
Where to get the policy. The procedure for obtaining a policy. For what diseases can you get free medical care?

Get the policy Replace [restore]

Reasons for replacing, restoring the compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, the insured person;
  • establishing inaccuracy or erroneous information;
  • dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use;
  • loss of the policy.

draw your attention to that in the event of a change of residence (another region), you should, within one month, contact your health insurance company or choose another health insurance company (in the absence of a health insurance company in which you were previously insured) in order to re-register compulsory medical insurance policy on this territory... In this case, the policy cannot be replaced; a seal is put on the reverse side of the form.

To replace (reinstate) your compulsory health insurance policy:

To get a compulsory health insurance policy:

Who will be issued a policy of compulsory health insurance?

On myself On another face

Documents for registration of the compulsory medical insurance policy. Select your population category:

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel and those equated to them)

    1. Birth certificate

    3. SNILS - certificate of mandatory pension insurance per child (if any).

    1. Identity document (passport of a citizen Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of issuing a passport)

    2. Identity document of the child's legal representative

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child

    1. A refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on its merits, or a certificate from the Federal Migration Service of acceptance of a complaint against a decision to revoke refugee status or a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation

    2. Residence permit

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person

    2. Residence permit

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person, with a mark on a permit for temporary residence in the Russian Federation

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Labor contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU

    4. The detachable part of the notification form of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy thereof indicating the place and period of stay

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. A document confirming the attitude of the person to the category officials, employees of the EAEU bodies

    Power of attorney and identity document of the representative. To issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for minors, a power of attorney from a legal representative is required.

Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

To issue or re-issue (replace) the OMS policy, you must contact in person or through a representative. RESO-Med has a large number of points for issuing policies, which makes it possible to choose a convenient location and reduce the time for obtaining a document. You can find an office by or by calling the company's Contact Center at 8 800 200-92-04.

Compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample

Compulsory medical insurance policy - a document confirming the right of a citizen to receive free medical care (services) within the scope of the basic compulsory medical insurance program throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and the territorial compulsory medical insurance program in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued.

According to 326-FZ, the production of compulsory health insurance policies of a single sample is organized by the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Russian Federation, and their issuance to insured persons is carried out by medical insurance organizations (HMO) in the manner prescribed by the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

OMS policy or, as it is often called, " medical policy»Is necessary not only for receiving medical care. Often, a medical policy or a copy of it is asked to provide when a child is placed in a kindergarten or school, when hiring, as a rule, the OMS policy is asked to be presented by the organizers of various sports competitions.

As for the cases of applying for medical help, then the presentation of the policy of compulsory medical insurance is the obligation of the insured person, established by federal law (except in cases of emergency assistance).

Replacement of the policy of a new sample or its renewal is required only when the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person are changed, the information contained in the policy is found to be inaccurate or inaccurate, the policy is dilapidated and unsuitable for further use, or the policy is lost. The insured is obliged to notify his insurance company within a month about the change of the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, identity document data, and also to choose a new insurance company within one month in case of moving to another region, if there is no representative office in the new place the former insurance company.

With an application for the surrender (loss) of the policy, the servicemen are presented following documents:

1) an identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

3) policy (presented only upon delivery of the policy).

With compulsory health insurance, each citizen can be insured by only one medical insurance organization and have only one compulsory medical insurance policy.

Get the policy Replace [restore]

Reasons for replacing, restoring the compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, the insured person;
  • establishing inaccuracy or erroneous information;
  • dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use;
  • loss of the policy.

draw your attention to that in the event of a change of residence (another region), you should, within one month, contact your health insurance company or choose another health insurance company (in the absence of a health insurance company in which you were previously insured) in order to re-register the compulsory health insurance policy for this territory ... In this case, the policy cannot be replaced; a seal is put on the reverse side of the form.

To replace (reinstate) your compulsory health insurance policy:

To get a compulsory health insurance policy:

Who will be covered by the compulsory health insurance policy?

On myself On another face

Documents for registration of the compulsory medical insurance policy. Select your population category:

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel and those equated to them)

    1. Birth certificate

    3. SNILS - a certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child (if any).

    1. Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport)

    2. Identity document of the child's legal representative

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child

    1. A refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on its merits, or a certificate from the Federal Migration Service of acceptance of a complaint against a decision to revoke refugee status or a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation

    2. Residence permit

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person

    2. Residence permit

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person, with a mark on a permit for temporary residence in the Russian Federation

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Labor contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU

    4. The detachable part of the notification form of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy thereof indicating the place and period of stay

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. A document confirming the person's attitude to the category of officials, employees of the EAEU bodies

    Power of attorney and identity document of the representative. To issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for minors, a power of attorney from a legal representative is required.

Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

To issue or re-issue (replace) the OMS policy, you must contact in person or through a representative. RESO-Med has a large number of points for issuing policies, which makes it possible to choose a convenient location and reduce the time for obtaining a document. You can find an office by or by calling the company's Contact Center at 8 800 200-92-04.

Compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample

Compulsory medical insurance policy - a document confirming the right of a citizen to receive free medical care (services) within the scope of the basic compulsory medical insurance program throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and the territorial compulsory medical insurance program in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued.

According to 326-FZ, the production of compulsory health insurance policies of a single sample is organized by the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Russian Federation, and their issuance to insured persons is carried out by medical insurance organizations (HMO) in the manner prescribed by the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

The compulsory medical insurance policy or, as it is often called, the "medical policy" is necessary not only for obtaining medical care. Often, a medical policy or a copy of it is asked to provide when a child is placed in a kindergarten or school, when hiring, as a rule, the OMS policy is asked to be presented by the organizers of various sports competitions.

As for cases of seeking medical assistance, the presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy is the obligation of the insured person, established by federal law (except in cases of emergency assistance).

Replacement of the policy of a new sample or its renewal is required only when the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person are changed, the information contained in the policy is found to be inaccurate or inaccurate, the policy is dilapidated and unsuitable for further use, or the policy is lost. The insured is obliged to notify his insurance company within a month about the change of the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, identity document data, and also to choose a new insurance company within one month in case of moving to another region, if there is no representative office in the new place the former insurance company.

With an application for the surrender (loss) of the policy, the following documents are presented to the servicemen:

1) an identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport);

3) policy (presented only upon delivery of the policy).

With compulsory health insurance, each citizen can be insured by only one medical insurance organization and have only one compulsory medical insurance policy.

Obtaining an OMC policy in Moscow is possible absolutely in any insurance company engaged in this activity and having an appropriate license.

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All information regarding the address and name of the insurance company can be obtained from the medical institution. As for the disabled (group 1), the implementation of these services is possible at home.

In the capital, there is a huge number of insurance companies that can provide this package of services, namely OMS:

  1. Rosgosstrakh-Medicine.
  2. Insurance Company Sogaz - Honey.
  3. Insurance company "ROSNO - MS".
  5. Health insurance.
  6. Insurance company "Consent - M".
  7. Insurance company "Ingosstrakh - M".

Required documents

In order to purchase this package of services, you need to provide a certain list of documents, namely:

  1. Recipient's statement
  2. Passport, for children under 14 years old, you must present a birth certificate
  3. Identity document of one of the parents, namely a passport

Also regarding foreign citizens, then they need to present:

  1. Passport of the country in which they live
  2. Residence permit, i.e. a passport with a corresponding entry, confirming the right to temporary stay in the RF.

If the application was accepted, the client is issued a temporary document that is valid for a month.

Instructions for obtaining a new policy

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of an insurance company. Since February 2011, citizens of R.F. the opportunity is given to directly choose an insurance organization on their own. To carry out these actions, you must visit the official website Federal Fund OMS and choose your region. It is also worthwhile to approach this issue very carefully, since it is impossible to change the insurance company within a year.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents. This list can be seen on the official website of the insurance organization that you have chosen. There are also 2 ways to submit this documentation: Through a representative or independently.
  3. The next step is to obtain a policy. The term of its preparation will be 1 month. Prior to its issuance, the client has the right to use a temporary document that will allow him to carry out all the services stated in the policy. An employee of the insurance company will inform you about the readiness of the policy by e-mail or phone.

Who needs to get a medical policy in Moscow in the first place?

The following persons are entitled to receive this insurance policy:

  1. All citizens of the Russian Federation
  2. Foreign citizens who live in the territory of the Russian Federation
  3. Stateless persons
  4. Refugees
  5. Persons temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation (they have the right to receive only a temporary document that determines the duration of their stay in the country).

A compulsory health insurance policy is certainly necessary for every person (even babies), because, first of all, it is a guarantee of receiving qualified assistance. In any situation, the client has the right to receive medical assistance without the appropriate fee.

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for an infant, it is necessary to take the baby's birth certificate from the registry office after you complete the registration. Next, you need to register the child at his place of residence. The final stage is the execution of the corresponding document.

To carry out these actions, you must contact a medical institution at the place of registration of the child and clarify information regarding the cooperation of this clinic with the insurance company. Find out also her address and contact details for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies.

It is possible that its location is relatively close, and it is also possible for the insurance company to be located in the clinic building itself.

If the child is registered temporarily (for example, lives on rented apartment), then, first of all, it is necessary to temporarily register him at his place of residence, which is regulated in the lease agreement.

In turn, Required documents need an appropriate extension for new term together with the renewal of temporary registration.

Also, those persons who mistakenly lost it, changed their full name or changed registration, as well as if it becomes clear that there was an error in the preparation of documents, also need to draw up this document.

After changing the place of residence, it is imperative to notify the insurance company about this no later than 30 days after re-registration.

How to get compulsory medical insurance for nonresidents

Exists different situations, after moving to another city, on new job... In the process of fuss, you don't think about the need to obtain any documents.

But in life there are various circumstances in connection with which the unexpected may overtake, after which a person needs high-quality medical care.

At the place of work, it is also necessary to present the relevant documents, which, in turn, can confirm absenteeism and absence from the workplace. Such documents are sick leave... But getting treatment in a clinic without a compulsory medical insurance policy is not possible.

In turn, if you do not have a residence permit, then this document can be obtained by registering at the place of residence. If you have any difficulties, you must contact the compulsory health insurance fund.

This organization closely monitors the implementation of the legislation on the issue of compulsory medical insurance and identifies all violations, as well as assists in the preparation of documents.

Upon receipt, you must join the clinic that you deem suitable. This procedure is carried out with the consent of the doctor.

In case of avoiding abuse of authority, it is necessary to fill out an application addressed to the chapters. The doctor of the medical organization that you have chosen and at the same time will apply for support to the insurance company. A sample application must be taken from the registry of a medical institution.

If the clinic you have chosen is not suitable for any reason, you have the right to refuse to receive these services and change the place of service.

The need to detach disappears, since this medical organization independently submit a request to another clinic of your choice.

Features of receiving compulsory medical insurance through the portal of the State Service

You can conclude an agreement on compulsory health insurance on the Single portal of public services. You only need to place a statement in electronic form on the site.

All required data about a citizen is obtained by creating a request in Unified system identification and authentication and a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. As a result, the client receives a notification with the license plate of his policy.

There is no need to pick him up. All the necessary data is stored in the insurance system, which makes it possible not to provide it when visiting medical institutions.

Updated 06/04/2018

Central point for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies

The central point for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, which previously worked at the address: Bolotnikovskaya, 53, bldg. 1 works at the address: Profsoyuznaya, 108.

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Profsoyuznaya street, 108

st.m. "Belyaevo", the first carriage from the center, then on foot. In the building of NIIVK, the main entrance.





10:00-16:00 10:00-16:00

Central Administrative District

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Lesnaya street, 43

issue electronic policies OMS

St. Lesnaya, 43, room 419. Art. m. "Belorusskaya", circular, exit to the street. Butyrskiy Val, 7 minutes walk (along Lesnaya street). Art. m. "Belorusskaya", circular, exit to the Tverskaya Zastava Square, tram. 7 and 9 (3 stops). Art. m. "Mendeleevskaya", walk 9 minutes. Entrance from st. Lesnaya, 1 entrance, yellow door under the visor.

lunch from 14:00 to 15:00

lunch from 14:00 to 15:00

lunch from 14:00 to 15:00

lunch from 14:00 to 15:00

lunch from 14:00 to 15:00

lunch from 14:00 to 15:00

lunch from 14:00 d

Eastern Administrative District

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Veshnyakovskaya, 17 "B", pavilion "ROS PHARMACY"

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "Novokosino", ed. 706

to the stop. "st. Reutovskaya, 22",
Art. m. "Vykhino", ed. 247, 232, 706, troll. 30, 64 to

ost. "Administration of the Veshnyaki District", Art. m. "Novogireevo", ed. 247, 615, troll. 64 to the stop. "Veshnyaki District Administration"

From June 18, 2019, the point is closed. You can receive previously ordered policies from June 19, 2019 at the address: st. Veshnyakovskaya, 22A, TD "Veshnyakovsky passage", 2nd floor.
Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Novokosinskaya, 17,

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "Novokosino", the last carriage from the center, along the underground passage to the left, bus. 14, 21, 79, 502, 723, 1064 to the stop. "Novokosinskaya street, 17", then on foot

(above the entrance door to the room - the sign "PHARMACY")

North-Eastern Administrative District

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Pilot Babushkina, 32, bldg. 2, 1st floor

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "Babushkinskaya", ed. 601, 696, 181 to the stop. "Northern market"; Art. m. "Medvedkovo", ed. 93 to the stop. "Northern market", then walk 200 m


C 1July 2019 to July 14, 2019, the point is open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8: 00-16: 00; Tuesday, Thursday 12: 00-20: 00; Saturday 10: 00-16: 00.

Southern Administrative District

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Pavlovskaya, possession 7 ("Hangar")

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

1st and 3rd

Saturday of the month


South-Western Administrative District

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Lenin Hills, 1,

p. 53, office. ten

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "University", exit to the city along the escalator from the last carriage from the center, entrance to the territory of Moscow State University

10:00-18:00 10:00-18:00 10:00-18:00 10:00-18:00 10:00-18:00
From May 13, 2019 to July 01, 2019, the point is open from 10:00 to 16:00.
Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

st. Ostrovityanova, 9, bldg. 4

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

Art. m. "Konkovo", ed. 145, 295, 712 to the stop. VNIITs for maternal and child health protection; 9th microdistrict of Tyoply Stan (from the metro station Troparevo 1 km), bus. C2, 295, 712, 718 to the stop. "Scientific Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology". Passage from the side of Academician Oparin Street behind the barrier 11:00-20:00 9:00-18:00 11:00-20:00 9:00-18:00 9:00-13:00

Western Administrative District



Working hours

st. Bagritsky, 3, bldg. 1

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

M. Slavyansky Boulevard, ed. 190, 610, 103, 139, 157, 883, 205, 818, 840, 867 to the stop. "St. Bagritsky ".

8:00-20:00 8:00-20:00 8:00-20:00


Novomoskovsk administrative district

Address Travel Working hours
Mon. Tue Wed NS. Fri. Sat. Sun.

issuance of electronic compulsory medical insurance policies

metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard"

ed. 737, 753, 858, 108;

Art. m "Street Academician Yangel, bus 906

to the stop. "Turn to the police village"


Points for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, equipped with intercoms or operator call buttons for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies to persons with disabilities.

Points for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, adapted for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies to persons with disabilities, equipped with ramps, freight elevators and free passage for wheelchairs.

This section is found by queries:
Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow?
Where to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow?
Where can I get health insurance?

Health is the most important thing for a person. But health care services are expensive and therefore not available to everyone. The compulsory medical insurance policy allows you to use medical care free of charge. It is only necessary to issue it, and in case of loss, immediately restore it. What documents are needed to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy is described in the article.

What is a policy?

The health insurance system was developed by the state in order to maintain the health of citizens and treat them in case of illness. Compulsory health insurance is provided to all residents of the Russian Federation, and this is not affected by status, income, or age.

Compulsory insurance is considered a form of social protection that guarantees free services in insurance situations. The policy is an official document that confirms the right to receive medical care.

The main CHI program consists of:

  • diagnostics;
  • outpatient treatment;
  • inpatient treatment;
  • prevention;
  • vaccination;
  • the purchase of drugs on benefits;
  • dispensary observation of children under 18 years of age.

In addition to the above, the document provides the right to compensation for damage that was caused to sick medical institutions during therapy or diagnostics. If a person does not have health insurance, the clinic may refuse assistance. Exceptions are emergencies such as injuries or life-threatening events. These are the rules for compulsory health insurance.

Who is the document provided to?

A single sample medical insurance document is provided free of charge. If a person in any organization takes money for his registration, then this is considered a fraud.

The following are eligible for insurance:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation - children, adults, pensioners;
  • refugees from other countries who live in the Russian Federation;
  • stateless persons;
  • foreign submissions.

The policy is provided by insurance institutions that have a license for given view activities. The insurance has no expiration date. The document does not need to be changed by an adult, as well as upon reaching the retirement age. The policy must be replaced only if it is unusable or lost.

Receiving rules

This procedure does not take much time. But you need to carefully approach the choice of an insurance institution and the registration procedure. You can get your policy online. But the service is provided on the websites of some organizations.

Each policyholder has the right to receive an electronic (plastic) insurance policy. It is presented in the form bank card with a microchip on which all data about the owner is recorded. Such a document is much more convenient. Policies are issued in each region of the Russian Federation, where there are branches of institutions from the list of the CHI fund.


Citizens do not think about where to turn. The insurance company is selected on a territorial basis. Usually they are contacted at the place of residence. You should also familiarize yourself with the list of documents for compulsory medical insurance. After all, there are some differences for all categories of citizens.

What documents are needed to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy? Citizens of the Russian Federation should prepare a passport, as well as SNILS. If you apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, what documents are needed? You need to prepare a birth certificate, parent's passport.

Writing a statement

Along with the documents, an application is submitted for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. According to clause 6 of the Order on health insurance, it is necessary that the document should include:

  2. Date and place of birth.
  3. Citizenship.
  4. SNILS number.
  5. Passport data.
  6. Place of residence.
  7. Place and date of registration.
  8. Contact information.
  9. Citizen category.
  10. Information about the policy.

The law allows one parent to receive policies for the entire family. But this requires a written power of attorney from adults. What documents do foreigners need to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy? In addition to a passport, they need to have a certificate of registration in the country (specifically, on the territory of the Russian Federation). What documents are needed for refugees to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy: a document confirming their status or a certificate from the migration service is required.

Obtaining a temporary certificate

On the date of submission of the application, the insurer issues a temporary document. It serves as a confirmation that the policy is being issued. According to the certificate, you can get the same medical services, which are provided with full insurance.

But the temporary document is valid only 30 days from the date of receipt. When it is ready, the employees of the company must notify about it. This is usually done over the phone or e-mail.

Obtaining a single sample document

The finished policy is provided in the same company where the application was submitted. The client only needs to sign the journal. Then a paper is issued, according to which you can get a full-fledged document granting the right to free treatment and prophylactic services in each government agency.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are provided with the policy once. It has no expiration date. For refugees, foreign nationals, stateless persons, insurance is issued for the period of stay in the country or for the period of validity of the permit.

Where to go?

Profitable terms insurance is provided by the following companies:

  1. "RESO-MED". The organization has been operating in the field of medical insurance since 1992. There is a network of branches in the regions. To date, the organization's services are used by over 6 million citizens.
  2. "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine". The company is a subsidiary of Rosgosstrakh. The total number of insured persons is 21 million.
  3. "SOGAZ-Med". Insurance organization has high ratings. Branches are located in every city in Russia. Regular and electronic are provided insurance policies... In the company, you can insure online and order the provision of a policy for workplace.
  4. "VTB Medical insurance ". The company has been operating for over 20 years. The number of insured is about 6 million people. There is a wide network of representative offices in Russia. The company provides legal assistance to insured persons.
  5. Ingosstrakh-M. Branches operate in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. The company resolves various conflicts between policyholders and medical institutions... Clients are offered free consultations by services.


It happens that people who follow the news in the field of health insurance get caught by scammers and buy fake or written off policies. But it also happens that the document is genuine. And the insurance company doesn't exist. They are not valid, so you will not be able to get help with them.

Checking the compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out in several ways:

  1. Visual. Authentic documents have a single appearance... They contain the following information: full name, personal number, name of the insurance company, seal, barcode. The policy has a special paper texture and several levels of protection.
  2. By number. The personal number is present in a single database: it will be possible to check the authenticity online. It must be entered in a special section on the MHIF website and click "check". Checking the OMS policy can be carried out by the number, the series of the passport.

If the document turns out to be fake, then it must be processed again. You should only contact trusted insurers. Such companies are listed on the official register of the health insurance fund.


Documents can be lost, damaged. To recover, you must contact the institution where the insurance was obtained. You need to take a passport, SNILS with you, and if a policy is required for children, then a birth certificate. After writing the application, a temporary document is issued.

If there is a loss of the policy, then its number is blocked. The registration procedure is the same as with the receipt of the document. New policy provided after about a month.

A person has the right to replace a document in the following cases:

  • replacement of full name and other passport data;
  • presence of errors or incorrect information;
  • replacement of the insurance organization.

It is possible to change the insurer only after a year from the date of receipt of the policy. The document needs to be drawn up by everyone, even if there are no serious health problems. After all, unforeseen situations arise suddenly. And the compulsory medical insurance policy provides guaranteed medical care.

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