
Museum provincial. Wire warehouses. During the century, the provincial warehouses were used for direct purpose - for food storage

Museum of Moscow is located in an old building " Provant's warehouses"In Moscow at the address -, d. 2, ul., d. 48. Entrance to the museum both from the ul. Ostozhenka and from the Zubovsky Boulevard.

Nearest Metro: Culture Park.

Entrance to the territory of the courtyard of the museum is free. Exhibitions and excursions are paid.

Museum of Moscow talks about what Moscow was in the past, as she changed today, which one can become in the future. The rich and diverse collection of the museum allows you to study Moscow with of different side, look at the favorite city near unexpected angles.

In the courtyard of the museum installed sculptures, exhibitions under the open sky are held.

Center for Documentary Cinema

The museum building is located - a cinema specializing in documentary films. If you like movies not for everyone, then you are here.

Historical certificate building provincial warehouses

The provincial warehouses were built in 1832-1835 for the project of the architect Vasily Stasov. In Moscow, Fedor Shestakov was built on his project (sometimes the author of the provincial warehouses consider it precisely, and Stasov called as the author of the "exemplary" project). Warehouses consist of three approximately the same in the form of housings (the differences are caused by an indirectal geometry of the site). As follows from the name, the warehouses were used to store the provincial.

After the revolution of 1917, the complex of buildings transferred the Ministry of Defense. Last 30 years, the military used buildings as a garage. The idea to bring out the garages of the Ministry of Defense from buildings and create a certain cultural center here in the mid-1990s. Now in the building of the museum complex.

The complex of buildings of the provincial warehouses located in Moscow at the address Zubovsky Boulevard, elevated in the 1930s of the XIX century and they are a sample of the architecture of mature classicism. They built them specifically for the military department.

About the construction in the first-heart capital of stone warehouse buildings for the needs of the army was spoken up in the first years of the 1820s, since the dilapidated wooden warehouses in Serpukhov's outpost have already been unsuitable for the proper storage of the "Kazan Provision". Initially planned to build new buildings in the same area, near the Serpukhov gate.

Design warehouse complex In Moscow, they instructed the architect, and as an example recommended project documentation According to the construction of the Resurrection Provincial Warehouses in St. Petersburg, compiled in 1821 by architect Vasily Petrovich Stasov.

The construction began in 1829, but the place was already chosen otherwise - on the Arrow of the Garden Ring (now - a plot of Zubovsky Boulevard, 2) and.

Since the latter adjacent to the garden under an acute angle, the highlighted area received in terms of the form of a trapezoid, which demanded from Sheacks to introduce significant adjustments to the Stasov project, which was developed taking into account the regular planning of the city on the Neva.

Ultimately, the right housing was placed along the Red Line of Ostozhenka, at an angle to the central, but that he harmoniously fit into the ensemble of the provincial warehouses had his facade, leaving the garden ring, "Sleep" also in a temple with a red street line, along which the central Facade of the main provisional corps. Due to the monumentality of buildings, the beveled angle does not bring dissonance to the perception of the object as a whole.

In addition, other changes were made to the main project:

  1. In the inner territory, in addition, the guardroom was built (Cordegardia).
  2. Along the street of Ostozhenka and the Zubovsky Boulevard installed a wrought fence.

The construction of warehouses completed in 1835.

Architecture and history of provincial warehouses

The whole complex of two-level provincial warehouses is made in monumental stylistics and in sufficiently restrained forms.

All facade planes are smoothly plastered, with the exception of the central, which was added by the Rust finish.

In addition, the central and intra-door facades are decorated with portals in the form of a trapezoid, over which narrow window openings are intermittent with semicircular, and the last recessed in the niche.

Decorative stucco is still represented. The main elements are trilateral Sandriks, as well as wreaths and garlands.

The completion of the buildings is a powerful cornese part, significantly protruding the plane of the walls and decorated triglypho-metope frieze.

The inner space of all provincial warehouses is fascinated by arcade partitions into three nefs.

Separate attention to the fence of the entire complex, which occupies the space between the housings.

So, the support pillars are filled with the type of fascia, which crosses the sign of the ancient Roman legions - associated combat solids. An forged lattice is decorated on top of the peaks and in the initial version was decorated with the Cartus with the Monogram Nikolai I and the Russian Imperial Crown.

Once I adored the Moscow History Museum, often happened there. At that time, he was located on New Square, in the former Temple of John the Bogoslev, which is under Vyaz. In 2009, the museum received a new registration - in the former provincial stores in the Zubovsky Boulevard (garden ring). Now he is called the Museum of Moscow. Full hopes, I went there.

The buildings that occupied the Moscow Museum

The complex of buildings of the provincial stores in the Zubovsky Boulevard, where the Moscow Museum is now located

Provantry stores (providers' warehouses) belong to the best architectural monuments of Moscow. The majestic ambique ensemble was built in 1830-1835 for the "exemplary" project of a provincial warehouse by 35,000 kula, created by the architect V.P.Stasov at the engineering department in St. Petersburg. The construction was headed by the Moscow architect F.M. Sustakov.

One of the housings of the provincial warehouses, now - the exhibition building of the Moscow Museum

Provider shops (warehouses) were intended for storing food reserves for the Khamovnic, Spassky and Lefortovo barracks. The buildings are distinguished by a large scale of the main memberships, a powerful doric antablement, inclined walls and tight up the door and window openings in the Egyptian style. The central parts of the longitudinal facades are highlighted by Rust.

The buildings are connected by a strict metal fence decorated with military symbolism.

In the early 1930s, the building of the provincial stores and the adjacent territory were transferred to the organization of the farm of the AvtoBase of the RKKA. It caused huge damage buildings. Only in 2006 it was decided to transfer the Moscow Museum complex.

At present, repair continues in one of the buildings, and the rest of the constant and temporary expositions of the Moscow Museum are placed, various events for children and adults are held. First we went to watch historical exposition. Tickets can be bought as a separate exhibition, and on everything. We bought on everything.

I expected to see the expanded version of the collection that was kept in the old building on a new square. But, alas, everything broke down at the XVII century. However, this exposition is very interesting.

Slavic ornaments and household items found in Moscow

Presented in the museum and various layouts.

The museum exposition seemed somewhat unfinished: it turned out to be a huge reservoir more than three-time history from the XVIII to the XXI century. The next exposition was temporary - Moscow industry photos. Frankly, I was boring here. Yes, beautiful, interesting photos. But the glasses they were covered, glare. In my opinion, they would have looked much more effectively on the monitor screen.

Then we moved to another building. Here are preserved ramps for cars, and the walls tightly absorbed the smell of exhaust. It is still unclear: whether there will be a fashionable "industrial" style today, or the interiors are then degraded.

There were three expositions here. One - dedicated to the history created in 1944 automobase №147belonging to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Currently, it is located in the Military Town "Yekaterinovka" on Rublevsky highway in Moscow. Her fleet has more than 2,000 cars of different class. Automobile cars take part in many landmark events: military parades on Red Square, tank biathlon competitions and others.

Another exposure was dedicated stories of provincial shops: Various plans, drawings of buildings. Interestingly, but personally, everything is more convenient for me to look in the book or from the monitor screen. Especially for this, I see no point in the museum.

The third exposition disappointed completely. She was dedicated to the World Cup and was called "and of course, football."

Exposure "And of course, football"

In my opinion, the Moscow Museum is still very "raw." But on the provincial shops it is very interesting to see. So decide whether it is worth paying 450 rubles per person for all exhibitions.

Information for visitors:

  • Address: Moscow, Zubovsky Bl., 2
  • Metro: Culture Park, Kropotkinskaya
  • Telephone: +7 495 739‑00-08
  • Website: Mosmuseum.ru.
  • Open: Tuesday, Wednesday: 10: 00-20: 00; Thursday: 11: 00-21: 00; Friday - Sunday: 10: 00-20: 00; Monday - day off.
  • Ticket price: from 100 to 450 rubles.

© 2009-2019. Copying and reprinting of any materials and photos from the site site in electronic publications and printed publications are prohibited.

Wire warehouses.

Provision, garage and contemporary art.

The monumental forms of the provincial warehouses at the corner of the Zubovsky Boulevard and Ostozhenka hides a confusing past, a well-known real and foggy future. Maybe they are generally broken up before they start repairing. Such a fate.

The architect of Stasov never arrived.

The confusion began in the year before last, when a giant pitan was pulled on the corner of the Zubovsky and Ostozhenka. The locals habitually raptali about dirt and noise, but they were construed by the fact that the famous Stasov was built, which by that time was something like a court architect. After all, I decided to provide my own honor to my native Moscow. And the knowledgeable people just grinned. Vasily Petrovich, they said in secret, not before. He never left for the object.

Only typical project Drew - such as they say, we have to be in Russia to be all the provincial warehouses, and the point. And the architect Fedor Shestakov did all the black work. Stasov by the end of the 20s became a bird of too high flight. Yes, and the work was busy, from which so simply you would not get angry: I reworked the personal chambers of the well-being emperor Alexander in the personal rest of the Healthy Emperor Nicholas. Soon all three corps of the provincial warehouses were ready, and rumors were confirmed.

Passelyas were surprised by the hugeness of white facades, and rapidly the capital of St. Petersburg. There would be a lot of them from afar - yes nowhere. It was strange that the rectangular strict hulls are crooked: the project made for regular buildings of the northern capital, had to be squeezed into the oblique angle of isolane with the ring: did not have time to achieve the facade, as the warehouses began to turn new legends. The reason was: inside it was not allowed in the XIX century, they were not allowed in XX, and now they are not allowed.

They said, for example, that no warehouses inside there, but a special equestrian platoon to suppress the riots. And the provision of army is kept underground, for which, under each corps, a six-meter basement was pulled. And not only the provision in it, but also something even more valuable ... True, nobody saw with my own eyes. Having become a garage after the revolution, the provincial warehouses only twisted. Even Moscow guidebooks began to bypass their silence.

Reveal the 500-page "history of Moscow streets" Sytin, published in the 50s. Moving along the oozen and scrupulously describing almost every home, Peter Vasilyevich stops sharply for the quarter to the warehouses. And for a walk in Zubovsky goes, prudently retreating from the corner: Provider warehouses? Or maybe you still have a secret metro-2 to tell?

And inside are not allowed.

New times have contributed to the fate of provincial stores clarity. But from mysteries and inconsistencies, they still do not go anywhere. Four years ago, Moscow - no longer the province, and the capital agreed that 300 cars of the 147th garage will leave the warehouses, and instead of the Ministry of Defense will receive six hectares in the Krylatsky and a billion hundred million rubles to a new good garage. The land was given, money too - but did not have enough money. This is the Ministry of Defense builders were defeated! - Confidential, but confidently told us asking for not to call themselves sources in the garage.

Yes No, it's all about inflation, materials during the construction time won as desired, - no less confidently stated "Metropolitan" military builders. No, we have taken into account inflation, Moscow authorities say: in principle, ordinary problems, not only with the provincial warehouses so. But the point is that while the parties decide questions, the object of the dispute itself may disappear from the face of the earth. Warehouses now as if drawn, no one is responsible for them, nor Moscow nor the ministry. Builders know: the house, behind which no one watches, the wind is instantly, for some year it can become an emergency.

Outside, everything is the same as 170 years ago, but inside, complain of the "metropolitan" workers of the garage, Bardak. The roof flows, rafters rot, the walls are cracked. It's time to repair! - In anticipation, while the military is released by the room, we have been designing the reconstruction and repair of warehouses for several years, "says Dmitry Methaniev from Gimnia RAS. - And in this case, even inwards are not allowed! We work according to drawings and photographs of 70 years ago. The object is the mode.

Architects still do not know the myth or reality basement under the corps. Do not know whether the military rebuilt the warehouse insides. "According to rumors," said Methane, "residential buildings built in the courtyard right on the territory of the architectural monument. Yes, built, confirmed the "metropolitan" military. 4-storey, they can even be seen from the bridge. But architects are still not allowed. Why do you not wait for the warehouses? Everyone is therefore, - answers methanes. If, by the time of the liberation of the warehouses, at least an approximate plan will be ready, more chances that we will have to save from death.

Fight for warehouses.

According to the logic of things, the destruction of the warehouses would be the most natural conclusion of history. But while they are preparing to fall apart, the new turn is already planned in their biography. After all, for the museum, in contrast to the garage, the room is simply luxurious. In the very center, almost without internal partitions and almost without windows that the museum has nothing.

And now, although the official documents are about who to give them, no, the divide is already in full swing. Warehouses promised to house photos. Then we decided to give him only one of the three buildings, one more - Tsereteli for the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the third - Museum of Moscow. Then the Moscow Museum from the list disappeared. Two remained. "I hope that all the warehouses he will not take himself," Olga Sviblov told us. But she hopes in vain. In a telephone interview, Zurab Tsereteli assured the "metropolitan", which will find than to take the provincial warehouses of the whole, and has already received an appropriate informal order from Luzhkov.

Plan of the Tsereteli is striking grandeur. Hardly any of the assertion instances will be able to resist such a pressure of ideas and money. "In the provisional warehouses there will be a museum better than Pompidou Center," Zurab Konstantinovich promised. - In the shops of the Academy of Arts, 100 thousand paintings. Everyone will be here. " Here will be the Museum of Photography, and Museum of Moscow, and Western European painting.

All this is independent of the existing museums. "We have another concept," said Tsereteli, "they go from history, archeology, technique, and we are from art." The former garage will become the largest international art historian center. Foreigners will come in many, and for them Tsereteli has already planned a small hotel. "I personally do not want to touch the budget," the last and chief argument puts forward. - In America, I make a 30-meter sculpture, the fees will give the entire art center. "

Tsereteli never fights with anyone, he just buys all, "said the situation of the" Metropolitan "director of the Institute of Art Consciousness Alexei Komosch. - I would prefer this museum to organize a person with the best taste and wider ideas than Zuraba. And against the new construction in the warehouses I will object. In a normal society, it would be possible to charge the ceretelus to make a museum, he is initiative and rich.

The ensemble of the provincial warehouses in the Zubovsky Boulevard, an example of the beautiful architecture of Moscow mature classicism, was built in the 1830s for the needs of the military department.

The need to build in Moscow new stone warehouses for the storage of "Kazenny Provintage" appeared in the early 1820s, since old wooden barns, then located at Serpukhov's outpost, dilapidated and demanded a replacement. New warehouses were originally intended to build there, Serpukhov gates.

As a sample of the future building, the draft Resurrection Provincial Warehouses in St. Petersburg was taken, developed in 1821 by the famous architect V.P. Stasov The task of the embodiment of this project in Moscow was instructed by architect F.M. Shestakov. For the construction of the provincial warehouses, a new place was chosen - on the corner of the street of Ostozhenki and Zubovsky Boulevard, in possession, which belonged to the previously stolen department. This place turned out to be more convenient from the point of view of food court.

The new site was an incorrect trapezoidal shape, with an acute angle at the intersection of the oozen and the garden ring, which created for Shestkov some difficulties when trying to "enter" here the Execution project of Stasov (which was created with the calculation of regular planning of St. Petersburg). As a result, the architect simply put the right corps along the downtown, so he was at an angle to the main building, and the two facial facades of this side flaggel were made at an acute angle of each other, which, however, is not at all chasing due to the monumental architecture of buildings. At the project of Shestakov himself, the building of Cordhegardia (guard room) in the yard was built and a metal fence was created on the boulevard and oozen. The complex of provincial warehouses (or shops, as they were then called) was built from 1829 to 1835.

The appearance of the ensemble is simple and monumental. All buildings of the same architecture, two-story, with a rather concise design of facades. The surface of the walls is smooth, only the central part of the facade is decorated with RUST. On the main and yard facades, three trapezoid portals with semicircular windows above them alternate with narrow windows. Semicircular windows are placed in the niches, the niches are also arranged over some windows. Facade molding modest: triangular sandriks over portals, wreaths with garlands over windows (this element is characteristic of an amp, in this case Such a decor also emphasizes the military purpose of buildings). The buildings are crowned with a powerful back cornice with a triglyph-methopic frieze. Internal partitions of warehouse buildings are made in the form of arcade, which divide the space for three nefs. Three enclosures are connected to each other of the original drawing. Metal poles fences, made in the form of fascia, are crowned with knitted combat axes (Roman military symbol), the lattice of the fence is completed with the peaks and was decorated with elegant cartouches with the imperial crown and monogram Nikolai I. The front entrance to the territory of the provincial warehouses is located on the part of the oozen, brick pylons The main gates are crowned with antique armor-made antique armor - symbols of military triumph. Supplements the ensemble of the Cordhegardia building in the courtyard - one-storey housing with a portion, decorated with a frieze with an image of ancient military helmets.

Provantry stores were used as the military warehouses of the military department, where grain, flour and other products were kept. After the 1917 revolution, they moved to the Red Army. In the 1930s, the buildings were given under military garages, which led to the restructuring and redevelopment of buildings (were, in particular, ramps were arranged for the second floor). The complex of former provincial warehouses belonged to the military until the mid-2000s. In 2007, the buildings were transferred to the Moscow Museum.

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