
What is the initial limit on the Tinkoff credit card. How quickly and accurately find a credit limit on Tinkoff map? How is the design, by steps

The credit limit on the Tinkoff map is defined individually. Typically, personal information is taken into account that the potential borrower provides the Bank when making an online application. From the objectivity and truthfulness of data, it depends on the real level of income, which credit limit will be approved when equipped with a credit card Tinkoff bank. As well as a map of which category (let's notice, platinum) will be offered. On the rules of lending (maximum and minimum limits for different cards, approval conditions) will learn from the article.

Credit limit is the amount that is available to a potential borrower in the event of a loan approval. Any card has a certain minimum and maximum credit limit, that is, there is no more or less than the amount specified in the product description on the cardscape. But this does not mean that the client will definitely give a card with a maximum possible amount.

How to increase credit limit on Tinkoff map, if approved does not suit? To do this, there are certain rules set in the bank. The question of increasing the minimum or insufficient (from the point of view of the borrower) of the limit will consider in detail. To begin with, learn what amounts will be available to owners of plastic from different categories (platinum, etc.).

Types of credit cards of Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff Bank is the only online bank that works in the territory of the Russian Federation. This means that he has no stationary offices and offices, all contacts with potential and existing borrowers occur remotely in online mode. So applications are made, and banknotes are delivered with courier or sent by mail. At the same time, the requirements for the candidacy of the borrower are quite loyal, for example, you will not need to officially confirm the level of income.

This information is provided at the stage of filling in a special form, it must necessarily be true, otherwise the likelihood of failure is high. Before you know how to enlarge the credit limit on the Tinkoff map in the online bank, consider all the cards offered by customers. Or rather, we learn about the amounts that can be on the cardscape of plastic different categories. It will be different for cards of platinum, world and gold.

  • to 1.5 million rubles. - for the S7 Airlines credit card;
  • up to 700 thousand rubles. - For all Games, Ulmart and All Airlines, Aliexpress and Ebay, WWF, Google Play and OneTwotrip, as well as a lamp, Randenev, Raspberry;
  • limit for credit card Tinkoff Platinum, LetoCard, Planet and Aura - maximum 300 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount is determined individually, it can be 5 thousand rubles, and sometimes less. Is it possible to learn in advance which amount will be on the cardscape already approved cards when designing online applications? We learn about it in more detail.

Features Filling Online Applications

At the first stage of the design of online applications (all four of them) on credit card there is no opportunity to specify what kind of card (platinum or other categories) you want to get. You simply specify the required amount of the loan. Learn in advance which credit limit on the Tinkoff map will not be approved. It can be significantly less than the specified limit amount, and below the potential client declared (even minimal). The decision of the bank is influenced by:

  • wage information (official and unofficial) provided by the borrower;
  • the results of the credit history check (the electronic base is checked).

The credit history reflects not only delay and debt, but also information about the existing loans, their number, etc. That is, checking credit history allows you to evaluate the solvency of the potential borrower, as well as assess its reliability. If the client is absent, that is, the likelihood that he will approve the minimum credit limit on the Tinkoff map.

For example, on a map of platinum can be only 5 - 10 thousand, and not a maximum amount of 300 thousand rubles. The absence of ki may mean that the potential borrower could not get a loan in any bank. Since the data is processed automatically, the risk of error in the client's solvency assessment exists, because the data on s / n is not confirmed by references. We learn how to increase the size of the loan in the online bank Tinkoff.

How to increase credit limit

If the approved amount does not suit the client (it considers it minimal), then you can increase the loan if you apply to refer to the Bank's staff at the design stage. How to find out the credit limit on the Tinkoff map in advance? You can navigate the cards that you offer to issue. If it is platinum, aura, letoCard and planet, then the likelihood of obtaining a small amount is great. If you are offered to get cards with a higher credit limit, that is, the chance that the amount will not be minimal.

What if the card is already obtained in the hands, and the amount on the karscitch does not suit you? It is necessary to do everything to the bank itself suggests to increase it. Such offers to Tinkoff customers come regularly, this is the principle of work online bank. It should be remembered that to increase the loan more than provided for a specific card is impossible. Suppose the platinum card does not charge more than 300 thousand rubles, the client will be offered another, with a larger amount.

  • constantly use a card for calculations;
  • make significant purchases. The Bank estimates not only the amount spent, but also the cost of purchases. If you spend borrowed funds exclusively for the purchase of products in supermarkets, then the chance to get an offer to increase the minimum amount small. Purchase of technology, payment of accounts in restaurants, using the card while traveling will increase the likelihood;
  • timely (and preferably in advance) restore the credit limit and do not allow the proceedings and fines;
  • inform the staff of the Call Center for improving the material situation or on the emergence of additional income;
  • avoid overdue on loans received in other banks (and better close them). This is reflected in KI, which allows you to evaluate the solvency of the client. The more small loans, the greater the risk of late payment (this does not concern car loans and mortgages);
  • subscribe to the bank deposit, it will improve your image.

These simple tips will help to increase the available amounts, the online bank will offer them to raise them, even if initially they were minimal.


Initially, the approved credit limit on the Tinkoff map can be enlarged both at the initiative of the Bank itself and at the request of the client. ON ONLINE CREATING Specify the real level of income, otherwise there is a risk of failure or the ability to do not cope with the obligations of payment. Actively use the card, even if the amount received does not suit you. In the future, this will increase the minimum loan to the maximum possible. To find out the amount on the cardscape in advance (at least approximately) apply for cards of different categories, such as platinum and gold.

Credit limit in Tinkoff Bank - this is the maximum possible amount of money, affordable personally to you.If you want to increase the limit, then you also need to know this:

Currently Tinkoff Bank issues credit cards with a limit up to 300 thousand rubles . More than this amount, get on credit on the map you can not, whatever positive and fault, your credit historyAnd whatever high incomes you did not get. Standard loan repayment period - 2 years or 24 months.

How to find out the limit on credit card Tinkoff?

Here is a very logical question from which the conversation should begin. Find out which credit limit is on your card, you can call to the Tinkoff customer service center by number 8 800 555 1010 . You need to be prepared for the answer to the questions of the Call Center specialists about their identification data, data cards, as well as voice the code word.

In order not to call the hotline every time, it makes sense to connect the SMS service, calling the above number. The cost of the service is 59 rubles per month.

What is the initial limit on the Tinkoff map?

The decision on the initial amount of the loan depends on many factors, including from the age of the user, but the chance that the loan amount will be higher, if you already have 22, but there are no 50, there is a permanent job and good salary. The minimum credit limit directly depends on the information specified by you when filling out the Customer's questionnaire and credit history.

It is worth clarifying that the maximum amount to which you can count only starting to use the Tinkoff-Platinum credit card will be 300 thousand rubles, but there have been cases when the permissible loan amount was 20-25 thousand rubles.

Minimum amount - 4 thousand rublesHowever, the practice shows that if you do not activate the card with such a limit at once, through a very short time with a good credit history, the Bank will suggest to increase the amount!

Nuance! The initial loan amount on the map is usually higher for those customers who older than 22, but under 55 years old, has a job and positive credit history.

Increased credit card limit

If a client actively uses his credit card for several months, and not just pays for the purchase with its help from time to time, then on average after 4 months you can contact the Tinkoff employees asking for an increase in the limit.

An active operations of the borrower with a credit card can be attributed:

  1. Purchases in stationary and online stores;
  2. Output of money through an ATM;
  3. Money transfers between different cards.

Another condition positively affecting the lift of the credit limit is the systematic use of almost all on the funds map.

Otherwise there is a natural issue: Why increase the amount of money in the credit card, if it does not fully enjoy it.

It will seriously increase the chances of changing the limit in favor of the client's opening of the deposit in Tinkoff Bank, albeit small. This is a certain guarantee of its solvency. But if the borrower is not on time or not in full returns money to the credit card, it is unlikely to expect a positive decision from the bank towards an increase in the limit.

Tip! Try to return funds to the card during the grace period in 55 days, then you can avoid interest.

The above question was about the initiative to increase the credit limit on the part of the borrower, but, as practice shows, quite often the creditor itself speaks about its increase, i.e. Tinkoff Bank. This is happening in cases where the automated trafficking program on a credit card shows the stable activity of its use. In this case, the client on the phone number specified in the initial application will be sent to the SMS message with a notification of the decision to increase the limit.

Pay utility services, make purchases in stores, translate money to other cards, remove cash in any ATMs, but every time you return the funds used on the balance. Tinkoff Bank provides for this purpose up to 55 days and the ability to return debt in parts.

Avoid debt caused by delay in payment! The presence of at least one debt for the past from the moment of receipt of the card to appeal to the bank period actually deprives you of the opportunity to increase the credit limit on the Tinkoff map.

But even if there is an overdue payment, it is quite acceptable to attempt to appeal to a bank with a question how to raise the limit on the map. No penalties for this from the Bank is not provided.

Not rare cases of automatic increase in the limit on credit card Tinkoff, subject to these conditions.. If in your case six months later there has never happened, you can "hurry" the bank by contacting the support service.

How can I increase the limit?

Note that to start a conversation with the Bank's employees about the increase in the limit is only after four months enough to actively use a credit card. Moreover, it is possible to increase the limit in the case of active spending from the card, one activation and infrequent purchases will not be enough.

Did you refuse Tinkoff? 100 days card without percent from alpha bank -

Optimally, the credit card owner must carry out at least 30-50 card operations per monthMoreover, it may be not only purchases, but also transfer funds between cardholders, their conclusion through ATMs, etc. The second prerequisite is systematic use by the client of quite large amounts, almost all funds available on the map.

After all, if the person did not use all the funds before, which the bank was ready to provide him, where the guarantee that a person, operating in large sums, can also be able to return them to the firm, and most importantly, why did a person need such an increase in the limit?

Of course, much greater chances of increasing the credit limit, there are in a person who does not allow the delay in debt repayment, on time and fully calculated with the bank in its credit obligations. When applying for an increase in the credit amount in a person, of course, there should be no debt to the bank.

In each case, the employees of the Tinkoff Bank (as well as most of other banks) raise the history of relationship with the client for the entire period of cooperation.

If a person shows himself a conscientious, trustworthy borrower, the chances of approving the raising limit on a credit card will be noticeably higher: there were cases when Tinkoff was a proven client in the bank of Tinkoff issued a loan of several million rubles!

If we talk about the ratio of "quantity" and "quality" by the spending made by the client, it is important to remember that the bank is encouraged not only frequent, but also large spending; Accordingly, customers who spend at least 100-150 thousand rubles per month have the right to rely on "promotion" by the bank in the person of issuing them a larger monetary amount per card.

We will analyze the situation of increasing credit limit on the map on a specific example. Bank employees have determined that the client makes an average of 40 card operations per month, and the average amount of one operation is 2000 rubles.

The limit of 40,000 rubles allows the cardholder only to maintain debt - and only. In this case, the bank, showing loyalty to the client and increasing him a limit twice, inevitably reduce its "unnecessary" spending, and therefore stimulates additional activity, profitable and client, and the bank. Recently, to increase the limit, the Bank does not require a statement from the credit owner, unless he acts as a reasonable request for such an increase.

In most cases, thanks to the automated program for accounting for credit cards, the initiator of an increase in the credit limit is the lender itself. Accordingly, he sends and notification of the adopted solution in the SMS message to the phone number specified by the Tinkoff Bank client when filling out the questionnaire.

How to get a credit card with a maximum limit?

The most effective way to increase the limit on the Tinkoff map is to convince the Bank's specialists in the need for an increased limit even at the stage of design of the loan product. Confirm your solvency of the package of documents, including:

  • certificate of wages (2-NDFL);
  • information about the Tinkoff Bank's salary / retirement card;
  • information on the availability of a contribution to the Tinkoff Bank;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate;
  • photocopy of a technical support for a car.

If you have any documents on your hands that can convince the bank in your ability to repay large amounts before spent on credit, then feel free to apply them to the application. Thus, you raise the chances of an increase in the limit on the credit card.

Please note that already in the first step of designing a Tinkoff card, you can independently specify the desired credit limit in the questionnaire. Your application may be adopted in the future.

What time can you ask the Bank to increase the limit?

If you received a credit card with a limit of less than three hundred thousand rubles and feel an acute need for its increase, we recommend to apply to this request to the Bank's technical support specialists by phone: 8-800-555-25-50 (free of charge in Russia) or through the company's website :

Employees are not able to increase the limit on the map. Why?

The decision takes the robot

In almost all banks, the decision to increase the credit limit is not a person, but a program. In Tinkoff Bank every day, she selects new customers and those who have not raised the limit for half a year, and compares them with reference parameters. If the client coincides with the benchmark, the program increases the limit.

The Bank's employees do not have access to this program, so the employee to raise the line manually does not make sense. In some banks, an employee can "push" your questionnaire for consideration by the algorithm, but no more. The decision takes the program.

What if the limit on the map is not increased even after the appeal?

If you have a negative decision on your appeal, do not despair. And continue to use the card further, following the gold principles:

  1. Use the card and repay the debt on time.
  2. Make payments 2-3 days before the deadline or earlier.
  3. Tell the bank where you work as you earn.
  4. Changed the phone - inform the bank.
  5. Pay card for large purchases.
  6. Get debit card and contribute.

These rules increase your chance in the future to get the limit more.

Additionally, carefully read the Lena Wolve Article, which increased the credit limit on the Tinkoff map from 13 to 75 thousand.

You can increase the limit due to the design of the second credit card per family members (wife, husband). Of course, with their consent. Moreover, the relative is obligatory should be adult and capable. Illegal transfer of personal data to bank employees may have very sad consequences. In the most serious cases, law enforcement agencies will work with an unscrupulous family member of the family.

When lending to individuals, the Bank bears certain risks, sometimes quite high. Special calculation formulas determine the maximum credit limit provided to a specific borrower. Reducing these risks with a positive credit history and timely appeal to the bank will increase the chances of increasing the credit limit.


Credit cards manufactured by Tinkoff Bank are in great demand among Russians. It is not surprising, because to get a credit card simply, and its use conditions are very attractive to customers. What is the minimum credit limit on the Tinkoff map and how to enlarge it, let's figure it out.

Be find out the initial limit on a Tinkoff credit card will not work until the card is activated by its holder. No preliminary information on approved amount lender does not give. Some clients say that you can clarify the information on the bank's call center number, but in fact this information is inaccurate. The approved credit limit is not disclosed under any circumstances.

Hotline operators can only provide general information about which credit products are currently valid. You will not hear from specific numbers on your future map, because a special committee is engaged in consideration of applications for credit cards. Information on accepted solutions to managers is not communicated. It turns out that while the card does not fall into the client's hands, the approved credit limit can not know.

What could be the limit?

Tincooff will not visit the office of the bank, since all financial operations are produced only remotely. This means that the Card will have to activate the Customer itself and only after that get acquainted with the permitted limit on it. That is why many potential bank borrowers want to even approximately know how much they can count in case of approval.

The bank calculates the credit line limit separately for each person turned. It depends on the level of income of the client, his trustiness, stability of the work and the number of children. The past of converted - problems with the law, frequent delay and the lack of constant work have a negative effect on the decision taken by the Bank. The minimum can be provided with 10 thousand rubles, and the maximum - 300 thousand rubles.

For those who have a positive credit history, a small limit can be increased. This is only available to those clients who constantly cooperate with the Bank and in a timely manifest monthly payments. An increase in the limit may occur several times, for this, the client should send an electronic statement to the financial organization. The bank will either reject it or increase the credit card limit.

How to expand opportunities?

Increase accessible funds on a credit card can bank on its initiative. This is done at any time and unlimited time. In this case, the lender sends a notice that the client approved a new amount of credit limit on its map. The option is available for permanent and responsible borrowers who do not allow the payment of payment.

Four months after receiving and activating a credit card, the client may ask the bank to increase the limit on it. Consideration will also occur at the level of the credit committee. If there were no complaints of debt payments to the borrower, he will receive approval of his application.

When you take off cash in an ATM or pay for the purchase, you should understand that it will be necessary to return the bank to the bank anyway. Monthly contributions need to pay on time, seriously refer to credit obligations taken over. The Tinkoff Bank is loyalty in relation to its customers. He is doing everything possible so that credit cardholders receive a quality service, provides an interest-free period on a credit card in 55 days long. But in return, it requires a serious attitude to the terms of the agreement.

If the credit card holder makes the entire amount of the debt at the prescribed period, the interest for the use of money will not take it. As soon as the grace period is over, payment will be charged for the entire period from the first purchase. In this case, the minimum mandatory payment will be from 6 to 8% of the principal debt, plus interest in the actual time of use of money.

To increase your credit limit, you need to regularly spend the full amount from the card and return it on time. If you use a small part of your credit line, the bank considers that it is no need to increase it.

An important point is the magnitude of the income of the credit card holder. It is necessary to indicate only true information, because the level of solvency significantly affects the credit limit on the map.

Permanent bank customers and debit card holders can count on more loyal terms of credit. For the bank, such borrowers represent the greatest value, because the least risk of non-return of debt is associated with them.

The consequences of the increase in the limit

Usually, all new customers the bank draws up Tinkoff Platinum card. Get it easy, it has standard options. It should be remembered that with increasing the credit limit, the interest rate can also be increased. Even if you pay always in time and confident in your abilities, it is necessary to ask for an increase in the limit only as a last resort.

The raising of the tariff will make the content of the credit card quite unprofitable. The only option does not overpay interest the bank will be the use of a grace period of 55 days. If you know exactly what you can fully repay the credit card at the time limit, request an increase in the limit. For someone, an enlarged credit line will have to by the way and will not cause financial problems. Everyone is better to use a credit card with a small limit.

Credit products that Tinkoff Bank provides are wide demand in the consumer lending market. Diffinarily feature of the bank was the lack of branches in the regions of the country. The Unified Branch and Call Center Tinkoff Bank are located in Moscow, and all interaction with customers takes place via the Internet.

This applies to all stages - from addressing the organization, until the use of its services. The bank's credit card itself is either sent by mail, or can be awarded through the plenipotentiary representative. Her courier on the applicant's house threshold.

Before you begin to use Tinkoff Bank credit products, you must first activate the card. Until the activation of any obligations to the lender, the holder will not occur.

After activation, funds will be transferred to the credit card. It can be used by any convenient way: with its help you can pay in stores, cafes, airport and other places on cashless payments or withdraw cash in an ATM.

Size limit on the map

How to find out a credit limit on Tinkoff map? This question can excite both people who only think to take advantage of it and those who have long been the owners of the card. Tinkoff cares about its customers and created a comfortable information for them.

What a limit gives Tinkoff can be learn three ways. The easiest and most reliable - call the Call Center Tinkoff Bank by phone 8 800 755-11-10. The call is free. This can be done before activating the card, that is, at the time of filing the application, when its owner does not carry any obligations to the Organization.

After confirming the personal data information to the client, the operator will report on what credit limit on the map it can count. If its size does not suit the borrower, you can simply refuse Tinkoff credit card. At the same time, it is not necessary to return it, until the moment of activation it is just plastic.

A second way to find out which limit provides Tinkoff Bank - activate the card. At this point, an SMS-notification will come to the mobile phone of the borrower, confirming the action and receipt at the expense of the Customer's Customer.

From this message and you can learn how the initial credit limit on the Tinkoff Platinum map was installed. The disadvantage of such a way is that a person gets a "cat in a bag."

He becomes a bank client and begins to bear the obligations established by the Treaty. In this case, the size of the limit may be less than the calculated holder. For example, the initial limit may be only 10,000 rubles, while a person hoped 20,000 rubles.

After activating the Holder will feature an online bank. This is the most modern and fast way to make money transfers. By connecting the Internet banking service on the company's website, the borrower will be able to receive information about what limit on the map is provided by Tinkoff Bank, cash flow and many other things. The proposal for registration and use of the online bank comes at the time of activation.

It is important to remember that the data for the entry into your account must be protected from prying eyes. Otherwise, they can get to the attackers. You can use this service only with proven devices.

What is a credit limit and what affects it?

Credit limit on the map is the amount of funds provided by the Bank that the client can spend. The amount of lending limit varies: from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles. On the size of the approved amount affects a number of parameters:

  • The presence of credit history.
  • Use other products of the bank.
  • Regular income size.
  • Age, work experience.
  • Shares and special offers.

The minimum credit limit of Tinkoff in 10,000 rubles is provided with an initial independent appeal to the organization in the absence of credit history.

It is worth noting that, as a rule, the initial minimum limit is much more.

Maximum limit on credit card Tinkoff Platinum - 300 000 rubles. It can be deserved if you often use lending products and return loans on time. In addition, it can be obtained by using proposals within any shares.

Increased Limita

A credit card limit can always be. After a certain period of time, the bank himself may notify his client that it is approved by a new limit size. Such an advantage can take advantage of a person who has repeatedly addressed lending products. Such a proposal from the bank may be repeated.

With the request for excess of the credit limit on the map you can also contact yourself. You can do this in four months from the moment the credit card is activated. Bank specialists will consider the application and will decide. It will be based on the credit history of the client.

Removing money from the card, it is important not to forget that they will have to return, and do it need it on time. Tinkoff Bank is loyal to its customers and tries to make use of its products more comfortable. It provides an interest-minded period, a duration of 55 days.

If the whole amount during this period, interest will not have to pay. At its expiration begins to hold interest. If you return the whole amount before the end of the Grace period does not work, you can repay only the debt in the interest rate. The amount of payment is indicated in the contract and is usually 6-8% of the total amount of debt.

A favorable impression on specialists of the bank can make removal of all funds from the card and the subsequent repayment of debt. If this is not done, the employees of Tinkoff Bank will find that the existing maximum is sufficient and there is no need to increase it.

An important role is played by the income that the borrower receives. It is better to indicate the most complete and reliable information, since their size indicates whether a person can return the funds received on time.

An important factor will be that if the borrower has a debit card of Tinkoff. If it is available, activated and actively used, then the Bank's specialists will have a more favorable opinion about the borrower.

In addition, this is a confirmation of its solvency, as well as a means to minimize financial risks for the company.

It is worth remembering that the increase in the credit limit is an additional risk for the bank. Therefore, with an increase in the amount, the interest rate may increase. The borrower is important to always count on credit payments. Otherwise, you can simply be overwhelmed by the loan payment, lose money as a percentage for the delay and spoil your credit history.

From the credit limit - the maximum loan amount - depending on the owner of the credit card. And the higher the amount provided, the wider prospects and weighty speth. The money "threshold" depends on the type, category of maps, credit history and solvency of a particular borrower - and often the decision on the rate is made once a few years.

If the maximum set is too small and the amount is needed more - it is necessary to raise the limit on the credit card. Make this Tinkoff Platinum holders are quite real: it is enough to follow some rules when making an application and repay the loan received. Specific recommendations, conditions and explanations read in this article.

On the official site it is indicated that the credit limit of Tinkoff Platinum is 700,000 rubles, but this amount is not approved by everyone. The maximum loan amount is established by the Bank after analyzing the documents provided by the borrower, the characteristics of solvency and quality of credit history. At the stage of registration, it is easy to raise the monetary threshold: it is enough to present additional high solvency testimonies to the bank. For example, positively affect the size of the limit:

  • salary level, additional sources of income, benefits, payments;
  • age, education;
  • continuous work experience and position occupied;
  • family composition, number of dependents;
  • active loans and deposits in third-party banks;
  • available relationships with Tinkoff Bank (open deposit accounts, debit cards, the status of a salary client, the presence of a mortgage loan);
  • financial well-being (availability of real estate, vehicles and other property).

Positive credit history over the past 15-20 years automatically raises the credit limit twice from the originally established.

According to the specified parameters, the rate system automatically evaluates the solvency of the potential client, determines the likely bank risks and calculates the maximum for a loan. It is this value that will become a credit limit that will be recovered by the revolving system and provide borrowed funds throughout the entire validity period of the card after the repayment of the next debt.

The estimated loan size can be founded on themselves by filling out an application for a credit card on the site. After 15 minutes, the application will be processed, and the specified phone will be sentsMS.. With a successful outcome, the text will be like this: "Tinkoff Platinum credit card approved. The limit is 350,000, the minimum monthly payment is 6% of the debt amount. " If the proposed conditions are not suitable, then it is necessary to take care of the increase in the maximum set.

How to influence the limit?

The new client for any lender is a borrower with an unpredipated financial discipline, because most often banks do not risk and approve of low limits. So, for the first time, Tinkoff is usually placed with a balance of up to 15 thousand. If the specified amount is not enough, a natural question arises: is it possible to increase the credit card limit?

Raise an approved maximum is real, but only by decision of the bank and not earlier than four months after design. It is impossible to adjust the highest loan bar independently: the Tinkoff does not provide for the possibility of varying the limit on customer applications.

When and how to raise the limit?

Yes, the initiative to increase the limit of the Tinkoff cards of Platinum belongs to the bank, but the reason for the loyal relationship is the accuracy, conscientiousness and activity of the client. In practice, the gradual raising of the installed maximum occurs quite often. However, there are sufficient foundations.

  1. From the moment of opening and using the card passed at least 4 months
  2. All monthly payments were made in a timely manner (both on the Tinkoff credit card, and on accounts in other banks).
  3. The card is often used, and the number of expenses exceeds the initial maximum.
  4. The available card limit is below 700 thousand rubles.

Early repayment of the loan also shows the creditor of the financial discipline and solvency of the borrower. And using the map in the selected pace, you can receive suggestions for raising the balance every 3-4 months. The main thing is to constantly encourage the bank to raise the limit described below.

How to encourage bank to raise the limit?

There is a real way to raise the maximum set - periodically "scrolling" the balance several times. So, having received an approved loan of 100 thousand, expect a loan not by small contributions by 6% over the age of one and a half years, and large sums in a short period. The active use of a credit card will not remain unnoticed, and Tinkoff will propose to increase the credit bar.

Even if there was no goal to increase the maximum on the loan, do not rush to reject a sudden offer from the bank. A new limit on Tinkoff Platinum will become an excellent financial pillow, give confidence and stability. Especially since high credit thresholds often have a positive effect on the increase in interest rate, which will make the use of a credit card more pleasant and more profitable.

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