
Pension agents learned my SNILS. What the scammers can do, knowing the number of SNILS and passport

Competitive struggle with the use of fraudulent methods has developed for the accumulative pensions of the inhabitants of Khakassia. This is evidenced by the population calls to the specialists of the Pension Fund with complaints about the fact that representatives of certain houses and apartments go financial structures And they ask for personal data: last name, first name, patronymic and room insurance certificate (SNILS). Uninvited guests explain that this is due to allegedly with changes in pension legislation.

Catherine from Abakan (I don't call the last name) tells that I almost didn't get on this fishing rod, but before laying out information, I decided to call the Pension Fund.

- The girl who came home to us, pretty Milovoid and young, she is about 25 years. She said that she, as a representative of the Pension Fund, holds a census, and that obligatory Requires the number of insurance pension testimony, which is to this " green card"Now a document is issued, without which the evidence is invalid. And that a little later, she will give us this document. I replied to her that I could provide the data later when the spouse returned from work. So she came to us three times and no longer asked, but demanded to call numbers. Then I called the Pension Fund.

Specialists of the FIU pay attention to residents of the republic that the staff of the Pension Fund's Department in the Republic of Khakassia and territorial departments do not go on apartments, do not receive citizens at home and are not interested personal documents citizens. Necessary information Available in the databases of the pension fund. Specialist of the FIU can go to the house in some cases at the invitation of the tenant himself.

On apartments, apparently, continue to walk representatives of non-state pension funds (NPF). They seem to have changed the method of working with the population. If they previously persuaded the transfer of money to a particular NPF, now they are simply asked to name the name, surname patronymic and the number of insurance certificate, deceiving that this requires a change in legislation.

- the population may not understand the insidious plan of these visits, but the surnames, name, patronymic and data SNILS is enough to translate pension savings in NPF without the knowledge of the citizen himself, - says Natalia Koroskova, head of the investment group of the FIU Branch on Khakassia. - That is, not suspecting and not wanting that residents of Khakassia can translate their pension savings in some non-state pension fund.

Then return this money to the Pension Fund will be possible, submitting an application to any territorial body of the FIU. But I want to pay attention that statements to change the method of formation cumulative pension In accordance with legislation, subject to satisfaction in 5 years. However, the means can be translated and previously five-year period, but on the basis of judicial decision. That is, to restore rights will have to go to court.

We wrote one of our readers,

"... alternatively called one, distant friend, and in conversation, so to speak, what works in the pension fund, they say it checks the documents here, and then I come to her, and she looks that the phone is familiar and called me back. Allegedly, I have no statement there in the documents, and I can lose some 6%, in general, I as an ordinary woman did not think about anything bad, and what I have been low for a question, I got it and dictated a room .... "

We have checked the information, and our answer. Since the beginning of the year, cases of fraud from employees of non-governmental pension funds increased. Calling himself employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, they come home and agitate to translate their pension savings into certain non-state funds. As a rule, even after simple communication with accumulation fraudsters are illegally translated without the knowledge of the owner. In the Department of the Pension Fund, they assure that their representatives do not go home and do not call for citizens in an urgent and obligatory procedure to translate their pension savings in this or that non-state pension fund ( NPF). PF staff carry out home to residents only by prior arrangement, for example, to citizens with limited features. In any case, when meeting with an employee of a fund or another, at a minimum, you must familiarize yourself with the service certificate.

Illegal translation money It can be done if the fraudster will be known for the individual personal account number (SNILS). Moreover, the accumulation owner learns about it only when he receives an extract in his account. Naturally, there is not a treaty with NPF, where money is transferred, nor statements in the FIU about the desire to change the Fund. The absence of these documents is a confirmation of the illegality of actions and allows you to apply for a statement in the OPFR at the place of residence and return everything back, as well as in judicial order accumulate damage to S. non-state fund, fraudulent by captured by pension savings.

"If you still choose the NPF, then you need to pay attention to the deadlines of the Fund's work on the mandatory market pension insurance, at the level of profitability investment pension savings not only over the past year, but for the entire period of the Foundation, on the number of insured persons whose pension savings are formed in this fund. In addition, one should not sign an agreement on the translation of its pension savings in the NPF exclusively in exchange for the offer of discounts or other preferences when purchasing, receiving other goods or services (loan design, buying goods, etc.).

If the funds of the accumulative part of the pension account are translated from one fund to another illegal, then it is necessary to act as follows:

  • Contact the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or at the place of residence and write a statement. Application blank can be found on the PFR website.
  • Pension savings will be translated in March next year in accordance with the selected direction.
  • In addition to appeal to the FIU, write a statement to the NPF, which translated the pension accumulation of the insured person. The claim for the illegal transfer of funds of the accumulative part of the pension is compiled in free form. The NPF is obliged to inform the citizen on the basis of which his pension savings were translated into this HPF. In particular, the NPF should have a contract with the insured person on the transfer of its pension savings in the HPF.

They will wait for you at the subway and at the bus stops come home or can be called by phone. People who need your pension number insurance Polisa.. Over the past month on the forums and in social networks, posts about them appear dozens. Fortunately, many understand that showing an unfamiliar person SNILS number is like to give him bank card. But if everything is clear with the credit card, then what profit fraudsters can get with the help of a pension certificate? Medialeaks figured out what the extortionists are dangerous and why they are becoming more and more.

About people who are represented by the Pension Fund staff and willing to get your SNILS, for the last month there was not one dozen posts on thematic forums and in social networks. On the unprecedented activity of too curious anonymies special attention Rolled up the users "Pikabu", telling their stories about how they were trying to inflate and offer the number of the insurance policy.

Arsenal of Swims Arsenal turned out to be very wide, and the methods are diverse. Most often, personal data seekers come directly home, stating that they are from the Russian Pension Fund, and showing some kind of crust. You can spit in it, as the pension fund does not go home. Although thirsty of your SNILS will be convinced in the opposite, using various arguments. For example, the user under Ovoshlook from Volgograd an unexpected guest said that the pension number is needed for statistics.

I sleep at home. Doorbell. I open. There is a young guy in a white shirt, all elegant. He starts twitter, they say, he holds a survey who is in which NPF is. I tell him - in anything that is not, and then he says to me: "And bring SNILS, I will rewrite the number for statistics." I, of course, the abstract prfihel, but said that I would not bring. He is so brazen me: "I need to bring!" This dialogue repeated a couple of times more, after which he left.

The user Dialog56, the RELES collector introduced himself as an employee of the UFMS (which, by the way, no longer exists). He allegedly spent some check.

The guy introduced himself as Igor, showed a crust with the words: "I am a representative of the UFMS, we check citizens aged 25 to 45 years." I asked him, what is the inspection actually, and he answered me, they say, the passport data census and SNILS data. I asked him once again a crust look - he referred to this, they say, "I have already removed her bag." Here are such things.

In some homes, Zhuliki act largely, warning about their visit in advance with the help of ads.

Fraud B. last years acquired a huge scale. Citizens are cheating on the Internet, on the street and even come home. And it is not known what fraudsters can make, knowing the SNILS number or other personal information. Therefore, it is so important to distinguish between situations where you really need to provide such management, and where they brazenly deceive.

How fraudsters can use the SNILS number

Fraudsters very often use personal data of ordinary citizens for their own enrichment. As a rule, these are passport data, but more and more often, the chains are not shy to use information from SNILS. Therefore, it is extremely important not to inform such information to unauthorized persons.

As for the methods of obtaining a number of SNILS, the most often the following schemes:

  1. Fraudsters from the pension fund go apart. Causes may be different - reissowing documents, etc. The main thing for a blower is to find out more detailed information about a person, in addition to his name, surname, etc.
  2. He can also call, introducing a pension fund employee.
  3. Fictive interviews. The applicant comes, fills the questionnaire, but does not receive work. But need number Snobs and passport data remain in scammers.

SNILS fraud has mercenary motives. Most often, the chains are trying to walk and ask personal data to provide customers for non-state pension funds.

Reference: For each new person, such organizations pay from 3 thousand rubles.

Fraud often concerns citizens' accumulations. Among the large number of documents that attackers bring the victim to the apartment, there is an agreement on transferring money to the NPF. By SNILS number, you can also find out the size of savings of a person. But the fraudsters will not be able to dispose of them. With the help of SNILS, they can recognize other information concerning human property.

What to do if it became a victim of fraud

If a person has become a victim of scammers, first of all should be checked, on the place of its accumulation. In the case when part of the money moved to the NPF, you should contact a statement and requested translation. Most often, such organizations easily translate funds back. But even if the foundation closed, the state will reimburse the victim's damage.

You can also make a complaint with the NPF. In this way, it is worth using if a citizen has not signed any documents, and the translation of savings was carried out with violations. Depending on the response of the organization, you can go to court. For example, you should handle the claim if the NPF cannot argue the legality of the translation.

If fraudsters used the services of the State Service in order to turn out some kind of fraud with personal data, it is necessary to immediately install new login and password. As a rule, many users set the SNILS number as a login. What simplifies access to the portal for scammers. Specialists advise use in this quality email.

However, it is not so important, why the soles needed to have a SNILS number. The victim should contact the law enforcement agencies to attract an attacker to justice. Even if this fails to do this, there will be a fact of handling the police, which will help with judicial proceedings. And if the fraudsters arrest, it will prevent the deception of a large number of other citizens.

How to protect yourself from unlawful actions

To get into the hands of scammers can everyone, as they use a huge number of ways to smear personal information. Therefore, it is so important to protect yourself and be sure to use precautions. As for the number of SNILS, then you need to know the following:

  1. PF employees do not go home and do not conduct social skins by phone. Exception - incapable citizens. Therefore, if someone comes and asks to give personal information, it is impossible to provide it.
  2. It is important to carefully examine the items of the questionnaire. The more information requires a potential employer, the more it looks like an impetus. Especially if there are many candidates on the interview, and the Organization itself is doubtful.
  3. No employees government agencies, including the police, it is not entitled to demand the SNILS number on behalf. It is generally used extremely rare, for example, a personnel department employee or an employee of PF. Therefore, to the request, the SNILS number from a suspicious person should be treated extremely careful.

It is very important to keep the details of their documents from unauthorized persons. You can do a lot, if it became known that fraudsters use personal information. The main thing in this situation is the protection of your rights. And what does not need to be done, so it is inactive. Otherwise, the swells will find a way to deceive again, and then losses will become much more significant.

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Over the past few years, cases of fraudulent actions with pension documents have become frequent. People began to go to law enforcement structures with statements that the representatives of the FIU extremely persistently require the number of the pension certificate and behave intrusive. Few people know that the pension fund employees do not go home at home pensioners, and all service takes place in the walls of the Fund itself.

Nevertheless, the elderly people are very trusting, so quite often the Snip number is in the hands of criminals. Of course, the loan in your name scammers will not take, but "to work" with your pension fund can.

Receiving schemes

Fraudsters walk on apartments and ask to show SNILS most often under the following pretexts:

Social survey of the population

During this polling, dressed and friendly young people learn from retirees their civil position of a relative question, and among the installation data, the SNILS number allegedly question the questionnaire. Often, fake persons use substrate documents indicating their belonging to a particular state body.

Employment on pensions

This method is most popular on the Internet, when the elderly citizens who do not want to sit at home on pensions are looking for where to earn it. Filling the appropriate questionnaires, they need to enter the SNILS number. In the future, these data will be used by fraudsters, and the retired job will not receive the desired work.

How fraudsters use the data obtained SNILS

Most often, the employees of non-state pension funds (NPF) are engaged in SNILS fraud, which, knowing the cherished number, translate retirement money from the state account at the expense of their company, where they accumulate and persist at all on other conditions.


The only but rather significant minus of the transfer of money in the NPF is the real possibility of liquidation commercial organizationAs a result, the pensioner will lose all its accumulations or most of them due to multiple conclusions and translations to another account.

Knowing the number of pension certificate, NPF employees fill out an application for the transition from the name of the pensioner. Quite often, the pensioners themselves and sign in this statement under the guise of another document.

Thus, tidy young people who took the pension number from the old man on every pensioner earn from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Sometimes it turns out that the "victim" of fraud is such a sudden transition to a non-state structure may be beneficial, since the percentage of commission paid at the end of the year will be more state regulations by 5-6%.

What to do if SNILS is already at the scam

If you understand that they dictated or transferred the number to suspicious persons, better decision It will apply to the territorial body of the FIU with a statement that they do not intend to translate its savings in the near future in the near future, explaining the situation. If the translation has already taken place, the reverse process will occur in March next year, while returning and interest earned on your NPF savings.

As for the statements to the police on bringing the guilty persons to (Article 159 of the Criminal Code), this will not happen, since, according to the law, the victim should be caused real damage, and in this case the money is not assigned to anyone, but only the place of their storage is changed. Often, prove the fact that the pensioner signed the documents not knowing where he puts his signature is almost impossible.

The rational will go to court with a claim for illegal enrichment of NPF at the expense of your savings. The benefits of this process will be significantly higher than the costs. True, the process is long and can stretch not just for several months, but for several years.

Passport Data Fraud

Separately, it is necessary to consider the situation that fraudsters with passport data can make, since it is much relevant and sad to use information about SNILS, because in this case the victim can be caused real material damage. That is why your personal data and passport information should be kept secret.

How scammers use data

Often, scammers do not even need the original document certifying the person. Information that fraudsters can do with a copy of the passport has long been distributed throughout law enforcement agencies. No matter when the criminal received your information, it can use them immediately or after a long time.


Time of limitation by general rule is 3 years. This means that during this time you can apply to the court with a statement about the committed criminal act. If the term came out and no valid causes of delay, the Court may refuse to consider the claim. More details we will tell in this

Using personal passport data, intruders can:

  • receive credit funds in a bank and non-bank organization;
  • to drive you into debt obligations;
  • make you the founder of the passing company;
  • make a copy from the original document and use it for their mercenary purposes in the future;
  • regulate the movement of funds on your bank accounts;
  • make on your behalf certain actions on the Internet.

These situations are not an exhaustive list of possibilities - the fantasy of swells does not know the limits.

For those who still do not fully understand what the scammers can make, knowing passport data, we inform that the most profitable and common type of fraud is obtaining bank credit . In the future, prove the fact that you did not participate in fraudulent schemes, sometimes it is extremely difficult. For this, the years of litigation may be needed with both banks, so with real borrowers and third parties.

Methods for obtaining data

The most common way is to obtain a copy of the passport in the organization, where you provided this copy (the so-called criminal collusion). Often such schemes turn into unverified firms that only appeared on the market. Providing your passport such an office increases the risk of being deceived. Often on the Internet you can find an announcement of selling a copy of the passport with suitable information.

Your copy is subsequently used:

  • to register on casino sites and online games;
  • to gain access to dating sites;
  • to register electronic wallets;
  • to participate in lotteries, etc.

It is very important to carefully treat your documents. Only so you can protect yourself from scammers.

Turning to some company, a company or an institution where you need to make a copy of your passport, carefully follow the actions of the employee, and also be sure to demonstrate the document, where it is indicated that receiving a photocopy - required condition cooperation.

Never without apprentice, do not transfer your passport or copies of his sheets unfamiliar or unfamiliar persons.

If you suspect that illegal actions are performed with your passport data, contact the police immediately.

You can ask questions in the comments to the article.

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