
Map Beeline Money Personal Cabinet. Details of the Beeline Payment Map and Personal Cabinets. Registration of the name card


Like any other successful firm, Beeline is actively developing, and this consists not only in optimizing tariffs and improve conditions for subscribers. Following the remaining companies, the mobile operator launched the production of cards with a set of universal functions. The payment tool Not only service clients can be issued, as well as subscribers of other companies. The product is intended for payment for goods on Internet sites and in ordinary outlets, for repayment communal services And other purposes, just with the help of a bank card can be.

Bank card Beeline has a lot of advantages, among which is distinguished:

  • The ability to repay accounts at any point of the planet is everywhere where there is access to the electronic payment system.
  • Lack of service commission, free SMS service service.
  • Favorable bonuses accrued for each purchase, additional points issued for shares and as presents on holiday dates.
  • The benefit of transferring funds to another currency - the conversion is carried out at the established exchange rate of the Central Bank, without additional payments.
  • Availability of a special program for mobile phone users, allowing you to replenish your account, follow operations and transfer money.
  • The ability to make a loan in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles with a grace period of 2 months.
  • High security transactions providing international MasterCard service.

Classification of cards

Payment card banking Beeline produced in one of three modifications:

World - Only Customers Beeline can get it, the amount of the bonuses for the operation has 1.5%.
Standard - Available to subscribers of any companies, the amount of bonuses is 1%.
Paypass. - nominal product with contactless type technology. It is issued exclusively to Beeline to customers already having one of the two main cards. The size of bonuses, as in the previous case, is 1.5%.

How to manage a card account?

The maximum amount that is allowed to lay the Beeline account has 100 thousand rubles for Standard and WORLD. For PayPass, this parameter is 600 thousand rubles. Information on any account changes comes in the form of completely free.

Top up the balance of the card can be several ways:

  • Cash in each office of the operator - for free.
  • Translation S. bank account - To do this, use your personal account on the official Beeline portal or a special phone application. Commission for this operation Also not taken.
  • Enumeration of funds using the Golden Crown service - without additional payments.
  • Through an ATM, any financial institution of the country - the amount of the Commission will depend on the conditions of a particular bank.
  • Translation in any banking department - the amount of the commission is also established by the banking organization.

To remove funds, you can use an ATM collaborating with MasterCard. At the same time, the Commission will count 1%. When removing funds in the banking department, a commission of 4% is charged. If the account needs to withdraw a loan, the payment will be 4.9% + 500 rubles.

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Operator Cards Operator Beeline

Map Beeline is a universal tool for solving a variety of tasks:

Removing cash via ATM or banking institution collaborating with MasterCard.
Realization of translations across the Russian Federation, in Georgia and the CIS countries.
Payment of loan. This service is available to persons with Russian citizenship.
Account Management using mobile service and personal Cabinet On the official portal of the operator.

If the card holder intends to use it to pay online purchases, experts advise to take advantage of special cachek services that allow you to get good benefit from online orders.

Accumulated bonuses can be used for a variety of purposes, in particular:

  • Mobile connection. The scores are allowed to bring to your phone. To do this, you need to visit your personal account.
  • Salons. If you are accustomed to shopping in the salons of the Beeline operator, bonuses can be turned into a discount in the event of a smartphone acquisition or accessories to it. Scores cannot be used to pay for services.
  • Purchases from partner companies. For earned bonuses allowed to pay for purchases from Beeline partners in the online store Litres, on the Kari shoe website and in Biletix on the sale of railway and air tickets.

Paying for Points Cellular communication can be in total not higher than 90% of the average monthly costs for similar services over the past 6 months. For example, the client highlights 300 rubles each month, which means a month it has the right to cash out no more than 270 points.

A similar condition is valid when paying services for partner companies and salons cellular communication Beeline. Bonuses can be repaid only 90% of the purchase price.

If the card is used to pay utilities, the Internet and insurance programs, the bonuses are not credited. The same applies to the procedure for transferring funds from one card to another.

Credit design

Beeline card can be used to obtain borrowed funds in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles with an interest-free period of up to 2 months. To obtain benefits, you will need to replenish an account by 8% of the debt size. To take, it is necessary to provide a civil passport and a second document to choose from (for example, the Inn or SNILS). The loan application is considered no longer than half an hour.

Map Beeline (banking)

The Mobile Market of Russia is constantly changing and transformed, and any successful company should develop in accordance with its requirements. Brand "VimpelCom", representing the services of the mobile operator Beeline, is not limited to the constant improvement of existing projects. In 2014, the company introduced new Product - Premium map MasterCard World. Beeline. It is designed for non-cash payments on the Internet and in stores. In addition, the product offers a lot of advantages to users of the mobile operator "Beeline". Consider in more detail what the differences of this card are from others.

About the premium MasterCard WORLD card

The product is an analogue of a bank card: with its help you can pay, you can also take credit money with a grace period. In general, this payment system can be described by the following items:

  1. It is drawn up and reissued absolutely free.
  2. For maintenance of the card is not charged.
  3. You can get an interest-free loan for any purpose, without collateral.
  4. When designing the product, SMS-informing is automatically connected. Notifications come to the mobile phone number when performing any operations.
  5. Implemented on the Master Card international payment system, so you can pay the card anywhere in the world. When paying in foreign stores, automatic conversion takes place in the local currency. Central Bank Russia without an additional commission.
  6. The ability to receive bonuses for purchases. The size of the bonus is 1.5% per transaction.
  7. Having an application for a smartphone that allows you to track all transactions made from the card.

Premium MasterCard World Beeline Map combines the best qualities of modern payment systems. This explains the popularity of the service under consideration.

Types of cards from Beeline

In addition to premium card, VimpelCom company actively promotes its bank products. It is necessary to note here:

  1. MasterCard Standard. - An ordinary payment card, the design of which is available to subscribers of any operator. The system of bonuses suggests accrual 1% of the transaction to the bonus account.
  2. Mastercard World Name Card Beeline It provides for the availability of the name on the front side, as well as the presence of a contactless paypass calculation system. The size of the bonuses accrued for the purchase is 1.5%. Any citizen who has a map can issue such a map Beeline MasterCard WORLD or MASTERCARD STANDARD.

These products, in addition to a premium card, can also be issued for shopping. Also with their help it is convenient to carry out non-cash payments.

Premium card features

Speaking about this product, it is impossible not to note its multifunctionality. Beeline Premium Map is designed for major banking operations:

The company's developers continuously improve banking service. Thanks to this, card holders do not have discomfort when using the product.

Credit funds

Among other things, a premium account has another nice property: you can get credit funds. The maximum loan amount is 300,000 rubles, but it should be borne in mind that monetary limit Installed to each user individually. Initially, the card is debit, that is, it can be used exclusively own means. But when granting a passport and identification code, employees of the Company are considering an application for receipt credit funds and establish a certain limit, the size of which directly depends on the income of the client.

The grace period, during which interest is not charged for using credit funds is up to 60 days. In the future, it is necessary to pay minimum payment, the size of which is 8% of the amount of the debt.

Payment System Mastercard World Beeline offers profitable terms Lending and a rather large maximum loan amount. This state of affairs also arranges many customers.

Bonus program loyalty

The loyalty program is connected to all the Beeline trademark accounts, in which each card holder participates. The principle of accrual of bonuses: a person makes a purchase with payment system Beeline, after which his bonus account deals with a certain percentage of the transaction amount. So, the holders of the premium account receive 1.5% per spending. For example, a person makes a purchase on total 1000 rubles, and 15 rubles are bonuses.

What you need to know about this loyalty program:

  1. Bonuses are accrued for any purchases and payment services., including those performed on the Internet. But when removing funds in ATM, the program does not work.
  2. Bonuses can be used to pay 90% of purchases and services in the Beeline store chain" For example, you have 100 rubles on a bonus account, you make a purchase in the company's office in the amount of 100 rubles. You can pay for bonuses only 90 rubles, the remaining 10 pay from a personal account.
  3. If no operations were performed on the card for six months accrued bonuses "burn out".

The bonuse system is very convenient for those who regularly use the services of the mobile operator Beeline, because it is possible to accumulate bonus money without much effort, and then pay them in the company's brand network.


The card can be replenished without commission with the following ways:

In other cases, the Commission for replenishing an account depends on the bank in which you conduct an operation. Remove funds at the bank's office or in an ATM, which works with the MasterCard system. When removing at ATM, the Commission is 1%, upon receipt of the Bank in the bank - 4%. At the same time, if credit funds are removed, the Commission will be 4.9% plus 500 rubles.

How to get a premium MasterCard World

Any subscriber of mobile operator Beeline may become the owner of such an account. To obtain it, it is enough to come to any office of the company, present a passport and identification code (if you wish to immediately establish a credit limit). At the same time, to activate the account must be replenished at least 3000 rubles. Within 5-10 minutes after activation on mobile phone The client comes automatically generated PIN, which represents four random numbers. After that, the card can be used to use.

Premium Mastercard World Beeline is created for the convenience of Beeline Customers. In addition to existing bonus program loyalty, for them periodically new profitable shares arise.

Received in the branded cabin payment card "Beeline" - a personal account on the company's web resource specifically for MasterCard plastic owner to help!

How to start using online service, and what opportunities does it provide?

Registration and entrance to Beeline Mastercard Personal Cabinet

Personal, or payable cabinet of the Beeline Plastic Card Holder Mastercard is available to each private person who has this means of payments, regardless of the type of map.

The cellular operator offers mastercard plastic of three varieties:

  • "Classical" category MasterCard Standard - for subscribers of all Russian mobile service providers, subject to the card account replenishment by 100 rubles;
  • MasterCard World - only for its subscribers, provided that the cardschet is replenished by 500 rubles. WORLD category bank cards refer to premium products, but it does not apply to nonienic plastic from biline;
  • mC WORLD NAMED Map contactless technology Payment available to the Beeline subscriber who has previously obtained any of the two non-alien cards from the operator.

Important: Issue and maintenance of all types of plastic "Beeline" Mastercard free, and the name of the embossed card is always better than nonien. To change one to another, you need to pay only 200 rubles for the delivery of new plastic by mail of Russia.

You can order a map with your name, not spending time to visit the mobile salon - one of the features opening after registering and authorization in the Personal Account.

The Beeline Balance Cabinet is located at Bank.Beeline.ru.

To access the service, you need to enter the site, enter the 13-digit code in the "Login" field, printed on the back of the plastic side under the barcode, and click the "Login" button.

After registering and having received a password to enter the payable account, you can log in, instead of a "barcode" inserting a phone number tied to the card.

Possibilities of the Payment Cabinet Card "Beeline" Mastercard

The user of the Beeline Card Mastercard Personal Cabinet makes it possible:

  • to replenish the balance cashless translation from bank card account;
  • translate money Card2Card in the opposite direction - on its own bank cards, tied to the service;
  • making transfers from the Bilain Card in Russia to the CIS countries and Georgia;
  • make payments on loans and microloams in any russian banks and MFIs;
  • pay for housing and utilities services, public services, TV and Internet, mobile communications and many other services of hundreds of providers "in two clicks";
  • create templates of payments and customize auto plates by providing the system to automatically pay for services at a specified time and the desired amount of funds;
  • receive comprehensive information on the movement of funds and all the card operations in details available to the balance on the balance sheet.

Security of payments and translations is provided by 3-D Secure technology.

To bind a bank card, you must go to the personal account by reference "Replenish the map", then press "Details to replenish". In the tab that opens, enter the data card data - the number, validity period and secret code From a back side (3 last digits).

Please note: To confirm the binding, you should enter the amount up to 10 rubles, specifically written off on the cardschete. You can find it through the Internet bank or mobile app Issuer bank or call to his count. A few days later, this amount returns to the balance.

If a debit card is tied Tinkoff Bankand, the commission of 90 rubles is also written off from it, as when the cash with cash in the amount of 3000 rubles, but a few days later, and this money is returned to the cardboard. Moreover, Tinkoff Bank is a Beeline partner, crediting holders of Bilain payment cards.

Minimum replenishment of Card2Card without a bilayne commission - 3000 rubles. If the amount of transaction is less, 50 rubles is charged. The Bank's Commission, from the map of which money is transferred depends on its conditions.

For translations in the opposite direction - from the Card "Beeline" Mastercard - the commission is held 1.5%, at least 50 rubles. The maximum amount of the operation is 125 thousand rubles.

Transfers between bilayn cards through the payment room are free.

What can not be done through the payable office

If you do not have a bank card "Beeline" - a personal account at bank.beeline.ru will not help:

  • get a pin code;
  • connect the "interest on the residue" service;
  • place a loan from Tinkoff Bank;
  • customize the limits on card operations that increase the security of funds.

The latter option is not provided, the PIN code is generated after the call at the special number of the phone, and for other services, contact the telecom operator salon.

Important: "Beeline" mastercard is actually a product not a banking, but manufactured by cooperation with the cellular operator with the RNO "Payment Center".

This organization does not participate in the deposit insurance system, so if the license does not count on the payment center of the license, insurance compensation (Unlike bank customer customers).

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