
The procedure for registering the CCT-online in the IFTS is a step-by-step installation of an online cash register for tax. How to register a cash register in the tax

In the C. C. recent changes in legislation and new technical requirementswhich are presented to cash registers, entrepreneurs and legal entities need to be purchased new online cashier. Federal Law of 22.05.2003 N 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers in cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means Payment "Determines: Who should apply new online cash offices, how to decide on the choice of a fiscal drive and so on. Online Cass manufacturers companies are becoming more and more buyers find themselves in a difficult position, since the cash registers differ not just functionality, each cashier is designed to do certain work, business sphere, and so on.
Our qualified and certified CASS manufacturers experts are ready to advise in the choice of cash registers, and will also help save funds by finding optimal equipment.
For more than 20 years, Kasscenter has been selling cash registers for more than 20 years and provides services for service negligence and registration. We will help your business at all stages of the input of the cash register to work.

2 Stage: Getting an electronic digital signature

The second stage, after buying an online cash register, is to release the electronic digital signature certificate (EDS) to register the cash register.
EDS is required for safe conduct electronic document management, as well as signatures of applications, registration cards and so on.
The EDP is manufactured for a particular person who has the right to make legally significant actions and sign documents (EDS is an analogue of his own signature).
Our specialists will select the necessary EDS for you and make it in the Certified FSB of Russia, the certifying center, which will significantly speed up the registration process in the tax.

3 Stage: Connect to the fiscal data operator

After receiving the EDS, you can proceed to the conclusion of a contract with the fiscal data operator, which you can choose from the tax register, or using the recommendation of our specialist to choose a profitable and reliable OIS for your business. The procedure also includes an online cash register connection to the fiscal data operator. 54 FZ ordered all JUR. Persons and individual entrepreneurs to undergo a mandatory procedure for connecting the box office to the OFD to transfer data on services and / or sold goods online. Modern cash registers, corresponding 54-ФЗ, in obligatory Support this functionality.
The company CASSSCENTR is the official partner of all OFD, which are included in the register of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (such as Yandex OIT, Taxa, SBI, contour, 1 OFD, OFD.RU, and so on), which significantly simplifies the process of connecting your cash register to the OFD by our engineers.
You can connect to the OFD in our company complete with other services, this procedure takes sufficiently a little time, about 10 minutes. Receive detailed information Our managers have.

4 Stage: Registration in the FNS of Russia

The final result will be the registration of online cash register in tax authority. The process of registration of the cash register has changed a bit, according to the new rules there is no need for your presence in the FTS of Russia. Thanks to the innovations from the tax, registration is carried out using the EDS, as well as connecting to the OFD. All described processes pass in our comfortable office, where in 30 minutes we will be able to prepare and configure the cash register for work. We also produce re-registration of the cash register and replace the fiscal drive.
Register online Cassu in a convenient way. Two options are possible: 1 Option - In our office, 2 options - we will send to a convenient place for you of our engineer, which will register, connect and configure the CCT. The Kasscenter team will save your time and money, will register an online cashier in accordance with 54FZ, will prepare all documents and provide a high-level service.

5 Stage: 24-hour technical support for online cash registers

New online cash offices require attention and maintenance, like any other microprocessor equipment, besides, malfunctions in the work of the CCT can lead to a stop of your business. Our company is an official service center and distributor of manufacturers of cash registers. That is why we strongly recommend concluding a contract for round-the-clock technical support.
In addition to consultations and assistance, you also receive free exit of the service engineer to eliminate faults. We recommend not saving on tech support. Practice shows that the repair then costs more.

Monetary calculations in the process of entrepreneurship require the mandatory availability of the cash register. Moreover, the CCP must be officially registered. How in 2019 registered in the FNS Cash Technology?

For the use of cash registers after its acquisition, it is necessary to undergo a registration procedure of the CCM in tax Inspection.

To do this, you will need to collect certain documents and fulfill mandatory requirements. How is the procedure for registering a CCT in tax authorities?

Important aspects

This makes it easy to identify any cash register used in Russia. But for registration, you must perform certain requirements.

In particular, prepare a package of documents, conclude, and before purchase the device itself. At the same time, it is desirable to know about the basic rules for handling CCM.

General rules for use

The order of handling of the CCM is regulated by "typical rules for use ...". They described in detail the procedure of action as the owner of technology and directly cashier.

If you set out these rules briefly, they will look like this:

Buying KKM, it should take into account not only the convenience of use There is a list of models allowed for registration in the FTS. Models not entered in the state register of the CCT are registered will not
The purchased device is subject to registration in the maintenance center To register KKM, the tax inspectorate will be needed to present an agreement with the CTO
The cash register is subject to compulsory fiscalization by the tax inspector. This is necessary to collect and save the desired information. At the same time, the CCM is seated
In mandatory, holograms must be present at the cash apparatus On the inclusion in the State Register and on registration with the CTO
Apply the CCM to work only after registering in the FTS And receiving a registration card
CCC repair can be carried out Exclusively by the representative of the service center

Legal base

The registration procedure of the CCT is regulated by the following standards:

Also matter some other legal documents. P.12 of Article 4 of the Federal Law No. 103 determines that when receiving payments, the payment agent should apply the CCT with the control tape and fiscal memory, and the requirements of the legislation regarding the application of the CCT.

Cash techniques that covered by the state register of the CCT should be used. The use of CCM models not included in the list is not allowed.

At this time, the registry includes about thirty-eight CCT models, which meets the requirements of FZ No. 103 and can be applied in the work of cash settlements of the PI and organizations in the Russian Federation.

The order of registration of KKM.

Before purchasing KKM, you must first make sure of its need. Separate activities can be carried out without the application of the cash register.

For independent registration, you need to contact the tax service at the place tax accounting. Registration of the cash register in the tax at the actual address of use is carried out.

After passing all necessary documents In the CCM Registration Division, the Tax Inspector will assign a time to fiscalization of the device.

At the same time, the procedure for activating fiscal memory can be carried out both in the FTS and the place of operation.

MUST, when fiscalization, a specialist TTO should be present. After completion of the fiscalization, the tax inspector will make the necessary information in the book of accounting of the CCM.

The applicant receives the originals of previously filed documents. After that, the device is ready to operate.

Required package of documents

To register the cash device, you will need:

  • contract for maintenance with CTO;
  • passport KKM;
  • ecLZ passport;
  • numbered, laid and certified by the head of the Cashira Operator's magazine;
  • similarly, the magazine accounting magazine and registration of the work carried out;
  • passport version of KKM;
  • additional sheet to the passport version;
  • document in place of operation (correcting documents, etc.);
  • certificates TIN and OGRN.

Step-by-step instruction

The step-by-step algorithm of registration of the CCM in the FTS in 2019 can be represented as follows:

Document package delivery CCM registration occurs within five days from the date of application. If any inaccuracy is revealed in the documents, the applicant is obliged to correct the deficiencies in one day after receiving alert from the FTS. Otherwise, registration will be denied
Inspection KTT After receiving the documentation, the tax inspector assists the date and time of the CCM inspection. The entrepreneur must appear together with the cash register for sure at the appointed time, otherwise it will receive a refusal to register. Also at this time should be a representative of the CTO
Receipt of the KKM registration card After the tax inspector checks the CCM and makes a fiscalization, the information on the cash register is made to the book of accounting of the CCM. The CCM passport is made of registration. The applicant is issued a registration card of the CCM. This is considered to be completed

It should be noted that in different compartments of the FTS, registration can be carried out in different ways. Somewhere requires a pre-recording on the reception, and somewhere the submission of documents is in the order of the "live queue". You should specify this time in advance.

Sample card

The CCM registration card is filled with the registering tax inspector. She then visits the head of the FTS.

Stored this card Directly at the site of the cash register during the entire period of use of the CCM. When making a card to the "Installation at the address" section, the address of the actual use of the device is written.

In case of removal of CCM, the card must be returned to the FTS, where it is stored for three years after removal from the registration accounting.

Is it possible to register through the power of attorney

At the same time, the representative of the organization may not be its employee. The registration service of the CCM may also offer the TTO with which the maintenance contract is. In this case, the power of attorney is issued to the representative of the Center.

If a individual entrepreneur Wishes to register CCM through a trusted representative, then the power of attorney must be notarized.

Features of registration of the cash register

In accordance with the period of registration of the CCM in the tax authority should not exceed five days from the date of submission of documents.

It is necessary to know that the life of the cash register established by law is equal to seven years of installation time. After this period, the CCM should be removed from the account.

Sold by CCM in not a fiscal state, that is, the summing revenue is disabled. Therefore, the fiscalization procedure is mandatory. If a used machine is recorded, it is also necessary to reset the fiscal memory.

In the process of fiscalization procedures, the tax inspector contributes to the memory of its factory number, the INN and the name of the organization.

Completes the fiscalization test input. This allows you to examine the accuracy of the details. The tax inspector is removed by a test z-report using the previously entered password.

At the end of the procedure, the FTS inspector and the applicant sign an act on the registration of control counters and translating the testimony of KKM to zeros. The cash register is assigned a unique number, and it is considered registered.

For IP

An individual entrepreneur can register the cash register at the place of residence. CCM IP can also be registered at the implementation of activities. But at the same time you need to take into account some features.

It establishes that all entrepreneurs in cash settlements are obliged to apply KKM. However, some IP categories can do without cash registers.

Provides a list of activities in which the individual entrepreneur has the right not to use KKM.

These include:

  • activities with the issuance of strict reporting blanks;
  • work software or software;
  • implementation of lottery tickets;
  • sale of securities;
  • trade in trains of trains with certain goods;
  • ensuring power B. educational institutions etc.

Individual entrepreneurs who lead their activities in remote and hard-to-reach areas may also not use CCM. The list of these seats is established by law.

Exceptions are subject to also pharmacies of paramedics in rural areas in the presence of pharmaceutical activities in the absence of pharmaceutical organizations in this area.

In all other cases, the application of the IP cash register is required. For the absence of a cash register, a fine is imposed according to the Code of Administrative Code.

It is important that the exemption from the use of KKM is not interpreted as a violation of the cash discipline. Everyone who works with cash cashmust comply with cash discipline.


Organizations Registering CCM exclusively at the address where the device will be operated. Address for registration follows to the tax inspection at the location legal entity.

If there is an organization separate divisionsApplying cash registers, registration should be carried out at the place of accounting of these divisions.

That is, if Ltd. has several branches in different cities, then the registration of the CCP is occurring in each city separately. If the organization's activity falls under the list, then the cash register can not be applied.

In particular, this concerns the cases when:

  • customers are received in confirmation of payment special checks or receipts;
  • calculation with checks and bank cards not carried out;
  • the type of activity corresponds to the indicated in Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 54;
  • special financial reporting blanks are applied;
  • the organization applies ENVD mode.

For field trading

When the cash register is required for field trading, an appropriate mark must be present in the registration card. In the section on the installation address, it is written "for outbreak."

IP can register CCM for field trading at the place of its registration. But registration is carried out not in registration, but in the territorial bodies of the FTS.

The procedure for the use of KKM in transit trade is explained. It says that each trading place must be equipped with a cash register.

If there are several trading places, even when they are located at one address, so many cash devices are required, how many jobs. CCM for exit trade is registered as usual.

The difference is that it is not necessary to make documents on the premises. In the card is prescribed legal address Organizations or place of registration of SP and writes a type of field activity.

The entrepreneur is not enough just to purchase the CCM. Working with an unregistered cash register is equal to activities without CCM.

Penalties for this offense are very significant. Considering that the CCT registration procedure is not particularly difficult, much more profitable to register the cash register in a timely manner.

The new generation cash register is purchased, the contract with the fiscal data operator is concluded, - can you start working? No, first it is necessary to register cash techniques in the territorial tax authority. Only after that you can start trading and issue checks. We will tell you how to do it quickly and with minimal costs.

The question "How to register an online cashier in the tax inspection" occurs in businessmen immediately after the conclusion of the contract with the operator of fiscal data and connecting new equipment to the Internet. After all, start working Cashier can only after receiving unique number In tax authorities. Such a procedure is necessary for each individual cash register, register all CCT "Wholesale", unfortunately, will not work. What is the order of registration of online cash register provided for the Federal Tax Service of Russia?

Three ways to register CCT

Options for the legalization of the cash register in tax Service There are only three. Two of them are free, but require certain efforts from the owner of the technique, the third costs money, but it is the easiest and fastest. Options for registration of KKM online:

  1. By submitting an application to paper to the territorial body of the FTS.
  2. By filing an electronic application on the official website of the FTS.
  3. Through the fiscal data statement.

When choosing the last option, it is enough to report my desire to the organization-operator, to conclude an agreement with him, pay for about 3 thousand rubles and get a registration number. No action from the taxpayer is no longer required. The first two ways will not cost a penny, but they will need to spend more time. Consider them in more detail.

Paper application for accounting for accounting

The main difference in registration of the CCT-online, which contains new edition Federal Law No. 54 -FZ.From previous requirements, it is that the cash register itself is not necessary to present tax authorities. True, old cash registers will still have to take off. To do this, you need to use a separate application form. In addition, the application itself was changed on the registration of the CCT (the form of 1110061), which also became a separate document. In it, the FNS introduced new sections, for example, for information about the operator of fiscal data, as well as on the features of the use of cash registers. Also, in the application, specify the exact setup address of the cash register in section 1.

Fill out this document is simple enough if you use a special machine-readable form. These documents are approved order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 29.05.2017 No. MMB-7-20 /. The empty application blank looks like this:

The application in the FNS does not end. After it is received, the tax authorities should assign a unique registration number to the CCM and report it to the taxpayer. After that, he must connect its office to the Internet and form a primary registration report, which will be sent to the FTS via the fiscal data operator. Only after receiving such a report will occur the so-called fiscalization of the CCM, and the FTS will issue a registration card on it. The paper shape of such a card is also not yet approved, although the electronic is actively used. This is simply explained - since the interaction of the cash register with the FTS occurs via the Internet, the tax authorities believe that the taxpayer should use this method. Therefore, in response to a paper application, the electronic card will most likely be directed. It is this document (even in in electronic format) Certifies the legality of the cash register throughout its operation time.

From the moment of sending the primary report, the cash register begins. After all, if there will be no information from the CCP for 30 days, it will be blocked. Therefore, to keep backup equipment, in case of failure, the main one, as many shop owners got used, will no longer work. For this case, tax authorities are recommended to acquire and not register the spare apparatus. After all, the process of its connection on the new rules is not at all complicated and allows you to quickly connect the technique for work.

Step-by-step registration of online cash register via the Internet

Since the electronic version of the CCM is recorded, according to FTS specialists, is preferable, in the personal offices of taxpayers have already been created and a special service for registering an online ticket office over the Internet has been operating. Its creation and order of work are approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of 19.10.2016 No. MMB-7-6 / noteworthy, it will take a qualified electronic signature for registering a cash register for accounting. Those taxpayers who have it will suit the electronic signature key, which is used to send reporting. However, it cannot be clouded, but must necessarily be on the physical media (flash drive or hard disk). Without such a key, the procedure does not work, so it is necessary to take care of it in advance. Otherwise, you will have to use the services of the fiscal data operator for a fee.

Present to your attention step-by-step instructions In pictures on the use of the service:

STEP 1. You need to enter the personal account of the taxpayer and find the section "Inspection and Cash Technology". When entering this section in the lower right corner of the screen, you can see the inscription "Register the CCRT".

Step 3. In the window that opens, the system proposes to fill out several fields. First of all, you must specify the address of the trading point and its type in the "CCT Installation Address" tab. At the same time the address must be complete. The user must independently make the following data:

  • region of the Russian Federation, city or municipality;
  • street;
  • structure;
  • office (if necessary).

Index System will load automatically. After all the data is entered, you need to click on the "Select" button to save information in the system.

Step 4. The choice of model KKM and its factory number. To correctly indicate these data, you need to carefully examine the purchased technique, the factory number can be found directly on its package or in service information. Room correctness is of great importance.

Step 5. The choice of the fiscal drive model is carried out by the same principle. Convenience is that the system itself offers a list of devices included in the FTS registry and allowed to use. Saving is done with the "Select" button.

If necessary, after selecting the FN, it is necessary to note the special mode of application of the online box office:

  • online store;
  • transport trade;
  • diversion trading;
  • online store;
  • provision of services.

If the usual mode of operation of the cash register, such as stationary trade in the store, as in our example, do not put anything here.

Step 6. Select the fiscal data operator. The name of the organization with which an agreement was concluded for the transmission of data from the CCM to the FTS body can also be chosen from the proposed list. You must specify the INN OFF, and then save the data.

Step 7. Certification of the statement qualified electronic signature. The completed form must be signed and send to the FTS. After that, the form of form is complete.

Step 8. Registration of online cash offices in the tax via the Internet will be fully completed only after information on obtaining a form with the CCT registration number will come from the FTS. After that, it will be necessary to start work by forming the primary report and enter its fiscal data into the registration form.

Check in Moscow and MO

From 01.02.2017, infance ceased to register cash registers of an old sample. The rules for registration of new CCPs have now changed. Cash Registration 2018 , currently, it is made according to other rules, the regulations of which are determined by law. For registration of the CCP, you can contact any of its producing companies. In particular, registration comes from the Atol, Mercury, Evotor and Barcode, as they are popular manufacturers.

In order for our customers to understand how the CCT registration occurs in the tax inspection, we tried to describe this process. So, you have a new cash register or fiscal registrar with online data transfer mode. In order to start working at the checkout, you need to register it. For this you need:

  • Sign Up personal Cabinet taxpayer on the website of the IFTS, using the EDS key (electronic digital signature);
  • Include information about the cash apparatus in the LC to register the cash register through the Personal Cabinet of the IFSS has passed successfully;
  • provide a concluded contract concluded
  • Get a registration number on the cashier;
  • enter the registration number data directly at the box office, thereby introducing a tax inspector code into the CCT with fiscal long-term memory;
  • Send reception check in the tax inspection;
  • Get access to the CCT registration card in the PNS personal account;
  • Configure data transfer from the cash register in the OFD through the online data transfer mode.

Especially for you to make life easier and not suspend your business, we offer a choice of several options for registration packages, as well as a number additional servicesallowing to carry out the registration procedure as correct and promptly:

Package "CCC registration in tax" service includes:

Entering the cashier into operation: commissioning, checking the health and functioning of cash technology, sealing, registration of an commissioning act

Registration of the cash register in the taxpayer's personal account on the FTS website, using the client's digital signature. Next filling and submitting registration applications. Rooms indicating the name of the OFD, receiving the registration number

Configuring cash desk to connect to Internet via WiFi, GSM, Ethernet, USB

CCT fiscalization (procedure for entering a fiscal registrar or cash register with a fiscal mechanism to operate indicating the OFD)

Receiving CCT registration card

Programming check parameters

Package Service "Connection to OFD" includes:

Creation and activation of the personal office of the ICD (conclusion of the contract with the chosen of the ICD)

Cash connection to the

Checking data transmission in the OFD, test sale

Also, prerequisite For registration of the CCT in the FTS in a new order, the presence of EDS and the availability of the current treaty with the OFD (fiscal data operator).

Obtaining an electronic digital signature is possible through the service on our website by clicking on the link: "Release of EDS"

Order Service connection to the OFD, you can on our website by clicking on the link: "Treaty with the OFD"

When is the register of the cash register in the PNF personal account is considered to be finished?

Registration is considered to be completed when the CCT registration card is obtained from IFTS.

But can I immediately work at the checkout after receiving the registration card?
When the registration card is obtained, you must connect the CCT to the fiscal data operator.

To do this, first the box office connects to the PC. Data transfer ports are configured. The first check makes itself, the information about which comes through the OFD in IFTS.
In fact, the registration of the cash register occurred earlier, but it is possible to work on the CCT within the framework of the new law now.
If the connection of the cash desk from the OFD is not true, the data in the OFD is not transmitted. So, after the expiration of 30 calendar days, if the setup error is not eliminated, the fiscal drive is automatically blocked, respectively, the cash desk is blocked. To restore the work of the FN, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of blocking.

As can be seen from the above, the registration of the cash register is far from the last step to work with the cash register for 54-ФЗ.

Documents required for registration of CCP

In 2019, the Registration of the Cash Inspectorate in the Tax Inspectorate in the following documents will be needed:

  • Passport (form) on the recorded cashier.
  • Passport for a fiscal drive (FN).
  • The organization card (IP) with a mandatory indication of the phone of the responsible person, with which you can quickly contact for clarifying data and the current e-mail on which the contract and the account comes from the ICD.
  • Lease agreement (or document for ownership) to the premises where the online cash register will be installed. If you are an individual entrepreneur and engage in field trading, check-in cash register for IP is made at home address (original and copy).
  • Certificate of registration of a legal entity (original and copy).
  • Certificate of tax accounting (original and copy).

After all the documents are given to the CCT in the FTS filed, the tax inspector sends a registration number to the cash register.
This number is entered in cash Machine. After that, the registration check is made by the checkup, which is subsequently sent to the IFTS to confirm that the cash desk has passed the fiscalization procedure. After that, in the personal account of the taxpayer, the registration card is formed on the CCT, which can be downloaded online from the site.
Registration of cash registers in the tax via the Internet is considered successfully completed.
Failure to register CCT , Basically, it is occurring in the presence of data entry errors in the fiscalization process.

Is the register of the cash register for IP and LLC?

Is not different. The order of registration of the cash register for IP and LLC is the same, although, as it becomes clear from the foregoing, an electronic need for registration in the tax inspectorate digital signatureThe list of documents for the release of which IP and Ltd. is different.

Who needs registration of the cash register for 54-ФЗ?

Registration of cash registers for IP, as well as those who work in UTII and USN is mandatory procedure. This CCT registration condition is valid from July 1, 2018. In 2019, the condition of the need for cash register for IP on a patent is added. They will also need to register.

Purchase and registration of the cash register in 2019 is not required to those who conduct specific activities. For example, there is a trade in living fish, vegetables, fruits, milk, butter, beer on bottling, sale of newspapers and magazines ( full list activities are set forth in law).

Many wonder: Do I need a CCT registration in the tax in 2018 by those who are engaged in vending and Internet business? The law for online stores has a clear calculation procedure. Even in the case when the buyer's interaction with the seller is remotely, a check is required. He is sent to the buyer by e-mail or with a courier in the case of delivery to the house.

Step 1. You need to choose and buy a cash register.

When buying, you must make sure that the selected model be entered into:

In addition, the core of the apparatus should be a holographic sticker "State Register" with an indication of the current year, as well as the serial number and model name.

Buy cash desk can be used in maintenance centers (hereinafter the CTO). Such companies are now full. In the search engine, find and compare their services / prices.

Step 2. Conclude an agreement on CCM service in the CTO.

You can do this both at the place of purchase of the cash register, and in any other Tsto. And in that city in which you will run. On the hands get a contract. And on the cash register is placed the volume hologram "Service".

Step 3. Actually, the registration of KKM itself.

For IP: The setting of the CCM to account occurs at the place of registration of the IP

For organizations: registration of KKM at the place of its actual installation.

We go to the tax and rent a package with the documents below.

Documents for registration of the cash register

Depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, the set of documents may differ slightly. Therefore, we advise you to clarify this question in advance. So:

  • (CBD form 1110021)
  • (Form number KM-4). It must be numbered, assure IP signature and seal (if available). For organizations, assure both signatures and seal.
  • (form number km-8). Firm, numb, assure IP signature and seal (if available). For organizations, assure both signatures and seal.
  • Contract with maintenance center (CTO).
  • Technical passport KKM (comes with a cash register).
  • Technical passport ECLZ (complete with CCM).
  • Passport version of the model KKM (original and photocopy). Filled by a specialist TTO

    And it is issued at the conclusion of a maintenance contract (see step 2).

  • Additional sheet to the passport version of the model of the CCM (original and photocopy).
  • Visual control means: Stickers-holograms "State Register" and "Service".
  • Set of stickers "brand-fillings". Clamps are glued by the CCM specialist.
  • The document certifies the identity of the applicant.
  • Certificate O. state registration - OGRN (original and copy).
  • Certificate INN (original and copy).
  • Power of attorney (if the head of the company is registered).
  • Lease agreement or certificate of placing ownership of the cash register (original and copy) will be installed.
  • Documents on the purchase of KKM (check, receipt, invoice).
  • Reporting (balance, declaration) for the last reporting period With a tax mark (copy).

Step 4. After checking the documents The tax inspector will assign to you the date and time for the fiscalization of the CCM (the procedure for activating the fiscal memory of the device).

Step 5.Fiscalization. Held at the set time:

In the tax inspectorate in the presence of a invited CTO employee

Either at the installation site of the cash register, for example, if it is too cumbersome. In this case, the tax inspector itself comes to the place together with the CTO employee

Step 6. Within 5 business days In the tax must be registered with the CCM, information about the cash register in the book of accounting of the CCM is made.

Step 7. Get Card registration CCM, original documents submitted during registration, and can start working with a cashier.

Now the CTO is offering the service of registration of the CCM without your participation - write a power of attorney and do almost everything for you.

Eclz - "Grabzh"?

I want to warn about some unpleasant costs of owners of cash registers. An integral part of CASSA, without which it is impossible to register, this is:

EKLZ- Electronic control tape protected, built-in inside. This is a device that records all the operations at the cashier produced by the cashier.

The fact is that its operating time is 13 months, after which KKM is blocked. Accordingly, once a year you need to replace the ECLZ. And it will cost you from 7,000 rubles. up to 9 000 rubles. Depending on CTO prices.

The question arises: why such a price? The fact of the matter is that nothing. In fact, an unjustified cheating of cost. Manufacturers are monopolists in this market, so successfully use it, managed to solve the problem of claims and recovers from the antimonopoly service.

The replacement of the ECLZ also occurs when the CCM is re-registration into another tax or other legal entity.

When malfunction, the ECLZ is changed under warranty if:

In force, the warranty period (12 months from the date of commissioning)

Breakdown no fault personnel

There was no attempt to open or repair Eclz

Re-registration of KKM

It is carried out in the following cases:

  • Change of the applicant's phoe (IP, organization)
  • Replacing ECLZ
  • Replacing the fiscal memory
  • Change address of the installation site KKM
  • When concluding a contract with another maintenance center (CTO)

You may need some other documents depending on the tax (agreement with the CTS, the magazine of the cashier-operationalist, etc.). Therefore, it is better to call the first thing to your TTO to clarify it.

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