
BelarusBank Locking Card Phone. Credit Card Priorbank. Salary map of Priorbank

IN different situations It may be necessary to urgently block or unlock the card. For Belarusbank's customers, it is possible to do it very quickly.

If you suspicion of the card, you need to block it urgently, for this, the most prompt way is the call to.

When the blocking procedure, you will need to inform your passport data from a specialist and the code word on the map, after which it will be blocked.

For users who at the time of detection are not able to make a call, available additional features Interlocking:

Note! This feature It will be available only for those cards from which you connected these functions.

After you block the map you need to contact the Bank's representative to submit an application for a card reissue.

For cards that are intended only for use in the country to apply for a reissue is possible only within 3 days. For international maps within 7 days.

Note! Cartoon card is paid, according to tariffs for servicing your account.

Unlocking cards

If you are withdrawn through an ATM, accidentally entered the wrong PIN code, then after 3 unsuccessful attempts, your card will also automatically be blocked.

In order to unlock it, you need to contact the reference book " ASB BelarusBank" After passing the identification, you can re-enter the PIN code.

Note! After unlocking, you have only one input attempt, with a non-successful operation, the card will be reused and the action will need to be reused.

First, in no case do not cost the loss of confidence that the card is still at home, simply lies and laughs, waiting for it.

However, immediately costs block 299-25-26

unlock 299-25-25 ).

However, immediately costs block your card on the call to the processing center ( for Belarusian cards is a call on the phone 299-25-26 ), where by the last name of the client and password you will block the card.

If you find a card, after it was blocked by a call, then before it takes you to use it. unlock On the call to the same processing center ( for Belarusian cards, call on the phone, which is indicated on the card: 299-25-25 ).

If you are sure that a card in an ATM or INFO-kiosk, and you, it is not that completely to the hop (i.e. you can wait for a month), then you are just in a month, and maybe a few weeks later, you can call a branch in which a card was issued and to talk to a staff of the department of plastic cards about The fact that the card lick the ATM / info-kiosk, and that you are waiting for it. As soon as the card appears on the branch, you can pick it up.

If You lost a card And Ah-absolutely not aware of where she, then you will need to be blocked to contact the branch where you received a plastic card and write a letter of credit card, as well as about its reissue ( if you intend to use it in the future). Then you are just waiting for how the branch will work, because it is he will put your lost card into a hard stop list ( those. blocked her so that no one can ever be able to use it) And reissued. In the usual mode, all these procedures, from writing the application, before receiving new cardmay take time from the week to ... ( how to work the branch) At the same time, you pay the bank to the money for finding a card in hard in the stop list and for the reissue of the new one ( now total amount Payments less than 17,000).

In case of you have stolen card (and not you lost it)! When you go to the branch to write a statement, carry a certificate from the police about theft, and in this case the procedure described above is repeated except that you do not pay anything.

With all this it is worth considering that money from your account will not go anywhereIf you blocked the card on time.

However, there are moments when you need the same blood-to-thousand rubles, which are now resting on a card account. In this case, the branch ( in which you opened the bill) according to your application will give you money from the account, provided that there is no active cards ( those. All of them hard stop).

Well, it seems with the loss and reissue everything. If you have questions, contact :)

P.S. And yet, the password is by no means a PIN code !!! PIN code is a confirmation that the card is yours and you should know only you and no other!

The article describes the second category "plastic" in more detail and the options for lending salary and pension clients are considered. In addition, from the publication, you will learn how the card holder get an extract for its account, independently lock / unlock the product.

Salary map of Priorbank

Within salary project Available Card Cards of the following systems and categories *:

Deleted Access Channels Registration at the Customer Service Center
Belkart. 10 35
Visa Electron. 90 130
Visa / Mastercard - Classic / Standard 550 600
Visa / Mastercard - Gold 1 200 1 500
Visa Platinum 4 500

Manufactured by the institution card international Systems Classical and Gold Categories Support Contactless Technology paypass payment. The fee for the release of "plastic" can be carried out at the expense of the applicant's employer.

Conditions for maintenance of maps issued within the framework of salary projects provide for the possibility of establishing an overdraft in national currency. The limit is provided only by the main map. Possible lending time is 3, 6 months and 1 year. Applied annual bid - 40%.

The loan limit is set individually depending on the solvency of the card holder. However, in any case, it will not exceed the maximum allowable - equivalent of 3 thousand EUR. The calculation is carried out according to the course of the NB RB at the time of consideration of the application and evaluating the creditworthiness of the client.

For the overdraft registration, the owner must contact the Bank of the Bank in which the cardscape is served. At the same time, the required package of documents is minimal:

  • application application;
  • certification of the applicant's identity Document - Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus / Residence permit / Certificate of refugee / Passport of a subsension foreign state.

Currency map of Priorbank

The line of payment "plastic" with the currency cards is represented by the following products *:

The validity of the cards is 4 years. The produced "plastic" is protected by a magnetic strip and microchip. The MasterCard currency card identification is also using PayPass technology.

Cash withdrawal in the account currency through ATMs and the issuer's cash regulations is not charged. The Commission will not be charged and upon receipt of money in the institutions of partner banks - Belagroprombank and BPS Sberbank. The cash issuance in the devices / cash desks of other financial institutions is subject to payment - 2% of the amount, min. 3 USD / EUR, 50 RUB.

To arrange a currency card to the client available in the following ways:

  • with personal appeal to the nearest Emitted office;
  • through the personal account of the user - for already existing clients;
  • through the website of the institution. To do this, you need to select the desired product on the online application page. Fill out the registration form by specifying personal and passport data.

Apply for a card by remote methods is available only to citizens of the republic. Non-residents of the Republic of Belarus, the product is drawn up only in the maintenance centers.

Pension map of Priorbank

Participants in their pension program, the Bank issues cards tied to the account for payments. As part of the product, only "plastic" is released for free national System Belkart. The owner of the account is entitled to order and emissions of the map of international categories. At the same time, it is planned to install payment for the release for half a year and 1 year, except for the map of the ELECTRON category.

According to the product attached to the cards, the loan is provided in the form of overdraft. Its limit is limited to the maximum amount within 2.5 million BYR. The loan period is 12 months under 40% per annum.

Execution on the map of Priorbank

The following options for obtaining information about the status and discharge on it are available:

  • at the Bank's customer service center;
  • in ATMs / infokioski issuer;
  • through the remote access channels: Internet Bank, Mobile Bank.

For example, the Internet banking service user is able to request an extract on a card product in personal Cabinet resource. For this:

  • After authorization in the system, go to the "Payment cards" subcategory "My Products" section.

  • Mark the necessary product and press "Extract" in the Information on the Map subsection.

  • Select a deadline for the formation of an extract.

  • Read the document.

If necessary, the client is able to print the formed extract by clicking on the link "Print version".

How to block a priorbank card

In the owner of the card has the right to block it. Three types of blocking are distinguished:

  • temporary;

The procedure is possible in the following ways:

  1. By contacting the 24-hour service support of the bank card products by phone + 37517-289-92-92.
  2. Using connected mobile Bank By forming and sending SMS / USSD commands. The phone number from which the message is sent must be required to be registered in the bank and tied to the map.
  3. Through the personal account of the Internet Bank system and its mobile version. For this you need:
  • from the list of cards, select the necessary and in the "Card Management" subsection Go to "Lock / Unlock" widget;

  • install the type of operation;

  • get an informational message about the results of the operation.

How to unlock a priorbank card

The owner of the card is able to independently unlock it using remote access systems. True, the procedure is available only on the map with a temporary blocking. For this, the client of the institution is necessary:

  • In the Personal Office of the Internet Bank in the locked product parameters, select the "Unlock - Map Active" item. You will need to enter the authorization code.
  • Through SMS / USSD services, send requests in the same format as when the product is blocked.

Blocked in connection with the loss / theft, the product activation procedure is available only with the personal handling of the holder to the center of banking services Priorbank.

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