
Who builds the tape. Lenta acquires three new stores and three land plots from the O'KEY Group of Companies. Analysis of builder reviews

In the interior decoration of a building, elements are often used that are later invisible to the eye, but carrying very important functions. These include construction tape, it is also a damper tape, it is also an edge tape. Without it, for example, a floor screed is unthinkable. A polyethylene strip is laid along the perimeter of the room along the wall. Solids expand when heated. The concrete pavement is also expanding. The task of the tape is to take on a partial load, acting as a kind of soft buffer and protecting the concrete from destruction.

Scope of tape

Nowadays, many builders use construction tape. They were convinced in practice of its necessity. And there are such features of it:

  • thermal insulation (the use of a damper protects the floor screed from temperature changes);
  • soundproofing;
  • arrangement of the so-called warm floor;
  • sealing of various minor defects.

Moreover, the material is absolutely useless when installing self-leveling floors. If the screed is planned over a large area, then the tape is used only as a barrier to prevent spreading of the solution.

Beneficial features

Construction tape has a number of advantages, among which are:

  • dense foam structure that can withstand long-term dynamic loads;
  • non-toxic: no effect on environment harmful secretions;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • good sound insulation;
  • resistance to decay and deformation under the influence of sunlight.

Foamed polyethylene is hypoallergenic and completely safe for humans. Thanks to such technical characteristics fencing construction tape has become an indispensable product in the construction field.

One of the main disadvantages of the damper type is its cost, but its use can save you from significant losses that are inevitable when the screed is destroyed.

Laying and installation

The tape is not attached to the walls. She is pressed against the mortar. Some craftsmen apply self-adhesive construction tape, but this is not necessary. However, fastening material is sometimes still used:

  • for temporary fixing of the strip for the period of work;
  • construction stapler in cases where the walls are made of aerated concrete blocks or wood;
  • dowels: fix the tape well to brick walls;
  • liquid nails: suitable for walls with obvious irregularities.

When choosing a tape, you need to focus on the future height of the screed. The width of the strip should be 2-5 centimeters greater than the floor height. When the solution dries, the excess can be cut off with a knife. The joints of the walls are sealed with a special "skirt", which is equipped with some models of the product. As the roll is unwound, the “skirt” straightens out.

It is necessary to glue the damper without gaps. For this, the edges of the individual pieces must be overlapped. Construction metal tape is also applied around obstacles in the form of columns and partitions. It is sold, as a rule, in rolls of 50-100 meters. You need to rely on this when calculating costs. Also, when buying an interlayer, you must make sure that there are no defects. The quality of the flooring can depend on the quality of the joint tape. If in doubt about the choice of building products, you should seek help from construction company... Experts will provide free consultation and help make right choice.

Installation Algorithm

Start laying the limiter from the corner of the room. At the same time, in the places of bends, it is necessary to glue especially carefully, pressing the material as tightly as possible. When the perimeter is closed, you can walk along the entire length of the tape with a roller.

The most basic styling rules

There are nuances that must be observed in order for the work to be carried out efficiently:

  • Installation is carried out only after the wall surface is thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust. And degreasing it will provide the best adhesion to the metal construction tape.
  • Fastening technology requires compliance with room temperature in the room, in order to avoid deformation of the material and loss of its properties.
  • A minimum number of joints must be ensured.

Main varieties

Before you go to buy construction tape, you need to familiarize yourself with its main types. And this:

  • normal: laid along the wall without anchoring;
  • self-adhesive: equipped with an adhesive strip (during installation, the protective backing is removed and the damper is glued to the wall surface).

Based on the feedback from the builders, we can conclude that it is most convenient to use a self-adhesive look.

How to replace the damper tape

If you look at the tape with an unprofessional eye, then in fact it is a polyethylene cut into a strip of 15 centimeters. This is the main material that is used in its production. By the way, they can be replaced if necessary. In this way, significant costs can even be saved, since polyethylene in rolls is cheaper. Other materials that are identical in properties are also suitable. Large contractors, carrying out a large amount of work on impressive-sized objects, replace it with linoleum or slats. But all this is inferior to the tape in terms of performance.

How to choose the right one?

It is very difficult to choose a specific model when choosing a limiter. You need to focus on the respect of the brand and on the following characteristics of the product itself:

  • Appearance. The presence of any stains and dirt is unacceptable. They indicate unfair storage and transportation negligence.
  • Density of packing. The tape may be unusable if the roll is wound with cracks or delamination.
  • No deformation in the canvas itself.

Experts do not recommend ordering large quantities of goods at once. First you need to buy several rolls and evaluate how high quality they are. Only then can the required quantity be ordered. A proven manufacturer is the key to successfully completed construction work.

Analysis of builder reviews

Based on the latest reviews from people who have used construction tape, we can conclude that the damper tape is quite expensive. In addition, the process of arranging the screed greatly delays. However, you cannot do without it, because you can run into troubles in the form of cracks, which will lead to more significant material expenditures.

Some builders believe that the consequences of the destruction of a screed without a construction one can amount to tens of thousands of rubles. The floor is destroyed systematically, and sooner or later a tipping point will come. In addition, a significant load is exerted on the walls.

Lenta supermarkets have traditionally been one of the most popular store formats in Russia. At the same time, they regularly expand their presence in all regions of our country, which makes this brand recognizable. The construction of Lenta supermarkets is carried out according to new technology installation of a metal frame using modern wall and roof sandwich panels as cladding. Thanks to this approach, investors provide themselves with a lot of advantages over alternative options for arranging shopping facilities.

Design features of supermarkets and hypermarkets Lenta

The construction of Lenta hypermarkets is carried out according to frame technology... The design of frame stores includes the following list of elements:

  • Foundation- the base of the building, which provides a high degree of mechanical resistance and immobility. Type and design features the foundation is selected depending on the results of engineering and geodetic surveys and the planned configuration of the building.
  • Frame is a supporting element of a structure, which is made of metal profiled products (beams, channels, pipes, etc.). The metal frame is rigidly fixed to the foundation, which allows for maximum stability and mechanical strength. To connect all the individual parts of the frame into a single monolithic structure, bolted and welded joints are used.
  • Fencing structures - building elements that perform the function of protection from atmospheric precipitation, extraneous noise, insects, frost or heat outside. Carrying out the construction of supermarkets in the Lenta format, they use sandwich panels.
  • Internal fences are special structural elements that provide the internal layout of buildings, the division of the object into zones of various functional purposes: a shopping area, administrative and office premises, utility rooms, etc.
  • Floors- an obligatory element of the frame structure, which takes on all the load from technological equipment, loading and unloading mechanisms, stored cargo. For shops, as a rule, self-leveling concrete floors are made of monolithic concrete with a possible facing of ceramic tiles.

The main stages of construction

The construction of stores in the format of supermarkets and hypermarkets is carried out in the following sequence of operations:

  1. Selection of a plot of land. At this stage, the investor analyzes the purchasing power of the population who live in the area and are potential customers of the future store.
  2. Preparation of technical specifications, where the basic structural and functional requirements for the future construction object will be established: area size, number of storeys, shape, wishes for internal planning, engineering systems, etc.
  3. Designing a future construction project on the basis of a previously prepared technical specification and legislative acts in force in Russia regulating the construction of frame hypermarkets and supermarkets. At the design stage, the calculation is carried out estimated cost, which forms the basis of the budget for the construction of the store.
  4. Purchase of building materials, fencing of a construction site, obtaining a work permit, transportation of special equipment and personnel to the construction site.
  5. Installation of the foundation in accordance with pre-developed design solutions.
  6. Arrangement of a metal frame, which is assembled into a monolithic product from individual elements directly at the construction site.
  7. Sheathing of the metal frame with sandwich panels of a certain color, thickness and type. Depending on the place of fixation and the main purpose, two main types of sandwich panels are used: wall and roof panels.
  8. Installation of floors, which are performed by the method of monolithic casting of concrete mortar. In some cases, ceramic tiles are used for decorative flooring.
  9. Installation of internal partitions, which ensure the division of the store space into different rooms and zones.
  10. Arrangement of technological holes for installation engineering communications, window and doorways.
  11. Laying of store life support systems: power supply, ventilation, heating, plumbing, sewerage, communications, security, fire extinguishing, etc.
  12. Installation of commercial equipment: racks, cold rooms, cash registers and etc.
  13. Transfer of the facility for operation to the customer with training of personnel in the basics of building maintenance.

The main advantages of Lenta stores

The main advantages of Lenta format supermarkets and hypermarkets over other types of construction projects:

  • Fast payback investment for construction store due to low capital investment and tight construction time.
  • The ability to effectively lead construction works in a tight space with dense buildings.
  • Full compliance of frame buildings with sandwich panel cladding with all the rules of fire, sanitary-epidemiological and environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The ability to carry out the construction of objects of the largest size and complex configuration.
  • The high level of thermal insulation of the enclosing structures can significantly reduce the cost of heating and air conditioning during operation.
  • Reduction of financial costs and labor intensity of construction due to the absence of the need for additional finishing of the facade and internal premises with decorative materials.

Now you know how the construction of Lenta supermarkets takes place. Next, we will tell you about the cost of construction work and where they can be ordered.

Who constructs prefabricated buildings of the "Lenta" format in St. Petersburg

Carries out the professional construction of shops of various formats using modern frame technology. We have the ability to carry out turnkey construction work, starting from preparation project documentation and ending with the transfer of the finished object to the customer. Our specialists have extensive experience in the field of frame construction, therefore they successfully solve the most complex and non-standard tasks.

Construction cost

The price for the services of GC SMK is calculated in each specific case individually, depending on the individual requirements of the customer for the configuration and characteristics of the store. For an approximate calculation of the cost, you can use online calculator on our official website. The approximate level of prices for our services in St. Petersburg is:

  1. Formation of a package of design documentation starts from 250 rubles per square meter.
  2. The construction of a frame structure costs from 17,000 rubles per square meter.
  3. Works on concreting the basement start at 3000 rubles per running meter.

You can clarify information regarding the price list for services and get a specific commercial offer by calling us by phone from the section "Contacts" or using a special order form on the website.

Lenta acquires three new stores and three land plots from the O KEY Group of Companies

The forecast for hypermarket openings in 2015 increased to at least 28 stores

Saint-Petersburg, Russia; September 1, 2015- Lenta, (LSE, MOEX: LNTA), one of the largest retail chains in Russia, announces an agreement with the O'KEY Group of Companies to purchase three stores and three land plots.

The three acquired stores will become Lenta hypermarkets in the “standard” format. Two stores are located in Chelyabinsk and one in Volgograd. The construction and equipment of the store in Volgograd is fully completed. The construction of one of the stores in Chelyabinsk has been completed; soon the hypermarket will be equipped and decorated in accordance with Lenta's standards. Construction of the second store in Chelyabinsk is at the final stage. All three stores are expected to open in 2015.

The land plots purchased from the O'KEY Group of Companies are located in Chelyabinsk, Omsk and Taganrog. Lenta plans to build new hypermarkets in each of them in 2016 -2017.

Currently, Lenta is represented by one hypermarket in Chelyabinsk, two in Volgograd, four in Omsk and one in Taganrog.

The transaction will be financed from the Company's own resources and will not require additional funds.

Jan Dunning, general manager"Tapes", commented:

“The deal will strengthen Lenta's positions in Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Omsk and Taganrog - important cities for us, in which our stores are already operating. These acquisitions will also contribute positively to the current opening schedule, which will allow the Company to increase its forecast for 2015 to at least 28 new hypermarkets. In addition to increasing sales, the new stores will allow us to more effectively use the capabilities of the existing logistics infrastructure - a distribution center in Rostov-on-Don and a new distribution center in Yekaterinburg, which is scheduled to open at the end of this year.

The green courtyard is in full swing.

At a round table held on August 30 in the Odintsovo district administration, a representative of the contractor company rejected a proposal to suspend work for the time that officials need to "raise" documents on land plots and the fact of public hearings. Total 200 the man gathered a rally against infill development in Odintsovo, one of the demands of which was the termination of the construction of "Lenta".

In September, work at the facility proceeded at a high pace. As of early October, workers are assembling the frame and walls of the building in a recognizable yellow-blue color, in which there is still a hole for a lonely standing tree that has fallen into the building line. Also, preparations began for connecting to city communications.

TC "Lenta"

"Soon it will be faster to walk on foot"

The other day, the arrangement of the roundabout was completed, which the contractor company did within the framework of the technical specifications received from the Administration of the Odintsovo District. The residents of the microdistrict appreciated the innovation negatively, since even before the appearance of the junction there were impressive traffic jams here. And the fears were justified. One of the car owners sent the following message to the editorial office of Odintsovo-INFO:

We made a circular motion (it is not clear who needed it). And it only got worse. Now two large streams have been pushed together at the ring. If earlier oncoming cars could be passed and drove off safely, now cars entering the bridge and cars leaving the bridge intersect at the ring.

In Moscow, on the contrary, interchanges are being remodeled in order to separate traffic flows, and in Odintsovo, the opposite is true. Soon it will be faster to walk on foot than to drive by car.

Completed arrangement of circular traffic

Odintsovo is actively being built up with commercial real estate

It is worth mentioning the long-term construction of the WestEast business center with sales rooms and offices, in the place of which there was supposed to be a children's puppet theater. Motorists also suffer from the appearance of new shopping centers. In particular, instead of the long-awaited expansion of Mozhaisk Highway and Govorova Street, a huge eight-level Homeland shopping and entertainment center will appear at their intersection.

In the meantime, more and more new ones appear in Odintsovo shopping centers, in the city, the lack of sports, playgrounds, recreation areas and other facilities of high social significance and necessary for comfortable life in the town.

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