
1s zik budgetary institution. New pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions

Over the years, to the issue of calculation and accrual wages employees of enterprises are taken very seriously.

I would like to note some of the features of payroll for employees budgetary sphere... The most obvious of them are the use of a tariff grid and payment rates for tariffs, the presence of a number of additional payments and allowances (for seniority, work at night, duty on weekends and holidays, etc.), various one-time payments (benefits, awards, material aid etc.), as well as accounting wages part-time workers and payments under civil contracts.

These and many other requirements for the accounting of salaries in budgetary institutions are implemented in the new software product "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8". The program allows you to calculate wages, organize employee accounting, receive data on the staff of the enterprise, and register office space... "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" allows you to receive any tasks and display the appropriate report.

In a word, the program "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is a tool with which an accountant systematizes and facilitates his work on the management of all issues related to payroll and maintenance personnel records.

What is special about the new software product?

First of all, we note that the program "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" was created on the technological platform of the new generation "1C Enterprise 8", which provides high flexibility, customization, scalability, productivity and ergonomics of applied solutions. The delivery set of the software product includes a typical configuration "1C Salary and Personnel Management".

"1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is a ready-to-work solution for integrated automation payroll and personnel records in institutions funded from budgets of all levels, which takes into account the requirements of legislation and the actual practice of institutions of various departmental affiliation. The program solves the following tasks:

    payroll calculation with support for new systems of remuneration of employees of federal budgetary institutions;

  • payment monetary allowance military personnel and persons equated to them;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by the legislation;
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in costs of the institution;

    management of cash settlements with employees, including depositing;

    personnel accounting and personnel analysis;

    automation of personnel records management;

    set of frames.

The program provides automatic payroll and related taxes and fees in accordance with applicable law.

The entire complex of labor-intensive calculations with personnel is fully automated, starting from the input of documents on the actual production, payment sick leave and vacations, and ending with the formation of documents for the payment of wages and reporting to state regulatory authorities.

The program automates the calculation of charges and deductions regulated by law, as well as the reflection of the results of calculations in the costs of the enterprise.

In order to understand the principle of work in the program "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", let's try to understand the sequence of stages of payroll at the enterprise.

So, personnel accounting information is entered into the information base, which is further used in the calculation of charges and deductions. Then, throughout the month, documents are entered that characterize the labor indicators of each employee, as well as other documents and information that affect charges and deductions. This can be sick leave, etc. After the expiration of this month, payroll and related taxes and contributions are calculated. Based on the results of these calculations, data on sums of money payable to employees.

Now a little more detail about the operation of the system.

To calculate and record wages, the program automates the activities of payroll accountants:

    automatic calculation of a wide range of charges - from salary payments and various allowances to sick leave and average earnings leave;

    flexible setting of used charges and deductions.

"1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully supports the calculation of wages in budgetary institutions, while the procedure for reflecting accruals, deductions and taxes from payroll in budgetary accounting is adjusted by funding source.

The results of the calculation of wages are reflected in the budgetary accounting for those types of funds of the institution, for which separate reporting (balance) is required, for example, for the allocation of compulsory medical insurance funds to a separate balance within one institution.

In the subsystem "payroll", practically all types of payroll calculations used in budgetary organizations are implemented.

"1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully automates the calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel and remuneration of civilians. The procedure for calculating the salaries of military personnel is regulated by federal laws and orders for the relevant departments and differs significantly from the usual rules for calculating wages used in budgetary institutions.

In "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" labor-intensive routine operations are automated. As a result, workers can be freed up to perform analytical functions, thereby increasing the efficiency of HR and settlement services.

Due to the ability to record the activities of several institutions in a single information base, the program "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" can be used both in small institutions and in centralized accounting departments.

The program "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" implements a wide range of service capabilities. For the convenience of everyday work, a special tool is designed - "Desktop". It has sections "Institution", "Personnel accounting", "Payroll", "Personalized accounting", "Taxes", "Accounting" and "Personnel". The composition of the information sections depends on the settings of the accounting parameters. If, for example, in the accounting parameters it is indicated that the program will calculate the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them, then the section "Personnel registration of military personnel" will appear on the "Desktop". Each section contains thematically grouped links that allow you to open directories, documents and reports on the corresponding accounting area. A tooltip is provided for each link.

Also, to help users, the "List of tasks" that need to be performed is offered. It is formed on the basis of the analysis of the data entered into the information base. This may be a reminder of a previously planned personnel transfer, of the need to recalculate accruals or additional payroll, for example, after canceling an erroneously entered deviation, payroll, UST calculation and the reflection of wages in the accounting for the next month, etc.

The program "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is not the first program of its kind. This is a modernized and improved version of the 1C Salary and Personnel 7.7 program. Let's try to figure out what are the advantages new version programs over the old one. So, firstly, in the 1C Salary and Personnel 7.7 program, accounting for each institution is kept in a separate information base. In "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" accounting for several institutions can be kept in one information base. This allows you to avoid re-entering the matching data and to obtain consolidated analytical information about the employees of all institutions recorded in a single database. Organizations can use shared lists individuals, classifiers of analytical information, etc. At the same time, each organization can keep records according to the general or simplified taxation system within the same information base.

The program "1C Salary and Personnel of a budgetary institution 8" implements the maintenance of not only regulated accounting of accruals, but also management accounting of wages with all the variety of incentive allowances and bonuses characteristic of modern trade and industrial enterprises, as well as the ability to describe additional charges with all implemented in the configuration, the calculation algorithms, in particular, can describe any number of additional vacations with different reflection in the accounting.

"1C Salary and Personnel of a budgetary institution 8" contains an improved mechanism for recording the use of working time with support:

  • individual work schedules, including "rolling", as well as summary individual schedules;
  • entering detailed and / or summary timesheets as primary documents, the data of which is used further when calculating salaries;
  • payment of hourly absenteeism, for example, intra-shift downtime with specialized documents.

Not only personnel accounting tools have been implemented, but also personnel management tools: appraisals, training, employment, including vacation planning, recruitment, including a contact manager, and other capabilities.

A powerful subsystem of personnel analytical reporting has been implemented, including reports on arbitrary lists of workers, employee movements and visual vacation charts, full-fledged military registration with the formation of the necessary reporting. All implemented uniform forms for labor accounting, including forms T-7, T-10, T-10a, T-54.

In addition, the modern ergonomic interface of the 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8 application solution makes the 1C Enterprise 8 service capabilities available:

  • universal tools for working with printed forms of documents with the ability to send a document by e-mail;
  • universal group processing of directories and documents;
  • connection of external processing and restriction of access to their use;
  • connection of additional printed forms in documents;
  • connection of additional handlers for filling in tabular sections of documents;
  • setting the date of prohibition of data change;
  • user administration tools in 1C Enterprise mode;
  • means of separating access to data by workplaces (roles) of users.

However, the question arises of how to switch from "ZIK 7.7" to "ZIK 8" without losing data. This is not difficult. The fact is that when switching from the 1C Salary and Personnel 7.7 program, all the accumulated data for maintaining personnel records and calculating wages are saved, the data transfer method is included in the delivery of the 1C Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8 program.

Data from the program "1C Salary and Personnel 7.7" is transferred in such a volume that:

  • the user could easily calculate the salary for the next month after the transition,
  • according to the results of calculations of the next month after the transition, were correctly formed settlement reports,
  • according to the results of calculations for the year in which the transition took place, the regulated reporting was correctly formed,
  • according to the available data, personnel records were correctly formed.

Thus, users will continue to work in the new program.

For ease of reference accounting implemented joint use of "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" with the program "1C Accounting of a budgetary institution 8". For this, it is planned to implement a two-way exchange of data on the amounts payable and on the reflection of accrued and withheld amounts, including taxes, in budget accounting.

Among other advantages of the program is the ability to change and supplement the initial configuration. This function allows you to adapt the program to the requirements of any budget institution and even a specific user. At the same time, the initial delivery has a number of fundamental properties that allow you to start calculating wages right away.

Thus, the program will take care of almost all the worries and troubles associated with accounting for salaries in budgetary structures.

And the main thing! "1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution" 8 is a universal program for any budget and any level of user training.

* Savings - the cost of services that we give to our clients when purchasing the program.

** Financial and economic programs cannot work correctly for a long time without updates. Legislation is constantly changing, methods of calculations, postings, requirements for accounting in organizations are changing. Errors made while working with outdated versions of programs can lead to the most sad consequences.

This is a powerful tool for the comprehensive automation of payroll accounting and personnel records in state (municipal) institutions that are on an independent balance sheet, financed from the federal, regional (constituent entities Russian Federation) or local budget, as well as from the budget of the state non-budgetary fund. Accounting has been automated in the following areas:

  • payroll calculation with support for new pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions,
  • calculation of the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them,
  • calculation of the salary of employees in the civil service,
  • calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by the legislation,
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the expenses of the institution,
  • management of cash settlements with employees, including deposits,
  • personnel accounting and personnel analysis,
  • automation of personnel records management,
  • set of frames.
  • maintaining personalized accounting in accordance with the requirements of the PF of Russia
  • automatic generation of regulated reports for submission to the bodies of the Federal Tax Service PF and the FSS of Russia
  • keeping records of several institutions
  • transfer to the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8" data on the reflection in the accounting of the amounts of accrued wages and salaries, as well as the corresponding taxes and contributions.

To order


Payroll preparation

To calculate and record wages, the program automates the activities of payroll accountants:

  • automatic calculation of a wide range of charges - from salary payments and various allowances to sick leave and average earnings leave;
  • flexible setting of used charges and deductions.

Provides the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees, as well as accounting for labor costs as part of the institution's expenses. The whole complex of settlements with employees has been automated, starting with the payment of sick leaves and vacations, up to the formation of documents for the payment of wages and deposit, as well as reporting to the state supervisory authorities.

In order to ensure work in institutions with a large number of employees, the main "settlement" documents are equipped with means of automatic filling and calculation. Supports the entry of "settlement" documents on the basis of the corresponding personnel documents on deviations.

The standard solution implements the possibility of additional accrual of salaries of previous periods with registration in the current period, the calculation of the "first half of the month" taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and actual production of workers and the subsequent payment of an advance.

To calculate the amounts of accruals and deductions, it is possible to use arbitrary formulas, in which, in addition to a wide list of predefined indicators and indicators described by users, it is allowed to use arithmetic operations, mathematical functions and conditional expressions.

Provides ample opportunities for time tracking. The flexible mechanism allows, on the one hand, to describe various work schedules, including "sliding" ones, and to register only deviations from the usual mode of operation, and on the other hand, to register only actual accounting data based on the timesheets filled in the divisions.

To track the use of working time in the program:

  • general work schedules of the institution are maintained,
  • individual work schedules are formed for individual employees,
  • the primary documents of the accounting of working time are registered - the timesheet of the worked hours.

Prepares all the necessary unified forms for accounting for wages in accordance with the current legislation and other necessary reports, allowing you to obtain information for any billing period.

New pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions

Supports new remuneration systems introduced from December 1, 2008 in federal budgetary institutions, which, in particular, provide for:

  • payment of official salaries;
  • payment of increasing coefficients to salary - according to the position held; personal multiplier; the increasing coefficient for the length of service; multiplying coefficient by institution ( structural unit institutions);
  • incentive and compensatory payments, including bonuses based on the results of work for a quarter, six months, 9 months, a year, on other grounds;
  • payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions;
  • payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime work, working at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);
  • allowances for work with information constituting a state secret, their classification and declassification, as well as for work with ciphers.

Calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel

Allows you to fully automate the calculation of pay for military personnel and pay for civilian personnel.

The standard solution implements specific mechanisms for calculating pay, in particular, calculating pay for future periods and registering the payment of pay to dismissed servicemen.

Users are provided with a large number of pre-configured types of calculation for calculating monetary allowances for military personnel

Features of state government bodies, local self-government bodies

The calculation of the salary of civil servants of government bodies, as well as the remuneration of municipal employees, has been fully implemented.

The standard solution provides an opportunity, in addition to official salaries in accordance with the civil service positions being replaced, to charge civil servants a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned class rank, as well as the entire range of necessary monthly and other additional payments.

The program provides for a specific classification of civil servant positions by groups and categories, which is used in consolidated reporting on forms 14 and 14 of the MO. Form T-2GS was provided for personnel records of civil servants.

Payroll accounting by funding source

An end-to-end accounting of all amounts of accruals and deductions is carried out in the context of funding sources directly during settlements, the ability to customize the procedure for reflecting each charge or deduction in the budgetary accounting is provided.

All analytical reports on wages (payslips, statements, codes, etc.) are formed by funding sources.

Personnel accounting and personnel analysis

It involves storing not only the personal data of the employees of the institution, but also official information. The latter includes: the department where the employee works, his position, office phone numbers and other contact information. The employee's progress in the institution is also registered: hiring, office transfers, vacations and business trips, up to and including dismissal.

To analyze the staffing structure, a variety of reports are built on the basis of the accumulated information about employees. These include lists of employees of the institution, personnel movement, personnel statistics, etc. In the reporting on personnel composition, the accounting of employees in the context of job categories is implemented, as well as the use of arbitrary groupings of institution posts.

Supports the maintenance of military records in accordance with Federal law of February 26, 1997, No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541 "On approval of the regulations on military registration." All are formed in the program necessary information for submission to military registration and enlistment offices.

Labor relations, personnel records management

Supports maintaining the staffing table of institutions with the ability to specify various types of tariff rates, an arbitrary number of allowances, additional information about staff units. By staffing table all the necessary reporting is generated, including the presentation of the staffing table in the form of a unified form T-3.

The program automates personnel records management, including filling out unified printed forms: drawing up labor contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of employees (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the institution (forms T -8 and T-8a).

On the basis of personnel data, a unified form T-2 is built, including information about continuous, general experience and seniority for a bonus for the length of service of employees of the institution.

In accordance with the approved vacation schedule of the institution, the unified form T-7 is filled out and orders for granting leave to employees are formed (forms T-6 and T-6a).

Planned business trips of workers are registered in the program, while orders are prepared to send workers on a business trip (forms T9 and T9A), travel certificates (form T-10) and service assignments (form T-10a) are filled out.

Within the framework of personnel records of military personnel, positions are recorded in the context of military accounting specialties (VUS) and the formation of the staff (staffing table), reporting according to the staffing table is formed with an indication of the military accounting specialty. Personnel records of servicemen are separated into a separate office work, it is possible to receive various forms of primary documents, including departmental ones (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies).

Personalized accounting

Maintaining personalized accounting in the program complies with the current legislation.

The program provides automated filling out and checking for compliance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of regulated forms containing the following information about the insured:

  • personal data of employees - ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3,
  • applications for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on a compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance premiums for funded part labor pension DSV-1,
  • information on seniority and insurance premiums SZV-6, ADV-6-2
  • information about the experience of SZV-K.
  • Information for transmission to the FIU is prepared both in print and in in electronic format.

Recruitment automation

Supports documenting and automating the selection and assessment of candidates, provides:

  • storing personal data about candidates,
  • storage of materials accompanying the process of working with the candidate, from his resume to the results of the survey,
  • preparation of meetings with candidates and registration of decisions taken up to the acceptance of a candidate for a job.
  • Maintaining a database of questions and answers for questionnaires allows you to quickly prepare and conduct a survey of candidates, as well as employees of the institution.

The specialized tool "Recruitment" provides the ability to manage tasks for working with applicants. This tool, in which all work with candidates is carried out, can be used in the "Desktop" mode as a separate AWP. Recruitment is carried out either en masse using a personnel plan without a time limit for filling vacant jobs, or for specific vacancies - taking into account the timeframes for filling vacancies determined when opening a vacancy.

Calculation of regulated taxes

Provides the calculation of taxes and insurance contributions regulated by the legislation from the wage fund: personal income tax, insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, MHIF and FSS for compulsory insurance, as well as insurance contributions to the FSS for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases. Calculation of insurance premiums is supported for all taxation regimes of income of institutions, taking into account the characteristics of individual departments and used in some institutions of special tax regimes- STS and UTII.

Analytical reports included in the application solution provide the ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis tax base in the context of individuals - recipients of income and types of calculation, as well as accrued taxes in the context of individuals.

Based on the results of accounting for income, amounts of calculated taxes and contributions, regulated reporting is formed:

  • Register tax accounting for personal income tax, income statement 2-personal income tax
  • Individual cards for accounting for insurance premiums.
  • Reporting to the Federal tax service(2-NDFL forms) can also be generated electronically.

Regulated reporting

The following regulated reports are automatically generated for submission to the Federal Tax Service and the FSS of Russia:

  • Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums, Form RSV-1 PFR
  • Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums, Form-4 FSS RF
  • Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year,
  • In order to effectively check the transferred reporting in the regulated reports, the possibility of detailing (decoding) indicators is supported.
  • Provided for the unloading of regulated reporting for transmission to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS in electronic form.

Keeping records of activities of several institutions

Allows you to keep personnel records and payroll of several institutions in centralized accounting departments in a single information base using a single list of employees of all institutions.

Firm "1C" announces the sale on December 18, 2008 of a software product for budgetary institutions of the Russian Federation, developed on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8":

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is a mass-use program for automating payroll and personnel records in institutions funded from budgets of all levels. It is intended for use in personnel services, whose task is to organize the effective work of the staff of the institution, and accounting departments.

The new software product is based on the 1C: Enterprise 8 technological platform, which provides high flexibility, customization, scalability, performance and ergonomics of applied solutions.

A new generation of HR and payroll programs for budget-funded institutions

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is a ready-to-work solution, which takes into account the requirements of the legislation and the real practice of the work of institutions of various departmental affiliations. The program solves the following tasks:

  • payroll support new system remuneration of employees of federal budgetary institutions,
  • set of frames.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully supports the calculation of wages in budgetary institutions, while the procedure for reflecting accruals, deductions and taxes from payroll in budgetary accounting is adjusted by funding source.

The results of the calculation of wages are reflected in the budgetary accounting for those types of funds of the institution, for which separate reporting (balance) is required, for example, for the allocation of compulsory medical insurance funds to a separate balance within one institution.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully automates the calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel and remuneration of civilians. The procedure for calculating the salaries of military personnel is regulated by federal laws and orders for the relevant departments and differs significantly from the usual rules for calculating wages used in budgetary institutions.

In "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" labor-intensive routine operations are automated. As a result, workers can be freed up to perform analytical functions, thereby increasing the efficiency of HR and settlement services.

Due to the ability to record the activities of several institutions in a single information base, the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" can be used both in small institutions and in centralized accounting departments.

For a description of the functionality of the "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" program, see Appendix 1 to this information letter.

Joint use with the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8"

It is planned that the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" can be used in conjunction with the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8". For this, it is planned to implement a two-way exchange of data on the amounts payable and on the reflection of accrued and withheld amounts, including taxes, in budget accounting.

Transfer of accumulated credentials from the program "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7"

When switching from the "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7" program, all the accumulated data for personnel records and payroll calculation are saved, the data transfer method is included in the delivery of the "1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8" program.

Data from the "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7" program is transferred in such a volume that:

  • the user could easily calculate the salary for the next month after the transition,
  • based on the results of calculations of the month following the transition, calculation reports were correctly formed,
  • according to the results of calculations for the year in which the transition took place, the regulated reporting was correctly formed,
  • according to the available data, personnel records were correctly formed.

Thus, users will continue to work in the new program.

Advantages over 7.7

In "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" the possibility of keeping records of several institutions in a single information base is implemented. Institutions can use general lists of individuals, classifiers of analytical information, etc.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports sliding and individual work schedules, schedules of reduced working hours, registration of data on the actual use of working time in the form of so-called "timesheets", as well as hourly absenteeism.

Personnel analytical reporting in "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" includes reports on arbitrary lists of employees, movement of employees and visual vacation charts, full-fledged military registration with the formation of the necessary reporting. All unified forms for labor accounting have been implemented, including forms T-7, T-10, T-10a.

As part of the personalized accounting of the PF RF, an archive of information transferred to the PFR department is kept. After transferring data to the FIU, at any time, without leaving the program, you can see which data was transferred. In this case, personal data and data on the length of service of employees are not used and can be changed.

To help users, a list of tasks is offered that must be performed based on the analysis of the data entered into the information base: a reminder of the previously planned personnel movement; the need to recalculate accruals or additional payroll, for example, after canceling an erroneously entered deviation; input of accrual documents based on personnel documents; calculation of salaries, calculation of UST and reflection of salaries in the accounting for the next month; employee birthday reminders.

The calculation of the "first half of the month" has been implemented taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and on the actual production of workers with subsequent input based on payroll to pay an advance.

When describing additional charges and deductions, users can use not only all built-in calculation algorithms implemented in the configuration, including calculations at tariff rates, average earnings, etc., but also arbitrary formulas.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" contains the means of forming and managing the submission of regulated reporting to the supervisory authorities. In particular, the automatic filling of the regulated forms 4-FSS and 4a-FSS has been implemented - according to the accounting data for benefits and UST, as well as according to the data on the reflection of accrued taxes and contributions in the regulated accounting.

The modern ergonomic interface "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" makes the service capabilities of "1C: Enterprise 8" available even for small institutions:

  • universal tools for working with printed forms of documents, the ability to send a document by e-mail,
  • universal group processing of directories and documents,
  • connecting external processing and restricting access to their use,
  • connection of additional printing forms in documents,
  • connection of additional handlers for filling in tabular sections of documents,
  • setting the date of prohibition of data change,
  • user administration tools in 1C: Enterprise mode,
  • means of separating access to data by workplaces (roles) of users.

Advantages of using the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform

The applied solutions developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform are distinguished by an ergonomic interface, advanced tools for constructing economic and analytical reporting, fundamentally new possibilities for analyzing and searching for information, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration, and ease of system administration. All this raises decisions for the public sector by new level automation.

"1C: Enterprise 8" supports work with various DBMS - file mode, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2.

The 1C: Enterprise 8 server can operate both in MS Windows and Linux. This provides a choice in implementing the architecture on which the system will run and the ability to use open source software to run the server and database.

Ergonomic user interface

The new modern interface design makes it easy to learn applied solutions for beginners and high speed of work for experienced users:

  • Significantly faster bulk data entry thanks to the line-by-line function and effective use keyboard,
  • convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists:
    • managing the visibility and order of columns,
    • setting up selection and sorting,
    • printing lists.
  • maximum use of the available screen space for displaying information,
  • mechanism of styles of design.


The typical configuration "Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution" implements the most general schemes accounting and can be used in most budgetary institutions. To reflect the specifics of accounting for a particular institution typical configuration can change. The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" has a launch mode "Configurator", which provides:

  • setting up the system to different kinds accounting,
  • implementation of any accounting methodology,
  • organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure,
  • customization appearance information input forms,
  • setting up the behavior and algorithms of the system in different situations using the built-in language,
  • wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, pictures,
  • the ability to visualize information in the form of diagrams,
  • quick configuration changes using visual development tools.


System "1C: Enterprise 8" provides scalability of application solutions, ranging from the simplest to multifunctional. The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" can be used in the following options:

  • single user - for small institutions or personal use,
  • file - for multi-user work, provides ease of installation and operation,
  • client-server version of work based on a three-tier architecture. Provides reliable storage and efficient processing of data when a large number of users work at the same time.

Working with geographically distributed information bases

  • unlimited number of autonomously working infobases,
  • full or partial data synchronization,
  • arbitrary order and method of transferring changes.

Integration with other systems

The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" has ample opportunities for interaction with other applications and provides:

  • downloading currency rates from the Internet,
  • loading address classifiers,
  • data exchange with other applications via text files, DBF files and XML documents.


The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides convenient tools for administration:

  • setting up user access rights based on the role mechanism, assigning the interface and user language,
  • setting up the separation of access to data by workplaces (roles) of users,
  • a log of user actions and system events,
  • the ability to upload and download the infobase,
  • tools for installing and updating the platform and application solutions.

Product composition and sales procedure

The software product "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" includes the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.1", an applied solution - the configuration "Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution", a set of documentation, a registration card and a license agreement for the use of a software product at one workplace, hardware security key, current issue of information technology support (ITS) - a special issue for budgetary institutions "ITS BUDGET PROF" and a coupon for a free half-year subscription to ITS, a postal envelope for sending a registration form.

The platform documentation includes the following books:

  • "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Installation and Launch Guide",
  • "1C: Enterprise 8.1. User's Guide",
  • "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Configuration and Administration" (in two parts).

The syntax of the built-in language and the query language is presented in the book "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Configuration and Administration" (in two parts).

The description of the object model is fully included in the delivery in electronic form (in the help sections of the configurator and the Syntax Assistant). Description of the object model is contained in the book "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Description of the embedded language" (in seven parts), its paper version can be purchased separately.


price, rub.

1C: Enterprise 8.1. Embedded language description

In addition to the platform documentation, the product includes application solution documentation.

At present, the applied solution "Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution" is delivered in the status of a trial version. This allows you to start preparing for the operation of the solution even before starting a new one. budget year... After the release of the final version of the applied solution, scheduled for January 2009, the final version of the configuration will be included in the delivery and the set of documentation will be supplemented.

The software product "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" ensures the operation of an applied solution at one workplace at a time. To work in multi-user mode, users must have 1C: Enterprise 8 client licenses.


1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workplace

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workplaces

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workplaces

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 50 workplaces

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 100 workplaces

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 300 workplaces

1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 500 workplaces

The workplaces provided with these client licenses can use any lawfully acquired software products systems "1C: Enterprise 8". Also, to increase the number of workplaces of the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", it is allowed to use the previously issued additional multi-user licenses "1C: Enterprise 8.0"

To use an applied solution in the "client-server" option, users must have any of the following products:


1C: Enterprise 8.1. Server license

1C: Enterprise 8.1. Server license (x86-64)

Product 4601546038616 "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Server license" contains distributions of the 1C: Enterprise server for Linux and Microsoft Windows, PostgreSQL distributions, a security key, the book "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Client-server. Installation and usage features" and licensed agreement for the use of a 32-bit server of the "1C: Enterprise" system

Product 4601546038623 "1C: Enterprise 8.1 Server license (x86-64)" contains distributions of the 1C: Enterprise client, 1C: Enterprise server for Linux (32- and 64-bit) and Windows (32- and 64-bit ), PostgreSQL distributions (32- and 64-bit), a security key, the book "1C: Enterprise 8.1. Client-server (x86-64). Features of installation and use" and a license agreement for the use of a 64-bit server (x86-64 ) of the "1C: Enterprise" system.

For users of 1C software products of previous versions, designed to automate budget accounting and payroll accounting, a transition to 1C: Enterprise 8 products at a reduced price is provided (see below the section "Purchasing a new product at a reduced price on an upgrade basis" ).

Purchase products for budget accounting and required licenses"1C: Enterprise 8" is available through franchisee partners of 1C.

Service for users of software products

For software products of the "1C: Enterprise 8" system, service is provided through information technology support (ITS). The delivery set of the software product includes a disc "ITS BUDGET PROF" of the current release and a coupon for free service through ITS for 6 months. To receive service, the user needs to register the purchased software product with 1C and sign up for a free six-month subscription from the partner who sold the box using the coupon included in the delivery package of the software product.

Free ITS service includes:

  • monthly receipt of disks "ITS BUDGET PROF" containing updates of programs and configurations, current budget classifiers, practical and guidelines on working with programs, unique guides on the main taxes and fees and much more,
  • service engineer services,
  • access to the knowledge base of the technical support department,
  • 1C consulting line services by phone and e-mail.

At the end of the free service period, in order to continue receiving the listed services, as well as the services of partners to support this product, you must subscribe to a paid ITS subscription. The cost of ITS and the volume of services provided depend on the delivery option chosen by the user ("ITS BUDGET" or "ITS BUDGET PROF"). Information about ITS delivery options and prices can be found on the page

Purchase of a new product at a discounted price with an upgrade

A new software product can be purchased on the basis of an upgrade, that is, hand over the product of the previous version and get a discount on the new product.

Users of all previous versions of 1C programs for calculating payroll, the 1C: Taxpayer program of all versions, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 "of all versions, as well as users of the following products for automating accounting in the public sector:

  • 4601546027115 1C: Enterprise 7.7. Set for the accounting department of an educational institution,
  • 4601546031105 1C: Enterprise 7.7. Set for the financial authority of the settlement.

Product 4601546056658 "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is purchased separately or in a set with client and server licenses (see the "Product composition and sales procedure" section of this newsletter).

The upgrade price is calculated according to the general formula: the cost of the purchased set of "1C: Enterprise 8" products minus the cost of the returned product, plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set. The list of products from which you can upgrade, as well as examples of upgrades with the calculation of a preferential price are discussed below.

To perform the upgrade, it is necessary to return the registration forms for the software products to be handed over to 1C. Distributions, books and protection keys (with the exception of "1C: Enterprise 8" protection keys) remain for users to complete work in the old program and transfer infobases to "1C: Enterprise 8" products. When upgrading from the "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" program of the PROF version, the security key must be returned to the "1C" company.

When switching to version 8, the credentials accumulated while working with the 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 program are fully saved.

The upgrade is made at the user's request submitted to the franchisee partner. The application form and sample filling are given in Appendix 2 to this information letter.

Consider the options for purchasing products and their prices in the following examples.

Example 1. Automation of one workplace

For rent product 4601546006707 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 PROF, price - 8 400 rubles. Purchased product 4601546056658 "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", price - 18,000 rubles. The upgrade price is: 18,000 - 8,400 + 150 = 9,750 rubles.

V in this case the cost of the old product is almost fully credited.

Example 2. Automation of five workplaces

For rent product 4601546006721 1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel", price - 28 800 rubles.

Products purchased:

  • 4601546056658 1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8, price - 18,000 rubles.
  • 4601546038807 1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces, price - 15600 rubles.

The total cost of delivery is 33,600 rubles, the cost of the delivered product is 28,800 rubles, which is more than half of the cost of purchased products. Accordingly, the price of the upgrade is calculated using the formula: 33,600 / 2 = 16,800 rubles.

In this case, the transition to new products will cost 16,800 rubles, which is less than the cost of the old product. We also draw your attention to the fact that at five workplaces provided with the client license "1C: Enterprise 8", other applied solutions can also be used, for example, "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8".

Example 3. Automation of ten workstations and work in the "client-server" option

For rent product 4601546006738 1C: Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel", price - 57,600 rubles.

Products purchased:

  • 4601546056658 1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8, price - 18,000 rubles.
  • 4601546038814 1C: Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workplaces, price - 30,000 rubles.
  • 4601546038616 1C: Enterprise 8.1. Server license, price - 36000 rubles.

The total cost of delivery is 84,000 rubles, the cost of the delivered product is 57,600 rubles, which is more than half of the cost of purchased products. Accordingly, the upgrade price is calculated using the formula: 84,000 / 2 = 42,000 rubles.

In this case, the transition to new products will cost 42,000 rubles, which is less than the cost of the old product. We also draw your attention to the fact that at ten workplaces provided with the client license "1C: Enterprise 8", other applied solutions can also be used, for example, "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8".

Appendix 1. Functionality of the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8"

The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is a powerful tool for the comprehensive automation of payroll and personnel records in institutions funded from budgets of all levels, in the following areas:

  • payroll calculation with support for new pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions,
  • calculation of the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them,
  • calculation of the salary of employees in the civil service,
  • calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by the legislation,
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the expenses of the institution,
  • management of cash settlements with employees, including deposits,
  • personnel accounting and personnel analysis,
  • automation of personnel records management,
  • set of frames.

Payroll preparation

To calculate and record wages, the program automates the activities of payroll accountants:

  • automatic calculation of a wide range of charges - from salary payments and various allowances to sick leave and average earnings leave;
  • flexible setting of used charges and deductions.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" ensures the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees, as well as accounting for labor costs as part of the institution's expenses. The whole complex of settlements with employees has been automated, starting with the payment of sick leaves and vacations, up to the formation of documents for payment of salaries and deposit, as well as reporting to state supervisory authorities.

In order to ensure work in institutions with a large number of employees, the main "settlement" documents are equipped with means of automatic filling and calculation. Supports the entry of "settlement" documents on the basis of the corresponding personnel documents on deviations.

The standard solution implements the possibility of additional accrual of salaries of previous periods with registration in the current period, the calculation of the "first half of the month" taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and actual production of workers and the subsequent payment of an advance.

To calculate the amounts of accruals and deductions, it is possible to use arbitrary formulas, in which, in addition to a wide list of predefined indicators and indicators described by users, it is allowed to use arithmetic operations, mathematical functions and conditional expressions.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides ample opportunities for recording working hours. The flexible mechanism allows, on the one hand, to describe various work schedules, including "sliding" ones, and to register only deviations from the usual mode of operation, and on the other hand, to register only actual accounting data based on the timesheets filled in the divisions.

To track the use of working time in the program:

  • general work schedules of the institution are maintained,
  • individual work schedules are formed for individual employees,
  • the primary documents of the accounting of working time are registered - the timesheet of the worked hours.

In addition to carrying out mass calculations of wages, "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" prepares all the necessary unified forms for recording wages (in accordance with the Instruction on budget accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 10.02.2006, No. 25n) and other necessary reports, allowing you to obtain information for any billing period:

  • pay slips,
  • analytical payroll and sets of charges and deductions,
  • settlement and payment statements (f. 0504401),
  • payrolls for receiving money through the cashier (f. 0504403),
  • note-calculation on the calculation of average earnings (form 0504425),
  • timesheet for the use of working hours and payroll (f. 0504421),
  • reference cards (f. 0504417), etc.

Calculation results can also be presented in the form of analytical reports, visual graphs and diagrams:

  • analysis of accruals of employees of institutions,
  • analysis of the state of mutual settlements with employees of institutions, etc.

New pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions

"1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8" supports new salary systems introduced from December 1, 2008 in federal budgetary institutions, which, in particular, provide for:

  • payment of official salaries;
  • payment of increasing coefficients to salary - according to the position held; personal multiplier; the increasing coefficient for the length of service; increasing coefficient for the institution (structural unit of the institution);
  • incentive and compensatory payments, including bonuses based on the results of work for a quarter, six months, 9 months, a year, on other grounds;
  • payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions;
  • payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime work, working at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);
  • allowances for work with information constituting a state secret, their classification and declassification, as well as for work with ciphers.

In addition, the standard solution includes the calculation of the average earnings of employees related to the main staff of the institution to determine the official salary of the head of the institution.

Calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" allows you to fully automate the calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel and remuneration of civilians.

The standard solution implements specific mechanisms for calculating pay, in particular, calculating pay for future periods and registering the payment of pay to dismissed servicemen.

Users are provided with a large number of pre-configured types of calculation for calculating monetary allowances for military personnel, in particular:

  • official salary (ATS),
  • salary for military rank (HVZ),
  • Percentage allowance for length of service (PNVL),
  • Difficulty and Intensity Allowance (HIS),
  • bonus for work with classified information (NSN),
  • ration,
  • one-time monetary remuneration (CFR),
  • sanatorium payments (SCL).

Based on the results of the calculations, analytical reports are generated, approved by the Ministry of Defense and other departments:

  • settlement and payment statements in forms 13-FO, 15-FO,
  • consolidated payroll in form 13-FO,
  • personal accounts in the form 18-FO,
  • money certificate,
  • report 3-vol,
  • calculation of the one-time savings fund monetary reward for conscientious performance job duties(EDV for DIDO).

Features of state government bodies, local self-government bodies

The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully implements the calculation of the pay of civil servants of government agencies, as well as the remuneration of municipal employees.

The standard solution provides an opportunity, in addition to official salaries in accordance with the civil service positions being replaced, to charge civil servants a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned class rank, as well as the entire range of necessary monthly and other additional payments.

The program provides for a specific classification of civil servant positions by groups and categories, which is used in consolidated reporting on forms 14 and 14 of the MO. Form T-2GS was provided for personnel records of civil servants.

Payroll accounting by funding source

In "1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8", an end-to-end accounting of all amounts of accruals and deductions is kept in the context of funding sources directly during calculations, it is possible to customize the procedure for reflecting each charge or deduction in budget accounting.

All analytical reports on wages (payslips, statements, codes, etc.) are formed by funding sources.

Personnel accounting and personnel analysis

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" involves the storage of not only personal data of employees of the institution, but also official information. The latter includes: the department where the employee works, his position, office phone numbers and other contact information. The employee's progress in the institution is also registered: hiring, office transfers, vacations and business trips, up to and including dismissal.

To analyze the staffing structure, a variety of reports are built on the basis of the accumulated information about employees. These include lists of employees of the institution, personnel movement, personnel statistics, etc. In the reporting on personnel composition, the accounting of employees in the context of job categories is implemented, as well as the use of arbitrary groupings of institution posts.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports the maintenance of military records in accordance with the Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541 "On the approval of the regulation on military registration". The program generates all the necessary information for submission to the military registration and enlistment offices.

Labor relations, personnel records management

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports the maintenance of the staffing table of institutions with the ability to indicate various types of tariff rates, an arbitrary number of allowances, additional information about staffing units. According to the staffing table, all the necessary reporting is generated, including the presentation of the staffing table in the form of a unified form T-3.

The program automates personnel records management, including filling out unified printed forms: drawing up labor contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of employees (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the institution (forms T -8 and T-8a).

On the basis of personnel data, a unified form T-2 is being built, containing, among other things, information on continuous, general seniority and seniority for a bonus for the length of service of employees of the institution.

In accordance with the approved vacation schedule of the institution, the unified form T-7 is filled out and orders for granting leave to employees are formed (forms T-6 and T-6a).

Planned business trips of workers are registered in the program, while orders are prepared to send workers on a business trip (forms T9 and T9A), travel certificates (form T-10) and service assignments (form T-10a) are filled out.

Within the framework of personnel records of military personnel, positions are recorded in the context of military accounting specialties (VUS) and the formation of the staff (staffing table), reporting according to the staffing table is formed with an indication of the military accounting specialty. Personnel records of servicemen are separated into a separate office work, it is possible to receive various forms of primary documents, including departmental ones (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies).

Personalized accounting

Maintaining personalized accounting in the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" complies with the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. No. 27-FZ "On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 1997 No. No. 318 "On measures to establish individual (personified) accounting for the purposes of state pension insurance";
  • To the Resolution of the Board of the PF RF dated July 31, 2006 No. No. 192p "On forms of documents for individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system and instructions for filling them out";
  • To the Resolution of the Board of the PF RF dated July 28, 2008. No. 225p "On approval of the application form for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of labor pension, instructions for filling it out, as well as the format for submission to the territorial authority The Pension Fund Of the Russian Federation, applications for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension in electronic form (data format). "

The program provides automated filling out and checking for compliance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of regulated forms containing the following information about the insured:

  • personal data of employees - ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3,
  • applications for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the DSV-1 labor pension,
  • information about the length of service and insurance premiums SZV-4,
  • information about the experience of SZV-K.

Information for transmission to the FIU is prepared in both printed and electronic form.

Recruitment automation

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports documenting and automating the process of selecting and evaluating candidates. The program provides:

  • storing personal data about candidates,
  • storage of materials accompanying the process of working with the candidate, from his resume to the results of the survey,
  • preparation of meetings with candidates and registration of decisions taken up to the acceptance of a candidate for a job.

Maintaining a database of questions and answers for questionnaires allows you to quickly prepare and conduct a survey of candidates, as well as employees of the institution.

The specialized tool "Recruitment" provides the ability to manage tasks for working with applicants. This tool, in which all work with candidates is carried out, can be used in the "Desktop" mode as a separate AWP. Recruitment is carried out either en masse using a personnel plan without a time limit for filling vacant jobs, or for specific vacancies - taking into account the timeframes for filling vacancies determined when opening a vacancy.

Calculation of regulated taxes

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides the calculation of taxes regulated by the legislation from the payroll fund: personal income tax, a single social tax(UST), insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for compulsory pension insurance and insurance contributions to the FSS for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases. The calculation of the unified social tax and insurance contributions to the PFR is supported for all taxation regimes for the income of institutions, taking into account the specifics of individual departments and used in some institutions financed from the budget of a special tax regime, UTII.

Analytical reports included in the applied solution provide an opportunity to conduct a full analysis of the tax base in the context of individuals - recipients of income and types of calculation, as well as accrued taxes in the context of individuals.

Based on the results of accounting for income, amounts of calculated taxes and contributions, regulated reporting is formed:

  • 1-NDFL tax card, 2-NDFL income statement, a pack of 2-NDFL forms for a list of employees,
  • individual and summary cards for UST and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Reporting to the Federal Tax Service (Form 2-NDFL) can also be generated in electronic form.

Regulated reporting

In "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" the following regulated reports are automatically generated for submission to the Federal Tax Service and the FSS of Russia:

  • Calculation of advance payments and UST declaration,
  • Calculation of advance payments and Declaration of insurance premiums to the FIU,
  • Settlement sheets 4-FSS and 4a-FSS,
  • Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year,

In order to effectively check the reported reporting in regulated reports, the possibility of detailing (decoding) indicators is supported, and a mode for checking the ratios of indicators is also implemented.

Provided for the unloading of regulated reporting for transmission to the Federal Tax Service in electronic form.

Keeping records of activities of several institutions

With the help of the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", you can keep personnel records and payroll of several institutions in centralized accounting departments in a single information base using a single list of employees of all institutions.

Service capabilities

Diagnostics of error situations

Diagnostics of such erroneous situations in personnel records, such as re-admission to the main place of work or admission to the main place of work in two institutions at the same time, will not allow documents with incorrect data.

When calculating salaries, repeated payments for the same period of time are identified (for example, when entering consecutive sick leaves, overlapping periods were mistakenly entered).

Correction of settlement documents of the previous period

The typical solution provides for a simple and straightforward correction procedure that the user must perform when an incorrectly posted document of the "past" period is found. It is enough to simply "correct" the incorrect document by adding the correct amounts. In documents containing calculations of several employees, it is offered the opportunity to correct the calculations of the current employee, correct the entire document at once, or additionally select a list of employees whose calculations should be corrected.

Data search

The configuration implements full-text search over infobase data. You can search for multiple words, using search operators, or for an exact phrase.

Credential Access Control

The ability to impose restrictions on access to the credentials of individual individuals and / or institutions has been implemented. A user with limited access rights cannot not only change in any way, but even read data that is closed to him.

User Administration

Users are given the opportunity to independently configure the issuance of a confirmation request when exiting the program. This allows you to refuse to terminate the work with the program if the program window was closed accidentally. Implemented warning users about dynamic configuration updates and forced user termination.

Working with distributed infobases

Exchange plans are included in the configuration for working with distributed infobases. Also added the "Standalone solution" mechanism designed to automate the exchange of data between infobases.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes the Update Configuration Wizard, which allows you to get information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install any updates that are found. If you have already received the update file, the assistant allows you to update using the update delivery file (. Cfu) or the configuration delivery file (. Cf) from any local or network directory.

It is developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new capabilities

Features of the new edition of 1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8

Work over the Internet

Thanks to the thin web client mode, now you can work with the program not only in the office, but also from anywhere in the world.

Work without mistakes

If the user does not act correctly, the system will prompt him a way out of an unpleasant situation.

Convenient interface

The Taxi-based interface has become even more convenient, in addition, it can be customized according to your wishes, increasing the comfort of working with the program.

Data correctness control

Already at the stage of entering information, the system controls the correctness of the entered data, you no longer need to worry about the correctness control.

Keeps important items in Favorites

Now all the most important or frequently used documents can be saved in Favorites and found in just a second.

When buying "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" you get:

Delivery and installation


Consulting and support

The program solves the following tasks:

  • calculation of wages with the support of a new system of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary institutions,
  • calculation of the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them,
  • calculation of the salary of employees in the civil service,
  • calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by the legislation,
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the expenses of the institution,
  • management of cash settlements with employees, including deposits,
  • personnel accounting and personnel analysis,
  • automation of personnel records management,
  • set of frames.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully supports the calculation of wages in budgetary institutions, while the procedure for reflecting accruals, deductions and taxes from payroll in budgetary accounting is adjusted by funding source.

The results of the calculation of wages are reflected in the budgetary accounting for those types of funds of the institution, for which separate reporting (balance) is required, for example, for the allocation of compulsory medical insurance funds to a separate balance within one institution.

Joint use with the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8"

It is planned that the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" can be used in conjunction with the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8". For this, it is planned to implement a two-way exchange of data on the amounts payable and on the reflection of accrued and withheld amounts, including taxes, in budget accounting.

Payroll preparation

To calculate and record wages, the program automates the activities of payroll accountants:

  • automatic calculation of a wide range of charges - from salary payments and various allowances to sick leave and average earnings leave;
  • flexible setting of used charges and deductions.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" ensures the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees, as well as accounting for labor costs as part of the institution's expenses. The whole complex of settlements with employees has been automated, from the payment of sick leaves and vacations up to the formation of documents for payment of salaries and deposit, as well as reporting to state supervisory authorities.

In order to ensure work in institutions with a large number of employees, the main "settlement" documents are equipped with means of automatic filling and calculation. Supports the entry of "settlement" documents on the basis of the corresponding personnel documents on deviations.

The standard solution implements the possibility of additional accrual of salaries of previous periods with registration in the current period, the calculation of the "first half of the month" taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and actual production of workers and the subsequent payment of an advance.

To calculate the amounts of accruals and deductions, it is possible to use arbitrary formulas, in which, in addition to a wide list of predefined indicators and indicators described by users, it is allowed to use arithmetic operations, mathematical functions and conditional expressions.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides ample opportunities for recording working hours. The flexible mechanism allows, on the one hand, to describe various work schedules, including "sliding" ones, and to register only deviations from the usual mode of operation, and on the other hand, to register only actual accounting data based on the timesheets filled in the divisions.

To track the use of working time in the program:

  • general work schedules of the institution are maintained,
  • individual work schedules are formed for individual employees,
  • the primary documents of the accounting of working time are registered - the timesheet of the worked hours.

In addition to carrying out mass calculations of wages, "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" prepares all the necessary unified forms for accounting for wages (in accordance with the Instruction on budgetary accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 10.02.2006, No. 25n) and other necessary reports that allow you to obtain information for any billing period:

  • pay slips,
  • analytical payroll and summary of accruals and deductions,
  • settlement and payment statements (f. 0504401),
  • payrolls for receiving money through the cashier (f. 0504403),
  • note-calculation on the calculation of average earnings (f. 0504425),
  • timesheet for the use of working hours and payroll (f. 0504421),
  • reference cards (f. 0504417), etc.

Calculation results can also be presented in the form of analytical reports, visual graphs and diagrams:

  • analysis of accruals of employees of institutions,
  • analysis of the state of mutual settlements with employees of institutions, etc.

Personnel accounting and personnel analysis

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" involves the storage of not only personal data of employees of the institution, but also official information. The latter includes: the department where the employee works, his position, office phone numbers and other contact information. The employee's progress in the institution is also registered: hiring, office transfers, vacations and business trips, up to and including dismissal.

To analyze the staffing structure, a variety of reports are built on the basis of the accumulated information about employees. These include lists of employees of the institution, personnel movement, personnel statistics, etc. In the reporting on personnel composition, the accounting of employees in the context of job categories is implemented, as well as the use of arbitrary groupings of institution posts.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports the maintenance of military records in accordance with the Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" and the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541 "On the approval of the regulation on military registration". The program generates all the necessary information for submission to the military registration and enlistment offices.

Labor relations, personnel records management

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports the maintenance of the staffing table of institutions with the ability to indicate various types of tariff rates, an arbitrary number of allowances, additional information about staffing units. According to the staffing table, all the necessary reporting is generated, including the presentation of the staffing table in the form of a unified form T-3.

The program automates personnel records management, including filling out unified printed forms: drawing up labor contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of employees (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the institution (forms T -8 and T-8a).

On the basis of personnel data, a unified form T-2 is being built, containing, among other things, information on continuous, general seniority and seniority for a bonus for the length of service of employees of the institution.

In accordance with the approved vacation schedule of the institution, the unified form T-7 is filled out and orders for granting leave to employees are formed (forms T-6 and T-6a).

Planned business trips of workers are registered in the program, while orders are prepared to send workers on a business trip (forms T9 and T9A), travel certificates (form T-10) and service assignments (form T-10a) are filled out.

Within the framework of personnel records of military personnel, positions are recorded in the context of military accounting specialties (VUS) and the formation of the staff (staffing table), reporting according to the staffing table is formed with an indication of the military accounting specialty. Personnel records of servicemen are separated into a separate office work, it is possible to receive various forms of primary documents, including departmental ones (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies).

Personalized accounting

Maintaining personalized accounting in the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" complies with the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. No. 27-FZ "On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 1997 No. No. 318 "On measures to establish individual (personified) accounting for the purposes of state pension insurance";
  • To the Resolution of the Board of the PF RF dated July 31, 2006 No. No. 192p "On forms of documents for individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system and instructions for filling them out";
  • To the Resolution of the Board of the PF RF dated July 28, 2008. No. 225p "On approval of the application form for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of labor pension, instructions for filling it out, as well as the format for submitting an application for voluntary entry into a legal relationship to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance premiums for the funded part of labor pension in electronic form (data format) ".

The program provides automated filling out and checking for compliance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of regulated forms containing the following information about the insured:

  • personal data of employees - ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3,
  • applications for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the DSV-1 labor pension,
  • information about the length of service and insurance premiums SZV-4,
  • information about the experience of SZV-K.

Information for transmission to the FIU is prepared in both printed and electronic form.

Recruitment automation

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports documenting and automating the process of selecting and evaluating candidates. The program provides:

  • storing personal data about candidates,
  • storage of materials accompanying the process of working with the candidate, from his resume to the results of the survey,
  • preparation of meetings with candidates and registration of decisions taken up to the acceptance of a candidate for a job.

Maintaining a database of questions and answers for questionnaires allows you to quickly prepare and conduct a survey of candidates, as well as employees of the institution.

The specialized tool "Recruitment" provides the ability to manage tasks for working with applicants. This tool, in which all work with candidates is carried out, can be used in the "Desktop" mode as a separate AWP. Recruitment is carried out either en masse using a personnel plan without a time limit for filling vacant jobs, or for specific vacancies - taking into account the timeframes for filling vacancies determined when opening a vacancy.

Calculation of regulated taxes

"1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8" provides the calculation of taxes regulated by the legislation from the payroll fund: personal income tax, unified social tax (UST), insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for compulsory pension insurance and insurance contributions to the FSS for insurance against accidents cases and occupational diseases. The calculation of the unified social tax and insurance contributions to the PFR is supported for all taxation regimes for the income of institutions, taking into account the specifics of individual departments and the UTII used in some institutions financed from the budget of the special tax regime.

Analytical reports included in the applied solution provide an opportunity to conduct a full analysis of the tax base in the context of individuals - recipients of income and types of calculation, as well as accrued taxes in the context of individuals.

Based on the results of accounting for income, amounts of calculated taxes and contributions, regulated reporting is formed:

  • 1-NDFL tax card, 2-NDFL income statement, a pack of 2-NDFL forms for a list of employees,
  • individual and summary cards for UST and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Reporting to the Federal Tax Service (Form 2-NDFL) can also be generated in electronic form.

Regulated reporting

In the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" the following regulated reports for submission to the bodies of the Federal Tax Service and the FSS of Russia:

  • Calculation of advance payments and UST declaration,
  • Calculation of advance payments and Declaration of insurance premiums to the FIU,
  • Settlement sheets 4-FSS and 4a-FSS,
  • Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year,

In order to effectively check the reported reporting in regulated reports, the possibility of detailing (decoding) indicators is supported, and a mode for checking the ratios of indicators is also implemented.

Provided for the unloading of regulated reporting for transmission to the Federal Tax Service in electronic form.


The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" is a powerful tool for the comprehensive automation of payroll and personnel records in state (municipal) institutions that are on an independent balance sheet, financed from the federal, regional (constituent entities of the Russian Federation) or local budgets , as well as from the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund, in the following areas:

payroll calculation with support for new pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions,

calculation of the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them,

calculation of the salary of employees in the civil service,

calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by the legislation,

reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the expenses of the institution,

management of cash settlements with employees, including deposits,

personnel accounting and personnel analysis,

automation of personnel records management,

set of frames.

Payroll preparation

To calculate and record wages, the program automates the activities of payroll accountants:

automatic calculation of a wide range of charges - from salary payments and various allowances to sick leave and average earnings leave;

flexible setting of used charges and deductions.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" ensures the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees, as well as accounting for labor costs as part of the institution's expenses. The whole complex of settlements with employees has been automated, starting with the payment of sick leaves and vacations, up to the formation of documents for payment of salaries and deposit, as well as reporting to state supervisory authorities.

In order to ensure work in institutions with a large number of employees, the main "settlement" documents are equipped with means of automatic filling and calculation. Supports the entry of "settlement" documents on the basis of the corresponding personnel documents on deviations.

The standard solution implements the possibility of additional accrual of salaries of previous periods with registration in the current period, the calculation of the "first half of the month" taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and actual production of workers and the subsequent payment of an advance.

To calculate the amounts of accruals and deductions, it is possible to use arbitrary formulas, in which, in addition to a wide list of predefined indicators and indicators described by users, it is allowed to use arithmetic operations, mathematical functions and conditional expressions.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides ample opportunities for recording working hours. The flexible mechanism allows, on the one hand, to describe various work schedules, including "sliding" ones, and to register only deviations from the usual mode of operation, and on the other hand, to register only actual accounting data based on the timesheets filled in the divisions.

To track the use of working time in the program:

general work schedules of the institution are maintained,

individual work schedules are formed for individual employees,

the primary documents of the accounting of working time are registered - the timesheet of the worked hours.

In addition to carrying out mass calculations of wages, "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" prepares all the necessary unified forms for accounting for wages (in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of December 15, 2010 N173n " state power ( government bodies), local government bodies, state governing bodies extrabudgetary funds, state academies sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Methodical instructions on their application ") and other necessary reports to obtain information for any billing period:

pay slips,

analytical payroll and summary of accruals and deductions,

payroll (unified form T-51),

settlement statements (f. 0504401),

payrolls (f. 0504403, unified form T-53),

note-calculation on the calculation of average earnings (form 0504425),

time sheets (form 0504421, unified form T-13),

reference cards (f. 0504417), etc.

Calculation results can also be presented in the form of analytical reports, visual graphs and diagrams:

analysis of accruals of employees of institutions,

analysis of the state of mutual settlements with employees of institutions, etc.

New pay systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions

"1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8" supports new salary systems introduced from December 1, 2008 in federal budgetary institutions, which, in particular, provide for:

payment of official salaries;

payment of increasing coefficients to salary - according to the position held; personal boost

coefficient; the increasing coefficient for the length of service; increasing coefficient for the institution (structural unit of the institution);

incentive and compensatory payments, including bonuses based on the results of work for a quarter, six months, 9 months, a year, on other grounds;

payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions;

payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications,

combining professions (positions), overtime work, work at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);

allowances for work with information constituting a state secret, their classification and declassification, as well as for work with ciphers.

Calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" allows you to fully automate the calculation of monetary allowances for military personnel and remuneration of civilian personnel.

The standard solution implements specific mechanisms for calculating pay, in particular, calculating pay for future periods and registering the payment of pay to dismissed servicemen.

Users are provided with a large number of pre-configured types of calculation for calculating monetary allowances for military personnel, in particular:

salary for military position (OVD),

salary for military rank (HVZ),

Percentage allowance for length of service (PNVL),

Difficulty and Intensity Allowance (HIS),

bonus for work with classified information,


one-time monetary remuneration (CFR),

sanatorium payments (SKL), etc.

Based on the results of the calculations, analytical reports are generated, approved by the Ministry of Defense and other departments:

settlement and payment statements in forms 13-FO, f. 6002501, 15-FO, f. 6002502;

consolidated payroll in form 13-FO and form 6002502;

personal accounts in the form 18-FO and f.6002503;

money certificate;

report 3-OB;

calculation of the savings fund for a one-time monetary remuneration for the conscientious performance of official duties (EDV for DIDO).

Features of state government bodies, local self-government bodies

The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" fully implements the calculation of the pay of civil servants of government agencies, as well as the remuneration of municipal employees.

The standard solution provides an opportunity, in addition to official salaries in accordance with the civil service positions being replaced, to charge civil servants a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned class rank, as well as the entire range of necessary monthly and other additional payments.

The program provides for a specific classification of civil servant positions by groups and categories, which is used in consolidated reporting on forms 14 and 14 of the MO. Form T-2GS was provided for personnel records of civil servants.

Payroll accounting by funding source

In "1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8", an end-to-end accounting of all amounts of accruals and deductions is kept in the context of funding sources directly during calculations, it is possible to customize the procedure for reflecting each charge or deduction in budget accounting.

All analytical reports on wages (payslips, statements, codes, etc.) are formed by funding sources.

Personnel accounting and personnel analysis

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" involves the storage of not only personal data of employees of the institution, but also official information. The latter includes: the department where the employee works, his position, office phone numbers and other contact information. The employee's progress in the institution is also registered: hiring, office transfers, vacations and business trips, up to and including dismissal.

To analyze the staffing structure, a variety of reports are built on the basis of the accumulated information about employees. These include lists of employees of the institution, personnel movement, personnel statistics, etc. In the reporting on personnel composition, the accounting of employees in the context of job categories is implemented, as well as the use of arbitrary groupings of institution posts.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports the maintenance of military records in accordance with the Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541 "On the approval of the regulation on military registration". The program generates all the necessary information for submission to the military registration and enlistment offices.

Labor relations, personnel records management

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports the maintenance of the staffing table of institutions with the ability to indicate various types of tariff rates, an arbitrary number of allowances, additional information about staffing units. According to the staffing table, all the necessary reporting is generated, including the presentation of the staffing table in the form of a unified form T-3.

The program automates personnel records management, including filling out unified printed forms: drawing up labor contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of employees (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the institution (forms T -8 and T-8a).

On the basis of personnel data, a unified form T-2 is being built, containing, among other things, information on continuous, general seniority and seniority for a bonus for the length of service of employees of the institution.

In accordance with the approved vacation schedule of the institution, the unified form T-7 is filled out and orders for granting leave to employees are formed (forms T-6 and T-6a).

Planned business trips of workers are registered in the program, while orders are prepared to send workers on a business trip (forms T9 and T9A), travel certificates (form T-10) and service assignments (form T-10a) are filled out.

Within the framework of personnel records of military personnel, positions are recorded in the context of military accounting specialties (VUS) and the formation of the staff (staffing table), reporting according to the staffing table is formed with an indication of the military accounting specialty. Personnel records of servicemen are separated into a separate office work, it is possible to receive various forms of primary documents, including departmental ones (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies).

Personalized accounting

Maintaining personalized accounting in the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" complies with the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. No. 27-FZ "On individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 1997 No. No. 318 "On measures to establish individual (personified) accounting for the purposes of state pension insurance";

To the Resolution of the Board of the PF RF dated July 31, 2006 No. No. 192p "On forms of documents for individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system and instructions for filling them out";

To the Resolution of the Board of the PF RF dated July 28, 2008. No. 225p "On approval of the application form for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of labor pension, instructions for filling it out, as well as the format for submitting an application for voluntary entry into a legal relationship to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance premiums for the funded part of labor pension in electronic form (data format) ".

The program provides automated filling and verification for compliance with the requirements of the FIU

regulated forms containing the following information about insured persons:

personal data of employees - ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3,

applications for voluntary entry into a legal relationship on compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the DSV-1 labor pension,

information on seniority and insurance premiums SZV-6, ADV-6-2

information about the experience of SZV-K.

Information for transmission to the FIU is prepared in both printed and electronic form.

Recruitment automation

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports documenting and automating the process of selecting and evaluating candidates. The program provides:

storing personal data about candidates,

storage of materials accompanying the process of working with the candidate, from his resume to the results of the survey,

preparation of meetings with candidates and registration of decisions taken up to the acceptance of a candidate for a job.

Maintaining a database of questions and answers for questionnaires allows you to quickly prepare and conduct a survey of candidates, as well as employees of the institution.

The specialized tool "Recruitment" provides the ability to manage tasks for working with applicants. This tool, in which all work with candidates is carried out, can be used in the "Desktop" mode as a separate AWP. Recruitment is carried out either en masse using a personnel plan without a time limit for filling vacant jobs, or for specific vacancies - taking into account the timeframes for filling vacancies determined when opening a vacancy.

Calculation of regulated taxes

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides for the calculation of taxes and insurance contributions from the wage fund regulated by law: personal income tax, insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, MHIF and FSS for compulsory insurance, as well as insurance contributions to the FSS for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases. The calculation of insurance premiums is supported for all taxation regimes for the income of institutions, taking into account the specifics of individual departments and special tax regimes used in some institutions - STS and UTII.

Analytical reports included in the applied solution provide an opportunity to conduct a full analysis of the tax base in the context of individuals - recipients of income and types of calculation, as well as accrued taxes in the context of individuals.

Based on the results of accounting for income, amounts of calculated taxes and contributions, regulated reporting is formed:

Register of tax accounting for personal income tax, income statements 2-personal income tax

Individual cards for accounting for insurance premiums.

Reporting to the Federal Tax Service (Form 2-NDFL) can also be generated in electronic form.

Regulated reporting

In "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" the following regulated reports are automatically generated for submission to the Federal Tax Service and the FSS of Russia:

Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums, Form RSV-1 PFR

Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums, Form-4 FSS RF

Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year,

In order to effectively check the transferred reporting in the regulated reports, the possibility of detailing (decoding) indicators is supported.

Provided for the unloading of regulated reporting for transmission to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS in electronic form.

Keeping records of activities of several institutions

With the help of the program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", you can keep personnel records and payroll of several institutions in centralized accounting departments in a single information base using a single list of employees of all institutions.

Service capabilities

Diagnostics of error situations

Diagnostics of such erroneous situations in personnel records, such as re-admission to the main place of work or admission to the main place of work in two institutions at the same time, will not allow documents with incorrect data.

When calculating salaries, repeated payments for the same period of time are identified (for example, when entering consecutive sick leaves, overlapping periods were mistakenly entered).

Correction of settlement documents of the previous period

The typical solution provides for a simple and straightforward correction procedure that the user must perform when an incorrectly posted document of the "past" period is found. It is enough to simply "correct" the incorrect document by adding the correct amounts. In documents containing calculations of several employees, it is offered the opportunity to correct the calculations of the current employee, correct the entire document at once, or additionally select a list of employees whose calculations should be corrected.

Data search

The configuration implements full-text search over infobase data. You can search for multiple words, using search operators, or for an exact phrase.

Credential Access Control

The ability to impose restrictions on access to the credentials of individual individuals and / or institutions has been implemented. A user with limited access rights cannot not only change in any way, but even read data that is closed to him.

User Administration

Users are given the opportunity to independently configure the issuance of a confirmation request when exiting the program. This allows you to refuse to terminate the work with the program if the program window was closed accidentally. Implemented warning users about dynamic configuration updates and forced user termination.

Working with distributed infobases

Exchange plans are included in the configuration for working with distributed infobases. Also added the "Standalone solution" mechanism designed to automate the exchange of data between infobases.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes the Update Configuration Wizard, which allows you to get information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install any updates that are found. If you have already received the update file, the assistant allows you to update using the update delivery file (. Cfu) or the configuration delivery file (. Cf) from any local or network directory.

Joint use with the program "1C: Accounting state institution 8"

The transfer to the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8" data on the reflection in the accounting of the amounts of accrued wages and salaries, as well as the corresponding taxes and contributions, has been implemented.

Transfer of accumulated credentials from the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"

Since 2011, accounting in state (municipal) autonomous institutions is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.12.2010 N 157n "On Approval of the Unified Chart of Accounts for Accounting for State Authorities (State Bodies), Local Self-Government Bodies, Management Bodies of State Extra-budgetary Funds, State Academies of Sciences, State (Municipal) Institutions and Instructions for its Application ";

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 23, 2010 N 183n "On approval of the Chart of accounts for accounting autonomous institutions and Instructions for its use ";

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2010 N 173n "On approval of the forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by state authorities (state bodies), local authorities, governing bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Methodical instructions for their application ";

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 25, 2011 N 33n "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for drawing up, submitting annual, quarterly accounting statements state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions ", etc.

To facilitate the transition to the new accounting rules, the structure of "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" includes funds for the transition from the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8".
When switching from the "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" program, all the accumulated data for maintaining personnel records and calculating salaries are saved.

After transferring data from the "1C: Salary and Human Resources 8" program, you only need to indicate the sources of funding in accordance with accounting policies institutions.

Data from the "1C: Salary and HR Management 8" program is transferred in such a volume that:

based on the results of calculations of the month following the transition, calculation reports were correctly formed,

Transfer of accumulated credentials from the program "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7"

When switching from a program "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7" all accumulated data for personnel records and payroll are saved, the data transfer method is included in the delivery of the "1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8" program.

Data from the "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7" program is transferred in such a volume that:

according to the results of calculations for the year in which the transition took place, the regulated reporting was correctly formed,

according to the available data, personnel records were correctly formed.

Thus, users will continue to work in the new program.

Advantages over 7.7

In "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" the possibility of keeping records of several institutions in a single information base is implemented. Institutions can use general lists of individuals, classifiers of analytical information, etc.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" supports sliding and individual work schedules, schedules of reduced working hours, registration of data on the actual use of working time in the form of so-called "timesheets", as well as hourly absenteeism.

Personnel analytical reporting in "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" includes reports on arbitrary lists of employees, movement of employees and visual vacation charts, full-fledged military registration with the formation of the necessary reporting. All unified forms for labor accounting have been implemented, including forms T-7, T-10, T-10a.

As part of the personalized accounting of the PF RF, an archive of information transferred to the PFR department is kept. After transferring data to the FIU, at any time, without leaving the program, you can see which data was transferred. In this case, personal data and data on the length of service of employees are not used and can be changed.

To help users, a list of tasks is offered that must be performed based on the analysis of the data entered into the information base: a reminder of the previously planned personnel movement; the need to recalculate accruals or additional payroll, for example, after canceling an erroneously entered deviation; input of accrual documents based on personnel documents; calculation of salaries, calculation of UST and reflection of salaries in the accounting for the next month; employee birthday reminders.

The calculation of the "first half of the month" has been implemented, taking into account the data entered at the time of calculation on deviations and on the actual production of employees, followed by input on the basis of the payroll for the advance payment.

When describing additional charges and deductions, users can use not only all built-in calculation algorithms implemented in the configuration, including calculations at tariff rates, average earnings, etc., but also arbitrary formulas.

"1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" contains the means of forming and managing the submission of regulated reporting to the supervisory authorities. In particular, the automatic filling of the regulated forms 4-FSS and 4a-FSS has been implemented - according to the accounting data for benefits and UST, as well as according to the data on the reflection of accrued taxes and contributions in the regulated accounting.

The modern ergonomic interface "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" makes service opportunities available "1C: Enterprise 8" even for small institutions:

universal tools for working with printed forms of documents, the ability to send a document by e-mail,

universal group processing of directories and documents,

connecting external processing and restricting access to their use,

connection of additional printing forms in documents,

connection of additional handlers for filling in tabular sections of documents,

setting the date of prohibition of data change,

user administration tools in 1C: Enterprise mode,

means of separating access to data by workplaces (roles) of users.

Advantages of using the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform

Application solutions developed on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8", is distinguished by an ergonomic interface, advanced tools for constructing economic and analytical reporting, fundamentally new opportunities for analyzing and searching for information, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration, ease of system administration. All this raises solutions for the public sector to a new level of automation.

"1C: Enterprise 8" supports work with various DBMS - file mode, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2.

The 1C: Enterprise 8 server can function both in MS Windows and Linux. This provides a choice in implementing the architecture on which the system will run and the ability to use open source software to run the server and database.

Ergonomic user interface

The new modern interface design makes it easy to learn applied solutions for beginners and high speed of work for experienced users:

Significantly accelerate bulk data entry thanks to the line-by-line function and efficient use of the keyboard,

convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists: managing the visibility and order of columns,

setting up selection and sorting,

printing lists;

maximum use of the available screen space for displaying information,

mechanism of styles of design.


The typical configuration "Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution" implements the most general accounting schemes and can be used in most budgetary institutions. To reflect the specifics of accounting for a particular institution, the typical configuration can be changed. The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" has a launch mode "Configurator", which provides:

setting up the system for various types of accounting,

implementation of any accounting methodology,

organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure,

customizing the appearance of information input forms,

customizing the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using the built-in language,

wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using

various fonts, frames, colors, patterns,

the ability to visualize information in the form of diagrams,

quick configuration changes using visual development tools.


System "1C: Enterprise 8" provides scalability of application solutions, ranging from the simplest to multifunctional. The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" can be used in the following options:

single user - for small institutions or personal use,

file - for multi-user work, provides ease of installation and operation,

client-server version of work based on a three-tier architecture. Provides secure storage and

efficient data processing with the simultaneous work of a large number of users.

Working with geographically distributed information bases

unlimited number of autonomously working infobases,

full or partial data synchronization,

arbitrary order and method of transferring changes.

Integration with other systems

The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" has ample opportunities for interaction with other applications and provides:

downloading currency rates from the Internet,

loading address classifiers,

data exchange with other applications via text files, DBF files and XML documents.


The program "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" provides convenient tools for administration:

setting up user access rights based on the role mechanism, assigning the interface and user language,

setting up the separation of access to data by workplaces (roles) of users,

a log of user actions and system events,

the ability to upload and download the infobase,

tools for installing and updating the platform and application solutions.

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