
Legal regulation of the economy in the Russian Federation. Features of state regulation of the economy in the Russian Federation State regulation of the economy in the Russian Federation

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At the present stage of the development of the state, carrying out the regulation of socio-economic processes, uses a system of methods and tools that change depending on the economic tasks, the materialities of the state, the accumulated learning experience. The analysis of Western theories and world experiences allow us to talk both about the formation of national models and the established standard set of social forms and methods of state regulation.

The possibilities of the free market are not limitless. He is not able to guarantee the solution of all social economic problems modern society. In this case, we are not about deficiencies, but it is about the limited market opportunities, especially in relation to modern economic conditions. Therefore, in those areas where the free market cannot give results, state intervention is necessary.

State regulation external effects. The market covers not all socio-economic relations of the participants of the macroeconomic system. The activities of manufacturers, and consumers generate external (and not only internal) effects that can directly have a monetary measure. For example, there is an industrial enterprise, which, participating in market competition, in terms of the environment, pollutes the environment. With this external effect, the market can not do anything. Without the participation of the state, there is no need to do.

State regulation of consumption of public goods. The free market allows people to satisfy only the needs that are expressed through demand. But there are other needs that can not be measured in money and turn into demand. How to deal with them? It is, above all, about goods and services of collective use. And especially about such, in the consumption of which all citizens participate without exception - these are national defense, public order protection, public administration, a single energy system, national communications networks, etc. These benefits are called public goods in world economic science. The public goods differ from the private thing that it gets to all consumers about equally equally, in the same volumes. The provision of public goods to the population becomes one of the functions of the state in the economy of free competition. Financing them falls on the central and local budgets. The state budget should be sufficient to compensate for the external effects and volumes of supply of public goods.

Providing the state of the economy with the right amount of money. The market itself is not able to solve this problem. As a result, we get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe economic mechanism of free entrepreneurship. Allocate its two leading links - the free market and the state. At the same time, the meaning of the economic activity of the state is to complement the market, solve the problems in front of which it will leave. If even the economy of free competition does not cost without the participation of the state, the more it is necessary in the modern market economy. From the same problem, another number of several people follow: the redistribution of income, unemployment, investment in the field of science and technology.

Any economy (both market and not market) is subject to inflation and monopolism. Therefore, the market economy needs a state anti-inflationary and antimonopoly Policy.

The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical aspects and modern state regulation strategy in the Russian Federation

The task of this work is to show the main directions and tools of the modern state regulation strategy in the Russian Federation.

1. The essence of state regulation in the Russian Federation

To begin with, consider what state regulation is applied. Objects of state regulation are areas, industries, regions, as well as situations, phenomena and conditions of the socio-economic life of the country, where difficulties may arise, problems that are not automatically allowed or allowed in the distant future, while the removal of these problems strongly It is necessary for the normal functioning of the economy and maintaining social stability. Kurnyyshova I., ZASCO V. Trends and prospects for economic growth. // Economist. 2007. No. 10.

The main objects of state regulation of the economy are:

The economic cycle is the essence of the state anticyclic policy, or regulating the economic situation, is that during crises and depression to stimulate the demand for goods and services, investments and employment. For this, private capital is provided with additional financial benefits, government spending and investment increase;

- ??? Sectoral, sectoral and regional structure of the economy - is carried out with the help of financial incentives and government investments, which provide preferred conditions to individual sectors and regions;

- Capital accumulation conditions;

- Employment is maintaining a normal relationship between supply and supply of labor. The ratio it should satisfy the needs of the economy in qualified and disciplined workers whose wages are sufficient for them to motivate labor;

- money circulation - the fight against inflation representing a serious danger to the economy;

- The balance of payments - the state constantly carries out the operational and strategic regulation of the balance of payments by impact on export and import, capital movement, promotion and lowering courses of national currencies, trade and contractual policies and participation in international economic integration;

- Prices - dynamics and price structure reflects the state of the economy. At the same time, the prices themselves strongly affect the structure of the economy, the conditions of investment, sustainability national currency, social atmosphere;

- R & D (research and development workshop, which are aimed at developing and implementing scientific ideas);

- Competition conditions;

- social relations, including relations between employers and employment, as well as social security;

- training and retraining of personnel;

- Environment;

- Foreign Economic Communications.

State regulatory authorities seek to influence other objects of state regulation of the economy, for example, to interest private firms in the development of scientific research and the introduction of their results, in the export of goods, capital and accumulated knowledge and experience. The laws on compliance with the Rules of Competition, Social Protection, Protection are studied and improved ambient.

Based on the entity, state regulation goals are determined. Economic science is considering at the global level the main, the highest goal of regulation and applied goals. In any country, the highest goal should be reduced to achieving the maximum welfare of the whole society. But its implementation is possible through the achievement of applied purposes to which include:

- the economic growth;

- full-time;

- stability of price levels and sustainability of the national currency;

- Foreign Economic Equilibrium.

In the system of economic goals, ensuring economic growth is considered a leading specific task. Its solution is associated with an absolute and relative increase in the GNP.

With the provision of economic growth, another most important goal is conjugated - satisfying the requirements full busy. Its essence is the achievement of the most possible and long-term plane of the stable use of the entire working-age population. Specifically, the task is solved by the creation of new jobs and other methods of combating unemployment. The complex of these measures in the development of the country is customary to call employment policies.

The stability of the price level and national currency is the condition of the stability of the economy. Therefore, the achievement of the purpose under consideration is an essential landmark in the actions of the state.

The solution of the three listed targets means achievement within national economy relative macroeconomic equilibrium and creates more favorable conditions for achieving foreign economic equilibrium. It is supported by a system of state measures in the field of international Trade, intercountry movement of capital, labor resources, ensuring balance of the balance of payments. Kochergin i.e. Fundamentals of foreign economic activity. - Rostov-on-Don: RO RF MT, 2007. - 55 p.

The significance and sequence of setting goals in a particular country is determined by the diverse circumstances of internal and external order. With regard to Russia's conditions, the sequence of achievement of the considered goals may differ significantly from the order characteristic of Western countries. Yes, and in the composition of the goals there is a certain specificity caused by insufficient maturity market relations.

The state, carrying out the regulation of socio-economic processes, uses a system of methods and tools.

Consider the universal state regulatory facilities used lately (Fig. 1).

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Fig.1. Types of state regulation

Legal regulation is to establish the state of the "economic game" rules for manufacturers and consumer companies. The system of legislation and rules determines the forms and rights of ownership, the conditions for the conclusion of contracts and the functioning of firms, mutual commitments in the field labor relationship trade unions and employers, etc. Voronina L.A., Ratner S.V. Innovative path of development of the Russian economy. // Finance and credit. 2006 No. 12.

Administrative regulation includes measures to regulate, contingenting (from lat. A maximum amount established for certain purposes, the rate of anything), licensing (from lat. - Freedom, right, permission), quota (Late. - Share , part, the rate of something allowed), etc.

With the help of a system of administrative measures (in the form of consolidation, permissions, coercion measures), controls over prices, income, accounting rate, exchange rate. In some countries, the scope of administrative measures is limited to the area of \u200b\u200benvironmental protection, social protection of the population.

Economic regulation implies an impact on the nature of market relations through the impact on the aggregate demand, the total proposal, the degree of capital concentration, the structuring of the economy and social conditions, the use of economic growth factors. To this end, used:

- budget and fiscal policy;

- money-credit policy;

- programming;

- forecasting and planning.

2. Modern state regulation strategy in the Russian Federation

On November 17, 2008, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1662-p "On the concept of long-term socio- economic Development RF for the period up to 2020. "

The concepts formulated the goals, priorities and the main tasks of the long-term state policy in the social sphere, in the sphere of science and technology, in the field of economy, determined the strategy for achieving goals, including methods, directions and stages, the objectives and priorities of foreign economic policies, the parameters of the spatial development of the Russian Economics, objectives of territorial development.

The main points of the Strategy of Social Economic Development:

- New model of economic growth. Ensuring macroeconomic and social stability and the choice of the continued path of modernization of the country

-buget I. monetary policy, macroeconomic parameters of the development of the Russian economy

- Pension system reform

in last years Almost all economically developed countriesah to one degree or another difficulties were difficult to maintain in the stable state of pension provision of the population. Many of them faced the need to reform their pension systems. There are many reasons here, but in the first place it should be noted the demographic cause - negative trends in changing the relationship of persons working and disabled age.

- Strengthening market institutes. Ensuring the stability of property conditions and development, incentives for small entrepreneurship

-There from stimulating innovation to growth based on them

- tax policy

- Labor Market, Vocational Education, Migration Policy

-new school

- reduction of inequality and overcoming poverty

the purpose of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government policies aimed at reducing poverty and inequality in access to resources of development. Special attention It will be paid to the improvement of redistributive policies, improving the efficiency of the social support system of the population, improving public policy measures in the field of pension and labor market, aimed at reducing poverty and inequality state regulation Economy Employment

- Development of the financial and banking sector

- human health and habitat

- Real federalism, local government, intergovernmental policy

- improving the efficiency of public investment and public procurement, creation of a federal contract system

- optimization of the presence of the state: reduction of regulatory functions, ensuring transparency and feedback with citizens and business

- State Property Management and Privatization

- Development of public institutions

- Reform of the budget sector in the economy

- reform of natural monopolies

in the formation of a socio-economic strategy for the development of Russia for the long term, the most relevant problems in the field of reforming and the development of natural monopolies are: first, the definition of the general approaches of the state to regulating post-factory natural monopolies of Russia, which contribute to ensuring the maximum rates of economic growth and the balanced social development of the country. Secondly, the solution of numerous specific sectoral problems that have accumulated as a result of the low efficiency of the functioning of natural monopolies and imperfections arising during the reforms and creating artificial conditions for the development of market institutions.

- Overcoming the territorial and information disunity: the development of the transport system, communication and information

- International Position of Russia: Economic Landmarks

- Development of economic and social integration in the post-Soviet space

In order to objectively, the state regulation of economic growth in the paper, objects, objectives, methods, tools (funds), as well as the directions of state regulation on the near future are considered and described. The strategy and priority directions of the socio-economic development of the country until 2020 are considered.


This work covered such concepts as: the concept of state regulation of the economy, goals, objectives and forms, in detail

objects and tools of state regulation of the economy are considered. Also affected control methods.

We have made the following conclusions.

The country's economy is hundreds of millions of various components (including people, machinery, equipment, raw materials, materials, tools, etc.) in constant interaction. Only subject to rational separation of rights and obligations between the upper and lower managerial levels, the effective functioning of the control mechanism is ensured. Only subject to rational separation of rights and obligations between the upper and lower managerial levels, the effective functioning of the control mechanism is ensured.

The regulatory role of the state is important in organizing the foreign economic activity of products, as in this area, in addition to economic, interstate rules operate. Therefore, those state bodies of economic management are strengthened, which ensure the external relationship between suppliers and consumers of products. The role of government agencies is mainly, firstly, in controlling the laws of the laws of the economy and, secondly, the preparation of missing laws and regulations.

The most important economic task of state bodies is to ensure the conditions for the development and implementation of state investment and scientific and technical policies in a country that contributes to the technical re-equipment of production and the increase in the competitiveness of domestic products in world markets.

State regulation of the economy is aimed at developing entrepreneurship and creating a competitive environment in order to maximize the efficiency of production in accordance with the interests of the state and the needs of the population. The efforts of central and local authorities are concentrated therefore on the development of the real sector of the economy, designed to provide the country with material resources. The state takes on the functions of entrepreneurship mainly not only and not so much for the regulation of market relations. State bodies are recognized to solve the tasks that the unmanaged market is not able to solve. The state should establish a procedure in which entrepreneurs, acting in the conditions of the market, are forced and interested to do exactly what is profitable not only to them, but also society as a whole. We are talking about this order that would take into account the general needs and patterns of the market in the real socio-economic conditions of the country. At the same time, the independence of market entities would be combined with the interests of society. Thus, the state turns into the main coordinating center of the entire economic system, which ensures the normal productive work within the subject matter. The state, based on its social, political, economic and other interests, should set goals to business and stimulate it in achieving these goals. It will greatly help the business, if it formulates state policy on business development. First, it is necessary to formulate the principles of state attitudes towards business and reflect them in the legislative and regulatory framework, secondly, to establish state socio-economic priorities and, thirdly, to create a state infrastructure that promotes business activities.

With our actions, the state can slow down or accelerate their development. The market economy is not able to automatically regulate all economic and social processes in the interests of society and every citizen. The prerogative of the state is to ensure the rule of law in the country and its national SecurityWhat is the basis for the development of entrepreneurship and economy.

The state is imposed on the following main objectives: the creation of a legal basis, ensuring the proper rule of law in the country and its national security, the stabilization of the economy, ensuring social protection and social guarantees, the protection of competition, the development, adoption and organization of economic legislation.

Objects of state regulation of the economy are completely different, but covers almost all areas of economic activity.

Among the methods of state regulation, you can hardly meet completely unsuitable or absolutely ineffective. Everything is needed, and the only question is to determine for everyone economic zones and situations, those niches, where its application is appropriate. Economic and administrative methods have some similarity, and at the same time differ significantly from each other.

Administrative techniques are noticeably narrowed by freedom. economic Choice, and sometimes generally drive it to zero. Economic methods do not limit the freedom of choice, and sometimes even expand it.

The state intervention in the market economy is necessary in cases where the so-called "failures" of the market take place. The state should interfere in the economy if there are certain conditions and prerequisites. They can be positive and negative. There are signs of conditions and prerequisites: unemployment, inflation, budget deficit. The highest form of state regulation is state economic programming. His task is a comprehensive use of the global goals of all elements of state regulation of the economy. Programs are developed by the Special State Body or Ministries of Economics and Finance. As a rule, programs provide socio-economic development in the desired direction. Programming allows you to use all means of state regulation and avoid contradictory and inconsistency of regulatory activities of individual state bodies. Maximova E.N. State regulation of foreign economic activity. GL 13 Monographs: State regulation of the economy. Rostov-on-Don. Ed. Skags. 2006.

Modern market relations of industrialized countries, taking into account the high technical level of production, objectively require supports of non-standard regulatory methods. And it is obvious that the role of the state of the economy in the whole world will increase every year.

List of used literature

1. Abakumova OG Management of foreign economic activity. - M.: Prior-Edition, 2005.

2. R. R. Sources of post-crisis economic growth in Russia. // Questions of the economy. - 2005. - № 1. - 28 p.

3. Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation. - M.: State Committee, 1996. - 16 p.

4. Foreign economic activity: Organization and management / shd ed. prof. E.P. Puzakova. - M: Economist, 2005.

5. Voronina L.A., Ratner S.V. Innovative path of development of the Russian economy. // Finance and credit. 2006 No. 12.

6. Voropaev N.M. WTO not in the soul of Russian customs // Customs regulation. customs control. - 2004. - № 6. - 5 C;

9. Dubrov St. Non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity. Customs Theory and Practice: Tutorial 4.1 / Ed. P.P. Bopdareiko, A.P. Fizkik and others - Rostov-on-Don: RO RF, 2005.

10. Kozyrin A.P., Schpeckko R.L. Competition in international markets and anti-dumping regulation. - M.: Spark, 2005;

11. Kosyenko N.N. Customs law: course of lectures. - M.: Knourus, 2006.

12. Kochergin i.e. Fundamentals of foreign economic activity. - Rostov-on-Don: RO RF MT, 2007. - 55 p.

13. Kolyada S.P., Kravets T. Nontarithic regulation: classification features and main characteristics. Problems of improving the tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity in Russia: materials of the scientific and practical seminar. - Rostov-on-Don: RO RF RTA, 2002. - 65 p.

14. Clootsvag F., Chernova L., Sukhotyn. On the choice of development prospects until 2010 // Questions of the economy. - 2005. - № 6. - 12 p.

15. Kurnyshova I., ZASCO V. Trends and prospects for economic growth. // Economist. 2007. № 10.

16. Maksimova E.N. State regulation of foreign economic activity. GL 13 Monographs: State regulation of the economy. Rostov-on-Don. Ed. Skags. 2006.

17. International Economic Relations / Edited by B.P. Suprunovich. - M.: 2006. - 62 p.

18. International Economic Relations / Ed. Strovsky L.E. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2003. - 101 p.

19. Mikhailin A.N. A brief explanatory dictionary: a reference book on foreign economic activity. - M.: Book Service, 2003.

20. On the coordination of international and externally economic connections Subjects of the Federation: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 4, 1999 No. 4-FZ;

21. On the basics of state regulation of foreign trade activities: the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2003 No. 164-FZ.

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Federal Agency for Education

Voronezh State University

Faculty of international relations

Department ME and WED


under the discipline "World Economy"

on the topic: "State regulation of the economy"

(on the example of Russia)

Specialty world economy

Day separation

Head of the course work Nemirovskaya O.L.

Performed course work

2nd year student 4 gr. Antsifirova D.G.

Voronezh 2010.

Introduction ................................................................................

Essence of state regulation of the economy ............ ...

      Goals, tasks, functions, reasons for GRE ........................... ..

      Objects, subjects GRE ............................................. ..

      The boundaries of the state intervention in the economy ............ ..

Politics of state regulation of the economy ...............

2.1. Possible theoretical models of state regulation ............................................

2.2. Social policy of the state ..................................

2.3 Financial policy of the state ..................................

State regulation of the economy in Russia ............... ...

Conclusion ..............................................................................

List of used literature .......................................... ...


In all economic systems, without exception, the state regulates the economy. In a modern market economy, such regulation is carried out in a smaller scale than, for example, in the administrative and command system, but the economic role of the state is still great.

State regulation of the economy is the process of exposure to the state on the economic life of society and the social processes associated with it, during which the economic and social policy of the state, based on a certain concept, is being implemented.

As the main methods of influence on the economy, the state uses methods of direct and indirect effects to achieve the results of the results of the results. The use of these methods involves the use of techniques characteristic of them and funds. Thus, the method of direct impact on the economy is implemented by means of administrative and economic influence. An indirect control method is implemented only by economic means. A peculiarity of the direct method of state regulation is primarily that it is based on the authority of state power and is not related to the creation of additional material incentives for its implementation. An important specific feature is that they are assumed to be prohibiting measures, permits, coercion (legislative activities, licensing, etc.), and also provides for the organization of the management of public sector enterprises, state property. The indirect method of state regulation of economic life is characterized by an indirect way of influencing socio-economic processes and economic objects.

The purpose of my work is to consider such an important phenomenon as government regulation of the economy.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    explore the essence and content of the concept of state regulation of the economy;

    determine the boundaries of the state intervention in the economy;

    examine the policies of state regulation of the economy.

Subjects of state regulation of the economy are legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

1. Essence of state regulation of the economy

1.1. Goals, tasks, functions, reasons

At different times, the participation of states in economic processes in different ways was directly direct or indirect. In the present, almost all economists agree that the state should regulate the economy, but what methods and to what extent - the discussion is not completed and to this day, and it is unlikely to end in the near future. Obviously, after there was a steady global structure of independent states, the global economic space was divided into the spheres of influence of the superpower, its support, the regulation of economic processes within the country became absolutely necessary. At the same time, the strengthening at a certain stage of the influence of neoclassical approaches in managing the orientation on self-regulating market began at all means lowering the role of the state in economic processes. Just regulation becomes more subtle, qualified, based on anticipation and accurate prediction, planning situation.

More precisely, among the reasons for the need for state regulation of the economy, the following 1 is called:

    the impossibility of successful economic development without the definality of its territorial space. Interests of entrepreneurs, households, any subjects of economic relations are implemented ultimately through consumption. And it is tied to a social medium that has a clear territorial organization. Its certainty is guaranteed and provided by the state. Without a reliable vertical of the executive and legislative power, without a single economic, information and legal space, there can be no successful economy, and the market, as a rule, cannot independently provide these principles. Weighing state function and debugging international Relations national economy, the protection of its subjects in the global market;

    the need to form and maintain a moral, ethical and psychological environment, which is a carrier of indigenous purposes, the tasks of the development of the nation, long-term interests of the population as a whole. The mentality of society should influence the definition of their state, its fundamental spiritual and social parameters. It should ensure respect for these business objectives, because suppression or ignoring them can lead both separate social protests and by the rejection of economic formation as a whole by the majority of the population;

    the need to create a balance of economic interests in the country. Unacceptable state submission to the narrow economic and political interests of a separate social group. As a rule (and this is more than once confirmed by historical practice), such a state of affairs is fraught with the emergence of a socio-explosive environment, when the state is sweeping together with the "elite", but even earlier in the "elite" clan war begins, which makes the state incapacitated;

    the need to institutional determination of the goals of the economy and the state adjustment of negative manifestations caused by the inseparable laws of extended reproduction, meaning both the progressive development of the Company's productive forces and the emergence of cyclic disproportions between the phases of reproduction, between supply and demand. All economic reforms in the world were aimed at overcoming accumulated imbalances in reproduction and the creation of more efficient mechanisms to prevent them;

    the need and unambiguous utility of both business and households from the dynamic development of infrastructure in the broadest sense of the word;

    the need for stability, continuity and dynamic development of the institutional environment ( regulatory base, institutions of law, information systems, consulting, professional examination, not a politicized and highly educated management and control apparatus, etc.).

The main task of state regulation of the economy is to create certain conditions to ensure the normal functioning of the economy. The state in collaboration with the market supports and stimulates the development of society, defending, above all, his interests. The development of society contributes to the effective, maximum independent functioning of market entities, obtaining optimal benefits. The state protects the right of ownership, consumer rights.

The initial goal of GRE is the economic and social stability, strengthening and improving the existing structure in the country and abroad, adapting it to changing conditions.

Tree Tools Along with General, there are a large number of more specific goals subordinate to the general serving, without the implementation of which the general goal cannot be achieved.

All these goals together with the General form a tree of goals (Fig. 1) 2:

strengthening building

adapting it to the changing


its tation to changing



economic cycle


structures People. farm



cash circulation


normal employment




economic equilibrium


protection, improvement


covemine Cyc

Fig.1 Tree of goals in GRE

The main functions of the GRE:

    development, adoption and control of economic legislation;

    determination of macroeconomic policy priorities;

ensuring the conditions for the effective functioning of the market;

    the solution to those economic problems that the market mechanism does not decide.

The state defines the regulatory and legal field and the rules of the game on which they are played and which are adhered to market entities.

The implementation of these functions is ensured by solving specific GRE problems, reflecting a system of priorities of the state economic policy, both at this current moment and the prospect.

GRE Tasks:

    improving legislation that ensures the legal basis for the activities of entrepreneurs and the protection of their interests;

    maintain optimal general economic proportions

    improving the sectoral structure of the economy, state support for basic and other industries;

    the optimal combination of current and promising directions for the development of the economy: structural investment and scientific and technical policies;

    creating favorable conditions for capital accumulation.

    maintaining an acceptable level of differentiation and distribution of income, social stability in society for most populations;

    regulation of employment and quality reproduction of labor in the conditions of constant change of productive forces

    creating conditions for free and conscientious competition, free movement of goods in the domestic and foreign markets;

    environmental protection, preventing its infection, the prevention of the death of nature.

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1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 3.

2. State regulation of the economy (GRE)

2.1) borders of state regulation .....................................5

2.2) goals of state regulation of the economy ........................9

2.3) Methods of state regulation and methods

state intervention B. economic processes………………………... 10

2.4) the main spheres of state intervention ..................... ... 17

2.5) denationalization and its shape ...............................................27

3. State regulation of the Russian economy

3.1) State regulation of the economy in Russia ..................... 29

3.2) General analysis ...................................................................... 34.

4. Conclusion .................................................................................. 36

5. Applications .............................................................................. ... 37

6. List of references ........................................................................ 44

1. Introduction

In 1991, Russia joined the reform band. This process continues until now and is global. All spheres of social life affect the most powerful transformations. In the economy, changes are very strong and most noticeable. There is a transition from a supercantralized planned economy to free market economy. The more interesting the topic of state regulation of the economy becomes, that is, state intervention in economic processes in society. Earlier, the state performed all the economic tasks of a global nature, such as pricing, determination of the production of one or another product, etc. Thus, the entire economy was fully subordinate to the government. It seems clearly that soon individuals lost interest in the production sphere due to the vast and total control. This drop in interest led to a decrease in production efficiency, slowdown in scientific and technical progress, the fall of economic growth. Thus, by the early 1980s, the Russian economy was in the deepest crisis.

However, a market economy is impossible completely free from state intervention, because although the market mechanism of free competition has many advantages, its possibilities are great, but still not endless. There are areas where the free competition mechanism does not work and require state intervention.

State regulation of the economy under market economy is a system of modeling measures of a legislative, executive and controlling nature, carried out by the authorized state institutions and public organizations in order to stabilize and adapt to the existing socio-economic system to changing conditions.

As the market economy develops, economic and social problems have aggravated, which could not be solved automatically on the basis private property. There was a need for significant investments in the industry in low-cost or unprofitable from the point of view of private capital, but necessary to continue reproduction on national scales; Industry and generality crises, mass unemployment, violations in monetary circulation, the exacerbated competition in world markets demanded state Economic Policy.

Theoretically, the concept of state economic policy is wider than the concept of state regulation of the economy, since the first may be based on the non-interference of the state in economic life (the well-known principle of economic liberalism Laisser Faire - Laisser Passer). In modern conditions, the non-interference of the state in social and economic processes is unthinkable. Already a long time disputes are not about the need for state regulation, but about its scale, forms and intensity. Therefore, the terms "state regulation of the economy" and "state economic policy" are identical in our time.

The objective possibility of state regulation of the economy appears with the achievement of a certain level of economic development, the concentration of production and capital. The need to transform this opportunity in reality is to grow problems, the difficulties with which the state regulation of the economy is intended to cope. In modern conditions, state regulation of the economy is part of Process of reproduction. It solves various tasks: this is, for example, stimulating economic growth, employment regulation, promoting progressive shifts in the industry and regional structure, export support. Specific directions, forms, the scale of state regulation of the economy are determined by the nature and acuteness of economic and social problems in a particular country in a specific period. Due to a number of reasons, the most developed mechanism of state regulation of the economy has developed in some countries Western Europe (FRG, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Austria, Spain), in Japan, in a number of rapidly developing countries in Asia and Latin America. The state regulation of the economy in the United States, Canada, Australia is weaker than developed. Nevertheless, the state regulation of the economy and in these countries plays a significant role, especially during the deterioration of the situation, with high unemployment and inflation. The role of state regulation of the economy in developing countriesCreating an independent economy in the former socialist countries carrying out the transition from the planned household on the basis of state ownership of the market economy on the basis of private property.

2. State regulation of the economy.

2.1) The boundaries of the state intervention in the economy.

Now consider the boundaries of the necessary state intervention in the economy. First of all, these are areas where the mechanism of market self-regulation ceases to effectively act and the urgent intervention of the state is required.

1) First, this is the right organization. cash circulation.

2) Secondly, providing public goods by the state. The free market mechanism allows you to satisfy the needs that are expressed in monetary form through demand. However, there are such needs that cannot be measured in money and turn into demand. We are talking about collective use services: National Defense, State Administration, Unified Energy System, National Communication Networks, Public Order, Vaccination, Chlorination of Drinking Water, etc. It is not necessary to do without state interference in the economy.

3) Third, the elimination of the consequences of external effects. In the processes of market production and consumption there may be peculiar defects that do not have a monetary expression and not recorded by the market. These external effects violate the market balance and determine the non-optimal allocation of resources, which makes the necessary state intervention in the economy.

Functions performed by the state for the organization of monetary circulation, providing public goods and eliminate the consequences of external effects, constitute the maximum boundaries of its intervention in the economy of the free market. At the same time, these features form the minimum necessary boundaries of the regulation of the real market. As can be seen, the unregulated market does not happen at all, because even the perfect free market needs in a certain impact on the part of the state.

If you turn to the real competitive marketThe new areas of economic life are found, where the limitations of the market is manifested, which makes the wider participation of the state in economic processes. The combination of such areas defines the maximum permissible boundaries of interference in the economy. Briefly denote these areas. More details they will be considered in the analysis of the basic areas of state intervention.

Redistribution of income.

The market recognizes fair revenues obtained as a result of free competition in market factors markets, income-sizes depend on the effectiveness of investment of factors. There are people in society who do not own land, no capital, no work (disabled, poor). They do not participate in competition, do not receive any income. There are also people who do not have a job, but able-bodied, they cannot find market application to their work. The market distribution of income is not applicable to those who are engaged in the production of public goods, their content becomes a task of the state, not the market.

In all of the above cases, the state has the right to intervene in the redistribution of income, for what is valid from the position of the market mechanism, unfairly with the universal rules of morality, violates the human right to a decent existence in society.

The state takes on the task of providing legal base And some of the most important serviceswhich are prerequisite for the effective functioning of a market economy. The necessary legal framework implies measures such as providing legal status to private enterprises, determining the rights of private property and guarantee compliance with contracts. The government also establishes legitimate "rules of the game", regulating relations between enterprises, resource suppliers and consumers. Based on legislation, the state performs the functions of an arbitrator in the field of economic relations. The main services provided by the state include the use of police forces to maintain public order, the introduction of weight measurement standards and product quality, creation monetary systemfacilitating the exchange of goods and services.

A special feature of Russia is that the role of the state in the economy here has always been more significant than in European countries, for the reasons for the economic, social, national, geographical, natural climatic order.

Russia is a giant country with an exceptional variety of natural climatic features. At the same time, the population and natural resources are located on this huge area of \u200b\u200bstructurally disproportionately: 80 percent of the population of Russia lives in the European part of the country and only 20 in its Asian part. Natural resources are located on the contrary: 85% of them are east of the Urals and only 15 in European Russia. The giant sizes of the country themselves determine the great role of the state in creating a social and economic infrastructure, without which it is practically cannot be the development of not only a market economy, but also any other. Disproportionate location on the territory of the country of the population and natural resources makes this role of the state exceptional, since only the state is able to realize the importance of this problem and solve it (15).

The following features of Russia flow out of that prosaic position that it is in a state of transition from the command and administrative system to a market, from the coalded domination of public ownership to the diversity of ownership forms. A multi-storey economy is formed in Russia. The structure of socio-economic styles has not yet developed. The main way is public, the state - blurred, decomposes. Other are formed at the expense of it. But at the moment, today, in Russia there is no defining way. Russia really threatens regression in socio-economic development. The only force capable of stopping this threat to eliminate it is a state, his property and the economy state sector-based. However, the difficulty of the situation in Russia is that state ownership Lost your ability to set the rules of the game.

In addition, the specificity of the situation in Russia is expressed in the fact that there would seem that powerful privatization processes are coming. With the monopoly of the state in the economy, it is ending with less than 40% of industrial enterprises currently left in his hands, which, moreover, increasingly incorporating, and therefore, the state is not managed. Nevertheless, monopolism in the Russian economy deepened. The domination of the manufacturer over the consumer continues to take place, buyers are forced to still buy what is produced. And we know which principle is dominated in the market system: it is purchased (17).

Economic development modern Russia Aimed at three main tasks:

raising the standard of living of the population

providing national security

ensuring a decent place of the country in the world community.

To fulfill the first strategic task, it is necessary to achieve a high level of income of most people, high level of education and economic demands of highly educated personnel, as well as provide conditions for a healthy lifestyle, fertility of full-fledged children and increase life expectancy.

The second strategic task implies the preservation of state integrity. Preservation of state integrity and independence through ensuring the security of the country's level of defense.

The third challenge, being particularly important in the context of globalization, involves an increase in manufacturing production, optimizing import exports towards expanding the export of products with a high proportion of value added, finding its cost-effective niches in the international division of labor.

Ensuring the relative self-sufficiency of the Russian economy involves the creation of an independent economic system of a market type that can develop with support for domestic resources and the developed domestic market of these resources. It is especially important to gradually decrease the dependence of the country's development from foreign opportuncture, as well as ensuring the development of industries and business structures in the size of the country necessary to meet the internal needs of the country.

To implement the long-term economic growth of Russia, it is necessary to focus on the development of factors of production: human, natural, financial. It is important to stimulate the increase in demand for domestic products by the domestic market and expand the possibility of its implementation in the foreign market. The main way to expand demand in the domestic market is, in addition to increasing the competitiveness of domestic products in the foreign market, revitalization is necessary protectionist policies states.

It is not easy to solve this problem, but necessary. At the very least, the conclusion of long-term contracts with foreign states for the supply of raw materials should be associated with the definition of the share of the supply of high-tech products.

Economic growth can be ensured only if it is possible to increase the production of goods and services, productivity and labor growth, introducing into the production and management of new technologies. It is impossible to solve the problem of long-term economic growth without intensifying and stimulating all forms of entrepreneurial activities and improving the labor motivation of employees (11, pp. 248).

The state, as a public institution in the market management system, should take on a decisive role in ensuring economic growth. It should only develop an effective long-term strategy of such growth, but also to ensure the implementation of specific, tactical tasks. The main activities of the state are:

Achieving cohesion of society around the national idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth;

Stimulating population growth

Entrepreneurship development and on this basis an increase in employment growth and reducing unemployment

Stimulating production renewal, production infrastructure development.

State institutions are simply obliged to increase the quality component legislative base For business, remove uncivilized methods of cooperation with entrepreneurship, reduce the level of administrative capital.

The problem of economic growth, as well as the problem of the economic development of the country, is very contradictory. But it is important that the growth and positive development dynamics are resistant. It is preferable than the process of recession and degradation. It is also important that every citizen of Russia felt the positive impact of the country's economic growth.

Directions and the need for state regulation of the economy in Russian conditions

State participation in the national economy is carried out by performing basic functions related to the implementation of macroeconomic policies. These functions of the state are carried out by developing the ability of firms to compete in new and traditionally established industries in the global market.

As part of the performance of these functions, to improve the effectiveness of the state's influence on the economy in modern Russian conditions, it is possible to determine the points of exposure to the state to the economy to create an effective economic policy, which, in accordance with the principles of macroeconomic regulation, combine elements from various concepts of macroeconomic regulation.

Directions of state regulation of the economy:

1. Regulatory and legal regulation of economic relations and relationships of various economic entities. Ensuring the effective application of laws, protection of interest economic Subjects and population.

2. Regulation of the economy at the macro-level and development state programs, strategies and directions for the development of the economic system.

3. Solving social issues.

4. Ensuring the economic security of the country.

5. The activities of state-owned companies in critical areas: defense industry, social infrastructure, fundamental science and strategically important sectors of development.

Causes that are determined the need for state regulation of the economy At the macroeconomic level, are determined by the following factors:

  1. Availability of public goods in the country (education, health care, environmental protection, etc.);
  2. The presence of a private and public production;
  3. The occurrence of negative effects inside the market (poverty, crime, ecological problems);
  4. Scientific and technical progress;
  5. Trend towards monopolization;
  6. Availability of international competition.

At the same time, the most characteristic reason for the need for the existence of state regulation of the economy is the objective need to limit the laws of the laws of the market with a certain framework that ensure compliance with the interests of certain social groups. Prefessing interests in this case are the needs of the country's population, stability and material well-being arising from the availability of jobs.

Tools and forms of state regulation of the economy in Russia

Russia uses a wide range of state regulation tools of the national economy.

Governmental regulation tools

Direct state regulation tools

Instruments of indirect state regulation of the economy

Technical regulation of the economy

The direct state intervention in economic processes in the Russian Federation is expressed in regulatory activities, adopting laws and other acts aimed at strengthening, organizing and developing economic relations between economic agents.

At the same time, the state, being the owner of a part of public capital, through the creation of state and municipal unitary enterprises, as well as through the possession of a part of the share capital of the system-forming enterprises in strategic sectors, embodies long-term development programs in the national economy.

First of all, this concerns those sectors where the fundamental importance has a combination of equipment and fixed assets: an energy complex, mining industry, nuclear industry, cosmonautics, aviation and air transport, railway and sea transport.

The indirect intervention of the state in the development of the national economy of Russia is expressed, first of all, in the management of the balance between savings and investments, ensuring full employment, the development of international economic cooperation, price stabilization, price regulation of specific goods and services, maintaining sustainable economic growth rates and in others Directions of traditional economic policies.

The state controls the activities of natural monopolies and develops standards for complying with their business entities.

Technical regulation of the economy has a centralized-distributed nature. It is expressed in the use of the following three interrelated mechanisms:

1. Registration, licensing, delegation and accreditation of economic entities depending on the type of economic activity.

2. rationing, certification and supervision of economic activity.

3. The application of sanctions, penalties, penalties on business entities in the event of violations in the process of economic activity, as well as the implementation of approximate procedures.

For comprehensive regulation of the National Economy of Russia, the state uses fiscal and credit-monetary policy.

Fiscal policy

Credit-money policy

As part of the fiscal policy, the state manipulates its incomes, primarily taxes, and expenses; In particular, taxes are distributed between consumers and consumers of goods, while the burden of taxes will be more for consumers if demand exceeds the supply or manufacturers if the supply exceeds demand.

In the framework of credit and monetary policy, the Russian government regulates the volume cash In circulation and manages the development of the credit sphere.

Three main forms of state regulation of the economy in Russia:

  1. Implementation of state, federal and regional targeted programs;
  2. Forecasting the development of the economy;
  3. Modeling macroeconomic situations.

Forms of state regulation of the economy

Functions of state regulation of the economy

  1. Macroeconomic forecasting and drawing up indicative plans in order to inform about the estimated state of the economy.
  2. Formation of solutions in the field of structural changes of the national economy, including the distribution of public investment, placement of state promenes, the settlement of social problems, infrastructure development.
  3. Formation of a system of regulators to manage processes outside of direct state control, including the use of monetary policy tools, management of external payments, subsidies, pricing, provision of preferences and benefits to priority sectors, customs policy and other directions.

Problem areas of state regulation of the economy in Russia

The problems of state regulation of the economy in Russia are associated with several aspects that do not allow the state to effectively affect the development of the national economic system.

First, there are no developed institutions in Russia to regulate efficient development for the absolute majority of economic agents. First of all, this concerns the institutions of such a legal level, which allow implementing economic measures at the level of individual economic management bodies. They also provide and effective law enforcement and make coercion of market participants to the execution of their obligations. In Russia, there are no such structures close to the state and government, which have been transferred to certain management tasks, seized from the scope of state management structures. Perhaps at a higher, spent stage of market regulation, the domestic system will come to this embodiment.

Secondly, macroeconomic regulation is carried out at the national level and does not take into account that in our country the functional and infrastructure institutions have already been formed, let them not be in a fairly developed state in order to have a significant impact on the development of individual elements of the economic system. Ignoring the existence of such elements of the market system in macroeconomic regulation leads to significantly lower results of state regulation of the economic system.

Thirdly, due to the lack of a significant impact of large structural units of the economic system, which they can assist the state of economic policies in the field of state regulation, the importance of these elements is understood by the existing government agencies in relation to the mechanisms of state regulation of the economic system. For example, in Russia there are already independent trade unions. But their role in economic policy is still modest. There are few unions organized by the industry principle.

Fourth, the provision of economic security of the country is concentrated in such state institutes as the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But in conditions, when social interests are beginning to play, and not state economic institutions, the implementation of this task is difficult, since different political parties act, as a rule, not from the position of coordination of the compromise, but on the contrary - from the standpoint of confrontation. Of course, economic installations of various parties are also differentiated. Therefore, the procedures for coordinating the interests of the Company expressed by representatives of political parties in parliament and governments are necessary.

Fifth, the existing practice of impact on economic decisions States in the field of macroeconomic regulation of the economy on the part of large enterprises and the banking sector negatively affect the economic interests of most of the economic entities. It should be noted that the impact of entrepreneurs to state economic decisions of state regulation through the support of party groups and the nomination of deputies to parliament is a generally accepted practice and with the proper legitimate performance of expedient economic proposals from large enterprises bring positive results in the medium term. However, the Lobbizma system is actively deployed in Russia, which allows representatives of industries, individual economic structures to put pressure on executive representatives, which leads to the interests of the minority of economic entities to the detriment of the interests of the national economic system as a whole. In addition, the practice of using illegitimate methods, bribers, corruption for the impact on economic decisions of the state causes irreparable damage to the economy.

One of the goals of the state is economic growth. Economic growth implies growth economic potential National Economics, the growth of the national product per capita, and consequently, the achievement of a high standard of living for everyone.

In modern conditions for the development of the Russian Federation, it is possible to increase efficiency through the formation of such an economic system that would contribute to intensive economic growth and strengthened the competitiveness of goods to Russian manufacturers in the internal and world market. This is possible when using progressive methods of state regulation of the economy.

Prospects for state regulation of the Russian economy

Since it is impossible to increase the efficiency of state regulation at the expense of a particular solution, it is necessary to systematically implement measures that are intended to solve certain problems in the structure of state regulation of the economy.

Since in the Russian conditions is currently objectively impossible to allocate economic institutions that would be able to implement state solutions in the field of macroeconomic regulation, it is necessary to work out the concept of their creation.

We need to study the following directions of state regulation of the economy:

  • The system of forming a competitive environment and protection against unscrupulous competition.
  • The system for regulating the money supply in circulation using such regulatory tools as politics mandatory reserves, interest rate level Central Bank, regulation of refinancing volumes of commercial banks, as well as other promising tools used by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. At the same time, a systematic approach to using regulatory tools is needed.
  • Maintaining the balance of the state budget.

The most relevant for Russia at this stage will be the stimulation of the development of these areas, so that the state will be able to increase the efficiency of regulating the economy as a whole.

The development of the principles of social partnership according to the model of tripartis, which is characteristic of Russia, will increase the role of trade unions, the population and unions of entrepreneurs in the implementation of the national policy in the field of national economy regulation on the macro level. This will make it possible to create the most effective industry unions of entrepreneurs. Also, the gradual quantitative growth of entrepreneurs will create a prerequisite for aging group business interests and impact on the macroeconomic strategy.

In terms of ensuring the economic security of the country, for Russia, the continued implementation of the policies of the protection of domestic producers from foreign competition is relevant.

In the context of import substitution policies, the priority of state regulation should be the development of the real sector of the economy, its technical re-equipment on the basis of protectionist policies in relation to Russian manufacturers.

Such a policy begins to act when the influx of cheap imported goods, which capture a significant share in a certain product market and thereby disturbing the current equilibrium. The government through various elements introduces an increase in import duties and imported quotas, which limits the import of certain goods and restores the optimal conditions of competition in the domestic market.

Even with the abolition of sanctions against goods prohibited to import into the Russian Federation, the state may continue to stimulate the policy of import substitution, using elements of protectionist policies, through customs duties and import quotas.

Use of such policies russian government More actively influence the country's economy, supporting domestic manufacturers, protecting them from unfair competition from the countries of importers and dumping prices used by international corporations in a number of commodity markets. Various institutional organizations are involved in the implementation of this policy: legislative and executive bodies, commodity industry associations, analytical and information centers, private commercial structures and etc.

In the same field, it is necessary to achieve a compromise between the various political parties, which are presented in parliament. Of course, this question is mostly to the organizational and legal basics of the functioning of our state, but it is essential as an important out-economic factor.

In terms of solving problems of excessive lobbying and corruption, it should be borne in mind that Russia is actively fighting corruption at all levels of state power. Noneless notable. Governors, ministers, representatives of power departments, employees of anti-corruption departments - everything will be responsible for the court.

In this regard, to reduce the possibilities of lobbying, in the interests of individual major economic structures, the development and incentives for the activities of the State Committee on Antimonopoly Policy and Support for New Economic Structures, the Government Commission on Protective Measures in foreign trade, various associations of commodity producers, etc. All these structures reduce the likelihood of large economic structures that can influence the macroeconomic decisions of the state. Also here should include various credit and monetary policy tools developed by the central bank. Already, we can talk about the formation of certain functional areas of state regulation of the economy in the restraint of monopoly trends and lobbying processes.

Finally, to ensure effective state regulation of the Russian National Economic System, the methodological and objective and functional formation of elements of planning state decisions in the field of individual aspects of the economy should be ensured. These areas include anticyclic policies, allowing to smooth the acute phases of the crisis and mitigate the consequences of crisis phenomena in the economy. The 2008 crisis and the fall in the gross domestic product in 2015-2016 have proved the need to use mitigation tools in government policy. In this regard, the State in the implementation of the measures for regulating the economy should appeal to the experience of Condratyev's cycles and adopt the methods developed by this theory in the context of applied in modern development conditions. Given the sequence and nature of the stages of the cyclical development of the economy, the state can plan separate measures to mitigate them, preparing relevant macroeconomic solutions in advance. In this regard, it is also important to take advantage of the experience of planning, which has accumulated in Russian economic science for the period of planned economy, taking into account his adaptation under modern market realities.

Separately, it is worth saying that the ideas of creating a system of economic development planning today again acquire the relevance among individual representatives of the economic thought of Russia, but in the context of the combination of macroeconomic planned indicators and market factors. For example, N.I. The leader on the basis of the experience of planning a planned economy in the USSR proposed the creation of a system of strategic state planning for the development of the economy for the purposes of state regulation of the economic system. As part of the creation of such a system, the need for total planned farming is rejected, and the transition to promising strategic planning is proposed, on the basis of which macroeconomic policy is being developed and implemented to manage the development of the economy, and state decisions are made and held economic reforms. Thus, in the country it is possible to create a centralized and mixed economy according to the classical mechanism of free competition with the inclusion of the effects of market factors in the establishment of macroeconomic proportions in a strategic development plan. Fundamental principles of combining strategic planning and market mechanisms N.I. The lead first outlined in 1971 in the book "Economic Cybernetics". Subsequently, these ideas developed, and the main direction of their incarnation today is the use of computational power of modern equipment, which will create a unique and accurate strategic plan for macroeconomic development, devoid of flaws that the market economy suffers. At the same time, other countries of the world, including China, USA, are engaged in issues of creating such an electronic system that makes macroeconomic forecasts with a high degree of accuracy.


The considered aspects of state regulation of the Russian economy are associated with the objective peculiarities of the country's socio-economic development at this stage. At the same time, proposed methods for solving problematic state regulation issues will significantly increase the effectiveness of the participation of the state in the national economic system and state regulation of the economy on the basis of accounting macroeconomic indicators, institutional aspects and interests of economic groups.

Methods of state regulation of the economy are currently relevant for Russia, primarily with a balanced state economic politics and progressive state regulation models. The protection of government officials, which make decisions on macroeconomic regulation measures, from lobbying interests and corruption schemes from major economic structures interested exclusively in increasing their own benefits.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state