
Can the bank restrict travel abroad. How to go abroad with debts. How long does the travel ban last?

In 2020, a restriction on traveling abroad is imposed on a Russian citizen if the amount of debt is 30.0 thousand rubles. For a person who has problems with criminal law, the amount of debt is 10.0 thousand rubles.

You can check the availability of all your debts, even which you don’t know about, on a proven service.

You can check the availability of all your debts, even about which you do not know, on a trusted service.

There are situations when tourists go on vacation, successfully pass, but when passing through passport control they find out that they are subject to a restriction on traveling abroad.

The reason is unpaid debts:

When the restriction is introduced

"Automatic" ban in 2020 is not introduced. The timing of the introduction of restrictions in each case is different. It depends not only on the amount of debt, but also on who exactly the Russian owes.

According to the existing Russian legislation, a person cannot go abroad only if he evades the fulfillment of the obligations that were imposed on him by the court.

Having made a decision, the court sends the debtor's case to the bailiffs. In the future, it is they who work with the offender.

Debt related to violation of traffic rules

Only malicious violators of traffic rules are included in the list of "non-exit" ones - you need to try very hard so that the amount of the fine as a result amounts to 30.0 thousand rubles.

If a Russian suspects that he has problems with the traffic police, he should contact the public services website or go to the Controldebt.rf service. The second option is preferable, because on it you can find out about your debts within 1 minute.

How to check fines and debts on the public services portal

Debts on housing and communal services

Traveling outside of Russia has nothing to do with arrears in utility bills. Some citizens of the Russian Federation do not bother to pay according to the receipt, and at the same time they have the opportunity to travel to other countries.

A Russian citizen is limited in the right of free movement only if Management Company goes to court and asks to recover a debt from a non-payer. It is believed that she cannot apply to the court if the amount of the debt is not sufficient to prevent her from leaving.

In fact, public utilities can sue even if the debt is insignificant - it all depends on the management of the company.

You can resolve the issue with public utilities peacefully. To do this, the Russian will need to apply for a debt restructuring.

Bank debt

Do not confuse having a loan with a debt to a bank. In the first case, a person is released abroad even if he has several loans. The amount does not matter - the main thing is that the Russian makes a mandatory payment every month.

Abroad may not be released if there is an unpaid loan.

Of great importance is the relationship a Russian has with his bank. Usually state-owned banks are in no hurry to go to court. According to the law, they first send the debtor a notification letter, which contains a request to repay the debt within a certain time.

If the client does not respond to the letter, bank employees call him. The calls continue for a long time. You can call at any time, but strictly from 8 am to 23:00. Usually a robot calls.

The client is given up to 3 months to pay off the debt. After that, the case goes to court.

If a person suspects that he has a debt on a loan, then you should contact your bank. Specialists do not give correspondence consultations - you will need to contact the office in person. You should have a passport and an agreement with the bank with you.

The question of persons with debts on alimony

Child support debt is one of the most problematic in 2020. But a Russian can go abroad if his debt is less than 10.0 thousand rubles.

In all other cases, he becomes restricted to travel abroad until he pays the debt.

Checking travel restrictions online

On this service, you can check the ban and imposition of restrictions on traveling abroad in 2020 online.

Checking for debts and debts

You can also check for debts and debts that currently allow you to travel abroad, but in the future may become an obstacle to traveling abroad at this link.

In addition, many organizations over time accrue various fines and pennies for late payment of debts.

In 2020, paragraph 1 of article 67 of the Federal Law No. 229 was legislatively fixed the amount of debt limiting travel abroad - 30 thousand rubles. Citizens with debts for the recovery of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner, property damage and (or) moral damage caused by a crime, traveling abroad is prohibited if the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

Citizen Russian Federation has the right to freely leave the territorial boundaries of the country for the purpose of recreation, holding business meetings in the presence of relevant documents. In 2020, state legislation established restrictions on traveling abroad. The basis for the ban on traveling abroad are financial debts for payment of utilities, fines, alimony, customs duties, credit loans from banking organizations.

Normative base

In accordance with Art. 2 federal law“On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation dated 15.08.1996 No. 114-FZ, a citizen of the country has the right to unimpeded exit outside the state using a foreign identity document. Article 15 No. 114-FZ indicates temporary restrictions, which in 2020 apply to a certain category of the population:

  • the citizen has access to secret information;
  • an individual has entered into an employment contract, the condition of which is a ban on traveling abroad;
  • liable for military service;
  • accused of an illegal act before sentencing;
  • convicted of a crime serving a prison term in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • the citizen evades duties assigned by the court;
  • an individual provided false information when processing documents.

Types of debts

In 2020, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to leave the country if there are unpaid financial charges on time:

  • alimony for the maintenance of the child / children;
  • tax liabilities;
  • installment on a mortgage, a credit loan in a banking organization;
  • payments for the provision of public services;
  • compensation for damage to health;
  • property claims;
  • administrative fines.
For your information

Debt to state organizations, private individuals is the basis for a temporary restriction in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 67 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - FZ in the official manner established by the court at the request of the plaintiff or at own initiative bailiff, if the citizen does not attempt to pay the specified amount. If there are unclosed financial obligations from an individual entrepreneur before the Federal Tax Service, the institution has the right to decide to recover funds without the permission of the executive authorities.

Who can impose a travel ban in 2020?

With a financial debt to an individual for non-payment of alimony, moral compensation, property recovery, only a court can restrict departure. If a citizen has obligations to state organizations, administrative offenses, then the institutions apply for the independent issuance of a writ of execution.

  1. State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Customs Service.
  3. Border authorities, FSB.
  4. Police.
  5. The Federal Tax Service.
  6. Labour Inspectorate.
  7. banking organization.

After 3 days from the date of receipt of the petition, by decision of the court, the bailiff issues a decision to restrict crossing the state border in 2020 without personal presence individual in accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 No. 229 - FZ.

The process of imposing a ban on leaving the country

At the request of a private person or a state organization, a court session is scheduled, at which a writ of execution is issued - an order on mandatory payment financial resources. In 2020, the decision can be made without the presence of the defendant. After sentencing, prepare performance list, which is transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service for reporting to the debtor. The document states sum of money, details of an individual or public institution, the term of voluntary payment of the debt, which, in accordance with paragraph 12 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 No. 229 - FZ is 5 days from the date of receipt of the decision by the recoverer.


If after the specified time the amount is not paid to the plaintiff's account, the bailiff in 2020 imposes a ban on leaving the country for debts. The approved resolution is sent to the defendant, the Federal Migration Service, and border authorities, which put the citizen on the "black list" of a special database.

How long is the ban?

In accordance with paragraph 2.3 of the document "On the procedure for temporary restrictions on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation" dated 29.01.2008. No. 12/01-830-NV, developed on the basis of Art. 67 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 07.26.2017 No. 190 - FZ, the bailiff may make a decision to the recoverer about the impossibility of leaving the territorial limits of the country for debts for 6 months

If the debtor in 2020 pays the amount of money earlier than the established maximum period, the ban is automatically lifted. If the defendant does not comply with the conditions of the court decision within six months, the Federal Bailiff Service again issues a decision to restrict travel abroad.

How to check the travel ban for debts in 2020?

Before planning a trip, a business trip outside of Russia, it is recommended to make sure that there are no financial debts. In 2020, there are several ways to get information about personal financial difficulties.

  1. Registry Federal Service bailiffs.
  2. Official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. traffic police.
  4. banking organizations.

The FSSP electronic registry allows you to find out information about debts at home. On the page of the official portal, you must enter personal data (full name, date of birth) to view current executive documents that have not yet expired. The Internet site allows you to get acquainted with the procedure for repayment of unpaid invoices in real time.

The electronic page of the Federal Tax Service provides access to personal information after registration, which implies only the introduction of a TIN number. IN personal account after specifying the missing data about the owner, which are processed by the site for a short amount of time, information about debts for fees, mandatory contributions is reflected.

To clarify information on unpaid fines, receipts for administrative offenses, you must contact the traffic police. To date, the procedure for obtaining data has been simplified: on the official portal of "Public Services", a citizen of the Russian Federation, after pre-registration, receiving a personal code at the post office, through a telecom operator, can find out about personal debts.

For your information

To check the status of payment of a mortgage, a loan, you should contact banking organization where the money was taken. Get information on financial debt possible through Personal Area a user of a state institution or by calling a hotline when providing personal data of a passport.

How to get rid of the travel ban for debts?

Remove the temporary restriction on the right to visit foreign countries for debts in 2020, you can only pay off a monetary debt to a private person, department, organization. You can use several methods to pay:

  • personal account in Internet banking;
  • electronic payment systems: Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex Money, etc.;
  • mobile application of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • bank branch, terminal.

A receipt for payment must be submitted to the FSSP to remove the restriction. No more than 21 days are allotted for consideration of the case on enforcement proceedings for permission to leave. After confirming the fact of repayment of the debt, the bailiff sends a notification to the Federal Migration Service, border authorities.

When will the travel ban be lifted?

The temporary restriction is valid until the moment of repayment of the financial debt. After payment Money documents confirming this fact are transferred to the bailiff-executor to close the case of the recoverer. Notifications are sent to state organizations controlling the departure of citizens outside the Russian Federation. The term for obtaining documents by the Federal Migration Service, the FSB is at least 2-3 weeks. Thus, in order to leave the country in 2020, the defendant must wait for a confirmation notice from the FSSP.

Is it possible to go abroad with debts in 2020?

Temporary restriction - a ban on crossing the state border for debts issued by the executive authorities. Violation of a court decision is punishable by administrative and criminal liability. But in 2020 there are exceptions to established by law rules.

  1. A good reason for leaving is illness, death of a close relative, inheritance, urgent treatment.
  2. The time interval between the issuance of a new decision on the restriction at the intersection of the territory of the state.
  3. Crossing the border of friendly countries.

A serious reason related to the health of the claimant himself or his close relative, the decision of important legal issues, may be a reason for traveling abroad in 2020 if there is an unpaid invoice. The decision to lift the restriction is issued by the senior bailiff at his own discretion, subject to the availability of appropriate documentary evidence.

The term of the temporary ban shall not exceed 6 months from the date of the judgment. If the debtor has not paid, a new document is issued. It takes from 7 to 14 days to issue a repeated writ of execution. During this period, the claimant may freely cross the state border of the Russian Federation.

For your information

Citizens with a monetary debt that does not exceed the established minimum threshold have the right to travel abroad. To clarify the information, you need to contact the relevant departments: the Federal Bailiff Service, the Federal Tax Service, the traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, banking organizations.

Since February 2017, it is not possible to leave through Belarus if there are debts.


When making a decision on a temporary restriction on crossing the border of the state, the defendant has the right to appeal the verdict if the amount does not exceed 10,000 rubles for one writ of execution, the personal data of an individual is not correctly indicated, the decision is not approved by the senior bailiff, there is no corresponding notice of prohibition.

For unhindered travel abroad in 2020, citizens of the Russian Federation must follow the advice:

  • before the trip, update data on possible financial debts on the website of the FSSP, the Federal Tax Service, the traffic police;
  • timely pay fines, utility bills, compensation to individuals.

Bailiffs have the right, on their own initiative, to issue a decision on a temporary ban on travel abroad in the presence of a large unpaid amount.

1. The bailiff shall have the right, at the request of the recoverer or on his own initiative, to issue a decision on a temporary restriction on the departure of the debtor from the Russian Federation in case of default by the debtor-citizen or the debtor who is individual entrepreneur, within the period established for voluntary execution, without good reason, contained in the following requirements, issued by the court or being a judicial act:

1) claims for the recovery of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner, property damage and (or) moral damage caused by a crime, if the amount of debt for such executive document exceeds 10,000 rubles;

2) non-property claims;

3) other claims, if the amount of debt under the executive document (executive documents) is 30,000 rubles or more.

2. In case of non-fulfillment by a debtor-citizen or a debtor who is an individual entrepreneur, after two months from the expiration date for the voluntary fulfillment of the requirements specified in clause 3 of part 1 of this article, the bailiff has the right, at the request of the claimant or on his own initiative, to make a decision on a temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation, if the amount of debt under the executive document (s) exceeds 10,000 rubles.

3. If the executive document is not a judicial act or issued not on the basis of a judicial act, then the bailiff or recoverer participating in the relevant enforcement proceedings is entitled to apply to the court with an application to establish a temporary restriction for the debtor to leave the Russian Federation in compliance with the rules established by parts 1 and this article. On the basis of the entered legal force of a judicial act establishing a temporary restriction for the debtor to leave the Russian Federation, the bailiff, no later than the day following the day of receipt of the relevant judicial act, issues, in the manner prescribed by this article, a decision on a temporary restriction on the debtor's exit from the Russian Federation.

4. When issuing a decision on a temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation in the course of enforcement proceedings according to the executive document for the recovery of funds, the bailiff structural unit of the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service instructs the bailiff-executor of the structural unit of the Federal Bailiff Service to remove this restriction if there is information about the payment of debt under the executive document in the State information system about state and municipal payments.

5. The decision on the temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation is approved by the senior bailiff or his deputy.

6. A copy of the decision referred to in paragraph 4 of this article, in the form of an electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature the bailiff who issued this decision is immediately sent to the bailiff of the structural unit of the Federal Bailiff Service.

7. The bailiff who issued the decision on the temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation, no later than the day following the day of fulfillment of the requirements of the executive document, except for the case provided for in part 8 of this article, or the day of occurrence of other grounds for removing this restrictions, issues a resolution on lifting the temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation.

8. The bailiff of the structural unit of the Federal Bailiff Service, no later than the day following the day of placement in the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments of information on the payment of debt under the executive document, issues in the form of an electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of this judicial bailiff, a decision to remove the temporary restriction on the debtor's exit from the Russian Federation, a copy of which is immediately sent to the bailiff who issued the decision on the temporary restriction on the debtor's exit from the Russian Federation.

9. Exchange of information on the application and removal of a temporary restriction on the debtor's exit from the Russian Federation between the bailiff of the structural unit of the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service, the bailiff of the structural unit of the Federal Bailiff Service and the federal executive body in charge of security issues, carried out in in electronic format in the manner and terms established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of legal regulation in the field of justice, in agreement with the federal executive body in charge of security issues. For the purpose of exchanging this information, state system migration and registration records, as well as the production, execution and control of the circulation of identity documents, and one system interdepartmental electronic interaction.

10. Copies of decisions on temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation, on the removal of this restriction shall be sent by the bailiff to the debtor no later than the day following the day of their issuance.

Summer is the time for vacations and travel to warm countries. Many Russians prefer to spend this time abroad. But it is not always enough to buy a ticket, apply for a visa and pack your things. In some cases, travel abroad may be closed. For example, if there are unpaid debts on time.

Is it possible to go abroad with debts

Debt in our time is a common occurrence, since many citizens take out loans to realize their desires right now, and not wait until the required amount is accumulated. There is an opinion that any debts to a bank or other organization inevitably impose some restrictions, including travel abroad. This is far from true.

Current the legislative framework Russia points out that when the debt reaches certain limits, the restriction on leaving the country is not automatically imposed. In order for a ban to be approved against the debtor, it is necessary for the recoverer to go to court. After receiving the court decision, the plaintiff will have to initiate enforcement proceedings against the debtor. If he does not comply with the instructions of the court, a temporary ban on leaving the Russian Federation will be established in his respect.

According to Russian laws, if the debtor does not comply with the court order without serious reasons and does not pay the debt, then the bailiff has the right to decide on a temporary restriction of departure from the Russian Federation. The paper is sent to the border guard. The document is valid for 6 months. If after this time the debt is not paid, the measure is extended for the same period.

What amount of debt limits travel abroad

The minimum amount of debt at which a sanction is imposed is legally established. This is 10,000 rubles. But again, we emphasize, only if the debt is confirmed by the court. IN regulations it is separately specified that both the bailiff himself and the exactor upon the relevant application have the right to initiate a ban.

A debt of 10,000 rubles can be not only in one case, but also in the aggregate for several decisions. The subject of execution can also be anything - from a traffic police fine to a loan outstanding on time.

The debt limit of 10 thousand rubles is set for:

  • alimony payments;
  • compensation for harm to health;
  • property damage;
  • moral compensation.

For other types of debts (disciplinary, administrative, credit loans, tax evasion, non-payment of housing and communal services) a permissible limit of 30 thousand rubles is set.

If the debt is less than the limit, you can fly abroad without any problems. For example, once the traffic police issued a fine for speeding in the amount of 500 rubles, and the citizen safely forgot about it. In this case, no one will be able to forbid him to go abroad.

The amount of debt for making a decision on the ban must exceed 10,000 rubles, if it is less, no one has the right to impose restrictions.

Video: Russians cannot go abroad because of debts

The duration of the ban

Only a court can impose a ban on free exit, and only for a certain period - the maximum allowable period is 6 months. This restriction is set for citizens who have debts, the maximum allowable limit for which is 10 thousand rubles. If the debt was formed for reasons for which the limit is 30 thousand rubles, the temporary restriction on leaving the country will be valid for no more than 2 months.

To re-enter the restriction, the bailiff will have to go through the whole procedure again, that is, prepare documents, go to court, wait for a decision. In other words, a once-imposed ban is not automatically renewed after 6 months.

Is it possible to travel abroad with a loan and a mortgage

Just like that, the border service or the migration department will not prevent the exit. And they certainly don't care. credit history citizens, the presence of mortgages and other debts.

The exception is situations where banking or credit organisation applied to the court with a statement, where they indicated the debtor's failure to fulfill credit obligations. After passing judicial trial the Bailiff Service will receive the final verdict, on the basis of which an act will be prepared prohibiting the debtor from leaving the territory under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The right of the FSPP not to release debtors outside the Russian Federation is enshrined in FZ-229 "On Enforcement Proceedings". However, only a court can impose restrictive measures. Bailiffs implement judgment by sending the decision on restriction to the border and migration services.

Who sets the travel ban and how

To prohibit a Russian citizen from traveling abroad, the bailiff must have a court decision that has entered into force. With this document in hand, the bailiff opens enforcement proceedings. If the debtor is within reach, he is given 5 days to pay the debt. Then the bailiff, at his own discretion or at the request of the creditor, decides to restrict the exit and sends Required documents to the border and migration services. After the imposition of a sanction, a citizen will not be allowed to go abroad, they can withdraw a passport or refuse to issue it. The seizure takes place at the border, then the passport is sent to the department that issued it.

It must be understood that the presence of debts, even in open enforcement proceedings, does not mean a mandatory ban on leaving. The bank itself or a private person is not entitled to prohibit issuance abroad, if the issue is not understood in judicial order, there is no decision and proceedings on the case have not been opened. In other words, the creditor must first sue the debtor, obtain a decision, transfer the writ of execution to the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service). And only then can he demand to take restrictive sanctions against the debtor. Most often, bailiffs make such a decision precisely at the request of the creditor.

Types of debt that prevent leaving

We have already found out that the debt must be confirmed by a court decision. A missed loan payment will not become an obstacle to leaving if the bank did not go to court and did not receive a decision.

The restriction threatens citizens with debts under various articles:

  • alimony;
  • taxes;
  • overdue loans;
  • utility bills, housing and communal services;
  • debt to private individuals, confirmed by the court;
  • administrative fines imposed by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the police, the Federal Tax Service, the customs service, the labor inspectorate, and so on.

The traffic police will send the material to the court if the fine for violating traffic rules is not paid within 60 days. The police will do the same if the offender neglected penalties and did not make a payment in a timely manner.

In other words, any debts in 2018–2019 may lead to restrictions on exit from the Russian Federation.

How to check debts before going abroad

Usually, citizens themselves are aware of late payments on loans or rent, unpaid alimony and outstanding fines. And they are also most often aware of the consequences that usually arise due to debts: court decisions come by mail, the bailiff sends a summons, and so on. But there are times when debt becomes an unpleasant surprise. For example, a person does not live at the place of registration, letters about paying fines from the traffic police or other authorities simply do not reach him. Or the ex-spouse may unexpectedly file for alimony, and this fact will remain unknown to the defendant. There are plenty of options.

In order not to be in an unpleasant situation when leaving the country, it is advisable to ask in advance about the presence of debt. How to do it?

Of course, bailiffs and border guards have information about restrictive measures. It is undesirable to directly address this issue to the bailiff service. The FSSP is interested in collecting the debt from the debtor, the attention of a citizen to this issue can provoke a situation where the bailiff, at his own discretion, initiates an appeal to the court in order to close the exit. The best option is to make an official request to the border service.

Surname check in the register of the Federal Bailiff Service

You can find out about the debt already recognized by the court on the FSSP website. You will need to enter your personal data, and the system will issue a certificate of open enforcement proceedings indicating the amount of the debt, its origin and contact details of the bailiff. The site has the ability to immediately pay the debt in one of several ways. You can also pay off the debt with a personal visit to the FSSP branch. If you pay in the latter way, the money will be entered into the database much faster than with a cashless transfer.

The very fact of open enforcement proceedings does not mean that the exit from the Russian Federation is closed. The nuances of this issue will be clarified by the bailiff.

There are several ways to pay the debt on the FSSP website:

  • through Sberbank-online, for Sberbank clients there is also a corresponding tab in your personal account;
  • through the app for mobile phones FSSP;
  • across payment system("Yandex. Money", Qiwi, WebMoney, Robokassa);
  • on a printed receipt at any branch of the bank.

How to find out about unpaid taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service

It is useful to make sure that there are no debts for taxes and fees before the trip. To do this, you need to do several things:

  • go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, create a personal account (you will need a TIN number);
  • select the section "Find out your debt";
  • enter information in all fields and click the "Find" button.

After processing the request, the system will provide information about the existing debt.

Video: when alimony may not be allowed abroad

Where to check the debt according to the lists of traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

For information about debts unpaid fines for administrative violations in the field of traffic, you need to go to the portal "Gosuslugi". In your personal account, you can check whether there are fines issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Where and how to check the availability of credit debt

Loan debts will also prevent you from leaving for another state. To find out about the debt, you need to contact each banking institution with which the contract was concluded and clarify information about the debts. To do this, you can either visit the bank branch on your own, or go to your personal account or call hotline credit organization.

When visiting in person, you need to have a passport with you. To obtain information by phone, you will have to answer a few clarifying questions that the operator will ask.

How to lift a travel ban

The easiest and most correct way to lift the ban is to pay the existing debt. Moreover, this must be done in advance, and not a few days before departure from Russia.

Debts are important to pay in advance. The bureaucratic machine is designed in such a way that it is impossible to immediately get rid of restrictive measures. Both the imposition and removal of the ban is the prerogative of the bailiff.

The bailiff must make sure that the debt is repaid, make a decision on the withdrawal and send the document to the controlling services, which, in turn, are obliged to exclude the Russian from the “black list” of people not allowed to travel abroad. The procedure takes several days or even weeks (no more than 14 working days).

Do not expect that it is enough to pay the debt and take a receipt with you. The border service will not let you out of the country in this case either.

If a citizen is sure that the ban was introduced illegally and violates his rights, he can file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff. You can also file a complaint through the website of the prosecutor's office. It's completely free. But here you need to be completely sure that you are right, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

The final decision will be made after 10 business days. This period is necessary for the regulatory authorities to check the feasibility of the decision bailiff. As practice shows, in most cases, the appeal will not lead to anything if the applicant really has a debt that has reached maximum limit according to the requirements of the law.

Another solution to the problem is to end or suspend court proceedings. In practice, it is extremely rare, as it involves the conclusion of a peace treaty between the debtor and the recoverer.

Is it possible to bypass the ban

Until 2017, many debtors resolved the issue of the ban by leaving through Belarus. In February 2017, a border zone was introduced between Russia and Belarus with verification of documents. Border posts are equipped with terminals with access to various databases, including the database of Russian debtors. In other words, at present, debtors will not be able to freely leave through Belarus.

Video: how to legally get abroad while on the travel list

Departure through Kazakhstan

Another option for an emergency exit from the Russian Federation in the presence of debts is a trip through Kazakhstan. To circumvent the ban, debtors must act as follows:

  • purchase two tickets (transit and to Petropavlovsk);
  • cross the border on a transit ticket, for the authorities the debtor will be considered a transit traveler;
  • after passing the border control, present a ticket to Petropavlovsk and move in this direction;
  • get off at Petropavlovsk and head to the country of destination.

Departure through Kaliningrad

This option is only suitable for holders of a Schengen visa. A train ticket to Kaliningrad is purchased. But transport leaves in Vilnius, and from there you can fly to any country in Europe.

These methods are not completely illegal. They just use spaces in Russian laws. The border services of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and until recently Belarus are not interested Russian debts foreign guests, moreover, they simply do not have information about them. You can return back in any way, no one has the right to prohibit a citizen of the Russian Federation from entering Russia. Another issue is that upon returning home, the passport can be withdrawn.

  1. Periodically visit the FSSP website and check for any enforcement proceedings open against you.
  2. Visit the site of the justices of the peace of your district, go to the "Courtwork" section. So you can find out about a probable debt even before a court decision is made.
  3. Do not contact the bailiff for information about the ban. Perhaps the official did not have time to deal with your issue closely or extend the existing ban, and the creditor himself did not demand this.
  4. If, in your opinion, the restriction was established illegally, feel free to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint. This can be done even on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.
  5. To avoid a travel ban, pay the debt that has arisen in a timely manner. The need to travel abroad may appear unexpectedly, you need to be prepared for such an option in advance.
  6. Do not forget that it will take several weeks to lift the already established ban even after the final repayment of the debt.

An untimely paid fine can become a serious obstacle to traveling abroad in the Russian Federation during the summer vacation season. In order not to overshadow the rest and not get into an unpleasant situation when you have to abandon the trip, you need to make sure in advance that there are no debts and a travel ban.

Many Russian citizens spend holidays abroad. At the same time, they are advised to know what problems they may encounter if they have domestic debt. Such people are classified as restricted to travel abroad, as they are covered by this executive measure applied by the service in 2020.

It is worth noting that for Russians who visit foreign countries infrequently, this news may come as a surprise. Today, before going on a trip, tourists and people who want to get a job need not only to open a visa and pass a medical examination, but also.

For this category of citizens, admission abroad will be opened only when all debts are repaid. In addition, the amount of debt also matters: if it does not reach 30,000 rubles, then violators will not be considered travel restrictions in 2020.

The list of debts, in the presence of which a ban on crossing the border in order to visit another state, is imposed on citizens Russian legislation. It's unpaid alimony tax liabilities, penalties, unpaid public Utilities and outstanding loans.

If the settlements on debts were not made on time due to certain circumstances, as previously announced, then this issue will be considered. As a result, a decision may be taken to lift the restriction on exit. Situations in 2020 are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Alimony debtors can leave only if the amount of the debt does not exceed 10,000 rubles

The decision to recognize a person as a potential travel ban is made after a trial and without it. The ban can be imposed during the check of the list on the FSPP website by customs officers or border guards. Thus, the restriction is temporary and is valid in the event of an offense.

If it has been corrected: the fine has been paid, the assigned scope of work has been completed, then in order to lift the ban, it is enough to confirm these facts with the appropriate document, providing it to the body that filed the claim. If the problem is ignored, the case goes to court.

You can check the availability of all debts on the service

What to Expect from Bailiffs

If information about the existing debt was submitted to the court for consideration, and then to the bailiffs, then it will not only be a ban on traveling abroad, but also the repayment of debt obligations to the state.

Especially when it comes to taxes. The violator can pay off debts within five days on voluntary basis. This fact will be officially recorded. Prior to this, the defaulter will receive a notice by mail.

If the chance is not used, the violator will be forced to recover the debt. Measures are taken depending on the situation: property may be seized with its subsequent sale, or the amount of the debt may be withheld from the court by a court decision. wages.

Restrictions on the amount owed

It should be borne in mind that by the law of the Russian Federation, there is no official data on the amount of debt, which would be a criterion for introducing restrictions for a ban on traveling abroad. According to the rules of the law, any amount of debt can be considered a basis for recognizing a citizen as restricted to travel abroad.

In practice, things are somewhat different in this regard: the decision in this situation depends, as it were, on the bailiff or. In 2020 year, it is customary to recognize the amount of debt as valid only if it exceeds 30,000 rubles. It is worth noting that this rule is not official, but is successfully applied.

Debtors are allowed to travel abroad 2 weeks after payment of the debt

The time for which a ban on traveling abroad is imposed is not provided by law, however, this period should not exceed 6 months.

The procedure for imposing a ban on leaving Russia

After the court makes a decision to ban travel outside the country, the bailiff will be obliged to notify the debtor about this and send the decision to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and border control authorities. It is in these instances that lists of those who are not allowed to leave are drawn up.

If the violator did not have time to issue a foreign passport, the Migration Department imposes a ban on issuing it to the debtor. If the citizen has a foreign passport, then the document is not subject to seizure.

If the offender has not yet issued a foreign passport, then the migration service imposes a ban on its issuance

Any attempt to evade receiving a ban notice is strictly prohibited. A paper with a decision not to leave can be handed over to the debtor anywhere, even at the airport when passing customs control.

To prevent this from happening, and you don’t just spend a lot of money on a tour or tickets, check the restrictions in advance.

Clarification of the amount of debt

Before traveling abroad, you must without fail check whether a citizen planning to cross the border is included in the list of tax debtors.

If the Russian himself knows that he has unpaid obligations, then he is recommended to pay off the debt a month before the date of departure.

Checking on the website of the Federal Tax Service

It is possible to obtain reliable data on taxes on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. Here you can not do without registration. However, it is not easy to make it. They receive a password and login after registering on the site only if they apply to the tax office, which can give permission for this.

Then you need to visit the branch tax office his locality to get a password. The full registration procedure can take up to 3 days. This should be taken into account.

See in the video: entering the taxpayer's personal account.

If everything is successful, then you need to perform the following steps:

  • go to the "Personal account";
  • use the "Pay taxes" button;
  • get the whole list.

Payment can be made immediately by generating payment documents.

How to find out on the Gouslugi portal

A very convenient service for checking debts, but requires mandatory registration. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  • go to the most home page Portal of the State Service;
  • select "Catalog of services";

Main page State Services website

  • further "Taxes and finance";

1. Select the "catalog of services" section. 2. Select the section "taxes and finance"

  • now you need to log in, go through this simple procedure, entering all the requested data;
  • after confirming your account via SMS, you can fill out an application for the service (but you will need a TIN).

Such a standard registration will be enough to find out the tax amounts by TIN. But it is recommended to go through the entire procedure to the end and confirm the account by visiting the institution in person. After that, you can use the full functionality of the site.

Now, just by logging into your personal account, you will immediately see all the information. This is done like this:

  • log in to the portal with your personal account;
  • on the first page on the right, comprehensive information about existing debts is reflected;
  • if suddenly it is not there, then you need to click the "Settings" button;
  • in the section "Informers of public services" we include the necessary buttons;
  • we go back and see all the unpaid amounts (here you can find out the fines of the traffic police).

The arrow indicates your personal Account on the portal

By clicking on the icon "Tax debt", we find out specific information. You can pay immediately if you enter the details bank card.

Verification of enforcement proceedings on the website of the Federal Bailiffs Service

The debt of an individual for taxes can only get into the database of the Federal Bailiffs Service if a court decision has been made to collect the debt. In other cases, this site will not show the presence of debts.

The debt can be found by last name. This method is often used before a planned trip to another country. But it is effective only if the court proceedings have been started.

The sequence is:

  • go to the official website of the FSSP;
  • click the "Services" icon;

Internet page of the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, where you can check if there is a debt

Access to electronic services anyone can get it, however, bureaucratic delays cannot be avoided. It is realistic to speed up the procedure by visiting the local branch of the bailiff service. Prior to litigation, violators are allowed to pay off any debts themselves. For this, there are terminals that are recommended to use.

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