
The formation and development of the concept of human capital. Modern concept of "human capital. Problems of Use of Human Capital Real Economic Sector

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Bartenev Alexander Alexandrovich. Influence human capital on economic growth: the dissertation ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.01 / Bartenev Alexander Alexandrovich; [Place of protection: S.-Petersburg. State University] .- St. Petersburg, 2008.- 180 p.: Il. RGB OD, 61 08-8 / 1264


1. The role of human capital as a factant economic growth 12

1.1. Formation of the Concept of Human Capital 12

1.3. Evaluation and reproduction of human capital 48

2. The impact of human capital on economic growth and its sources 58

2.1. Analysis of approaches to the impact of human capital on economic growth, empirical analysis of data in Russia 58

2.2. Investing in Human Capital 84

3. Quality of human capital as the basis of sustainable economic growth 106

3.1. Human capital as an object of public investment 106

3.2. Ensuring the conditions for investing in human capital tools of state fiscal policy 125 ^

3.3. Problems of Use of Human Capital real Sector Economy 132.

3.4. Ways of Ishimification of Russian Science 144

Conclusion 157.

Literature 167.

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topicdirectly calves S.

economic interests of society and is determined by modern

the state of the world and domestic economy associated with the transition to

post-industrial phase of development on which the leading factor

production "and economic progress is human capital.

The topicality of the scientific controversy of human capital over time is intensified due to the transition of our country from the socialist to the capitalist socio-economic device.

After a long period of recession of the 1990s, economic growth began. However, this growth is largely provided by the factors of external economic situation, mainly high energy prices. Therefore, in special scientific literature and journalism, various points of view are expressed about ways and means of transition to sustainable economic growth based on production using modern high-tech technologies and human factor.

The strategic path of the economic development of Russia corresponds to the global processes of world economic dynamics. Globalization household connections and relations, market transformation processes lead to a serious revaluation of the role and importance of many factors of economic development and reproductive processes. The purpose of economic development is the absolute and relative increase in the national wealth of the development factors, previously applied to the so-called "out-economic".

Unlike natural resources, human capital replenish. Examples of not natural resources of countries who have been in the shortest historical standards to enter the advanced borders of economic development due to the development of modern technologies, prove that it is

social factors can ensure the sustainability of economic growth. Therefore, many authors consider it necessary to ensure the new quality of economic growth in Russia, which should be based on the use of mainly social, and not natural resources. The relevance of the research topic is also determined by the fact that the production nature of human capital needs further theoretical development, which is, on the one hand, a set of production abilities of a modern employee, and on the other hand, the costs of the state, enterprise and the employee itself on the formation and continuous improvement of these abilities .

Economic approach to man and his behavior, carried out in the framework of the theory of human capital, is used in the practice of market management developed countries. Many foreign and domestic scientists consider investment in the branch of science, education, health care, labor mobility as an important type of capital investment and one of the main sources of the multiplication of national wealth. However, the problem of the effectiveness of investments, its criterion and indicators, a specific impact on human capital is significantly less reflected in the scientific literature and require new research.

Development of research topic.

The study of general methodological aspects of the problem of "human capital" is devoted to the work of the classics of the economic theory of A. Smitle, D. Ricardo, A. Marshall, K. Marks. They were consistently developed the methodological principles of economic theory, which were allowed to further consider the universal elements of production, as the objects of major nature.

The theory of human capital was developed in the works of G. Bekker, I. Ben-Praiste, M. Blauga, U. Bowean, M. Vudcholla, S.Tazi, J. Juns, B.Kiker, J. Minter, Rlayiard, Psaharopoulos , M. Carnaya, F. Sculupen, L. Khansen. The issue of studying human capital as a factor

economic growth is devoted to the study of E. Denison, J. Kendrick, T. Shaul, P. Romer, R. Lucas.

Social issues related to the concept of effectiveness and justice, private and social benefits of education, the reasons for social inequality found a reflection in the works of N. Barra, J. Weiji, B. Weisbrode, V.Makmagona, S. Bhauls, L. Lurou, M. Sprons , K. Eerrow.

In the 1950s, the center of severity of research in foreign economic science has shifted from the processes of use of the existing workforce on the problem of creating a qualitatively new workforce required for complex high-tech production. It is during this period that the theory of human capital begins to form, among the creators of which T. Schulz, Bekker and J. Massz, acquired the greatest fame.

This theory acquired the greatest popularity among representatives of the Chicago school, the central methodological installation of which is to explain economic processes based on the principle of maximizing the benefits of individuals. The theory of human capital allowed to transfer this principle on various spheres of human on-site activities.

It is assumed that investing funds in education, health care, migration and other activities are produced on a rational basis for the sake of obtaining large income in the future. Thus, between the formation of physical capital and the formation of human capital (quality of labor) there is a significant "similarity: both, and the other requires distracting significant funds to the detriment of current consumption, the level of economic development in the future depends on both, both types of investments give a long-term It is a productive effect to its character.

The theory of human capital today is more actively applied in microeconomics, especially within the framework of the labor economy. It is used in a variety of empirical studies, allowing to track the real impact of education and practical experience on wages. It is much more complicated by the detection of the effect of the impact of human capital on economic growth across the national state. According to G. Myurdal, most economists have been inclined to ignore the instrumental value of theories that focus on human qualities "for the reason that the effect obtained from improving the quality of the population is too scattered, manifests itself a long time later and difficult formerize" 1.

In the most well-known theoretical models of economic growth, human capital is not considered as an independent factor of this process (although it can be analyzed as an element implicitly contained in the factors "Working force" or "work"). Nevertheless, the role of human capital is taken into account in some neoclassical models of economic growth. For example, in the R. Solow model, along with investments and an increase in the number of employed, the factor of technical progress is also taken into account, under which not only the growing engineering of production is also understood, but also improving the efficiency of workers who depends on their health, education and qualifications. In the works of Myshew, D. Romer and D. Wayla Capital is divided into physical and human. The developers of this model came to the conclusion that the share of physical capital in income is 1/3, and the proportion of human capital is from 1/3 to 1 L. 2. At the same time, the qualifications of the workforce and the quality of physical capital complement each other. Low basic quality

Murdal, the modern problems of the "Third World" /G.Murdapy. - M.: Progress, 1972- with 645.

2 Nureev, R. Development Theories: New Economic Growth Models (Human Contribution

capital) // Questions of the economy. - 2000. - № 9. - p. 137.

capital can be compensated by high labor skills, and high quality capital is largely depreciated by the low qualifications of labor. For example, South Korea and Taiwan compensated for an insufficient level of physical capital development of high quality workforce, which experts believe, was one of the most important growth factors of their economies in the 60-80s of the XX century.

Also known other economic growth models that use the human capital factor. R. Lukas in his model reviewed both the stock of human capital and its effectiveness. He suggested the original interpretation of the production function, which included the share of labor costs for the creation of human capital, the stock of human capital and the average level of human capital on average in economics.

V. Models of Lucas, in a state of dynamic equilibrium in constancy of the growth of physical and human capital and in the absence of externalities, the growth rate of production will be fully determined by the growth of human capital.

The concept of human capital is also used to evaluate the national wealth developed by the World Bank. In this interpretation, national wealth includes natural, reproductive and human types of capital. The structure of the national wealth calculated in this way, human capital is dominated, which is about 2/3 of its final assessment, and in the countries of Northern and Central America, Western Europe and East Asia It reaches 3/4 of the total value of national wealth. Based on this model, human capital began to be considered the main factor in public reproduction at the end of the XX century.

In general, it can be stated that today the influence of human capital, and in a broad sense - the social potential of society on economic growth, is clearly not enough.

3 Lucas, R.E. On the Mechanics of Economic Development // JOUMAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS. - 1998. - №22, p.3-22.

This is especially true of the impact of macroeconomic parameters that contribute to the formation of human capital and the subsequent implementation in the activities of the subjects economic process. Fill out to some extent this space is called upon by this work. The relevance of the problem and the insufficiency of its scientific desires predetermined the choice of the theme of the dissertation study, led to its goal and the task.

The purpose of the dissertation researchit is to study the essence of human capital and the peculiarities of its formation and use as a factor in ensuring the growth of the Russian economy.

In accordance with the aim of the following tasks were made and resolved:

Analyze the evolution of human capital concepts in
foreign and Russian economic science;

explore the essence and structure of human capital as the main factor of production, and its influence on the economic growth of society;

determine the main directions of the most efficient development and use of human capital in the transitive economy of Russia;

explore the relationship of the conditions for the formation and sale of human capital, along with other factors of economic development;

Identify the most significant factors affecting the accumulation
human capital;

Reveal ways to overcome existing obstacles in the implementation
human capital in order to achieve Russian economy
sustainable growth rates;

Develop theoretical I. practical recommendationsaiming
actualization of human capital and contributing
improving its formation and implementation in the interests
ensuring the new quality of the growth of the Russian economy.

Object researchactivities and relationships between the socio-economic system of state and human capital are

as a combination of the conditions of the life of society, the qualitative characteristics of its citizens and the organizational and institutional structure of public reproduction.

The author comes from the fact that in the conditions of modern Russia it is necessary to reorient the economy from development on the basis of mainly raw Resources The active use of inexhaustible opportunities for high-tech technologies and human resources.

Subject of researchis the system of relations between quantitative and quality characteristics human capital, as the main element of the social potential of society, and the dynamics of economic growth in modern Russia.

The subject, the goal and hypothesis of work predetermine the decision of the scientific and research task: to prove that human capital, and in particular its most important component - education, have an undeniable positive impact on the pace and quality of economic growth of society, and on this basis, to determine the intensification directions of investments in various The spheres of human capital in modern Russia.

The working hypothesis of the study is to recognize human capital the most important factordetermining the life level of citizens of the country, rates, quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic growth in the conditions of modern Russia.

Methodological I. theoretical foundations Studies are the provisions and conclusions of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of economic theory and institutional economy. Used legislative I. regulationsgoverning economic activities in Russian Federation. The information base of the work was the data published in statistical collections and periodic press. During the study, the principles of the dialectical method of knowledge, as well as specific methods of econometrics

and statistics, empirical observation, classification of economic phenomena, historical and comparative analysis, holding analogies, etc.

Approbation of research results.

The main provisions and the results of the dissertation study were reported at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Effect of Human Capital for Economic Growth / Innovation Management - 2006" (Moscow, 2006); XI scientific-practical conference "Macroeconomic problems of the Russian economy" (SPB, 2006), IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Human Resources Management" (Penza, 2006); Scientific and practical conference Macroeconomic problems of the Russian economy, held at the Pskov branch of the St. Petersburg Academy of Department and Economics in 2006;

The results of the study are reflected in 5 publications, the total SUP.L.

The dissertation study obtained the following theoretical and applied results defining scientific noveltyand the subject of protection: Scientific novelty:

Systematized scientific views and methodological approaches to the definition of the category of human capital;

The difference between real capital from human has been identified, it is proved that the latter is the main factor in economic growth;

The main directions of investment in human capital, return on investment;

The importance of the influence of human capital on GDP with the help of an expanded model of R. Solow has been confirmed, the importance of education as a major factor directly affecting the accumulation of human capital;

Based on the analysis of the problems of the functioning of the modern labor market, the main directions are refined public Policy in the field of labor market regulation and concluded about the need for social reforms, especially the system of education and science;

The direction of improving the quality of human capital, capable of suspending destructive processes in the Russian economy and to ensure sustainable economic growth.

The thesis consists of the introduction, three chapters, ten paragraphs, the conclusion and list of the used literature. In the text of the thesis, the main provisions and conclusions are illustrated by 16 tables and schemes. The conclusion contains the main conclusions of the work. The list of references contains 221 name.

Formation of the Concept of Human Capital

The meaningfulness of the concept of "capital" should be noted.

Various economic schools interpret this concept in different ways. In the early classical tradition, the concept of capital covered and united in themselves two different aspects: property - control over the means of production and claim to receive future income. In Marxist theory, on the contrary, the first place is put forward to the consideration of capital as a public relations with socio-class positions, the problem of property and control over the means of production. Neoclassical theory links the concept of capital with the second of these moments, implying under investigations of any costs that entail a refusal of current consumption and ensuring a certain income in the future.

American economist Theodore Schulz is considered

the title of the concept of human capital, he outlined the main provisions of his theory in the article "Formation of Education Capital", published in 1960 its theory determines human capital as the accumulated costs of labor reproduction, regardless of the source of their coverage ( family budgets, public spending On social needs, current production costs, etc.), he believed that human capital had the necessary signs of a productive nature, it has properties to accumulate and reproduce on a renewable basis.

Almost at the same time, the concept of human capital was developed by the American economist Bekker. It expands the concept: "Human capital is formed by investment ( long-term investment in capital) in humans in the form of costs of education and workforce training in production, health, migration and search for prices and income information.

The formation of the concept of human capital was carried out in the process of overcoming traditional views on capital as a kind of homogeneous phenomenon, but on the other hand, it went along the way to synthesizing the achievements of various schools.

Structuring studies of the theory of human capital and show the role of the theory of human capital in the system of production factors allows Table 1.

A review of the evolution of scientific views on the phenomenon of human capital in the consolidated table allows us to conclude a long-term phased and natural process of issuing the theory of human capital. The formation of the concept of human capital was carried out in the process of overcoming traditional views on capital as a kind of homogeneous phenomenon, but on the other hand, it went along the way to synthesizing the achievements of various schools. This was reflected in the so-called expansion interpretation of national wealth and capital, which rises to the ideas of the American economist of the beginning of the XX century. I. Fisher. He proposed to be considered capital all that is responsible for the following criteria: generating income stream for a certain time, with any income there is always a product of any kind of capital. Then capital is any stock of goods that can accumulate, the productive use of which is not a single act, but continues for a sufficiently long period of time and brings income.

In specialized literature relating to the subject of this study, the concept of human capital is presented in various interpretations. We give some of them.

Human capital "consists of acquired knowledge, skills, motivations and energy, which have human beings and which can be used for a certain period of time in order to produce goods and services," notes W. Bowen.

O. Toffler The most essential step in the economic development of our era considers the emergence new system obtaining wealth using no physical human strength, but his mental abilities. The scientist introduces the concept of "symbolic capital" - knowledge - which, unlike traditional capital forms, inexhaustible and at the same time accessible to an infinite number of users without restrictions14.

Edwin J. Dolan under human capital understands "Capital in the form of mental abilities obtained through formal education or education or through practical experience" 15.

In the Soviet economic literature, attempts to understand the theory of human capital also took place, but was rather critical in nature, which is associated with the dogmatic commitment to the provisions of K. Marxs that capital is a public relationship about the production and assignment of surplus value, which does not allow to consider the abilities , Knowledge with which a person has, as a kind of capital form. The methodological and scientific importance of the work of this period has in the study of the problems of the formation, development and use of human productive abilities in the public reproduction process.

The qualitative fracture in relation to the theory of human capital occurred in the early 90s, the Russian-speaking translations of Western textbooks "Economics" began to appear, the works of Bekkker, O. Nordhog and others. Domestic authors considered in their work the problem of adapting the theory of human capital to Russian reality. . In modern domestic economic literature, human capital is recognized as an independent factor in social and economic development, the concept of human capital is actively developed, in particular, by the efforts of A.I. Dobrynina, S.A. Dyatlova, B.A. Kornechuk, S. Kurgansky, V. Konovov, R.Nureva, B.S. Liung, I.E. Lomova, L. Polishchuk, E.D. Rassenova, V.P. Schenetin and many others.

Analysis of approaches to the impact of human capital on economic growth, empirical analysis of data in Russia

Dynamic economic growth is a key task facing all countries, since how rapidly the economy is growing, the standard of living, and participation in the international division of labor and national competitiveness is growing.

The problem of assessing and measuring the deposit intellectual Potential Human and society as a whole in economic development attracts the attention of researchers, starting with the design of the economy as science. Back in the XVII century. W. Petty, who stood at the origins of classical political economy, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe primary value of the labor skills in the national wealth of the country. A. Smith developed this idea, including knowledge and qualifications in the main capital of society, along with cars and land50.

Impact on the growth of economic parameters that are not related to the increase in funds and subjects of labor, differences in income inequality, the need to theoretical development of the problem of the formation of the quality of labor in the conditions of progressive technological progress put new challenges to economic theory. Conceptual work of T. Shahulza gives human capital with the necessary signs of a productive nature. To date, there are a number of works that analyze the influence of human capital on economic growth.

One of the most influential and outstanding deposits belongs to the work of R. Lukas, published in 1988.51 in this study, a model is applied, expressing the dependence of the volume of production from human capital. Stable growth is possible only if the development of human capital occurs at an even pace, without jumps.

This is the complexity of the interpretation of the concept of Lucas in conditions of variability.

Macroeconomic production function describes a statistically significant link between the cumulative release (income) y and various species Costs or volumes of resources used. The simplest manufacturing function of Kobba Douglas, applied in the analysis of the US economy in the 20s-30s of the last century, has the form:

Yt \u003d f (kt, lt) \u003d aktaltp,

where a is the coefficient characterizing the efficiency of production, the airy coefficients of the elasticity of production by capital (K) and work (L), respectively, which, according to neoclassical theoryReflect the role of each production factor in the growth of the final product or the share of the income of the corresponding factor in the unit of cumulative income.

The need to account for the NTP factor led to the appearance of models with an increase in the exponential value of the coefficient A (T) \u003d AEJT. NTP manifests itself in the growth of either the aggregate efficiency of a separate resource. In this regard, there are three types of production functions:

1. The production function in which NTP is taken into account as a function of time, and does not communicate directly with difficulty or with capital (neutral NTP or NTP on HICS). Such a production function is: yt \u003d a (t) f (kt, lt) \u003d aejtktaltp,

where a (t) \u003d aejt is a function that reflects the effect on the effectiveness of many factors united for brevity concept of NTP.

2. Production function with work-saving NTP (SOLO NTP). According to SOLO, the efficiency of the use of labor resources is growing over time, and the efficiency of capital use remains unchanged. The introduction of electrical appliances, automatic lines, computers refers to this type of NTP. The production function with a labor-saving NTP has the form: y \u003d f (k, a (t) l)

3. The capital-flowering NTP (capital productivity is growing at the immutability of its physical volume) - a rarely phenomenon (NTP by Harrod). In general, such a production function is written as: y \u003d f (a (t) k, l)

When evaluating the production functions of the rows of variables YT, KT, LT are considered known, and the values \u200b\u200bof the AIR coefficients are estimated.

Most of the work, the parameters of temporary production functions are estimated, in which these dynamics of production, labor and capital are used as indicators of change Y, K, L. Publication of a number of basic economic indicators On the development of 130 countries of the world, over the period 1950-1985, the American economists of Mankiva, Romer and Vaila on the opportunity to conduct a statistical intercountry study on the basis of production functions were observed. The presence of statistics in most countries of the world allowed them to build a statistical (spatial) model for 1985, while temporary data made it possible to estimate the average values \u200b\u200bof the rate of accumulation rate, labor dynamics and a number of others necessary to calculate the parameters. Economists used the model of SOLOP production function "Rows of y, k, l of 98 countries were taken as the source data. N.Mankiv, D. Romer and D. Veil evaluated the parameters of the production functions of two types. Initially, they took the production function directly appropriate Models R. Solou. Then completed this model with an indicator of intelligent capital - Human Capital. The initial function was

where A + P \u003d 1, 0 A 1, A (T) is the NTP indicator. This economic growth model does not take into account the impact of technical progress on the nature of labor and capital. In particular, it does not reflect the influence of NTP on the quality of labor, associated with the accumulation and use of new knowledge. For more accurate estimates, the model of intellectual capital (H) was introduced into the model. We give an extended version of the model constructed with the intellectual capital of intellectual capital: YT \u003d KTAHTP (A (T) LT) L-A-P,

where HT is intellectual capital, A (T) is a NTP factor, a + p l.

The initial data on countries were taken from the work of SIMMERS and Heston54. Calculations were carried out separately for three groups countries. The first group, the most numerous, included 98 countries (oil-producing countries were excluded from the original list of 130 countries, since they have a high level of GDP are determined by the presence of a natural resource). In the second group included 75 countries. In this case, those whose population was less than 1 million people were excluded from a set of 98 countries. For these countries, the likelihood of errors in the source data is great due to a small amount of sampling. The third group includes 22 countries - members of the OECD with a population of more than 1 million people.

Human capital as an object of public investment

Investments in education and economic growth are inextricably linked with each other. Methodologically incorrect are presented in practical circles of allegations that in order to succeed, Russia should increase the absolute amount of investment in its economy, including the achievement of the massive influx of foreign direct investment in the country's economy. Concerning internal investment - It was already done in the conditions of the Soviet economy. Although the investment was spent more than 1/3 GDP at domestic prices and more than 50% of GDP at world prices, and there was not a single major country in the world, which would spend more than half of their national product on investment. However, the process of system transformation in Russia was accompanied by a giant, simultaneous impairment of human capital accumulated in the previous era. Moreover, it affected both the general human capital (knowledge and skills that people are obtained in a system of formal education) and specific human capital (knowledge and skills that they acquire in the course of their production activities directly at workplaces). This massive impairment of human capital could not not affect labor productivity and became one of the main factors of its sharp decline. It is known that at least by the end of the Soviet period, the return on education was at a very low mark and amounted to no more than 1-2%. It really meant that from the point of view of lifetime earnings, a person who received a diploma, let's say, about the end of the university, almost nothing won. However, the situation changed sharply into the current period. Estimates that belong to the mid-end of the 1990s show a completely different picture. During these years, the return on education reached 7-8% - the level of its payback in most countries of the world. This also says a more rude indicator, often used in cross-country comparisons, is a relative difference in earnings between employees with higher and full secondary education. In Russia, the possession of a university diploma provides an increase in earnings on average by 60-70%. It almost does not differ from estimates for industrialized countries, where a premium for higher education usually lies in the range from 50 to 100%. Nevertheless, instead of the expected economic growth, an economic recession has come, and the loss of thousands of unclaimed by the economy of specialists emigrated to the West. Investments in physical capital are effective for the country's economy if they are placed in industries with a relatively high value added. The basis for improving the competitiveness of material production products is the products of the manufacturing industry. In 2006, 48% of Russian exports accounted for only three products: crude oil, natural gas and stone coal. The added value of the products of the processing industries of the country only by 16% exceeded the corresponding total raw material indicator - agriculture and mining industry. For comparison in the United States, comparable to natural resources, for 2004, the added value of the manufacturing industry exceeded the contribution to the GDP of commodity sectors by 4.5 times, and in Canada in 2002. The corresponding coefficient was 3.4. In this regard, the state is intended to take an active part in the development of human capital so that the investment takes place in the industry with a relatively high value added. Otherwise, the redistribution of income from labor towards the owners of private capital, seeking to maximize the rent, which leads to a decrease in the welfare of the country. The degree of supplementing human capital of technology, taking into account country and sectoral features, is one of the main factors affecting the uniform distribution of income of the population and sustainable economic growth. World experience shows that the growth of human capital of the country is achieved on the basis of a complex of measures related to solutions in the field of scientific research, raising the level of education of various segments of the population and improvement technological processes. The adoption of such decisions is closely dependent on the state policy on the development and implementation of strategic goals. Deploying global competition for human capital launched a frontier between the industrial and post-industrial economy. The relationship between real production and intangible production has changed: the competitiveness of real production depends on the supply of human capital.

Problems of Use of Human Capital Real Economic Sector

IN lately The problem of "excessive" higher education is widely discussed. Unreasonable increase in the number of higher educational institutions In the country and especially the peripheral areas, the so-called "single universities", essentially destroyed the qualitative level of education due to the lack of experienced personnel of the highest qualifications and erratic work of partners or random teachers in the composition of such "universities" 1 1. Not so long ago a representative of the Government of the Russian The federations A. Loginov, expressing the "official position" on the development of a professional education system, stated that there were too many students in Russia and it is necessary to change the situation in such a way that the seven graduates of school four walked in vocational schools, two - in secondary professional educational institutions and Only one - in the university. Despite the domineering statements, the country is maintained in the country - overproduction of graduate specialists compared not only with current, but also with the promising needs of the economy. Currently, about 88% of families prefer their children to receive higher education and 57.4% are ready to pay for it. Against this background, the orientation for the average and primary vocational education is negligible: if after grade 9, it is planned to continue training in a secondary school, 62% of students are planning, then to go to the technical school - only 11%, and in vocational schools - only 5%, in addition in 2006 from 38 Up to 47% increased the share of graduates of technical schools, which are not going to work at all on the specialty received, and intend to immediately enter universities.

IN modern world The concept of the Institute of Education is beyond the framework of the traditional educational system, turning into "learning throughout life." The demand of the skills and knowledge gained, the material incentives for professional growth contributes to the improvement of a specialist, flexibility in obtaining knowledge and elongation of its educational trajectory. To achieve conformity to the level of staff qualifications, the requirements of modern production, the choice of necessary training programs should be carried out by enterprises themselves, which will allow you to combine administrative (through the system of laws on compulsory financing of educational programs) and market regulation of the number and quality of educational services. Effective will be the creation by enterprises of its own retraining and additional education system.

The main problem of training is not that the primary and secondary vocational education system is preparing an insufficient number of specialists, and that its functioning does not ensure the needs of specific enterprises in specialists in demand specialties. As studies have shown, enterprises are faced with a certain exacerbation of the deficit of qualified labor. In 2005, the proportion of enterprises in which the number of personnel is mainly consistent with the needs, in the industries and transport sectors decreased by 4-5 percentage points - up to 46-48%, and on other sectors it practically has not changed and fluctuates in the range of 56-65 % .103 technical schools and schools, focusing primarily on the needs of the service sector, cannot meet the demand for many specialties necessary to enterprises of the production sector. The main reason for this is an extremely weak logistical database.

In 2005, a decrease in the level of cooperation of enterprises with "third-party" educational institutions was recorded. The proportion of enterprises, not with difficult-to-67% of enterprises, has grown from 59 to 67%, which do not cooperate with the institutions of the SPO - from 61 to 71%, not cooperating with universities from 51 to 65%. The prevalence of such the most important form of cooperation between enterprises and educational institutions, as internship and production practice for students (from 39% in 2004 to 25% in 2005), decreased. 104 in order to conduct training for workers in demand by modern production Technical schools and schools must first of all enjoy modern equipment, machines and mechanisms identical to those who will have to work by graduates after graduation. In modern conditions, it is possible to fulfill this requirement only if the business itself is attracted to the financing of training and retraining programs, which will ensure that it will ensure the need for specialists of the necessary profile and qualifications.

More active interaction of the education system with the real sector of the economy by performing orders for enterprises and organizations will help the business to satisfy the demand for qualified personnel of the necessary specialties and will provide educational institutions Significant amount of additional funding. Financial support At the same time, they will receive first of all those colleges and technical schools that conduct training specialists most popular labor market.

However, the focus of the modernization of Russian education on the outpacing development of primary and secondary vocational education can be justified only for the short term, to meet the current needs of the labor market in qualified workers and techniques. In general, the modernization of Russian education should be directed to ensuring the competitiveness of a country, which is primarily due to the development of high-tech and implementation. high technologiesWhat implies the priority for the development of higher vocational education.

As Russia's economy reforms in general and its various sectors, the problem of interaction of the system of vocational education and russian market Labor is becoming increasingly significant. Transformation of the domestic economy, forms of ownership, the development of new species economic activity Change the needs of employers in labor, which entails appropriate shifts in the labor market. The qualitative distribution of personnel resources is in favor of large business and innovative sectors of the economy. The enterprises are much more active in the market of workers with higher education than in the market of graduates of institutions of NGOs and SPO. Of the 100 enterprises that have listed in 2005 funds in the institution of vocational education (mainly for the training of employees), 82 listed their universities, 48 \u200b\u200b- CPO institutions and only 43 - NGOs. Moreover, the more successful an enterprise, the stronger the shift to universities. The scope of staff renewal remains very high, first of all, in the category of qualified workers - in 2007, 73% of enterprises hired them to vacant places, the figure decreased somewhat compared with 2005 (78%). 105

The term "Human Capital" first appeared in the 1980s. in works nobel Laureaatov T. Schulza and Bekcker. They determined "human capital" as an economic assessment of human abilities, including its talent, education, acquired qualifications, innate abilities, to bring revenue.

T. Schulz noted that all human abilities are or innate or acquired. Each person is born with a certain set of genes, which determines its character, features of behavior, predisposition to one or another activities, in other words, its innate abilities. In the process of its growth and development, a person acquires new knowledge, learns to adapt to the environment. Acquired by man valuable qualitieswhich can be reinforced by the corresponding investments, T.shultz and called human capital. People increase their stock of human capital by investing in themselves, which subsequently changes the structure of income, so human capital is not limited to congenital abilities, but also includes accumulated knowledge and skills that, licking on the basic basis of congenital abilities, lead to development and forming a new level of human capital.

As already mentioned, the formation of the concept of human capital was associated with the so-called expansion interpretation of national and capital, which goes back to the ideas of the American economist of the beginning of the XX century. I. Fisher.

He proposed to be considered capital all that is responsible for the following criteria: generating income stream for a certain time, with any income there is always a product of any kind of capital. In this case, capital is any stock of goods that can accumulate, used for a sufficiently long period of time and generate income.

The expansion concept of national wealth refers to investments in human capital, including human spending on maintaining health. A modern worker rents his work to the entrepreneur who acts as a commodity purchased by an entrepreneur by other purchased assets necessary for doing business.

Continuing the concept of I. Fisher, human abilities, knowledge, skills should be considered special based on the fact that they are:

Are essential from the identity of his carrier - individual;
- have the ability to be reproduced than provide their carrier to obtain a higher income in the future, which for an individual can be both in monetary terms (higher incomes) and constitute a psychological gain, and for society as a whole is an additional increase in products, increasing production rates, appearance in the market of better products, etc.
- demand from the individual and from the whole society as a whole investments for their formation;
- Can accumulate and form a certain margin.

In economic literature, there are many different definitions of the concept of "human capital". Below are some of them.

Human capital "consists of acquired knowledge, skills, motivations and energy, which have human beings and which can be used for a certain period of time in order to produce goods and services," wrote W. Born.

A. Smith wrote that "the increase in productivity of useful work depends, above all, from increasing the dexterity and skill of the worker, and then from improving machinery and tools with which he worked."

John Stewart Mill, speaking of a man, noted the following: "Man himself ... I do not consider as wealth. But its acquired abilities that exist only as a means and are generated by difficulty, with a complete basis, I believe, fall into this category, "" ... skill, energy and perseverance workers in the same extent are considered its wealth as their tools and cars. "

Edwin JS Dolan under human capital understands "Capital in the form of mental abilities obtained through format training or education or through practical experience."

O. Toffler The most essential step in our era considers the emergence of a new system for obtaining wealth, using no physical strength of a person, and his mental abilities. The scientist introduces the concept of "symbolic capital" - knowledge - which, in contrast to traditional capital forms, inexhaustible and at the same time is available to an infinite number of users without restrictions.

Domestic economist M.M. Cretan determined human capital as follows: "Human capital initially acts as a universal specific form of life, assimilating preceding forms, ... and the outcome of the historical movement to its modern state."

MM Cretan, considered human capital as the main production relationship of modern society in its formal modifications, it highlighted the following transfused forms: production, consumer and intellectual.

J. Ben-Route wrote that human capital can be viewed as a special "foundation whose functions - the production of labor services in generally accepted units of measurement and which in this capacity is similar to the malicious machine as a representative of real capital," he classified human capital depending on the initial Signs.

Considered it consisting of:

The qualities and abilities of people participating in the production of human capital;
"That part of the capital," whose services are offered in the market ... and which are an investment in the production of other items and services. "

Bekker shared human capital for general and special. The concept of "special human capital" means capital, embodied in knowledge that is associated with a certain company and of interest only for the company where they were received and not possessing the value to work in another company (knowledge of the internal structure of the company, the procedure for document management and T .d). Unlike special human capital, "Common Human Capital" includes knowledge and skills that can be used at any place of work (knowledge of the basics accounting, Russian legislation, etc.).

I. Ilinsky types of human capital classified by types of costs for its development and thus allocated the following components: Education capital, health capital and culture capital.

As noted by the American and English economist of Dutch origin, the famous historian of economic thought Mark Blag "The concept of human capital, or the" solid core "of the research program of human capital, is the idea that people spend resources in various ways - not only to meet current needs, but also for the sake of future monetary and non-monetary income. They can invest in their health; can voluntarily acquire additional education; can spend time searching for work with the highest possible payment instead of agreeing on the first proposition; can buy information about vacancies; can migrate to take advantage of the best employment capabilities; Finally, they can choose low-paid work with wider training opportunities instead of high-paying work, without any development prospects. "

In general, in economic literature under human capital, the human supply, knowledge, skills, experiences, which are used in production, are usually understood under human capital in order to obtain a high level of earnings.

Thus, human capital:

First, it is an accumulated supply of skills, knowledge, abilities;
secondly, such a stock of skills, knowledge, abilities, which is appropriately used by a person in one or another sphere of public reproduction, contributes to the growth and production, the introduction of economically sound innovations;
Thirdly, the use of this stock leads to an increase in earnings (income) of the employee, which, in turn, interests a person to produce further investments in its health, education, etc., increase their stock skills, knowledge and motivation in order to be able to be able to It is effectively applied.

It should be noted the importance of such an element of human capital as motivation, which is the source of all that we do. Motivation is capable of explaining the situation when a person makes a choice in favor of less highly paid work, which, nevertheless, can give him more opportunities for the development and obtaining valuable experience. Being clouded for the future, a person makes a decision to continue education instead of going to work and start earning independently. It is the motivation that allows us to overcome temporary restrictions for the sake of obtaining benefits in the future.

From the point of view of a functional target approach to the analysis of economic phenomena, human capital is a certain supply of health, knowledge, skills, abilities, motivations, which are used in one or another sphere of public reproduction, which are appropriately used in one or another sphere of public reproduction. And thereby affect the growth of earnings (income) of this person.

The concept of "human capital" found a continuation of J. Aerlof's studies, which in 1970 wrote the article "Limon Market". In this work, J. Aerlof proposed the theory of deteriorating market selection arising from the asymmetric distribution of information between economic constituents. The asymmetry of information J. Aerlof considered on the example of a car market, on which the old used cars were called "lemons". They were worn out ("squeezed") as a result of which they were selling cheaper than new, but according to their appearance it was difficult to determine the degree of worn out. Thus, the situation arose when the seller is aware of the quality of goods significantly better than the buyer. If the buyer has insufficient information about the characteristics of the car, and the seller, having intent to get rid of the worst option, will bring the buyer to buy the goods you need, then in terms of incomplete information, consumers will most likely make not the best choice for themselves. Thus, if a negative dropout (worsening selection) continues on the market, then, in the end, the market will be destroyed and only bad cars will remain on it. With regard to the theory of "human capital", it was demonstrated that the magnitude of the "human capital" is an additional tool that eliminates the asymmetry of the distribution of information between and the employee and allowing the employer when taking work to avoid the so-called "cat in the bag" problem.

Today in Russia there are two most effective and valuable resources, which keeps the economy - these are natural resources and human capital. The XXI century is indicated as a century of knowledge, science, high technologies and tough international. In many industries, its ability to implement innovation becomes the most significant resource for the development of the company, and this is not only about high-tech industries. Currently, competitive advantages are not always associated with production technology, it is very often moved to the stage of marketing, R & D, management and financial innovation. Advantages in physical conditions are becoming not important as there were several decades ago. In the modern world, intangible assets are published in the first place: skills, experience, personnel qualifications, innovative features Firms, know-how. Many successful companies make a bet on learning, trainings, personnel motivation systems, promotion, in other words, on intellectual capital. Intelligent capital becomes the most significant factor in competitiveness, in the structure of the cost of products, intangible components occupy an increasingly specific share in the same way as in the structure of aggregate capital commercial organization Intelligent capital intellectual capital in last years Became a dominant position.

The economy based on knowledge, in other words, the innovative economy is a natural result of the development of productive forces in the course of scientific and technological progress that causes the increase in the role of knowledge when the intellectual and creative human abilities become the main wealth of society, the source of innovation. The spread of scientific and technical achievements, development provides productivity growth, and the source of these innovations is always the person.

The main factor in the formation and development of the knowledge economy is creative, innovative human capital, and the development of the knowledge economy is to improve the quality of human capital, the development of high technologies, the introduction of innovation and the establishment of high demands on the quality of services and goods.

The formation of people contributes to the cohesion of the nation, strengthening social unity.

Investments in higher education lead to the formation of highly qualified specialists, the work of which has the greatest impact on the pace of economic growth and the introduction of innovation. Education is necessary for the formation, distribution and application of knowledge, creating scientific and technical potential, not accidentally investment in science, the development of new technologies has become the most effective method Use of resources.

Education is a fundamental factor in the development of an innovative economy. Well-educated and qualified people are a source of creating, distribution and efficient use of knowledge, so it is very important that the education system be on the one hand universal, on the other hand, a flexible market-oriented market.

In connection with the changes occurring in the economy, the values \u200b\u200bare changed, so standardization is inferior to a variety and variability underlying innovative development, not only its ability to fulfill the current tasks, but also the ability to creatively think, generate new ideas, Do not stop there. An important aspect The activities of the organization becomes the formation of a special culture that contributes to the formation of new knowledge.

In the period of increased competition, most countries of the world make maximum efforts to strengthen scientific and technological potential, accelerating the pace of scientific and technical development. The activity of the company increasingly increases the role of modern technologies, the definite factors of competitiveness come to the fore, of which the quality of goods, its novelty and high quality is important. The main competitive advantage of the company follows from the development of skills, the acquisition of experience, innovative ways to solve various issues, in other words from the quality of labor, the human capital of the company.

Thus, at the present stage of scientific and technical and socio-economic development, it is necessary to rethink the role and place of man, creating conditions for the effective use of new incentives and innovative development mechanisms One of which is human capital. The role of a person in modern society was especially noticeable and important, when the production, sales, development of new technologies is increasingly beginning to depend on the creative potential of a person, so the new economy requires new ideas, thoughts, approaches, whose carrier is precisely the person, so the main The task today is to preserve the accumulated human capital and the creation of favorable conditions for the further development of human abilities.

Man, his abilities and creative qualities, with the help of which he transforms himself and the world around, traditionally occupied a central place in social and economic sciences. At the same time, the intensive development of the material and technical base of production associated with an industrial coup, deposited the problems of human development and its productive abilities, creating the illusion of the superiority of physical capital in ensuring economic growth. As a result of this - for many years, human productive abilities were treated and evaluated as one of the quantitative factors of production. The main task was only to successfully combine labor, primary and working capital.

The current conditions of globalization of the global economy, the informatization of production processes again drew the attention of economists to the internal abilities of a person - the level of education, the abilities for creativity, the state of health, the general culture and morality, etc. That is why in recent years, research in the field of human capital is becoming increasingly relevant.

The problem of human capital development has deep roots in the history of economic thought. The first attempt to evaluate the monetary value of the human productive qualities was made by V.Petti, the investigator of the English classical political economy. He noted that the wealth of society depends on the nature of people's classes, distinguishing useless classes and classes that "increase the qualifications of people and have them to a particular activity itself, which is of great importance."

V. Petty also seen great benefit in public education. His point of view was that "schools and universities should be organized so as not to enable the ambitions of privileged parents to flood these institutions with stupid, and that really potestly could be elected as students."

Later, the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman capital is reflected in the "study of nature and the causes of the wealth of peoples" A. Smita (1776). The productive qualities of the employee he considered as the main one for the engine of economic progress. A. Smith wrote that "an increase in productivity of useful work depends on the increase in the agility and the skill of the worker, and then from the improvement of machinery and tools with which it worked."

A. Smita believed that the fixed capital consists of cars and other labor instruments, from buildings, from the ground and "from the acquired and useful abilities of all residents and members of society." He paid attention to the fact that "the acquisition of such abilities, considering also the content of their owner during its upbringing, training or apprenticeship, always requires real costs that are fixed capital, as it were, which is implemented in his personality."

The main idea of \u200b\u200bhis research, which is one of the key in the theory of human capital, is that the costs associated with productive investments in humans contribute to the growth of productivity and reimbursement with profit.

At the end of the XIX - XX centuries. Such economists like J. Makkulloh, Zh.B. Say, J. Mill, N. Senior, believed that the human ability acquired by man should be considered as capital in his "human" form. So, in 1870, J.R. Makkulloch clearly defined a man as capital. In his opinion, instead of understanding the capital as part of the products of industry, an unusual person who could be made applicable to his support and contribute to production, it seems that there are no reasonable reasons why a person himself could not be reckoned, And there are a lot of reasons why it can be considered as a formable part of national wealth.

Important contribution In comprehendence of this problem, I.B. Say. He argued that the professional skills and abilities acquired by costs lead to an increase in labor productivity and in connection with this can be considered as capital. Assuming that human abilities can accumulate, J.B. Say called their capital.

John Stewart Mill wrote: "Man himself ... I do not consider as wealth. But its acquired abilities that exist only as a means and are generated by difficulty, with a complete basis, I believe, fall into this category. " And further: "Mastery, energy and perseverance of workers in the same extent considered its wealth, like their tools and cars."

The founder of the neoclassical direction in A. Marshall economic theory (1842-1924) in his scientific work "Principles economic Science"(1890) paid attention to the fact that" motives that encourage people to accumulate personal capital in the form of investments in education are similar to those who encourage to accumulate material capital. "

In the late 30s. Xx in. Nassau Senior assumed that a person could successfully interrupt as capital. In most of his reasoning on this topic, he took in that quality skill and acquired abilities, but not the person himself. Nevertheless, he interpreted the person himself as capital with the maintenance costs invested in a person with the expectation of receiving benefits in the future. If you do not consider the author used by the author, then its reasoning is very closely echoing with the theory of the reproduction of the working force K. Marx. The key part of the definition of the concept of "working force" at Marx and the theoretics of human capital is the same component - human abilities. On their development and aggregate efficiency, K. Marks repeatedly spoke, stressing the need for the development of the "Individual".

Scientific studies of the classics of world economic thought, the development of the practice of market economy was allowed at the turn of the 50-60s of the XX century to form human capital theories into an independent section economic Analysis. The return of economists in the late 50s and early 60s to the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman capital and the intensive development of this area in Western economic theory is caused by objective reasons. It is an attempt to take into account the real national economic shifts generated by the scientific and technical revolution and expressed in the fact that in modern conditions the accumulation of inventical elements of wealth (scientific achievements, growth in the level of education of the population, etc.) became of paramount importance for the entire course of public reproduction. The merit of its nomination belongs to a well-known American economist, the Winner of the Nobel Prize 1979. T.shultsu, and the basic theoretical model was developed in the book of Bekcker (Laureate of the Nobel Prize 1992) "Human Capital: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis". This work has become the basis for all subsequent studies in this area and was recognized as a classic of modern economic science.

The analysis of G. Boekker put the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman behavior, as rational and appropriate, applying such concepts as the price, rarity, alternative costs, etc., to the most diverse aspects of human life. The concept formulated by him has become the basis for all subsequent studies in this area.

Human capital, according to G. Becker, is an existing knowledge, skills, motivation. Investments in it can be education, accumulation of professional experience, health, geographical mobility, search for information. "These investments improve qualifications, knowledge or health and therefore contribute to an increase in monetary or natural revenues."

Other researchers in the field of human capital (T.shultz, E. Denison, J. Cendrik) were considered only education as an equity.

T. Schulz for his works on the theory of "human capital" and "investment in humans" acquired the fame of the Father of the Revolution of investments in human capital. For him, these investments had a "wide horizon". These included investments in education in the walls of educational institutions, at home, at work, etc.

Investing in human capital (in particular, in education), he considered the only way to overcome the poverty of the country. Time and efforts of students T. Schulz assessed as a greater half of all costs in the formation of education. He conducted estimates of the cost of labor, including the cost of education and "lost" human time spent on study. T. Schulz took an important role to raise the education of women and the highest education of young people, considering the "three main functions of higher education" detection of talent, training and scientific work. "Investments in humans increase not only the level of productivity, but also the economic value of his time." T. Schulz first began to apply the same categories to it, with the help of which classical political economy analyzes capital in the usual sense: profit, investment conditions, etc. (comparing in the economic sense of a person with real capital).

According to T. Schults and his supporters:

There are no fundamental differences between human and real capital, both the same come income;

The growth of investment in man significantly changes the structure of wages. Its main part is income from human capital;

Investments in human capital are ahead of investment in real, so the property for real capital acquires a secondary value;

Society, more investing in a person, can achieve not only product growth, but also more uniform distribution.

We now turn to the domestic experience of studying some questions of the theory of human capital. Although the Russian Economic School did not use the concept of "human capital" for a long time, but it also has a wealth of experience in the study of individual aspects, in particular, economic aspects of education. Among scientists who were engaged in analyzing the impact of national education on the socio-economic development of society, such as, I.T.Pososhkov, M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleev, A.I. Chuprov, I. Yelnzhul, E. Nljuzh, S.G. Strumilin and others. The ideas of the authors concerned the issues of economic value of education, the need to increase the cost of the state for education, as well as improving its quality. A quantitative assessment of education factors for economic growth was given by S.G. Stromilin in 1924 in the article "The Economic Measurement of National Education". This work caused discussion, mainly in the direction of evidence of the productive and non-production nature of pedagogical labor. In the same work, they were calculated by the effectiveness of universal learning on the 10-year plan of education reform in the RSFSR. He also proved that a higher education corresponding to the 14 years of school learning gives an increase in qualification by 2.8 times more than the corresponding experience in the duration. SG Stromilin concluded that economic efficiency Higher education is less than primary and medium. The costs of education were calculated by the method of "lost earnings". But the economic analysis of the formation of S.G. Strumilin conducted from the position of the rating of profitability, and this differs from the understanding of "Investments in Human Capital".

Among the modern domestic researchers, human capital problems can be noted by S.A. Dyatlova, R.I. Kapelyusnikova, M.M. Krit, S.A. Kurgansky and others.

So, for example, B.M. Genkin considers human capital as a totality of qualities that determine performance and can become sources of income for humans, family, enterprises and society. As a rule, such qualities usually consider health, natural abilities, education, professionalism, mobility.

From the point of view of A.N. Dobrynina and S.A. Dyatlova, "Human capital is the form of manifestation of human productive forces in a market economy ..., an adequate form of organizing the productive forces of a person included in the system of socially oriented market economy as a leading, creative factor of public reproduction."

Analysis of the content and conditions of capitalization of human capital allows A.N. Dobrynin and S.A. Dyatlov to develop a generalized definition of human capital as economic category Modern information and innovation society. "Human capital is a certain supply of health, knowledge, skills, abilities, motivations, which are appropriately used in the process of labor, contributing to the growth of its productivity and earnings accumulated by the person.

A group of scientists under the leadership of L.I. Abalkin, exploring the problem of the strategic development of Russia in the 21st century, considers human capital as the amount of innate abilities, general and special education, acquired professional experience, creative potential, moral and psychological and physical health, the motives of activities that ensure the opportunity to generate income.

T.G. Myasoyedov represents human capital as a set of natural abilities, health, acquired knowledge, professional skills, motivation to work and continuous development, a common culture that includes knowledge and compliance with the rules, rules, human communication laws, moral values.

Summing up, it can be said that the evolutionary development of society is accompanied by the evolution of the status of a person in the economic system of society.

All-time informatization of production processes, interest in economic growth factors, commissioning complex in the management of mechanisms was the cause of the formation into an independent section of the economic analysis of the theory of human capital in the 60s of the XX century. Her supporters (T.shultz, Becker, etc.) proceed from the existence of two factors of production:

Physical capital, uniting all the elements of the productive forces, with the exception of the employee itself;

Human capital, including congenital abilities and talents, physical strength and health, and the knowledge gained throughout the human life, experience, skills.

Based on this position, they argue that investing in human capital is carried out all their lives and refer to them the cost of education, maintaining health, etc.

Thus, the most fully human capital can be described as follows: it is a congenital, formed as a result of investments and accumulations of a certain level of health, education, skills, abilities, motivations, energy, cultural development, both a specific individual, groups of people and society as a whole which are appropriately used in one or another sphere of public reproduction, contribute to economic growth and affect the magnitude of the income of their owner.

The workforce is the main driving factor in the production process, and public reproduction in a wide, national economic, aspect is the resumption of the production of goods and reproduction of the workforce itself. These moments have invariably attracted the attention of economists' theorists.

Human fingerns of human capital as a holistic concept of T. Schulz and Bekker, focused on investments in human capital and evaluating their effectiveness. This is understandable, since investments of funds just turn the resource into capital, make a simple good benefit. Investments in improving human abilities lead to an increase in labor productivity, to income growth, incl. to the growth of employee earnings. It means that there is reproduction and cumulative accumulation of income through human abilities, which turns them into a special form of capital.

L. Turou, who summarized the first studies of human capital as an initial concept gives the following definition: "The human capital of people is their ability to produce objects and services." This definition has stored a classic tradition to recognize the importance of the role of abilities to work. But among the abilities of L. Turou, it allocates genetically basic economic ability. "Economic ability - he writes, is not just another productive attachment that the individual possesses. Economic ability affects the performance of all other investments. " This implies an important provision on the need for the unity of vital activity as a source of formation and accumulation of human capital: "Essentially, L. Turoule notes, - consumption, production and investment are joint human resources management products."

A. Smith wrote that "the increase in productivity of useful work depends, above all, from increasing the dexterity and skill of the worker, and then from improving machinery and tools with which he worked."

He believed that the fixed capital consists of cars and other tools of labor, from buildings, from the ground and "from the acquired and useful abilities of all residents and members of society." He noted that "the acquisition of such abilities, considering the content of their owner during its upbringing, training, or apprenticeship, always requires real costs that are fixed assets, as it were, which is implemented in his personality. These abilities, being part of the state of a certain person, at the same time become part of the richness of society to which this person belongs. A large dexterity or skill of the worker can be considered from the same point of view as the production machines and tools that reduce or facilitate labor and which, although they require well-known expenses, but return these expenses along with profit. "

Analogies with the capitalization of material assets allowed to overcome distrust on the unusual concept of "human capital". I. Ben-Route wrote that human capital can be viewed as a special "fund, whose function is the production of labor services in generally accepted units of measurement and which in this capacity is similar to any machine as a representative of real capital."

However, human abilities as a capital benefit are significantly different from the physical properties of machines. "The analogies between human capital and physical are interesting and exciting," notes L. Turou. "However, human capital cannot be analyzed just like physical capital." F. Mahlup proposes to distinguish primary and improved abilities. "... Uppervantaged work," he writes, "it is necessary to distinguish from an improved, which has become more productive thanks to investments that increase the physical and mental human ability. Such improvements are human capital. " In the future, Western scientists discussed the composition and structure of human abilities who benefit from capitalize, determined the sequence and return on investment in human capital.

K. Marx considered human production - consumer production - as a second type of social production.

In this process, the workforce is not only reproduced, but also improves, develops. There is a kind of "accumulation of" productive labor, the creative abilities of a person, and in more than It is mental abilities.

The result of the production of physical and mental labor abilities is a developed working force capable of qualified work. The difficulty, quality of labor is the characteristic of the workforce itself.

K. Marx wrote: "Labor that matters a higher, more complex work compared to secondary public labor, there is a manifestation of such labor, the formation of which requires higher costs, the production of more working time and which has, so higher Cost than simple workforce. If the cost of this force is higher, then it is manifested in a higher work and emitted, therefore in equal intervals in relatively higher costs. "

It is quite clear that the physical and intellectual development of people, the state of their health, training depend on the volume and structure of nutrition, the rationality of clothing, from the volume and structure of consumption of household services, health services, education, culture, vocational education.

The processes of human personality development and its abilities to work are studied by representatives of various sciences - doctors, psychologists, sociologists, economists, but so far these studies are not quite integrated, systemic. Until recently, a significant part of economists underestimated the influence of consumption by the population of material goods and services for the development of human abilities to work.

In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, a shortage of highly qualified personnel was formed, and in the 50s, the center of gravity of research was shifted from the processes of use of the existing workforce on the process of creating a qualitatively new labor force. Structural changes in the aggregate labor force, interest in economic growth factors and economic dynamics The causes of the emergence and development of the theory of human capital. Its origins are viewed in the works of W. Petty, A. Smith, D.S. Mill, J.B. SEA, N. Senior, F. Sheet, I.G. Background Tuneene, W. Baghechot, E. Engel, Syrvika, L. Valras, I. Fisher and other economists of past centuries. In the 50-90s of the XX century. This theory has been formed and developed in the works of T. Schulza, Bekker, B. Weisbrode, J. Mintsera, L. Hansen, M. Blug, S. Bowl, J. Ben Poret, R. Liarda, J. Psaharopoulos, f . Welch, B. Cheswick, etc.

This theory is developing within the framework of the neoclassical direction of Western Political Economics and is used in the study of areas such as education, health care, family and other spheres of atrocity activities.

"Human Capital" - how to determine its most Western economists - consists of acquired knowledge, skills, motivation and energy that have human beings and which can be used for a certain period of time in order to produce goods and services.

It is a form of capital, because it is a source of future earnings, or future satisfaction, or both together. He is human, because it is an integral part of a person.

Supporters of the theory of human capital have developed quantitative methods for analyzing the effectiveness of investment in education, medical service, preparation for production, migration, birth and care for children and their monetary returns for society and family. The main attention in this analysis is paid to human abilities and income differentiation caused by various levels of investment in their production.

Opponents of this direction are conservative psychologists and economists who attribute the leading role in the differentiation of the abilities inheritance, biological, factor. They believe that the explanation of the entire income difference in persons with a different level of preparation, the resulting education leads to an overestimation of the learning effect.

Both indicated explanations of the reasons for differentiation of labor abilities and, accordingly, the incomes of the population were criticized by radical economists. In their opinion, education acts as an intermediary transforming inequality in social origin into income inequality.

Transmission from generation to the generation of economic inequality in capitalist society, in their opinion, occurs both through the transfer of ties in the business world and through the assimilation of value installations, motivation and stereotypes of behavior.

Therefore, if workers with different behavioral characteristics are required at different levels of the manufacturing hierarchy and if the development of these characteristics is carried out mainly in the family, the social origin may be the most important reason for the reproduction of economic inequality.

Thus, Western economists, despite considerable efforts spent on the development of the theory of labor force and the sophisticated technique of statistical analysis of the differentiation of income and the factors of their causing, could not complete the creation of a slim and confirmed by the theory.

Theoretical positions of Russian scientists are distinguished by a clearer distinction between the entity, content, forms or species, the conditions of formation, reproduction and accumulation of human capital. MM CRITSKY, one of the first to carry out a positive study of the category "Human Capital", determined it "as a general-specific shape of human livelihoods, assimilating the preceding forms of consumer and productive, adequate to the epochs of assigning and producing farms, and carried out as a result of the historical movement of human society to its modern status. " The recognition of universality, historical and concreteness of human capital makes it possible to limit the temporary framework and socio-economic conditions for the existence of such a phenomenon as human capital.

In further research, M.M. Cretan specifies the socio-economic content of the category "Human Capital". First, the determining role of science and education in modern production turns material and real capital into one of the forms of manifestation of intellectual capital. Secondly, the only legitimate and society recognized monopoly is a monopoly on intellectual property, on exceptional copyright. Thirdly, there was a refusal to interpret property only as a property relationship and expansion of intellectual property rights for intangible assets.

Views of M. Cretsky develop in the works of L.G. Symkina. It considers historically consecutive forms of enrichment of vital activity both in consumption and in production. The source and form of enrichment in human life is intellectual activity. "Human capital, - writes L.G. Symkina - we defined as usual about saving time enrichment of vital activity is the main attitude of the modern innovation economic system. Since intellectual activity acts as a source of consumption increases, since its expanded reproduction is the reproduction of the main economic relationship - human capital, as a self-conception of vital activity. " Disclosure of absolute and relative forms of enrichment of vital activity through the elevation of needs and abilities, allows L.G. Symkina Determine the historically concrete shape of the human capital "The productive form of human capital - she writes, - acts as an organic unity of two component parts - Direct work and intellectual activity. These parts can act as the functions of the same subject, or as the organizational and economic forms of different actors entering each other in exchange of activities.

A group of scientists under the leadership of Abalkin L.I., exploring the problem of the strategic development of Russia in the new century, consider human capital as the amount of innate abilities, general and special education, acquired professional experience, creative potential, moral and psychological and physical health, the motives of activities that ensure the opportunity generate income. Based on this, socio-economic progress is determined primarily by new knowledge gained by research workers and those in the future in the process of education and vocational training and retraining of employees. The main areas of activity forming human capital are a scientific and educational complex, a health care system, spheres directly forming living conditions and life.

Kostyuk V.N., exploring socioeconomic processes and developing its concept of the theory of evolution, determines human capital as an individual ability of a person who allows him to act successfully in conditions of uncertainty. In the composition of human capital, it includes rational and intuitive components. Their interaction can allow the owner of human capital to achieve success there, where there is not enough high qualifications and professionalism. Additionally, talent is required, which requires separate remuneration. For this reason, in a competitive market, the success of the human capital owner in a certain form of activity can be rewarded by the amount significantly exceeding wages in the relevant industry.

Klimov S.M., analyzing the intellectual resources of the organization determines human capital as a set of human abilities, which give the opportunity to make income to their carrier. This quality relates human capital with other forms of capital operating in public production. The specified capital is formed on the basis of the congenital qualities of a person through targeted investment in its development.

Korogodin I.T. Exploring the mechanisms of functioning of the socio-labor sphere determines human capital as a set of knowledge, skills, skills, other human abilities formed, accumulated and improved as a result of investments in the process of its vital activity necessary for specific expedient activities and promoting the growth of productive labor. He believes that the most important criterion expressing the essence of capital is its accumulation. It is capital in all cases that accumulated funds (cash, real, information, etc.) are accumulated, of which people expect to extract income. It is not from this definition and the concept of human capital. Numerous expressions of the founders of the theory of human capital are reduced to the fact that people increase their abilities of manufacturers and consumers by investing in themselves, and a significant increase in capital investment in a person changes the structure of its income. Therefore, human capital is not congenital, but the accumulated properties of a person. A person cannot be born with ready-made capital. It must be created in the process of the vital activity of each individual. And congenital properties can only act as a factor contributing to the fruitful formation of human capital.

The socio-economic form of human capital and its qualitative certainty characterizes A.N. Dobrynin with S.A. Dyatlov. "Human capital - they write," represents the form of manifestation of human productive forces in a market economy ..., an adequate form of organizing the productive forces of a person included in the system of socially oriented market economy as a lead, creative factor of public reproduction. "

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The history of the emergence and development of the concept of human capital in the XVII-XIX centuries, the evolution of the views of the classics of world economic thought on the content and form of human productive forces is presented in the works of such authors as V. Petty, A. Smith, D. Ricardo, K. Marx, J. . Mill, L. Valras, J. M. Clark, F. Sheet, GD Mackelood, A. Marshall, J. Mac Coulov, J. Tunen, I. Fisher, W. Farr, T. Wemitestein, J.S. Walsh, etc., is sufficiently detailed in the fundamental work V.S. Goylo, as well as in the works of Kapelushnikova R.I., Klochakova V.V. Dyatlova S.A. and joint work Dobrynina A.I., Dyatlova S.A. Konov V.A., Kurgansky S.A.

The term "Human Capital" first appeared in the 1980s. In the works of the Nobel laureates T. Schulz and Bekcker. They determined "human capital" as an economic assessment of human abilities, including its talent, education, acquired qualifications, innate abilities, to bring revenue.

T. Schulz noted that all human abilities are or innate or acquired. Each person is born with a certain set of genes, which determines its character, features of behavior, predisposition to one or another activities, in other words, its innate abilities. In the process of its growth and development, a person acquires new knowledge, learns to adapt to the environment. The valuable qualities acquired by a person, which can be reinforced by the corresponding investments, T.shultz and called human capital. People increase their stock of human capital by investing in themselves, which subsequently changes the structure of income, so human capital is not limited to congenital abilities, but also includes accumulated knowledge and skills that, licking on the basic basis of congenital abilities, lead to development and forming a new level of human capital.

As already mentioned, the formation of the concept of human capital was associated with the so-called expansion interpretation of national wealth and capital, which rises to the ideas of the American economist of the beginning of the XX century. I. Fisher. He proposed to be considered capital all that is responsible for the following criteria: generating income stream for a certain time, with any income there is always a product of any kind of capital. In this case, capital is any stock of goods that can accumulate, used for a sufficiently long period of time and generate income.

The expansion concept of national wealth refers to investments in human capital, including human spending on maintaining health. A modern worker rents his work to the entrepreneur who acts as a commodity purchased by an entrepreneur by other purchased assets necessary for doing business.

Continuing the concept of I. Fisher, human abilities, knowledge, skills should be considered a special form of capital on the basis that they are:

Are essential from the identity of his carrier - individual;

They have the ability to reproduce than provide their carrier to obtain a higher income in the future, which for an individual can be both in monetary terms (higher incomes) and constitute a psychological gain. And for society as a whole lies in an additional increase in products, an increase in production rates, the appearance of better products in the market, etc.;

Demand from the individual and from the whole society as a whole investments for their formation;

Can accumulate and form a certain margin.

In economic literature, there are many different definitions of the concept of "human capital". Below are some of them.

Human capital "consists of acquired knowledge, skills, motivation and energy, which have human beings and which can be used for a certain period of time in order to , production of goods and services, "wrote W. Born.

A. Smith wrote that "the increase in productivity of useful work depends, above all, from increasing the dexterity and skill of the worker, and then from improving machinery and tools with which he worked."

John Stewart Mill, speaking of a man, noted the following: "I myself do not consider both wealth. But its acquired abilities that exist only as a means and are generated by difficulty, with a complete basis, I believe, fall into this category, "" skill, energy and perseverance workers in the same extent are considered its wealth as their tools and cars " .

Edwin JS Dolan under human capital understands "Capital in the form of mental abilities obtained through format training or education or through practical experience."

O. Toffler The most essential step in the economic development of our era considers the emergence of a new system for obtaining wealth, which is not physical strength of a person, and his mental abilities. The scientist introduces the concept of "symbolic capital" - knowledge - which, in contrast to traditional capital forms, inexhaustible and at the same time is available to an infinite number of users without restrictions.

Domestic economist M.M. Cretan defined human capital as follows: "Human capital is initially acting as a universal specific form of life assimilating preceding forms, ... and carried out as a result of the historical movement of human society to its modern state."

MM Cretan, considered human capital as the main production relationship of modern society in its formal modifications, it highlighted the following transfused forms: production, consumer and intellectual.

J. Ben-Rowls wrote that human capital can be considered as a special "fund, the functions of which - the production of labor services in generally accepted units of measurement and which in this capacity is similar to the malicious machine as a representative of real capital," he classified human capital depending on The initial signs and considered it consisting of:

The qualities and abilities of people participating in the production of human capital;

The part of the capital, the "services of which are offered on the market ... and which are investing in the production of other items and services."

Bekker shared human capital for general and special. The concept of "special human capital" means capital, embodied in knowledge that is connected with a certain firm and of interest only for the company where they were obtained. And not possessing value to work in another company (knowledge of the internal structure of the company, the procedure for document management, etc.). Unlike special human capital, "Common Human Capital" includes knowledge and skills that can be used at any place of work (knowledge of the foundations of accounting, Russian legislation, etc.).

I. Ilinsky types of human capital classified by types of costs for its development and thus allocated the following components: Education capital, health capital and culture capital.

As noted by the American and English economist of Dutch origin, the famous historian of economic thought Mark Blag "The concept of human capital, or the" solid core "of the research program of human capital, is the idea that people spend resources in different ways - not only to meet current needs, But for the sake of future monetary and not cash income. They can invest in their health; can voluntarily acquire additional education; can spend time searching for work with the highest possible payment instead of agreeing on the first proposition; can buy information about vacancies; can migrate to take advantage of the best employment capabilities; Finally, they can choose low-paid work with wider training opportunities instead of high-paying work, without any development prospects. "

In general, in economic literature under human capital, the human supply, knowledge, skills, experiences, which are used in production, are usually understood under human capital in order to obtain a high level of earnings. Thus, human capital, firstly, is an accumulated supply of skills, knowledge, abilities; secondly, such a stock of skills, knowledge, abilities, which is appropriately used by a person in a particular sphere of public reproduction, contributes to the growth of labor productivity and production, the introduction of economically sound innovations; Thirdly, the use of this stock leads to an increase in earnings (income) of the employee, which, in turn, interests a person to produce further investments in its health, education, etc., increase their stock skills, knowledge and motivation in order to be able to be able to It is effectively applied.

It should be noted the importance of such an element of human capital as motivation, which is the source of all that we do. Motivation is capable of explaining the situation when a person makes a choice in favor of less highly paid work, which, nevertheless, can give him more opportunities for the development and obtaining valuable experience. Being clouded for the future, a person makes a decision to continue education instead of going to work and start earning independently. It is the motivation that allows us to overcome temporary restrictions for the sake of obtaining benefits in the future.

From the point of view of the functional target approach to the analysis of economic phenomena, human capital is a certain supply of health, knowledge, skills, abilities, motivation, as a result of investments and accumulated by man. Which are appropriately used in one or another sphere of public reproduction, contribute to the growth of labor productivity and production efficiency and thereby affect the growth of earnings (income) of this person.

The concept of "human capital" found a continuation of J. Aerlof's studies, which in 1970 wrote the article "Limon Market". In this work, J. Akerlof proposed the theory of deteriorating market selection arising from the asymmetric distribution of information between economic entities. The asymmetry of information J. Aerlof considered on the example of a car market, on which the old used cars were called "lemons". They were worn out ("squeezed") as a result of which they were selling cheaper than new, but according to their appearance it was difficult to determine the degree of worn out. Thus, the situation arose when the seller is aware of the quality of goods significantly better than the buyer. If the buyer has insufficient information about the characteristics of the car, and the seller, having intent to get rid of the worst option, will bring the buyer to buy the goods you need, then in terms of incomplete information, consumers will most likely make not the best choice for themselves. Thus, if a negative dropout (worsening selection) continues on the market, then, in the end, the market will be destroyed and only bad cars will remain on it. With regard to the theory of "human capital", it was demonstrated that the magnitude of "human capital" is an additional tool that eliminates the asymmetry of the distribution of information between the employer and the employee and allows the employer when taking a job to avoid the so-called "cat in the bag" problem.

Today in Russia there are two most effective and valuable resources, which keeps the economy - these are natural resources and human capital. The XXI century is indicated as a century of knowledge, science, high technologies and tough international competition. In many industries, its ability to implement innovation becomes the most significant resource for the development of the company, and this is not only about high-tech industries. Currently, competitive advantages are not always associated with production technology, it is very often moved to the stage of marketing, R & D, management and financial innovation. Advantages in physical conditions are becoming not important as there were several decades ago. In the modern world, intangible assets are published in the first place: skills, experience, personnel qualifications, innovative features of the company, know-how. Many successful companies make a bet on learning, trainings, personnel motivation systems, promotion, in other words, on intellectual capital. Intellectual capital becomes the most significant factor of competitiveness, in the structure of the cost of products. Intangible components occupy an increasingly specific weight in the structure of the total capital of a commercial organization Intellectual capital Intellectual capital in recent years began to occupy the dominant position.

The economy based on knowledge, in other words, the innovative economy is a natural result of the development of productive forces in the course of scientific and technological progress that causes the increase in the role of knowledge when the intellectual and creative human abilities become the main wealth of society, the source of innovation. The spread of scientific and technical achievements, the development of innovative technologies provide productivity growth, and the source of these innovations is always the person.

The main factor in the formation and development of the knowledge economy is creative, innovative human capital, and the development of the knowledge economy is to improve the quality of human capital, the development of high technologies, the introduction of innovation and the establishment of high demands on the quality of services and goods.

The formation of people contributes to the cohesion of the nation, strengthening social unity.

Investments in higher education lead to the formation of highly qualified specialists, the work of which has the greatest impact on the pace of economic growth and the introduction of innovation. Education is necessary for the formation, dissemination and application of knowledge, the creation of scientific and technical potential, it is not by chance that investing in science, the development of new technologies has become the most effective way to use resources.

Education is a fundamental factor in the development of an innovative economy. Well-educated and qualified people are a source of creating, distribution and efficient use of knowledge, so it is very important that the education system be on the one hand universal, on the other hand, a flexible market-oriented market.

In connection with the changes occurring in the economy, the values \u200b\u200bare changed, so standardization is inferior to a variety and variability underlying innovative development, not only its ability to fulfill the current tasks, but also the ability to creatively think, generate new ideas, Do not stop there. An important aspect of the organization's activities is becoming the formation of a special culture that contributes to the formation of new knowledge.

In the period of increased competition, most countries of the world make maximum efforts to strengthen scientific and technological potential, accelerating the pace of scientific and technical development. The activity of the company increasingly increases the role of modern technologies, the definite factors of competitiveness come to the fore, of which the quality of goods, its novelty and high quality is important. The main competitive advantage of the company follows from the development of skills, the acquisition of experience, innovative ways to solve various issues, in other words from the quality of labor, the human capital of the company.

Thus, at the present stage of scientific and technical and socio-economic development, it is necessary to rethink the role and place of man, creating conditions for the effective use of new incentives and innovative development mechanisms One of which is human capital. Especially noticeable and important was the role of a person in modern society, when the production, sales, the development of new technologies is increasingly beginning to depend on the creative potential of a person. Thus, the new economy requires new ideas, thoughts, approaches, whose carrier is precisely the person, so the main task today is to preserve the accumulated human capital and the creation of favorable conditions for the further development of human abilities.

human capital Fisher

Bibliographic list

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