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Talk about how often you need to eat to get all the necessary items and have healthy, fast metabolism.

Ideally, you must have 3 main meals(breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 extra (Second breakfast, afternoon). Eating for such a graph, every 3-4 hours, it is easy to keep weight and easy to lose weight (of course, provided that you do not overeat in these meals). In this mode, the body gets used to a certain rhythm, adjusts to this rhythm and works as efficiently as possible, at a high level of metabolism, constantly burning calories and fats.

Purpose of 5-time nutrition- maintain a permanent level of metabolism during the day, avoiding peaks and falls. If you are very hungry, the metabolism will react as if you experience the lack of nutrients: the speed drops it and the body will begin to store fat. And the inverse situation, if you move, the body is not able to understand what kind of food it needs, and what is excess, so all the food goes into fat depot, while the body still lacks the finished fuel sufficient to maintain a metabolism at high level.
Why you need to eat 5 times a day.
Firstly, it is very the best way Prevent overeating. Save a minute in the morning hours, we often skip breakfast, snack at work than and how you have to ignore a full dinner. But, coming in the evening home, compensate for ourselves all this with more dense, heavy dinner, sweets, often immediately before bedtime. In this case, the body simply does not cope with such a load. Hence the problem with the gastrointestinal tract, bubble. After all, nature is intended so that at night a person should sleep, and not to digest food.

Secondly, Tight breakfast, we launch our metabolism in the morning early for the whole day. In this mode, the body works all day - utilizes the energy intensively, burns fats. The earlier we had breakfast - the more calories burn our body during the day.

Thirdly, Kinging five times a day, you will forget what is a feeling of hunger, and this will help to overcome some nutritional dependence on the psychological and emotional level (important for those who experience serious problems with it).

Healthy nutrition means quality nutrition. Its essence lies in the fact that we should make a choice as often as possible in favor of healthy, high-quality products from five major products groups. The more often we make such a healthy choice, the easier it is to achieve our goals as part of the head and look like that we want it.
Information with Fit-blog.ru.

To find the figure of his dreams, a beautiful sex representative goes to desperate steps, torment themselves hunger, are engaged in sports before exhaustion. A secret of slim figure 2019 is very simple - regular nutrition and moderate physical activity.

It is a fractional 5 meal diet for weight loss makes it possible to achieve the desired results, it will become for each usual way of life, while the operation of the digestive system will work, the metabolic processes will be activated, the color of the skin will be improved.

How to organize food 5 times a day?

Today it is difficult to find a person who would fully have breakfast, and even more so the 5 single nutrition has adhered. And all because we always always rush somewhere, snack on the go, so it turns out that we gain weight and worsen the quality of your health.

How to change everything? First of all, it is necessary to put a hard motivation in front of you, create the right conditions for eating for fractional food conditions.

ATTENTION: Pre-acquire a set of dishes, which will be small in size, but quite attractive, in order not to annoy the stage of addiction.

There are a lot of advantages of 5 one-time nutrition that you need to clearly designate:

  • there is no feeling of hunger, and therefore there is no need to make snacks on the run, using harmful and calorie food;
  • there are no hard restrictions on a set of products, the process of weight loss is adjusted and with health benefits;
  • it is better absorbed nutrients, vitamins and trace elements that fall into the body in moderate quantities;
  • psychologically lighter to lose weight when you know that in a few hours you will again be trapes;
  • after abundant food, always pulls into sleep and there is no strength to maintain high performance, in this case, the opposite is easy - easy food allows you to keep the body in a tone;
  • the calories are consumed faster, which go intoner, and do not remain in the form of fatty deposits;
  • sleep becomes calm and full - the key to excellent prevention of excess weight.

There is nothing proud when people tell that they eat once or twice a day, in this case the muscle mass is destroyed, the fat layer is growing, the insulin level changes for the worse, and the well-being becomes worse.

How to make a menu during fractional nutrition 2019?

The first thing to do is divide your day on 5 meals, among them there are three main - breakfast, lunch and dinner, and two are extra (second breakfast and afternooner).

It is important that the last meal is ending three hours before sleep, and immediately before the departure to sleep, you can drink a glass and this product to complete the day.

There should be no more than 2-3 hours between meals, so that you did not have time to get drunk. Portions - small, calorie food should be used in the first half of the day, and less saturated - in the second.

Most of the diet are fruits, vegetables, wholegrain porridges, and meat and fish should be extinguished or cooking for a couple, without adding vegetable and animal fats. Mandatory in the menu should be fiber, omega -3, vitamins and microminerals of natural origin.

To power 5 times a day for weight loss, it is necessary to remember the abundant amount of fluid, on an empty stomach every morning you need to drink a glass of clean water, and finishing the snacks with green tea, mesos, low-fat fermented products.

Approximate Menu 5 Metal Power

To compile for weight loss, you should not have special knowledge in the field of nutrition, the main thing is to remember that the products must be natural, healthy, do not contain concentrates, chemical additives and other substances to improve taste.

We offer you a menu with a 5-time diet for weight loss for a week.


For breakfast, you can make an omelet of two eggs and a little low fatty milk, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar. For lunch, cook a small piece of fish for a couple, make a salad of cucumber and cabbage, fill it with lemon juice, boil the portion of rice.

On the second breakfast and afternooner preferably there are fresh fruits and berries, kiwi, orange, peach, raspberry, strawberries, green apples, having a banana for one snack, two braces of watermelon, melon, blackberry and currant.

For dinner - sandwich, with cheese and ham, bread is preferably taking rye or with bran. 100 g of stewed meat with green cucumber. Before bedtime, drink a glass of water or a skimmed milk product.


For breakfast, cook buckwheat porridge on the water, eat a piece of bread with bran, drink a cup of coffee. Dine soup from vegetables, you can make a salad of carrots and cabbage, to refuel with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice.

On the second breakfast and afternoon school - drink a glass of kefir and to enjoy fresh fruit in moderate quantity. For dinner, prepare a baked fish with vegetables baked. Before bedtime - 50 g of low fatty cottage cheese, clean with clean water.


Breakfast - boiled egg, a piece of bread with ham, a cup of green tea. Cottage cheese with a small amount of milk will suit the snack, and to cook soup on meat broth and vegetable salad for lunch.

At the afternoon snack - a sandwich with ham and cheese, orange. To dine boiled beef and make a portion of the vinegar, to fill with olive oil. It is better to use not canned cucumbers, but fresh.


Prepare for breakfast cereal porridge, for lunch - bean soup, a piece of bread and tomato. At the snacks you can use low-profile yogurts and fresh fruits. Dinner with boiled chicken breasts with mushrooms and drink a glass of green tea.


For breakfast make an omelet with vegetables, drink a glass of fresh morse. For lunch, bake in the oven fish with apples, and to the afternooner to enjoy cottage cheesecake. For dinner boil pasta with cheese or cheese, eat 2 kiwi before bedtime.


Breakfasture the Hercules porridge on milk, wash the sweet smoothie from fruits. To cook for a couple of fish and a small portion of a cucumber, tomato and onion salad. On the snacks make cottage cheesecake from natural ingredients.

Dinner with chicken boiled breasts, eat 2 raw carrots, wash the meal with fruit juice. Before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or pure water, the main thing, not to saturate the stomach at such a time.


On Sunday you can repeat any set from the week menu. Prepare soup on vegetable broth, vegetable stew, make a salad of fresh vegetables. Drink enough liquid.


The results will be amazing, after 2-3 weeks after complying with such a diet. Easy in the body will appear, the tide of energy will not have a feeling of hunger or overeating.

Immediately limit itself in the size of the portion will be difficult, but only the will to victory and strong motivation will achieve the desired forms. Try to find a passion for yourself in order not to think about food all the time.

Every day you eat will be easier and more useful! Experiment, make up new recipes of dishes, let such a way through the whole life life!

Here is a nutrition 5 times a day for weight loss in 2019, so that health is strong, and the figure is slim and elegant. Take care of yourself and eat right, only so you will always be in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit!

Health to you and well-being!

Want to lose weight? Eat more often! Get 7 tips, how to eat 5 times a day, find out which products will help to easily overcome hunger and lose weight!

If during the day you will eat often and small portions, then bring the body much more benefit than if you traditionally made 3 large meals per day.

This will increase energy, improve health, reset extra kilograms, as well as maintain a normal body weight.

Today I want to give a few tips on how to eat 5 times a day.

1. Breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important items in your power program.

He guarantees a charge of cheerfulness for the entire coming day.

In the morning, consume flaky-rich flares, as well as vegetables with a high fiber content.

2. Morning snack

This meal is designed to suppress the feeling of hunger before dinner and reduce the risk that you are sophisticated to have a snack chips with a soda or some other fast food.

The perfect second breakfast looks like this: a light sandwich with a tuna, several fresh vegetables (for example, tomatoes or cucumbers) and a small amount of mayonnaise.

Lunch must be a little referring and nutritious than morning meals.

It will provide the main energy for the rest of the day.

The optimal option here is a chicken breast prepared by any way to your discretion besides frying.

A little boiled brown rice and stewed vegetables will serve as an ideal garnish.

4. Evening snack

The afternoon will be guaranteed that you will not come up with a dinner with an unbearable feeling of hunger.

You can eat a sandwich with a tuna to either replace it with something else as easy, but nutritious.

Also, this is a great time for your favorite fruit!

Your dinner must be low-calorie and contain as little fats as possible. You should not go beyond daily caloric content.

It is believed that at night, the metabolism slows down, which means that the body eaten at that time, the body can maintain in the form of fat reserves, and not burn for energy. Unfortunately, this is not so!

Eat a pair of eggs, chicken breast, multilayer bread and a bit of stewed vegetables.

6. Fighting hunger

If after you start stick new system Nutrition, you will be blocked to disturb the attacks of hunger between meals, add additional snacks. Most importantly, make sure that they are healthy!

Muesli, protein cocktail and rich in fiber fruit - a great idea!

7. Drink a lot of water

Water is the most important component of any diet.

It removes toxins and salt from the body, thereby preventing the development of many diseases.

Eat 5 times a day, follow my advice, and you will have a sea of \u200b\u200benergy at a minimum of fat!

If for some reason you do not consume the products they give me, then find them a healthy replacement.

Poriv All like-minded people and readers of my blog! I am glad to meet with you. Today I propose to talk on a very useful topic - fractional meals for weight loss menu for a month. The topic is quite interesting for people who want to lose weight and for adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Better less and more often

Our intensive pace of life, unfortunately, imposes an imprint on how and what we eat. Most often we take food 1-2 times a day, on the run, at different times, in general, when you succeed.

Nutritionists, gastroenterologists have a long time ago beaten in the bell and urge us to eat right, which means that a certain time set for this, to eat at least five times a day, reduce big breaks between meals, if possible, eliminate rapid carbohydrates from their diet, And there is more fiber, reduce large portions of food.

Fractional food is a perfectly established system for meals, which will help to lose weight, establish metabolic processes in the body, remove toxins and slags, put pressure to normal, improve the condition of the skin, to improve in general, get rid of the feeling of fatigue and bad mood.

What does it mean fractionally?

The essence of the fractional nutrition method is to eat small portions 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours, do not bring themselves to feeling of hunger so that the fat do not accumulate in the body about the reserve.

The size of the eaten portion must "be placed" in your palm, well, or in a small pector. Reduce the size of the portion (if they differ significantly from your today) is gradually. Experiments prove the ability to easily reset from 5 to 10 kg per month (results depend, of course, from the source data and personal), following the basic rules of fractional nutrition.

Benefits of fractional nutrition

This type of food intake contributes to a smooth gradual transition of the organism to another power mode, allows you to gently reduce the calorieness of food and its volume, without burning itself hunger and not bringing the body to stress.

Fabric nutrition helps to establish insulin levels in the blood.

All the exchange processes of the organism are launched, the possibility of overloading and failures of the gastrointestinal tract is excluded.

Nutrient elements obtained with food are digestively and quickly.

With a fractional food style for weight loss, it is assumed that you should always be present. Calculation of the daily calorie rate must be treated according to the formula, applying their personal data.

This mathematical calculation is quite simple, so try to do it yourself. Suppose your daily calirage was 1500 kcal, it means that this value You must divide on the number of food meals per day and take into account the result in the preparation of your everyday menu.

Optionally, all food intakes must be the same by calories, it is better to distribute most of the calories in the morning.

General rules of ration

As with all other diets and, in general, in proper nutrition In a fractional diet, it is not recommended (and it is better to be excluded at all) the following products:

  • Fast food;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Cakes, pastries, candy, sugar;
  • Doba and all fast carbohydrates;
  • Fried dishes;
  • All sorts of snacks;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces;
  • Sweet carbonated and non-carbonated (juice) drinks.

Slow carbohydrates are charged with energy in the morning. Preferably there are vegetables, bird and fish cooked for a pair. Eat a lot of salads, greenery, cabbage, also useful stew vegetables.

Do not use "starch" food. If you eat bread - choose species made from coarse grinding flour.

The last meal must be as easy as possible (very useful, for example, drink a glass of kefir). Eat cottage cheese and other useful dairy products.

Download the caloric calorie sign on the Internet, have it always with you - it will be easier for you to control the calories you eaten.

An example of a menu for a month

It is not so difficult to eat according to this principle, as it seems, at first glance, the whole thing is the habit, but those results that I am sure you will get the feeling of lightness and contentment by yourself, are worth trying. To make it easier for you to start, below I described the approximate menu for a month, you can use it or, taking it as a basis, make up your own.

Day 1

  1. Breakfast 8.00: oatmeal on water with fruit;
  2. Snack 11.00: grain bun, natural yogurt;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Chicken breast for a pair, a graded bean salad, refilled by olive oil;
  4. Snack 16.00: herbal tea, prunes;
  5. Dinner 19.00: boiled egg, boiled fish, a grocery salad, tired by almond oil (or olive);

Day 2.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Toast with butter and solid cheese;
  2. Snack 11.00: Peanut's handy;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Grilled beef steak, stew vegetables;
  4. Snack 16.00: apple;
  5. Dinner 19.00: omelet, boiled chicken breast, cucumber;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 3.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Cottage cheese with sour cream and raspberries;
  2. Snack 11.00: banana;
  3. Lunch 13.00: soup with chicken meatballs, wholegrain bread, fried eggs from two eggs;
  4. Snack 16.00: almonds;
  5. Dinner 19.00: Vegetable salad refilled by olive oil, buckwheat porridge, turkey steak;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 4.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Cheesecakes with Malina;
  2. Snack 11.00: wholegrain bun with disadnant yogurt;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Couscous with butter, chicken chop, tomato, cucumber;
  4. Snack 16.00: kuraga, green tea;
  5. Dinner 19.00: Fish for a couple, stew from vegetables;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 5.

Day 6.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: oatmeal with honey;
  2. Snack 11.00: fig;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Chicken broth with crackers, carrot salad and prunes with garlic and sour cream;
  4. Snack 16.00: Morse from berries;
  5. Dinner 19.00: Boiled beef, Caprese salad with tomatoes and mozzarella;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir

Day 7.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Curd casserole with sour cream;
  2. Snack 11.00: green tea with marshmallows;
  3. Lunch 13.00: vegetable soup, low-fat ham, boiled egg, cucumber;
  4. Snack 16.00: unsweetened yogurt, apple;
  5. Dinner 19.00: Boiled fish, broccoli for a pair, refilled with lemon juice;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 8.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Cottage cheese with honey and nuts;
  2. Snack 11.00: herbal tea with a piece of bitter chocolate;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Chicken broth, fish memeters, vinaigrette;
  4. Snack 16.00: Kuraga;
  5. Dinner 19.00: beef steak, grated carrot salad with prunes apples;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 9.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Omelet with cheese;
  2. Snack 11.00: strawberry, raspberry, blueberry;
  3. Lunch 13.00: noodles with chicken, cabbage rolls;
  4. Snack 16.00: carrot casserole;
  5. Dinner 19.00: Salmon steak, olives, tomatoes;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 10.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Oatmeal Fritters with Banana;
  2. Snack 11.00 yogurt with cereals;
  3. Lunch 13.00: spinach soup, chicken breast frrqes, stewed with vegetables;
  4. Snack 16.00: tea with honey, unsweetened cookies;
  5. Dinner 19.00: Avocado salad with carrots under olive oil, boiled beef;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 11.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Corn porridge on milk with grapes;
  2. Snack 11.00 coffee with a piece of solid cheese;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Broccoli soup, chicken cutlet, stewed cabbage with mushrooms;
  4. Snack 16.00: yoghurt unsweetened, nectarine;
  5. Dinner 19.00 Salad "Caesar", a piece of whole grain bread;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 12.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: boiled egg, a slice of low-fat bay, toast with oil, cocoa;
  2. Snack 11.00 cup of fresh juice, oatmeal biscuits;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Shattered soup, steam fish, radish salad;
  4. Snack 16.00: a glass of strawberries with low-fat yogurt or sour cream;
  5. Dinner 19.00 vegetable pilaf with chicken, salad from a mixture of greenery;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 13.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Manna porridge, grapefruit fresh juice;
  2. Snack 11.00: compote, a bunch of solid grain;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Beetal soup, baked chicken breast under cheese;
  4. Snack 16.00: cheesecake, green tea;
  5. Dinner 19.00 Stewed beans in tomatoes with garlic and parsley, omelet;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

Day 14.

  1. Breakfast 8.00: Hercules porridge on water with cranberries;
  2. Snack 11.00: fruit salad refilled by yogurt;
  3. Lunch 13.00: Mushroom Jushnaya, Warm Chicken Salad;
  4. Snack 16.00: cocoa;
  5. Dinner 19.00 Makarona "Al Dente" with cheese and greens, tuna;
  6. Second dinner 21.00: cup of kefir.

The menu of the third and fourth week can be repeated according to the previous two. Try this fractional power to slimming the menu for a month and make sure its effectiveness. Do not forget about clean drinking water at least 1.5 liters per day.

Learn about know more »»

Share your results, write the recipes for useful dietary dishes in the comments that would come under the diet of fractional nutrition. Newbies, subscribe to the blog update and share information in social networks. See you soon!

Sincerely, Vladimir Maner

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I am answering the questions. What do you need to eat 5 times a day to lose weight?
And what is generally 5 times a day?

Different sources usually argue that you need to eat small portions, every 2-3 hours. Somewhere I also read that if you eat the volume of your palm, then she in the idea of \u200b\u200ball will digest for just two hours (in the sense, leaves the stomach further, i.e. you can eat again). In general, exactly two hours I try not to risk. I eat every 2.5 - 3 hours.

Another important addition - drink. I do not think that you must certainly drink exactly 8 glasses of water per day (yes, even besides all the rest of the drink) - no need to pour fluid into yourself, if not climbing! .. And even everywhere they say that I don't need to drink, harmful . It seems like they wash away all the food from the stomach at once, it is not digested to the desired stage in the stomach, and then the intestines later suffer, delivers inconvenience, this is never uttering, the metabolism is still in disorder, the vitamins needed fired by. This question does not torment me, I can be quite myself, without drinking. Before eating, I usually want to drink - here I drink before eating, not a volley only! A glass, half a cup, not in a hurry. After eating half an hour, it is better for an hour - I do not drink either. Nothing. At all. But my mother, for example, can not eat, not drinking! .. Then I read somewhere that then I was drinking, in quiet, but warm drink. Broth, tea, just warm water.

Alcohol? Also noted that alcohol really slows down weight. Here is stupid. At the same time, the stack of stuff is not scary. It is even useful. Or a glass of wine. Everything else 100% will stop your weight, for today, for a day, two, and then it will raise the arrow at all.

My first misunderstanding on the issue of nutrition was \u003d how to divide your day to 4 or 5 (?!) Once a day? It turned out in fact very easy. Examples, including what I eat there (I adhere to the ration of Clean Eating - Seafood, Vegetables, Fruits, Fish, Bird and any other not processed food):

First option.
Working day, Mon-Thu, the rise at 6 am, I'm just going for half an hour and leaving for work. At 7 am I am in place. I wear with you, in small containers (3 pieces to work).

7:30 \u003d drink warm ... tea or coffee, without Zahar, you can with a substitute (tea with milk \u003d risk of stones in the kidneys, by the way, I don't care, I do not drink with milk); On some day I can eat a couple of chocolate pieces ...

8:00 \u003d Serving the half of the banana finely (it seems then that this is not two bite, and it really is a lot), at the same time the brain gets sweet and does not ask for it; Symbol into a cup with a banana a bit of the muesley (without salt and sugar, read the labels), I am less and less with every day (it doesn't climb a lot), the main thing is not to overeat ...

11:00 \u003d up to that time (as further in the breaks between food) tea is again drinking, ginger, it helps to establish metabolism, keeps the skin and body in tone (my personal observations); Here it takes three hours from 8 am, I drink a glass of kefir focused (even which with sugar, because if I exclude sugar in general - I will refuse the brain at work and the head will hurt, checked), and hire a few nuts (3- 5 pieces), 3 Kuragi, 3 drafts ... The choice of nuts and dried fruits to your taste so that you are tasty there. In addition to salted and fried nuts, and besides sugared dried fruits.

14:00 \u003d Little cup, half of the jar "Tuna in its own juice" (or something else, the main thing is not in oil), a pair of spoons of canned corn (alone just found !?) and a pair of peas spoons. ORi buy in sausage products a roll of duck (turkey, chicken, rabbit), in a small cup of finely cut. ORyou can eat some kind of fruit, the volume that will fit in the palm. A cup of raspberries (what is the price? Is it from gold ??), strawberries, a couple of kiwi, one big apple, a pair of tangerine .... Choose the taste. Not banana. Paul-banana a day - more than enough. With grapes, too, you need carefully. ORonce I poured a couple of buckwheels in the evening, she swelled - it was my meal at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

17:00 \u003d I just left work and most likely got ... For example, to the house ... you can eat again. For example, yesterday it was a red fish, the size of the palm, fried on the oil minimum. On the other day, a small cup of boiled chicken (cut her small pieces). Use seasonings, but remember that when they are very tasty - there is a chance to want to eat more. :)) On the third day I scolded a macaroni (from coarse flour, expensive Italian), the volume in the same your palms (by the way, even it seemed a lot), you can add vegetables, or shrimp. On the fourth day, I just fry seafood - a few shrimp, squid, mussels. I have suffered these pictures a little earlier (wean CleaNeating Tag), they are in my instagram (fiorella_lj).

20:00 \u003d Vegetable salad: tomato, a piece of cucumber, half pepper, half an avocado (about the gods, I can eat my favorite avocado !!!), a little corn and peas, oil olive spoon and salted. Again, a small cup.

I try not to eat fruit in the evening, i.e. I eat until 16:00, in the extreme time until 18:00. Fruits at night \u003d weight stands.

At night, before bedtime, You can use two egg proteins. I read it in a nutritionist. If the protein I ate little per day, or if I feel that you need not to lose muscles. Throw two proteins into the body for the night - and it does not eat your muscles, and the weight is always on the next day below. Instead of two egg proteins (I'm too lazy to frish), you can use two BCAA pills, for example (who does not know the junction in the search). Perhaps it is thanks to these pills that I periodically use, I have no huge amount of body and does not anywhere else - the muscles do not lose.

Second version \u003d Friday. It turns out that 2 hours the day falls on the road driving. I had to revise the schedule.
11:00 shifted half an hour \u003d 10:30
14:00 also shifted \u003d 13:00 (i.e. breaks 2.5 hours between meals)
next 15:30 or 16:00
next 19:00

Third Option \u003d Weekend. Morning begins when I woke up))) For example, today I slept until 12))
13:00 \u003d Completed Breakfast - Banana and Muesli
16:00 \u003d Half of fish canned with peas and .. Mandarin
19:00 \u003d vegetable salad, I have no avocado today
Because it turned out only three foods, then I now take two proteins for the night. :)

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