
In which bank is better to be serviced by a traveler. The best bank cards for travel. Beeline, ruble "MasterCard"

What are the main tasks of a bank card for traveling and traveling abroad? There are two of them - a decrease in costs or commissions, especially abroad, and an increase in your benefit when using a card.

Bank card must be profitable

Reduction of expenses - This is the minimum (preferably zero) Commission for operations

Increased benefit - It is interest on the residue and cachek on spending on the plastic card.

  • Interest on the residue is charged for storing your funds on the map. It is like a bank deposit (interest of course less than an ordinary deposit), but you can freely shoot and put money on the card.
  • Cashback is getting bonuses with money or scallers for your spending on the map. It is considered only payment in stores, for the removal of cash cachek is not accrued.

Then there will be an explanation of terms and long reasoning, how and why we chose what bank cards to use. If it is not interested, then immediately go to our recommendations, how to make money without a commission in almost any ATM in the world.

How to choose a plastic card for a trip abroad?

Consider all the variety of banking products an unreal task, so you need to decide how much and how we will spend. An independent traveler tries to save, rent housing on site directly by the owner, eats in local cafes. We need bank cards for budget travel, which means:

  • Spending per month no more than 100t
  • More than 50% of cash costs. Rental housing and meals are the main spending and for them we pay in cash
  • Minimal annual service, better free

The volume of spending is an important condition, because banks set limits on operations without commissions (for example, on the Tinkoff Black card per month can only be removed 150 minutes without commission, then 2%).

We do not consider credit cards. If you do not concern the complex cases of optimization of your expenses and mile programs, then the credit card is needed only for renting cars and a possible deposit for accommodation in hotels so that the amount of collateral is blocked not from your funds, but from the bank's funds. This will suit any credit card with minimal annual service and credit Limit More than 1000 euros (when renting a car can block 1000-2000 euros).

We will also wage the side of dollar and euro bank cards. Our income and income of most of our compatriots in rubles and must be most beneficial to use precisely ruble maps abroad. If you have the opportunity to buy dollars or euro in advance for a trip, then you will definitely buy. And then we will tell you how to do this is beneficial with the help of the "Corn" card.

Tell me with terms

Cashback - Returns the parts of the money spent you on the card.

Interbank Translation - Translation by details bank account From one bank to another.

MPS. - International payment system. Visa or MasterCard.

Course MPS. - Currency conversion rate by an international payment system. (Courses for Visa, MasterCard). For the ruble, it is practically no different from the CB course.

CBC - course of the main currencies in relation to the ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The CB course and the MPS course are the most favorable courses for us.

Reduction of expenses

Cash Removal Commission

If you are in the ruble zone, for example, the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia, then everything is simple - you need the opportunity to shoot in any ATMs of third-party banks without commission. When leaving abroad, in addition to free cashing, you need a profitable course of currency conversion, that is, the Minimum Commission of the Bank.

Commission for converting currency

For example, consider the case when you pay for a ruble card purchase in Thai bays. Usually, the conversion scheme looks like that - BAT changes to dollars at the rate of the MPS, and the dollars change to rubles at the rate of your bank. The bank's exchange rate is the CB course plus the Bank's Commission. Low commission is 1% -2%, but it happens more.

Annual Service Commission

How much do you pay for service card per year. Some plastic cards, such as corn, are free. Per premium cards The Commission may be 5000r per month. The usual commission for servicing a bank card 750r per year. Frequently additionally paid the SMS service service.

Getting benefit

Percentage on the residue

You get interest on the residue on your account. Sometimes it is called "Piggy Bank". Interest below bank deposits, but you can freely remove and replenish your account. Like bank deposits, interest may vary depending on the balance value on the account.


The bank returns part of money you spent on account. Return or bonus can be made money (in the currency of the cards) or points (they are called "candy"). Cachebek money is usually 1%, "candy" you can get 3%. There is also special offers for cachekku - 5%, 10% and even more (for example, Cashback 5% on Tinkoff Black card when buying tours in Level.Travel). "Phantiki" can be spent only defined (limited), and cachek money can be spent as you like and remove in cash.

Plastic Travel Cards

The optimal choice for budget travel is the Corn Map, as a backup we use Tinkoff Black. SAMI favorable map For trips, it is corn, she has one minus - a limit on removing cash without commission within a month.



How to get a: In any salon "Euroset" with a passport.
The main advantages: Conversion at the rate of the Central Bank, withdrawing money in ATMs (up to 30tr / month) without a commission, free service.
Using: Cashing and calculations abroad.

Important moments

You can get in the "Euroset" salon with a passport. You can get up to three cards per passport. Annual service is free, the card is issued for a period of 6 years. For effective use We must immediately connect a number of services.

  • Get a Name Map Chip Map Corn Mastercard Paypass.. Getting free, you only need to pay the shipping card. 200r Post of Russia or 750r courier service PonyExpress. Personal map gives greater cachek, great card safety. The nonien card may refuse to accept some points of payment. To pay abroad, a nominal map is simply obligatory.
  • Service "Percentage on the residue." Completely connected. The subscription fee is not charged, you must make a 259r abnormal balance - the money will be returned when the map is closed. Your card becomes tied to a bank account, so your cash is insured with the DR. Also on the balance account is charged from 5% to 8% per annum. And there is no commission for cash withdrawal in ATMs up to 30 minutes per month.
  • - service " double Benefit". Increases Cashback twice, up to 3%. It costs 990r per year. It makes sense at (non-cash) costs per month from 5500r. That is if you pay the card in stores and on the Internet.

Corrupt capabilities

Conversion currency transactions: at the rate of the Central Bank
Cash removal: without commission up to 30 minutes per month (with a "percentage on the residue"). Over 30tr - 1% (minimum 100r)

Important! When removing cash is not in ATMs, and at the cash desks of banks or POS terminals, the commission of 4% (minimum 400r), so the money can be removed from the ATMs only in ATMs!

Annual service: free
SMS informing: free
Cashback: 1.5% "candy" by name Map Mastercard paypass corn. 3% when the "Double Benefit" service is connected.
Percentage on the residue: from 5% to 8% per annum
Currency: only rubles

How to use

"Corn" is the best card for cash withdrawing abroad. Conversion at the rate of the Central Bank is the most profitable option. Removal in ATMs without commission to 30tr. The limit in the 30tr can be circumvented, if it is not one, but three cards "corn", then you can shoot 90 minutes a month without a fee. After issuing a card on the second family member, this limit will increase to 180t. Are you inconvenient to carry six cards with you? Commission 1% is not as big, given the absence of other commissions - you choose.

When removing banks and POS terminals, a very large commission of 4% (minimum 400r). For these operations it is better to use Tinkoff Black.

Also from the Corn card, being in Russia, to shoot dollars or euros at the rate of the Central Bank. To do this, you need to find ATMs issuing currency on third-party cards, from Verified Raiffeisenbank, City, VTB24.

You can replenish the "Corn" card or bank transaction, Or attaching a map of another bank to it.

Corn scores can be spent only in a very limited number of places. The main - "intersection" (no more than 30% of the purchase amount) and the Euroset itself (99% of the purchase amount). This makes the "candy" corn are not very attractive, as the main card it is not very suitable.

Tinkoff Black

Debit card, manufactured by Tinkoff Bank. The card order is made online, the courier will be brought to you the map. Order the map can be checked.


Tinkoff Black Card Features

Conversion of currency transactions: at the rate of the Central Bank + 2%
Cash removal: without commission up to 150 minutes per month (minimum removal amount 3000r, otherwise Commission 90r), then 2% + 90r

Important! Remove cash at least 3000r at a time!Replenishment of another card with Tinkov, such as corn, is considered as cash removal, replenish the amount at least 3000r.

Annual service: free of charge with an uncompound residue 30r or open contribution or active cash loan, otherwise 99r / month (1188p / year)
SMS INFORMATION: 39P / month (468r / year)
Cashback: 1% "money", 5% for the category of high cachek.
Percentage of residue: from 4% to 7% per annum (if there are operations on a map for estimated period)
Currency: rubles, euro, dollars (choose when opening a map)

How to use

Excellent option for cash withdrawal in the ruble zone. You can shoot at the cash desks without commission. To cash out abroad, too high commission for converting 2%. We keep this card as a backup. Good option For use abroad is the opening of the Tinkoff Black dollar card, then there will be no commission for conversion. Cacheball below "corn", but this is "real" money. If you have nowhere to spend the "corn" scores, then consider you that you did not get anything. And money cachek can be spent on any need per day.

The annual service commission is quite high, so it is better to keep an unmarked residue (there must be at least 30r every day) or discover the contribution to Tinkoff. Also, the commission can be avoided by receiving a cash loan.

A pleasant bonus is that you can translate until 20t a month on a map of another bank (at its number) without a commission.

What will be my benefit in rubles?

Let's consider how much you can really save on a journey for a month, using the "correct" bank card. For example, take a classic plastic card The most common bank is Sberbank.

Our conditions: Consumption per month 100tr, of which 70th we spend cash, 30tr on the map.

Using "Corn" and Tinkoff

Percentage per balance ~ 200r / month
Cashback (1% money) 300r / month or Points "Corn" (3%) 900r / month
Commission for conversion and cash withdrawals: 0


Percent for the residue: no
Cashback scores "Thank you" (0.5%) 150r / month
Cash Removal Commission (1%) 700r / month
Commission for conversion (2.5%) 2500r / month

That is, when using the Sberbank card abroad, you lose about 4000r per month. If you are resting in the ruble zone (Abkhazia), then your losses can be more than 1000r per month.

Of course, for thousands of rubles, it may not be necessary to receive another bank card. But you can use these cards and you need to return from rest. Yes, and you will go to rest more than once a year, so the benefit for the year can be quite essential. You will no longer wonder the question "where the nearest ATM of My Bank". You will receive Cashback with your purchases and interest on the balance on the map.

Question of reliability

Deposits in the banks of the Russian Federation were insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DCA), the amount of maximum compensation 1 million 400 thousand rubles. Money on debit cards is equal to deposits, that is, too insured. Money on the map of "Corn", with a connected "percentage to the residue" service, are on the bank account and are also insured. Thus, even if something happens to the bank, your money will not disappear.

Build a system of cards

Saving. Store in banks who consider reliable - Sberbank, Raiffeisenbank. Bank for savings should give an opportunity for free or with minimum Commission Transfer money to our consumables. That is, or free interbank translation or not charge the commission for replenishment.

Card for receiving remittances.Sberbank is the most common, because practically everyone has Sberbank cards and between them very easy to translate money. Even by mobile number. For salaries, pensions and other payments.

Card for current operations. It stores at least in the case of which losses were minimal. As a map for current operations, it is convenient to assign one of the "corn" cards, and on the second to store more expenditure, but it is not "shining" in ATMs or stores. Translate from one corn to another very simple and takes a minute.

What are the capabilities of the cards to pay attention to travelers

Easily customizable limits on the map - you can limit cash withdrawals and in general any operations on the map.

The map is tied to the mobile number. Commier about roaming and try not to lose your sim card. It makes sense to distribute cards for family members and in different numbers of mobile phones.

Card replenishment

For remote replenishment Maps during travel there are two main ways - bank transfer and "tied" map of another bank.

To replenish bank transfer, you must clarify the commission for this operation in the bank, from which funds will be translated. The interbank translation without commission can be made from Tinkoff Bank, corn, Rocket Bank (limited number of times a month). "Avangard" takes 10p for any translation, and Alpha Bank 29P for translation up to 100t, then 0.3%. "Sberbank" and "Opening" take from 1% for interbank translating, from these banks to make translations are unprofitable.

A number of banks provide a service replenishment service from your other bank card. For example, you can replenish your corn card from a Sberbank card without commission. Mandatory condition For the free service is one owner of the card (you can certainly translate money on maps of other people with the Commission). To do this, the map of the bank "Donor" is tied in the Internet bank of the replenished card. After that, you can "pull" money.

Corn, Tinkoff, Rocket Bank is provided in such a service.

It is important to clarify which banks do not take the commission if they are thus removed from their cards or "tightened" means. We have tested Tinkoff (no commission with the amount of operation from 3000r), Sberbank, Alfa-Bank. Bank Avangard takes 1% commission. Check availability of the Commission, you can replenish your corn with a small amount, for example 5tr.

A selection of the most profitable bank cards for the traveler. We tell about our favorites, helping greatly saving on trips abroad!

Our travels around the world are almost 2 years and 25 countries, so that the experience in the monetary question is podnabli. πŸ™‚ And although we always take with you a little dollars in cash (a key word is a bit), I still do the main accent on the card, and not one.

Plastic card itself is more convenient and safer than cash, but we prefer, first of all, because of the many travelers "buns" in the form of cachek, free aises in the business chairs of airports, bonuses for the purchase of air tickets, etc. For example, going to the USA with a BINBANK card, we have accumulated on the next trip tickets in Europe!

So, who are they, the best bank cards for traveling?

Basic traveler cards

Proposals from banks - a great set, as well as service packages for each, but if you plan to pay a card in stores, restaurants, etc. And to remove cash, then pay attention to specific numbers:

  • course conversion currency
  • commission for transboundary payment (i.e., if an organization that conducts an operation on the map is outside the Russian Federation). For example, you pay dinner in a cafe in Pattaya, or being in Russia buy a ticket online from Turkish Airlines, or remove money in ATM in Barcelona - for all such actions can be stumbled upon transgran)
  • commission for cash withdrawal in an third-party ATM
  • annual percentage money and cachek (refund of the parts spent on the card by bonuses or money)

Currency conversion abroad (of $ / € to rubles) does not always occur at the rate of the Central Bank. More precisely, almost never. Each bank pays a few percent from above, and some "finish" by commissions for transgran and cash withdrawal in "other people's" ATMs. Another thing is that losses can be minimized - at the expense of cachek (when paying for purchases) and the lack of those hostilities. Each Chiter is in its own way, but if you use several cards and pay for different services, you can be in a good plus!

What bank card is better to choose depending on these items? Here, in our opinion, the most acceptable options.

Favorable travel cards

So bring home map Tinkoff Black

We only tell about the maps that have noticed for yourself during the years of travel. Those who use themselves, we will definitely lay out, about the rest - there has been a good impression of consultations with employees and reviews on the forums.

1. Tinkoff, Debit Tinkoff Black

  • Conversion Course: TSB + β‰ˆ2%
  • Transgran: 0%
  • Relief: 0%, if the amount is more than 3000 rubles
  • % to the residue and cachek: 6% (when spending from 3000 rubles per month) and 1-5% money

Accompanies us on trips abroad from the very beginning, and we are not going to replace preferences. We have a ruble map, not a dollar and non-Euro, although you have the opportunity to have such in Tinkoff.

Go through the button and get 3 months of free maintenance:

Making purchases of a card in other countries, in the worst case we lose 1% (Cashbek Course 1% for all categories); In the best - we remain in plus by 3% (the course is 5% cache for certain categories, such as pharmacies, beauty, transport). For the removal of the unit in the amount of more than 3000 rubles we give a bank β‰ˆ2%. Cashbek and% on the balance of the account "fall" to the card in the form of money, and you can do anything with them. If on account of 30 000 rubles, then service is free of charge; Otherwise - 99 rubles per month.

In addition to the minimum sanctions for using the card abroad, the main advantage Tinkoff It lies in three words - this is an online bank. And it is very convenient in travel. Even being a binary or alpha premium client, you have to visit the office to clarify the issues / submission of statements / cards of the card, etc., which, of course, is impossible. In Tinkoff, problems are solved through a phone call and chat in mobile application or online office. The latter is also very useful - all extracts for cards / accounts are seen here, the details of the operations are visible, it is possible to manually put the expense limit on the day (if you want to protect yourself from the "random" write-offs) and notify the bank about the rapid departure of the map abroad with one click (so that not blocked).

Minuses? Of course, they are: ambiguous reviews from owners credit products Tinkoff (we are talking now about the debit) and a recent reduction in 7% per annum to 6%. The first can be parry so - who makes people take credit cards and does not allow you to carefully read info about tariffs? And about the second, the bank even in this case greatly bribes its service. And here we definitely have something to compare with.

If your bank does not provide free traveler insurance, we recommend to see the options on the aggregator traveling to the company, always compare the prices on this site. Also inexpensive insurance should look at

2. Tinkoff, Credit All Airlines

  • Conversion Course: TSB + β‰ˆ2%
  • Transgran: 0%
  • Relief: High Commission
  • % to the residue and cachek: - and 2-10% miles

Credit cards Not our profile - on this "mine field" we never stepped. Nevertheless, it is specifically will be given so "tasty" that it should be included in the choice of a bank card for travel.

How is she so pretty? Cashbek: minimum (on all categories of goods) is 2% and thus displays any purchases abroad at zero. 3% cache is returned for air tickets, 5% - for the airline Tinkoff (compared to Skyscanner - our favorite search engine of cheap tickets - prices is tangible above), 10% for hotels and cars, booked also on the Tinkoff website. With hotels are really profitable, because the site works with old-kind Booking. Cashback is charged in the form of miles, 1 mile \u003d 1 ruble.

One of the main minuses follows from the opportunity to spend bonuses. First, only on airline tickets. Secondly, yes, any site will suit, but: the ticket must cost from 6000 rubles. Moreover, the price needs to be "customized" under miles, because They are shooting more than 3000. For example, a ticket can be equal to 6,500 rubles, and from the card will leave 9000 miles. Will be with you to take less than the price of the Ticket. πŸ™‚ Other minus is still a credit card, and beyond 55 interest-free days is better not to go out. The main thing is clearly understood the conditions. Our friends actively use a similar card and are very pleased.

Go and get 1000 miles to the account:

3. Binbank, Debit Airmiles, Premium Services Package

Update from 8.03.2019

  • Conversion Course: TSB + β‰ˆ2.5%
  • Transgran: 0%
  • Relief: 0%, but not more than 75,000 rubles per month
  • % on the residue and cachek: 6% (when spending from 25,000 rubles per month) and 1-7% bonuses; You can spend only on air and railway tickets, hotels and rental cars

This card stood quite firmly in our pocket, but it is not basic, although, paying for her, you can go to a good plus.

When purchases in the non-terminal currency, the loss will be β‰ˆ1.5% (the course is 1% cachek), but in the categories "hotels, air or railway tickets, car rental" to the account will come + β‰ˆ5.5%, because For them increased 7 percent cachek. When removing cash is lost β‰ˆ2.5%. The percentage on the balance account and cache is credited to a separate virtual map In the form of bonuses, where 1 bonus \u003d 1 ruble. Use them can be used exclusively for online payment products from marked sections on any site. Another advantage - multicurrency, i.e. You can bind three accounts - $, € and rubles, and easily switch on trips.

Category of such a map of Binbank - Visa Signature. or Master Card World black Edition, and service - 1950 rubles per month; For free if you maintain a balance from 400,000 rubles (for regions, for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 600,000 rubles) or spend from 150,000 rubles per month. This is the peculiar minus, because Amounts for free maintenance are quite large. In addition, the bank does not give a normal human treaty when designing. Honestly, do not know what it is connected with.

From January 1, 2019, Binbank and discovery united. Cards issued before, support previous packages of services until the expiration date. The Airmiles Map is no longer executed.

4. Opening, Debit Travel Map, Basic Package

  • Conversion Course: Central Bank + 1%
  • Transgran: 0%
  • Relief: 0%
  • % to the residue and cachek: up to 6.5% in the account and 2-5% in the form of rubles

The discovery also has a good selection of travel cards with different packages of services, but we will consider the most acceptable under the terms of free maintenance - the basic one.

Cashbek in 2% withdraws the purchase of other countries in plus by 1%. 5% is credited for the purchase of something in the travel section of the opening site. The removal of money in foreign ATMs takes place without a fee (only 1% is lost on conversion), if you throw on a map of 20,000 rubles per month, or maintain a balance from 70,000 rubles. It is possible to tie a map to the "My Piggy Bank" account and receive a percentage to a residue of 6.5% if it is from 10,000 rubles.

Cashbeck spend on the purchase of air tickets and booking hotels exclusively on the opening site (where prices are traditionally overestimated) - and this is a clear minus. Often, ticket prices on such sites are many times more expensive than for example on Skyscanner. Similar situation with cards VTB bank.

5. Raiffeisen, Debit Poster Restaurants

From May 1, 2018, the card is no longer produced. Decorated until May 1 continue to act.

  • Conversion Course: Central Bank + β‰ˆ1.5-2%
  • Transgran: 1.65%
  • Removal: 150 rubles + 1% (consultants assured that 2 times a month and in ATMs of other countries - without commission)
  • % to the residue and cachek: - and 10% money

We learned about the proposal of Raiffeisen recently. The card was ordered, and how to try it in a case in a case, in detail. UPD. Tedged her in May in Europe and we liked it! C 5400 rubles spending 540 rubles of Kesbek. Not bad πŸ™‚

Bank cards with Cashbek always "cling", but when the map returns 10% of the tools spent in cafes and restaurants abroad - it turns into Must Have to travel. Even despite the transgran and the conversion rate, we will be in a plus on β‰ˆ6.4%! Cashbek is credited with money, but not more than 2500 rubles per month. Attracts the action that guarantees free service during the first year (hereinafter - 2900 rubles, or for free from 100,000 rubles on the account), if you have time to issue a map until 12/31/17, and free traveler insurance.

For other purchases, incl. And in Russia, we will not get anything. Hence the minus - the card is very limited in application. But in combination with other cards, should be good, check!

Update after 6 months of use (July 2018)

  1. We spend money abroad in a cafe, for example, all June, KeshbEK comes after 20 business days next month.
  2. Unfortunately, to find out which operations passed on Kesbek, and which no, it is impossible (there is no such info in the application).

6. Promsvyazbank, debit world map without borders

  • Conversion Course: Central Bank + 1.5%
  • Transgran: 0% If the operation is performed in $, € or rubles, otherwise 1.99%
  • Relief: 1%
  • % to the residue and cachek: 5% (when spending from 25,000 rubles per month) and 1-10% bonus miles; You can spend only on air and railway tickets, hotels, car rental, tour or cruise

Promsvyazbank, we have not yet tried.

Clear the situation with Cashbek: 10% is credited by the promotional category, until December 31, 17 this refueling (in the Russian Federation); 1.5% - on purchases abroad and the category "Travel"; 1% - all others. Thus, the losses for purchases in $ and € will be 0-0.5% (Cache rate), in other currency - β‰ˆ1.5-2%. For the removal of money, it is necessary to specifically with 2.5-4.5% of the amount. Annual and cachek come on a map in the form of bonus miles (1 mile \u003d 1 ruble, no more than 3000 miles per month), it is possible to waste them in the aforementioned categories.

Service cost - 1990 rubles per year, if you pay within a month from the date of opening a map - "compliment" 500 miles. Significant minus - Transgran Commission, overlapping all profits from Cashbekov.

Bank cards with prioritize Pass (Priority Pass)

Choosing a bank card for trips abroad, and especially frequent, pay attention to the availability of Priority Pass. It gives the right worldwide, where there is an opportunity to relax / build on comfortable sofas, or even in separate rooms, take a shower, eat for free, etc. Have you ever managed to have a snack, for example, at the Moscow airport, without doing the hole in the budget? πŸ™‚

Bank cards with prioritize Pass refer to a premium category, and banks put special conditions By their release. However, some of the institutions manage to surprise the suggestion of the most conditions: let's say unlimited passages for the owner of the map for maintaining 6,000,000 rubles on the account! Meanwhile, another bank offers a meringue only for a balance of 400,000 rubles. Do you feel the difference?

Therefore, after reviewing all bank cards with prioritize Pass, we concluded that the best in 2018-2019 is a premium package from Binbank or discovery.

Binbank, Premium package: average monthly residue 400,000 rubles per month (for regions) - and pRIORITY Map Pass is completely free and unlimited. True, it applies only to the owner. Nevertheless, our choice fell on it.

Opening, Premium package: on the map from the opening to go to the business hall can also owner, and satellites (the bank claims that there is no restrictions on the number of guests). A prioritization is also unlimited, and more so, a free shuttle service is available 2 times a year, but the conditions of a little worse: a monthly account must be replenished by 200,000 rubles and carry out spending from 50,000 rubles or maintain from 600,000 rubles on the map. If you travel to the company is the perfect option!

The following bank cards with Priority Pass are much less interesting and beneficial. But we are obliged to tell about them.

Package "Privilege" VTB24: It gives 2 free visits to a month for the card owner, which keeps from 2,000,000 rubles on the account, or spends from 100,000 rubles per month, and 8 passes, if on account of 5,000,000 rubles. (UPD: September)

AlfaBank, Package "Maximum +": Gives the owner of 4 aisle per month when spending from 50,000 rubles and 1,000,000 rubles on the account. Unlimited passage - for a minute! - from 6,000,000 rubles.

Promsvyazbank, Orange Premium Club: Unlimited and free prioritization of the Pass from Promsvyazbank requires from 2,000,000 rubles on the client's account.

Traveler debit card - our choice

For us, the best bank cards for travel is, first, ruble Tinkoff Black. Excellent debit card For trips, we, mostly we pay in stores, remove the money or simply "scatter" means for other cards, because The transfers of the Commission is not charged.

In second place - Binbank Airmiles. Well, it is clear why: a map with insurance (free), decent Cashback and Supustoms for unlimited Priority Pass. In our opinion, this is one of the coolest travel cards. Accumulate for a trip (with the help of cachek and percent on the residue) is quite easy - so, part of the cost of tickets and hotels in the USA returned to us in the form of tickets to Europe on May for two  Unlike competitors offering similar maps, Binbank allows you to spend bonuses on any site, and this is important moment For budget travel.

And the third is our card - from Raiffeisen Poster Restaurants. Surely, it will serve solely for hiking in a cafe and restaurants abroad. Soon we will have a chance to check the declared 10% cachek in practice, sharing impressions.

Copying materials is allowed only with a mandatory indication of a direct, active and open to indexing hyperlink to the site.

We tell about bank cards for travelers - which is better to take abroad, to pay attention to when choosing a card. We give a selection of the most profitable credit and debit cards for travel.

What to pay attention to when choosing a card

When choosing a debit or credit card for travel, you need to pay attention to several points.

Some of them relate directly to use abroad (conversion rate, a commission for removing in an ATM, etc.), and the part are universal (Kesbek, interest accrual for the residue).

1. Course conversion

This parameter is relevant only for ruble bank cards.

When you pay for the purchase or remove the cash abroad, the bank converts local currency and writes it off from your account in rubles at the relevant course.

If the country's currency is not dollars and not euro, then happens 2 Conversion:

  1. Local currency -\u003e USD (currency payment system - MasterCard or Visa)
  2. USD -\u003e RUB

The first conversion occurs at the rate of the payment system. For the second conversion (USD -\u003e RUB), banks use their internal course. Usually it is + 1-2% of the Central Bank. That is, you overpay 1-2% for converting dollars in rubles.

Some maps, such as corn and Beeline, convert currency at the rate of the Central Bank - they have a loss on conversion equal to zero.

2. Commission for cash withdrawals

Banks may charge a commission for removing cash in ATMs of third-party banks. For example, Sberbank takes 1% of the amount of removal, but not less than 100 rubles.

Some banks have limits for free removal of money in ATMs. For example, according to the corn map, up to 50,000 rubles per month can be filmed free of charge, and then - already with the Commission.

It's important to know: Free removal of cash only applies to the Card Issuer Bank - he does not take a commission on his side. However, the Commission can also take an ATM - it is better to clarify before traveling to a specific country. For example, in Thailand, all ATMs take a 220-bah commission commission.

3. Keshbek

For many credit and debit cards for trips abroad, Kesbek is provided. It is usually 1-2%, but maybe more by special categories goods or purchase in partner stores.

Kesbek can be accrued with rubles or bonuses / miles. The first option is always preferable, since the rubles you can spend anything, and bonuses or miles - no.

Note: Some banks are limited maximum size Kesbek, which can be obtained for the month.

4. Percentage on the residue

An additional advantage will be if the card is provided percentage to the residue. It is usually 4-6% per annum; May be charged rubles, bonuses or miles. Rubles are the best option.

5. Other parameters

Other parameters can play an important role for travelers - for example, the cost of annual service, the cost of mapping, the presence of a mobile application and the Internet bank, etc.

Sometimes useful bonuses come to the cards - for example, access to the business halls of airports, free traspher, etc.

Best travel cards

Debit cards for traveling abroad are now producing almost all large banks. Credit cards are less common, but they are also quite a lot.

Conditions on such cards in different banks can vary greatly - you need to carefully study the tariffs to find the best option.

Below is a selection of the most interesting and advantageous offers.

Bank Tinkoff

One of best cards For travel release bank Tinkoff. There are both specialized cards for travelers and ordinary credit and debit cards that are convenient to use abroad.

The best of special cards - Tinkoff All Airlines; From ordinary - Black (debit) and Platinum (credit).

Pluses of cards from the bank Tinkof - Good cachek, convenient banking application, simple design, free translations for other cards (there are limits), cash withdrawal without commission.

You can bind to one card multiple accounts in different currencies (Rubles, dollars, euro, pounds sterling) and switch between them. Currencies are different - Map one.

When paying the goods abroad, the first conversion (Country currency -\u003e USD) occurs at MasterCard; The second conversion goes on the course of the Tinkoff bank (CB Course + 2%). But thanks to Cesbuck in 1-2%, losses are either completely absent or reduced.

Tinkoff All Airlines.

For whom: Independent travelers.

Produced in two options - credit and debit. For traveling it is more profitable to use a credit card - on it above the keshb.

Below will be discussed only about the credit version of the card, but at the end of the section there is a table with numbers on both options of All Airlines.

  • Pros: Big Kesbek (5-10%) for buying tickets, hotels, car rental; tourist insurance as a gift.
  • Cons: cachek miles; Part of the miles is lost when buying tickets.

Tinkoff Black (Debit)

For what: universal Card For use in Russia and abroad.

Tinkoff Platinum (Credit)

For whom: Those who need a universal credit card.

Note: All Tinkof cards can be ordered in the Black Edition version. They have more expensive service, but large limits and access to the business halls at many airports in the world. This version of the card is suitable for those who often flies.


According to profitable banking cards for traveling Sberbank, in general, loses to other banks. But since many Russians have a savage card, we added them to comparison.

Commission for removaling in third-party ATMs: 1%, but not less than 100 rubles. That is, it is more profitable to shoot the amount from 10,000 rubles.

  • country activitieside -\u003e
  • USD -\u003e RUB (on the internal rate of the bank, approximately the Central Bank + 2%)
  • Kesbek: 0.5% through the "Thank you" program. It is not calculated by rubles, but bonuses (1 bonus \u003d 1 ruble). You can spend bonuses only in partner stores.

Thus, losses when paying for a card abroad and cash withdrawal:

Annual service costs 750 rubles in the first year and 450 rubles in subsequent years.

You can make both a Visa card and MasterCard. It is better to choose MasterCard, as Visa takes an additional commission for a transboundary payment (Country Country -\u003e USD) - about 2%.

Other options: Sberbank also produces a debit card "Aeroflot", according to which Kesbek for purchases is charged with miles (1 mile for every 60 rubles). You can spend miles in the Aeroflot Bonus program for airfares Aeroflot and the airlines of the SkyTeam Alliance.


Suitable for: Payment for purchases abroad at the rate of the Central Bank.

Euroset produces a debit Corn Card (MasterCard). The main advantages of the card - conversion at the rate of the Central Bank (that is, without a commission from the bank) and free service.

Corn map is suitable for paying purchases abroad and for removal small sums Cash (up to 50,000 rubles).

  • country States -\u003e USD (at MasterCard, 0%)
  • USD -\u003e RUB (at the rate of the Central Bank, 0%)
  • Kesbek: 0.5-1.5% (depending on the type of card), bonuses

From corn, you can remove cash without percent in any ATM in the world if the option "Percentage to the residue" is connected. But there are limitations: you need to shoot from 5,000 rubles at a time, and no more than 50,000 rubles per month. When dismissing cash over 50,000 rubles per month, the Commission is 1% of the amount of the limit exceeding (minimum of 100 rubles).

The option "Percentage to the residue allows you to receive 7.5% per annum for the minimum amount that was on the map for the month.

Replenishment of corn - either for free cash in Euroset (there are other methods), or on another bank card (from 3000 rubles - without commission).

Minus cards - weak bonus program. Kesbek varies from 0.5% (MasterCard Standard) to 1.5% (MasterCard WORLD). Bonuses can be spent in just a few partners (for example, in Euroset or in the "Crossroads" store), and sometimes the bonuses can only be paid part of the cost, not the entire purchase.


For what: Shopping abroad.

Looks like corn - they have almost the same tariffs and weak keshbeks. The release of the card costs 300 rubles.

Bilayna map can be taken for purchases abroad without a commission, and removing cash in ATMs up to 50,000 rubles per month.

  • country States -\u003e USD (at MasterCard, 0%)
  • USD -\u003e RUB (at the rate of the Central Bank, 0%)
  • Kesbek: 1% (in favorites categories - 5%), bonuses

Free cash withdrawal in any ATMs if the percentage is connected to the residue. Limits: up to 5000 at once - without commission (otherwise 149 rubles); up to 50,000 rubles per month - without commission (otherwise 2% of exceeding, but not less than 199 rubles).

The percentage on the residue is charged if the balance on the card does not fall below 3000 rubles. Interest rate It varies from 0.01% to 6% (for example, at 100,000 rubles on the account - 3%).

Kesbek bonuses can be spent either on the connection and Internet from BILINE, or on purchases in Bilayna and partner stores.

There are few sensible partners. The only way to benefit Bilain bonuses is to buy a ticket to Biletix.ru. But consider that tickets there are not always the cheapest.

Information β†’

Travel / Bank Opening (VISA)

Suitable for: use in Russia and the accumulation of miles.

On a note: The Bank Opening has a RZD card - there are almost the same conditions on it, but the percentage of Kesbek is slightly higher, and you can spend it on railway tickets.

Cattone Card

The table includes fees for cash withdrawal (difference in currency exchange rates) and payment abroad (if any), as well as bonuses and keshbek.

On the example of the Tinkoff Black card:

  • Payment by card: -1% (first we get -2% due to conversion, but then we get + 1% keshbek; Total -1%).
  • Cash withdrawal: -2% (-2% for converting by the internal course of the bank)
Card / service Payment by card abroad Cash withdrawal Kesbek Service per month
All Airlines (Debit) -1% -2% 1-10% miles 0-299 rub.
ALL AIRLINES (Credit) -1% 290 rub. 2-10%, miles 157.5 rubles.
Tinkoff Black -1% -2% 1%, rubles 0-99 rubles.
Tinkoff Platinum -1% - 1%, rubles 50 rubles.
Sberbank -1,5% -3% 0,5% 37.5-62.5 rubles.
Corn +0,5-1,5% 0%, CB course 0.5-1.5%, bonuses is free
Beeline +1% 0%, CB course 1%, bonuses is free
Opening Travel - -2,5% 2-4%, bonuses 0-2500 rubles.

Currency or ruble card?

What bank card to choose for a trip abroad - currency or ruble? Many it seems that the currency card is always more profitable, but it is not.

The currency card should be used in 2 cases:

  1. You get salary or other payments in currency
  2. You want to record a currency rate for your trip

To understand why it is in these cases, you need to understand the process of converting a local currency in rubles.

How conversion occurs

Buying in the store or removing cash abroad on the ruble card happens like this:

  • One conversion, if the card currency coincides with the country's currency (USD -\u003e RUB)
  • Two conversion if currencies do not match. For example, you buy Bat in Thailand:
    • First, the local currency conversion is in dollars (Bath -\u003e USD)
    • Then there is a conversion of USD -\u003e RUB (your card currency)

If you have a currency card, then the chain is removed from the Rubber exchange rate (USD -\u003e RUB). Thus, in dollar countries, you are charged with 1: 1, and in other countries - at the dollar rate to the local currency.

Salary in currency

If you get salary or payments in currency, everything is simple:

  • You get on the map, for example, $ 1500 (salary)
  • Abroad you pay for a 20 $ dinner, with you write off exactly $ 20
  • USD conversion -\u003e RUB does not occur at any stage, no commission

In this case, you use the main advantage of currency cards before ruble - the absence of commissions for one of the conversion (USD -\u003e RUB).

This benefit works only if you get salary or payments in dollars. If you get income in rubles, everything will be different.

Salary in rubles and exchange for dollars

If you got for the work of rubles, in the bank exchanged them for dollars, and then put on the currency card - you still paid the commission for conversion. You just paid this commission not at the time of using the map abroad, and at the time of the exchange of money.

It can be beneficial (if the dollar rate grows by time) or unprofitable (if the dollar falls).


You change 60000 rubles per $ 1000 (at the rate of 1:60) and put them on the card.

$ 1000 \u003d 60000 rubles

After 2 weeks you are driven abroad, but the dollar has grown to 62 rubles. If you spend $ 1000 - 62,000 rubles are written off from the ruble card. With the currency card, you recorded for yourself at the level of 1:60, and pay on it.

$ 1000 $ \u003d 62,000 rubles; Benefit: +2000 rubles

But there may be a reverse situation. If you changed $ 1000 at the rate of 1:60, and by the time of your trip 1 $ costs 58 rubles - on the ruble map, you would pay 58,000 rubles abroad (savings: 2000 rubles). Paying the currency card, you spend dollars purchased by 60 rubles.

$ 1000 \u003d 58000 rubles; Losses: -2000 rubles

Thus, a trip abroad with a currency card can be both favorable and disadvantageous. It all depends on the difference in currencies at the time of exchange and at the time of purchase.

IN this case You should use a dollar map if you are afraid of the growth rate of the currency and want to fix it.

Alternative option

Optimum option - have 2 bank cards for travel: ruble and currency:

  • If at the time of the trip the dollar has grown - pay the currency card at the rate at the time of the money exchange.
  • If the dollar fell - pay off the ruble card at the lower current course.

True, in the second case, it should be borne in mind that you have dollars bought at a higher price on the currency card.

A selection of profitable cards

  • to pay abroad: all listed, except for the Otteria Travel
  • for cash withdrawal: Tinkoff Black; Beeline and corn - up to 50,000 rubles per month
  • for accumulation of bonuses / miles for Kesbek: Tinkoff All Airlines, Tinkoff Black, Opening Travel
  • for percentage of the residue: Tinkoff Black

For me personally, Tinkoff Black has become a better debit card because of its versatility: the removal of cash over 3,000 rubles at a time without a commission, cachek rubles at the end of the month, 6% per annum on the rest.

In addition, this map often has tourist special offers with elevated cachek: tours and vouchers (5%), medical insurance (10-15%), car rental (10%), etc. If you are going on a journey and pay the card with these products - a significant amount falls, and at the end of the month is credited to the real ruble.

For example, 5% of the cost of the tour for two to Thailand is 5000 rubles Kesbeka.

Summary Articles

  1. Observe what the benefits of travel cards is a profitable conversion rate, the lack of commissions for cash withdrawal, cacheke, etc.
  2. Decide with the type of map - currency, ruble or immediately
  3. A selection of the most profitable bank cards for the traveler. We tell about our favorites, helping greatly saving on trips abroad!

    Our travels around the world are almost 2 years and 25 countries, so that the experience in the monetary question is podnabli. πŸ™‚ And although we always take with you a little dollars in cash (a key word is a bit), I still do the main accent on the card, and not one.

    Plastic card itself is more convenient and safer than cash, but we prefer, first of all, because of the many travelers "buns" in the form of cachek, free aises in the business chairs of airports, bonuses for the purchase of air tickets, etc. For example, going to the USA with a BINBANK card, we have accumulated on the next trip tickets in Europe!

    So, who are they, the best bank cards for traveling?

    Basic traveler cards

    Proposals from banks - a great set, as well as service packages for each, but if you plan to pay a card in stores, restaurants, etc. And to remove cash, then pay attention to specific numbers:

    • course conversion currency
    • commission for transboundary payment (i.e., if an organization that conducts an operation on the map is outside the Russian Federation). For example, you pay dinner in a cafe in Pattaya, or being in Russia buy a ticket online from Turkish Airlines, or remove money in ATM in Barcelona - for all such actions can be stumbled upon transgran)
    • commission for cash withdrawal in an third-party ATM
    • annual percentage on the balance of cash and cachek (refund of the parts spent on the card by bonuses or money)

    Currency conversion abroad (of $ / € to rubles) does not always occur at the rate of the Central Bank. More precisely, almost never. Each bank pays a few percent from above, and some "finish" by commissions for transgran and cash withdrawal in "other people's" ATMs. Another thing is that losses can be minimized - at the expense of cachek (when paying for purchases) and the lack of those hostilities. Each Chiter is in its own way, but if you use several cards and pay for different services, you can be in a good plus!

    What bank card is better to choose depending on these items? Here, in our opinion, the most acceptable options.

    Favorable travel cards

    So bring home map Tinkoff Black

    We only tell about the maps that have noticed for yourself during the years of travel. Those who use themselves, we will definitely lay out, about the rest - there has been a good impression of consultations with employees and reviews on the forums.

    1. Tinkoff, Debit Tinkoff Black

    • Conversion Course: TSB + β‰ˆ2%
    • Transgran: 0%
    • Relief: 0%, if the amount is more than 3000 rubles
    • % to the residue and cachek: 6% (when spending from 3000 rubles per month) and 1-5% money

    Accompanies us on trips abroad from the very beginning, and we are not going to replace preferences. We have a ruble map, not a dollar and non-Euro, although you have the opportunity to have such in Tinkoff.

    Go through the button and get 3 months of free maintenance:

    Making purchases of a card in other countries, in the worst case we lose 1% (Cashbek Course 1% for all categories); In the best - we remain in plus by 3% (the course is 5% cache for certain categories, such as pharmacies, beauty, transport). For the removal of the unit in the amount of more than 3000 rubles we give a bank β‰ˆ2%. Cashbek and% on the balance of the account "fall" to the card in the form of money, and you can do anything with them. If on account of 30 000 rubles, then service is free of charge; Otherwise - 99 rubles per month.

    In addition to the minimum sanctions for using the card abroad, the main advantage of Tinkoff is in three words - this is an online bank. And it is very convenient in travel. Even being a binary or alpha premium client, you have to visit the office to clarify the issues / submission of statements / cards of the card, etc., which, of course, is impossible. TINKOFF problems are solved through a phone call and a chat in a mobile application or online office. The latter is also very useful - all extracts for cards / accounts are seen here, the details of the operations are visible, it is possible to manually put the expense limit on the day (if you want to protect yourself from the "random" write-offs) and notify the bank about the rapid departure of the map abroad with one click (so that not blocked).

    Minuses? Of course, they are: ambiguous reviews from the owners of the credit products of Tinkoff (we are now talking about the debit) and a recent decrease in 7% per annum to 6%. The first can be parry so - who makes people take credit cards and does not allow you to carefully read info about tariffs? And about the second, the bank even in this case greatly bribes its service. And here we definitely have something to compare with.

    If your bank does not provide free traveler insurance, we recommend to see the options on the aggregator traveling to the company, always compare the prices on this site. Also inexpensive insurance should look at

    2. Tinkoff, Credit All Airlines

    • Conversion Course: TSB + β‰ˆ2%
    • Transgran: 0%
    • Relief: High Commission
    • % to the residue and cachek: - and 2-10% miles

    Credit cards are not our profile - we never steamed the "mine field". Nevertheless, it is specifically will be given so "tasty" that it should be included in the choice of a bank card for travel.

    How is she so pretty? Cashbek: minimum (on all categories of goods) is 2% and thus displays any purchases abroad at zero. 3% cache is returned for air tickets, 5% - for the airline Tinkoff (compared to Skyscanner - our favorite search engine of cheap tickets - prices is tangible above), 10% for hotels and cars, booked also on the Tinkoff website. With hotels are really profitable, because the site works with old-kind Booking. Cashback is charged in the form of miles, 1 mile \u003d 1 ruble.

    One of the main minuses follows from the opportunity to spend bonuses. First, only on airline tickets. Secondly, yes, any site will suit, but: the ticket must cost from 6000 rubles. Moreover, the price needs to be "customized" under miles, because They are shooting more than 3000. For example, a ticket can be equal to 6,500 rubles, and from the card will leave 9000 miles. Will be with you to take less than the price of the Ticket. πŸ™‚ Other minus is still a credit card, and beyond 55 interest-free days is better not to go out. The main thing is clearly understood the conditions. Our friends actively use a similar card and are very pleased.

    Go and get 1000 miles to the account:

    3. Binbank, Debit Airmiles, Premium Services Package

    Update from 8.03.2019

    • Conversion Course: TSB + β‰ˆ2.5%
    • Transgran: 0%
    • Relief: 0%, but not more than 75,000 rubles per month
    • % on the residue and cachek: 6% (when spending from 25,000 rubles per month) and 1-7% bonuses; You can spend only on air and railway tickets, hotels and rental cars

    This card stood quite firmly in our pocket, but it is not basic, although, paying for her, you can go to a good plus.

    When purchases in the non-terminal currency, the loss will be β‰ˆ1.5% (the course is 1% cachek), but in the categories "hotels, air or railway tickets, car rental" to the account will come + β‰ˆ5.5%, because For them increased 7 percent cachek. When removing cash is lost β‰ˆ2.5%. The percentage of the balance account and cache is credited to a separate virtual card in the form of bonuses, where 1 bonus \u003d 1 ruble. You can use them exclusively for online payment for goods from designated sections on any site. Another advantage - multicurrency, i.e. You can bind three accounts - $, € and rubles, and easily switch on trips.

    Category of such a map of Binbank - Visa Signature or Master Card World Black Edition, and service - 1950 rubles per month; For free if you maintain a balance from 400,000 rubles (for regions, for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 600,000 rubles) or spend from 150,000 rubles per month. This is the peculiar minus, because Amounts for free maintenance are quite large. In addition, the bank does not give a normal human treaty when designing. Honestly, do not know what it is connected with.

    From January 1, 2019, Binbank and discovery united. Cards issued before, support previous packages of services until the expiration date. The Airmiles Map is no longer executed.

    4. Opening, Debit Travel Map, Basic Package

    • Conversion Course: Central Bank + 1%
    • Transgran: 0%
    • Relief: 0%
    • % to the residue and cachek: up to 6.5% in the account and 2-5% in the form of rubles

    The discovery also has a good selection of travel cards with different packages of services, but we will consider the most acceptable under the terms of free maintenance - the basic one.

    Cashbek in 2% withdraws the purchase of other countries in plus by 1%. 5% is credited for the purchase of something in the travel section of the opening site. The removal of money in foreign ATMs takes place without a fee (only 1% is lost on conversion), if you throw on a map of 20,000 rubles per month, or maintain a balance from 70,000 rubles. It is possible to tie a map to the "My Piggy Bank" account and receive a percentage to a residue of 6.5% if it is from 10,000 rubles.

    Cashbeck spend on the purchase of air tickets and booking hotels exclusively on the opening site (where prices are traditionally overestimated) - and this is a clear minus. Often, ticket prices on such sites are many times more expensive than for example on Skyscanner. Similar situation with VTB Bank cards.

    5. Raiffeisen, Debit Poster Restaurants

    From May 1, 2018, the card is no longer produced. Decorated until May 1 continue to act.

    • Conversion Course: Central Bank + β‰ˆ1.5-2%
    • Transgran: 1.65%
    • Removal: 150 rubles + 1% (consultants assured that 2 times a month and in ATMs of other countries - without commission)
    • % to the residue and cachek: - and 10% money

    We learned about the proposal of Raiffeisen recently. The card was ordered, and how to try it in a case in a case, in detail. UPD. Tedged her in May in Europe and we liked it! C 5400 rubles spending 540 rubles of Kesbek. Not bad πŸ™‚

    Bank cards with Cashbek always "cling", but when the map returns 10% of the tools spent in cafes and restaurants abroad - it turns into Must Have to travel. Even despite the transgran and the conversion rate, we will be in a plus on β‰ˆ6.4%! Cashbek is credited with money, but not more than 2500 rubles per month. Attracts the action that guarantees free service during the first year (hereinafter - 2900 rubles, or for free from 100,000 rubles on the account), if you have time to issue a map until 12/31/17, and free traveler insurance.

    For other purchases, incl. And in Russia, we will not get anything. Hence the minus - the card is very limited in application. But in combination with other cards, should be good, check!

    Update after 6 months of use (July 2018)

    1. We spend money abroad in a cafe, for example, all June, KeshbEK comes after 20 business days next month.
    2. Unfortunately, to find out which operations passed on Kesbek, and which no, it is impossible (there is no such info in the application).

    6. Promsvyazbank, debit world map without borders

    • Conversion Course: Central Bank + 1.5%
    • Transgran: 0% If the operation is performed in $, € or rubles, otherwise 1.99%
    • Relief: 1%
    • % to the residue and cachek: 5% (when spending from 25,000 rubles per month) and 1-10% bonus miles; You can spend only on air and railway tickets, hotels, car rental, tour or cruise

    Promsvyazbank, we have not yet tried.

    Clear the situation with Cashbek: 10% is credited by the promotional category, until December 31, 17 this refueling (in the Russian Federation); 1.5% - on purchases abroad and the category "Travel"; 1% - all others. Thus, the losses for purchases in $ and € will be 0-0.5% (Cache rate), in other currency - β‰ˆ1.5-2%. For the removal of money, it is necessary to specifically with 2.5-4.5% of the amount. Annual and cachek come on a map in the form of bonus miles (1 mile \u003d 1 ruble, no more than 3000 miles per month), it is possible to waste them in the aforementioned categories.

    Service cost - 1990 rubles per year, if you pay within a month from the date of opening a map - "compliment" 500 miles. Significant minus - Transgran Commission, overlapping all profits from Cashbekov.

    Bank cards with prioritize Pass (Priority Pass)

    Choosing a bank card for trips abroad, and especially frequent, pay attention to the availability of Priority Pass. It gives the right worldwide, where there is an opportunity to relax / build on comfortable sofas, or even in separate rooms, take a shower, eat for free, etc. Have you ever managed to have a snack, for example, at the Moscow airport, without doing the hole in the budget? πŸ™‚

    Bank cards with prioritize Pass belong to premium categories, and banks put special conditions for their release. However, some of the institutions manage to surprise the suggestion of the most conditions: let's say unlimited passages for the owner of the map for maintaining 6,000,000 rubles on the account! Meanwhile, another bank offers a meringue only for a balance of 400,000 rubles. Do you feel the difference?

    Therefore, after reviewing all bank cards with prioritize Pass, we concluded that the best in 2018-2019 is a premium package from Binbank or discovery.

    Binbank, Premium package: The average monthly residue is 400,000 rubles per month (for regions) - and the PRIORITY PASS card is completely free and unlimited. True, it applies only to the owner. Nevertheless, our choice fell on it.

    Opening, Premium package: on the map from the opening to go to the business hall can also owner, and satellites (the bank claims that there is no restrictions on the number of guests). A prioritization is also unlimited, and more so, a free shuttle service is available 2 times a year, but the conditions of a little worse: a monthly account must be replenished by 200,000 rubles and carry out spending from 50,000 rubles or maintain from 600,000 rubles on the map. If you travel to the company is the perfect option!

    The following bank cards with Priority Pass are much less interesting and beneficial. But we are obliged to tell about them.

    Package "Privilege" VTB24: It gives 2 free visits to a month for the card owner, which keeps from 2,000,000 rubles on the account, or spends from 100,000 rubles per month, and 8 passes, if on account of 5,000,000 rubles. (UPD: September)

    AlfaBank, Package "Maximum +": Gives the owner of 4 aisle per month when spending from 50,000 rubles and 1,000,000 rubles on the account. Unlimited passage - for a minute! - from 6,000,000 rubles.

    Promsvyazbank, Orange Premium Club: Unlimited and free prioritization of the Pass from Promsvyazbank requires from 2,000,000 rubles on the client's account.

    Traveler debit card - our choice

    For us, the best bank cards for travel is, first, ruble Tinkoff Black. Excellent debit card for travel, she, mostly, we pay in stores, remove the money or simply "scatter" means for other cards, because The transfers of the Commission is not charged.

    In second place - Binbank Airmiles. Well, it is clear why: a map with insurance (free), decent Cashback and Supustoms for unlimited Priority Pass. In our opinion, this is one of the coolest travel cards. Accumulate for a trip (with the help of cachek and percent on the residue) is quite easy - so, part of the cost of tickets and hotels in the USA returned to us in the form of tickets to Europe on May for two  Unlike competitors offering similar maps, Binbank allows you to spend bonuses On any site, and this is an important moment for budget travel.

    And the third is our card - from Raiffeisen Poster Restaurants. Surely, it will serve solely for hiking in a cafe and restaurants abroad. Soon we will have a chance to check the declared 10% cachek in practice, sharing impressions.

    Copying materials is allowed only with a mandatory indication of a direct, active and open to indexing hyperlink to the site.

    And then they walked and changed rubles to dollars in Sberbank. And enjoying the view of an impressive pack, we called bucks on different suitcases and bags. Today we take 3 bank cards and a maximum of a hundred dollars.

    When choosing a card to remove cash and payments abroad, it is important to pay for several criteria. First, these are commissions in ATMs. Ideally should not be. Secondly, it is a loss of conversion. Ideally, the translation of rubles in the currency should be carried out at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, the bank must have a sane feedback in case of blocking, losing, fraud and other force majeure. Ideally, with a support, there is an opportunity to write down in an online client or a telegraph, and not spend money for costly calls to Russia.

    Well, it is always nice to earn interest on the balance on the map, get cacheki and other additional nishtyaki. I'll tell you about the most visible banking products For travelers and our choice of maps.

    Ruble map Sberbank MasterCard

    Card Sberbank is rarely blocked abroad if you warned a bank about your travel in advance. But they can block funds if the card operations will seem dubious - through it we passed.

    Cost service card - 750 rubles. In the first year and 450 rubles. In the next year.

    Abroad there are no Sberbank ATMs, so you are guaranteed to pay a commission of 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles.

    Replenishing the Sberbank MasterCard card from other banks - 1.25% of the amount, min. 30 rub., Max. 1000 rub.

    Conversion USD \u003d\u003e RUB \u003d CBA course + 1.6%.

    One of the most undervalued cards on the market today. The cost of release - zero rubles, service is also free.

    There are no commission for removing in ATMs, you can make money from the Corn map worldwide in any ATM with the MasterCard logo. But no more than 50,000 rubles per calendar month. If more - the Commission will amount to 1% of the amount exceeding the limit of 50 thousand rubles, but not less than 100 rubles. If you take money from the Corn card due to credit funds - The removal fee will be 4% of the amount, but not less than 400 rubles.

    Corn can be filled with other banks for free. With Visa and Mastercard cards in the amount of 3 thousand rubles and more - without commission. Less - Pay additionally 30 rubles.

    How is the calculation of the course for writing off products from corn. Two conversion is carried out - from the currency of the host country () in USD at the MasterCard rate on the day of calculations, then from USD to RUR at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of settlements in the MasterCard system. That is, there are no losses for conversion on the map of Corn than it is noteworthy.

    Corn has a bonus program. For all purchases you will receive 0.5% back as points to your card. But you can spend them only in certain partners. On the this moment They are only seven.

    The map will be beneficial, above all, to those who use the bond or Internet Beeline. The cost of release and maintenance is 0 rubles.

    From the Card Beeline, you can withdraw cash in any ATMs of the world without a commission, if the amount is over 5 thousand rubles, but not more than 50 thousand rubles. per calendar month. If you take off less than 5000, the Commission will be 149 rubles.

    You can throw money from other cards to the Beeline Banking Card. 0% When replenished from 3000 rubles. There is a loyalty program, but again based on bonuses.

    For each payment, the Beeline MasterSard WORD card is charged with 1% bonuses. Partners are up to 15% (just 4 stores). The maximum amount of monthly accrual is 3,000 bonuses. If you do not spend for six months - merciless burnt.

    But Bilayna has one of the highest percent, accrued to the balance of the card. 4% is charged to the residue if it is less than 150 thousand rubles. and 8%, if more.

    Conversion USD \u003d\u003e RUB \u003d CBA course + 5%.

    Very worthy competitor map Tinkoff. For the service, nothing needs to pay if the amount of shopping on the map exceeds 30 thousand rubles. per month. If the amount is less, the cost of service of the card for the month will be 299 rubles.

    Commission for removal in any ATM in the world is free, but with a limit - up to 50,000 rubles. per month. Free interbank transfers.

    SMART card has a very attractive bonus program. 1.5% from each purchase you get alive money back. In promotional categories, Cashbek reaches 10%, but not more than 2000 rubles. per month. The balance is accrued with good 7.5% per annum, which is very profitable.

    Conversion USD \u003d\u003e RUB \u003d CBA course + 0.3%.

    One of the new products in the market, but with very dubious privileges. If only because the cost of monthly service - 500 rubles. But the removal of cash in any ATM in the world without commission. In addition, they give free 4 ruble or currency cards in addition.

    The most attractive on the map is a mile accrual. Map Visa. AIR allows you to save bonus miles for purchases and exchange them for tickets of any airlines. 3% of any expenses for travel and 2% for any shopping on the map.

    Conversion USD \u003d\u003e RUB \u003d CBC course + 2.5%.

    My choice of cards

    Basic payment card For us, both in Russia and abroad is Tinkoff Black. No fees for removal, high percent On the rest, free interbank, cacheki, a convenient internet client plus a free duplication card in case of loss.

    Sberbank cards We hold as a spare payment tool. Like convenient Sberbank Online, fast translations between the accounts of friends and customers. Important payments come to the card. I do not like the fee for the removal and symptoms.

    The third bank card, which we always take the journey is corn. In the case of a sudden loss of other cards, it can be replenished from the Internet client, and then remove money with minimal conversion. In addition, she never asks to eat. "

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