
Alimony in a solid monetary amount and their recovery. What is alimony in a solid monetary amount

Exist different types execution of alimony obligations. These include solid alimony. What grounds can be required to recover from the payer an alimony in this way? Funds for the maintenance of the child can be recovered when complying with certain circumstances.

The main condition is the receipt of earnings payer, which is often changing, that is, is irregular. This category of payers includes individual entrepreneurs, creative and seasonal workers. Another reason - the payer receives earnings in kind. Based on the fact that the cost of items earned in nature is quite difficult to assess, in such cases it will be advisable to recover funds in the firm sum. If the salary of the alimenter is issued in foreign currencyThe means can also be recovered in a solid amount.

There are situations where payers do not have sources of income, but own certain property that can be recovered. Therefore, when determining the magnitude of aliminal payments, you can impose a penalty for material valuesbelonging to the alimentar.

There are situations where payment of funds in another form violates the rights and interests of the parties. For example, when the payer lives not in the territory Russian FederationThe sources of all payer income are unknown or an alimony can have too high income.

Features of recovery

The solid amount alimony is a tool that allows the court as objectively to distribute material obligations between parents.

The main task in resolving the issue of aliminal payments is the provision of a child's proper standard of living. Payment amount is assigned based on financial opportunities The payer, taking into account his family position and the presence of other persons in his family, in whose favor he should carry respectively spending.

The amount of payments is set on the basis of the value. subsistence minimum For young children. The foundation is the cost of living, established at the place of residence of the child in the relevant region of the Russian Federation. The calculation can be made on the basis of the subsistence minimum in the country as a whole, if its size is not defined in the region. When this value changes, the size of the aliminal payments is indexed.

After divorce, parents sometimes share children among themselves, then funds need to be recalled in solid monetary sum. They must pay the parent, which is more secured. This is done in order to create children equal material conditions for living. During the consideration of such disputes, the income of both parents and the financial position of each of them are taken into account, the composition of their families. After that, the amount of alimony will be determined, which must be paid monthly with the same payments.

How is the recovery of alimony in a solid amount? To do this, it is necessary to transfer the claim to the court demanding to collect funds in this way. It is important to take into account that judicial order According to alimony in a solid monetary amount is not allowed. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to determine the circumstances that affect the possibility of this penalty and the amount of alimony.

The case of the recovery of funds for the maintenance of children will be considered by the world judge. The claim can be transferred at the place of residence of the plaintiff or the defendant.

Calculation of the size of alimony

Finding out all the circumstances, the court makes a solution in which the fixed size of the alimony will be stipulated. Its calculation is made on the basis of the size of the subsistence minimum established in a particular region. Along with this, the Court is guided by circumstances as the material condition of the parties, the presence of other children in the family. The main task is to preserve the child of the appropriate conditions that meet the same level of life.

Similarly, the calculation of alimony from the unemployed. The fixed amount of alimony from the non-working alimer to the court will define, repulse from the size of the minimum regional subsistence minimum. It is important to know what the child's place is taken into account, and not the payer.

If the subsistence minimum in the region is not established, the amount of payments will be established on the basis of the total subsistence minimum in Russia as a whole. This amount It is established quarterly by the Government of the Russian Federation. After changing the subsistence minimum, the size of the alimony to be paid in the solid amount is also subject to indexation. According to russian legislation The recalculation of the size of the alimony in this case will produce a bailiff or an institution where the debtor works.

Children's maintenance obligations can be executed in a similar way and on the initiative of a person paying for alimony, for example, if it has several sources of revenue receiving and the constant provision of information about them becomes difficult for both the payer and for the bailiff.

Drawing up a claim

To file such a claim may each of the parties.

The court has the right to recover funds for the maintenance of young children simultaneously in the income to the income of the alimer and in a solid amount.

The claim should include all the information on the basis of which the court will be able to accept a similar solution. At the same time, it is important to specify the facts that can specifically determine the ratio of the payer to the persons installed in Art. 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, and the conditions for the material content of the child joint accommodation Regarding the real financial situation.

When filling out the claim, the plaintiff must:

  • follow legal acts that regulate this type an alimony relationship;
  • comply with the order established by the legislation of Russia.

It should be not forgotten that the sample of the application in this case is slightly different from the sample of the claim for making an order for their recovery. The principal difference is that the nature of the information contained in it will vary depending on the estimated size money compensation. The requirement for recovery allows the court to establish the equity ratio of aliminal payments.

The execution of alimony obligations is possible in several ways. For the recipient, the main thing that the debtor will in a timely manner and fully transferred the money to a minor child. Some former spouses come to the conclusion that the optimal option is the alimony in a solid monetary amount. What is this technique? Why did she get such widespread? What are the advantages of this method?

To make the payment of alimony in a solid monetary amount, it is necessary to collect a package of documents and contact the world court. Only this instance has the right to consider such cases. The size is determined on the basis of the current subsistence minimum. In 2019, Mrometa in Russia is 11280 rubles (). The procedure for actions of the judge was regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Alimony in a solid monetary amount is appointed not only to support children who have not achieved adulthood. Such payments are provided for the content of the second parent, who assumed the obligations to raise the kid to three years. To arrange alimony, you should be a lawsuit and consult a world court.

Number of common minor children: 1
3 or more
Salary of the second parent: rub.


Subtract NDFL from salary: Yes
Other revenues of the second parent: rub.


A feature of alimony in a solid monetary amount is that the amount of payment does not depend on the salary and other income of the payer. Monetary support is calculated in a multiple of the subsistence minimum. In those situations where this indicator is not installed, judicial authorities Take into account the data indicated by the Government of Russia.

Conditions for accrual of payments in solid form

The court, having considered the case on the recovery of alimony from the defendant, can assign payments in a solid amount only under the observance of several conditions. The main is the absence between former spouses a notarized agreement on the provision of monetary help in favor of the child. In addition, the condition is necessary that the person believes to which the penalty is consistent with one of the following parameters:

  • the citizen has a changing or non-permanent salary;
  • person pay labor currency or give income in kind;
  • the defendant has no permanent income.

In addition to the marked criteria there is one more. This is the situation when an alimenter has a share of payments to wages does not suit the plaintiff due to violations of the interests of a minor child.

Any of the listed factors is a reason to appeal to court for the appointment of alimony in a solid monetary amount. If the current situation does not fall under the marked positions, then payments are appointed in wages.

The parent, on the care of which is an adult child, has the right to recover alimony from the defendant. If the person turned 18 years old, he is recognized as disabled, does not work and needs specialized care, then it is not difficult to fulfill such an operation. Note that such information must be confirmed officially.

Also, fixed alimony can be assigned to a former pregnant wife or a woman who brings up a child who has not achieved a three-year-old age. Another option for the appointment of alimony in solid form is a former spouse / spouse recognized as in need of content.

Cash payments


The key advantage of alimony in solid form is the ability to recover from the payer with cash, which exceed the standard percentage of salary (one of the provisions of the Family Code). Here, the most important rule is the presence of evidence of the real size of the monthly profits of the alimenter.

Useful video: the size of alimony in a solid monetary amount


Alimony in a solid monetary amount is not deprived of the shortcomings. The main difficulty is the complexity and confusion of the process, as a result of which the Court establishes a fixed amount of money payments. In addition, the claim lasts long enough. If the plaintiff is ready to endure all the difficulties and temporary losses, then you can use this option.


For registration of alimony in fixed monetary terms, it is necessary to collect and provide a certain set of documents. Documentation together with the statement of claim, which is drawn up in accordance with the current rules, should be conveyed to the world court. To open the case, you will need:

  • a copy of the passport and the child's birth certificate;
  • help confirming the residence of the defendant;
  • marriage certificate and document on the termination of the Union (copies);
  • the calculation of the amount of alimony to which the plaintiff claims;
  • justification of the cost of maintenance of a minor.

Only the plaintiff determines where the judge will consider the case (at the place of residence of the recoverer of alimony or at the place of residence of the defendant). Composing the statement of claim, you must specify this information. The claim must contain data confirmed documented, about the sources of the respondent's income.

Download Sample of the statement On the recovery of alimony in a solid amount:

Arbitrage practice

The judicial practice of recovery of alimony in a solid monetary amount indicates that in 2019 such payments have the right to receive:

  • Minor children.
  • Disabled adults.
  • Parent, raising a disabled child.
  • Pregnant woman.
  • Spouse, which is engaged in the upbringing and content of the child.
  • Parent, who for 1 year after the divorce has become disabled disabled.

Per lately The number of such court cases increased, as in 2019 the number of unemployed and people who hide their real incomes increased.


After graduating consideration of the case, the judge determines the amount of recovery, which is indicated in the relevant decision. Only this document is the basis for registration of the executive list - a document subsequently transferred bailiffs. At its foundation, experts organize the process of recovery of alimony from the payer.

Obtaining alimony in solid form is beneficial to those parents, on the care of which are children who have not reached the age of majority, who understand that the payer covers his real monthly income. If it can be obliged to list a specific amount moneyIt is better to choose this particular option when contacting the court. Moreover, subsequently the size can be adjusted towards increasing or decreasing.

Obviously, this option is coming far from all recipients of aliminal payments. Before contacting the court, we should weigh and analyze. If there is an opportunity, it is better to apply for a consultation to an experienced specialist who is engaged in family right. In this case, errors are excluded. The plaintiff must understand that the well-being of a joint child depends on the alimony and their timely arrival.

Receive aliminal payments in a solid monetary amount seeks almost every applicant on them. This is understandable.

  1. First, it is a guarantee that a certain amount will come to the account of the recoverer in any case, even if the payer's income suddenly decreases.
  2. Secondly, the recipient always knows how much the child can count in the form of alimony per month.
  3. Thirdly, this amount is appointed in proportion to the subsistence minimum, which means it increases automatically along with its growth.

Who can receive alimony in a solid monetary amount

Not every recipient can count on "solid" alimony. Their circle is limited by the legislator:

  • children under eighteen feet;
  • children of adults, but disabled or incapable (most often it is a disabled childhood);
  • mother or father who do not work, as they take care of a disabled child or young, under the age of three years.

But even these persons cannot count on fixed payments with one hundred percent confidence. Only the presence of certain conditions can give them such an opportunity.

Decision of alimony in a solid amount

The conditions for the recovery of alimony in a solid monetary amount are not taken from the ceiling, and in the disposition of the 83rd Article of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

  1. checks from stores where food is purchased, clothes and necessary household items;
  2. receipts from educational institutionswho visits the child (kindergarten, sections, circles, courses, etc.);
  3. certificates of medical institutions, pharmacies, if a child needs constant care, treatment and medicine;
  4. other.

Well, if the applicant is reliably known all the revenues of the defendant and he will be able not only to call them, but also to confirm documented:

  • information from his standing work,
  • extracts from bank institutions,
  • help Is. pension Fund (if the payer is a pensioner)
  • etc..

Standing list of documents confirming the availability of the parties common child, their marital status, personality passports, help from the place of residence to the suit also need to be attached.

The plaintiff and the defendant need to be prepared for challenges to court sessions. Only after the thorough study of the material situation of both, the judge will be able to make a decision on the appointment of both of both their arguments and proposals fixed alimony. It will be an executive list, which is subsequently sent to control the alimony payments to the territorial service of bailiffs. And to deduct the alimony from the payer's income: on his work (or other organizations that transfer to him) or to him for execution personally.

The court may even combine "solid" and "equity" alimony from one payer. It is more often done if the latter has not one source of income: fixed alimony will be held from one, and from the other - interest from income.

Payment of alimony in a solid monetary amount by agreement

Family legislation does not prohibit the payment of "solid" alimony on a voluntary agreement concluded between spouses.

In compiling such an alimony contract, the spouses can independently agree on a specific fixed amount of monthly payments for the content of their child.

It is important to observe the three main conditions. The firmly established aliminal money amount should:

  1. satisfy the needs of the child and not violate his interests;
  2. do not worsen significantly the financial position of the payer and other children (if available);
  3. being less than that amount that would be relying to a child or children when appointing alimony in fractions on the income of an alimony-payer (that is, less than one quarter per child, one third - on two, etc.).

Parents have the right to provide in their agreement a different type of "solid" payout: not a monthly, but one-time. That is, the payer's parent can once making a large cash payment for the maintenance of the child, able to cover its financial needs up to the age of majority. This option is possible that this amount will be left on a special account for a child. Or firmly established alimony and will be expressed in the property form - real estate or other expensive property. The law does not prohibit such material assistance Its child, but it should not disturb his interests or go against the wishes of the recipient of alimony.

Video: Alimony for children

Is it possible to change a fixed amount of payments

Firmly pronounced alimony increase in proportion to the growth of the subsistence minimum amount, according to which they are numbered: PM grows - alimony is growing. But with a decrease in PM, an aliminal amount will not change. In the legislation, such a process was called indexation.

But the size of fixed alims can be changed in private with the presence of the conditions set out below.

The sum of "solid" alimony can be increased if:

  • the income of the payer has increased and can be confirmed;
  • alimony is needed not only for the maintenance of a young child, but also on his parent who does not work, because located in maternity leave with him;
  • as a result of inflation to the means that were previously appointed, not enough for the needs of the child.

"Solid" alimony can be reduced if:

  • the payer's income is reduced due to weighty reasons (reduction in the workplace, loss of health, etc.);
  • in new family The payer was born a child.

If the indexation of fixed payments occurs automatically, the change in the size of the alimony at the above reasons is possible only by applying to the court and obtaining an affirmative decision of the court.

In compiling a voluntary agreement on firmly established alimony, the parties themselves should provide for the conditions for indexing the payment. Or by mutual agreement, they can change this document aside an increase or decrease in the amount of payment.

Pros and disadvantages of a fixed payment method

Positive aspect of an alimony pay in solid sum - This is the confidence that the receipt of funds is guaranteed monthly to the recipient, regardless of the size of the payer's income from month to month. And this payment is automatically increasing in parallel with the increase in the subsistence minimum, and does not depend on the change in the payer's earnings in the direction of increasing or decreasing.

The negative side of the appointment of fixed alimony can be considered a long judicial order Their recovery (if they are not installed by their parents in the agreement), as well as the complexity to establish the real income of the payer.

Regardless how former spouses agreed on the payment of alimony - voluntarily or forced - the amount should be no less than the one that is worth the law. Non-compliance with payments is fraught with debt accumulation and administrative penalties. In addition, it is important to understand the mother to what financial assistance it is entitled to claim children, and for this you need to be able to correctly calculate the alimony payments.

Alimony as a percentage of salary

The procedure for calculating the alimony depends on the type of employment: with constant earnings, the deductions are made in the equivalent. 1/4 of the father's income of the father is relying on one child, on two - 1/3, on three or more - up to half.

The share is determined on the basis of the total number of minor children, regardless of whether they were born in one family or in different. The only child will receive 25% of the father's salary before the birth of a consolidated brother or sister later, after which its share will be reduced to 16, 67%. Recalculation is possible only after the appeal of the father to court with the relevant statement.

Sources of income from which alimony is held:

  • salary, including all premiums and surcharges;
  • dividends and stocks;
  • income from entrepreneurial activity;
  • revenues from rental of premises;
  • pensions and scholarships;
  • copyrighted fees;
  • temporary disability benefits;
  • unemployment benefits;
  • money allowance of military and civil servants;
  • revenues of convicts and persons on cure in psychiatric and narcological clinics.

Alimony are held by S. clean amount income, i.e. After deducting NDFL. If the employee's salary, taking into account the premiums, was 60,000 rubles, then the accountant will first subtract 13% income tax, and only then - from the remaining 52 200 rubles. - Aliminal part.

The income is also recognized property deductionwho returns from the state treasury after the purchase of housing. The easiest way, if the deduction provides an organization: then from wages The employee is not held by NDFL, and the alimony is calculated with the full amount. If the money lists the tax on the basis of the annual declaration, then to oblige a former spouse to pay an aliminal share is very problematic, because A child's mother may not even guess that he gets them.


  • Petrov A.A. pays alimony in favor of two minors. Employee salary - 36 000 rubles. After the deduction of NDFL (36,000 - 13%) net income is 31,320 rubles. Two children hold 33, 33%, which is 10 440 rubles. If children are born in one marriage, then the amount is listed entirely, if in different, then each due to 5220 rubles.
  • With the same salary of Sidorov I.I. Pays alimony to the only son - he gets 25% of the father's income, which is 7830 rubles.
  • Their colleague Ivanov V.V. Gets a property deduction at the place of work, and the NDFL is not held with it. At an income of 36,000 rubles. He pays for a child 9000 rubles. per month.

Solid monetary alimony

This method of calculating alimony is used in cases where a citizen:

  • does not have an official or regular source of income;
  • receives wages in currency or nature;
  • performs obligations to maintain the former spouse or disabled relatives.

The size depends on the size of the subsistence minimum in the region, the solvency of the parent and other factors. There is no exact formula, and to predict in advance what amount will eventually prescribe the court, it is very difficult.

The alimony in a solid monetary amount is subject to indexation with each quarterly increase of the subsistence minimum. Alimony up to 25,000 rubles. Indexed at the place of work of the payer, above - employees of the FSSP.

Example: Ivanov A.A., living in St. Petersburg, pays alimony in the amount of 1.5 of the subsistence minimum. How is the amount of payments indexed?

  • Q2 2016: 9 986,20 * 1, 5 \u003d 14 979,30
  • III quarter 2016: 10 072, 10 * 1, 5 \u003d 15 108,15

Alimony for an incomplete month: how to calculate

The deduction of alimony begins with the date specified in executive sheet - She can be any, so in accounting practice Often the question is, how to correctly calculate the amount for an incomplete month.

The method of calculation is not specified by law: it is possible to consider both on working days and on the calendar. However, the second option is used more often, since the alimony is held not only from wages, but also from vacation taxes, as well as temporary disability benefits. Actual wage is divided into total number calendar days months and multiplied by the number of calendar days from the date indicated in the executive list.

Example: Employee Kuznetsov A.A. obliged to pay alimony from November 16 in favor minor Son.. Salary for November amounted to 43,300 rubles. The calculation for an incomplete month looks like this:

  • Net income: 43 218 rub. - 13% NDFL \u003d 37 600 rub.
  • Income per calendar day: 37 600/30 (number of days in November) \u003d 1253, 33 rubles.
  • Income for an incomplete month: 1253.33 * 15 \u003d 18 800 rub.
  • The amount of alimony to hold: 25% of 18,800 rubles. \u003d 4 700 rub.

Alimony in a solid monetary amount for an incomplete month is even easier: only to divide it on the number of days in the current month and multiply by the number of calendar from the specified date.

Example: The aforementioned officer Kuznetsov A.A. From November 16, it should pay alimony in favor of a former wife in the amount of 9,500 rubles each month. Calculation for an incomplete month:

  • Alimony for a calendar day: 9500/30 (number of days in November) \u003d 316.67 rubles.
  • Number of days B. incomplete month: from 16 to 30 November \u003d 15
  • The amount of alimony to hold: 316.67 * 15 \u003d 4 750 rubles.

Calculation of aliminal duty

The alimony debt may be formed both by chance, due to an accountant error, and as a result of the intentional parental refusal from transferring funds. Last fraught with strict recovers: Last year, the government tightened control over the execution of aliminal obligations, and, in addition to administrative responsibility, the defaulter threatens deprivation of driver's license and restriction on leaving abroad.

The calculation of the debt is carried out by bailiffs, including debts on voluntary aliminal agreements. The method depends on how payments were charged.

  • If the parent pays alimony from wages, an FSSP employee demands a certificate of income from the place of work for the past period. Based on the data on income, the addition determines the amount of debt, taking into account the penalties and fines. If necessary, he can make a request to the organization where the employee is employed.
  • In the absence of data on the amount of wages, its average value in the Russian Federation is used to calculate the debt - in 2017 it is higher than 36,000 rubles. The debtor with a smaller income is much more profitable to grant documents from the place of work.
  • Alimony in a solid monetary amount is subject to indexation in proportion to an increase in the subsistence minimum in the region during the entire non-payment period.

Example: Citizen Petrov V.V. In the period from July to December 2016 did not pay alimony on two children.

a) at the request of the bailiff of Petrov provided a certificate of income in the amount of 27,000 rubles. per deducting NDFL. Monthly deductions in favor of minors are 1/3 of income \u003d 9 000 rubles. total amount Debt for 7 months - 63,000 rubles.

b) Petrov could not make a certificate from the place of work, and the calculation was carried out on the basis of the size of the average wage in the Russian Federation at 36,000 rubles. Total debt: 12 000 * 7 \u003d 84 000 rub.

Penalties for violation of payments time or non-payment of alimony - 0.5% of monthly sum For every day of delay. You can recover a penalty through court by submitting a claim.

The penalty is not charged in cases if the payment of payment occurred not due to the fault of the payer:

  • salary delay;
  • accountant or cashier bank error;
  • lack of income due to disability;
  • the recipient did not notify the change of details or provided incorrect.

Mothers do not necessarily independently consider alimony debt. It is much easier to apply for a bailiff or find information on the current debt on the FSSP website or "Gosviers". If we are talking about the size of the alimony to be deduction, then the calculation rules are simple, and there are online calculators for lazy, where you can substitute the necessary values \u200b\u200band get a ready-made result as a sum.

Alimony to ensure the child with everything they need can be appointed by the court in two versions: as the share of earnings of one parent and as a monetary amount of a certain size, monthly transferred by the payer.

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Specific examples from judicial practice

All cases on the appointment of alimony are considered by the court individually, the decision is made based on a specific situationForesting.

Partial satisfaction of the claim

Citizen and appealed to the court in 2014, with a statement about the appointment of alimony on its minor daughter of 2010 of birth former husband, Citizen B. In a statement, a citizen A pointed out that since 2012, with her husband they live separately, and since 2013 they are officially divorced. All this time, she did not receive any financial assistance from the former spouse for the maintenance of the child and independently provided the daughter with everything necessary.

Citizen and in his statement demanded the appointment of alimony in a solid monetary amount on the basis that citizen B is individual entrepreneur and has unstable incomeAnd also receives part of income in kind.

The woman asked to appoint an alimony in the amount of three subsistence minids, indicating that it was as much as she spends on food, clothes, a kindergarten, medicine, toys and organizing his daughter leisure. In addition, a citizen and asked the court to recover, since at this time the husband did not live with her and did not accept the participation in the education and the content of the child.

The court listened to the testimony of a citizen B, examined the documents provided (in particular, the child's birth certificate) and decided to satisfy the lawsuit of the citizen and partly.

Alimony were prescribed in fixed sizeSince a citizen B really has an irregular income. The payment was appointed in the amount of a 1.15 subsistence minimum on a minor in the region, since this amount the defendant agrees to pay, and the citizen and did not provide documentary evidence that she spends more on the child.

In the recovery of alimony for the past period, the court refused, as a citizen B gave a receipt in a monthly receipt of money from the defendant for the maintenance of a child written by Citizen and in 2013.

Also, on the basis of the claimant's request, the court ruled the state duty for the consideration of the case to pay the defendant.

A citizen e with a statement about the recovery of alimony in a fixed amount with a citizen N, with which from 2008 to 2013 consisted of a registered marriage and has two children of 2009 and 2011. Citizen E pointed out in a statement that the court had previously appointed alimony in the amount of 1/3 of the earnings of a citizen N, but this amount is clearly not enough to keep two children.

In addition, a citizen H is engaged in part-time (except for official work by the janitor he is engaged in installing plastic windows) And has an income from which the alimony is not accumulated. Citizen E in a statement asked the court to establish alimony in the amount of 50% of the subsistence minimum on each of the children.

The court considered the documents provided, listened to the witnesses and decided to refuse. The reason for the refusal was the presence of a permanent place of work at the defendant, receiving them regular income, as well as the lack of documentary evidence of its additional earnings.

The world judge came to the conclusion that the claims of the plaintiff were due to the receipt of previously awarded alimony and attempts to avoid paying from paying the full amount of alimony (in the amount of 1/3 of all types of its income, as previously decided by the court).

That is, the problem is not in the amount of alimony, but in the desire of the defendant to hide income. This issue is engaged in the bailiff and prosecutor's office. Previously, the decision of the court remained unchanged, and the defendant has the right to appeal the results of the meeting held during 10 days.

The plaintiff, a citizen D., appealed to the court with a statement on the appointment of alimony for the maintenance of two young children and himself from his former spouse, a citizen of T. Since a citizen of a permanent job did not have and at the same time paid alimony for the maintenance of a child from the previous marriage, the plaintiff He asked to appoint alimony in a solid monetary amount in the amount of 0.5 subsistence minimum on themselves and in the amount of the subsistence minimum on each of the children.

Having considered all the documents provided and interviewing witnesses, the court decided the claimed claim to satisfy completely. The basis for such a decision was: the lack of a permanent job of the defendant, the presence of alimony obligations in relation to the elder child, documenting the cost of the claimant's expenses for children (a citizen of the Citizens of Checks from shops and pharmacies collected within one month).

As the appointment of alimony in the equity would significantly affect the interests of children (The resulting amount would be extremely small and would be transferred irregularly), the defendant did not have a permanent job, the court decided to pay fixed amount Alimony.

Court rulings and counseling of lawyers

On the Internet there are many sites on which you can read the issued court rulings and even get clarifications from lawyers On the appointment of alimony in a fixed amount of money. You can search for such information on the forums. For example, .

To find materials of cases and advice of specialists It is possible on women's forums and sites dedicated to motherhood.

Sites of companies and private lawyers providing various legal services lay on their pages the materials discussed in court, which can also serve as an example.

Each World Court and Court of General Jurisdiction has its own page on the Internet.. These sites must have information on all considered cases, including alimony issues.

As well as cases of consideration by the court of cases, citizens' questions and comments of lawyers can be viewed on special legal portals, for example, in a social network for lawyers.

In any case, the Court makes a decision that guarantees the greatest degree of compliance with the interests of the child.

Parents, relying on the available examples of court decisions, can prepare for court sessionTo provide complete information and avoid misunderstanding.

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