
Presidential Decree 585 Assistance in Redemption. Young and large families were left without state aid: the new decree on subsidies canceled the old one. Will the subsidies be recalculated depending on the refinancing rate

The head of state signed a decree changing the 240th presidential decree: now young and large families who counted on subsidies under the 585th decree will be able to receive them. This was reported by the presidential press service.

In accordance with the document, those in need of improvement can count on the extension of the 585th decree. housing conditions young and large families who have entered into a loan agreement for the construction, reconstruction or purchase of housing before August 6.

We will remind, on July 6, the President signed a new one on targeted subsidies for housing, which will take effect from August 6. It turned out that along with it, another decree - on assistance to young and large families in the construction of housing - No. 585 will lose its force.

Young families and large families who counted on subsidies under the 585th decree and took commercial loans at 19-20%, fell into a legal pit - if their houses are not handed over by August, then they are not entitled to subsidies for 585, and they are not yet entitled to subsidies for 240 (they subsidize it in order of priority). Families that entered construction in 2016-2017 could be left with huge loan payments that they would not have risked taking if it were not for the hope of the state. Subsidies under the 585th decree were only given to those who took out commercial loans for housing.

A week after the signing of Decree No. 240, the Minister of Architecture and Construction, that the cancellation of Decree No. 585 was premature, apologized to the families and promised to find a way out of the situation: the minister sent an appeal to the President to extend the action of the 585th decree for the period of completion of the construction of houses started by construction before the adoption of the 240th decree.

“The issue of those beneficiaries who got into a legal conflict over the adoption of Decree No. 240 and the cancellation of Decree No. 585 has been resolved. These are 2,962 families, of which 148 are large. Today this problem has been resolved: the head of state signed decree No. 274. In accordance with it, those families who have concluded credit agreements until August 6, they will continue construction of housing and, after registration, will be able to receive the support they were counting on - it will be about Br27 million, ”said Anatoly Cherny.

Today, at a meeting with journalists, Anatoly Cherny noted: Decree No. 585 has been extended until loan agreements for 2,962 families applying for subsidies are implemented. “There are no time limits for the delivery of houses. The houses will be rented out on schedule, the standard construction time is no more than 10 months, plus a month for registration. All work should be completed in the first quarter of 2018, ”the minister explained.

Anatoly Cherny drew attention to the fact that there are no delays in payments in accordance with Decree No. 585. He continues his action. “Support for young and large families in the future will remain in accordance with decrees No. 240 and No. 13, which will operate in parallel. This support has not decreased compared to the level of the previous year. Next year, funds will be allocated under decree No. 13. Gradually we will move on to one decree No. 240. This is a progressive document that does not prejudice anyone's interests, "the minister is quoted as saying.

Decree No. 240 on targeted subsidies for housing construction, which will replace Decree No. 585 in August, may deprive young and large families of financial support from the state. On this moment people are signing a petition asking for the renewal of the old decree. The officials admitted the mistake and will probably go to meet those in need of housing.

Decree No. 240 on targeted subsidies for housing construction will enter into force on 7 August. According to it, beneficiaries who need to improve their living conditions will be able to get help in repaying part of the real estate loan. And strictly in turn.

According to decree No. 585, people could not wait for years for their turn and preferential loan, took a loan from a commercial bank under high interest rates and began to build.

Then the state provided compensation in the form of a subsidy. Family with one child - 40 budgets living wage(7353 rubles), a family with two children - 80 BPM (14 705 rubles), for large families “extinguished” 100 BPM (18 382 rubles).

It turns out that with the entry into force of the new decree, such families will be left without financial assistance from the state, if the house does not have time to be commissioned and the housing does not become property according to the documents until August 7, that is, in almost three weeks.

Borrowed at crazy interest rates

A resident of Slutsk, Victoria Lagun, together with her husband and two preschool children, began construction of a private house in the Novodvortsy microdistrict. There was not enough savings, so at the end of last year the family took out a loan from a commercial bank at 21%. Victoria counted on state aid in the amount of 80 living wage budgets. This is 14 705 rubles (almost $ 7400). But the family does not have time to finish building the house by August, so the subsidy, if the effect of the 585th decree is not extended, will not receive it.

“We counted on this money, and that's why we got into a loan at such crazy interest rates. We will puzzle over how to feed the child and how to pay the bills, ”Victoria says indignantly.

The Lagoon family stood in the needy line almost at the end of the list. According to Victoria, the line could reach them in 10-15 years. So we decided not to wander around rented apartments, and to resolve the issue of housing while young.

There are many dissatisfied

After the announcement that the 585th decree would be canceled, the Belarusians began to discuss the difficulties associated with its cancellation on forums and in the media. On the Internet on the website Рetitions. by passed a collection of signatures against the cancellation of the decree.

“The families that entered the construction, which collected, planned, counted on the support of the state, were left overnight with unbearable debts and loans. Officials did not consider it necessary to inform people in advance about the planned cancellation of such a vital decree; many families began construction without even assuming that it would be canceled, ”the appeal says.

In a few days, 1288 people signed up for the petition. On July 17, the administration of the site forwarded the petition to the Administration of the President, to the Ministry of Architecture and Construction.

Snezhana Dubchenok, activist on the website Рetitions. by, drew attention to the fact that first of all it is necessary to support families who entered construction before July 6, 2017 - on that day decree No. 240 was signed and Belarusians learned about it.

According to Snezhana, such a decision seems to be the most realistic in the current situation, because many young families entered construction, counting on the support of the state, but were left with debts. And not every family will be able to settle accounts with them.

The authorities apologized

Officials reacted to people's dissatisfaction with the cancellation of the 585th decree. Anatoly Cherny, Minister of Architecture and Construction of Belarus, on July 13, at a meeting with journalists, said: “Cancellation of the 585th decree did not make sense since August 6, the deadline that we have outlined in the new document. We could not foresee that a certain category of people who built their budgets for housing construction will hit the rock of misunderstanding. It must be admitted that this is a serious mistake and we apologize. Today my appeal to the head of state has been prepared to extend the action of the 585th decree for the period of completion of the construction of houses started by construction before the adoption of the 240th decree. "

Targeted housing subsidies will replace the Decree on Assistance to Young and Large Families in the Construction of Housing. The head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, Alexander Gorval, told reporters about this.

“Decree No. 585, in accordance with Decree No. 240, is terminated on August 6 this year. Those who have a decision of the executive committees to provide subsidies will receive them. If the decision is not made by this time, then subsidies will not be paid on these loans, "- said Alexander Gorval.

Alexander Gorval also stressed that young and large families, according to Decree No. 240, can also count on state support, receiving subsidies to pay part of the interest or compensation for the principal debt. "If we talk about the balance of interests, the new Decree will in some cases be more advantageous than the subsidies that were issued earlier," He added.

When asked how the new decree will ensure intended use funds, Alexander Gorval noted: “This whole automated system, software products... We are talking about circulating non-cash money. Subsidies are credited to the citizen, but they pass in transit by him and are credited to the account credit debt of this citizen in the bank. The subsidy covers the difference between the full payment of the loan and own funds citizen ".

The head of the department noted that in the system of targeted subsidizing housing construction involved new structures, procedures, software products. “A schedule has been drawn up for holding meetings in the regions of the country and in Minsk to clarify the mechanism for implementing Decree No. 240 and issues that arise in connection with its application. The meetings will consider the government decree, which details the steps provided for by the decree. The first meeting will take place in the Brest region on July 13, in Grodno on July 14, in other regions - on next week», - said Alexander Gorval.

As reported, state subsidies under Decree No. 240 are provided for the payment of part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received by citizens in any commercial bank, and for large families and young families and orphans - also for the repayment of part of the principal debt on such loans. Subsidies can be recipients of all citizens who are eligible for state support in accordance with Decree No. 13 dated January 6, 2012.

The mechanism for providing state subsidies has been developed taking into account the maximum preservation of the principles of the current system of state support for housing construction: the amount of state support will be calculated based on the number of family members, the standardized size of the dwelling and the maximum standard for the cost of construction; the conditions for the provision of such state support will be the order of receipt and classification of citizens as low-income citizens.

Decree No. 240 will enter into force on August 6, 2017. The Council of Ministers will approve a resolution on the implementation of the norms of this Decree. At the moment, the draft resolution is being approved. An action plan for the implementation of the Decree is being finalized. In addition, a number of regulations will be amended. Among them are codes on family and marriage, on administrative offenses, about land, housing and tax codes, as well as laws on veterans, on the status of heroes, decrees No. 498, No. 667, No. 195, No. 13, No. 263 and others, as well as government decrees. Changes regulatory framework planned to be produced within four months. In general, the new mechanism will allow to expand the volume of lending to housing construction. Moreover, it will be carried out with elements of state support.

Jul 13 - Sputnik. The Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus recognized as premature cancellation of the decree No. 585, which regulates the issues of state support in the construction of housing for young and large families.

The new presidential decree No. 240 on address housing subsidies was signed last week. It will come into force on August 6. On the same date, decree No. 585, which stipulated the conditions for obtaining state support for young and large families, ceases to be in effect.

These families, who had the right to state assistance under Decree No. 585, had to take a commercial loan from a bank at rates of 19-20% per annum. If the decree is canceled, according to decree # 240, they are entitled to targeted subsidies only on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, those who entered construction in 2016-2017 fell into a kind of "legal pit" and now may be left with huge payments on loans, which they would not have risked if it had not been for the promised help from the state.

"The cancellation of decree No. 585 was premature, it was a serious mistake," said Minister of Architecture and Construction Anatoly Cherny on Thursday at a meeting with journalists.

Why did the abolition of the decree make no sense?

According to the norms of the decree No. 585, young and large families standing in line in need of better housing conditions could count on subsidies from the state for the construction of housing on credit, which they took from a commercial bank. At the same time, the subsidy was paid only on the condition that the house was put into operation.

Now, if this condition is not met by August 6, such families lose the right to the subsidy.

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, most of the houses designed for such families will be commissioned by the end of 2017, several houses are expected to be commissioned by the end of the first quarter of 2018.

"Cancellation of the 585 decree did not make sense since August 6, the deadline that we set in the new document. We could not foresee that a certain category of people who built their budgets for housing construction would hit a rock of misunderstanding. It must be admitted that this is a serious mistake. and we apologize, "the minister said.

He said that he had already prepared an appeal to the president with a request to extend the validity of decree No. 585 for the period of completion of the construction of houses started by construction before the adoption of decree No. 240. At the same time, Cherny clarified that the effect of decree No. 585 will be extended no more than until the 1st quarter of 2018.

In turn, Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Kalinin, during a reception of citizens in Zhabinka, said that the government wants to make a "smooth transition" from the norms of decree # 585 to decree # 240.

The main thing is to have time to submit documents

Meanwhile, the head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, Alexander Gorval, said on the air of the first channel of the Belarusian radio that decree No. 585 on helping young and large families in the construction of housing will expire on August 6, but officials still expect to return to this problem.

"Decree No. 240 cancels the effect of decree No. 585, it will expire on August 6, 2017. If the family submits documents before this date and the executive committee accepts this package, the family will receive this assistance. After August 6, the decree will no longer be valid."

It is not necessary to consider these documents before August 6, the main thing is that the documents are received by the executive committee, the decision can be made later, "he said.

Gorval admitted that some of the people who took out commercial loans and did not have time to receive state support under Decree No. 585 would not be able to receive it. At the same time, he noted that these people were planning their finances and now found themselves in a difficult situation.

What does decree №240 provide?

Gorval stressed that the decree was a consequence public policy, which is held in the country. It is expressed in the state program until 2020. According to him, the appearance of the decree was caused by the need to attract credit resources so that as many citizens as possible could receive loans for housing construction.

"This scheme will operate as follows: a citizen submits an application for state support to the city executive committee, and there is a calculation of the amount of the cost that can be subsidized, and the amount of the subsidy is determined. The procedure is the same as under decree No. 13. After that, the citizen is introduced to the conditions of banks, he goes to the bank, enters into an agreement and with the provision of an agreement and a list of documents that are similar to the requirements of decree No. 13, receives this subsidy, "he explained.

According to him, the same categories that are established by decree # 13 have the right to receive subsidies; it will operate in parallel with decree # 240. The amount of subsidies will be similar to Decree No. 13.

For parents with three or more minor children, the subsidy is the refinancing rate plus 2 percentage points. This amount will be compensated. That is, if the bank's rate is 20%, 15% is subsidized based on the current refinancing rate, that is, the citizen pays 5%.

If a citizen has 4 or more children, then a loan is being processed without charging a fee. If we talk about other categories, then they are paid a subsidy, reduced by 2 percentage points from the refinancing rate.

Will subsidies be recalculated depending on the refinancing rate?

According to Gorval, the size of the subsidy will be revised depending on the level of the refinancing rate. "It will be analyzed and recalculated monthly.

For those loans that were issued earlier, there will be no revision. The system will operate after August 6, for those loans for which citizens applied in order of priority, "said a representative of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

The National Bank has already announced a reduction in the refinancing rate to 12% per annum from July 19. Now the rate is 13% per annum. At the same time, earlier the National Bank did not rule out a further rate cut until the end of the year.

Will there be subsidies for the main debt on the loan?

Gorval informed that according to the decree # 240, the main debt on the loan will also be subsidized - but not for everyone.

"If a large family has four or more children, 100% of the principal debt is subsidized. The loan is free, but the apartment is not free, since there is always a difference between the size of the loan and the cost of the apartment. If the family has three children, then 90% of the principal debt is subsidized. the same conditions as now, "he said.

For young families, at the birth or adoption of the first child, 10% of the principal is paid. Previously, these subsidies were paid by decree # 585. If a second child is born, 20% of the principal is paid. For orphans, 35% of the principal loan debt is compensated.

"For large families, about 1% remains, for other categories about 5%. The mechanism of accrual has simply changed. If now the budget pays the bank, then according to decree No. 240, the funds are directly credited to bank accounts," he explained.

Gorval noted that the subsidy will be beneficial now for those citizens who receive it in turn. If earlier the provision of state support depended on whether there were funds in local budgets, now the subsidy will become guaranteed, since it will be allocated within the financial resources that will be allocated for the next financial year.

“There will be additional funds provided by Belagroprombank in the amount of 70 million rubles and Belarusbank in the amount of 65 million rubles. on resources of 135 million rubles, the budget has already allocated funds for subsidies for this amount, "he said.

According to the official, the Belarusian authorities expect that other commercial banks connect to this system. They participated in the preparation of this decree and now have free financial resources.

How many people on the waiting list are there in the country?

According to Gorval, now in Belarus about 700 thousand people are on the waiting list. To provide a subsidy, you must apply to the appropriate preferential category, have a certain level of security. In addition, the queue for receiving state support should come up.

"Of these 700 thousand people, about a third are eligible for state support, and it will be provided in turn. If in the regions three quarters of those on the waiting list are eligible for state support, then in the capital it is 10-15%, because the level of household income differs in the regions." , - he said.

There is a long queue in Minsk, about a third of the people on the waiting list in the entire republic. This is due to the fact that people are attracted by the status of the capital. At the same time, construction opportunities in Minsk are limited, there is an imbalance between the influx of citizens and the ability to build.

We ask you not to cancel the effect of the Presidential Decree of November 22, 2007 No. 585 "On providing young and large families financial support state "since young families will be lost real opportunity solutions housing problem... This decree really eased the financial burden on families and made it possible to purchase and build housing in the near future. According to the Decree of the President of July 4, 2017 No. 240 "On state support of citizens during construction (reconstruction) living quarters", canceling the effect of Decree No. 585, families lose the opportunity to purchase housing on the secondary market, to build and buy individual houses. Thousands of queues in executive committees, designed only for the possibility of purchasing housing under construction under the state order, delay the possibility of purchasing their own housing for many years. people have already entered construction and taken out loans from banks, counting on financial assistance in accordance with Decree No. 585, and now they lose the opportunity to use it, since the housing has not yet been commissioned.
The decree was canceled overnight and young families who entered the construction, who collected, planned, counted on the support of the state, were left overnight with unbearable debts and loans. Officials did not consider it necessary to inform people in advance about the planned cancellation of such a vital decree; many families began construction without even assuming that it would be canceled. the media wrote about the development of new types of state support selected categories citizens and modestly added that the conditions for supporting young families will not change.
We ask you to consider our appeal and work out options for supporting such families, for example: to leave in force decree No. 585 for families that have already entered into a sale and purchase agreement, who have already begun the construction of individual houses, apartments, or to completely extend its validity.
We earnestly ask you to keep in force the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 22, 2007 No. 585 "On providing young and large families with financial support from the state" repayment of commercial loans.
Among us who have left signatures under this appeal are people who have entered into a home purchase agreement, but did not have time to draw up documents to receive financial assistance, families who have started the construction of individual residential buildings, apartments within the framework of shared construction, the commissioning of which is planned even at the end of 2018. But we all trusted the Decree №585 and started moving towards our own housing. There are cities and towns in which construction is not carried out at all apartment buildings, falling under the scope of Decree No. 240, and for such families the only way to solve the housing problem is to buy housing on the secondary market and build individual houses. Therefore, we kindly ask you to keep in force Decree # 585 along with Decree # 240.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state