
Economic reforms in Russia (1990s). Economic reforms in Russia (1990s) Economics of the Russian Federation in the 90s

Russian economy in the 90s of the twentieth century

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Theme of article: Russian economy in the 90s of the twentieth century
Rubric (thematic category) History

Social forces initiated at the turn of the 80-90s. Transformations in the Russian economy, initially assumed to complete the transformational transition within two relative to short stages: on the first to carry out rapid and cardinal reform of the property and the economic mechanism, on the second - equally rapid 'importance of market incentives, almost immediately and automatically leading to the rise in the economy and level growth Life. Numerous forecasts were expressed and promises were issued that the cardinal changes can be carried out in a few months, for ''500 days'' that overcoming the decline and the improvement of living conditions will happen to''Blezha's Osœ'''''''''s and so on.

In fact, the transformation changes in the Russian economy turned out to be extremely complex, contradictory and long, they took place in the conditions of political shocks and collapse of the state. In the first half of the 90s. The transformation of the economy was already carried out in the conditions of post-Soviet economic and political realities. The main element of the measures taken at this stage was privatization (mainly in the check form), as a result of which the share owned by the state basic funds decreased from 91% (at the beginning of 1992.) To 42% (in 1995); In the share capital, the share of the state by mid 1995. amounted to 11%. In the course of changing the system of economic management and the economic mechanism, the idea of \u200b\u200b'' states' state from the economy was implemented. The role of the dominant economic ideology acquired borrowed from abroad concept of monetarism, limiting state functions by regulation cash In circulation (these concepts were developed in relation to the conditions of a highly developed market economy with a well-established monetary mechanism and long-term trends in economic growth).

In practice, Russian vulgarized pseudo-dollarism led to chaos in the economy, which arose as a result of shock''liberalization''''''s prices and followed hyperinflation (for January 1992. consumer prices increased by 245%, by the end of 1992 ᴦ. 26 times, then during 1993ᴦ. - Even 4 times, in 1995. - 2.3 times). Wheel national currency led to the dollarization of the economy. In fact, the inflationary confiscation of population savings and inflationary redistribution of public wealth was carried out, which, in combination with almost free distribution state property New owners ( money Evaluation Funds of enterprises turned out to be repeatedly understated relative to their real value, sometimes - in many thousands of times) and inflationary and preferential lending to commercial banks - led to the implementation of a certain historical analogue of the initial accumulation of capital. In 2004, when summing up privatization, it was estimated that the state budget was received from the sale of privatized property and objects of the amount of 9 billion dollars; For comparison, it can be noted that in Bolivia, where in the 1990s also privatization was also carried out, more than $ 90 billion were obtained, while the scale of the economy of this country, the procedure below Russian and privatized a significantly smaller share of the public sector.

The robbery of the population was continued later by criminal activities of private''Ford''', banks and ' financial pyramids''. In this period there were consolidation of the social forces, in whose interests were made in the economy. This is a nomenclature official, quantitatively increased by 2 times and carried out the "attractiveness of the power to the property, the administration of enterprises (on average, 5% of employed in enterprises) and criminal circles.

By the end of the 90s. In the Russian economy, determined positive changes. It was mostly achieved by the saturation of the consumer market, the degree of computerization was significantly increased, the development of services was developed, some elements of the market infrastructure arose. Expanded opportunities for manifestation of economic initiative and business activities. At the same time, these positive shifts turned out to be impaired by the progressive destruction of the production, scientific and technical and, in general, the civilization potential of the country.

For the period''reform'''' 'happened more than double (according to official data) a drop in production volumes, and in the high-tech high-tech industries on the world market, it decreased at 6 to 8 times. Along with the decrease in the volume of the volume, the efficiency of the economy has sharply decreased: in one and a half - two times, energy, stock and material production has fallen with a two-way reduction of labor productivity. The absolute reduction in the population continued (despite the influx of a significant number of refugees), the average life expectancy has decreased. In early 2000 ᴦ. Revenues of more than 50% of the population did not reach the level subsistence minimum; this level More than 10 times exceeded the size of the minimum wage.

For the period 1991-2000 ᴦ.ᴦ. The number of personnel in the field of scientific research and development decreased by 45%; More than twice the number of patent applications has decreased. According to UN experts, only the direct annual losses of Russia due to the 'leaders of the mind can be estimated at $ 3 billion, and taking into account the missed benefits - $ 50-60 billion. At the same time, the United States at the expense of' 'imports up to 100 billion dollars. additional gross product growth; Half growth of American specialists in the field of software was carried out at the expense of emigrants from former USSR. Over the past decade, the cumulative expenses for scientific and technical developments decreased 20 times. Reducing the financing of education and health spheres has generated the trends of the degradation of these areas; Their commercialization led to an increase in social tensions. The needs of education in resources were provided by less than 50%; The costs of the state budget for health care needs in Russia per person per person $ 50 per year, while in the USA - 3 thousand; in Western Europe - 1.5 thousand dollars. in year.

Agriculture was destroyed and the food safety of the country was destroyed; The share of imports in food products exceeded 60%. Only for the first half of the 90s, the supply of trucks agricultural enterprises decreased by 36 times; Grain combines - 1000 times. For a decade, large agricultural enterprises were almost represented during the decade and more than 44 thousand farmers were ruined; The remaining farmers, owning 5.2% of land, produced only 1.9% of commercial agricultural products. From 1991 to 2000 ᴦ. The production of grain decreased by 1.8 times, milk - 1.7, sugar beet - 2.3 times; The per capita consumption of milk decreased from 382 to 226 liters per year, meat - from 75 to 48 kg, fish - from 20 to 9 k. Russian food market has become a place of sale of poor-quality foreign products; The quality standards in force in Russia did not correspond to 36% of imported all-milk products, 54% of meat products, 72% of canned foods.

The acute social problem was the socio-economic differentiation of the population. Decile coefficient, ᴛ.ᴇ. The ratio of income of 10% of the most secured population to income is 10% the least secured part, hesitated in the 90s, according to official estimates, in the range of 14: 1 to 16: 1. Even these, obviously understated in the opinion of many experts, the figures indicate that the degree of socio-economic differentiation in Russia significantly exceeded foreign indicators (in the United States, the decile gap was, according to different estimates, 8-10: 1; in Western Europe - 5- 6: 1; in Sweden and China - 3-4: 1; socially dangerous is considered to be excess of this coefficient of level 10: 1). Differences in the remuneration of workers and administrations reached at least 20-30 times, sectoral differences - 10 times, regional - 11 times; The dependence of revenues from the real employment contribution was lost to a large extent. The number of the army of officials has increased, which has reached 1340 thousand people by the beginning of 2000, which is more than twice the corresponding indicator in the Soviet Union (in the 80s sessions - approximately 640 thousand people). The costs of the maintenance of the state apparatus only from 1995 to 2001. increased almost ten times (from 4.4 to 40.7 billion rubles).

According to the integral index of human development, Russia by the end of the 90s. It turned out to be in the sixth dozen countries of the world. The demographic crisis began to acquire the traits of the demographic catastrophe. Russia's population was reduced annually by 800 thousand people; The average life expectancy has significantly decreased, which is primarily due to socio-economic factors. The need for a cardinal adjustment of economic reforms has become apparent.

The Russian economy in the 90s of the twentieth century is the concept and species. Classification and features of the category "Russian economy in the 90s of the twentieth century" 2017, 2018.

By the mid-1980s, the Russian economy was in a state of crisis. The slowdown in economic development caused the exit. It seemed that all the misfortunes of the economy occur from spraying funds from insufficiently thoughtful investment. Therefore, the main rod acceleration There was a change in investment policy. The redistribution of investments in the industry, determining technical progress, primarily in mechanical engineering.

Attempts to saturate the market by developing cooperative movement and individual labor activity failed. So, instead of growth in the production of goods, there was a rise in prices and a decrease in quality. Since 1989, inflation processes have taken avalanche-like character.

Enterprises, striving to get rid of money, began to invest them in any kind of resources. Excessive reserves increased dramatically. In relations with each other, the enterprise switched to the mutual turnover, they refused state order. Barter transactions have become increasingly developed. The rise in prices caused by inflation led to the fact that the collective farms began to refuse to sell products to the state and search for ways of direct natural exchange with enterprises.

It became clear that the policy of accelerating socio-economic development suffered collapse, finally unbalancing the economy. In connection with the economic crisis, separatist trends have increased. Dissatisfaction with the lack of goods caused mass strikes, which further aggravated the situation. It began not to slow down the pace, but a reduction in production.

The essence of economic reforms

In November 1991, the new Russian government announced its commitment to radical economic reform. Suggested by him program provided for:

a) price liberalization and wages;

b) holding a tough monetary policy, budget reform and stabilization of the ruble;

c) the privatization of half of all small and medium enterprises;

d) cessation of defense financing; Union ministries and economic assistance committees to other countries;

e) strengthening the social protection system.

End targets Reforms held: economic, socio-political, spiritual revival of Russia; Growth and prosperity of the domestic economy; Providing on this basis the welfare and freedom of its citizens; development of democratic institutions; Strengthening Russian statehood.

And the government decided to fulfill this task. The beginning of Russian reforms turned out to be sufficiently successful:

liberalization of prices, exchange rates and trade was carried out.

Despite the decisive liberalization of prices and strict budgetary and credit-monetary measures aimed at stabilization, there were no significant changes in the state enterprise sector. The reason for this is in uncertainty of property rights. Privatization of state-owned enterprises was needed, i.e. The transfer of property rights in private hands, with the exception of some part of the enterprises that should remain in the hands of the state (Central Bank, roads, ports, waterways, research institutes, etc.).

The government announced its intention to carry out the rapid and comprehensive privatization of the state-owned enterprise sector. The Government Privatization Program for 1992 was approved by the Decree of 29.12.91, which establishes the principles and methods of privatization. The main task of the program was the creation of a private owner layer, which will contribute to the development of a market economy by increasing the effectiveness of the former state and municipal enterprises.

Different paths of privatization were envisaged depending on the size and nature of the enterprises: small businesses should be sold through auctions. Some medium and most large enterprises should be transformed into joint-stock companies, and their shares will be sold with competitive auctions. Other types of enterprises could be privatized.

For the transition to market relations, functioning markets were needed, open international competition, which establishes the right price ratio. We needed liberalization in international trade.

The beginning of the formation of a new, adequate market conditions for the regulation of foreign economic relations in Russia was the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Liberalization of Foreign Economic Activities" of November 15, 1991. From now on, all business entities of any form of ownership received in principle the right to foreign economic activity.

Foreign economic activity reform measures included:

    removing export restrictions finished products (while maintaining harsh quantitative and tariff restrictions on the export of fuel and commodity goods);

    partial liberalization of the exchange rate;

    cancel of any restrictions on imports.

Import liberalization was needed to create a competitive environment on a supermonopoly internal market, as well as to compensate for a sharp decline in production in the Russian industry.

The opening of the internal markets of Russia for goods of foreign firms along with a large benefit to solve the problem of improving the competitive situation and great problems have contributed. After all, domestic enterprises are still completely losing in the ratio of price / quality of their own products in front of similar foreign goods. And naturally, the buyer began to acquire overseas products. And such a development of events led to the collapse of not only individual Russian firms, but also entire sectors of the national economy. And this created a real threat to an increase in the already huge army of the unemployed, to reduce the number of which the country did not have (and now there is no). As a result, the government had to open domestic market For the supply of foreign goods, then again "cover the door".

Market reforms are unthinkable without private ownership of Earth. It is a powerful catalyst for economic activity.

Formally, private property was proclaimed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. However, despite the adoption of a number of legislative and regulatory acts about the Earth in the following years, the lack of a completed system of the institute can be stated private property to the ground. Today in economic practice there is a lifelong inherited land ownership, constant and indefinite use of it, as well as an intra-economic lease, which leaves the tenant for the rights of the hired employee instead of the owner. Along with this, state bodies have introduced the right to sell and rent a land.

One of the most important areas of economic reform contributing to the development of competition, filling the consumer market with goods and services, the creation of new jobs was the program for the development of small business.

Given the significant role that small business plays in the economy of countries with the most developed market relations, the reform leadership of Russia from the very beginning made a big bet on him. Relatively favorable conditions for small business growth were created. The law on enterprises and entrepreneurship appeared in the late 1990s. Since 1991, he went to the rapid increase in small enterprises, and already in 1995 896.9 thousand such enterprises operated in the country.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in the first half of 1997, it was due to an increase in production of products on small and medium-sized enterprises in the country's industry, a rise in production is reached by 0.8%.

In June 1995, federal law was signed "On state support Small business in the Russian Federation ", and at the end of 1995 federal law was adopted" On the simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting for small business entities ".

However, most of the measures taken are not implemented in practice. As a result of the practical implementation of this policy, the number of medium and small enterprises began in 1996, and the budget will not be fill due to the absence of a basic taxable base. Moreover, to minimize taxation, many representatives of small businesses will resort to tax care measures, thereby contributing to the formation of a criminogenic environment.

One of the main reasons for the reduction of the number of small and medium enterprises was the unbearable tax burden - taxes from revenues, loose-based independently of real financial results, depriving the manufacturer not only profit, but also current means; Double and even triple taxation of income; Advance payments with not yet received profits.

The tax system was created in 1991 in fact with a clean sheet, given the reality of that time. The main function was - budget formation. Calculation of the creators of the tax system was made on the fastest rise in commercial capital and the speedy flourishing investment from trade in the necessary, only promising industries. Trade really flourished. But investment activity was not observed. Any little decent businessman engaged in caring from paying taxes. Taxes turned into a all-consuming monster - 150 taxes, "eating" 60% of income - this is not so much reality as the sentence for the state. The collapse of the recent budgets has made the inevitable change of the tax system.

The economic reforms have eliminated the equalization distribution of goods and services, provided the opportunity to many citizens independently provide themselves with a decent standard of living. A universal shortage of the consumer market was overcome, housing, medical and educational services are developing. More diverse was the choice of types of employment.

At the same time, new problems appeared. Differentiation of citizens in income level increased dramatically. The "poverty zone" expanded, the dependence of the poorly protected part of the population (large families, retirees, disabled people) from social assistance provided by the state has increased.

The restructuring of enterprises entailed the release of the workforce, which resulted in social tensions. It was necessary to create a system of social protection, with which citizens could overcome the difficulties of the transition period. A number of programs were developed: regulation of employment of the population, primarily young people; preparation and retraining of workers of reorganized enterprises. The most priority direction was the development of a mechanism for the payment of unemployment benefits, linked to the subsistence minimum.

A kind of line under the epoch of economic Transformation has become announced by the Government and the Central Bank Russian Federation The denomination of the ruble in 1998, which was designed to become one of the elements of the stabilization of the economy. The reform, the beginning of which accounted for the first day of 1998, did not imply a confiscation in any form, no restrictions, nor the exchange of cash "old" money, found by the home wallet or at the enterprise. They still had to perform their feature and participate in the turnover.

The nominal value of Russian monetary marks and price scale varies on the scale of 1000: 1. One ruble is a thousand rubles marked on the "old" bill, one penny will become a coin ten rubles.

Government I. Central bank Russia, conducting a denomination, expected its following results:

    Strengthening the population of confidence in the non-inflammatory development of the economy. At that moment, this was especially relevant in connection with the implementation of measures to repay the debt on pensions and wages.

    Increase controls cash streams in banking sector With the simultaneous transition of the economy on new system Accounting.

    Along with the complex of measures to prevent the passage of rubles in dollars, increasing the sustainability, liquidity and complete convertibility of the new national currency.

    In the next annual report, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, summing up its activities in 1997, noted the following positive results in the macroeconomic situation of the country:

    Inflation is suppressed to limits that do not put insurmountable barriers on the path of effective investment. Rose the stability of the ruble exchange rate. His dynamics are subject to economic regulation And it became predictable. Astronically high yield of valuable state papers, which was characteristic of mid-1996, managed to reduce up to relatively acceptable level, and banks are increasingly proven to invest in enterprises and in investment projects. 1997 - the first year, when there was no decline in the gross social product.

However, in general, the results achieved in the field of macroeconomic policies and production are still very weak and insignificant so that the business and the population can adequately feel. Height industrial production It is difficult to consider sustainable and reliable. The decline continues, albeit less pace, investments in fixed assets. Business continues to oppress high taxes. The problem of non-payment and financial crisis of enterprises, paralyzing their capabilities to establish and develop production. Social tensions associated with non-payment of wages and transfers in the population remains and intensified. Production funds of enterprises wear out, lose weight.

Insufficient shifts in production are not just associated with the fact that the economy needs a certain "incubation period" to adapt to non-inflationary conditions and proceed to economic growth.

Among the measures aimed at improving the economic situation of the country are of particular importance to overcoming the budget crisis. However, this is not enough. There are two main reasons for which the further improvement of the macroeconomic situation may not affect or not affect the growth of production: the tax burden for the law-abiding producer is deprived of the possibilities of replenishing working capital and investment; and payment crisis.

Reducing the tax press is put forward in the rank of the first task of economic policy. Requires radical tax reform, a fundamentally simplifying taxation system and reducing exorbitant high tax rates. The central problem overcoming the budget crisis is to reduce the costs of the state budget.

Reforming a budget sector assumes:

    military reform - reduction of army and defense costs, the best technical support a limited, but enough and well-trained contingent of troops translated on a professional basis;

    housing and communal reform;

    the reform of the social sphere (pension provision, education, health care), involving more active development of a non-state system of providing social services in combination with targeted support for the poor;

    agrarian reform aimed at solving the problem of private ownership of land and the pledge of the Earth.

    Tax reduction (including by adopting and administered from 1.01.99 of the Tax Code).

    Reducing non-payment, streamlining and savings of public spending.

    Providing timely payment of pensions and wages to employees of budget organizations.

    Repayment of the debt of the state in front of the military-industrial complex.

    Support for investment and structural restructuring of production.

    Reduced railway transportation tariffs and electricity released by industrial enterprises.

    Improving management efficiency.

    Land reform.

    Creating conditions for targeted social protection.

    Providing housing of military personnel and members of their families.

    Bringing labor legislation in line with the realities of a market economy.

    Strengthening the legal protection of citizens and organizations in the field of economics.

The transition to the market, as I have already noted, is a very complex and long process. To create the national structure of its economy, adequate to market requirements, Russia must pass the painful way to identify its priorities in all areas and at all levels of society and the economy. After all, it should not just join modern world economy, but to predict your role and place in the global division of labor.

It will take even a lot of years before we will appear the results of the reforms of the Russian economy. For this, all Russians must be aware of the complexity of the current situation and make every effort to make reforms in the interests of the entire population of Russia, and not for narrow financial and criminal structures.

The Russian economy of the end of the 20th century was overflowing with all sorts of economic reforms. During this period, many transformations and innovations occurred. After currency transformation, the reform of the economy took place in two stages.

Stages of transformations

The first stage got all the immovable state structures Property and agriculture. In the second stage, the reform of markets was involved, which was supposed to raise the growth of the state economy with the standard of living of the population. Many experts stated that these two stages would be quick and painless for the people. Also they argued that in a year, the first improvement will be visible.

As it turned out, these changes occupied a fairly long period of time, and no improvements were visible for several years. It should be borne in mind that this reform fell for a period of complex political and financial state countries.

Distribution of land

The main stage of the reform of agriculture and state enterprises Full privatization has become. Thus, the state sold all the property, and by the end of 1995 sold more than 90% of lands to private ownership. By the very idea of \u200b\u200bland reform, individuals should have used land and pay state tax. It would have a positive effect on the state budget. All these ideas were taken from foreign countries where a market economy has been developed, which has banking and credit currency mechanisms for replenishing state budgets.

Liberalization of the whole country

The program of radical reforms was set out by B. Yeltsin, but its authors were the leading ministers of the post-Soviet Russian government of Liberals: A. Shokhin and A. Chubais. In essence, this program meant a quick transition to market economy. The main theorist of Russian "shocuseurts" and the Government Deputy Prime Minister economic issues Was E.Gaidar

The beginning of such reforms led to a rapid increase in prices and hyperinflation of the currency. Product prices increased by 300%, and only a few years later took a decline course. Such a situation led to actual confiscation money Population and sale state real estate at very low prices. There were cases when large areas were sold with the price, understated almost a thousand times. In early 2000, economic experts were assessed by all revenues to the budget - for the entire period of privatization, the state received almost 9 billion dollars. During this period, according to the same scheme, privatization also passed in Bolivia, but cash arrivals The budget there exceeded the amount of 92 billion dollars. Evaluating all the scales of reform in Russia, it can be concluded that the reform stages were not fully thoughtful and the state with the population was not prepared for such changes.

According to official data for the entire period of state reform, the biggest blow to the commodity production, which fell by 50%, and could no longer compete in the global market. The decrease in production has reduced the accrual in the state budget, which affected the country's population, especially in the work enterprises, which could not receive salaries for more than a year.

Behind the planet all

In general, all enterprises suffered for this difficult period. The population has decreased by several hundred thousand every year. Import flourished on the market, since the state could not fully provide its own turnover. At that time, economic development Some countries in Africa significantly exceeded the Russian economy.

New reforms, though led to the positive moment of development, but due to the large destruction of the economy, the population could not fully appreciate them. In particular, the foundations were laid for:

  • Development of various areas of services
  • Import improvement, which was 65% of the total market, and export
  • Computerization
  • Development of a more powerful market economy
  • Creating business conditions

Economists note that the task set during economic reforms is fully failed. They call both objective and subjective reasons.

The starting conditions of reforms were extremely unfavorable. The external debt of the USSR, which switched to Russia in 1992, exceeded, according to some estimates, 100 billion dollars. Over the years of liberal transformations, he has grown significantly. Inexplicable from an economic point of view "Openness" russian market For foreign goods and services, helped in a short time to liquidate a commodity deficit - the main disease of the Soviet economic System Breaking terrible social problem - Reducing jobs on western goods to the competition of enterprises. Only after the 1998 crisis, the Russian manufacturers managed to partially reverse this trend in their favor.

Out of the federal budget from regional and gap household connections Created prerequisites for stopping and eliminating unique production facilities, the restoration of which was impossible. Limit wear reached the remaining major production funds. Lack of experience in market conditions And often intentional enterprises to stop and bankruptcy also played a role in the destruction of economic potential.

Significant negative impact The country's economy was provided by the global financial crisis of 1998 and the unfavorable conjuncture of foreign markets. It was at that moment that the initiators of the reforms had an erroneous idea that in the context of the transition to the market, the role of the state in the economy weakens. However, historical experience shows that in the conditions of weakening of the state, public instability is growing and the economy is destroyed. Only in a strong state, the stabilization of the economy comes faster, and reforms lead to an increase in the economy. Refusal of elements of planning and centralized management occurred at the time when the leading countries were looking for ways to improve it.

Pace gDP growth RF in the 90s

Negative results led and copying Western economy models, the lack of a serious study of the specifics historical Development own country. The imperfection of the legislation created an opportunity without developing material production, to obtain super-profits by creating financial pyramids, etc. Production of industrial and agricultural products by the end of the 90s. Massed only 20-25% of the 1989 level of unemployment rose to 10-12 million people. The orientation of production for exports led to the formation of the new structure of the domestic industry - its basis was the enterprises of the mining and manufacturing industry. The country has lost only 10 years of more than 300 billion dollars exported capital. The coagulation of own industrial production led to the beginning of the processes of deindustrialization of the country.

Salary in the 90s

Despite the 90s undertaken by the end. Measures to reform the economy and the emerging industry growth, the basis of the Russian economy remained and remains the same formerly fully dependent on the prices of oil and raw materials, which are in their own interests manipulate transnational corporations and cartels.

For the revival of the economy, which was in decline after (because of -?) The collapse of the USSR, the new government, led by Yeltsin, decided to bring it to market rails (to some extent it was the continuation of the Gorbachev course).

However, the experience of the USSR suggested that it is easiest to start with natural resources - So they did, and, alas, ultimately were limited to.

Inside the country, refusing to state regulation of prices, the state provided the relative freedom of action by entrepreneurs, however, the side effect of the collapse of the USSR was hyperinflation, and revenues quickly depreciated.

But the reform was necessary, it was the first step of the formation of a free market and private entrepreneurship, a deposit of foreign investment and new technologies.

Market monopolization and lack of small and medium-sized business financing were the sad legacy of the stagnation.

Gaidar, looking at the experience of successful America, proposed a number of reforms based on simplifying small and medium-sized businesses, as well as on financial affairs from individuals by selling state-ownership.

For a tender basis, the sale or delivery of various objects for heavy and easy industries was assumed.

Not without the influence of imports: the market was filled with new products, which were not previously on store shelves, and the quality of imported things was an order of magnitude higher due to the backwardness of the young Russian state industry, which, in view of the presence of more important political problems, which seems to conflict in Chechnya, did not pay attention to the manufacturing sector of the economy.

The elimination of the commodity deficit was a feature of some visible well-being, because the repetition of history with empty shopping regiments could love barely reassured people on new riots.

Reforming was necessary, it was the first step of the formation of a free market and private entrepreneurship, the introduction of foreign investment and new technologies. We went through this path, not all, for the majority it was too complicated. Moreover, we have grounds - to study this time and not repeat the previous mistakes.

And what do you remember these years in terms of personal, family finances, shocks? How do you feel about Yavlinsky, Gaidar, Yeltsin?

Industrial development of Russia in the 90s. Serious qualitative changes have undergone. The new leadership of the Russian Federation raised the task of restructuring the economy with planned-friendly rails to the market, followed by the entry of Russia into the global market. The next stage was assumed to accelerated the country's promotion to build the information society.

In the 90s. In Russia, there was privatization of huge state ownership; there was a commodity market; Partially convertible currency became the ruble; The formation of national began financial market; There was a growing year from year to the labor market.

However, the task is fully solved during the economic reforms fully failed. The result was a sharp drop in the 90s. level of both industrial and agricultural production compared with the previous time. For this, both objective and subjective reasons.

The starting conditions of reforms were extremely unfavorable. The external debt of the USSR, which switched to Russia in 1992, exceeded, on some estimates, 100 billion dollars. In subsequent years, he has grown significantly. The disproportions of the development of the economy are also preserved. "Openness" russian economy For foreign goods and services, it helped in a short time to eliminate the commodity deficit - the main disease of the Soviet economic system. However, competing with imported goodsThat, due to more favorable economic conditions, are cheaper than similar Russian goods, led to a serious decline in domestic production (only after the crisis of 1998. Russian manufacturers managed to partially reverse this trend in their favor).

The presence of huge distant areas of the country (Siberia, North, the Far East) in the conditions of the emerging market painfully hit federal budgetwho was not able to cope with sharply increased costs. Limit wear reached the main production funds. The rupture of economic relations, followed by the collapse of the USSR, led to the termination of the release of many high-class products. A significant role was also played by the inability to go out in unusual conditions, flaws in the privatization policy, the republication of many enterprises in connection with the conversion of military production, a sharp reduction state financing, the fall purchasing power population. A significant negative impact on the country's economy was provided by the global financial crisis of 1998 and the unfavorable conjuncture of foreign markets.

The reasons for subjective order were also shown. During the reforms, their initiators had an erroneous idea that in the context of the transition to the market, the role of the state in the economy weakens. However, historical experience shows that in the conditions of weakening of the state, public instability is growing and the economy is destroyed. Only in a strong state, the stabilization of the economy comes faster, and reforms lead to an increase in the economy. Refusal of elements of planning and centralized management occurred at the time when the leading countries were looking for ways to improve it. The negative results led and copying the Western economy models, the lack of a serious study of the specifics of the historical development of their own country. The imperfection of the legislation created the possibility without developing material production, to obtain super-profits by creating financial pyramids, etc.

Production of industrial and agricultural products by the end of the 90s. Massed only 20-25% of the 1989 level of unemployment rose to 10-12 million people. The orientation of production for exports led to the formation of the new structure of the domestic industry - its basis was the enterprises of the mining and manufacturing industry. The country has lost only 10 years more than $ 300 billion exported capital. The coagulation of own industrial production led to the beginning of the processes of deindustrialization of the country. If in the XX century Russia joined the top ten industrial developed countries, In 2000, in the production of industrial products per capita, it turned out to be at 104th place in the world, and on the gross production of its production - in the second ten. For the totality of the main economic indicators Russia occupied 94th place by this time. For a number of indicators, Russia lasted now not only from developed countries of the West, but also from China (trip), India (twice) and even from South Korea.

Despite the 90s undertaken by the end. Measures to revitalize the economy and even the emerging industry growth, the basis of the Russian economy remained the same - dependence on the sale of raw materials and especially oil and natural gas. How dangerous is such a situation, the situation associated with the fall in world energy prices in the late 80s - early 90s was clearly demonstrated. XX century

From the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly (2000):

The main obstacles of economic growth are high taxes, the arbitrariness of officials, crime rampant. The solution to these problems depends on the state. However, expensive and wasteful state cannot reduce taxes. The state, susceptible to corruption, with fuzzy borders of competence will not save entrepreneurs from the arbitrariness of officials and the influence of crime. Ineffective state is the main reason Long and deep economic crisis

Social sphere

In the conditions of a protracted economic crisis, the development of the social sphere was also in a rather painful state. In the setting of a sharp reduction in budget revenues, science, education, health care, pension provision Reduced almost 20 times! In the first years of economic reform it put social sphere In an extremely difficult position. Average wage Researchers were by the end of the 90s. 12-14 dollars per month with a subsistence minimum of $ 50. Due to the lack of funds, prospective planning scientific work (which was previously carried out 20 years ahead).

Nevertheless, some positive trends showed. For the first time in the history of the country, the number of university students amounted to 246 people per 10 thousand population. However, this indicator has become possible due to the opening of a variety of private educational institutionsThe level of education in many of which remained very low.

Domestic health care was deprived of the possibility of providing free full-fledged care for patients and by the end of the 90s. occupied by the basic the most important indicators 131th place in the world.

Below below the subsistence minimum was pensions in old age and disability.

Under the pretext of the lack of budget funds in the early 90s. Removed from the Constitution the right of citizens to full secondary education, free dwelling and medical care.

In 10 years has changed markedly social Structure societies. The proportion of rich Russians amounted to 3-5%, the middle class - 12-15%, 40% - poor and beggars.

All this required a radical revision of the foundations of the social policy to ensure the protection of the population in the transition period. Such a revision began with the election of the head of state in 2000. V. V. Putin.


The socio-economic situation in the country could not affect demographics.

If at the beginning of the XX century. 76% of the country's population constituted citizens under the age of 50, by the end of the century there was almost the same number of persons of pension and pre-pre-age age. The average age of Russia's inhabitants of about 56 years, while, on forecasts, in the United States and Western Europe, it will be 35-40 years old, and in China and Japan - 20-25 years. For 1997-20. The children's population of Russia decreased by 4 million people and amounted to 39 million people. Low level Life led to the fact that the percentage of healthy children was steadily reduced, in 2001 such children among younger schoolchildren were only 8-10%, middle school age - 6%, and among schoolchildren of high schools - only 5%.

Since 1993, in Russia, mortality has exceeded the birth rate, and soon the natural decline of the population reached 1 million people per year. The average life expectancy of women is now not 75 years old (as in 1979), but only 69, men - not 69, and 56. For 10 years, the population of Russia has decreased by more than 10 million people. With the preservation of such a tendency, the threat of a reduction in the population of the country by 2015 was created by another 22 million people (the seventh part of Russia's residents).

To correct this situation, the Government of the country adopted a whole range of measures to raise the vital level of the population.

From the Message of the President of the Russian Federation (2000):

If the current trend is preserved, the survival of the nation will be threatened. We really threaten to become a flushing nation. Today demographic situation - One of the alarming.

Casual life

The changes occurring in everyday life of all major social groups of the population turned out to be rapid and radical.

Already in 1992, meat consumption decreased by 80%, milk - by 56%, vegetables - by 84%, fish - by 56% of the level of already scarce 1991. By the summer of 1998, the situation has changed somewhat for the better - consumption The population of basic foods exceeded some indicators of the pre-reform period, but remained low enough.

Deployed housing construction It helped in a short time to reduce queues to receive municipal housing, but the lack of funds from the population made it impossible to buy apartments.

The abundance in stores and in the markets of everyday demand commodities led to lower prices.

Available for most working citizens were the purchase of not only TVs, refrigerators, bubbles, but also cars, the construction of small country houses. The number of personal cars only in Moscow by the end of the 90s. amounted to 2.5 million, exceeding the indicators of twenty years ago by almost 10 times.

The development of the housing market has led not only to the free purchase and sale of apartments, but also to the appearance of large quantities (at least 1 million people) homeless, housing and found out on the street.

The new phenomenon of urban life was the emergence of a large number of street children (official statistics called in the late 90s. Figure 2.5 million people).

A large public problem was drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, corruption. Complication of a criminogenic environment, especially in major citiesmade it necessary to strengthen the role of the state, its most important institutions in the guidance of order.

Thus, the socio-economic development of the country in the 90s. It was full of contradictions. It reflected the transitional nature of the Epoch country experienced.

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