
When the last time was a census of the population. Census of the population in Russia and the USSR. What is a census of the population

Population census is a scientifically organized operation of collecting data on the number and composition of the population, generalization, assessment, analysis and publication of demographic, economic and social data about the entire population living at a certain point in the country or its clearly limited part.

The census history in Russia has several periods, during which the correspondencers were interested in completely different questions.
The beginning of the accounting of the population in Russia was put in Kiev and Novgorod Principality in the 9th century. Accounting was conducted with fiscal objectives, that is, for applied.

From the second half of the XIII century, during the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the population of the population was conducted in separate Russian principalities to determine the size of Dani. The same goals pursued accounting in the territory of the Transcaucasus in the 70s of the XIII century.

Accounting at the time was economic: taken into account to draft tribute to houses or "smokes", then the object of taxation in the XIV century becomes land, productively used in the farm - Sokh (later - quarter, ten). The so-called compulsory letter was made, the results of the descriptions were entered into the screening books. In the XVII century, the coupling unit became the courtyard, and the main form of accounting is the foundation census.

In 1718, Peter the Great published a decree, which was prescribed "to take fairy tales from everyone (to give for a year) so that the truthful brought how many of whom in which the village of the Music Shower". Compiled similarly lists ("fairy tales") were collected only in three years, and then over the next three years were inspected - "revisions". Since then, the accounting of the population in Russia began to be called "revisions of the applied population" or simply "revisions". Such revisions were carried out throughout the almost one and a half centuries, until the cancellation of serfdom. Ten revisions passed in Russia, the latter - in 1857-1860. These revisions lasted for several years and were very inaccurate, because they did not take into account the actual number of residents, but only "assigned" from the submitted classes, i.e. People listed in lists for paying petilities (tax). The landowners were not in a hurry to submit the next auditive "fairy tale", so many dead were listed alive.

After the cancellation of serfdom, the population census began to be held in individual cities and even entire provinces, but many of them were governmental police officers, in which the householders simply collected information about the number of even those who were not allowed, and the residents prescribed in their homes.

Despite the fact that one of the key sources of information on the socio-demographic characteristics of the population of Russia is the system of recording acts of civil status, which the registry offices are conducted, it allows to obtain the most accurate information.

Tasks of the census and its legislative framework

The importance of the census in the country is due to the nature of the information that it allows us to obtain about citizens, as well as its universal coverage. Thus, in addition to accounting for the population in the census, there is a collection of information about citizens, which allows to assess the distribution of the population throughout the country, its national and language composition, educational level and other important characteristics. These tasks, as well as the procedure for organizing and conducting a census of the population, is fixed in the main document regulating the certificate of census in Russian Federation - Federal law № 8-ФЗ dated January 25, 2002 "On All-Russian Census".

At the same time, during each event, a large number of basic and additional regulatory and legal acts that establish the requirements for its implementation are published. Thus, the main provisions concerning the last census of 2010 were recorded in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1074 "On the organization of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 Census".

The frequency of the census

The same regulatory act establishes and the frequency of the census in the Russian Federation. Thus, Article 3 of the Law "On All-Russian Census Census" determines that this event should be carried out at least than 1 time in 10 years. At the same time, however, the date of education of the Russian Federation is officially considered to be December 25, 1991, when the Law of the RSFSR was adopted on December 25 No. 2094-I "On the change in the state name Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic", according to which our state received a new name. At the same time, the first census of the population in the country was carried out in October 2002.

In the future, however, the timing of it was summarized with the current legislation. Thus, the next census was held in October 2010, that is, ahead of schedule - 8 years after the previous event. It is assumed that the next census will be held in the Russian Federation in strict accordance with the law - in 2020. At the same time, in 2015 it is planned to carry out a micro-acting, whose participants will be less than 1% of households.

According to the 1920 census, 986,562 German lived in the USSR, of which the Volga region in the Republic of Germans - 442.362 people.

The movement of the population of the Republic of the Germans of the Volga region during the time from 1897 to 1920 *)
(According to the "Statistical Yearbook" for 1918-21; ed. TsS.U.)

Ethnographic composition of the population of the field of the Volga region
according to the correspondence of 1920

Population, people Specific weight,%
Germans 442.362 97,73
Velikors 7.992 1,77
Kyrgyz 756 0,17
Tatara 494 0,11
Ukrainians 271 0,06
Poles 175 0,04
Jews 147 0,03
Lithuanians 93 0,02
Belorus 85 0,02
Latvian 72 0,01
Esta 63 0,01
Armenians 35 0,01
Persians 7 -
Karelia 1 -
Mordva 1 -
Other nationality 75 0,02
TOTAL: 452.629 100,00

b) the first All-Union Census of the 1926 population.

The first All-Union Census was held as of December 17, 1926 under the leadership of V. G. Mikhailovsky and O. A. Kvitkin.

According to the Census of 1926, 146,637,530 people lived in the USSR., Of these, the Germans are 1.238.549 people. (0.84%), incl. In RSFSR - 806.301 people, of which 70.89% accounted for the share of NP, or 571.578 people.

according to the census of 1926

All population
husband. floor wives. floor of both specific weight,%
Germans 183.140 196.490 379.630 66,42
Russians 54.764 61.797 116.561 20,39
Ukrainians 32.881 35.680 68.561 12,00
Tatara 1.058 1.051 2.109 0,37
Mordva 725 704 1.429 0,25
Kazakh 747 606 1.353 0,24
Esta 367 386 753 0,13
Poles 89 127 216 0,04
Gypsy 94 99 193 0,03
Belarusian 83 76 159 0,03
Jews 74 78 152 0,03
Mishari. 62 54 116 0,02
Latvian 23 25 48 0,01
Lithuanians 22 13 35 0,01
Magyary 19 14 33 0,01
Circassians 19 0 19 -
Romanians 6 9 15 -
Chuvashi. 14 1 15 -
Armenians 8 3 11 -
Czechs and Slovaks 7 1 8 -
Italians 3 4 7 -
Lezgi. 6 0 6 -
Chinese 5 0 5 -
Swedes 3 1 4 -
Bashkira 3 0 3 -
Georgians 1 1 2 -
Serbs 2 0 2 -
French people 1 1 2 -
Wheel 1 0 1 -
Kalmyki. 1 0 1 -
Varnish 1 0 1 -
Ossetians 1 0 1 -
Uzbeks 1 0 1 -
Others 59 62 121 0,02
Total citizens of the USSR 274.290 297.288 571.578 100,00
Foreigners 120 56 176 H.

c) All-Union population census of 1937.

Due to the fact that the population turned out to be less than previously exaggerated estimates and did not comply with the thesis on the rapid growth of the population in the conditions of socialist construction, it was announced that the census was carried out with gross violations and adaptation. Census executives were repressed.

According to this census, 1.151,602 of Germans lived in the USSR, from which 651.429 people were registered on the territory of the RSFSR, including in the NP ASSR - 322.652 or 49.53%. The resellers began to publish only since the 1990s. See, eg, Zhirzskaya V.B., Kiselev, I.N., Polyakov Yu.A. Half a century under the vulture secretly. All-Union population census of 1937. M. 1996.

d) All-Union Population Census of 1939.

According to the census of 1939, 170.557.093 people lived in the USSR, from them Germans - 1.427.232 people. (0.84%), incl. In RSFSR - 862.504 people, of which 42.51% accounted for ASSR NP, or 366.685 people.

National population of the population of the Germans Volga region
according to the correspondence of 1939

Population, people Specific weight,%
TOTAL: 606.532 100,00
germans 366.685 60,46
russians 156.027 25,72
ukrainians 58.248 9,60
kazakh 8.988 1,48
tatara 4.074 0,67
mordovtsy 3.048 0,50
belorus 1.636 0,27
chinese 1.284 0,21
jews 1.216 0,20
poles 756 0,12
estonians 521 0,09
gypsy 440 0,07
chuvashi. 324 0,05
armenians 301 0,05
georgians 276 0,05
latvian 260 0,04
uzbeks 245 0,04
koreans 156 0,03
lithuanians 103 0,02
bashkira 88 0,01
udmurt 87 0,01
turkmen 80 0,01
moldovans 77 0,01
greek 72 0,01
tajiks 68 0,01
ossetians 68 0,01
finns 68 0,01
mariyza 67 0,01
azerbaijanis 66 0,01
komi. 66 0,01
karakalpaki 61 0,01
chechens 54 0,01
nanians 51 0,01
serbs 49 0,01
karelia 45 0,01
kyrgyz 44 0,01
simir 37 0,01
buryats 35 0,01
lezgins 34 0,01
cheri. 34 0,01
bulgarians 32 0,01
iranians 29 -
kalmyki. 26 -
japanese 25 -
nivhi 24 -
kabardians 23 -
turks 23 -
adygei 17 -
assyrians 17 -
ingush 14 -
evenks 14 -
yakuta 12 -
avara 11 -
varnish 11 -
khakasi. 9 -
kumyki. 8 -
abkhaza 8 -
shorts 8 -
latgalians 8 -
eVENA 7 -
other peoples of North 6 -
romanians 6 -
nenets 5 -
dargintsy 4 -
nogai. 4 -
uigurs 4 -
swedes 4 -
veps. 3 -
afghans 3 -
kurdi. 3 -
other nations Dagestan 2 -
karachayevtsy 2 -
uDE 2 -
abazines 2 -
talyshi. 2 -
french people 2 -
sellock 1 -
khanty 1 -
izhhorians 1 -
italians 1 -
norse 1 -
others 122 0,02
not indicated nationality 186 0,03

e) All-Union Population Census of 1959.

According to the correspondence of 1959, 208.826,650 people lived in the USSR., Of these, the Germans are 1.619.655 people. (0.78%), of which the RSFSR share accounted for 50.63%, or 820.016 people.

(e) All-Union Census of the 1970s.

The census was carried out from January 15 to January 22, 1970, the population's account was made as of 12 o'clock in the morning from 14 to 15 January local time.

According to the 1970 census, 241,720.134 people lived in the USSR., Of these, Germans - 1.846.317 people. (0.76%), of which the RSFSR share accounted for 41.27%, or 761.888 people.

g) All-Union Census of the 1979 population.

Census was carried out as of January 17, 1979. The development of census materials on the full program was completed in 1981.

According to the 1479 census, 262.084,654 people lived in the USSR., Of these, Germans - 1.936.214 people. (0.74%), of which the RSFSR share accounted for 40.84%, or 790.762 people.

h) All-Union Census of the 1989 population.

All-Union Census of the 1989 population was the last census of the USSR population.

The census was held from 12 to 19, 1989. 3 months after the end of the census - in April 1989, the preliminary results of the number and placement of the population were published on individual regions of the country. In early 1990, the final results of the number and the age composition of the population were obtained, the state in marriage, the number and size of families, the level of education, national composition and languages, sources of means of existence.

According to the 1989 census, 285.742.511 people lived in the USSR, from them Germans - 2.038.603 people. (0.71%), of which the RSFSR share accounted for 41.32%, or 842.295 people.

III. All-Russian Census of 2002

The first census in Russia after the collapse of the USSR was carried out in 2002 and it was held in the period from 9 to 16 October 2002.

Census of the population in Russia - Collection, generalization, study and dissemination of demographic, economic and social data related at a certain time to all persons in Russia and on the territory of its former state entities.

Representation history

In ancient Russia, state censuses began to be held from the 2nd half of the XIII century on the initiative of Mongols in order to account for the population to determine the size of Dani. After the formation of a Russian centralized state in some places, the so-called "screening books" were instituted, in which there were information about the population, descriptions of cities, villages, places, churches. The object of the taxation was originally land plots produced on the farm - Sokh (later a quarter, ten). In the XVII century, the unit has become the courtyard, and the main form of accounting is the residential census. In addition to resident censuses, a national census was held in individual territories (1646, 1678, 1710, the Landraist census 1715-1717). By the decree of Peter I dated November 26, 1718, the beginning of state audits, which were held 10 from 1719 to 1858 were held.

The first universal census of the Russian population was held as of February 9, 1897. In the Soviet Time, the census was carried out as of August 28, 1920 (in the territories not covered by the Civil War), on March 15, 1923 (city), and the general census - as of December 17, 1926, on January 6, 1937, On January 17, 1939, on January 15, 1959, on January 15, 1970, on January 17, 1979 and on January 12, 1989. After the collapse of the USSR, the next census of the population of Russia, scheduled for 1999, was postponed due to financial instability after the 1998 crisis. It was held only on October 9, 2002. The last census of Russia was held in October 2010.

Population accounting in the XIII-XVI centuries. Pickbooks

Many documents have been preserved, allowing the atmosphere to recreate the atmosphere in which the census was conducted, to outline the portraits of the correspondence, to find out the attitude of the population to the censuses. According to them, it is possible to imagine how the population was taken into account in Russia of the XVII century.

The census was performed primarily by the powers and the attainers who served in the Moscow orders - the authorities of the central authorities responsible for one or another section of public affairs. The most high-ranking attributes occupied important administrative positions, the responsibility of the rest was the preparation of numerous orders.

"The state of the noble, - wrote academician M. N. Tikhomirov, - largely relied on this ordinary company, which, must be said, the zhugu hate the population. From them there was an opportunity to change in orders, they produced various kinds of Volokut, which in XVII A century even in the royal documents was called "Moscow Volokita" ... the attains were often ruined during the uprisings, sometimes they were situated. Since the XVII century, they wore a very poetic name - "Student Seed" (Tikhomirov M. N. Russian State of the XV-XVII centuries. M., 1973).

For the census, the scribe and several of his assistants were sent to the census there, which were divided into "old" (senior) and young. The work of the scribe was difficult, demanded special knowledge. The trip was expected long, and they were seriously preparing for her.

First of all, the scribe supplied by the planner - instructions on how to conduct a census. In addition, he was awarded "chain books" - copies of the materials of the previous descriptions of the terrain in which the scribe was sent. As an "firing" during the census -1678, for example, correspondence books of 1646 were used. It is clear that the "chain books" served for scribe a big help - they were a kind of terrain guide, and a model of compiling new books, and, finally, the means of comparing the results obtained with the data of past years, and, consequently, the instrument of control.

During the census, three categories of the population were taken into account: cash, settled (constant) and assigned. Development was carried out mainly on the cash population.

Three forms of census sheets were used: Form A (for peasant farms rural societies), form B (for ownership of farms and private houses and courtyards inside villages), form in (for urban residents).

The census program included 14 signs: attitude to the head of the economy and the head of their family; age; floor; marriage state; estate; state or title; Place of Birth; place of registration; place of permanent residence; mark of absence or temporary accommodation; religion; native language; literacy and training; occupation, craft, fishery, position or service (with the allocation of the main and side exercises and regulations on military service); There was a mark of physical disabilities.

Directly participated in this census, the writer A. P. Chekhov - led the group of counters in the Serpukhovsky district of the Moscow province.

The results were published in two volumes of the "General Code of the Empire of the results of the development of a general census produced on January 28, 1897" and individual volumes according to the provinces, regions, four cities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa, Warsaw) and Sakhalin Island. Publication lasted until 1905.

All-Russian population census of 1920

The census was carried out before the creation of the USSR, within the borders of Soviet Russia. Population census was held under the leadership of V. G. Mikhailovsky as of August 28, 1920 simultaneously with the All-Russian agricultural census (September-October 1920) and brief accounting enterprises. Due to territorial non-residents (Crimea, the Far East, the mountainous regions of the North Caucasus and a number of other localities where it was not established soviet authority And military operations continued) The census is not considered universal.

During the census, the cash population was taken into account, and in the cities there is also a permanent population. A personal sheet was used as the main form. The urban settlements also used an apartment card and a residential statement. IN countryside A settlement list of households was used.

The census program included 18 signs (a special emphasis was on studying classes and professional composition): Paul; age; nationality; native language; citizenship (for foreigners); Place of Birth; duration of living at the census place; marriage state; literacy; education; occupation (main and secondary); position in the fishery; place of work; profession; source of means of existence; physical disadvantages; mental health; Participation in wars. Employment is carried out in agriculture, influence on her war, the ability to work in their profession and to work at all.

The population of the country (with the revenue to the territories not covered by the Cup) amounted to 136.8 million people, including urban - 20.9 million (15%).

Census in the USSR

First All-Union Census of 1926

The first All-Union Census of the population was held as of December 17, under the leadership of V. G. Mikhailovsky and O. A. Kvitkin.

During the census, the cash population was taken into account (on personalized leaves), and in the cities, the family card made it possible to obtain information and on the permanent population.

Three forms were used: personal sheet, family card (only in cities) and owned statement.

The census program included 14 signs: Paul; age; Nativity; native language; Place of Birth; duration of living at the census place; marriage state; literacy; physical disadvantages; mental health; occupation (with the allocation of the main and side); position in the lesson and the labor industry; For the unemployed - the duration of unemployment and the former occupation; Source of means of existence (for not having classes). The family card took into account the composition of the family with the allocation of married couples and their children, the duration of marriage and housing conditions.

The development of materials was completed

1.1.Aligor census

1.2. Cupid censures

2. Soviet census of the population

3. Microprecy population

4. All-Russian Census of 2002

5. Analysis of population census 1992 - 2006




Population census is a scientifically organized operation of collecting data on the number and composition of the population, generalization, assessment, analysis and publication of demographic, economic and social data about the entire population living at a certain point in the country or its clearly limited part.

The work on the census is not limited only to the collection of information, it also includes the assessment of the quality of the census results, their analysis and publication. The latest census quality has especially important It is for our country, where after 1926 the publication of the results of the censuses were constantly declining until the 1980s were reduced to one volume.

Census shows a number of population structures overlooking the borders of the subject of demographics - ethnic and socio-class structures, distribution of the population in the territory and migration, distribution of the population by industry national economy and in classes, unemployment, position in the lesson, etc.

The census history in Russia has several periods, during which the correspondencers were interested in completely different questions. So, at the time of the first famous census, which was held in Russia, during the Mongol-Tatar invasion (considered at home), the data were needed in order to impose the population of Russia Dania. In the Soviet period of Russian history, seven censuses of the population and the main unit of accounting was a family.

The purpose of this work is to study the history of the development of the population census in our country.

To implement the goal, we need to solve the following tasks:

· Examine the first census history (residential, pillow, the first scientific census of the population);

· History soviet census population;

· Consider the history of microperizes;

· As well as the history of the last census.

1. The first census of the population in Russia

The history of the censuses of the population in Russia is rooted in deep antiquity. True, about the earliest period of this story, unfortunately, very little written evidence. In the chronicles belonging to the IX-XI centuries, there are only references to the collection of Dani by Princes. Probably, when collecting Dani, the number of taxable population was also taken into account, but the details of this accounting are unknown. The chronicle evidence of the accounting of the population in the XIII century, during the period of Tatar-Mongolian invasion. In order to collect Dani Tatar Khans conducted a census in 1246 in Kievan Rus, in 1255-1256. in Suzdal Earth, in 1256-1259. - in Novgorod. In the chronicles, the entire population was taken into account, except the clergy released from Dani. The census was performed special correspondencers. From this it can be concluded that the census at the time was most likely inexlerable, as in other countries, i.e. The unit of observation in them was the economy ("House"). Accounting for the population was of a secondary importance, in any case, the total number of residents on these censions could not be established.

In the XIV-XVI centuries. As the central Russian state becomes the accounting and statistical business developed. The unit of taxation has become land plots, therefore the census was parmel. But along with the description of land possessions, the number of courtyards and people were indicated. The results of the censuses were recorded in the screening books that were kept constantly and served legal documents For the right to own land and serf.

1.1. Outdoor census

In the XVII century In connection with the development of crafts and trade, the unit of taxation becomes the farm - "Dvor". And the census turn into the residents. The number and scope of the censuses expanded so much that a countable order was formed in Moscow. Especially large were the residential census 1646 and 1678, which engulfed almost the entire territory of the state. In accordance with the tax goals, they covered only the applied, mostly male population. However, women, and part of the disadvantageous population, were taken into account in some such campus, and a distribution of age groups, a marriage state, sometimes even the genus of classes, rank and profession were indicated. The last residential census was carried out in 1710 under Peter I. It was for the first time an attempt was made to take into account not only the applied, but the entire population is magnificently, including privileged layers. The census has stretched over and ended in failure: she could not consider the entire population. The number of courtyards for this census turned out to be almost 20% less compared to 1678, whereas their increase was expected. Peter I did not accept the results of the census of 1710 and ordered a new census in 1716-1717. However, this new census showed even worst results: the number of courtyards decreased compared to 1678 by one third. Such results partly reflected a valid reduction in the population of Russia due to wars and ruinous living conditions, but in more than were the result of incorrect information. Many landowners tried to inject the number of courtyards, combining several feed courtyards to one. Therefore, the residential taxation was replaced by a pillow, and accordingly they were converted and census. On November 26, 1718, Peter I issued a decree, which was prescribed to "take fairy tales from everyone (to give for a year), so that the truthful brought, how many who in which the village of Shower Music Paul." Lists of the population ("fairy tales") should be collected in 1719, and then during three years to be inspected ("revision"). For evasion from the census or "Device of Souls", the decree provided for brutal punctures, up to the death penalty.

Cupid censures

This decree was made the beginning of a whole series of pillow censuses ("revisions"), which were conducted with various changes in Russia over the next 140 years, from 1719 to 1859, up to the abolition of serfdom. There were only 10 revisions, each of which continued for several years.

The census censures were still far from modern population censuses and on the coverage of the population, and according to methods. Their object was mainly only the supplied population, they took into account the assignment (legal), and not the actual population, were held for a long time, the information collected was not treated to one time. Therefore, even the total population according to audits can be defined only approximately. Since revisions were associated with tax credit, the population relates to them dislike, tried to evade the census. The landowners and other persons responsible for the preparation of "fairy tales", the number of suggestive shower. Officials who conducted revisions also allowed abuse.

And yet, despite the essential defects, Russian audits were a significant step forward in the development of accounting of the population. They were downloaded, with all revisions, such an important feature was taken into account as age (and in the form of the number of fulfilled years, and not by classifying the age group). Most of the revisions, except for the first, second and sixth, took into account the female population (also with an indication of the age) not to calculate the filters, but "for alone alone". Some revisions gave the distribution of the population on the marriage state, nationalities and class.

The last revisions covered more than 80% of the country's total population, and in the territories where they were conducted - more than 90%. This allowed although with a demonstration, but still determine the total population of the country, its placement and composition, relying on direct accounting data.

Revisions gave a rich material to study the population of Russia. They and today did not lose their scientific value (as historical material).

After the cancellation of the serfdom of revision, they lost their importance as a census of the consolidated population and was no longer carried out. Meanwhile, as capitalism develops in Russia, the need for complete and detailed data on the number and composition of the entire population began to be felt more and more. Such data could only give a scientifically organized universal census.

1.3. First All-Russian Scientific Organized Census

1897 was held as of January 28 (February 9 for a new style). The initiator was the outstanding Russian scientist P.P. Semenov - Tian-Shansky. This census is the only source of reliable data on the number and composition of the population of Russia at the end of the XIX century.

It was conducted within three months instead of the expected one and a half. Such a long time has not changed not to affect the quality of the collected materials. But if you consider all the difficulties and doubts about the possibility of holding a census at all, such a period should be recognized not to the biggest disadvantage. About 150 thousand people of personnel took part in the census, which can also be considered very large. The results of the census were published in 1905 in 89 volumes. Total population Russian Empire The borders of those years amounted to 125,640 thousand people.

The census materials showed not only the total population and its placement on the territory of the country and its regions, but also its structure on a wide range of indicators: by sex, age, marriage state and family position, literacy and religion, in the native language (which indirectly expressed The national composition of the population), on classes, giving means for existence, and by industry of the national economy, etc.

The development of the results of the census and their publication were completed in 1905, and in 1908 a question was raised about holding a new, regular census of the population in 1910 (i.e., in accordance with international recommendations "per year ending with 0) . However, in various circumstances, mainly financial properties, the deadline for the second census of the population was pushed off for 1915, which was also not implemented because of the World War I began in 1914.

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