
Insured part of the contribution from the year. Nuances of the sum insured on deposits. Documents for filing in the DC

Addressing the credit institution and draw up the contribution, the person consciously goes to risk. The bank can lose the license or go bankrupt, and then the depositor may not receive money at all.

Insurance of deposits was invented specifically in order to increase the threshold of confidence in the bank by depositors. It allows you to protect their property interests when insurance case.

What it is

First of all, deposit insurance is part of the financial insurance system. This type of guaranteed protection is inextricably linked with money, currency changes and financial operations. Deposit insurance is directly related to credit insurance.

Deposits are revolving bank funds. Most of the arrived banks receive from loans, but deposits are no less important in their activities.

Thanks to its depositors, banks can largely deal with serious, large-scale lending.

They are interested in attracting capital from the outside, but for this credit and banking organizations We must have an impeccable history of cooperation with depositors, because the threshold of confidence in the last in Russia to banks is quite low.

In many ways, this is due to the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, the depositors of the National Bank lost their funds, which were copied for years.

At that time, no one could talk about deposit insurance, alternatives to the main financial organization Also, therefore, in full deposits, no one from the owners were not returned.

Now any bank can count on expanding its client base due to deposit insurance. It can be called a guarantee system that applies relative to the protection of the material interests of depositors.

Insurers guarantee the return of funds after the incident that has arisen is recognized as insurance.

The system works on this principle: banks pay contributions instead of the investor to a special fund that pays for payments in case of default. If you affect the story, then deposit insurance is not a new direction in the credit sphere.

It appeared in the United States in the 1930s. These were the years of the Great Depression, and on the basis of a special law, the limit of insurance payments on one depositor was installed - 5,000 dollars.

Many decades have passed, the amounts changed, and the deposit insurance began to apply in almost the entire civilized world.

In the Russian Federation, the Deposit Insurance System appeared after the adoption of the Law "On Insurance Deposit" in 2003. Already 2004, a special organization was created - the ART, which was engaged in issues of guaranteed protection in this field.

Do not forget that there is a mandatory contribution insurance. individualsand it is used as a condition for obtaining a license by the Bank.

It should be noted that this kind Insurely, you can not every contribution. Risks will remain without guarantees in the case of:

  • prevention deposits;
  • shows financial institution on the trust management cash assets;
  • deposits of deposits in branches of Russian banks operating on the territory of other states;
  • implementation monetary operations without opening a separate account;
  • registration of deposits for impersonal metallic accounts.

Before investing your funds, the client needs to make sure that credit organisation Participates in the system necessarily insurance. In other cases, guarantees with respect to the return of their money he will not receive.

What amount of deposit is subject to mandatory insurance

Regarding insurance of deposits of individuals it is necessary to note that the system that exists in the Russian Federation is mandatory. If the bank does not accept it, it will not receive the license.

After all, deposit insurance is the guarantor of the financial stability of the bank and reimbursement for the contributor. Regulation of the insurance process by banks is engaged in deposit insurance agency.

The deposit amount that is subject to compulsory insurance is not established by law (FZ No. 177). But when it is elected, it is necessary to focus on the limits of existing insurance payments. The legislator points only to the types of deposits that may be insured.

For example, these are urgent deposits, demand deposits, current accounts and those used to work with bank cards.

IN banking system Services for insurance of deposits in the territory of the Russian Federation offer 800 institutions. But of these, only 600 organizations that are actually serviced by customers. The rest are in the process of slow liquidation.

Increase amount

In the light of the latest economic and political events in December 2014, the amount of deposit insurance was increased. The ruble rate has declined sharply, and the government had to respond to it without delay. Previously, the maximum deposit insurance amount was 700 rubles.

Today it is as many as 1.4 million in national currency. It is within these limits that insurance payments are carried out upon the occurrence of the insurance incident.

The investor can have several deposits in one bank, but the compensation size in any case will not exceed 1.4 million rubles. But the minimum amount of deposit insurance and remains uncertain.

Only those persons in respect of which the insurance case came after making legislative changes may be calculated on the payment of compensation in this amount.

The chapter believes that existing reserves are quite enough for the provision of payments, so there will be no help from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Size of payout

Insurance compensation is paid to depositors in the following cases:

  • when canceling a license to hold banking operations;
  • with the introduction of BR moratorium to meet the requirements of creditors (FZ No. 177).

The right to demand of the contribution arises from the person from the day of the occurrence of the insured event. For the reimbursement of deposits, the interested person should contact the DC.

The following issues of insurance payments are established by law:

  • in the amount of 100% of the deposit amount, but not more than 1.4 million rubles;
  • if the contributor has several deposits in one bank, compensation is paid in proportion to the size of each of them, but not more than 1.4 million rubles;
  • reimbursement of the ESCRO account agreement (opens to calculate the real estate purchase and sale transactions) is provided in the amount of 100% of the amount, which resided on the account at the time of the insured event, but not more than 10 million rubles (FZ No. 177).

Reimbursement on Escro accounts pay separately from other compensation. If the investor has deposits in different banksThe amount of compensation will be considered separately for each bank.

The amount of compensation is considered to be based on the deposit balance at the time of the insurance incident. If the contribution was in foreign currency, it will be transferred to the national to pay compensation.

When converting, a course that existed in the event of an insurance incident will be used. The bank can perform simultaneously with respect to the depositor and the creditor.

When the insured event occurs in these circumstances, the amount of compensation will be established on the basis of the difference that will arise when the amount of debt is deduced from the deposit amount.

Depositors get or all of their deposit fully or part of them if they trusted to one longer the amount.

When converting a currency deposit, only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is used. About interest on deposits and their return must be forgotten: they are not compensated.

But in this rule there are exceptions and these contributions with the capitalization of interest. For them total amount Capitalized interest adds compensation.

But not until the end of the term deposit Treaty, and before the entry into force of the corresponding decision of the AMAR into force.

In any case, the compensation amount will be listed on the current account within 3 business days. First of all, reimbursement of depositors who are individuals, and then IP.

Deposit insurance is a separate type of financial insurance, which is used exclusively in the banking sector.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, this type of guaranteed protection applies relatively recently, but already managed to gain a mandatory status.

Mandatory Insurance Deposit FL allows you to cultivate financial stability Banking institutions and investors' confidence, which was incredibly low in the early 90s.

Video: Insurance of deposits of individuals

Insurance deposits - a system that allows private depositors to individuals to get cash When recalling a license or bankruptcy of the credit institution. For this, banks pay insurance premiums for attracted contributions to specialized FoundationWhere payments are made in case of default.

Deposit Insurance History

First system mandatory insurance Deposits of individuals appeared in the United States during the Great Depression in 1933 on the basis of the Glass-Sigala Act. At first, a specially created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation paid no more than 5 thousand dollars per contributor. Subsequently, this amount was increased to 100 thousand for the winter of 2017, it is 250 thousand dollars. Similar deposit insurance systems also exist in other countries.

Insurance bank deposits in Russia

At the same time, mandatory insurance of deposits of individuals in the Russian Federation serves as a condition for obtaining a license to attract the money of citizens.

Deposit Insurance Compensation Size

Upon the occurrence of the insured event, the bank of compensation is paid not only to individuals, but in the second place - individual entrepreneurs (IP). Russian customers receive 100% * from the amount of the insured banking deposit, but not more than 1.4 million rubles for all accounts in one bank. Also, from January 1, 2019, the deposit insurance system will spread to micro and small business. In the case of a review by the Central Bank of the license, the Company, which is part of the register of small and medium-sized businesses, will be able to return money posted on or deposit within 1.4 million rubles.

At the same time, the currency is recalculated in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank on the Day of the Insurance Case. Insurance payments on the contribution in one bank do not affect the amount of compensation in the event of a default in another bank for the same client.

* However, in the case of the existence of a loan in the same bank, the client will receive an amount of the contribution less the amount of debt.

Uninsured contributions

Non-Strakhov, i.e., not falling under the insurance system of deposits of individuals, the following types of funds include:

  • deposit on bearer;
  • funds transferred to the bank in trust management;
  • deposits in foreign branches of Russian banks;
  • money transfers without opening an account;
  • funds on impersonal metallic accounts.
  • In order to be guaranteed to receive compensation in the case of a review of a license or its bankruptcy, the contributor must be verified that the credit institution in which he opens the account is a participant in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals. Such information can be obtained, for example, on the SIR website.

    • Deposits opened in the bank - participant in the Deposit Insurance System.
    • Deposits of individuals opened both in rubles and in currency.
    • Interest on the contribution is also subject to insurance, if they are already found to the principal amount of the contribution (capitalized).
    • Funds on salary maps, funds on maps for receiving pensions or scholarships.
    • Bills individual entrepreneursif they are not open to keep professional activity.
    • Cash on any debit card, if such was started with the opening of the account.
    • Note bank certificates.
    • Escrow accounts for settlement / sale / sale of real estate for the period of its state registration.

    Do not insoch

    • Funds in the trust management of the bank.
    • Funds placed on bearer.
    • Bearer bank certificate.
    • Deposits opened in branches of Russian banks abroad.
    • IP, lawyers and notaries, if the accounts are open due to professional activities.

    Insurance amount

    • Maximum insurance amount on 1 individual for one bank is 1.4 million rubles For contributions in rubles or ruble equivalent for deposits in currency.
    • Payments are made in rubles. For contributions in the currency, the calculation is made at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank at the time of the license revocation.

    Many residents of Russia entrusted their money to banks. When choosing a bank, we will pay attention to the queue, whether your CCM deposits are insured, i.e. Can we get a refund on the deposit in the bank with the crash of the latter? Then we already carry money. But it is important to remember some features that will help us lose less while reviewing the license from the bank.
    If you want to know how much money will be returned, we advise you to pass a simple test.
    The last recent cases of the license of Smolensk Bank, Masterbank, PSB Sanations, Binbank say that this information is quite relevant. I have the most contribution in one of the major banks and I seriously began to follow the state of my bank. So, a few tips and notes

    Why are several contributions in one bank dangerous?

    If you have in one bank several contributions for more than 1400 thousand rubles, You'll get maximum 1400 thousand rubles.
    The contributions up to 1400,000 rubles are insured by the state - this is a true statement. But there is one reservation.

    The total amount of deposits to 1400 thousand rubles in one bank is insured by the state. Those. If you have made 10 deposits by 1400 thousand rubles in one bank and they are insured, then you will get a maximum of 1400 thousand rubles. This rule concerns the branches of the bank. Those. The name of the bank is one bank. Without a difference - in which branches you made contributions. Maximum you get 1400 thousand rubles.
    Another number of nuances

    • I want to pay attention to what currency insurance compensation Always rubles. Without a difference, in what currency you have been discovered. Transfer currency into the contribution occurs at the rate of the Central Bank on the day of the license revocation.
    • Cash on debit cards are protected.If you had a salary or debit cardAnd the bank is taken away by the license, then the cash will be commemmed. Money on the map is a contribution and they are distributed on the deposit insurance.
    • Cash funds are protected on a par with the means of physical. They act on them the same rules of use

    Will interest return on deposits in the amount of more than 1,400,000?

    We all put money into the bank for the sake of interest to keep the funds from inflation and in the hope of multiplying them.
    By law, the deposit amount + accrued and capitalized funds are insured. Those. As soon as the Bank recalled the license, then from this day the accrual of interest stops.
    You get money from the date of the beginning of the deposit on the day of the license revocation. Calculate your amount of reimbursement on the contribution of capitalization using. You need to simply specify the end of the deposit \u003d date of the license.

    In this regard, everything is simple and understandable. If the amount of the contribution plus interest is greater than 1,400,000, then you will receive a maximum of 1,400,000. The rest can be returned only during bankruptcy and sale of the Bank's property. Bankruptcy procedure is not fast and may occupy months and years.

    What money will you not get a reimbursement?

    Deposit Insurance Agency unambiguously determines which cash is not subject to insurance.
    When recalling the license, these money you can return only in the order of the general queue.

    1. Funds on the settlement accounts of legal entities
    2. Presenter deposits are not insured, confirmed by the Certificate of Cancer to the Bearer;
    3. Do not insure the funds transferred to trust management (DU)
    4. If your bank branch is abroad, then your funds are not insured.
    5. All electronic money (this applies to webmoney, Yandex Money, etc.)
    6. Metal accounts
    7. Means S. bonus programif such were.

    The procedure for payment of insurance for deposit?

    Many after the revocation of the license rushes to the bank, demanding returning their money. Panic, assault of the bank offices - they will not lead to anything good. Your task is to wait and be aware of events.
    The bank's assault will not be wrapped in anything. There is no money in the bank.

    You need to wait 7 days at least. It was during this time that the QA publishes a message in the press about which bank will pay the elevation
    Payment of insurance compensation is made by the bank agent. it special Bank, in which the Queen lists insurance.

    He must have many branches and should be ready for visitor influx. You do not need to rush on the first day to take your money, stand in the queues. You need to be calm - you can write a statement for 2 years after the license is revoked by the Bank

    A few days later we just go and write a statement. Do not forget to take a passport with you. Money can be obtained on the day of circulation. If you do not agree with the size of compensation, you will need to provide additional documents in the DC.

    Where to invest after receiving money on insurance?

    If you even "lucky" and the insured event has come, then you should not be upset. You will get your money. The question is in the other, what to do. If you still trust the banks, because in principle you returned your money and the DRA did not let you down. I recommend to open the contribution again, only for a short time. For example, here is a contribution to a quarter with a good percentage. We recommend Tinkoff Bank.

    On December 02, 2004, the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" included PJSC "Moscow Credit Bank" in the register of participating banks of the system of compulsory deposit insurance under the number 253.

    The bank received a formal certificate of inclusion in the registry.

    Creating a system of compulsory insurance of bank deposits of the population is a special state programimplemented in accordance with the Federal Law 177-FZ "On Insurance of Deposits of Individuals in Banks of the Russian Federation".

    Her the main task is to protect the population savingsplaced in deposits and on accounts in russian banks On the territory of the Russian Federation. Protection of the financial interests of citizens is one of the important social tasks in dozens of countries of the world. The deposit insurance system is mandatory in all member states of the European Community, it operates in the USA, Japan, Brazil, our nearest neighbors - in Ukraine, in Kazakhstan and Armenia.

    The deposit insurance system works as follows. If the bank ceases to work and it responds with a license to carry out banking operations, its depositors immediately produced fixed cash payments.

    To insure deposit depositors there is no conclusion of any treaty: It is carried out by force of law. Organization specially created by the state - Deposit Insurance Agency - for the bank returns to the depositor the basic amount of its savings, instead of the investor takes its place in the queue of creditors and in the future herself finds out relations with the Bank for the return of debt.

    In accordance with the Deposit Insurance Law reimbursement on deposits paid in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of deposits in a bank not exceeding 1,400,000 rubles. Currency deposits Recalculated at the rate of the Central Bank at the date of the occurrence of the insured event.

    The amount of compensation cannot exceed 1,400,000 rubles, Even if the depositor stores money in one bank on several accounts. However, if it has deposits in different banks, equal payments are guaranteed in each of them.

    Insurance is subject to all funds of individuals in banks with the exception:

    • posted on bank accounts (in deposits) lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such accounts (deposits) are open to the implementation provided federal law professional activity;
    • placed by individuals in bank deposits on bearer, including certified by a savings certificate and (or) by a savings book on bearer;
    • banks transferred to individuals in trust management;
    • placed in deposits in located outside the territory Russian Federation branches of banks of the Russian Federation;
    • who are electronic money;
    • posted on nominal accounts, with the exception of certain nominal accounts, which are open to guardians or trustees and beneficiaries (beneficiaries) for which the wards, mortgage accounts and ESCRO accounts, unless otherwise established by federal law.

    To obtain reimbursement on deposits, the depositor (his representative) is entitled to contact the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter referred to as agency) or to a bank agent in case of its attraction to payments to deposits. Such right can be implemented by the contributor from the date of the insured event until the day of completion of the bank's bankruptcy procedure, and when the bank is introduced by the Bank of Russia, the moratorium on the satisfaction of creditors' claims - until the end of the expiration of the moratorium.

    When contacting the Agency (Bank - Agent), demanding the payment of reimbursement on deposits contributors represents:

    • statement in the form determined by the Agency;
    • a document certifying his personality whose details are specified in the bank's depositor registry.

    The payment of reimbursement on deposits is made by the Agency in accordance with the Register of the Bank's obligations before the depositors who formed by the Bank, in respect of which the insured event has occurred, within three days from the date of submission to the Depositor to the Document Agency, but not earlier than 14 days from the day of the insured event (this period We are needed to obtain information from the bank information on deposits and organization of calculations).

    Message about the place, time, form and procedure for accepting depositors' applications The Agency publishes in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia", as well as a printed authority at the location of the bank. During the month from the date of receipt of the Bank's obligations from the bank, the appropriate message is sent to depositors of the Bank, information about which is contained in the registry, individually. Payment of reimbursement on deposits can be carried out at the request of the depositor of both in cash and by transferring funds to the bank account specified by the Depositor.

    Receiving depositors for applications for compensation for deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of reimbursement on deposits can be carried out by the Agency through banks-agents acting on his behalf and at its expense.

    Participation in the insurance system is required for all banks entitled to work with private deposits. Deposits are considered insured from the date of inclusion of the bank to the register of banks - participants in the system.

    The financial basis of the system is the fund of compulsory deposit insurance.

    The main sources of formation of the Fund are:

    • The initial property fee of the Russian Federation in the amount of 2 billion rubles
    • Insurance contributions Banks and penalties for their untimely payment.
    • Revenues from investing fund funds.

    Insurance contributions are united for all banks and pay them quarterly. The rate of insurance premiums of banks is established by the Board of Directors of the Agency, it may not exceed 0.15 percent middle size Deposit for the quarter. In the event of a deficit of the Fund, the insurance premium rate can be increased to 0.3 percent.

    Deposit Insurance Fund can be invested

    • In state securities Russian Federation.
    • In deposits and securities of the Bank of Russia.
    • In government securities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in bonds and shares of Russian issuers, as well as in Russian mortgage securities.
    • In PAIs (shares, share) of index investment fundsplacing cash in government securities foreign states, bonds and shares of other foreign issuers.
    • In the securities of economically developed foreign countries.

    In order to provide financial Sustainability Deposit Insurance Systems to the Government of Russia granted the right to allocate funds to the Agency federal budget In case of lack of fund insurance fund.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state