
Contactless paypass cards, paywave. MasterCard PayPass - contactless payment technology

The world's first market testing of non-contact technology MasterCard began in 2003, in 2005, the novelty began to actively penetrate the markets and acquire popularity. History MasterCard Paypass. In Russia began in 2008, when a new payment method was first demonstrated in our country, and gradually began his distribution - the first non-contact cards appeared, trading enterprises taking this type of payment.

▪ 2011 year

It was possible to purchase a ticket to one touch. It became possible in the ticket office and automatic machines for the sale of tickets "Aeroexpress", the contactless terminals appeared in the grocery number 1, boutiques of hums and others.

▪ 2012 year

The first solution for mobile contactless payment - MasterCard and MTS has appeared - MasterCard and MTS launched a joint project. Convenient I. fast way The payment was actively conquered the market - in the same year, the payment on contactless technology became possible in parking lots, gas stations, in the networks of cafes, cinemas.

▪ 2013 year

The contactless payment method is available on the ticket vehicles of the Moscow Metro, on several bus routes to Moscow, on Aeroexpress turnstiles. Banks begin to produce contactless map MasterCard In new form factors: wrist watch and stickers. In the same year, all the leading Russian mobile operators offer solutions for mobile non-contact payment. The first mobile wallet was released, allowing you to remotely release and load the card into the smartphone "by air".

▪ 2013: Universiade in Kazan

Significant effect on distribution cashless payment And contactless technologies provided the Summer Universiade in Kazan. Multiservice was released specifically for this large-scale event. contactless map MasterSard: In addition to the payment functional, this card was a pass to sports facilities traveling in public transport, certificate of fans and volunteers, a map in the loyalty program. On this map, you could buy tickets, "prescribe" them in the electronic system, and no longer use tickets on paper: at the stadium it was necessary to simply touch the card to the reader at the entrance. At the same time, the first cards for the fans of sports clubs appeared on non-contact bank cards MasterCard - their functionality includes discounts on the purchase of goods in specialized club stores, and the ability to acquire and record subscriptions or games for games, to then go to the stadium "in one touch" .

▪ 2014 year

This year brings new form factors in the form of keyfobs and wearable bracelets. By the way, more than 30 thousand guests of the Alfa Future People festival guests took advantage of the bracelets, which, with the support of MasterCard, became the first musical festival in Russia, the whole territory of which was the zone without cash.

MasterCard PayPass technology gets more widely used and acquires a new sound in social projects implemented with its use - a new generation of social cards Muscovite is produced on non-contact MasterCard cards, and a project "School card" is implemented in Tatarstan - in it with the use of non-contact technology MasterCard created new School environment: from checking attendance to school food planning. Multiservice maps and electronic bracelets with a contactless chip are issued to schoolchildren, which thus learned the basics of financial literacy.

▪ 2015 year

A number of projects for implementing contactless MasterCard technology are being implemented. A large-scale project in January started in the metro station of St. Petersburg: you can pay for one touch at all stations directly on the turnstiles. In Moscow and the Northern capital, ground routes appeared - contactless readers equipped buses and trams.

MasterCard technology at the expense of ease of use and the possibility of integration with multiple wearable devices is becoming increasingly fame and popularity. By 2020, contactless payment support will be the MasterCard standard for European service and trading enterprises, consumers will have the opportunity to pay contactless cards and devices at all POS terminals in Europe.

MasterCard Mobile PayPass - and here NFC

Almost every one of us, at least once yes, used IR port and Bluetooth technologies, for example, transmitting music to the Institutic Lecture from the phone to the phone or, if darkening, unfolding a data network within any event passing in a closed space using technology Bluetooth Low Energy. Many are already familiar with one neighbor communication technology - NFC (NEAR Field Communication, near contactless communication). This is a wireless high-frequency communication technology that allows you to share these devices on a very small distance of about 10 cm (compare with Bluetooth - up to 10 m). NFC is widely used in payments, access control systems, skip bracelets to events, etc.. Today, this technology gets spread in smartphones, televisions, in the tourism industry.

NFC played a key role in the development of contactless payments. The technology formed the basis of contactless payment. This is due to the fact that NFC is reliable and easy to unfold. NFC contactless chips provide storage and exchange of data with special reading devices, such as validators on turnstiles or POS terminals at shops. Validators and terminals authorize the chip and exchange data at high speed. In addition, one of the features of the NFC is a job in a bank card emulation mode.

Non-contact payment technology MasterCard is a special way to use NFC. See infographics details:

The most important feature making NFC invaluable technology for use in mobile non-contact transactions is the minimum connection time for less than a second. That is, it is enough to bring the device with a NFC chip to payment terminal And payment will be performed almost instantly.

The NFC chip can be installed in any devices: from bank cards and mobile devices to wrist watch and smartphones.

The advantages of MasterCard Mobile PayPass are obvious:

  • Ease of storage, wearing and applications. Sufficient to touch the MasterCard device Paypass. To the read terminal at the checkout and purchase is paid. If the purchase amount does not exceed 1000 rubles, you do not need to enter a PIN code or sign a check.
  • Security of payments due to a small communication distance and maximum connection speed: to intercept data and hack fraudsters need incredible efforts.
  • Money for one purchase does not spike twice: after the first payment passed, the terminal at the checkout gives a beep and turned off.
  • Purchase speed - instantaneous connection and data exchange significantly save time for paying goods and services.
  • Wide use in service terminals (in buses, metro, social cards And so on.) Allows users conveniently and quickly pay for services.
  • Prevalence, simplicity of implementation and support by many NFC technology devices allows you to quickly expand the scope of application of MasterCard Paypass technology and create convenient points of payments in stores, cafes, at refueling, in cinemas, etc.

Due to the combination of unique technologies, MasterCard Paypass. can do payment Almost any item is convenient.

Phone and wallet

Smartphones in modern society have long ceased to be a means of communication: now it is the Internet, books, music, work, study, maps and navigation, photos and mail, which is always with you. A person can forget the plastic card, a wallet, glasses and keys, but he will check the phone in his pocket before going out several times - after all, without him, like without hands. Of course, the decision to make a smartphone also with a payment tool was obvious. Moreover, NFC technology is extremely convenient for use in mobile devices and in the world there are many smartphones and tablets with NFC "on board". How exactly your smartphone turns into payment tool You can find on the site.

For literally last year MasterCard contactless technology appeared in smartphones with a number of payment platforms.

Apple Pay. - payment system integrated into Apple devices and submitted on September 9, 2014. Owners apple devices can use credit and debit cards MasterCard directly through Apple Pay. In the store to confirm the payment, it is enough to bring the iPhone to a non-contact reader of the payment terminal and simultaneously touch the Touch ID scanner finger (step to biometric identification). Safety is provided by EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa) and using the MDES platform (MasterCard Digital Enablement Service).

▪ Samsung Pay.. MasterCard card holders can use their smartphones (flagship models, such as Samsung Galaxy S6) as a mobile payment device. Security and ease of payments is provided by the tokenization mechanism, using the MDES platform, as well as the EMV cryptographic algorithm.

▪ Android Pay. Announced and still prepares for release, but now the bunch of Android Pay and MasterCard is already implemented Paypass., based on the same tokenization mechanism. This user map number is not transmitted, so the consumer provides an additional level of security. The solution will soon be available for users of devices with Android Kitkat and above.

▪ "Wallet". In Russia, a project related to MasterCard technology and mobile payments is developing. In 2014, MasterCard and CardSmobile presented new features of the Mobile Application "Wallet". "Wallet" is available for downloading on more than 100 phone models due to cloud NFC technology.

Mobile app "Wallet" allows owners of compatible Android smartphones to release, safely store and use directly in the Mastercard PayPass mobile bank cards for payments in online and offline stores, transport cards To pay for travel in public transport and electronic discount coupons. During the payment, the user only needs to attach its smartphone with the "Wallet" applied to the contact terminal.

One of the key innovations is the launch of the "Wallet cloud" version, previously available only in the pre-installed form. Today upload a virtual contactless card bank Tinkoff Bank, Russian Standard and Bank St. Petersburg can be "by air" without visiting the bank using the application "Wallet. Bank cards »From CardSmobile for Samsung, HTC, LG, Nexus, Sony, Huawei, Oneplus with Android 4.4 Kitkat operating system and above. The application can be downloaded for free in Google.Play.

But are users ready for this?

Even now, watching the payment process in the hypermarket or on the payment terminals, you can see that the transition to paperless cash turnover In Russia, there are many, many, even young people, people prefer to wear bills and coins in his pocket, and shops periodically post signs with a few annoying announcement "Maps do not accept". Are we ready to meet the future, which is already here?

Judging by the data of one interesting study - yes, ready.

Prime Research held a third annual study of Mobile Payments Study to identify the changing attitude of consumers to digital payments and mobile solutions. More than 19 million 100 thousand social media comments for 2014 are analyzed in such sources such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Weibo (China), Google+, YouTube and forums. The study covered consumers at 56 markets in North and South America, Europe (including in Russia), Africa, Asia and the Pacific and revealed more than 8 million conversations on these topics, including consumer comments and news discussion.

The results of the study were announced in the spring of 2015. They show not only a significant increase in the number of discussions, but also a change in their tone and orientation - has become more positive comments. Here are some findings of the study.

  • Attitude towards digital payments continues to improve. In 2014, 94% of the discussions of this topic worldwide were positive, compared with 77% in 2013 and 70% in 2012.
  • Innovations, privileges and bonuses are devoted to the most positive discussions, as well as the convenience of mobile payments (91% of reports on these topics are positive).
  • Security of payments - one of the leading topics by the number of positive messages
  • Consumers have favorably responded about the security of payments in 91% of cases. In 2012, this topic caused the most negative.
  • Neon understanding and doubts about the security of payments recorded in studies of 2012 and 2013 were replaced by positive reviews.
  • Significant role in changing consumer sentiment played toochenization and biometric technologies, key topics of discussions in 2014.
  • Focus has shifted to the advantages that provide innovations in mobile payments.
  • Despite the fact that the security of payments was discussed most positively, there were few such discussions.
  • Conversations about digital innovations and new features for users who offer mobile and other devices connected to the Internet, in 2014 have become the most popular among interested participants of the discussions (71% of discussions are dedicated to them).
  • The convenience of mobile payments has become the most popular theme of positive messages (94% of reviews - positive). With the greatest enthusiasm, users told in social networks about the specific acquisitions performed using mobile devices, and especially how they did everyday purchases.
  • In addition to convenience, discussing innovations in mobile payments, users also often mentioned bonuses, such as coupons, loyalty programs and points (24% of comments from all interested parties). Mobile payment becomes more attractive if additional privileges are provided (58% of conversations on this topic began consumers).

Obviously, users around the world ripened in order to meet new payment opportunities. In turn, payment systems and technologies, there is a future in which you can watch with bold optimism and confidence in demand.

Glossary Technology

Two abbreviations were used in the post, which hide not only technologies under them, but also guarantee the safety of rapid contactless payments. Briefly tell about them.

MDES (Mastercard Digital Enablement Service) - Platform that turns any device into a payment instrument: Allows you to use any device with an Internet connection for making and receiving payments. When making payments, the platform uses tokens - disposable combinations of numbers that are used on mobile devices instead of 16-digit numbers on plastic cards. MDES confirms the transaction, establishes a token matching with a plastic card number and directs this information to the issuing bank to authorize the payment from its side. In the case of fraud or loss of the payment device, the connection between the token and the card in the MDES platform is burst.

EMV (EUROPAY, MASTERCARD, VISA)international Standard For operations on bank cards with chip. This standard has been developed by the joint efforts of banking card providers to improve the security of transactions.

MasterCard throughout its history performs the locomotive of innovation for business, banks and end users. Contactless technology - a solution that is simultaneously convenient to all market participants, safe and simple in scaling.

In Russia, more than 5 million cards with MasterCard PayPass have already been issued. More than 3 million trading platforms in 68 countries of the world accept payment on MasterCard PayPass technology (in Europe - 38 countries).

The future has come. It remains to touch him.

Russian banks have been actively issuing cards with contactless payment of PayPass and PayWave for the last two or three years - this is exactly the name of these systems at MasterCard and Visa, respectively. More than 30 thousand outlets in Russia support their reception - by attaching the map, you can also pay for the subway, and a ring with a diamond.

The main application, of course, is microplates, since under the amounts of up to 1000 rubles it does not require a PIN-code entry, nor the signature of the owner - attached and went, although for larger purchases, the contactless card gives additional security, because you do not let it out of the hands : If it turns out to be from the seller, cashier or waiter, then it can at least quickly and imperceptibly get its details, and then sell them cardiers.

A special validator who supports PayPass technology is already installed in Moscow and St. Petersburg buses. With him, travel can be paid independently with the help of a bank card. Photo: Petersburglike.ru.

Where is the vulnerability?

However, you can read the data of your contactless card, and even the terminal is not needed for this, but a sufficiently smartphone with NFC support. In particular, it is not protected from reading the card number and its validity, as well as the list and the sums of the last transactions.

This information is not enough to create a full-fledged clone, however, in some cases, it is enough for CNP transaction (Card Not Present) - that is, operations without the presence of a map, or, simply speaking, making a payment over the Internet or by phone (for example, in Russia so Through a call center to buy Aeroflot tickets) - without entering the name / surname and CVC / CVV code.

In the US for 4 years, a group of fraudsters "cleared" more than a million bank cards, speaking from every total of 9 dollars. Due to the insignificance of the amount noticed and challenged the loss of only 10% of victims.

Do you need to be afraid of a person with a terminal?

At the beginning of this year, Runet extended the history of the IT specialist, who took a picture of a person in the subway with a wireless banking terminal and suggested that with its help the passenger crawled money from non-contact passenger cards. After all, what is the difference, make a map to the terminal or terminal to the map? Of course, there was no evidence, but the story was actively discussed in the media that gathered a good traffic on the headlines about the "new method of fraud" and "how terrible to live."

As a result, another urban legend appeared, which deftly used manufacturers of wallets, who proposed products with shielded branches for bank cards. Throw out your old wallet And buy a new one! Expensive! Guarantee! Otherwise, you will deprive everything! Either, like a fool, soak the cards in Foil. No, seriously, it is such advice that the authors of articles are written about this "vulnerability."

I bought a LV wallet with protection from card readers: I heard a lot about the thief can just go to the bus and remove all your money. Well, and the wallet itself is trendy and beautiful, I have long wanted such.

Irina Pestelkaova


In fact, this urban legend is something like stories about rat mutants who live in sewerage, suddenly emerge from the toilet and bite the legs of anyone unsuspecting orders. That is, consider a contactless card lying in the owner's wallet, theoretically possible. But practically ...

First, you do not know who from the passengers there is a map with PayPass, and who has no. Most have no. Secondly, you do not know where this card lies, and it is possible to count the NFC card with the terminal only in close proximity, no more pair of centimeters. That is, it is necessary, it turns out, to approach everything in a row and carefully drive the terminal along the bags and pockets of the victim.

Information from the map with PayPass can be considered only at a distance of several centimeters. Photo: Daily Mail

The American IT security experts, of course, was made experimental reader, allowing "to remove" the data almost from several meters, but it had to carry it in a cart from the supermarket. And there is a "Troyan" for Android-smartphones, which, if wearing a phone with cards, can quietly read and send data to the attacker, however, the likelihood of a coincidence of several conditions is also small. But, let's say, it was possible to read the data.

Where will this money go? Each terminal is registered in the bank, and each of his owner has a special account of the seller to which this money come. That is, there is no anonymity here, and to derive the funds obtained by criminal means is very difficult; Rather, it is even impossible to do it, remaining anonymous. It will be like that anecdote about the robber, bursting to the bank with a gun with a cry: "This is a robbery! Nobody move! Now translate all the money at the expense of 40817810452360569251! " Only with the same difference that the maximum amount of translation without confirming the owner of the card is limited - a thousand rubles.

Sergey Villanov IT specialist believes that contactless transactions are protected not worse than payments on chipped cards (especially since cards that support contactless payments are always equipped with chip).

EMV standard, which is protected by wireless payments, eliminates the possibility of cloning a map according to information transmitted during transaction. It is even more difficult than cloning a man dropped by saliva. Well, if someone had such an opportunity, it would hardly have traded it at the price of aphon, because Visa and MasterCard would buy a description of vulnerability much more expensive.

Sergey Villanov

editor of the IT direction and innovation portal Bankir.ru

In general, not a vulnerability, but one solid joke. So you do not need any special wallets and hoods from foil: you can pay more for him more simply because the metallized grid? Doubtful decision. There is, however, one exception: these are wallets that are shielded all the cards except one. This will allow you to use contactless payment, without removing the card from the wallet: in the usual port of PayPass-cards will conflict not only with each other, but also with travel on public transport, key cards from offices, etc. And be sure to check if you have 3-D Secure.

Nevertheless, 3D-Secure is not a panacea. Some banks allow the operations on the map and where the technology is not supported. In this case, it is necessary to clarify whether the limits on such unprotected operations cannot be established, and then the risk of a sudden devastation of the account will be minimal.

Plastic cards have long been entered into our lives. A small, convenient payment tool that is accepted almost anywhere in the world. In addition, very safe. You should always remember the PIN code and make sure that the card is not lost, otherwise the attackers recognize CVV and, for example, pay for purchases in the online store. But there is an alternative solution - PayPass. What it is and how to use this tool, you will learn from this article.


PayPass is a contactless payment technology through MasterCard. To pay, it is enough to attach a card with a microprocessor to the terminal. This is the technology PayPass. In fact, the card is a microcircuit with antenna. In Taiwan, USA, Spain and Turkey, MasterCard PayPass microprocessor is built into wrist watch, cell phones And other items that man carries with him daily.

Such a safe allows you to quickly and safely carry out minor purchases. Now, during payment, there is no need to suffer with bills, to carry out a card through the terminal, sign checks. The user is sufficient to touch the special terminal. PAYPASS technology is very useful in trade in low cost and high frequency of transaction. But for its widespread development in the future, it is necessary to strengthen the safety of operations.

History of development

In 2003, MasterCard 9 months tested the use of contactless technology in Orlando and Florida. In 60 different points, users paid 16 thousand cards. In parallel, the company worked out its compatibility with Nokia, JPMORGAN, AT & T to implement PayPass to mobile phones. In 2008, a 50 million device was issued. By this point, 77% of users used contactless technology as the main means of payment. By 2010, PayPass was launched in Bulgaria and Slovakia, users had 75 million maps on the hands of users, which took 230 thousand terminals. According to financial report Companies for 2012, the volume of production increased by 50% by increasing the number of users throughout Europe. Today paypass cards I emit Sberbank of Russia and Privat in Ukraine.

Not yet revealed PAYPASS potential

What does it mean? Contactless transactions are beneficial to all market participants: consumers, commercial enterprises and banks. Financial organizations Provide their customers a greater number of issuers - an increase in the loyalty of account holders to card programs. This technology may complement any credit, debit, coobrading and other programs.

Trade organizations in which the PayPass terminal is installed can serve their customers at a higher level. Reducing the number of operations speeds up the process cash service And ensures its higher efficiency. The first large enterprise that MasterCard PayPass has become McDonald's. Soon the interest K. new technology originated from football players and golf lovers. The contactless system is now used in turnstiles, vending machines, etc.

PayPass: Where are accepted and released in Russia

The first contactless payment in the Russian Federation was held 09.09.08 at the Moscow Five Star Restaurant. The first PayPass card was issued by the industrial bank in 2010. For students and teachers it is planned to release a separate circulation of cards. They can be used not only by direct destination, but also as a counters and student.

Since 2011, a magnetic stripe card and microchip releases "Rafaysenbank". It is issued to customers for free as part of a premium package. But for use you need to have from 2 million rubles. or 1 million, if you spend more than 25 thousand rubles per month. Customers who do not observe this conditionwill pay 3000 rubles every month.

Analogues in the world

Contactless technologies exist in visa system. Payware - Analogue PayPass. What does it mean? Visa and JCB Co. Ltd. Enclosed a MasterCard Development Agreement as a single protocol, that is, all contactless technologies will be tested according to one scheme, providing compatibility of all brands.

The main advantages of contactless payments:

  • modern calculation method;
  • universal Payment Tool - Such bank card You can use not only on new devices, but also in numerous ATMs and terminals;
  • long service life;
  • high payment speed;
  • protection against fraudsters.

But there is one big drawback - the lack of a developed infrastructure, the value of which is so big that neither banks or trading enterprises are in a hurry to invest in it. In the UK, for 3 years, terminals were installed only in 10% of shops.

PayPass: how to use

Due to the presence of a special chip contactless cards, you can carry out small payments without authentication by the holder. Such operations are limited to $ 15 in the United States, 50 zł in Poland, 10 pounds in the UK, 1000 rubles in Russia. Operations on large sums We will have to confirm the test signature or the entry of the PIN code. But not all banks are allowed. For example, in Germany and Austria, in case of exceeding the limit, payment will have to be carried out by a conventional contact method.

MasterCard launches debit and credit paypass. How to use a contactless chip?

After each transaction, the amount is written off from a bank or personal account. Since the connection is non-contact, instead of a card you can use a key chain with a RFID sticker, a smartphone with NFC, etc. You can pay for goods only in retail outlets with the PayWave Visa logo, PayPass. The terminal confirms the reading procedure by the audio signal. The user does not have to transmit the card in the hands of the hands, enter the PIN code, sign the check. It is enough to bring a wallet to the terminal with a map. Inside there should not be other plastic carriers with chip. In Germany, they are installed on identity certificates.


Contactless transactions significantly reduce time. But in terms of security, they cause users a lot of questions. The RFID chip can partially remotely clone cards at a distance of up to 2 cm. This fact question issues the complete contactlessness of use.

PayPass prevents direct reading with RFID. The chip contains information about the number and the validity period of the card, and this is not enough for online transactions. For each operation, a disposable code is generated. If you count it until the card is using, you can create its clone. The first use of the code duplicate will be approved, and the original will lead to blocking both media. Given the low limits of operations, cloning cards is unprofitable.

Make a lot of operations from the mobile terminal will not work. On the territory with a large population, data on such operations must be included in the authorized center, so that extraneous cannot be unauthorizedly use the card. Such systems analyze each generated code and check it on a duplicate. To fully protect information, you need to shield a map, for example, wrap it in foil.

Where to use MasterCard Mobile PayPass technology

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities Russia "non-contact" points a lot: supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, pharmacies, refueling, beauty salons and other similar institutions. In addition, some organizations conduct shares for PayPass technology users. For example, in the northern capital until the end of February, paying the order in the beloved cafe with a smartphone, you can get coffee as a gift.

Theft of money from maps has always been a common type of fraud. But with the advent of contactless payment cards, criminals became even easier to steal the means of other people. If the owner is non-contact visa cards PayWave or MasterCard PayPass, then you fall into the risk area when you can have very quickly and unnoticed for you to remove your money from the account.

Contactless Cards: Establishment of Payments and Increased Risks

Banks offered their customers new maps equipped with contactless payment technology - Visa PayWave. And Mastercard PayPass. The purpose of their release is to facilitate payments and reduce the costs of times on financial operations. These cards are distinguished by the fact that there is no need to conduct them through the terminal. Just to bring them to the reading device, and the money will be written off. No need to even get a card out of the wallet. When paying for a product or service worth up to 1000 rubles, you do not need to enter a PIN code. It is enough just to bring the map to the reading device. Pay with them has become quick and convenient.

But it is precisely what money can be written off from the card at a distance using a special device and it does not need to enter a pin code or put a signature, made them easy prey for fraudsters. Zecurion is estimated that only for the first quarter of 2016, about 1 million rubles were stolen from such cards.

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How the theft takes place

To make money from a contactless payment card, a fraudster is enough to purchase or make an independently special reader and get closer to the victim to a distance of up to 20 cm. Even at that distance the device considers data from the card.

Special RFID chips are installed on contactless cards, and devices that allow you to get information from them are called RFID readers. The fraudster is only necessary to bring it as close to the map. In order for the victim to notice anything, the thefts usually occur in places of large cluster of people - public transport, market, the crowd of viewers at a concert, etc. The criminal only brings the device to human pockets or his bag imperceptibly for him. There is no need to even bring too close - 10-20 cm is quite enough. A few seconds, and all the data on his hands.

The offender either uses them for payment through online stores that do not require the introduction of a password or CVV code. However, for the owners of the contactless card, the restriction is valid - the amount of the operation should not exceed 1000 rubles, only in this case there is no need to enter protective data. But the number of operations restrictions are not superimposed, so the fraudster can carry them out several until it takes advantage of all available means on the victim's map.

Some criminals are also manufactured by "white cards" on which the magnetic strip with the data of the victim card is applied. After they remove money in an ATM.

Some statistics

According to Zecurion applications information securityFor 2015, more than 2 million rubles were stolen with contactless contact cards of Russian citizens. As the number of users of such cards increase, the theft of money will be, respectively, grow. Zecurion experts predict that in 2016 at least 2.5 million rubles will be stolen, by 2017 this figure can reach 5 million rubles.

How to defend

Protect against the fraudster, the owner of a contactless payment card is almost impossible, since in the crowd, in which the criminal worms, notice it is very difficult, especially if you consider the fact that it uses the reader that is secretive. Therefore, you can only learn about theft of money after they were written off from the card. But there are ways that help reduce the risks of theft of funds:

  1. The maximum amount that can be written off with a map without having to introduce a PIN code - 1000 rubles. However, it is possible to write an application to the bank to reduce it. This will lose a smaller amount of money if the thief is still able to steal your card data.
  2. It is recommended to connect SMS-informing about any operations that are made from the card. This will allow you to detect theft in time and block the card. Despite the fact that a limit of 1000 rubles is installed on the operation from a contactless card, a fraudster can make several payments. By connecting SMS informing, you can learn about theft of funds after the first operation and do not allow you to write off all the money from the card.
  3. Be careful and careful in transport.

Also, wallets and covers are offered on the market, which allegedly provide card protection from reading, however, no research on whether they are able to prevent theft or not, have not been carried out. Therefore, you should not hurry to buy them.

Use all the advantages modern technologies Together with the bank home loan! In the line of our products there are advanced payment instruments, in particular a plastic card With PayPass feature for contactless payment of goods and services. You get a security maximum - the card is always in your hands, because it is used to pay the touch method.

Contactless payment technology PayPass - International Development payment system MasterCard. The maps have a low wireless communication device with a range of about 10 cm. It provides data exchange with terminals, where there is a MasterCard PayPass logo. In this case, there are no restrictions in the application - in the absence of the corresponding terminal, pay for the purchases in the traditional way: in the maps there is a chip and magnetic strip.

Bank offers Home Credit

Our product with PayPass technology is a debit currency GOLD with a bill in the euro. Cost of release € 25, yield - 0.2% per annum on the daily balance on the account. The map is beneficial for traveling by European countries, as mutual settlements with the MasterCard system are performed in euros - you do not have to lose additional means on conversion. The MasterCard loyalty program is available - discounts on air tickets, rooms in hotels, car rental, purchases from partners of the payment system.

The main advantages of the PayPass system

Any contactless map of the bank home loan is:

  • Fast calculations. Payment by PayPass card is performed by one touch to the terminal at the checkout. You need to enter a pin-code only with the first operation itself and when paying for the amount of 1000 rubles (in different countries your limits);
  • Convenience. The purchase of purchases is instantly confirmed by the sound and visual signal. The map does not need to pass the cashier, only you control the payment process;
  • Safety. Wireless communication has a small distance and maximum connection speed - Safe Paypass payments exclude data interception by fraudsters. Money cannot write twice - after the payment signal, the terminal is turned off.

How to order MasterCard map

To arrange a debit currency card with contactless payment technology PayPass, come to any office of the bank home credit - addresses in your city see section

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