
Getting a new building permit. The procedure for obtaining a construction permit. Several important points should be taken into account

When buying an Earth under Izhs, the main question arises about where to take permission to build a private house on its plot. Some people believe that the acquisition of a plot itself is enough to start the construction of their future at home.

Is it so? Is there any need to issue permission to build a house and if so, then in what situations. To learn about this, as well as familiarize yourself with the list of documents that are required to build a private house on our own plot, in particular to obtain a permit and where to receive it actually, you will learn from this article.

Under what circumstances do you need permission to build a private house?

Permission to build a house on its own site - a document that gives the right to build a private house on the land plot.

Receive permission must if your future building is located on land plots of the following categories:

  • IZhS - Individual Housing Construction
  • MZHS - low-rise housing construction
  • LPH - personal subsidiary farming

If the land on which you plan to build your future house for permanent residence Refers to one of the above categories, then get permission must. Without it, your building will be considered illegal and can be demolished. And also, subsequently you will not be able to make ownership of the erected residential structure.

In case you plan to build a house in the SNT, i.e. On the lands for gardening and country farming, the obligations to obtain permission does not arise.

Another circumstance in which you should think about the design above the designated document may be:

  • obtaining credit funds In the bank for the construction of your home

Not always and not every bank requires this document when issuing a loan, however, such a probability exists. If this is your case and you plan to use borrowed funds to build your home, it is worth getting a building permit in advance.

To obtain permission, you need to consider a number of requirements for the future structure:

  • future structure, it is your future family nest, should be intended for staying only 1 families
  • the structure should be height in three or less floors, while the basement will not be taken into account
  • during the construction of the house, restrictions and burdensions should be taken into account, which may be indicated in your certificate of ownership of land plot.

Good news is that if your home has three or less floors, you need to receive only construction permit and can be started to create a house.

Bad news is that if you plan to build a house above three floors, then you will need additionally conclusion of the state examination.

Where to get permission to build a private house?

Regulated issues related to construction country houses And as a result, obtaining permission for their construction, federal law N 190-ФЗ dated December 29, 2004, he is the "City Planning Code of the Russian Federation". Accordingly, all the answers to the questions: who, where, when and why he gives it.

According to the above-mentioned document, local self-government bodies on the city planning activities of the area are engaged in issuing a permit for the construction of a house on its own site, in which this land plot is located under the planned building.

An application should be applied for the issuance of a permits personally or through a legal representative to the administration of the area in which your plot Izhs.. On the territory of major cities, this can be done through multifunctional centers that provide state and municipal services (MFCs), as well as online through the Gosuslugi.ru portal. IN small cities And the regions will need to contact the local administration directly.

Documents required for registration of a permit for the construction of a house on the IZhS plot

  • statement;
  • a document that can confirm your right to own this land;

  • cadastral passport on earth;

  • the city planning plan of the land plot (free authorities are issued - the administration of the city or district, in which the land plot is located on the basis of the statement of the owner);

  • the project of the house, compiled, taking into account the rules of development, such as the maximum permissible dimensions of the site and the parameters of the future structure, its limit number of floors and highness, the norms of border approximation to the neighbors, etc. (provided at will, in any form);
  • topographic survey of the site (only for the Moscow region);
  • positive conclusion state expertise project documentation for the erected construction (only for private cottages - houses with highness exceeding 3 residential floors);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • power of attorney, certified by the notary (if the appeal occurs through a legal representative).

Usually all documents (except for notarized power of attorney) are provided as copies in the amount of 1 pc. Each document. Also, with you, you need to have originals for reconciliation.

It should be noted that obtaining a construction permit is required only during the construction of a residential building. When erecting non-residential buildings, such as garage, barn, canopy and other household premises, construction permit is not required.

How much is a permit for the construction of a private house

Permission to build a private house is issued for free.

However, if you decide that the process of obtaining permission is too complicated for you and contact a specialized company that will give you the necessary package of documents to administrative bodies for you, then you can cost up to 50 thousand rubles and last 2-3 months. So do not give in panic and fear that we have a bureaucracy everywhere and do it yourself. It is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

Term of issuance and period of construction permit

Permits for the construction of the house on its own site are issued in 10 working days from the date of application.

Usually permission is issued for a period of 10 years. The validity period will be specified in the issued resolution.

In addition, from March 1, 2015, it is necessary to obtain permission to enter the object into operation after the construction of the house is completed.

Video on how to get permission to build a house on your own site

Before starting any construction, it is necessary to obtain a package of permits, which indicates the status of land, technical parameters of the building, the supply of communications and many other important parameters. The list of documents to obtain a construction permit will depend on the intended purpose of the structure itself, and may differ somewhat from the analogues. For example, a private low-storey house contains less a list of permits than a high-altitude polystage or building, which is erected by shared participation.

Land plot

First of all, before the start of approval of the project of the house and its construction, it is necessary to find out what legal status is land and the type of permitted use. These parameters are indicated in the cadastral passport. If the status of the station does not apply to the lands for the construction of ILS and the settlement, then it will be difficult to obtain permission: you will have to first change the category. For the territories of particularly protected likelihood, approved on the construction of an object is minimal. As a rule, the bulk of the buildings are carried out on the lands intended for IZhS and for the service of a residential building.

The main guideline document is Article 51 of the Town Planning Code representing legal base Construction permits. It is a confirmation of the compliance of project documentation necessary requirements Land layout and development. Despite the presence of "Country Amnesty" since March 2019, it is necessary to notify the authorities in any redevelopment and restructuring and after the end of the work register the structure in Rosreestre.

Anyone who has not passed the registration of the house will be attached to the self-employment with all the consequences. Obtaining a building permit is also necessary for unfinished construction. For holding construction work Without permits, administrative responsibility will be followed.

Package of necessary documentation

Required documents for obtaining a construction permit capital building Regulated Art. 51 GRK RF. Main list:

  • the right-ending documents for land put on;
  • application for permission;
  • urban planning plan
  • materials included in project documentation;
  • planning scheme with a detailed indication of the location of the house, the entrance places to it, indicating all the borders and other buildings;
  • explanatory note;
  • schemes indicating red lines;
  • schemes reflecting the supply of communication networks, the location of engineering equipment, other technical objects;
  • demolition projects and dismantling the old building and construction of a new home, including its parts or blocks;
  • concluding a state examination with a positive decision;
  • if necessary, submit a document allowing some deviation from the limit settlement parameters (if it was issued);
  • the consent of all owners for reconstruction and work.

it full list documents required to build any apartment house. But in some cases, when the private cottage is erected, the list will be reduced. For example, the estimate of different types of buildings is as follows.

Depending on the type of building, documents may contain several different information.

Private house one family

There are small restrictions in height and floors - not more than 3 floors. In this embodiment, three documents are enough:

  • guidelines on earth;
  • approved urban planning plan
  • the location of the house and the layout of other objects.

The city planning plan is issued by the district administration together with a long list required certificates and checks.

Without this list of final design it will not work. Required to have:

  • those. conditions for communications (light, water, gas, etc.);
  • topography of the plot;
  • certificate from the local cultural heritage administration;
  • plan at home.

Attention! The developer must write an application for the issuance of a town planning plan. All other documents are preparing the local administration. A permitting document does not apply to a private person, but to the land put on.


If the construction is erected into several families or consisting of blocks, the simplified scheme does not work, and it is necessary to prepare a complete documentation package specified in Art. 51 GRK RF. According to the law, building permit is not needed in cases:

  • when erecting a garage for a physical not dealing with entrepreneurship;
  • for non-vacant objects, such as: kiosks, canopies;
  • in the construction of auxiliary facilities;
  • if an extension is erected and a capital building is reconstructed without changing the supporting structures.

The responsible person of the authorized body verifies the correctness of the collected package of documentation and all layout schemes. With full accordance for 10 days, building permit is issued. The necessary documents may not be enough or detected by "non-stakes". In this case, a failure of full motivation is issued, which, if desired, can be appealed in court. If comments are valid, the applicant corrects inaccuracies and repeats the procedure. Permissive documentation is issued for 10 years and is a free procedure.

Important! It is often necessary to conduct an object examination, which is carried out by private companies or government architectural bureaus with state accreditation. Almost all projects go on refinement.

With shared participation

When attracting additional funds, due to violations of the arrangement by developers led to the conclusion of DDU. The list of documents for building permits is also listed in the Civil Code and no different from the list for an apartment building. Take Money Decaler Developer has the right only after receiving permits according to Federal law № 214-FZ. After receiving permissive documentation, the developer makes the distributor:

  • obtained permission for construction;
  • project declaration;
  • documents for land.

For Izhs, construction permission is one of the most necessary documents. Moreover, without permission to build ILS, it may simply be at risk, since it is impossible without it, for example, to take a loan for construction and MN. Dr.

Obtaining a construction permit with IZhS

Any land owner sooner or later thinks about building your home or other object of individual housing construction.

Of course, when making such a decision, the type of permitted use of the Earth is taken into account, the area and location of the station. Do not listen to those who say that construction permits are not required! Without it, the house will not be able to register the right of ownership, put it into operation, connect to utility networks.

The main regulatory legal act in the field of individual housing construction is the City Planning Code - it is for its norms that the construction permit should be focused on obtaining permission to build.

Construction permit for IZhS is a paper that confirms that the design documentation for the structure corresponds to the area plan (plot planning project) and the territory of the territory of the territory (if it is built or reconstructed linear object). This document officially permits the developer to build and reconstructive work with the object.

Where you can get permission to build an individual residential building

So, what authorities are the construction permit issued?

  • by general rule - the local government body in which the land plot is located;
  • if work is held that are associated with the use of subsoil - the Ministry natural resources and the ecology of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, etc.

The full list of bodies is listed in the articles of the city planning code. Of course, with individual housing construction, such situations may hardly arise, but it is better to know about it in advance.

Obtaining a construction permit is necessarily as follows:

  • if you are planning to take a bank loan for construction, then permission may also be required among the supporting documents;
  • if construction goes on the summer site, then to connect the gas, for example, you will also need construction permission.

How permitting documentation for the construction of a private house is issued, how much permission is

Submission of documents for obtaining a building permit is possible with the immediate appeal of the applicant to the appropriate authority, through the representative and through MFC.

First of all, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • a guide document on the plot;
  • urban planning plan of the site;
  • a document certifying the identity of applicable;
  • power of attorney (if the submission is made through the representative);
  • project documentation (including an explanatory note, information about engineering networks, build-up plan, object demolition plan capital construction on the plot, etc.);
  • positive conclusion on the project documentation of the object of capital construction (if it is subject to expertise);
  • if the conclusion on the project documentation was issued by a non-governmental body, then it is necessary to submit documents confirming the right legal entity Implement such examination.

It is worth making a small reservation about the project documentation. Legally stipulated that the preparation of project documentation is optional in the event that it is about the object of individual housing construction - a separate house is not higher than 3 floors, which is intended to accommodate one family. In this case, the developer may at its discretion to collect project documentation and submit it to the authority issuing a permit for construction.

After the statement and all the necessary documents were transferred to the authorized body, the one, in turn, conducts an inspection of the submitted documents within 10 days and the design documentation of the land plot with the requirements of the urban planning plan.

As a result, the authority may take one of the following decisions:

  • refuse to issue a building permit;
  • machine building permission.

The permit is issued for free. The state duty in this case is not necessary!

Do not know your rights?

Failure may be appealed by the applicant through the court.

Permission to individual housing construction is issued for a period of 10 years. After receiving the permission, the developer must submit to the authority issued, documentation on engineering surveys, Floors, object area, etc.

When building permits are not required

The legislator also provided cases when no permission for individual housing construction is required, for example:

  1. Construction of the garage if the site is provided by the owner not for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.
  2. Construction of structures that are not objects of capital construction (for example, kiosk, pavilion, etc.).
  3. Construction of facilities for auxiliary use.
  4. Changing construction objects or their parts, if this does not lead to significant changes.
  5. Other cases provided for by law.

Registration of ownership of individual housing facilities.

The body responsible for registration of ownership of IZhS objects is the territorial administration of Rosreestra.

What documents are needed for registration?

  1. If the right to land is registered and there is information about it in EGRN, they will need:
  • statement on registration of law;
  • applicant passport;
  • document on the payment of state duty;
  • cadastral Property Object Passport (see "How to get a cadastral map and a land plan online?").
  • If the land plot is not registered in the manner prescribed by law, it will be necessary to submit:
    • statement;
    • cadastral object passport;
    • applicant passport;
    • document on the payment of state duty;
    • power of attorney to the representative;
    • a guide document on the land plot;
    • a document that confirms the finding of the IZH object within this site.

    The term of consideration of documents is 7 working days.

    The result of the consideration of documents:

    1. The issuance of an extract from EGRN, confirming the registration of ownership of an object of ILS.
    2. Issuance of a similar document on the right of ownership of the land plot (if it is not registered).
    3. If the ownership of land is recorded, but there is no information about him in the State Real Estate Cadastre, it is possible to make a decision to suspend registration or refusal.

    Termination of the construction permit

    As noted earlier, the construction permit is issued for the period of construction and can be extended by the decision of the authority. In the case of the IZhS, permission is issued for 10 years.

    At the same time, the city planning code provides for the circumstances, upon the occurrence of which the construction permit terminates:

    1. If the ownership of the land plot was discontinued, including by removing the site for the needs of the state.
    2. Failure of the owner from ownership of the site.
    3. Termination of contracts, on the basis of which the citizen had the right to land.
    4. Termination of the right to use subsoils if it is necessary for further construction.

    Within 30 days from the moment of termination of the right to the site by the body that issued a building permit is made a decision to revoke permission. Such a solution can be accepted on the basis of:

    • notifications of the relevant authority that the owner of the site has discontinued all rights of this site;
    • notifications of the authorized body that the subsoil use is terminated.

    In the order of interdepartmental interaction, the authorities responsible for issuing permits notify the territorial bodies of the Rosreestra that the citizen has ceased to the land plot.

    Nuances for obtaining permission to build a private house

    In practice, there are situations when during the construction the right to the land plot passes to another person. How is it in this case with a building permit and should it be reissued?

    Do not need to restore the construction of reissue! When moving the right to a land plot or an object of capital construction, it retains its action. That is, if the term of permission does not expire, it simply moves to the new owner.

    If the land plot on which construction is carried out is subject to section, unification or allocation, the construction of objects can be continued in accordance with the available permit - but in this case it is necessary to obtain a new town-planning plan for the site.

    Above it was said that the construction permit is not necessary to receive those who build objects that are not related to capital construction. Hearing this, often some enterprising owners build a store without receiving permits, but subsequently it turns out that this is nothing but an object of capital construction. What does the court do in this case? Makes a decision to dismantle the object as an illegal building.

    Meet B. judicial practice On this issue and other unpleasant for owners of new buildings cases.

    Administration *** District filed statement of claim on I., indicating that there is a plot of land owned settlements, with permitted use for ILS. On this site, a 3-storey residential building with an area of \u200b\u200b1440 square meters was erected. According to the administration, this structure does not correspond to the intended purpose of the site and is subject to demolition. In the course judicial trial It was found that the construction really has a sign of multipartiff and allows separate accommodation of several families. As a result, the court claimed the claims satisfied and recognized the structure to demolish.

    Sometimes this is detected at the initial stages of construction, even before the commissioning of the building. Also during the inspection on which the relevant authorities are authorized, it can be revealed that construction is carried out without permits. In this case, the land owner is assigned to eliminate deficiencies, and construction is suspended.

    Pros and cons of ILS as a type of permitted use of the land

    Owners of sites intended for individual housing construction have a number of advantages:

    1. Such land land can participate in various government programs Construction support.
    2. The owner of the plot will not depend on other owners (if the property is not common to the site).
    3. In such a plot, you can build a house for housing, absolutely without restrictions and unnecessary troubles on the issue of translation of the lands to another category.
    4. The owner of the site can be registered on this site and use all the services of social institutions (hospitals, schools, etc.).

    But not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. An individual residential building is a separate house of not more than 3 floors high, designed to stay no more than one family, and the construction of mixed floors and townhouses on the site of houses of the mixed storey and townhouses is not allowed.


    Of course, the process of obtaining a construction permit takes up much time and requires certain costs, but without this document, with further commissioning of housing, problems may arise. That is why it is better to take care of permissive documents in advance to be guaranteed to prevent all unpleasant moments in the future.

    29.01.18 31 347 0

    To not go through the courts

    Resolution for the construction of houses no longer issue

    We write articles but russian laws Change. From August 4, 2018, canceled permits for the construction of private houses. Now instead of them it concerns garden houses and IZhS.

    The article still has a lot of useful about the preparation of the site, urban planning standards and address assignment. All this is relevant, changed only formalities. If you are going to build a house - be sure to read.

    My brother Oleg received the section of 15 acres near Belgorod on the regional program.

    Sergey Antonov

    helped my brother start building a house

    He wanted to immediately build a house on it, but it turned out that you first need to collect a bunch of documents and get permission in the local administration.

    Just come to officials and ask permission can not. First you need to check the status of the site, get the address and cadastral extract, draw the project and situational plan. For reliability, before the start of construction, it is worth conducting geological surveys - True, this does not affect permission. I'll tell you how my brother did.

    As correct

    By law, it is impossible to build a house without permission. Without documents, it will not be able to sell, change, give or leave inheritance. But in fact, if you build on your site, then a finished house can be legalized through the court. By civil Code You can recognize the ownership of the unauthorized construction, if it meets all the standards. In practice, it is sometimes faster, cheaper and easier than to receive permission.

    But suddenly it turns out that the neighbor is against the fact that the house is close to his fence? Or through the plot passes the central cable and land work is prohibited. Then the construction is recognized illegal, the house will be taken to demolish, and the owner will pay a fine. Therefore, it's safer everything as it should be.

    Extract from registry

    According to the law, a private house can be erected only on Earth, which is intended for individual residential building or for personal subsidiary farm. In the land of land should be exactly the appointment of the site - officially. If you yourself think that the Earth is suitable for the construction of the house, this is not enough. Maybe you bought the land for the house, but it turns out that it is impossible to build there. For example, with garden and summer cottage.

    The category of the land plot can be viewed in an extract from the unified state register of real estate on the main characteristics and registered rights. The statement is obtained in Rosreestre or MFC. It costs 200 r. If there is a certificate of registration to the site, then the category of land is indicated there.

    The house cannot be built in the sanitary protection zone near industrial enterprises, airports, cemeteries and landfills.

    In each region, its own rules and laws, where it is painted in detail, at what distance from which objects is prohibited construction. The sanitary zone has fasteners and car wash and even near the power lines.

    It is difficult to understand the subtleties of local land legislation itself, and if there are suspicions that the site is in such a zone, then it is better to contact the local land committee or a mid-friendly center, where there are specialists with the necessary bases and cadastral plans.

    My brother received a plot specifically for individual construction in fact in a clean field, so he had no problems. But this does not mean that you will not have them either. There are cases when people buy areas on a large free territory, and then it turns out that this is a water protection zone. And although the appointment of the site is suitable, build houses there are not allowed. Families remain with unnecessary land, loans and without money.

    Engineering and Geological Exquisites

    Groundwater and different soil density can complicate construction. If you build a house on bad soil, then cracks will go on the walls, and the foundation and the basement will fill. So that this does not happen, it is advisable to carry out engineering and geological surveys.

    Firms that are engaged in this, a lot. Specialists will arrive at the site, try the wells at the place of future construction, will take samples of soil and water. As a result, they will prepare a report for several tens of pages, in which there will be different schemes and graphs, understandable only to other specialists. You can ask for geodesists so that they explain in words whether it is possible to start a construction site.

    If there is no money on specialists at all, it is worth talking to the neighbors: Sometimes the Council has been more useful to conclude an expert. The owner who has built the house and lives in it for many years, knows all the characteristics of the soil on the plot and will tell you what depths of the foundation and the basement.

    65 000 R.

    standing engineering and geological surveys in Belgorod

    Belgorod company, which brother found, asked for its work 65,000 r. Since the money was right, he decided not to make geological surveys and rely on maybe. Construction still goes, cracks are not yet visible. Brother hopes that he is lucky: he has a plot without slope, dense soil, and groundwater deeply. But you do not advise you so much: the remake will cost more than the research.

    Address and cadastral extract

    Street, on which my brother builds a house, existed only on paper, so he had to receive the address himself. In the local administration, the future house was awarded the room, and Oleg issued a decree that the site is located at the address with the specific name of the street and the house number.

    Receive the address will have to, even if the street exists and there is houses with numbers. For example, if a large plot is divided into two: then one of them will have a new address. Sometimes documents have to issue several months.

    Each land plot has its own cadastral number. In fact, this is the address of the plot, but recorded by a special code in common base. Knowing the cadastral number, on the Rosreestra website, you can see where the site is located, on the lands of which category, what kind of area it is. Construction permit can only be obtained for a plot that has a cadastral number confirmed by cadastral discharge.

    The brother received the cadastral statement in the local MFC. The application has applied a copy of the certificate of registration of property rights and a document assignment document.

    Project and Situation Plan

    The project is a drawing of your future house with a plan. Situation plan is a plot drawing with a home located on it. Build you will be on the project. So that you have been allowed to build, the project must be competent from the engineering point of view. The house you thought should not threaten others and you.

    A simple project at an engineering or architectural firm will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. Upper price plan is not limited. Purely theoretically, you can draw a project and independently, but this requires engineering knowledge. The finished projects are on the Internet. In addition, the project can make a free company that will deal with your construction - a lot of savings.

    The brother graduated from the construction university, so the drawing plan himself. But he still had to check with documents not to miss any of the requirements. Here is some of them:

    1. The distance between adjacent houses, if they are made of wood, must be at least 15 m; If the brick is 6 m.
    2. The distance from the house to the horozpostroeks should be at least 4 m.
    3. The total room area should be at least 12 m², bedrooms - 8 m², kitchens - 6 m².
    4. Gas pipes can not be carried out through the whole house.
    5. Each bedroom must have at least one window.

    These are not all requirements - read documents or consult with experts.

    Get permission

    In Belgorod, construction permission issues local architecture management, in whose territory the site is located. To get permission, brother wrote a statement. It was asked to attach a project and a situational plan, a copy of the cadastral extract and a copy of the land ownership certificate.

    Even if the application is accepted, but the permission will not be issued, are obliged to write the reasons for refusal. The official response period is seven days.

    A week later, Oleg called and invited to come for permission to build and the town planning plan of the site.

    At the urban planning plan, it was indicated where the site is located, its area and sizes.

    The plan writes the basic requirements of federal and local legislation, which must be observed during construction:

    For all papers to obtain permission from Oleg left for three months. But it can delay. I know the case when only four months left for the address. And it still happens that it is necessary to conduct an intertime or apply the borders to the city plan. It seems that it remains to receive one certificate, but in fact it turns out that everything is just beginning. Sometimes even laws have time to change, while permission is made.

    The resolution is really 10 years old, so you can start building the house not immediately, but, for example, in five years. After construction, there are still many paper red tape and expenses.


    1. Check the purpose of the plot in the certificate of ownership or an extract from EGRN.
    2. If there are suspicions that the site is not suitable for construction zone, contact the Land Committee.
    3. If you are preparing the project yourself, observe the SNIVA and regional norms.
    4. Registration of permission can be delayed for several months, so planning the beginning of the construction of the house, taking into account the bureaucratic red tape.
    5. Keep documents, plans and projects. After construction, it will be necessary to execute the ownership of the house and carry out communications. All these documents will be useful.
    6. If you order drawings and plans for contractors, keep contracts. Suddenly it turns out that they did not comply with the norms and now they will not connect gas, - the contract will be by the way.

    The procedure for obtaining construction permits in Moscow is the process of transferring and subsequent verification of the documentation necessary for the construction of an object (recovery) of the object. The work is carried out within a certain period of time, and its result is the issuance of one of the types of permits - to carry out construction and other works (preparatory, restorative and other). Obtaining approval is the basis for the construction of the construction and fulfillment of other planned events.

    Building permission - paper that allows the owner to build (reconstruct) buildings (facilities) and perform adjacent work on the improvement of the nearby site. Obtaining such documentation is required in all cases when private or commercial real estate is planned.

    Ignoring requirements in obtaining permission to build in Moscow leads to the fact that after the completion of the object, a person is not considered a full owner. In addition, penalties are accrued to the violater, and the building itself can be demolished by court decision.

    Since 2016, the lack of permission for construction excludes the possibility of setting an object on cadastral records and its registration in its name. In the future, there are difficulties with connecting communications (gas, water, sewage, light) and there is no possibility to make any actions with the object (sell, rent, give inheritance and so on).

    The procedure for obtaining a construction permit in Moscow

    Questions of the issuance of building permits in Moscow is engaged in an authorized body - MosgorStroyadzor. Applying for a service, as well as the transfer of the required packet of papers, is carried out through the official resource of the Moscow City Hall (MOS.RU/Services/).

    For the service requires such steps:

    • Go to the specified link.
    • Fill out the statement B. electronic form on the proposed sample.

    Next, we apply the following documentation package:

    • Applicant's passport or representative. In the latter case there should be notarial power of attorney.
    • The guidelines for the memory where construction is planned. Here, a number of options are possible - extract from the USRP, a certificate of ownership (copy), lease (must be registered with the USRP).
    • Urban planning plan. This paper provides detailed data on the construction facility and the memory. In the absence of such documentation, it will not be possible to obtain permission to conduct construction work.
    • Project to build. Such documentation should be approved by an authorized body. This can be MinStroy, as well as management bodies (at the regional or urban level). Implementation of the condition must occur when the object of a commercial nature is erected.
    • The results of the project's expert assessment. The work is carried out by public or private structures. If the assessment produces a non-state company, it is necessary to attach a copy of the license to perform such activities.

    In some cases, permission is required confirming the right to exceed boundary parameters during construction. As a rule, it is necessary at the area less than it is established by the laws of the Russian Federation (up to five acres). Difficulties with construction are possible in the event that the facility has a non-standard relief and difficult geological conditions under the object. In this case, the expert consultation may be required.

    Construction permit for IZhS and LPH

    The procedure for obtaining a construction permit in Moscow for objects that fall under the category of ILS and LPH is similar, but the package of the attached documentation varies. Here you will need:

    • Applicant passport (representative). In the event of a trusted person, a notarial power of attorney is needed.
    • Towing.
    • GPPU (must be agreed with all instances).
    • Extract from the cadastre (in electronic and paper form).
    • Expanding paper on memory (original and copies).

    The mentioned papers are enough to start construction in the capital, including in New Moscow.

    Procedure and the term for obtaining a permit for construction in Moscow

    After receipt of the documentation, the authorized body acts as follows:

    • He is studying the completeness of the purchased papers.
    • Determines how much ready project Complies with GPZ standards, as well as permission to deviate from the limit parameters.
    • Makes up and transmits permits or gives a refusal to explain the reasons.

    The term of obtaining permission to build in Moscow - 7 days. The service is provided free of charge. The solution (approval or refusal) is sent in electronic form in personal Account The applicant or issued in the authorized body in the presence of a passport.

    When is it possible to fail?

    Compliance with the procedure considered above allows you to minimize the risk of refusing to provide services or receiving documents. Below will consider cases when this is possible in practice.

    Failure to accept documentation occurs in cases:

    • The applicant addressed the state service to the body, which is not authorized to issue permits for the construction (restoration) of objects.
    • Package packet was transferred to the consideration, the equipment of which does not correspond to the legislation valid at the time of filing.
    • The transfer of an incomplete list of papers prescribed in the regulations for the provision of civil servants in Moscow at number 145 of the PP (paragraphs 2.8.2 .9).
    • The transmitted documentation contains information that is unreliable or has contradictory.
    • Posted for consideration of paper lost strength (overdue). For failure, it is enough for at least one of the documents to have a similar status.
    • The applicant addressed the state service by violating the regulations mentioned earlier (paragraph 1.3).
    • An application for the service transferred a person who is not authorized for such actions and cannot confirm the right transferred to him by transferring a notarial power of attorney.
    • The statement or transferred documentation necessary to obtain a permit for construction in Moscow has been signed with the use of EDS that does not belong to the applicant's party or its official representative. The refusal is possible in violation of the order provided for by the acts of the Russian Federation and Moscow.
    • Errors when making information to the application for the provision of services or the absence of any data.
    • The presence of conflicting information contained in the transmitted documentation and completed on the website statement.

    Failure to provide public services is likely in such cases:

    • The package of transmitted documentation does not comply with the standards of urban planning regulations, the planning and partial project of the territory acting on the day of the transfer of construction permit, as well as the GPSU.
    • The applicant has not transferred a complete package of documentation (established by the regulations in paragraphs from 2.8 to 2.12, except 2.10).
    • The passed papers do not comply with the requirements specified in permission to deviate from the boundary characteristics of the approved recovery or construction of the structure.
    • The territory where construction is planned (reconstruction) is in possession of the state (municipal authorities) and transferred to the development of the site (before the formation of the memory, taking into account the projects of layout and survey).
    • The discrepancy between information on the authorized use of the memory or the availability of the restrictions stipulated at the legislative level in the Russian Federation.
    • Project discrepancy existing restrictions Applications of real estate in the territory near the airfields.

    If the applicant plans to extend the development permit in Moscow, the refusal is probably in a situation where the developer has not proceeded to work during the validity period of permits.

    Knowing the order and timing of obtaining permission to build in Moscow, for the collection of documentation and its submission to authorized bodies It takes less time. At the same time, the risk of refusal to provide services for reasons that are stipulated above are decreasing.

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