
The first breakfast is. Proper breakfast - the basis of full nutrition

Not all people belong to breakfast with due attention. Some do not have time to have breakfast due to their employment and are limited to a cup of tea or coffee. Others suffer from the lack of appetite in the morning and force themselves through force or do not have breakfast at all. Without morning food intake, the body does not receive the necessary energy for full-fledged activities during the day. It is impossible to completely refuse breakfast, but the products for it need to choose useful and nutritious.

Morning hours - It is the best time to get energy stock for the whole day. Its deficit can be filled with later meals, but they will not be able to normalize metabolism. Refuse breakfast for the purpose of losing weight or maintain weights meaningless. This will lead to the opposite effect. Carbohydrate and high-energy products are absorbed better in the morning, contributing to a decrease in appetite and preserving a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Morning food intakes have a beneficial effect on health and health:

  • accelerate the metabolism process by an average of 5%;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • prevent aggregation (gluing) platelets;
  • reduce the risks of strokes and heart attacks.

Non-transmitting breakfast people are largely less likely to suffer from diabetes, increased arterial pressure, from stones in a bustling bubble.

Food techniques in the morning give the charge of energy and vigor, remove drowsiness and apathy, raise the mood. Breakfasts stimulate human intellectual abilities, increase attentiveness and concentration.

Why don't you want to have breakfast in the morning?

The absence of appetite in the morning is often accompanied by a feeling that the stomach is full. Well-being also leaves much to be desired. Apathy, drowsiness and fatigue - the result of lowering blood sugar in the morning. All this is not caused by the individual characteristics of the body, and the absence of the right power and complete rest.

Eating before bedtime does not allow the digestive tract to relax. To digest eaten food, the stomach does not cease to work at night. This and entails a sense of morning satiety. Such a habit of nutrition is a violation of the basics of the right mode and entails negative consequences for good health.

Overbinding for the night of a lot is due to the existing error that the energy accumulated behind dinner persists and is consumed the next morning, and breakfast contributes to the extra weight gain. Everything happens on the contrary. Food eaten before bedtime turns into fat deposits, and breakfast is perfectly absorbed by the body and gives the necessary charge of cheerfulness. And to return appetite in the morning, you need to reconsider the habits of nutrition.

What is fraught with breakfast?

The cause of global obesity, according to scientists, is disregarding food intake in the morning hours. People who do not have breakfast, annually recover by 3-5 kg. This is not so noticeable at an early age and youth, but over the years it makes itself felt. Starting from 35 and to 50 years, the habit does not have breakfast in the morning leads to the formative obesity and characteristic of it for him to health problems.

The rejection of breakfast can cause the following consequences:

  1. The risk of infarction and death from ischemic disease in men increases by 25%;
  2. By 40 years, the degree of weight excess in women can range from 5 to 20 kg;
  3. The risk of developing gallstone disease and type II diabetes mellitus for both sexes is increasing;
  4. And men, and women have a decrease in labor activity, the ability to logical thinking.

Not any breakfast is helpful. It is necessary to approach the choice of products for the morning menu. Sandwiches with coffee and tea - not the best replacement of fruit salads and porridge. They and others traditionally consumed for breakfast products do not bring almost any benefit.

There are a number of products that are not recommended for breakfast nutritionists. These include:

  1. Sausage, sausages, bacon.

The composition of these meat products contain a large number of nitrates, salts and other chemistry. Experts advise them to replace them on chicken or turkey meat.

  1. Dry breakfasts.

Finished breakfasts contain not only plant tissue, but also replete with "fast" carbohydrates - sugar. The feeling of saturation after dry breakfast is quickly replaced by hunger. To avoid this, you should eat full-fledged cereals, for example, poured Muesli kefir with nuts and fruits.

  1. Donuts and pancakes.

Fast carbohydrates contained in these products contribute to the formation of fatty deposits from sugar surplus, do not benefit the figure. When used, heaviness appears in the stomach.

  1. Yogurts from the store.

In the composition of the yogurt supermarkets presented on the shelves there are preservatives, sweeteners, flavors. Prepare fermented milk products for morning meals is recommended independently. If there is no such possibility, yogurt should be replaced with kefir.

  1. Cottage cheese.

Useful and rich in protein products are not suitable for breakfast. It is recommended not in the morning, but after noon.

  1. Citrus.

Tangerines and oranges used on an empty stomach can provoke allergies and lead to the development of gastritis.

  1. Bananas.

If there is a banana in the mornings containing magnesium in excess, it is fraught with a violation of the internal balance of the body. Eating bananas should not be breakfast, but in the afternoon.

  1. Canned foods, smoked.
  2. Sweet and tea with sugar.

Calorie and food value of morning meals are selected individually. Carbohyded-saturated and light breakfasts are necessary for people of intellectual work, protein and high-calorie - are recommended to those who are engaged in physical labor.

Basics of useful breakfast

The recipe for a healthy and right breakfast is simple. Its menus should be easily disabled products with a high content of trace elements and vitamins. The caloric content of the morning meal should be 40% of the daily diet, that is, from 360 to 500 kcal. It is necessary not only to calculate the caloric content of products, but also correlate food with the individual needs of the body.

Useful for breakfast are:

  • containing proteins and other nutrients eggs;
  • saturated, rich in proteins, practically deprived of carbohydrates, harmless chicken meat for figures;
  • cut and rye bread, whole grain flour products;
  • rich in natural antiseptics, useful substances, carbohydrates, relieving fatigue and stress honey;
  • providing a long sense of satiety of cereal cereals;
  • kefir and green tea.

Fans of the invigorating coffee are not necessarily abandoning it completely, but to limit the consumption of the drink. For breakfast, it is recommended to drink no more than one cup of coffee. This is about 50-70 g, but not more.

  1. For breakfast is not in a burden and brought pleasure, you need to transfer dinner time and not to go for the night. This will allow you to experience a slight feeling of hunger in the morning.
  2. For the preparation of light and useful breakfast, you do not need much time. It is enough to get up in the morning for 15 minutes earlier than usual.
  3. Coffee must be drunk after meals. On an empty stomach, this drink annoys the mucous membrane and can cause gastritis.
  4. Breakfasts should be turned into a full meal.

If a person has never had breakfast before, rebuild the body in one day is impossible. Acquire itself to a new habit need gradually. It is better to start with a light snack, and then gradually increase the calorie of breakfast.

Carbohydrate and protein breakfasts

Carbohyded products for breakfast are recommended by workers of mental labor. The ideal version of carbohydrate breakfast is cereal or muesli porridge. Menu allows you to add nuts, fruits and natural juices to Muesli. Feed products and sweets are also rich in carbohydrates, but harm the figure. Grass, on the contrary, contribute to stabilization and weight maintenance. Choose foods with carbohydrates need such that the saturation sense is not accompanied by a desire to take away.

Squirrels for breakfast are needed athletes actively moving during the working day or engaged in severe physical activities to people. An excellent source of protein is a classic English breakfast. Optionally, limited to the traditional omelet. It can be diversified with ready-made vegetables and chicken meat. No need to refuse from carbohydrates. A small piece of grain bread and a slice of cheese will give carbohydrates required for full physical activity.

Breakfast for athletes

Sports people need not only high calorie breakfasts, but also contributing to the growth of muscle mass of amino acids necessary for the full function of all vitamin systems. Correctly compiled diet and bodybuilders is one of the most important tasks.

With high physical and energy costs, athletes can not miss breakfasts. Morning starvation entails overeating at lunch. This completely violates the basics of proper nutrition, does not allow to adhere to a clear mode and maintain a fitness form.

The menu for the breakfast of the bodybuilder is selected satisfying, dense, protein, rich cereals. This is cottage cheese, chicken meat and porridge. Eating food additives must be clearly regulated according to the energy spent. During the period of persistent and hard workouts, serum proteins (protein cocktails) or heiners are taken. If there is no rigid training, the athlete rests, it is better to refrain from additives.

According to experienced athletes, the ratio of consumable carbohydrates and proteins for breakfast depends on the physique. Extractorphs are recommended to consume equal amounts and proteins, and carbohydrates. Mesomorphs should consume 65% of proteins and 35% of carbohydrates, and endomorphs - to reduce the number of carbohydrate products to 25% and there are more proteins.

Proper nutrition - The key to excellent well-being, physical and mental health. Competently compiled and useful ration warns violations of metabolic processes, is the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases. Following and compliance with the basics of proper nutrition allows you to maintain yourself in a tone, an excellent mood and have enough energy to implement both intellectual and physical activity.

Proper breakfast is the basis of every day, because without morning meals, it is impossible to obtain the necessary energy for the full activity of the body. Often the correct diet, and with it and the process of weight reduction is usually associated with monotonous and not too appetizing dishes. But breakfast can be made diverse, tasty, interesting, and at the same time nutritious and useful if you choose suitable drinks and products, and you can make it original.

What you need to eat for breakfast

Breakfast is called the most important food intake. It is the right nutrition in the morning clock that satures the glucose brain, regulates the metabolism process in the body, gives forces for the whole day.

If there is no morning, with time there will be a sense of fatigue, apathy, irritability, the body will begin to demand short-sized calories during lunch and dinner. As a result: the appearance of unnecessary kilograms, the risk of strokes and heart attacks, the appearance of diabetes, a decrease in physical and mental activity.

Therefore, a full-fledged useful breakfast should include products that provide the body with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. At the same time, food should be present in nutrition, easily digestible by the body - the general calorie content of the breakfast should be no more than 40% of the entire day diet (from 350 to 520 kcal).

For breakfast, it is necessary to include complex carbohydrates complemented by fiber, protein and vegetable fats.

Preferably in the first meal to eat the following products:

  • Eggs;
  • Tea or natural coffee;
  • Lean poultry meat;
  • Buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • Olive or vegetable oil;
  • Muesli or bran;
  • Fresh fruits.

But not any breakfast benefits health. There is a list of products that are not recommended for food in the morning hours:

  • Sweets (here include sweet porridges);
  • Sdob and baking (donuts, pancakes, pancakes, pies, etc.);
  • Fat and smoked food (sausages, sausages, bacon);
  • Dry breakfasts;
  • Cottage cheese and milk;
  • Citrus and bananas.

When choosing the right breakfast, you also need to take into account the overall condition of the human body. For example, with high acidity or gastritis, there is no empty stomach of fresh fruits or Fresh cooked.

The nutritional value and calorie content of breakfast and its options are selected individually: a light breakfast with carbohydrates should go to people of mental labor, protein and calorie - those who are engaged in physical labor.

Breakfast carbohydrates

The ideal version of the "carbohydrate" breakfast when proper nutrition - Porridge from cereals or muesli. The diet can be diversified with nuts, fruits or natural juices.

What you can eat:

  • Oatmeal. The most useful and popular choice with proper nutrition. You can add dried fruits, nuts, bananas, fruits, jam berries in porridge.
  • Muesli. You can pour muesli with low-fat yogurt or cream.
  • Oatmeal pancakes. Pancakes are prepared from oatmeal with the addition of frozen berries, honey, jam.
  • Sandwiches: With cheese, vegetables, low-fat meat. Options: Bread + Cucumber + Chicken Fillet + Salad Leaves, Bread + Cheese + Tomato, Bread + Tuna + Cucumber.
  • Toast. In a whipped egg with milk dip bread, slightly fry in a frying pan.
  • Lavash with vegetables or fruits. The first option can be done with the addition of meat, the second is supplemented with cinnamon, honey or cheese.
  • Buckwheat porridge. This useful and delicious product improves digestion, provides stress resistance, gives force. Like oatmeal, buckwheat can be filled with fruits or nuts. For breakfast, you can cook other porridges (pearl, bias, peashed). The main condition - the porridge can not eat with meat or fish. If the silent porridge, it is better to eat it with a vegetable salad.

It is possible for breakfast with proper nutrition and meat, although it is better to leave this option for dinner and lunch. Just need only lean meat: turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit. Eating meat products is better with fresh or cooked with a pair of vegetables.

Breakfast proteins

For breakfast, proteins are needed athletes and people engaged in severe physical labor. Excellent protein source Traditional English breakfast - eggs, meat and vegetables. But this combination is somewhat hard, so we offer our options for a utility "protein" breakfast.

What you can eat:

  • Eggs. The easiest and most useful recipe: boiled eggs with vegetable salad. You can also cook an omelet: with cheese, vegetables, croutons. From my omelet, you can cook the rolls in which wrap vegetables or small pieces of chicken fillet.
  • Sandwiches. With scrambled eggs: to fry the glazing in the pan, lay it out between two toasts. You can eat with vegetables or greens. With cheese: put the cheese and white grapes on the whole grain loaf.
  • Soft cottage cheese. Useful breakfast option: sandwiches (cottage cheese with greens, smear on sandwiches), cottage cheese with dried fruits and honey, cottage cheese casserole.

Anyone from the proposed options can be added and diversified by the addition of fruits, vegetables, honey, jam, berries.

Vitamins and fiber

We get fiber and vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables, from which you can make an original and useful breakfast:

  • Apples. Apples can be baked in the oven (microwave) with honey or small sugar, with cinnamon or muesli.
  • Vegetable pancakes. Heavy stomachs in the morning clock fritters from the dough can be replaced with pancakes from zucchini, pumpkins, carrots.
  • Fruit salad. It can be prepared from any seasonal fruit and refuel with low-fat yogurt or honey. Salad is rich in vitamins, but they can hardly be satisfied, so there is it better with porridge or toast.
  • Smoothies. This is a puree, cooked in a blender of vegetables, fruits or berries. It can be diluted with yoghurt or ordinary water, if the puree is too thick.

Useful breakfast It can be diversified by various fruit cocktails prepared on the basis of low-fat yogurt, fruit, oatmeal.

What to drink breakfast

An empty stomach, about 30-60 minutes before meals, you should drink a glass of warm water. During breakfast, preference should be given:

  • Freshly squeezed juices (if there are no contraindications to use).
  • Green tea - displays slags and toxins, improves metabolism.
  • Black bezing tea.
  • Natural coffee without additives.

If a person is not used to eating in the morning, you need to teach your body to breakfast, and starting with small portions and the easiest dishes. It is best to start with fruits, fruit salads and cocktails, gradually expanding the diet and adding portions.

As can be seen, a useful breakfast can be delicious and very diverse, and in addition to ensuring the maximum charge of cheerfulness for the whole day and maintain in a tone for the implementation of physical and intellectual activity.

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To be really healthy, you need to use healthy foods And abide by: regularly breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast is the most important meal, because food eaten by morning gives energy charge for a whole day. She makes a person workable. It is important to know what is for breakfast. Erroneously selected products can lead to problems with digestion and excess weight.

The meaning of the morning meal

The main function of breakfast is the launch of metabolic processes in the body. It is also necessary for the following reasons:

  • a man necessary carbohydrates are absorbed best in the morning;
  • after the meal at the beginning of the day, the composition of the blood is improved, cholesterol is reduced;
  • if you eat a full healthy food, there will be benefits not only for the stomach, but also for the gallbladder, pancreas, vessels.

Those who mislead breakfasts usually remain sleepy and apathetic for the whole day. In addition, they develop especially strong hunger. Such people systematically overeat. As a result, they are gaining overweight, they often develop diabetes, bile disease, ischemic.

Therefore, with proper nutrition, breakfast occupies a very important place.

It often happens that in the morning I do not want. The reason for this is too tight dinner or a strong desire to sleep. So that such a problem is not, it is necessary to follow the following rules. Dinner should eat approximately 2 hours before sleep. He must be light. And the desire to sleep is better to overpower - they still have to get up and going to work or study! It is also important to eat approximately at the same time that hunger develops to a certain hour, and the meal was joy.

In other cases, people do not have breakfast, because they do not find time in the morning. In this case, they need to get up 15-20 minutes earlier.

There is no

It is important to know what can and cannot be eaten for breakfast, health depends on it. Therefore, you need to learn the principles of proper nutrition.

  • The diet should be balanced: approximately the same number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be used, while it is necessary to eat separately.
  • It is necessary to avoid snacks in a hurry and on the go, to organize full-fledged meals.
  • Fast food must be avoided and prefer vegetable food. The organism is hard enough to digest meat, he spends too much energy for it. It is necessary to gradually exclude animal products from the diet and there are more fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, cereals, nuts. It is better to reduce their thermal processing to a minimum.
  • The usual shopping of delicacies with honey and dried fruits.

In order to really recharge the energy in the morning and get the right proteins and carbohydrates, you can have different porridges, muesli, nuts, dried fruits, vegetable salads, bread (preferably from bran or rye), honey.

Before eating (half an hour), it is advisable to drink water to run metabolic processes and prepare the stomach to work. Drinking during and immediately after breakfast is undesirable - it slows down the digestion. It is better to use water during the day - 1.5-2 liters are required.

Among the morning dishes it is especially noted by cereal porridges. They are rich in carbohydrates, therefore give a long sense of satiety, support the right level of blood sugar and saturated with energy. Only cereal must be welded on water, and not on milk, otherwise there may be problems with digestion. You can add dried fruits, berries to the dish.

  • sausages, bacon and other meat products: First, they usually contain many chemical additives, secondly, they are difficult to digest, especially in the morning, when the stomach should be included in the work gradually;
  • oranges and other citrus fruits: irritate mucous membranes and can lead to gastritis;
  • baking, especially sweet: contains too many slow carbohydrates, hard for digestion and leads to overweight;
  • dry breakfasts: saturated for a short time and do not benefit;
  • canned food, smoking;
  • sweets, including sweet tea and coffee.

A variety of useful food

Breakfast options vary depending on the lifestyle of a person. If he is engaged in mental activity, he needs more carbohydrates. Accordingly, it is recommended to eat cereal cereal (especially buckwheat, oatmeal and rice), muesli with nuts, fruits and natural juices. If a person has a lot of physical activity, then it needs proteins. Its breakfast should consist of soybean, legumes, nuts, sandwiches with vegetables or greens.

For better saturation, physically active person has baked or boiled vegetables, but it is impossible to neglect both fresh, in which the most vitamins and other beneficial substances. Many energy give legumes and nuts.

There is a stereotype that healthy nutrition is predominantly tasteful and monotonous. It's not like that at all. There are quite a lot of useful and delicious recipes that can be changed every day. This also applies to food that is needed in the morning.

Exemplary breakfast options with proper nutrition:

  • monday - porridge and fruit;
  • tuesday - wholegrain bread with greens, fruit;
  • wednesday - Oatmeal pancakes (for taste, you can add frozen or natural berries, honey, but in small quantities) or fritters from any vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkins);
  • thursday - Muesli with the addition of dried fruits;
  • friday - homemade cookies made of cereals, vegetable salad, fastened with vegetable oil (in no case mayonnaise);
  • saturday - stew with vegetables;
  • sunday - fruit salad.

Most people during breakfast drinks coffee or tea, but these drinks are not good for health.

It is better to replace them with clean boiled water, natural fruit or vegetable juices, plays, herbal decoction and influence.

Since in the morning there is often no time to prepare lettuce, porridge or pancakes, it's all worth doing on the eve of the evening.

On weekends, when more time and especially you want delicious, you can make the following dishes for breakfast:

  • smoothies - Clean the apple (desirable green) from the peel and seeds, cut it, banana and kiwi, to smoke a blender and immediately drink to not darkened;
  • panketi - Soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in the water, the other day add a sliced \u200b\u200bbanana and a tablespoon of oatmeal, a little honey, frying on a dry pan without butter;
  • salad of pears, walnut and latch, to refuel Honey.

You can also add fruits in different porridges.

How to come to healthy eating?

Those who are accustomed to eat meat and other heavy food (including for breakfast), it seems difficult to go to plant. One such thought can lead to a stomach disorder. This is all the delusion and incorrect self-sucking. It is not necessary to sharply become a vegetarian! The transition to plant food can be light and enjoyable if you do it right. We need to replace products gradually, in several stages.

  • First of all, you need to abandon Fastfud and Hazing, especially in the morning.
  • If a person is used to roast and just greasy meat, it should be replaced by boiled and dietary: chicken, turkey, rabbit.
  • After some time, you need to go from meat to fish and seafood, and the fish again does not fry, but cook or cook for a couple.
  • Over time, fish and seafood are less and less, replaced by them vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, mushrooms, seeds.
  • At the last stage, dairy products should not be present in the diet.

When moving from heavy food to light and natural will be strong health, better mood, energy will increase, weight will decrease, and more time will appear for rest and favorite things. If the meat and fish require heat treatment, preparation, then plant food is better to eat in a fresh form.

Those who are simply not used to breakfast, will also initially difficult. You also need to start gradually, with small and lung portions. At first it should be a snack with an apple, carrot or something like that. Then you already need to move towards porridge and salads.

Useful breakfast and proper nutrition in general - an integral part of Healthy lifestyle. Starting the morning from valuable products, a person will feel good all day. If so eat constantly, it will be healthy and live a long and full life. Try - you make sure how beautiful it is!

If you do not have time in the morning to prepare a delicious and useful breakfast, you can do this evening. We will tell you what dishes can be cooked in advance in order to enjoy a nutritious breakfast in the morning and save time.

Before you begin the preparation of your favorite dishes, you should pay attention to two simple but effective rules that will save your time.

  1. Make a menu in advance. Nothing helps save precious in modern society, as the ability to plan. Thinking out a breakfast plan for breakfast in advance (best for a week ahead), you can make your nutrition diverse, which means more useful and tasty.
  2. Cook the kitchen to battle in advance. The time of cooking many dishes in the morning can be reduced if you prepare for this process in the evening. For example, place a plate, cups, forks on the table, pour tea into chairs or coffee in the coffee machine. These simple actions will save you to save a little time that is so lacking in the morning.

To give more in the morning or sleep extra few minutes, find a little more half an hour in the evening for the preparation of nutrient bars. Moreover, such a tasty and useful dish can be stored for several days in the refrigerator and even take with them as.



  • 1 cup of oat flakes;
  • ½ cup of oatmeal;
  • 1 handful of dried fruits;
  • 2-3 slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbitter chocolate;
  • ⅓ Glass of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.


Separately mix all the dry and liquid ingredients. Connect both mixtures and mix well to a thick homogeneous mass. Distribute the dough with a layer of 5-7 millimeters on the bakingfront, shining baking paper. Send an oven to heated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Give hot dough for bars, turn them over and leave another 5-7 minutes in the oven.

To diversify your breakfast, dried fruits in bars can be replaced or supplemented with nuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, chopped banana or other fruits.


A portion of natural yogurt without additives and pieces of favorite fruits is an excellent cold breakfast that will not only save your time, but will be very useful. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, a perfect replacement can be dried fruits (dried, raisins, prunes and so on).

If the morning you are accustomed to starting with nutrient scrambled eggs, try to replace it with an appetizing fritter. Cooking the Italian Omelet in the evening with any ingredients to your taste, in the morning you will only warm breakfast.



  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g of foxes;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 tablespoon of grated parmesan;
  • salt, pepper and greenery to taste.


Fry finely chopped mushrooms with onions on olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Watch the eggs with two spoons of a vapor parmesan and pour the mushroom mixture. Bake in preheated to 180 degrees oven 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished fintatake with grain with cheese and cut on a portion.

If you cook oatmeal from the evening, it will become gentle and fragrant, absorbing yogurt (or milk) with your favorite spices. Moreover, this dietary dish looks like a delicious dessert.



  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
  • berries to taste;
  • vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom to taste.


Mix flakes, favorite spices and yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning, just add berries, coconut chips, nuts or dried fruits.

For the joy of sweet tok, followed by your figure and health, we offer a delicious and nutritious dessert without flour.



  • 2 glasses of nuts (better hazelnut or almonds);
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salts;
  • 4 protein;
  • vanillin to taste.


Grind nuts with sugar in a blender to the status of small crumbs. Wake up proteins with salt, then gradually add a nut mix and vanillin, continuing to beat. Put a spoon with a mixture on a baking sheet with a baking paper. Bake in a heated to 160 degrees oven to golden color (about 30 minutes).


Prefer to start your day with porridge, but there is no time for her cooking? Then use benefits modern technologies. Fill out in the evening in the multicooker wheat, corn, rice or other porridge, pour with water with water (the ratio of cereal and liquid - 1: 3), add salt, sugar and seasonings to taste - everything, the rest will make a multicooker. In the morning you will be waiting for a hot and healthy breakfast.


If you have not yet purchased such a miracle of technology, like a multicooker, then you still have many other cooking options. For example, fill the buckwheat kefir in a 1: 3 ratio (cold option) or steep boiling water in a thermos (warm version) and leave for the night. In the morning, breakfast, filling you with the vitamins of the B group and trace elements, is ready.

8. Berry parfast

Sometimes in the morning I want my soul mate in the morning (maybe myself) to please something special and beautiful, but at the same time simple and helpful. This recipe is just for such cases.



  • 150 ml of vanilla yogurt;
  • 150 g of cornflakes;
  • 150 g berries.


Lay out layers in a high glass of berries, yogurt and flakes, observing equal proportions. Just a few minutes, and your delicious, bright and a little romantic breakfast is ready.

The recipe for cheese in the oven is good because there are several options for its feed in the morning. They can be prepared in advance, and for breakfast served cold, or warm in the microwave. You can also knead the dough in the evening, decompose it in forms or on a baking sheet, and in the morning just send cheesecakes in the oven. While you are going, the fragrant and air breakfast will be ready.



  • 300 g of low-fat curd;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of flour or mankey;
  • 5-6 apricots;
  • sugar and vanilla to taste.


Scroll cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar and scroll. Add flour or semolina with small portions, stirring with a spoon each time. Apricots divide into four parts. Put the parchment on the baking sheet and smear a little butter. Spoon decompose half of the mass. At each cheese, put on the absolute of apricots, and from above - the remaining mass. Send an oven to heated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


From the evening, prepare a set for - banana, an apple, half a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of milk (yogurt or kefir) and send to the refrigerator. In the morning you will only live all the ingredients.


Grind in a blender with natural yogurt seeds, nuts, dates. You can add any other ingredients to your taste on top, such as raspberries, blueberries or coconut chips. Remove the finished dish in the refrigerator, and in the morning, enjoy the beautiful and nutritious breakfast.


Thanks to toast with salmon in the morning you get a store store useful elements - protein, omega-3, fatty acids and iron. This breakfast must be included in its diet due to the high sodium content.

Everything is elementary simple: take wholegrain bread or loaf, put a slice of salmon from above, and then at the request of cucumber, tomato, onion or greens. Such a useful and nutritious breakfast will safely wait for you in the refrigerator until the morning. The main thing, do not forget to cover it from above the food film.

Break-free bread or loaf and home pate. Your morning will begin with rich iron, calcium and phosphorus breakfast.



  • 400 g of chicken or beef liver;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • spices to taste.


Cut the liver to pieces, add salt and spices to taste. Extinguish under the lid until readiness (about 15-20 minutes). Sattail carrots, lie onions and fry on temperate fire. The cooled ingredients need to grind portion in the blender bowl, together or separately. Mix everything again and put in the container.

The benefits of baked apples lies in the fact that in the process of their preparation, the maximum of useful substances, minerals and vitamins is preserved. First of all, it is potassium and iron.



  • 1 apple;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • chipping cinnamon.


Remove the core of the apple, the deepening fill the honey and sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Bake in preheated to 180 degrees oven 15-20 minutes. Optionally, you can add raisins, walnuts or fill apples with cottage cheese and fruit.


Just cut the banana into two halves, and on top of lay out natural yogurt, coconut, muesli and a little honey. This is a very simple, but tasty and healthy breakfast.

This is a low carbon dish or rich in vitamins A and C, which makes it an excellent source of keratin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Polenta is often served cold, which means that it can be prepared on the eve of the evening.



  • 300 g of pollen;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 300 g of cane sugar;
  • 100 g of white sugar;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of cream "Angle";
  • 2 orange;
  • 10 g of ginger.


Mix the canopy, cane sugar, eggs, butter and half of the vanilla pod to a homogeneous mass. Fill out the dough on the shape, lubricated with butter, and bake for an hour.

White sugar melt in a frying pan with the remaining vanilla. In the melted caramel, add purified and sliced \u200b\u200boranges and remove the frying pan from the fire. Sprinkle with grated ginger for piquancy.

At the cooled cupcake, lay out caramelized oranges with ginger and decorate the "Angle" cream.


Finally the simplest, but no less useful dish. Boil a few and leave in the refrigerator. In the morning you will be waiting for breakfast with an excellent source of protein.

Using 17 dishes proposed, you can combine yourself and create many breakfast options. Just replace or supplement one ingredients with others to your liking or mood.

Agree, now you have no excuse for missing an important morning meal. Cooking in the evening of any of the proposed breakfast options, you will only be welded in the morning a cup of good or brew tea.

Surely, each person has repeatedly heard that breakfast is the most important food intake during the day. But not everyone knows why.

According to scientists, people who do not have breakfast are most susceptible to stress, they often have a headache, dizziness appears, the performance decreases and the concentration of attention is worse.

To understand whether it is true, you just need to try to eat in the morning. And about what is for breakfast with proper nutrition, will be told in this article.

Why do people refuse Morning Food?

Most likely, this is one of the main points - to determine why a person does not eat in the morning. As it should not sound ridiculous, many do not want to have breakfast because, in their opinion, they can recover. But if you turn to the conclusions of scientists again, then they claim, allegedly the right breakfast, on the contrary, will help to lose weight. Why? Everything is very simple.

breakfast when complying with proper nutrition

If a person does not eat in the morning, it turns out that starvation lasts about half a day. But this starvation does not cause weight loss, because the body does not proceed fats and does not produce enzymes involved in this process. From this it follows that the weight does not decrease. And at lunch, being already very hungry, a person chooses high-calorie food and in more. Now about what a useful breakfast means.

How important is the breakfast for a person?

This is a story about how the liver was cheating. During the night, the "worker" supplied the entire body with sugar, consuming reserves received in the previous day. Then, in the morning, the unfortunate body is waiting for additives - but it is not. The liver is alarming, because it needs to somehow ensure its "fellow" the necessary substances. And here the brain transmits her the message that a person is going to eat when he looks at the food or only inhales the fragrance. In the first case, everything is fine, but in the second there is a hoax.

"Do not miss the opportunity to clean your body from all toxins and malicious bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal cessary of the gastrointestinal tract.

breakfast on proper nutrition should be rational

The liver is waiting, but never getting a "material" for processing begins to take from there, where it would not be necessary. For her, this time is some stress, because this body works in emergency mode. When a person, finally, eats something, there is a sharp emission of glucose into the blood, as a result of which the body has to produce more insulin, so that it is enough for the following emergency situations. Such a regime is a quiet horror, and therefore food for breakfast with proper nutrition must be done necessarily.

Proper breakfast - what is he?

Several important rules:

  1. To eat in moderation.
  2. Do not choose heavy food.
  3. Prepare a nutritional dish.

breakfast should be not only useful, but also satisfying

Breakfast options with proper nutrition are diverse, to the greater they depend on what physical activity is waiting for a person during the day. For example, if the work is associated with physical activity, or a long journey is to have a long time, it is advisable to eat white-containing food. Meat, fish, porridge, egg - all this will help to stay in uniform before lunch.

Many eat bread with sausage and cheese, wash coffee or tea, and with a sense of accomplished debt rushing to work. And it is wrong! Such nutrition does not contain any value for the body, and therefore, only scorches the stomach.

So what is for breakfast with proper nutrition? First, dishes must contain proteins and complex carbohydrates (these are not sugar and candy, but grain). Such food stimulates metabolic processes and improves digestion. Squeeze best with simple water, tea or juice, but the coffee drink on an empty stomach is prohibited, as this can lead to development. As a last resort, it is necessary to do it with milk. In general, the liquid helps a person to wake up and activates the forces of the body.

  1. Most best breakfast With proper nutrition for weight loss and in general - porridge. It does not have fat, nutritious, useful, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the body to eliminate harmful substances. It is recommended to stop your choice on buckwheat or oatmeal. To improve taste, you can add dried fruits or.
  2. The second honorable place is occupied by yogurt. Better if it is home cooking. Protein and calcium have a positive effect on the work of immune cells and the state of the nervous system.
  3. Cottage cheese, eggs sick, omelette and cheese are also rich in calcium and protein.
  4. Vegetable and fruit salads contain a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, as well as fresh juices. And if you have to eat sea cabbage, you can not worry about the lack of a vital iodine, which is the most important of the elements for the body.

Sample breakfasts:

Monday. Mug of juice and omelet with grain bread.

Tuesday. Egg Skump, buckwheat with grain bread and kefir mug.

Wednesday. A glass of tea or coffee with milk and rice porridge on milk with.

Thursday. Some fruit, yogurt and tea with crested cookies.

Friday. Grain bread with cheese, fruit and coffee with milk.

Saturday. Drinking yogurt and cornflakes.

Sunday. Salad of, and, cottage cheese and tea

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