
IIS individual. Individual investment accounts. Short and easy way to register on "public services"

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Bank VTB (PJSC) (Bank VTB). General License of the Bank of Russia No. 1000. The license of a professional participant in the securities market for the implementation of brokerage activities No. 040-06492-100000 issued: 03/25/2003

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Since 2015, a new investment system began to act in Russia, the profits on which is fully exempt from taxation. Brokers did not remain aside and are ready to offer its customers additional conditions on deposits in an individual investment account. What it is, you will learn from this article.


Example. A private entrepreneur decided to invest 400,000 rubles to the brokerage company. The yield is 30% of the invested amount. For 3 years, it will receive 360 \u200b\u200bthousand rubles. From this amount, he will have to pay NDFL (13%) in the amount of 46,800 rubles. If it were IIS, then the investor would not pay money to the budget. All 360 thousand rubles. Would have been his net profit.

Working diagram is quite simple: open an individual BCS investment account → to invest → to start their turnover → Get a profit after 36 months excluding NDFL.

Example. During 2015-2017, the client made an amount of 400 thousand rubles for IIS of 1 And then for the same money sold and bought the Central Bank. After three years, the balance amounted to 200,000 rubles, and profit - 800,000. After 36 months, the client decided to close an individual investment account. Since the second tax scheme was chosen, the state freed him from the payment of NDFLs in the amount of 800 x 0.13 \u003d 104 thousand rubles. To get a benefit, you need to provide a broker in the help that for the previous 36 months of deductions of the first type was not.

The client can independently choose a tax scheme before investment, but it is impossible to combine them during the period. For people who do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the exchange, IIS is an improved investment option. Available amount, no need to develop well in the market, the opportunity to get an income that exceeds tax breaks - all these factors make this tool quite attractive for the population. For speculators, an individual investment account is an additional opportunity to optimize your investment portfolio.


They are no less than the advantages:

1. An individual investment account is a risky embodiment, which state guarantees are not subject to.

2. Such a tool is desirable to use during periods of economic growth.

3. Restriction of 400,000 rubles. Makes Jes not very attractive for large investors.

4. It is impossible to immediately choose the "right" tax breaks.

5. The yield is the predicted value that may vary from year to year. The company, even if he gets big profit, declare only its small part. To track the "Justice" of the calculations is impossible.

The main drawback of such a scheme is the risk. After three years, the Central Bank can both grow and fall in price. Therefore, sometimes it is better to refuse attachments to an individual investment account. The RF Law "On RCB", though regulates the attitude of participants in the market, but a clear scheme for solving disagreements on operations with a new tool is not spelled out.

Individual investment account 2015: how to open

It is necessary to contact the brokerage company, which is a professional participant in the stock market. The form of ownership must be JSC or LLC. Most often it is Kua with large banks. IIS is used to separate assets posted on the stock market. This scheme is slightly similar to IRA. But if the latter provides for the possibility of removing funds only upon reaching the retirement refund, then the time is limited in IIS for 36 months. The obligation to hold taxes is superimposed on the broker. Income from such operations are calculated separately. That is, re-inform the current account at the Broker to IIS can not.


In the conditions of an unstable economic situation, it is difficult to find a profitable investment of temporarily free funds. Taking into account inflation, income from bank deposits is reduced to zero. The appearance of IIS can rectify the situation.

This tool can be interesting to customers who want to have greater income than can be provided by commercial banks. Investing an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles, a person can profit (up to 13%) or the return of personal income tax, even if there were transactions on the stock exchange. But the return will only if the money was in the turn. Employees of any QU recommend shares and strategies for financing. Whatever OIS option was not selected, the depositor can trade the Derivatives of the Central Bank to increase its income.

Those who wish to manage their finances can open the Individual Investment Accounts of 2014 and on the Demotaryager to learn to trade with shares, study the platform, follow the course change. And when there is enough experience and amounts for investing, you can move to real transactions.

What is the benefit of the state

Skeptics will surely return that the government simply will not give 52 thousand rubles. in year. It can be said that this is a state fee for increasing the financial literacy of the population. In the Russian Federation, many people still relate to the stock market with prejudice. Putting it with "forex", they put money in the purchase of real estate and deposits. It greatly slows down the growth of the economy. Perhaps this way the government plans to push its development.

Which option is better to choose

The first thing worth paying attention is to have the presence that are subject to NDFL. If so are missing, then invest is better in the second scheme. Then it is worth calculating the planned income per minute of tax deductions. Brokers offer additional profit schemes:

1. Finam detachments monthly 8% per annum on the balance of funds.

2. BCS offers one of three investment strategies with an expected yield of 10-25%. But they will pay such investments no earlier than in 7-13 years.

Statistics show that the IIS is more beneficial to people with a monthly income in excess of 35-40 thousand rubles. Representatives of the middle class are more competent in the active life position. Long-term investment is just beginning to develop in Russia. Reviews of licenses from "reliable" KB only slow down this process. Therefore, it is possible to increase the financial literacy of the population through long-term reforms. From this point of view, the IIS is an addition to the pension savings system, and tax breaks only increase the attractiveness of investments.

IIS VS NPF VS Deposits

The main difference is that the new tool allows account holders to independently choose an object of investment. The organizers are required to provide its customers with services, products and services that will make conscious solutions and manage risks. IIS is a real alternative to deposits that adversely affect investments in the Central Bank. Experts hope that money attracted by a new tool will go to the stock market. According to the study of Sberbank-Cib, foreign investors have about 70% of Russian shares, which are in free circulation.

World practice

An individual investment account has long been in developed countries in one form or another: ISA in the UK (50% of the population), TFSA in Canada, IRA in the United States (39%), etc. Such instruments help ordinary citizens to increase savings trading in the stock market. The Russian analogue was created to increase the attractive attachments in the eyes of the population. According to the new rules, investors who have possessed more than three years or shares, and then decided to sell them, exempted from paying NDFL.

Individual Investment Account: Sberbank

BCS broker, along with the same bank, organized an action. At the end of the duration of the account, "with a yield of 9.5%, all funds will be listed on the IIS, pre-open in QU. In this case, the client will receive an additional bonus in the amount of 2.1% per annum. Sberbank also makes it possible to open iis. Conditions of service - Standard. The ability to further increase the capital is not yet.


From 01/01/2015 A new income tool appeared in Russia - an individual investment account. You can open it in Kua for a period of at least 3 years. The choice of tax breaks should be approached especially carefully: the first allows you to get a guaranteed income in the amount of NDFL paid for the year. The second is suitable for active investors who are confident in the profitability of their deals. The choice must be made before the transfer of funds. Change the decision during the period of the contract is impossible. A new tool is a good alternative to the deposit, as it allows to get higher income, compared to what banks can offer.

How and where is it better to open an individual investment account (IIS) in 2019?

Many outstanding entrepreneurs have repeatedly expressed such a useful thing as long-term investments. So, Warren Buffet, who heads Berkshire Hathaway, constantly talks about this in his regular letters to shareholders of the company. John Bogl, the legendary creator of the Vanguard Group.

For a non-specialist, this is essential, as it is especially risking to lose funds on the stock exchange, if it starts to engage in intraday transactions on it.

Russians have an excellent tool, which is an individual investment account. Such is located at the brokerage service - that, in turn, helps a private person (subject to certain restrictions on the last side) to obtain serious profits due to tax breaks.

Such a mechanism, the domestic market for the first time saw in 2015, the reason for this was the renewal of the legislation on the stock market, along with updates in the country's tax code.

It is important to know about iis

An account can create only a private owner, like a brokerage company, and directly in the bank. From the requirements - taxation in the territory of the Russian Federation (the presence in the country from 183 days a year). In this case, there is a rule: one account is one physical.

What brokerage company is best to open an investment account? Check out the ranking of the best brokers in Russia in 2017.

The time account itself is not limited, but so that tax benefits can be applied, it is necessary to withstand the minimum investment period, the value of which is 3 years and which begins from the date of signing the contract.

An account is allowed only ruble, and within 12 months it is possible to replenish it in the amount of not more than 1 million rubles, although until 06/18/17, the limit was 400 thousand rubles. Optionally, IIS additionally replenished annually. Nevertheless, it is unacceptable to call part of the funds.

It should also be remembered for banking and brokerage commissions for working with securities.

Tools on jes

In this case, any embodiments are possible, which are applicable on the leading Russian trading platforms of Moscow and Peter. It:

  • shares of Russian and foreign enterprises;
  • bonds of municipalities, corporations, sovereign;
  • currency;
  • pIFES;
  • derivatives (optional, futures trading, etc.).

It should be noted that some brokers and banking institutions do not allow working with a number of tools, issuers, etc. The full list of supported attachment methods can be found at the broker.

IIS and tax deduction

The main advantage of the account is the return of the part of the investment, which ultimately increases profitability. Moreover, 2 types of tax preferences are provided for the owners of the IIS.

Deduction to a fee

In this situation, the physical has a 13% return from the amount, which was enrolled in the previous year, but its greatest value is limited to 130,000 rubles.

Important: It is possible to deduct when the investor declared profits for the last period (i.e. there was a place to be paid), and the maximum return could not be more tax.

If, after the opening of IIS, his replenishment, submitting an application for a refund and subsequent receipt of it took less than 3 years, the law obliges an investor to return funds to the state.

If the investor closes the score, then in this case, 13% of the tax will be kept from the profit.

Deduction on income

Such a deduction frees an individual from tax on the form of personal income tax on the amount of all incomes enrolled during OIS operations. The law provides for the use of deduction without the obligatory ownership of other taxable profit.

At such a refund can only be calculated after 3 years from the date of creation of IIS. In the case of closing its previously 3 years from the moment of formation, the state will be held by the NDFL in the amount of 13%, like a scheme for a brokerage account.

It is important to take into account all the nuances and details of investment when choosing a type of deduction, including a way of investing and a tax rate for profits. For example, NDFL does not apply to payments on coupons and domestic government bonds. In the case of the acquisition of OFD, for example, you can get a return on the fee.

Getting a tax deduction

If we are talking about replenishing (contributions), the investor addresses the tax per year, next after which replenished. At the same time, it is necessary to confirm the contributions to the 3-NDFL declaration, attaching the following documents to it:

  • confirmation of the receipt of last year's profits with a tax value of 13% (let's say, a certificate2-NDFL from an organization in which a private person works);
  • confirmation of the creation of IIS and enrollment on it (can be provided by a broker);
  • application Return, this will require you to specify bank details.

If it is meant to deduct income, then the physical is due to the rupture of the contract to give a bank or broker a certificate from the tax on the absence of cases of receptions for replenishment.

The bank, so (or broker), will not be able to pay money with the holding of 13% of the NDFL tax.

01 Apr.

Hello. In this article we will tell you what is an individual investment account.

Today you will learn:

  1. Advantages of an individual investment account;
  2. How to open an account, and which bank to choose;
  3. How to make a refund of the tax deduction.

What is an individual investment account

Individual investment account (Abbreviated IIS) is an agreement that is issued between the individual and the management company. According to the contract concluded, the company has the full right to dispose of invested funds and their at its discretion, in order to obtain maximum profits within one account.

Such an opportunity appeared from citizens from January 2015. From this time, each wishes could contact a financial company and open an account. Thanks to its discovery, investors receive a wonderful opportunity, place their means in order to obtain maximum profits.

If in Russia this is a relatively new product to which many citizens only look after, in other countries it is a great way to invest. Those citizens who doubt and cannot make their choice, experienced specialists advise to explore the experience of the United States, Australia and Japan.

The advantages of the investment account

Open an investment account can any capable citizen aged from the age of 18 both in the management company and contact brokers. In the financial services market, many companies that offer such services.

Many citizens arise a completely natural question, and why the investment account, and not the usual bank deposit. It is worth noting that these are completely different types of guaranteed income. It is the placement of funds to IIS, you can get a source of income, which is at times exceeding the rate set by bank deposits.

Features of working with investment accounts

When opening an account, it is necessary to take into account some features, namely:

  • Only one investment account. An individual can open only 1 investment account. You can open in one company, close and translate the account to another, but it is unacceptable to open the second and only then close the first.
  • Maximum accommodation amount. Immediately it is worth noting that investing funds can be exclusively in rubles. The maximum amount per year should not exceed 400,000 rubles. The size of the minimum amount is not indicated, but some financial companies set their minimum threshold, in the amount of 50,000 rubles.
  • Tax deductions. This is the so-called pleasant bonus, which will be guaranteed to receive anyone who will place funds on an individual account for a period of at least three years. Within the framework of this program, the tax deduction is provided for two programs: for income and contributions. What program to choose - everyone solves independently.
  • Availability of guaranteed income. Since the financial company invests the Customer's funds, according to the terms of the contract, the investor receives a fixed percentage. In practice, financial companies invest in securities: shares or bonds.
  • Account date 3 years. This is the main feature to pay special attention to. To get tax deductions, the account must be opened at least 3 years. If you decide to close the account before the specified period, the return of tax deductions is not provided. If the deductions have already been received earlier - they will need to return. Consider visually on the example.

Example: Olga appealed to the bank and opened an individual investment account in May 2015 and stirred the maximum amount - 400 thousand rubles. Only in 2018, it can close the account and get deductions, or receive them earlier at the end of the year and leave funds on account until the specified time.

  1. At the beginning of 2016, Olga received a deduction, in the amount of 52 thousand rubles and left funds on the account. In addition to tax deductions, Olga in the amount of 13% also received an additional income from investment in securities. In December 2016, the girl took money, and she completely closed the score, since the partial removal of IIS is not provided. As a result, the tax inspectorate demanded to return 52,000 rubles. Guaranteed income is not subject to recovery.
  2. Olga in 2016 received deduction and guaranteed income. Funds remained working on the account. In 2017, additional income was pleased with Olga, and she left money to work until the end of the term. In 2018, Olga can close the score without financial losses and make a new investment investment.

Now you know how the individual investment account works and the income is obtained, in the form of tax deductions.

In which bank to open an investment account

There are many companies, and the choice can only be done in favor of one. How not to be mistaken and? Where to open a profitable account and start receiving a long-awaited profit? Especially for you only the best banks in which investing will bring you guaranteed income.

When choosing a company, pay special attention to suggestions:

  • Sberbank;
  • Opening;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • Gazprombank.

Bank opening"

Investment account at the opening bank can be opened in the office of any bank. The undoubted advantage is that a convenient calculator is presented on the official website of the company, which instantly allows you to determine the amount of income from the selected program.

Alfa Bank

As for the investment account in Alpha Bank, then you can get a good income. The financial company promises its customers up to 28.2% per year.

The size of the final profit depends on the selected program:

  • Our future, with a yield of 20.1%;
  • New horizons, with yield 21.7%
  • Growth points, with a maximum income of 28.2%.

Tinkoff Bank

Open Investment Account in Tinkoff Bank can be exclusively remotely. To open a brokerage account, you must send an application. It is worth noting that to manage funds will have to be independently.


The yield of 8.2% is ready to offer Gazprom Bank. Before opening an investment account in Gazprombank, you can also choose the program and calculate the yield.

Undoubted leaders are: Savings Bank and VTB. Consider that they are ready to offer their customers.


Savings bank can be called the leader of the financial market.

The advantages of the investment account in Sberbank:

  • One of the major companies that are too large to. Stability, which is supported by the state, deserves confidence. It turns out that a reliable broker is half success and a big plus.
  • Big branch network across the country.
  • The ability to receive income on a savings bank card.

You can open an account both in the Bank's Office, and in the online mode through your account.

For its customers, the Bank has prepared a special material with which you can get additional knowledge:

  • Free courses and seminars on IIS;
  • Manual, how to make money on promotions, bonds and other financial instruments;
  • The course, how to perform operations, being at any point of the globe;
  • Instruction ,.

Customers, passing training, can easily trade on themselves.

Commission for the transaction (broker services) from 0.006% to 0.165%. The size of the Commission depends on the region in which the transaction is lies, the amounts and selection of the program. The larger the amount, the smaller the commission rate.

The savings bank offers its customers two directions: independent and active. Open it is possible only in separate offices, by appointment.

The tariff "Active" is greater popularity, since:

  • Great for those citizens who love to perform operations through QUIK;
  • The minimum commission is installed on it;
  • You can make applications through the phone;
  • From the point of view of security, this is a great and convenient direction requiring the introduction of a secret code;
  • Applications filed through the phone should duplicate in the Bank's office for 30 days, after submitting a telephone application;
  • Bank customers receive a special flash drive for 1990 rubles with an electronic signature;
  • If you like to control the account from your mobile phone, the bank is ready to establish a special "mobile version" for only 850 rubles.

VTB 24

Why VTB Bank? The answer is obvious - because this is a large bank who has proven its reliability for years. As part of the opening of IIS, the Bank offers to implement a "dividend combine", due to which it is legally able to withdraw funds from the account earlier than for 3 years through dividends.

In addition to the guaranteed 13%, the bank offers an additional income obtained by investing in securities.

In the financial company, two tariffs to choose from: "Start" and "Common". It is worth noting the undoubted advantage of the first, since it opens completely free. But for the service, be prepared to pay 3 500 rubles.

As for the Tariff "General", then for its opening it will be necessary to pay 4 200 rubles. Account maintenance costs 1,225 rubles.

VTB Bank experts have developed several strategies, thanks to which your funds will work perfectly without your participation. All you need is just to make a choice and start making money.

Investment account in VTB can be opened using one package:

  • Business start;
  • Business Class;
  • Business online;
  • Personal;
  • All inclusive.

When choosing a minimum package, the client at the first visit to the bank must pay a minimum of 3,700 rubles.

How to open an investment account in a bank: Step-by-step instructions

The investment account opens similarly to a brokerage account. To open, you need to visit the financial company, having a personal passport with you. Some banks are asked to present additional documents, such as SNILS or.

Opening procedure IIS:

  1. Choosing a financial company.

Since the conditions for opening an account in many companies are similar, the choice will be delivered exclusively their personal preferences. You have to choose the best individual investment account that is in the market.

By choosing, you should take note:

  • How much the company is presented in the market;
  • Experience in this direction;
  • Positive feedback from satisfied customers;
  • Reviews of real investors who used the services of the company and received a good profit;
  • The availability of information on the official website (large companies provide "fish" of the contract and tariff plans for account maintenance).
  1. Filling out an application for opening an account.

An account opening form can be obtained directly in the company in which you have decided to open Jes. Some companies in order to save the time of their client, offer to open an account and fill out a statement in remote mode. It is very convenient and enjoys in great demand.

However, there is a small minus - sometimes you need to register on the website of the State Service and the presence of an electronic signature. It turns out the option is convenient, but not everyone can take advantage of them.

  1. Signing a treaty.

According to the resulting application, the client opens an account and an individual account is issued for signing. Before signing it stands carefully to learn it.

Special attention is paid to the section in which the size of the broker's commission is registered and your guaranteed yield. Remember, you must clearly know how much the payment of qualified brokers, which will manage your tools, and how much you can get in the cash equivalent.

  1. Application for opening a personal account.

To monitor all real-time operations, it is worth writing an application for opening a personal account. It will include information about the amount of funds on the account and all operations that the financial company carries out.

  1. Opening an account and enrollment of funds.

After the contract is signed, the financial company opens its account to its client and sends a notice to a tax company that you have become an official program participant.

It remains the smallest - place cash on the account. If there is no possibility to make the entire amount at once, then you can open to the minimum, and during the year to make additional contributions.

What to be invested

Cash that you post on an individual investment account can be investing in:

  • because it is a good profit with minimal risks;
  • Bonds, a tool with a small yield and low risks;
  • Deposits, can only be used as a small addition to investment;
  • FIves, combining the so-called golden middle, at which the average yield and risks;
  • Futures and options are more profitable, but without good knowledge, this way is better not to use.

Experienced investors advise investment in securities. When choosing an investment portfolio advised to include shares and bonds, in order to minimize risks. Consider what shares and bonds are.


This tool for obtaining a stable income is familiar to many. In most cases, the most good profitability due to investment in Gazprom, LUKOIL, Savings Bank or VTB. There are shares and other large companies that will help you well.

If the company develops and business is successful - stocks are increasing in the cost, if not, they fall in price. If we compare with bonds, they can provide greater yield, but there is one small risk - they can significantly fall in price, and you will not get anything.

If you decide to open an investment account in a brokerage company, it will be necessary to independently make a choice and decide which tools to invest. This option is suitable for exceptionally experienced investors who have good knowledge and skills.

Newcomers are better to contact the management company and for the minimum percentage to entrust the case of real professionals that form a balanced package.


Often you can hear from experienced investors that bonds are the basis of a successful portfolio.

Bonds are very similar to deposits:

  • An accurate period is established, after which the company must pay dividends;
  • Fixed Coupon price, which is paid.

The only difference between the bonds from the deposit is that the first one can easily sell at any time at a given value.

Bonds are a conservative investment tool that carries minimum risks and guarantees a fixed, albeit small, but income.

Features of investment in securities

As already noted, investing in securities is a good way to get guaranteed income. But like any kind of investment, it has its own characteristics.

Note the features of investment of money in securities:

  1. Fixed percentage.

This is the main feature that attracts many young investors. It is thanks to a fixed percentage that will be registered in the contract, you can get your income.

Payment of dividends is carried out in the agreed period. But what will happen if the company in which you invested will leave the financial services market? If, the owners of securities are of paramount right to dispose of all assets of the liquidated company.

  1. The payment of profits into a clearly specified period.

As already noted, you can guarantee your income. Dates and amount of payment are indicated in the contract.

  1. Variety of choice.

This is the most pleasant "bonus" which is in investors. The securities market is a fairly wide market, which presents papers of various levels: state, foreign borrowers or joint-stock company.

Due to the manifold, you can fully analyze everything, compare each direction and make a choice in favor of the best and promising direction. However, before making a choice, it is worth considering not only the yield, but also explore the possible risks of bankruptcy.

In this case, there is a very simple rule: the most reliable investments are government. Investments in joint-stock companies - a more risky type of investment, but it is often more interesting and an increase.

Tax deduction design

Here he is, that long-awaited moment when the client's investment account is open, the time has passed, you received a guaranteed income and remained to be issued a tax deduction. Consider how to make it possible to deduct on IIS.

  1. Preparation of documents.

First of all, you need to collect the necessary package of documents.

When you need to have:

  • Passport;
  • Certificate of salary size, in form;
  • Document from broker or bank that the IIS account is opened;
  • Details of personal account.

A broker document can be requested additionally. It is important that the discovery and the amount of income in the document are prescribed.

  1. Tax return.

Without this document, do not do. You need to find a declaration, forms and fill it. You can find it on the official website of the FTS. If you have never come across it, it is better to trust this responsible work to professionals, which for a fixed fee will quickly prepare. Errors in this business can not be categorically impossible.

  1. Providing documents to the tax service.

You can submit documents in person or via the Internet. The second option is very popular today, since the time saves considerably. To submit documents via the Internet, you will need to register with the FTS website and access your personal account. All you need is to download documents in the Personal Account and wait for checking.

  1. Data checking and receiving money.

You should not wait for a miracle that the data will instantly be checked, and you will receive your funds the next day. According to the law, the check can last up to 3 months, regardless of how you filed documents for a refund.

Once all the data will be checked, funds will affect the subquestions provided. Also be prepared for the fact that the tax service can reject the packet of documents and write the cause of refusal. In this case, you will need to correct the error and re-provide a package of documents.

So that investment brings good profits, it is worthwhile to take into account a few simple tips:

  1. Opening and replenishment of the account.

Do not pull with the opening of the account. The sooner you open it, the faster the minimum period will pass, to obtain a tax deduction. You can replenish the account at any time. The term of 3 years begins to be calculated from the moment of opening, and not from the moment of replenishment.

  1. Choose tools with minimal risks.

Of course, everyone is interested in obtaining maximum income. But sometimes it is worth thinking sober and choose reliable assets with minimal risks.

  1. Contact brokers.

Why exactly brokers? Experienced investors advise entitled to the individual invoice broker. It is the brokers who know all the offers presented in the market and can quickly find the best option for maximum profit. An experienced and qualified broker is 99% of success.

  1. Well think every step.

- This is not a contribution where mandatory insurance is provided. State insurance of investment accounts in this direction is not provided. If there are doubts, it is worth consulting experienced investors.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today we will continue the topic of investment and we will study the advantages of investments in IIS. The main thing is what investors attract IIS - tax breaksthat allows you to get a good additional income. True, there is a number of details in this case that initially not paying attention to attention. Today we will understand where it is better to open an individual investment account, which criteria to choose a company, and consider several best Proposals in the market.

We understand the terminology

In the question, what is an individual investment account, much in common with a regular brokerage account, it simply has tax breaks. Anyone can open it not only resident of the Russian Federation.

Highlight 2 types of IIS. Depending on how an investor receives a tax break:

  • type A. - in him compensated taxwhich investor paid from its income for a certain time interval. The principle of work is more convenient to disassemble the example. Suppose your wage is 25,000 rubles, a tax in the amount of 39,000 (13% rate) is paid from this income. When investing in IIS, this amount compensates for you. It should be borne in mind that the maximum amount of investment for the year from which you can get a deduction - 400 000 rublesSo income is limited to 52,000 rubles. Wherein total amountwhich can be made on IIS, limited 1 000 000 rubles / year.
  • type B. - the difference from the previous one is that investor does not use tax deduction, that is, no one compensates for the paid taxes. On the other hand, when closing an account, the profit is not taxed. So if during the account you actively reinvest (this topic is dedicated to this topic), that is, it makes sense to choose this type of account. When it is closed, it is necessarily provided reference The investor did not use the tax deduction.

On the type of account, and no one forbids receiving additional income from work in the stock market, but in this case, with additional income you will have to give 13% as a tax. In order to make the benefits of the first type IIS to the most effectively, it is advisable to invest regularly. With regard to what type of account is preferable, then there is no universal answer. It all depends on the specific investor and from the style of his work. If active work is assumed in the stock market, and the expected income will exceed 100% of the invested amount, that is, it makes sense to use IIS type B.

Insurance of investment

Question preservation of funds Investments are always especially acute. If you are worried about iis - the state is insured or there is no contribution, then I have slept to calm you, investment insurance provided. From this point of view, the individual investment account is even more profitable than the bank deposit in which the state guarantees the return of not the entire contribution, and the maximum of 1.4 million rubles.

Since 2015, the procedure has been greatly simplified, so you can even open it remotely. This provoked an increase in the number of open accounts of this type recently. Open IIS can be alone through state services. The process takes a couple of minutes.

Where is it better to open Jes?

Open IIS can be:

  • at the broker;
  • from the bank with a license for brokerage activities;
  • at the management company.

Practice of the opening of investment in the world

IIS is not a unique offer for Russia. This practice is widespread in the world, the working conditions differ, as well as the maximum possible amounts of investment. For example, in England you can open ISA. (individual savings accounts), moreover, you can invest up to 15,000 £. IN USA There are similar pension accounts ( IRA), in CanadaRRSP, that is, registered pension savingsplates. Risks in investing smallThis explains the popularity of IIS among the population.

What is worth paying attention to when choosing

The choice can be not easy, especially if you have not encountered investment bills before. In the matter where it is better to open an IIS, consider the following factors:

  • you are going invest immediately or after some time after opening an account. If you plan to do this not at the time of opening an account, and later, then from the list of applicants immediately cross the managers. In them, it is immediately necessary to make a certain amount;

  • ability to open an online bill. For example, VTB 24 does not provide such an opportunity, so if there are no branches in your city, it automatically leaves the applicants;
  • minimum amount limit;
  • commission with turns;
  • monthly fee;
  • quality of technical support. Very important item, especially for beginners. Employees should not "swim" in investment issues. From this point of view of the BCS outside the competition - support works at a high level and a chance to run into a novice is extremely small;
  • which markets are available for iis. It all depends on the preferences of the investor, the company relate differently to this issue. For example, there are no restrictions in Finama, but Promsvyazbank does not allow working with currency and fixed markets for IIS;
  • offered products and working conditions on them. For these parameters, very large differences are observed. Some brokers are suitable for investors with small capital, others - on the contrary, are focused more on depositors with the amounts close to the maximum. For example, VTB 24 Offers for deposits from 300,000 rubles the opportunity to use the strategies of the timing of the broker, and the broker Opening - Twice more strategies for deposits from 50,000 rubles.

Next I prepared a small overview of the best in my opinion offers for opening IIS. Not only the working conditions were taken into account, but also the reviews of the depositors. It will help you save time With independent study provided by companies.


Broker makes it possible to open it online. In this case, the investor gets the opportunity to work on fund, urgent and currency markets, there is an opportunity to trade at St. Petersburg and Moscow stock exchanges. Funds are credited by single accountfrom which an investor gets access to several trading areas.

Invest you can start already with 5000 rublesHowever, it is difficult to count on serious income with such a sum, besides, trading operations will be blocked until the amount of funds in the account does not exceed 30 000 rubles. So it is for this amount that I recommend navigating at least for a minimum. The site has a small online calculator. Entering the estimated amounts of investment, it is possible to obtain a recommendation for the fact that it is more profitable to get a tax deduction or to free profit from paying taxes.

At the moment, the Commission is the same for any turnover of up to 1 million rubles and is 0.0354%. there is ticket strategies, yield depends on the degree of risk.


Little more about Commissions:

  • moeh Stock Section - when turning up to 1 million rubles, the Commission is equal 0,0354% ;
  • monetary section - when turning up to 1 million rubles 0,0332% ;
  • urgent section ( futures and options) – 0.45 $ For Contract;
  • uS stock market - when turning up to $ 17,000, the Commission is 0,0354% .

The market provides and the management company " Finam Management" Here the lower threshold of investing in IIS is already from 300,000 rubles.
Funds on the expense are credited without commission by the company, possibly early closure of jes No penalty from the side of the broker. At the same time deduction from investment income is 10%.


Offers Open IIS and invest from 300,000 rubles. You can work with stock, urgent and foreign exchange markets, there is access to the Moscow Stock Exchange, there is no access to SPBExchange. Open IIS, as in the case of finaming, you can online. Available margin lending 14.5% for sales and 17.5% for Longs.

Commission depends on turnover And ranges from 0.0354% for revolutions to 1 million rubles to 0.0177% when turnover from 15 million rubles. It can not be less than 35.4 rubles per 1 transaction. You can choose the option of the tariff without this restriction, but in this case you will have to work with great percentages. The first month is valid preferential offerAs part of which the Commission is 0.0177% regardless of the turnover achieved. There are other options - a tariff comparison can be made on the broker's website, but BCS start optimal for iis.

From interesting suggestions I will note the opportunity investing in notes (ruble and currency). The yield on them ranges from 12.5% \u200b\u200bto 14.5% per annum, respectively. You can invest in the OFZ portfolio or in bond portfolio, yield in this case will be slightly lower.

For work, the web version of the Kvika or the terminal version for mobile devices is used.


Broker makes it possible to open it online. Offered 2 types of investment in iis:

  1. « State reliability" The minimum investment threshold is 30,000 rubles, the investor receives 13% of the tax deduction + approximately 10% of income from investment in bonds. In this tariff is assumed to invest in OFZ, income of 10% on the site is indicated as an approximate value, in reality it may be higher. The maximum investment amount per year is 1 million rubles.
  2. « Monetary stability" The investor receives the same 13% of the tax deduction + to 9.5% of the income in the currency. In this case, the invested funds are sent to Eurobonds. Threshold for investing from 100,000 rubles.


A separate tariff for IIS is not provided, within the framework of the tariff " Universal»Commissions are as follows:

  • for stock market - 0.055% of the transaction volume;
  • for the foreign exchange market - 0.03% of the transaction volume;
  • urgent market - 0.85 rubles per 1 contract;
  • available margin lendingThe percentage is calculated by the formula 9% + market rate, for securities 15%.

One of the requirements of the tariff " Universal» - investments from 100,000 rubles. There are other tariff options, for example, " Reverse"There is no requirement for the deposit size at all. But the Commission above, for example, in the foreign exchange market will have to give from 0.075%. This broker is well implemented, so if you are thinking about starting to work in the stock market yourself, then pay attention to it.


Against the background of others, it stands out that there is no minimum required amount for investing in IIS. An investor after opening and replenishing an account receives full access to stock, urgent and foreign exchange markets, can work on mine. SpbExchange is not available.

Stand out separate tariff for individual investment accounts. Briefly under the terms of work and commissions:

  • shares and bonds - from 0.04 rubles per transaction or 0.057% of its volume;
  • eurobonds on mine - 0.04 rubles or 0.015%;
  • currency market - 1 ruble per transaction or 0.035%;
  • available margin lending under 13% for sales and 18.4% for purchases;
  • work is conducted through QUIK., The cost of monthly access is 250 rubles. This amount is not charged from those clients whose balance in the company is equal or exceeds 50,000 rubles.

I note that tariffs are given for IIS with independent control.. There is another type of tariff, called Model portfolio (IIS), focused on those who are going to use the services of analysts, and not trade independently. In principle, if you are new to the market and do not even know, it is better to stop on it.

Managing Company "Opening"

Access to IIS gives the management company UK Opening LLC, do not confuse it with a broker with the same name. There is no possibility to open an account online, besides you can only invest 1 from 50,000 rubles. The fee from investment income is up to 15%.

Opening offers some interesting finished products:

  • there are options structural products with capital protection, it will be necessary to invest from 250 000 rubles;
  • can use one of the strategies with the minimum level of investment from 50 000 rubles. Work with them is implemented through the management company;
  • i have an opportunity trade on recommendations. In this case, notifications about which bonds to buy on IIS come in the form of SMS messages to the client number or on its email.

Unlike brokers who almost compete with their managers, the opening with it actively cooperates. This indicates the fact that the products are implemented through it.


VTB is inferior to the companies mentioned above for a number of indicators:

  • here no opportunity to open iis remotely;
  • the client is accessing only for stock and fixed markets.. Moscow and St. Petersburg Exchange, as well as the currency market remain inaccessible;
  • commissions are higher than that of competitors.

On the Commissions, we will stop separately - for the tariff " Professional standard»:

  • when turnover from 10 million rubles – 0,02124%;
  • 5-10 million rubles – 0,02596%;
  • 1-5 million rubles – 0,0295%;
  • up to 1 million rubles – 0,0472%.

If you choose " Investor Standard"The Commission from turnover does not depend on the fixed 0,0413% . From interesting offers I can noted except somewhat ticket strategies. Work with them is organized through a broker, while on the account you need to have from 300,000 rubles. Signals will be issued only on the shares of Roskompaigns trading on Moeh.

Terms of margin lending - 13% for short positions and 16.8% for Longs. Additionally, the Bank charges 0.2% of the Commission, this commission is debited at the end of the trading session. In general, if you plan to trade aloneThis is not the best broker's choice for IIS. "Opening" from this point of view looks much better.

Alpha Kapital

IIS opens through a control company. This option is interesting because the company ranks first in the number of open individual investment accounts (among managers). Another argument in her favor is the maximum amount of investors in the management of the company.

Now conditions of working with IIS:

  • you can open an account online, without coming with state services and especially a personal visit to the company's office;
  • you can invest from 10 000 rubles;
  • there is 3 Reliable work strategies. Funds are invested in OFZ, stocks and corporate bonds. Moreover, statistics on them are conducted since 2015, that is, from the very time that the IIS was able to afford everyone who wanted;
  • the service is most profitable to call it impossible - We'll have to give a total of 4% (2% per annum + 2% of the invested amount).

In principle, in the Code of Alpha Capital everything is simple and understandable. The most important thing - reliabilityFrom this point of view, it can be attributed to the leaders. If you think about where it is more profitable to open iis from the point of view of reliability, then it is definitely it is worth noticeing.

Strategies for working with individual investment accounts

You can simply invest the funds allocated for this purpose and just forget about them for 3 years. But to be maximum effectively use money, it is better to work on the strategy. This will bring maximum financial return.

Briefly describe several strategies to work with IIS.

  1. Reducing investment timelines. Remember that money cannot be removed within 3 years, otherwise we will not get a tax deduction, and a number of companies can also write off for early closure of the account. But there is loophole, allowing to reduce the period during which the money will be unavailable. This will require IIS type A (that is, the broker outdoor). The account opens, but the money does not immediately come there. For example, they opened it in January 2017, then in December 2018 (almost 2 years after the discovery) were introduced there 400,000 rubles, and in March 2019, the state will reimburse 52,000 rubles. At the end of 2019, I again introduce 400,000 rubles, we obtain a tax deduction in 2020 and close the account. Eventually money freezing time reduced.
  2. Selection broker, which brings profit from coupons and dividends to a bank account, a map, another account with the same company. In this case, you can try to earn, buying paper with high dividends. Truth, risk increases sharply.
  3. IIS on relatives. If there is a lot of money, then we take all family members, and they open Jes for everyone. We introduce funds and get a tax deduction.
  4. Reinvest - The tax deduction is immediately made to the usual account, and trade is carried out.
  5. Long exploitation of jes. While the bill is not closed, no one will charge the tax on profits. So you can not close the account and work calmly.
  6. You can regularly make small amounts and invest in OFZ and stock. For several years there is a decent amount.

Whatever strategy you have chosen - carefully pick a broker. My small IIS rating in this will help.

General issues

In this section, briefly try to answer the most common questionsassociated with iis:

  • Duration of investment? From 3 years.
  • Is it possible to early closing of the account? Yes, but the tax deduction or the release of profits from the tax is canceled.
  • Is it possible to start several iis? No, one person can only have 1 bill.
  • How much can you invest? Up to 400,000 rubles, this is the maximum that will be deduction. Despite this, remember that you can make up to 1,000,000 rubles per year.
  • When I can invest? If the contract is concluded with a broker, then this can be done immediately after opening an account. It is advantageous to open Jes to always have the opportunity to invest free money. The three-year period is counted from the date of conclusion of the contract.
  • How to open it? Online. If this feature is not available, then when you visit the broker / Criminal office.
  • What is the difference between the Criminal Code and Broker? The contract with the Criminal Service is a trust management, and with a broker - about brokerage services.
  • Is Iis translation from one broker to another? Yes, it is possible.


If you figure it out, then for a number of reasons IIS is even more profitable than a simple bank deposit. In the bank, your money will bring you income no more of the one that is specified in the contract, and when working with IIS there is a real chance to get more. In addition, let's not forget that insurance IIS. covers the entire amount, and not a certain part of the contribution, as is happening with a bank deposit.

So my advice to you - pick up a broker (preferably from among those considered) and open the IIS. It will not need to be replenished immediately, but when free money will appear, you will be able to invest them and reduce freezing time. Remember - optimal Time for Attachments - DecemberThe tax deduction will be issued in the spring of next year for the previous year.

This suggests a brief overview of individual investment accounts. Set all questions in the comments and do not forget to subscribe to updating my blog. I promise that there will be a lot of interesting things.

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