, the proportion of food costs in all costs is 70%. Despite this, the population of Maghreb lives in a state of hidden hunger, and the average foreign food consumption has decreased in the past decade: in Algeria, today, per capita is consumed daily, 1870 calories, animal proteins - 6.4 grams. in a day; In the United States, for comparison, - 3200 calories and 68.6 gr. Proteins of animal origin per day.

Besides low level revenues and low consumption that show average numbers should take into account the uneven distribution of the consumption fund between the various layers of the population due to social inequality. In Tunisia, half of the population has only 1/4

revenues, whereas 10% of the most secured population has 1/3 revenues.

Despite the significant improvement in the health of the population of Maghrib, the disease is still widespread there, which in developed countries almost do not occur. There are diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, endemic goiter, etc.

Particularly acute in North African countries is the problem of employment. So in 1994 The number of the economically active population of Maghreb was 18 Miles. 46 thousand people, or 28.8%. The proportion of employed in agriculture In the whole busy population constitutes for 1990. - 44.7%, in industry - 24.8%, in the service sector - 30.5%. The female able-bodied population of Maghreb is almost exclusively occupied in the household.

Unemployment in Maghreb countries is chronic. 43% of the unemployed never had paid work, young people suffer from unemployment.

Analysis of the employment of the population of Maghreb shows that the irrational structure of employment and the huge army of the unemployed and semi-excursive are a consequence of the socio-economic structure of society inherited from the era of colonialism. Liquidation still still increasing unemployment can only be through the intervention of the state in the economy to ensure the maximum rates of economic development through the policy of accelerated industrialization, radical agricultural transformations and cash mobilization labor resources three countries.

The ethnic composition of the population of Maghreb.

The indigenous population of North African countries consists mainly of Arabs and Berber. The population of these countries also includes those in 19-20 centuries. French, Spaniards, Italians.

The main language of the vast majority of the population of all countries Maghreb is Arabic. In the second place in prevalence there is a group of Berber languages \u200b\u200bwith numerous dialects.

In Morocco, the number of speaking in Arabic, including the population speaking two - one of Berber and Arabic, is 75%, in Algeria - over - 80%, in Tunisia - over 90%.

It is impossible to establish the indicators of pure Arab and purely Berber types. T. K. In reality, the Arabs, who came from Arabia, who were insignificant part of the indigenous population of the country, were dissolved in the main mass of the Berber population, but at the same time hearked most of it. Some Berber tribes accepted Islam for another 8 - 9 centuries., And the rest were Arabized later. Now, most of the population of North Africa speaks Arabic, dresses in Arabic, confesses Islam and considers himself as Arabs. There were attempts to identify Arabic and Berber types with anthropology. But mass anthropometric measurements were also given nothing. Moreover, the groups considered anthropologically "the most Berber", no racial attitude differ from the groups of "the cleanest Arabs". In economics and religion, Berber tribes also do not differ from the Arabs. And such a source is not reliable as a tribe, because many Arab and Berber tribes often include their ancestors of famous Muslim saints or consider their progenitors or biblical patriarchs or family members of the prophet, or his closest relatives. The historical value of most of all these genealogies is not large, and rare traditions are over the 17th - 18th centuries.

However, in terms of its origin, only a minor part of the population is indeed the descendants of the Arabs who came to North Africa from Arabia at 7 to 8 centuries. Almost all the indigenous population of Maghreb makes the descendants of the ancient settlers of the country - the oldest Libyans, hetulov, Maurusiyev and many others called the general name of Berbres. In everyday life, Arabs Magriba still retained many customs and rites, alien to the associates, but those who have existed north African people long before the Arab conquest. They are maintained mainly in agricultural areas. It can be noted that Islam Magryba is sharply different from orthodox Muslim beliefs - Islam of Ancient Arabia

(Maraktov cult, faith in Barack - "grace", etc.). All this proves that the basis of the modern Arab population of Maghre is descended to the Arab autochthonous agricultural population. Only the population of some areas, for example, the central part of Morocco, make up the descendants of the Arab tribes who came with most Arabs at 11 V. And the settlers of Moroccan feudals in their possessions. The true population kept his tongue and its former doubtful culture only in some isolated mountain ranges of atlas and in remote oases. Only this group of the population is called Berbers.

Thus, the difference between Berbers and Arabs lies purely subjective division - linguistic, but not ethnic, since the majority of the Arab population of North Africa has a single origin.


The indigenous population of Arab Berber is 95% of the total population, 3% - Jews and 2% Europeans (French, Spaniards and Italians).

Morocco has inhabited uneven, depending on the terrain and soil fertility. The most thickly populated plains of Western Morocco between the Jabala array in the north and the mountains of the High Atlas in the south (especially the areas of Garb, Shaviya, Tadla, Dukkal and Abda). About 2/5 of all Morocco residents are concentrated in them. Mountains in Morocco are less convenient for settlement than the mountains of the neighboring Algeria. Therefore, in the mountains of Jabala, Reef and middle atlas, the population is a little.

Arabs moved to the western part of Maghrib later than in Algeria and Tunisia. Only in 12 V. Almhad Khalif Abd Al-Mumin settled in Morocco Arab tribes Hilal from Tunisia and East Algeria, where they appeared in the eleventh century.

The rulers from the Berber Dynasty of Almohadov and, who replaced it in Morocco, the Margeshid dynasty constantly relied on the Arab tribes. First on Hilal, then - Makil. With their help, they kept power and expanded their possessions in the fierce fight against Berbers. Small Berber tribes were gradually subordinate to them or pushed in the mountains.

The "Makhzey region" inhabited by the descendants of the Arab tribes that took the most fertile plain areas of Morocco. The descendants of Hilal inhabit the plains of the Forn of Atlas and the steppe of the East Morocco, and the descendants of Arabs Makil live in the valleys of the upper part of the Miluya River on the plains of southern atlas.

Comparely few southern and south-eastern parts of Morocco adjacent to Sugar are populated. The population here is focused on the advantage of the oases of the WED-Gear, WED-Ziz, Tafille and Wed Draa. Berbbers, i.e. Moroccans talking on Berber languages \u200b\u200blive in mountain areas. They constitute three groups: in the northern part of Morocco lives reef tribes (Gelaia, Temsen, Bottawa, Uriagel, Banu-Said, etc.), and in the lower reaches of the Miluya River - Banu-Imassen. The other group consists of Berbers of Central Morocco, living in the upper reaches of the Miluya River, Cebu and Draa, up to the oasis of the Tafille in the south-east, as well as between the cities of Fez and Meknes and near the cities of Rabat and Sale. This group consists of Berbers Zuaga Braber (otherwise Barabir, Beraber). Finally, the third group is the Berbers of Schloch (also splash, or Shulukh), living in the western part of the high satin and anti-atlas. They inhabit the entire terrain of the south of Mogador and Marrakesh, the valleys of the Great Atlas and Anti-Atlas, the Atlantic coast adjacent to them, the Sousse and Wed-Nun region. Jews live mainly in cities and partly among the Tribes of High Atlas. The population of some of the cities, such as Demnant, is almost entirely Jewish. Moroccans distinguish between two groups of Jews. One of them is called Tiles, another - Faoscreenos. The origin of the first group is unclear. However, it is known that Trals settled in Morocco before Islam appeared. The second group consists of Jews who fled from Spain in 16 century. from the inquisition.

These are the main ethnic groups, of which the population of Morocco is developing.


Algeria is divided into two sharply different from one of the other part: the territory of Algeria itself and the southern territory. The first one occupies the central part of Maghrib, i.e. the Mediterranean coast, the mountains of the big and small Cabilia and further, to the south, adjacent to them alpine areas of satin. To the south of them semi-desert areas of the Sahara, turning into the desert, form the so-called "territory of the south".

Most of the population (90%) focused in the northern part of the country, the south of the areas are very weak.

Algeria populated mainly by Arabs and Berbers. 89% is the indigenous population and approximately 10% of Europeans. Over 80% of Algerians speak Arabic, only the population of mountain areas speaks Berber languages. In the mountains of the Big and Small Cabilia and in the Auress lives. Several mansion for ethnic composition cost mrens (Mozabits), inhabiting Oasis Gardaja and surrounding terrain Berrian, Herrara, Balley, etc. in the Wed Mzab district. In rural areas, the population consists mainly of Arabs and Berber. Urban population in their way ethnic composition Much in front of the Arabs and Berbers, as well as the French, there are Spaniards, Maltese, Italians, Jews and descendants of Turks - Kulugi, Egyptians, Greeks, Syrians and MN. Dr.

The territory of the South includes a significant part of the central sugar. In this non-microshylic, the desert with the Sun roaming with its numerous herds of camels, goats and sheep two tribal associations - Kel-Agere and Kel-Ahaggar. Taways of these groups make up only 1.7% of the total number of all Taways. The bulk of them lives within Sudan.


Tunisia is the most of all Maghrib countries. As in Morocco, the local population, which consisted of Berber, to 11 V. It remained almost not affected by Arabic influence. At first, after the conquest, the Arabs focused mainly in Kairhan and other cities of the southern part of Tunisia, who were their supporting points, but with the appearance in to. 11 V. Arabs Hilal, and behind them Arabs Sulyim has changed. The Arab tribes crowded the Berbers in the mountains, took the whole country. In Tunisia, the same thing happened as in Morocco. However, while in many mountain ranges of Morocco, Berber tribes kept their independence to the present, in Tunisia they almost completely mixed with the aliens. Only in the southern, deserted part of Tunisia, on the border with sugar, Berber teams are preserved - Matmat and Vargamma, speaking Berber languages \u200b\u200band leading former lifestyle. They live in underground housing, on the spring time they move into tents, where they spend the spring and the first half of summer. Their main occupation is cattle breeding and only partly agriculture. The special group is occupied by Jews - part of the indigenous population of the country, descendants of the Jews, settled in Africa in the I B. BC e. Most of all the Jews live in the Tunisian district, the rest in the cities of Bizerte, Sousse and Sfans, as well as in the southern part of Tunisia, in Gabes and especially on the island of Jebra.

In addition, Europeans live in Tunisia: French, Italians and Maltese.

Emigration from Maghreb countries

a) Historical conditions and backgrounds of emigration.

North African emigration is part of Arab emigration, which has a centuries-old history. The nature and content of migrations, their goals, forms and directions were constantly changing. Arab emigration was called and caused now either socio-economic, or military-political causes, or a combination of two previous factors. These reasons began to act in the last century, after capturing France North Africa, in which Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia are located today.

It was the colonization (as a military-political factor) was the main reason for expropriation (socio-economic factor) of North African Fellakhov, turning them first in landless bathers, and then in the chernobykh metropolis. The initial impulse of the actual labor migration from Maghreb countries in the metropolis - France was announced by the declared military mobilization of labor. As a result, the end of the past and the beginning of the current centuries was marked by the formation of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe mass emigration of Arabs in the Maghreb countries.

In the same period, at the turn of the centuries, the main recipient country of North African emigrants was determined - France. If in 1918, 57264 Algerian workers were registered in France, then in 1924 - 71 thousand. In 1942, this number increased to 113.3 thousand, and in 1944 it was reduced to 55.6 thousand. After the liberation of France at the end of World War II, the number of Algerian immigrants again begins to increase rapidly. In 1945, there were already 212 thousand officially registered them. After reaching the Arab countries of political independence, France continued to remain the main recipient of the emigrating Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians. However, if the colonial authorities led to some extent records of emigrating, then for young independent states, in the first period of their independent development, the emigration was a third suspense problem.

So, in Tunisia from 1956 to 1961, emigration was generally unofficial and was not taken into account by the authorities. In 1962, emigrants were established. From 1962 to 1967, approximately 12.5 thousand people left Tunisia, and if only 420 emigrants were registered in 1962, then in 1967 there were already 6089 people. In 1967, a special government department is created in Tunisia - National Department of Tunisian Workers Affairs abroad.

In the late 60s - 70s, emigration from Tunisia began to type the pace. Mass character began to acquire and emigration and from Algeria after 1962, when Algeria received independence. Emigration was still directed to France. In the 70s, the flow of immigrants in Europe intensified, mainly to France, from Morocco. In the mid-1980s, the total number of Moroccans worked in France was approximately 60 thousand people. Another country-recipient of this category of workers is Belgium: 112 thousand in the first half of the 1980s, then Holland is followed - 73 thousand people, Spain - over 20 thousand people, Italy - 15 thousand, Scandinavian countries - 3 thousand people. The total number of Moroccans in the same period in the Arab oil countries amounted to 33 thousand people. In August 1990, 30 thousand Moroccans worked in Iraq and 6 thousand - in Kuwait.

According to the social situation, most Moroccan emigrants are immigrants from rural areas. IN lately The number of emigrants from cities is increasing, especially from Casablanca. After several years, Moroccan emigrants, having gained qualifications, return to their homeland.

b) the main factors causing emigration.

Historically, two main groups of reasons for emigration, which were noted above were formed. These factors operate today. However, if the action of military-political reasons is not long, the socio-economic reasons and factors act constantly. T. K. There are always certain categories of citizens who are unhappy with their material situation. This discontent manifests itself in comparison of wage levels for the same work, requiring the same skills and level qualifications at home and in the recipient country.

The socio-economic factors include unemployment and part-time employment, the housing crisis, the reluctance to return to their homeland at the end of training abroad, marriage or marriage in the recipient country, etc.

So, for example, the acute situation with employment by the 80s and 90s developed in Algeria. There are calculations, according to which in order to ensure the work of all young people ending studying, each year it is necessary to create 256 thousand new jobs at the currently existing 3.9 miles. As a result, unemployment covered, according to official data, 24% of the amateur population. Under these conditions, emigration seems often as the only means of "salvation" from poverty.

It should be noted that emigration or re-emigration can cause not only the factors operating in a country with one or another reasons of excessive labor in general or some specific categories, but also the factors operating in the country that experiences the urgent need for the influx of cheap workforce from outside. Began once, these factors can also suddenly stop their action. In such cases, immigrants are quickly converted into reemigrants, and sometimes repatriates.

And in addition to the above factors acts and demographic factorwhich causes the migration of the population from rural areas to the city, and from cities to countries recipients. This migration is caused by the overpopulation of rural areas and a bad socio-economic situation in cities.

Formation of major emigration flows on

The current stage of the development of the countries of Maghre

The modern stage of emigration from Maghreb countries has a number of features. This is primarily about the fact that the emigration is predominantly young arches. As a rule, illiterate emigrants are sent to oil-producing Arab countries, experiencing a shortage of primarily unqualified labor. Tunisian emigrants from the province of Tunisia-South were distributed in Libya in their educational level as follows: illiterate - 57%, with primary education - 42%, with incomplete secondary or professional - 1%. Illiterate emigrants from the same province in European countries amount to 37%, with primary education - 42%, with incomplete average and professional - 14%, with a total average - 7% of the total number of emigrants from the province of Tunis-South.

Arriving in someone else's country, an emigrant in most cases is forced to agree on the work that is offered and which does not always correspond to its specialty and qualifications. Therefore, the professional composition of working immigrants can differ significantly from such a composition prior to their departure to emigration. At the same time, there is essential importance where the emigrant arrives: in the developed Western European country or to the Arabian monarchy with its socio-economic and cultural contrasts.

Most often, the death of emigrants in developed countries remains unqualified or a little qualified work. The host countries do not seek, and are not interested in raising their qualifications.

The fall in oil prices and the reduction of investments in oil countries in the mid-80s entailed a reduction in demand for foreign labor, including from Maghreb countries. This led to a decrease in emigration pace.

The main reason for emigration is financial. This is a source of solid currency, which is for Maghrib countries, if not the only one, then the main one. Of course, in the event of the termination of such an "invisible" quasisport, any country - the exporter of labor immediately turns out to be actually deprived of this source, which is particularly painfully reflected in the position of Maghreb countries.

Recipient countries for various reasons are interested in the influx of young and healthy foreign labor. Here and the desire to master the petrodollara as quickly as possible, find any possible production and social application for them.

Weighing all the "for" and "against" emigration from the Maghreb countries should generally note that the leak occurring in its framework, the "minds" and "golden hands" inflicts serious damage to these countries. If there is clear planning in the public sector and regulating development in private emigrants could find work in their countries. Today, due to the lack of these prerequisites, Maghreba country, in essence, additionally subsidize the development of the already rich Western and Arab oil-producing countries, eliminating them from the need to prepare national frames in the scales that they need.

Ca to l u h e n and e

Fast demographic growth was one of the reasons for the deformation of economic processes in Maghreb countries, which is manifested primarily in the exacerbation of the problems of employment and providing the population with food.

Therefore, to control socio-demographic phenomena in these countries it is necessary public policy In the field of population, which should have the following directions.

1. Formation of the long-term perspective of the desired reproduction regime of the population, i.e. Transition to a simple reproduction mode (reproduction coefficient \u003d 1).

2. Changing the trend in the field of the dynamics of the number and structure of the population, fertility, mortality, family composition, etc.

3. Changes in the qualitative characteristics of the population. Reducing the level of unemployment, improving the educational level of the population and improving the health of citizens of the country.

4. Emigration policy, which made it possible to regulate the outflow of the population from the country.

5. Accounting for cultural and historical features in the development of the population of Maghreb countries.


1. Asia and Africa today. No. 1 for 1996, №12 for 1998

2. Migration in Africa. M.: 1994

3. Population: Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: 1994

4. Peoples of Africa. M.: 1954

5. "Population and society." № 6 for 1995

6. "Northeast Africa countries." M .:, 1962

7. "Tunisian Republic." Directory. M.: 1993

8. Ananyeva G. E. "The population of developing countries." M.: 1992

9. Vyatkin A. R. "Developing countries of the East: a demographic forecast." M.: 1990

10. Kurilo V. A. "Tunisia". M.: 1978

11. Nikulin A.V. "Some economic and geographical problems in Maghreb countries." M.: 1972 (abstract).

12. "MONTHLY BULLETIN OF STATISTICS". № 10-12 for 1998

Lizorkina Anna Alexandrovna

Mailing address: Leningrad region Lomonosovsky district n. Bolshaya Izhora Ul. Primorskoye highway d. 28 A square. 3. Index 188531.

6 Maghreb countries and their location

Several Arab countries located in the north of Africa are called Maghreb countries. Among those countries: Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia - in the western part of North Africa, and Libya, Western Sahara and Mauritania are the eastern part, Egypt.

Maghreb Western countries are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the rest is the Mediterranean Sea. All these countries are located on the mountains of the Atlas and are divided into their ridges. Atlas Mountains are divided into: Telly Atlas (they are high atlas), the average atlas and the Sahara Atlas.

Climate of Maghreb countries

Depending on the country of magnib, the climate may differ. So in Morocco, in particular in the cities of Fez, Meknes, Marrakech, summer is especially roast, since the wind blows from the Sugara. In the mountains themselves, the situation is more favorable, especially at night. However, rains in this part of Maghrib - the phenomenon is very rare. In some cities located on the Atlantic coast, for example, in Adagir, there are fogs in the morning. Tangier, on the contrary, is the hottest point of Morocco.

Winter in the Atlas Mountains can be frozen, in the north - cold and wet. IFRAN and AZRU - Popular ski resorts of the Atlas Mountains.

In Algeria, the situation is a little different. Summer roast, with severe humidity. Winters are absolutely not harsh, often rainy. But in the mountainous area almost always lies snow. There is also ski stations here. In the summer in Algeria, almost nothing to breathe due to the sand and dust from the desert from the winds.

The climate of Tunisia also depends on its region. In the northern part of its part of the climate subtropical Mediterranean. In the south and in the central regions - tropical deserted. Washes are warm here - the minimum temperature in the north is + 10 ° C, in the southern part of the country + 21 ° C. Summer is rather roast, but at night in the desert there are freezing. Maximum precipitation is rain, which in some regions happens every few years.

Basically, a tropical desert climate prevails in Libya, but in the northern part of the country - subtropical Mediterranean. The winter here is pretty warm, the average temperature is + 12ºC, in the summer - to + 29ºC. In some areas of Libya, summer temperatures reaches + 36ºC. Nights can be very cold, up to 0 ºC and below. The rain is very rare, and the hot dry wind with the desert sometimes just burns.

Western sugar is famous for dry tropical climates. Nights are freezing, and the daily temperature reaches + 65ºC. It is on this territory of Maghreb, sand storms occur, and even tornadoes.

In Mauritania, the climate is identical to the climate of Western Sahara - tropical deserted. Even in the winter period there is hot here, and in summer, degrees rise to +32 - +43 ºC. It is recommended to visit this country Only in the period from December to February, when the wind blows from the ocean side and puts pleasant freshness.

Population of Maghreb countries

The total population in this area is about 64 million people. Morocco is the most densely populated country of Maghrib. But Algeria is the largest territory.

Every year, the population in these countries is reduced due to migration, less fertility, as well as in economic and demographic reasons.

Indigenous people of Maghreb countries - Arabs and Berbers. In addition to them, from 19-20 centuries, the French, as well as Italians and Spaniards, and the Italians and Spaniards were pleased. But all these inhabitants of Maghreb countries are mainly talking in Arabic.

Kitchen and old traditions of Maghreb

Once in the kitchen to the indigenous resident of one of the Maghreb countries, is initially not surprising. Everything works quite simply, although the culinary residents of these Arab countries attach great importance. Looking at the dishes, it can be noted that it is all made of natural materials: containers - from copper or clay. Floor in the kitchen The inhabitants of Maghreb often choose a stone, laid out of the plates.

Arabs and Berbers are already accustomed to cooking on charcoal. Also, so they heave their homes. It is striking that there are no chairs in the kitchens, the cooks are simply on the rugs.

When cooking, many spices are often used, including mint, sandalwood. Prepare on olive oil, pink water is added. The most popular dish is Couscous. It is eaten without bread, large wooden spoons, drinking water or milk.

Among other popular chakchuk dishes, meat dishes, Messelman (cookies).

Where to relax tourists

Most tourists go to Morocco. Here they like recreation on the sea. Morocco offers many sandy beaches, as well as bays who are pleasing to the eyes of vacationers. Siadi and al-Hoseima resorts are popular. But crowded these places are seriously called. Rather, rest here will be held in a relaxed atmosphere. Will will be in agadir. Europeans love this city! The resort of Es-Saviir is slightly less in demand, there is not so hot here. Travelers are often visited by cities like Rabat, Meknes, Fez, Marakesh, and Tangier.

What part of the planet is Magreb? What is this region and from which states it consists? In our article we will answer all these questions.

Maghreb countries and their characteristics

El Magrib - in Arabic This means "West" (literal translation: "Where the sun sits down"). With this word, medieval sailors called the territory located west of Egypt. The term has been preserved to this day. In particular, this is how the Arab name of the state of Morocco sounds.

Geographically, Magrib is the space between the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast in the north and the system of mountain ranges of the Sugar Atlas in the West. The political significance of this concept is wider. So, traditionally, five independent states are counted for Maghriba. In addition, the region includes one partially recognized republic - Western Sahara.

In modern political geography, Magrib - region in North Africa, consisting of six countries. It:

  • Libya;
  • Tunisia;
  • Morocco;
  • Algeria;
  • Mauritania;
  • West Sahara.

The climate in this region is extremely aridness. Therefore, all the capital and big cities Here are located exclusively on the sea coast.

Union of Arabic Maghreb - What is it? Briefly about the organization

Five countries of Maghreb in 1989 signed an agreement on the creation of an intergovernmental organization. True, the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an association for the first time originated in the 1950s. The activity of the so-called Union of Arab Maghreb (abbreviated - himself) is declaratively aimed at creating a single political and economic block of states in North Africa. The headquarters of the organization is located in the city of Rabat.

Among the members of the Union of Arab Maghreb - Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Mauritania. Chairs on the Council alternately each of these countries. The organization has its own flag and emblem. The latter depicts a schematic map of the region framed by a seam of wheat and cane.

It should be noted that the organization of the organization is significantly complicated by numerous political disagreements between the participating countries. In particular, between Libya and Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria. The question of recognizing the sovereignty of Western Sahara remains unresolved.

Initially, the establishment agreement was also assumed to create a free trade zone in this region. But today the share of mutual trade between the participating countries of this organization does not exceed 10%.


Libya is the easternmost country of Maghreb. And the richest (in terms of GDP per capita). 90% of its area occupy the desert. The main economic trumps of this state gas and oil. Here is also very developed processing and military industry.

5 Mis interesting facts About Libya:

  • Libya has the largest market for Maghreba the length of the coastline - 1770 km.
  • In the period from 1977 to 2011, the country had a unique flag, which is a monochrome cloth green.
  • About 90% of Libya residents live in only two cities - Tripoli and Benghazi.
  • On the territory of this country is the hottest place of the planet.
  • Water in Libya is more expensive than gasoline.

Among the main problems of modern Libya - the domain of refugee migrant workers, a large contrast in population density, water deficit and products.


Among all countries, Maghreb Tunisia has the highest index human Development (ICR): 94th place. This is the smallest state in the area of \u200b\u200bthis region. Tunisia is a dynamically developing industrial-agricultural country. The main branches of its economy - agriculture, textile industry and tourism.

5 of the most interesting facts about Tunisia:

  • Tunisia is included in the top five in terms of exports of olive oil.
  • The doctor and teacher are the two most prestigious professions in this African state.
  • In the summer, the working day in Tunisia ends at 14:00 (this is due to the unbearable heat).
  • Tunisia is often called the "country of flat roofs", since this design of the roof is the least heats up in the sun.
  • It is here that the ruins of one of the largest cities of antiquity are the famous Carthage.


"Pearl of Maghreb" - just so often called Morocco. This country is in the extreme West of the region and has a wide access to the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic. It also controls some of the territories of a partially recognized country (Western Sahara). The basis of the state economy - mining industry (phosphate production) and agriculture. In recent years, tourism has been actively developing.

5 of the most interesting facts about Morocco:

  • Moroccan Dirham is one of the most stable world currencies.
  • Morocco is a deeply believer country; Quran here begin to study from five years.
  • Moroccan women are very afraid and do not like to be photographed.
  • In this sultry tropical country there are pretty good ski resorts.
  • Laziness and tunes are the mental features of Moroccans. Groups of men, celebrating sitting on the street without a business - the usual picture for this African country.


Algeria is the largest state not only Maghriba, but also of the whole of Africa. At the same time, more than 80% of its territories are engaged in deserts. Algeria's subsoil is very rich in various minerals: oil, gas, phosphorites. The extraction of these mineral resources provides 95% of the entire export revenue of the country.

5 of the most interesting facts about Algeria:

  • "Maghreb is a bird, and Algeria is her torso" - the popular Arab saying.
  • In the Epoch of the Middle Ages, this country supplied with wax all France.
  • In Algeria, baguettes are very popular, as in France.
  • Algerian houses are quite rarely equipped with elevators (the reason for this is frequent and strong earthquakes).
  • Algerians are incredible football fans.


What do we know about Mauritania? This is a poor and underdeveloped Islamic Republic located in the western part of Maghrib. Third of its inhabitants are unemployed, about half of the population live behind a poverty line. The basis of the Mauritanian economy - agriculture (cattle breeding, cultivation of dates, rice and corn). Industry is limited to the extraction of iron ore, copper and gold.

5 of the most interesting facts about Mauritania:

  • Each second resident of the country is illiterate.
  • In Mauritania, only one river does not dry up in the summer - it is Senegal.
  • On the territory of this state is the oldest mosque in Africa.
  • Meat and beans are the basis of the Moorish national cuisine.
  • In Mauritania, there is a unique geological education - "Sugar's eye", the diameter of which reaches 50 km.

One of the main problems of modern Mauritania is slavery. Officially slave owners here - out of law. However, in the fact of power, the eyes fully close the eye on this important problem. According to statistics, about 20% of the Mauritians are slaves.

Maghrib countries are located west of Egypt. Previously, these countries entered the Arab Caliphate. As Arabs said - al-Magrib is the country of the setting sun. Previously, Magreb considered Morocco's country. The prevailing population is Arabs. Religion - Islam.

Demographic characteristics of the population

The total population of the three countries of Maghre is equal to 63 Miles. 925 thousand people, Tunisia - 8 mil. 905 thousand people And Algeria - 28 Miles. 38 thousand people According to the calculations of the World Bank specialists, the number of these three North African countries by 2000. will be 73 mil. people, Algeria - 33 mil. pers., Morocco - 30 mil. person. And Tunisia - 10 Miles. person. The average growth rate of the population for 10 years (from 1985 to 1995) have the following meanings: Morocco - 2.3%, Algeria - 2.8% and Tunisia - 2.4%. During these ten years, there is a slight decrease in the growth rate of the population in Algeria (from 3.2% in 1985 to 2.2% in 1995) and in Morocco (from 2.4% in 1985 to 2.0% in 1995. ). This is due to a number of economic and demographic factors: an increase in cultural and educational levels, a large external migration of the population, a relative decline in fertility, and so on.
The mortality rate (assessment of the World Bank specialists in 1995) for all three countries is approximately 9.3, in Morocco - 10, in Algeria - 9 and in Tunisia - 9 ppm. As in other developing countries, the mortality rates in recent decades have been steadily declined. So in Morocco for the period from 1972. in 1986 The total mortality rate decreased 1.6 times.
In Maghreb countries, there is significant fluctuations in mortality rates among various population groups - urban and rural, since this division hides the differences in the socio-economic situation of the population, the cultural level, sanitary condition, etc.
A relatively small mortality rate in Maghreb countries is due to the youth of the population of these countries. In fact, mortality in Maghreb states is 1.5 times higher than in developed countries.
As in other developing states, the reduction in mortality in Maghreb countries has not been caused not so much by the overall progress of these countries, how much the spread of modern sanitation funds. The fact of reducing mortality is accompanied by contradictory moments: a little changed family-marital standards, a traditionally high birth rate lead to an increase in the population number, as well as to predominantly, the share of persons to working ages, which, in turn, negatively affects the development of countries.
For all three countries, Maghreb family-marriage is characterized by early marriage to the female population. T. K. In the 50s - 60th. This indicator had a downward trend, so in 1964. Tunisia has long improved the minimum marriage age up to 20 years for men and 17 years for women.
The high proportion of married women, starting from the earliest childbearing ages, with insufficiently common practice of intra-family planning, the number of children leads to very high fertility and fertility. The fertility rate in Morocco is 33 ppm, in Algeria - 40 ppm and in Tunisia - 32 ppm.
If mortality rates have decreased significantly in recent years, this cannot be said about fertility coefficients. On the contrary, with a decrease in the age of marriage to the Marriage women (the exception is Tunisia after 1964), improving public health, a decrease in the probability of width, etc. The fertility coefficients even increased somewhat.
Like fertility, fertility in Maghreb countries is at a very high level. The coefficient of common fertility of women aged 15 to 49 years in Morocco in 1990 amounted to 113 ppm, in Algeria in 1990 - 105 ppm and Tunisia in 1990 - 98 ppm, the maximum level of fertility is observed in the age group of 25- 29 years and equal Accordingly, 140, 148 and 150 ppm.
High fertility causes a very large number of children in the Maghreb family. On average, the family, which has completed its formation accounts for 5 - 6 live births. In rural areas, fertility is higher than in the urban per born.
The high fertility of Maghreb women leads to the fact that the replacement of generations is carried out in a very short time. The dependence of fertility of families from the social position of spouses, material security, educational level, etc. is extremely contradictory and complex. A number of studies show no longer enough that fertility is slightly higher in more secured and more educated families, with the exception of a very few group of the most secured and educated population.
Traditionally, high fertility with sharply reduced general and, especially, child mortality caused the youth of the population of the Maghriba countries. By age structure, the population of Algeria is the youngest in the world. In Tunisia in 1990. The share of children aged from 0-4 years old in the entire population was 38.1%, the share of the age group 15 - 64 years - 57.8%, the proportion of persons over 65 years old - 4.1%.
The political structure of the population of Maghreb countries as a whole is close to the norm, but significant migration primarily from rural areas in the city, from cities in Western countries, it causes a disproportion in the ratio of floors in certain age groups.
The youth of the population of Maghreb, the high weight throughout the population of persons to working ages is set up certain difficulties in the path of socio-economic development of Maghreb countries.
The existing type of population reproduction in these states is "very" expanded. Thus, the net-coefficient of reproduction of the population of Algeria in 1995 was 2.1 in other words, the daughter, replacing his mothers, exceeded the latter in numbers 2 times.
According to the UN forecast (average option), the population of the three countries of Maghreb by 2005. Must be 78.9 miles. pers., By 2010 - 85.2 mil. person. And by 2025. - 103.6 MIL. people, that is, for the upcoming 26 years, the population of Maghreb will increase by 38.02 mil. people, or 1.5 times. Such a rapid growth in the population will supply a whole complex of complex economic and demographic problems in Germany.
The fertility rate is currently at a high level. However, one should not be expected in the coming years of a sharp decrease in the fertility coefficient. The analysis of fertility shows that until the population proceeds to a certain line of cultural development of the decline and this indicator is not expected in the coming years.
The current state of the natural movement of the population of Maghreb is due to the low level of development of this population itself. On the other hand, the natural movement in the parameters in which it is carried out at the present time is a certain brake on the way of increasing the qualitative characteristics of the population of Maghreb. The only possible way out of this circle is the accelerated development of the population, for which radical social transformations are necessary.

Qualitative characteristics of the population of Maghre

The relatively low quality population of Maghreb gives the level of its general education training: in the early 80s, 57% of the population were illiterate in Tunisia. Naturally, with this situation and training, the cultural level, the health of the population cannot be satisfactory. The material base of improving the qualitative characteristics of the population is its income - relative to the narrow. The main part of the incomes of the population goes to the nutrition and items of the very essential. In Morocco, the proportion of food costs in all costs is 70%. Despite this, the population of Maghreb lives in a state of hidden hunger, and the average foreign food consumption has decreased in the past decade: in Algeria, today, per capita is consumed daily, 1870 calories, animal proteins - 6.4 grams. in a day; In the United States, for comparison, - 3200 calories and 68.6 gr. Proteins of animal origin per day.
In addition to the low level of income and a low level of consumption, which shows the average figures, it should be taken into account the uneven distribution of the consumption fund between the various population layers due to social inequality. In Tunisia, half of the population has only 1/4 income at their disposal, while 10% of the most secured population has 1/3 of income.
Despite the significant improvement in the health of the population of Maghrib, the disease is still widespread there, which in developed countries almost do not occur. There are diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, endemic goiter, etc.
Particularly acute in North African countries is the problem of employment. So in 1994 The number of the economically active population of Maghreb was 18 Miles. 46 thousand people, or 28.8%. The proportion of occupied in agriculture in the whole busy population is in 1990. - 44.7%, in industry - 24.8%, in the service sector - 30.5%. The female able-bodied population of Maghreb is almost exclusively occupied in the household.
Unemployment in Maghreb countries is chronic. 43% of the unemployed never had paid work, young people suffer from unemployment.
Analysis of the employment of the population of Maghreb shows that the irrational structure of employment and the huge army of the unemployed and semi-excursive are a consequence of the socio-economic structure of society inherited from the era of colonialism. It is still possible to liquidate while still increasing unemployment can only be through the intervention of the state in the economy to ensure the maximum rates of economic development through the policy of accelerated industrialization, radical agricultural transformations and the mobilization of cash labor resources of the three countries.

The ethnic composition of the population of Maghreb.

The indigenous population of North African countries consists mainly of Arabs and Berber. The population of these countries also includes those in 19-20 centuries. French, Spaniards, Italians.
The main language of the vast majority of the population of all countries Maghreb is Arabic. In the second place in prevalence there is a group of Berber languages \u200b\u200bwith numerous dialects.
In Morocco, the number of speaking in Arabic, including the population speaking two - one of Berber and Arabic, is 75%, in Algeria - over - 80%, in Tunisia - over 90%.
It is impossible to establish the indicators of pure Arab and purely Berber types. T. K. In reality, the Arabs, who came from Arabia, who were insignificant part of the indigenous population of the country, were dissolved in the main mass of the Berber population, but at the same time hearked most of it. Some Berber tribes accepted Islam for another 8 - 9 centuries., And the rest were Arabized later. Now, most of the population of North Africa speaks Arabic, dresses in Arabic, confesses Islam and considers himself as Arabs. There were attempts to identify Arabic and Berber types with anthropology. But mass anthropometric measurements were also given nothing. Moreover, the groups considered anthropologically "the most Berber", no racial attitude differ from the groups of "the cleanest Arabs". In economics and religion, Berber tribes also do not differ from the Arabs. And such a source is not reliable as a tribe, because many Arab and Berber tribes often include their ancestors of famous Muslim saints or consider their progenitors or biblical patriarchs or family members of the prophet, or his closest relatives. The historical value of most of all these genealogies is not large, and rare traditions are over the 17th - 18th centuries.
However, in terms of its origin, only a minor part of the population is indeed the descendants of the Arabs who came to North Africa from Arabia at 7 to 8 centuries. Almost all the indigenous population of Maghreb makes the descendants of the ancient settlers of the country - the oldest Libyans, hetulov, Maurusiyev and many others called the general name of Berbres. In everyday life, Arabs Magriba still retained many customs and rites, alien to the associates, but those who have existed north African people long before the Arab conquest. They are maintained mainly in agricultural areas. It can be noted that Islam Magryba is sharply different from orthodox Muslim beliefs - Islam of Ancient Arabia (Cult Marabutov, Vera in Barack - "grace", etc.). All this proves that the basis of the modern Arab population of Maghre is descended to the Arab autochthonous agricultural population. Only the population of some areas, for example, the central part of Morocco, make up the descendants of the Arab tribes who came with most Arabs at 11 V. And the settlers of Moroccan feudals in their possessions. The true population kept his tongue and its former doubtful culture only in some isolated mountain ranges of atlas and in remote oases. Only this group of the population is called Berbers.
Thus, the difference between Berbers and Arabs lies purely subjective division - linguistic, but not ethnic, since the majority of the Arab population of North Africa has a single origin.

The indigenous population of Arab Berber is 95% of the total population, 3% - Jews and 2% Europeans (French, Spaniards and Italians).
Morocco has inhabited uneven, depending on the terrain and soil fertility. The most thickly populated plains of Western Morocco between the Jabala array in the north and the mountains of the High Atlas in the south (especially the areas of Garb, Shaviya, Tadla, Dukkal and Abda). About 2/5 of all Morocco residents are concentrated in them. Mountains in Morocco are less convenient for settlement than the mountains of the neighboring Algeria. Therefore, in the mountains of Jabala, Reef and middle atlas, the population is a little.
Arabs moved to the western part of Maghrib later than in Algeria and Tunisia. Only in 12 V. Almhad Khalif Abd Al-Mumin settled in Morocco Arab tribes Hilal from Tunisia and East Algeria, where they appeared in the eleventh century.
The rulers from the Berber Dynasty of Almohadov and, who replaced it in Morocco, the Margeshid dynasty constantly relied on the Arab tribes. First on Hilal, then - Makil. With their help, they kept power and expanded their possessions in the fierce fight against Berbers. Small Berber tribes were gradually subordinate to them or pushed in the mountains.
The "Makhzey region" inhabited by the descendants of the Arab tribes that took the most fertile plain areas of Morocco. The descendants of Hilal inhabit the plains of the Forn of Atlas and the steppe of the East Morocco, and the descendants of Arabs Makil live in the valleys of the upper part of the Miluya River on the plains of southern atlas.
Comparely few southern and south-eastern parts of Morocco adjacent to Sugar are populated. The population here is focused on the advantage of the oases of the WED-Gear, WED-Ziz, Tafille and Wed Draa. Berbbers, i.e. Moroccans talking on Berber languages \u200b\u200blive in mountain areas. They constitute three groups: in the northern part of Morocco lives reef tribes (Gelaia, Temsen, Bottawa, Uriagel, Banu-Said, etc.), and in the lower reaches of the Miluya River - Banu-Imassen. The other group consists of Berbers of Central Morocco, living in the upper reaches of the Miluya River, Cebu and Draa, up to the oasis of the Tafille in the south-east, as well as between the cities of Fez and Meknes and near the cities of Rabat and Sale. This group consists of Berbers Zuaga Braber (otherwise Barabir, Beraber). Finally, the third group is the Berbers of Schloch (also splash, or Shulukh), living in the western part of the high satin and anti-atlas. They inhabit the entire terrain of the south of Mogador and Marrakesh, the valleys of the Great Atlas and Anti-Atlas, the Atlantic coast adjacent to them, the Sousse and Wed-Nun region. Jews live mainly in cities and partly among the Tribes of High Atlas. The population of some of the cities, such as Demnant, is almost entirely Jewish. Moroccans distinguish between two groups of Jews. One of them is called Tiles, another - Faoscreenos. The origin of the first group is unclear. However, it is known that Trals settled in Morocco before Islam appeared. The second group consists of Jews who fled from Spain in 16 century. from the inquisition.
These are the main ethnic groups, of which the population of Morocco is developing.

Algeria is divided into two sharply different from one of the other part: the territory of Algeria itself and the southern territory. The first one occupies the central part of Maghrib, i.e. the Mediterranean coast, the mountains of the big and small Cabilia and further, to the south, adjacent to them alpine areas of satin. To the south of them semi-desert areas of the Sahara, turning into the desert, form the so-called "territory of the south".
Most of the population (90%) focused in the northern part of the country, the south of the areas are very weak.
Algeria populated mainly by Arabs and Berbers. 89% is the indigenous population and approximately 10% of Europeans. Over 80% of Algerians speak Arabic, only the population of mountain areas speaks Berber languages. In the mountains of the Big and Small Cabilia and in the Auress lives. Several mansion for ethnic composition cost mrens (Mozabits), inhabiting Oasis Gardaja and surrounding terrain Berrian, Herrara, Balley, etc. in the Wed Mzab district. In rural areas, the population consists mainly of Arabs and Berber. The urban population of its ethnic composition is much interest: except for Arabs and Berber, as well as the French, the Spaniards, Maltese, Italians, Jews and descendants of the Turks - Kulugi, Egyptians, Greeks, Syrians live there, live there. Dr.
The territory of the South includes a significant part of the central sugar. In this non-microshylic, the desert with the Sun roaming with its numerous herds of camels, goats and sheep two tribal associations - Kel-Agere and Kel-Ahaggar. Taways of these groups make up only 1.7% of the total number of all Taways. The bulk of them lives within Sudan.

Tunisia is the most of all Maghrib countries. As in Morocco, the local population, which consisted of Berber, to 11 V. It remained almost not affected by Arabic influence. At first, after the conquest, the Arabs focused mainly in Kairhan and other cities of the southern part of Tunisia, who were their supporting points, but with the appearance in to. 11 V. Arabs Hilal, and behind them Arabs Sulyim has changed. The Arab tribes crowded the Berbers in the mountains, took the whole country. In Tunisia, the same thing happened as in Morocco. However, while in many mountain ranges of Morocco, Berber tribes kept their independence to the present, in Tunisia they almost completely mixed with the aliens. Only in the southern, deserted part of Tunisia, on the border with sugar, Berber teams are preserved - Matmat and Vargamma, speaking Berber languages \u200b\u200band leading former lifestyle. They live in underground housing, on the spring time they move into tents, where they spend the spring and the first half of summer. Their main occupation is cattle breeding and only partly agriculture. The special group is occupied by Jews - part of the indigenous population of the country, descendants of the Jews, settled in Africa in the I B. BC e. Most of all the Jews live in the Tunisian district, the rest in the cities of Bizerte, Sousse and Sfans, as well as in the southern part of Tunisia, in Gabes and especially on the island of Jebra.
In addition, Europeans live in Tunisia: French, Italians and Maltese.

Emigration from Maghreb countries

A) Historical conditions and backgrounds of emigration.

North African emigration is an integral part of Arab emigration, which has a centuries-old history. The nature and content of migrations, their goals, forms and directions were constantly changing. Arab emigration was called and caused now either socio-economic, or military-political causes, or a combination of two previous factors. These reasons began to act in the last century, after capturing France North Africa, in which Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia are located today.
It was the colonization (as a military-political factor) was the main reason for expropriation (socio-economic factor) of North African Fellakhov, turning them first in landless bathers, and then in the chernobykh metropolis. The initial impulse of the actual labor migration from Maghreb countries in the metropolis - France was announced by the declared military mobilization of labor. As a result, the end of the past and the beginning of the current centuries was marked by the formation of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe mass emigration of Arabs in the Maghreb countries.
In the same period, at the turn of the centuries, the main recipient country of North African emigrants was determined - France. If in 1918, 57264 Algerian workers were registered in France, then in 1924 - 71 thousand. In 1942, this number increased to 113.3 thousand, and in 1944 it was reduced to 55.6 thousand. After the liberation of France at the end of World War II, the number of Algerian immigrants again begins to increase rapidly. In 1945, there were already 212 thousand officially registered them. After reaching the Arab countries of political independence, France continued to remain the main recipient of the emigrating Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians. However, if the colonial authorities led to some extent records of emigrating, then for young independent states, in the first period of their independent development, the emigration was a third suspense problem.
So, in Tunisia from 1956 to 1961, emigration was generally unofficial and was not taken into account by the authorities. In 1962, emigrants were established. From 1962 to 1967, approximately 12.5 thousand people left Tunisia, and if only 420 emigrants were registered in 1962, then in 1967 there were already 6089 people. In 1967, a special government department is created in Tunisia - National Department of Tunisian Workers Affairs abroad.
In the late 60s - 70s, emigration from Tunisia began to type the pace. Mass character began to acquire and emigration and from Algeria after 1962, when Algeria received independence. Emigration was still directed to France. In the 70s, the flow of immigrants in Europe intensified, mainly to France, from Morocco. In the mid-1980s, the total number of Moroccans worked in France was approximately 60 thousand people. Another country-recipient of this category of workers is Belgium: 112 thousand in the first half of the 1980s, then Holland is followed - 73 thousand people, Spain - over 20 thousand people, Italy - 15 thousand, Scandinavian countries - 3 thousand people. The total number of Moroccans in the same period in the Arab oil countries amounted to 33 thousand people. In August 1990, 30 thousand Moroccans worked in Iraq and 6 thousand - in Kuwait.
According to the social situation, most Moroccan emigrants are immigrants from rural areas. Recently, the number of emigrants from cities is increasing, especially from Casablanca. After several years, Moroccan emigrants, having gained qualifications, return to their homeland.

B) the main factors causing emigration.

Historically, two main groups of reasons for emigration, which were noted above were formed. These factors operate today. However, if the action of military-political reasons is not long, the socio-economic reasons and factors act constantly. T. K. There are always certain categories of citizens who are unhappy with their material situation. This discontent is manifested in comparison of levels. wages For the same work requiring the same skills and level of qualification at home and in the recipient country.
The socio-economic factors include unemployment and part-time employment, the housing crisis, the reluctance to return to their homeland at the end of training abroad, marriage or marriage in the recipient country, etc.
So, for example, the acute situation with employment by the 80s and 90s developed in Algeria. There are calculations, according to which in order to ensure the work of all young people ending studying, each year it is necessary to create 256 thousand new jobs at the currently existing 3.9 miles. As a result, unemployment covered, according to official data, 24% of the amateur population. Under these conditions, emigration seems often as the only means of "salvation" from poverty.
It should be noted that emigration or re-emigration can cause not only the factors operating in a country with one or another reasons of excessive labor in general or some specific categories, but also the factors operating in the country that experiences the urgent need for the influx of cheap workforce from outside. Began once, these factors can also suddenly stop their action. In such cases, immigrants are quickly converted into reemigrants, and sometimes repatriates.
And in addition to the above factors, there is a demographic factor that determines the migration of the population from rural areas to the city, and from cities to the countries of recipients. This migration is caused by the overpopulation of rural areas and a bad socio-economic situation in cities.

Formation of the main streams of emigration at the present stage of the development of the countries of Maghreb

The modern stage of emigration from Maghreb countries has a number of features. This is primarily about the fact that the emigration is predominantly young arches. As a rule, illiterate emigrants are sent to oil-producing Arab countries, experiencing a shortage of primarily unqualified labor. Tunisian emigrants from the province of Tunisia-South were distributed in Libya in their educational level as follows: illiterate - 57%, with primary education - 42%, with incomplete secondary or professional - 1%. Illiterate emigrants from the same province in European countries amount to 37%, with primary education - 42%, with incomplete average and professional - 14%, with a total average - 7% of the total number of emigrants from the province of Tunis-South.
Arriving in someone else's country, an emigrant in most cases is forced to agree on the work that is offered and which does not always correspond to its specialty and qualifications. Therefore, the professional composition of working immigrants can differ significantly from such a composition prior to their departure to emigration. At the same time, there is essential importance where the emigrant arrives: in the developed Western European country or to the Arabian monarchy with its socio-economic and cultural contrasts.
Most often, the death of emigrants in developed countries remains unqualified or a little qualified work. The host countries do not seek, and are not interested in raising their qualifications.
The fall in oil prices and the reduction of investments in oil countries in the mid-80s entailed a reduction in demand for foreign labor, including from Maghreb countries. This led to a decrease in emigration pace.
The main reason for emigration is financial. This is a source of solid currency, which is for Maghrib countries, if not the only one, then the main one. Of course, in the event of the termination of such an "invisible" quasisport, any country - the exporter of labor immediately turns out to be actually deprived of this source, which is particularly painfully reflected in the position of Maghreb countries.
Recipient countries for various reasons are interested in the influx of young and healthy foreign labor. Here and the desire to master the petrodollara as quickly as possible, find any possible production and social application for them.
Weighing all the "for" and "against" emigration from the Maghreb countries should generally note that the leak occurring in its framework, the "minds" and "golden hands" inflicts serious damage to these countries. If there is clear planning in the public sector and regulating development in private emigrants could find work in their countries. Today, due to the lack of these prerequisites, Maghreba country, in essence, additionally subsidize the development of the already rich Western and Arab oil-producing countries, eliminating them from the need to prepare national frames in the scales that they need.

Maghreb-Morocco countries, Algeria and Tunisia - are the western part of North Africa; The eastern part of North Africa is occupied by Egypt. Between them is Libya, which is sometimes believed to the countries of Maghreb. Magrib is a mountainous country highly raised over the desert adjacent to it and sharply derived from it. From the west of the country, Maghreb ishes atlantic ocean, from the north and east - the Mediterranean Sea.

The foundation of the relief of these countries - the mountains of atlas - are divided into several mountain chains that have in the general direction from the south-west to the northeast. In Morocco, the northern ridge is called Jebel Reef, the middle atlas, high satin and anti-atlas run south. In Algeria, northern ridge is referred to as the Talla Atlas, South-Sugar Atlas. All of these mountain ranges directly continue the Unified South European Mountain System: in the West Sierra Nevada in Spain, in the East - Mountains of the Mediterranean Islands Pantelleria and Sicily and Apennine Mountains in Italy.

The field of atlas, cut in all directions by mountain chains, valleys, gorges and rivers, is the island, washed from the north of the sea, and from the south bordering the Sugara sands. The Arabs are called North Africa. Jesirate Al-Magrib, that is, "The Island of the West", or, if we are talking about Morocco-Magrib al-Aksha, that is, "Far West".

From the south coast of Spain in a foggy given in the south, the cliffs of Ceuts can be seen - this is part of the ride ride, the spurs of the Atlas Mountains. In this place, Europe and Africa converge closest. Gibraltar Strait, width from 14 to 21 km, has never been a serious obstacle between them.

The western part of Morocco is plain, surrounded by mountain ranges and stretching from the mouth of the river. Tensei to mouth r. Cebu, from RKana to the foot of the middle atlas. It is adjacent to the Hauz Valley, JC one of the main cities of Morocco - Marrakesh.

All three mountain chains are the average atlas, high satin and anti-atlas, merging into the east, form an elevation, the edges of which are raised from the north and south.

The main ridges of Algeria - Tella and Sugar Atlas. Sugar Atlas consists of several rows of mountain ranges coming from west to east. They are divided between themselves and make it easy to penetrate the Sugara side on the plateau located between the Sahara and

Talsk atlas. The South Algeria's plateaus in the middle part is reduced. Here the chain of salt marsh lakes and swamps, called Schotts, stretches. Almost all mountain ranges of the Sahara Atlas, as, for example, the Mountains of the Castle-Nail, Jebel-Amur, Jebel-Aureses, etc., from the Northern side there are lower slopes, gradually descending to the plateau. The southern slopes facing the Sahara, rummaged by the sheer wall, sometimes tower over the desert for 1500-1600 m. Only where mountain passes exist between individual ridges, where the plateore is gradually descended to the south, open the gate to the desert, and the nomads of the Sahara Frequently use them, moves with its herds from Algerian Sahara to the north.

All the plateau, and, accordingly, the entire Scott area in the western part is higher than in Eastern; The most east of the Schott are below sea level. The Tella Atlas, consisting of mountain ranges and hills, as it continues to the East, comes to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, everything is closer until it turns away, finally, at the most northeast The outskirts of Tunisia. North of the Tella Atlas lies a narrow coastal plain. Tunisia's shores, Algeria and Morocco, in a significant part of its parts, cool turn into the sea. In the eastern part of the Algerian coast, mountain ranges of a large and small Cabilia are located. In many places, Mountains are suitable for the shore; The line of the coast is almost straight, and ships find a refuge only in the few bays. Here are ports: Oran, Algeria, Tunisia, Bizerta - one of the main harbors of the French military fleet, and others. The eastern part of the Tunisia is a low plain, hollow-goes down to the sea. On the coast, small ports are located - Gabes, Sfax, etc.

The climate of Maghreb countries is determined by their geographical position, surface relief and influence of baric systems. North-Western Wet winds, which are made from the ocean, bring in the fall and winter sediments, which fall out on the northern and western slopes of the mountains facing the sea. Southern and eastern slopes facing sugar are open to dry winds, and rains are quite rare here. The most precipitation falls on the eastern part of the coast in a large and small Cabilia, in Kuzhi - 1000 mm per year and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Khrumigan Mountains (S.-Z. Part of Tunisia) - up to 1800 mm per year; Next to the east, this figure decreases. The winds of Sierra Nevada and the Mountains of Sierra Nevada and who have lost some of the precipitation are coming to the western part of the coast.

The western coast of Morocco receives a sufficient amount of moisture, decreasing from north to south. About 800 mm of precipitation falls in the tanier area, in the Rabat 500 mm and in Mogador only 334 mm. The influence of the cool water of the Atlantic Ocean affects the temperature, which is characterized by moderation. The average temperature of August in Tangier + 24 °, in Mogador + 20 °. In the inner regions of Northern Morocco - Meknes, Fez and Taza - drops up to 600 mm precipitation, and in a wide coastal belt of Moroccan lowland, between Casablanca and Agadir - only 250-400 mm.

In the southern regions of Algeria, the amount of precipitation ranges from 100 to 200 mm. The average temperature of August in Algeria is 25.3 °, in Laguate 28 °, in Biss 34 °.

In Algeria and Tunisia, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Telle 1 (including the Tella Atlas and Coastal Plain) facing north. Climate and vegetation of cart

wear a Mediterranean character. Between his mountain ranges lie fertile valleys. This is the main agricultural region of Algeria and Tunisia. The abundance of water sources, frequent rains and mild climates favors farming and gardening. Closer to the sea bred grapes, citrus fruits, figs, almonds, figs. A slightly further from the shore, in fertile and well-irrigated Valleys of the Telle sow wheat, barley, corn, oats, sorghum, legumes. A variety of vegetables are grown on the gardens: potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots, etc. Early vegetables are exported.

The northern slopes of the atlask mountains are available to wet winds and covered with dense forest. On the mountains, above 1200m above the UR. m., Growing the Lebanese cedar, juniper, below - evergreen oak, cork oak, argan, alepopskaya pine. Foothills are covered with shrubs and pistachio trees, dwarf palm trees; This is the character of rich vegetation and on the mountain slopes descending to the plains of the western part of Morocco. In the valleys of the West River prevails, agriculture prevails - these are the main agricultural districts of Morocco. Streets of plateaus are rich in alpha - grass going on paper.

The south of the Telly and the whole eastern part of Morocco, lying behind the mountain ranges, are almost deprived of precipitation (from 200 to 400 mm per year and less). The climate here is continental; All these areas are open to heat, dry sugar winds. In Algeria and Tunisia, the south of the TV, in the area of \u200b\u200bSchotta agriculture without artificial irrigation, is almost impossible to 1; This is the area of \u200b\u200bnomadic cattle breeding, addictive also the eastern part of Morocco. The southeastern slopes of the mountains addressed to the Sahara are also almost deprived of precipitation.

In East Morocco, the forests on the mountain slopes are moving into a low shrub, then the dry steppes begins to the south, which are moving into a semi-desert merging with the stony deserts of the Sahara.

In Tripolitania, a hot desert climate is dominant; Only a narrow coastal strip receives about 200 mm of precipitation per year; By the south, the climate is becoming all land and land.

Sugar begins south of Maghrib. It is often represented in the form of an endless sand of the sand. This is not true. The sandy deserts - Ergi - make up about only the seventh part of it. The greatest sandy desert is the Great Erg in the Libyan Desert, not far from the Western borders of Egypt. Another erg is located in the southern part of Algeria, on the border with Libya. The rest of the surface of the Sahara is occupied by Hammad and Seriel. Hammada is a stony plateau consisting of black sandstone and red clays, with access to the surface of granite and basalt formations; The entire central part of Sahara Fetzsan, Ahaggar, Tibesty, Air - is Hummad. Seriel - desert covered with small pebbles and rounded stones.

Unbelief Sugara spaces are crossed by numerous Wadi (WID) - the rivers of dried rivers, irrigated sugar several millennia ago. The largest of them fell into the lake. Chad, who had no time significantly large sizes. Now Wadi is filled with water only occasionally, after a rainfall, which drops out sometimes in the central part of the Sahara.

The huge belt of the desert separates the countries of Maghreb and the coast of Tripolitania and Kerenaici from the fertile steppes of Sudan. In the west of sugar, it goes directly to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean within the colony of Spanish sugar (Rio de Oro), and in the north - to the shores of the Bay of Sirty, sharing Libya on the Western and Eastern part. The eastern part of the Sahara comes to the Red Sea; Only Nile, with his fertile valley, crosses it. According to geographers, Egypt is essentially only the largest oasis of Sugara. Not far from it there are several oasis-siva, Kufra and now Abandoned Wenat; Further, in Libya, - Oasisa Gat, In-Ezzan and many others and, finally, in the southern part of Algeria - a whole chain of oasis: Tuat, Laguate, Gardaja, Mzab.

The climate of the Sahara is sharply continental. In the central sugar drops less than 25 mm annual precipitation. However, sugar is inhabit. On the slopes of mountain ridges and in oasises, a rare population scattered, from the north to south the caravanways connecting the Mediterranean coast with Sudan. The most important of these paths lead from Timbukt through TUAT, biscuits to Tunisia and from the city of Cook (OZ. Chad) through Murzuk to Tripoli.

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