
Wire warehouses. Description of the provincial warehouses

Provant's warehouses

The closer to our time, this or that product of architecture, the more affects its location, form and even details, the desire of the architect is firmly tied it with the surrounding buildings and features of the place. These features give themselves especially to know in the facilities are erected in cities. Such, for example, well-known Provant's warehouses In Moscow, built in 1832-1835 by the project V. P. Stasov 1821 (Ill. 19).

What can be more utilitarian in architecture than the building of the warehouses, a building intended for storing edible and economic supplies! It seems to be enough to build only four walls, block their roofs, arrange comfortable entrances and rationally position the loading and unloading devices, as an architect there is nothing more. However, V. P. Stasov, as well as his nearest art colleagues, reasoned otherwise.

The building of the provincial warehouses in Moscow was intended to build on one of the prominent areas of the ancient capital - the Crimean, which included the system of space located in the garden ring. Consequently, with all the importance of the utilitarian side of the construction, warehouses, they could not be simple "boxes", in which it was convenient to store certain products.

In addition, the architect well remembered that the warehouse buildings were constructed in Moscow, in the city, devastated by the 1812 fire, in the city where so much was done to restore it was, such an attractive appearance, where the restoration work itself was considered as a matter of national honor. It is also natural that the victory over Napoleonic troops could not be touched upon the consciousness of the architect, could not but affect the nature of his work. However, Stasov perfectly understood that he could not, conceiving the building of the warehouses, to build a "monument of the era", wherever the reflection of national pride, the desire to glorify the great acts of the people would subordinate to themselves everything else. Walking such expensive, he would create a decoration building, and not a genuine highly artistic work of architecture, in which the utilitarian, constructive and artistic principles would be harmonious, combined with a pronounced idea. Obviously, for understanding the plan of Stasov, as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bany other architecture, we need to know the story so that in the light of the conditions of the then life, the circumstances, the development of the country and the views of time correctly understand the features of the architectural work, to be in the essence of the plan and consider it in detail to consider its incarnation actually.

The draft stone warehouses, as mentioned above, was performed in 1821 as a typical, that is, not related to some specific specified place. The building was a housing in size 30? 80 m, divided inside a stone bunk arcade, which served as a support for the rafting farms of roofs and wooden structures that bind the longitudinal walls with each other. This one is typical project should be applied in the construction of the Crimean Square on a very uncomfortable area.

The town-planning art of Stasova manifested itself in the fact that he did not depart from the high architectural and artistic qualities of his project, so put the buildings of the warehouses that they formed the completed and united architects on their composite construction. The difficulties of the planning nature were that the street (Ostozhenka, now Metrostro-Building), on the corner of which was located one of the buildings of the warehouses, went out on the Crimea a whirlwind at an angle. Approximately at the same angle was the opposite border of the wrong site. Consequently, it was impossible to place on this territory of the warehouse housing without any change. Nevertheless, the Stasus, without changing the general architectural construction of the project, managed to get out of the difficult position in a very simple way. The body standing on the corner of the street, he gave in terms of a trapezoidal form, and a unpleasant comparison of the buildings, as it were, who were particularly noticeable in the depths of the area from the side of the square, it "closed" with a relatively frequent grid, consisting of round in cross section rods topped with copies tips. Thus, from the side of the area, an extended front of buildings was formed, endowed with rare architectural and artistic unity, solidity of the composition, laconism and expressiveness - those properties that were so appreciated in the era of Russian classicism.

19. V. P. Stasov. Wire warehouses. 1832-1835

Stasov, following the covenants of the ancient Greeks, appreciated its own beauty of architectural works, and not decorating their details. The purity and clarity of the architectural form - the volume with the minimum number of parts reaches the limit in the provisional warehouses. At the same time, the architect seeks an exceptional hand-shaped product, which unwittingly forced to recall the valor of the Russian army, about the great victory over the enemy.

Considering the massive, even the majestic corps of the provincial warehouses, to the word, very low, should be closed to the skillful construction of the entire front of three buildings. The buildings of the warehouses not only issued one side of a small area, but also began building an internal passage of the Crimean Boulevard here once. Therefore, Stasov resorts in their construction to a certain leisurely, deployed along the passage of rhythm four times of repeated major and finished parts of the facades. It varies only the details by tying them with the location of the enclosures. Thus, on the facades of the buildings that go out onto the square and the former boulevard, it places vertical windows, not only noting the beginning and end of the rhythmic series, but also echoing with the same windows placed in the middle of the central building. General form Heavy, as if wreckable squat buildings, the elongated rectangular corps are invassed, no filled panels of the side parts (rizazalites) of the central body. In turn, they are connected with the rustic wall of its middle part, which is playing a powerful masonry from large quads of stone in the plaster.

This consistency and mutual connection of parts, their repeatability is specific traits The architecture of warehouses without the shadow of monotony and monotony, despite the white color, in which the walls are painted as walls and all the details. Color uniformity organically combines the planes of massive, Egyptian walls, platforms of portals, a crown doric belt from triglyphs and beautiful stucked victory wreaths with ribbons - the only sculptural details adorning the buildings perfect and beauty (Ille 20).

20. V. P. Stasov. Wire warehouses. 1832-1835. Detail

In the general appearance of the provincial warehouses, there are relatively highly raised roofs. The rhythmic system of their rarely delivered, but the scale found in the scale of Lugar, echoes the number of semi-curvous windows over the portals of the entrances. Without its trapezoidal construction, not only corresponds to the slope of the walls, but also emphasize their place in the architecture of buildings. The same purpose is carefully made of the portal masonry, especially in its final slightly curved part, stand out against the background of plastered walls. The drawing of wing-like stones is striking by its perfection, at the same time sharing the monumentality of architectural forms of warehouses.

  • Address: ul. New Square, d. 12, p.1
  • Login: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00; Wednesday and Friday: from 11:00 to 19:00.
  • Weekends: last Friday of the month, Monday.

Provider warehouses - a complex of buildings performed in the ampir style. One of the almost fully preserved major public structures of the early 19th century.

Description of the provincial warehouses

At first, the purpose of the complex was utilitarian, however it was necessary to create the right artistic image for the unity of architectural ensembles. It includes three corps, similar to each other - they form the main front of the building of the Ostozhenka Street and Square, along with Cordhegardia, located in the yard.

The hull itself is a rectangular building consisting of 2 floors, each of which has a height of 6 meters. Two inner walls - bunk arcades - divide the structure into three equal parts.

Despite the fact that Stasov was the creator of projects of construction cells of this complex, the architect of the Shestakov worked on the whole ensemble, which established large corps in this close and plot, and put in the backyard - at the border itself - the building of Cordhegardia, as well as cast iron fences .

The entire complex is presented in the form of a chain of equivalent links, closed among themselves, and protruding also as a parade front of the building of the oozen and square.

How are the provincial warehouses are used?

The warehouses were created for storing food reserves for the Khamovnic, Lefortovo, Spassic barracks and other military units quartered nearby. Around the century they were used for their intended purpose, and in the revolutionary time they acted as the defense point of the Russian army. On one of the walls there is a memorial plaque with the inscription.

The life of the building was violated in the 1930s, when the territory was given to the Staff RKKA. After almost 20 years, a premises were examined, which revealed gross violations in its operation, and this despite the fact that the warehouses were an architectural monument, and were treated as a state protected. The Architecture Committee asked to bring autobomas from here, but it turned out to be unsuccessful.

Already at the beginning of the 21st century, the autobaza special and trucks General Staff, and restoration in last time was carried out in the 1980s.

Legal issues

During no one ten years, the state bodies of the Moscow monuments of Moscow raised many times the topic of removal of agriculture from the warehouses, and to convey the complex to the profile departments. Since 1999, there is already an agreement with the Ministry of Defense to build auto believer instead. Only in 2006 the provincial warehouses began to emphasize. Then Yuri Luzhkov, together with German Manov, decided to transfer them to the capital, along with other architectural monuments, such as Pushkin's house on Arbat and the Kurtgorian Wall. Instead, the government built a new fleet, located on Berezhkovskaya Embankment and Rublevsky highway. For all this I had to pay about 1 billion rubles. At that time, the owner of the land under the provincial warehouses was APN.

Ultimately, the building received the Moscow History Museum in 2010. Two years before that, it began to take visitors, acting as an exhibition site. Before this, the territory was purified from combustible materials, 10 layers of asphalt impregnated with fuel oil were removed.

Moscow City Museum

At the beginning of the summer of 2007, there was a sign "Museum Association" Museum of Moscow ". Finally, residents and guests of the city were able to look at the ensemble not only on the part of the facade, but also his interiors, where the exhibitions were first placed.

Now here you can see the exposition "Moscow 18-19th centuries", "Ancient and Medieval Moscow", recreated anew, as well as those that were created for the first time - "Moscow battle. The beginning of the Great Victory "and" Moscow. 20th century. Persons of the era. "

Young residents of Moscow come to interactive programs - "Military Childhood", "Roads of ancestors", "Solar Capital", and attend various excursions.

Construction of warehouses

While the development began at the site of future warehouses, there was a city settlement, great ownership of the boyars of struts, as well as empty garden sectors.

Construction ordered the provisional order, which was responsible for the supply of provisions of our army. Works began in 1829 and ended in 1835. They were led by Fedor Shestakov, who was leaving for the project of Vasily Stasov.

The first project of the "exemplary" warehouse was originally created by Stasov 8 years before the start of construction, in the future he repeated it for the capital. At the same time, the authorship was necessary to prove, referring to archival research.

The exact date of construction is unknown - sources provide different information. It may be 1829-1831, and 1830-1835.

Architectural Style Travel Guide

I ordered the construction of the building of the provincial order that was responsible for the supply of the army. In 1821, the Engineering Department in St. Petersburg has developed an exemplary store of a warehouse for 35,000 kula and sent to Moscow. The dates of construction of a complex of provincial warehouses differ in different sources: 1829-1831 or 1830-1835.

In any case, in the spring of 1835, the housing was twisted, fences, doors, shutters and lattices painted black, and roofs, gutters and drain pipes were covered with red paint.

Simplicity architectural solution It does not know yourself equal. Little details of the decoration are drawn with exceptional perfection. Three buildings of warehouses, despite the trivial form of the site, form an inseparable unity. It can be safely said that this group of facilities of a purely utilitarian order, painted in a simple white color, is one of the best in the architecture of Moscow.

The ensemble of provincial stores includes 3 single-type warehouse cases. The "exemplary" case is a rectangular stone double-storey building (30m x 80m) with a floor height of 6 m. The width of the housing is divided into 3 almost equal parts by two internal longitudinal walls. The inputs are evenly located around the perimeter of the building (3 on the long sides and one by one - on short).

The town planning art of Stasova manifested itself in the fact that he, not retreating from the high architectural and artistic qualities of his project, so set the buildings of the warehouses that they formed a complete and united architectural group in their compositional construction. The difficulties of planning nature were that the street (oozen), on the corner of which was located one of the buildings of the warehouses, went to the Crimean square at an angle. Approximately at the same angle was the opposite border of the wrong site. Consequently, it was impossible to place on this territory of the warehouse housing without any change. Nevertheless, Stasov, without changing the general architectural construction of the project, managed to get out of the difficult situation simple way. The body standing on the corner of the street, he gave in terms of a trapezoidal form, and a unpleasant comparison of the buildings, as it were, who were particularly noticeable in the depths of the area from the side of the square, it "closed" with a relatively frequent grid, consisting of round in cross section rods topped with copies tips.

During the century, the provincial warehouses were used for direct purpose - for food storage.

This made it possible to preserve the initial appearance of the building. In the days of the revolutionary events of 1917, the building of the provincial warehouses became one of the points of defense of government troops. In the early 1930s, this territory was handed over to the organization of the automotive of the General Staff.

In 1948 discovered gross violations in the operation of buildings. Requests of the Committee on Architecture Affairs use the premises of the provincial stores in direct appointment turned out to be unsuccessful. Moreover, the military for their needs was surrounded by the warehouses "non-composite" extensions, and concrete ramps were installed inside the building for general cars.

Together we go to the courtyard, in the center of which we are welcomed by a striped booth of an unclear destination, for her - a wide white pedestal in the form of a lift for cars, the right branch of which is crowned with a black "Volga", and left-black "seagull" ... with our We slowly go inside the former warehouses, now garages. How much is strange here! Gently inserted into the frame indication: "Place for draining of waste oil." The ancient "Paziks", we sinking out of the corners, near one of which I notice the transparency broken in half. Part of it ("seasonal serviced") hangs on the wall, and the second ("" High Quality ") - stands nearby in the corner.

An agreement with the Ministry of Defense on the transfer of provisant warehouses to the city's property for posting there the museum has existed since 1999, but only in 2006 the buildings were released. In exchange for this complex, the Moscow government built a new autoboma for the Ministry of Defense on the Rublevsky Highway and Berezhekovskaya Embankment.

The first thing from the territory of the complex was taken by combustible materials and removed 10 layers of asphalt, impregnated with fuel oil.

In parallel, at the initiative of Luzhkova, Yuri Platonov developed a project for the construction of the fourth building of the warehouses, closing the perimeter of buildings. The courtyard was planned to overlap with a glass dome, and the housings to merge on the ground level. The project caused an ambiguous reaction: feared that the provincial warehouses could turn into a mooring of the architectural monument.

Now there is a museum of Moscow, telling about the history of the city. He opened as a Moscow communal museum. In 1940 he was renamed the Museum of History and Reconstruction of Moscow. And in the provincial warehouses, he moved from the building of the church of John the Bogoslov near Elm, who returned the church.

Exposition of the Moscow Museum in photographs of different years:

The ensemble of the provincial warehouses in the Zubovsky Boulevard, an example of the beautiful architecture of Moscow mature classicism, was built in the 1830s for the needs of the military department.

The need to build in Moscow new stone warehouses for the storage of "Kazenny Provintage" appeared in the early 1820s, since old wooden barns, then located at Serpukhov's outpost, dilapidated and demanded a replacement. New warehouses were originally intended to build there, Serpukhov gates.

As a sample of the future building, the draft Resurrection Provincial Warehouses in St. Petersburg was taken, developed in 1821 by the famous architect V.P. Stasov The task of the embodiment of this project in Moscow was instructed by architect F.M. Shestakov. For the construction of the provincial warehouses, a new place was chosen - on the corner of the street of Ostozhenki and Zubovsky Boulevard, in possession, which belonged to the previously stolen department. This place turned out to be more convenient from the point of view of food court.

The new site was an incorrect trapezoidal shape, with an acute angle at the intersection of the oozen and the garden ring, which created for Shestkov some difficulties when trying to "enter" here the Execution project of Stasov (which was created with the calculation of regular planning of St. Petersburg). As a result, the architect simply put the right corps along the downtown, so he was at an angle to the main building, and the two facial facades of this side flaggel were made at an acute angle of each other, which, however, is not at all chasing due to the monumental architecture of buildings. At the project of Shestakov himself, the building of Cordhegardia (guard room) in the yard was built and a metal fence was created on the boulevard and oozen. The complex of provincial warehouses (or shops, as they were then called) was built from 1829 to 1835.

The appearance of the ensemble is simple and monumental. All buildings of the same architecture, two-story, with a rather concise design of facades. The surface of the walls is smooth, only the central part of the facade is decorated with RUST. On the main and yard facades, three trapezoid portals with semicircular windows above them alternate with narrow windows. Semicircular windows are placed in the niches, the niches are also arranged over some windows. Facade molding modest: triangular sandriks over portals, wreaths with garlands over windows (this element is characteristic of an amp, in this case Such a decor also emphasizes the military purpose of buildings). The buildings are crowned with a powerful back cornice with a triglyph-methopic frieze. Internal partitions of warehouse buildings are made in the form of arcade, which divide the space for three nefs. Three enclosures are connected to each other of the original drawing. Metal poles fences, made in the form of fascia, are crowned with knitted combat axes (Roman military symbol), the lattice of the fence is completed with the peaks and was decorated with elegant cartouches with the imperial crown and monogram Nikolai I. The front entrance to the territory of the provincial warehouses is located on the part of the oozen, brick pylons The main gates are crowned with antique armor-made antique armor - symbols of military triumph. Supplements the ensemble of the Cordhegardia building in the courtyard - one-storey housing with a portion, decorated with a frieze with an image of ancient military helmets.

Provantry stores were used as the military warehouses of the military department, where grain, flour and other products were kept. After the 1917 revolution, they moved to the Red Army. In the 1930s, the buildings were given under military garages, which led to the restructuring and redevelopment of buildings (were, in particular, ramps were arranged for the second floor). The complex of former provincial warehouses belonged to the military until the mid-2000s. In 2007, the buildings were transferred to the Moscow Museum.

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