
Where they give a policy of medical insurance. Obtaining an OMS policy. Procedure for obtaining mandatory medstrashovka

How is the authentication of the OMS policy? Where to get or restore the policy of mandatory medical insurance? Whether it is possible to proceed electronic Polis OMS new sample online?

Good day, dear readers! You are welcomed by the site "Khitirbobur" and expert on the insurance of Denis Kudarin.

The topic of our article is the policy of compulsory health insurance (OMS). Such insurance is needed to all who are not indifferent to their own health, so the material will be interesting to each reader.

And now - in detail for each item!

1. What is the OMS policy?

The system of unified medical insurance was created by the state to support the health of citizens and their treatment in the case of diseases.

The OMS insurance allows any resident of the Russian Federation regardless of its status, income and age to receive medical assistance in the regulated amount.

System mandatory insurance There is a form of social protection of the population, guaranteeing free services upon the occurrence of insurance situations. Polis OMS is an official document confirming the right to receive qualified medical care citizens.

The basic OMS program includes the following activities:

  • diagnostic procedures;
  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospital treatment;
  • preventive assistance;
  • vaccination;
  • purchase of drugs at preferential prices;
  • dispensary observation of minors.

In addition to the above, the policy gives the right to compensate the damage caused to patients with medical institutions during therapy or diagnosis.

If a person has no medstratch, the clinic has the right to refuse him to help. The exception is emergency cases (injuries, situations directly threatening life).


A patient who does not have an OMS policy was taken to the hospital in a state of acute renal failure. Doctors must stabilize the status of the patient, but are not obliged to conduct further treatment of the underlying disease.

Children up to the year and pregnant women doctors must provide free help without any policy. However, with insurance patients in any case will be calmer.

Since 2011, the appeal has been introduced medical Policy Single sample. If earlier such a document was issued at the place of work, now it needs to be received independently by contacting insurance organization.

The owner of the single sample policy is entitled to choose the clinic to assist. Now it is not tied to registration, as before, and can carry a document on traveling in Russia. Polis OMS valid in any region and paragraph.

If a citizen refused to help in any clinic or provided services in an incomplete amount, he was entitled to file a complaint with the OMS Foundation or an insurance organization in which a document was issued.

The activities of doctors and medical staff are paid at the expense of federal funds and deductions from municipal budgets. In some regions, a list of medical services included in the basic program can be expanded at the expense of additional appropriations.

3. How to get an OMS policy - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Getting a policy does not take much time. However, it is necessary to accommodately approach the selection of an insurance organization and to the process itself.

People who are familiar with modern information technologies are available to receive the policy online.

On the sites of many insurance organizations, you can arrange insurance without leaving at home. True, getting a ready-made document is still on Offline - so more reliable.

Another good news for advanced insurers: Every citizen has the right to get an electronic (plastic) insurance policy. He looks like bank cardAnd contains a microchip on which all information about the owner is recorded.

To have such a policy, of course, more convenient: you can constantly wear it with you in the wallet - it does not break and does not take much space.

Policys are drawn up in any region of the Russian Federation, where there are branches of insurance organizations from the official list of the OMS Foundation. True, it is not yet everywhere electronic cards, but it seems that the situation will change for the better in the next few years.

And now - step by step guide To obtain a document.

Step 1. Determine whether you are the insured person

So, the right to receive insurance document They have all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their age, the availability of work and registration.

Persons who have official refugee status may also be insured, as well as foreigners living in Russia.

Step 2. Select Insurance Medical Company

Often, citizens are not particularly thinking about what company to insure, and choose the insurer on the territorial principle. Whose branch is closer from their place of residence, there and go.

This approach is logical, but not quite correct. Insurance conditions in all companies are approximately the same, but the approach to issues of social and legal protection of customers may vary.

Experts advise you to choose the most famous and reliable insurers from the list of organizations included in the official register of the OMS Foundation. A complete list of health insurance companies is on the Fund's website.

Step 3. Collect the desired package of documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation are enough two documents to receive insurance.

  • passport;
  • SNILS - pension certificate.

The documents attached an application for insurance.

Children up to 14 years old will need a birth certificate. The law makes it possible to obtain policies for the whole family in one parent. However, in this case, written power of attorney from adult family members is required.

Foreigners, in addition to identifying an identity, it is necessary to make a certificate of registration in Russia. Refugees will need documentary confirmation of their status or certificate from the Migration Center.

Step 4. Get a temporary evidence

On the day of submission of the application, the insurer is obliged to issue a temporary testimony to the client. Such a document confirms that the policy is in the process of design.

The evidence allows to obtain the same amount of medical services, which is provided for the owners of full insurance. But remember that the temporary document is valid only 30 days from the date of receipt.

Insurance of a single sample is done just 30 days or a little less. About his readiness you are obliged to notify the company's employees (if you, of course, did not forget to leave your phone or email in the statement).

Step 5. Get the OMS Polis of Single Sample

The finished document is issued in the same office where you filed a statement. The client is only required to put the signature in the registration log.

After that, he receives a full-fledged document, giving the right to free medical and preventive services in any state institution.

Citizens of the Russian Federation Document is issued once and for all. Polis has no limited validity period. Refugees, foreign subjects, stateless persons get oMS insurance For the period of stay in the country or during the residence permit.

Additional information is in the article "".

4. How and for what is the inspection of the policy of the OMS?

It happens that citizens who do not follow the news regarding health insurance come across the tricks of swells and acquire a fake or listed policy for money.

Another situation is found: the Policy itself is genuine, but the insurance organization no longer exists (or its license is canceled).

Such documents are invalid - to receive free medical care on them is naturally impossible.

How to find out what document do you have fake or real? There are several ways for this.

1) visual inspection

Genuine policy of OMS, regardless of which organizations they were issued, have a single appearance.

  • Owner's name;
  • unique personal number;
  • name of the insurance company and its printing;
  • special barcode.

Paper texture - special and have several degrees of protection. That is, if you have a blank on your hands, printed on the printer, it is definitely fake.

2) check by number

Personal number is listed in single base Data: Its authenticity can be checked online.

To do this, take the number in the appropriate graph on the OMS Foundation website and click on the "Check" button. Also available on the number and series of passports.

What if the policy was invalid? First of all - do not panic, enter the number again. You may just make a mistake.

If the document really turned out to be a fake, you will have to get the policy again. But this time do not take the document from questionable insurers, and contact the company included in the official register of the Medical Insurance Fund.

For clarity, look at the roller on the topic authentication topic.

The detailed material is also available to our readers in the relevant publication.

5. Where to get the Polis of OMS - Top 5 companies with the best conditions of insurance

And now - a list of five Russian insurers with best Terms Insurance.

1) reso-honey

A company operating in health insurance since 1992. Member of the Presidium of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers. In the regions is represented by a network of branches. Currently, more than 6 million citizens are under the protection of the organization. Enters B. insurance group "Reso".

2) Rosgosstrakh-Medicine

The subsidiary of the company "Rosgosstrakh" is the oldest Russian insurer. Company motto: "We make insurance protection even more reliable and more affordable!"

According to statistics, every seventh owner of a mandatory medstrashovka in Russia received it in the branches of Rosgosstrakh-Medicine. The total number of clients insured by OMS - 21 million.

3) SOGAZ-Honey

Insurance company with a high rating and branches in all cities of the Russian Federation. It is engaged in the design of both ordinary OMS policies and the issuance of electronic insurance documents. Here you can insure online and order delivery of the policy of the workplace.

Much attention in the company is paid to the protection of the rights of the insured. Representatives of the insurer are ready to assist customers in resolving controversial situations with medical organizations.

4) VTB Medical Insurance

The company operates in the health insurance market for more than 20 years. The number of insured clients is approaching 6 million. Included in the WTB Insurance Group. It has a wide network of representative offices in many regions of Russia.

Provides legal support to insured citizens. Free delivers policies to disabled large families or persons who made at least 3 policies per shipping address.

5) Ingosstrakh-M

Division of the Ingosstrakh Insurance Group. He has branches in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. It is included in the top 10 insurers of the OMS. It is engaged in an operational settlement of any conflict situations between insurers and medical organizations.

Provides legal support in legal proceedings. All customers are available round-the-clock free consultations Regarding the company's services.

For the convenience of readers, the company listed above are listed in the table:

Insurer Level of reliability Benefits
1 "Reso-Honey" TallAlmost quarter of a century on the Russian market
2 Rosgosstrakh Medicine HighestThe most popular Medical Insurer in the Russian Federation
3 "SOGAZ-Honey" TallHelp in protecting customer rights
4 « VTB medical insurance" TallFree shipping policies preferential categories citizens
5 Ingosstrakh-M HighestLegal support for policyholders

O and on the site there are separate articles.

6. How to recover the policy of OMS when you lose or damage the document?

In life there are all sorts of situations - the policy can be lost, getting into a rush, break, come into disrepair.

To restore the document, you need to contact the same company where you received insurance. When you need to have a passport (for children - birth certificate) and SNILS. You write a statement, and employees will give you a temporary testimony.

If the document is lost, its number will be blocked so that unauthorized persons cannot take advantage of your right to medical care.

The procedure for replacing the policy of the OMS to the policy of the new sample started a few years ago. Get Policy oMS new The sample will help personal appeal to the company specializing in the Fedeania, or in MFC. Alternatively, it can be ordered through a trustee. It is necessarily indicated by the preferred form of the received document, which is available for:

  • people having Russian citizenship;
  • people who are citizens of other states, but living in Russia on a permanent or temporary basis;
  • refugees;
  • persons who do not have civil affiliation.

It is required to provide his owner of medical care throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, giving the right to choose a medical institution, calling for polyclinic, hospitals, medical centers Work qualitatively and promptly.

What does he look like?

The new policy can be obtained in:

  • the usual form is a paper document with data placed on both sides;
  • compact form of a plastic card;
  • the composition of the universal electronic map (perspective option).

What does a new sample OMS look like in a paper version? The format of the new document is A5, it is not recommended to bend it, but to laminate is strictly prohibited. The only thing that can be done is a photocopy on both sides to help extend the service life of the original. On the front part there is information about the owner (name, number, month and year of birth), the receipt date, unique barcode. On the reverse side, information is printed about the place of residence, insurance company and its coordinates.

The electronic form is similar to a bank card. All data on who he is issued is stored on the chip, for this reason, the owners of plastic insurance should be remembered by the name of its insurance company to provide information in hospitals and clinics. Also located here unique number. From the reverse side there is a photo and signature of the owner, the date that the card is valid. The answer to the question of where to obtain the plastic policy of the OMS of a new sample requires additional preparation related to the organization of organizations whose activities are related to medical insurance. The reason is not all of the technical ability to produce a plastic option.

You can check the authenticity of the paper or plastic variant of the policy on the official resource by entering a unique number to a special search string. You will need to turn the document by the face of the face, where the number of the CHA policy of the new sample and is printed regardless of whether it is performed on a paper or plastic carrier.

List of documents

Documents for obtaining the policy of the OMS of the new sample, in principle, the same for all:

  • correctly decorated in the organization, whose specialization is a medstation;
  • a certified copy of the document for which you can unambiguously certify the identity;
  • a certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of the document confirming the status of Refugees (certificate of consideration of the petition on this issue), a residence permit, a document certifying the person of a stateless person, where there is a mark confirming the legality of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and people without citizenship respectively.

Submitting an application for a single sample medical insurance document, the applicant receives a certificate, replacing the policy and the right to receive medical care, until the design procedure is completed. This testimony can be used no longer than thirty working days, after which the original videos document in the chosen appliance form should be obtained.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, get the policy of the OMS of the new sample is quite simple and quickly.

Do I need to extend or order a reissue

First of all, it should be emphasized that all the documents received on the hands dated January 1, 2011 and earlier are obliged to take any medical institutions. Change or not the old option is the case of its owner.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that having received a document of a new sample in hand, you will not find the deadline for it. Therefore, to the question: "Do I need to extend the Polis of the OMS of the new sample?" The answer will be negative with some reservations:

  • restrictions on the term of this document are absent for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • for people who received the status of the "Refugee" policy will be valid until a person leaves the country's territory;
  • people who have permission to temporarily stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, it will help to receive medical care until permission has been approved.


The unified policy of the OMS of the new sample is valid on the territory of all subjects of the Russian Federation, regardless of the registration or registration of the owner. For this reason, in any journey within Russia, it is necessary to take it with you. The single policy of the OMS of the new sample gives the right to choose not only the doctor providing medical services, but also a hospital.

Nuances getting a new document sample

As in any case, the Russian authorities, when receiving a single policy, guaranteeing medical assistance, there are a number of nuances to which it is necessary to prepare.

You can change the insurance company once during the calendar year and strictly until November 1. Exception is a new address of the owner's registration.

Insurance is carried out by one organization at the same time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If the plastic format was lost or spoiled, then its paper analogue can be issued to its replacement.

In the plans of the government of the country, over time, go massively to universal electronic mapwhich will replace the policies (not only old, but also a new sample), performing the functions of the identity card, evidence pension insurance and PR, opening access to a variety of state and municipal services in any region Russian Federation without payment.

Russian citizens are eligible for free medical care throughout the country, regardless of the place of registration and residence. This right is provided Federal law "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation", and guarantees its policy of the OMS. How to arrange the policy, which documents will be required and where it can be done in the Moscow region, read the site in the material.

Why do you need an OMS policy

Source:, press service "Reso-Honey"

If there is a policy, a citizen can seek help in a clinic, hospital, urban medical centers and a number of other medical organizations involved in the Mandatory Medical Insurance Program. If a resident of the Moscow region received a policy in the territory of the region, he will also be able to receive additional medical services not included in the State Basic Program - to seek medical care for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders and behavior disorders, including related With the use of psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services to which the Insured Citizen has the right, can be viewed in the Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region "On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Provision of Medical Citizens". Such rulings are published annually. You can see documents.

How to get a police policy

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Boris Chubatyuk

Get the Polis of the OMS simple enough. To do this, you need to collect documents, select an insurance company and apply. The policy is manufactured 1 month, at this time the applicant is issued a temporary policy, which you can get all guaranteed services.

Required documents

To obtain the policy of the OMS, an adult resident of the Moscow region will require a passport, insurance certificate Mandatory pension insurance (SNILS). To arrange a policy for a child under 14, you need to submit a child's birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents (or legal representative, guardian) and SNILS. Foreign citizens Must make a document certifying a person with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Selection of an insurance company

After collecting all necessary documents need to determine the insurance medical organization (SMO). It is better to choose it at the place of residence, because in this case the policy makes it possible to receive services not only on the base federal, but also by territorial program OMS.

Every year, several SMOs participate in the implementation of the Moscow Regional Mandatory Medical Insurance Program. FROM detailed information Insurance companies can be found on the FOM website in the Register of Insurance Companies.

Where to apply

Apply for registration of the OMF policy is directly in the insurance company itself, the clinic, to which a citizen is attached, and in the IFC office. In the last service is provided only for children up to 1.5 years.

The procedure for submitting an application for registration of the policy of the OMS in the insurance company and the clinic can be clarified on the websites of institutions or by phone numbers specified in the registry. As a rule, the application form will be provided in place. An employee will remove a copy from the passport (the main page and the page of registration) and SNILS.

Issuance of the Polis

After applying, a temporary medical policy is issued. It guarantees the right to free medical care when an insured event occurs.

The policy itself is preparing for 30 working days from the date of submission of the application and issuing a temporary document.

Replacing the Polis

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