
Proper breakfast, or what you can and cannot eat on an empty stomach. Eat breakfast like a king… is that right What is the best thing to eat for breakfast

Being beautiful and slim is the dream of almost every woman. Many manage to achieve their goal with the help of very radical methods, but the retribution for this can be health problems or quickly returned hated kilograms. To achieve a significant and permanent effect, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle. Its main postulate is proper breakfast- the basis of the foundations of every day. If you do not know what is best to eat in the morning, then the information below will certainly be very useful for you.

Basic rules for a healthy lifestyle

So what is proper nutrition? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, regular snacks, following certain rules and choosing certain foods? Actually it's almost whole science, with many recommendations and postulates that must be observed. To begin with, let's define its basic rules, which will have to be adhered to on an ongoing basis. At first it will not be easy, but over time you will appreciate all the delights of this system.

You should start the morning with one glass of warm water, this will help you wake up the body and start all internal processes. The main meal, as a rule, should be within 30-60 minutes after waking up, this period of time is considered to be optimal. During the specified interval, you will have time to put yourself in order, do the necessary household chores or go in for sports.

Remember that it is strictly forbidden to neglect breakfast. If you do not eat right in the morning, then the metabolism in the body will slow down, and you simply will not have enough strength for all the necessary things during the day. Skipping breakfast, you doom yourself to a decrease in tone, the appearance of apathy, fatigue and irritability. After a while, you will start to overeat at lunch and dinner, you will be overweight, have skin and hair problems.

Many people deliberately refuse breakfast, referring to the lack of appetite after sleep. The reason for this phenomenon may be the wrong daily routine. So that the body has time to get hungry, you need to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. Among other things, it is necessary to eat only fresh food, you should not eat up what is left of the dishes of the past day.

What should be the first meal of the day

What should be the right breakfast? For the most part, this is a harmonious combination of several useful components. It should be moderately high-calorie, that is, provide a proper boost of energy, but not provoke an increase in body fat. The first meal of the day should be based on complex carbohydrates. Periodically, it is recommended to add protein, fiber and vegetable fat to them. Remember that it is in the morning that you can afford occasional rewards (something sweet or extremely nutritious), this should be done no more than once a week. The most preferred breakfast food list is as follows:

  • Oatmeal or buckwheat.
  • Bran or muesli.
  • Lean poultry meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk and other similar variations.
  • Vegetable or olive oil.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Natural coffee or tea without additives.

List of prohibited products

What to eat for breakfast, you know.

Now it's time to talk about the necessary restrictions. The list of bans includes products such as:

  • Sweets (including sweet cereals).
  • Curd.
  • Any sweets and pastries.
  • Anything fatty and smoked (like bacon).
  • Milk.

It is also very important to take into account the general state of health. So, with gastritis and high acidity, it is recommended to use fresh fruits, vegetables and other dishes prepared on their basis (for example, fresh juice) immediately after sleep with caution.

A proper breakfast in terms of calories should fit into an indicator equal to 500 units. In total, it is recommended to consume at least 1800 calories per day, but not more than 1800 calories. A minor meal should be within 150 units.

Classic oatmeal

There are various recipes for a healthy breakfast. The most classic option is oatmeal. If this dish causes you negative emotions from childhood, then try to cook it according to a special recipe. So, the flakes will need to be cooked over low heat in water for 7-10 minutes. Improve the palatability useful product can honey, natural low-fat yogurt and pieces of fruit. Additional benefits of oatmeal in the morning include cleansing the intestines, improving the functioning of the digestive tract, and a beneficial effect on hair and nails. It is not necessary to eat only porridge with water, but sugar and milk should also be discarded. Dried fruits, honey, cinnamon can become their excellent substitutes.

Very tasty sandwich

Sandwich lovers will appreciate the right breakfast of whole grain bread and poultry meat. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Whole grain bread bun - 1 pc.
  • A little olive oil.
  • Processed cheese - 20 g.
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 100 g.
  • Chicken fillet - 80 g.
  • Greens (to taste).

Mushrooms must be fried in a small amount of oil, and the fillet should be boiled. We divide the bun into two parts, spread the indicated amount of cheese, spread the filling, add fresh herbs or lettuce if desired. Halves of the buns can be eaten separately each, or can be combined into one appetizing and very healthy hamburger.

Both tasty and healthy

The right breakfast for weight loss can be very tasty. A real dessert dish, containing just over 400 calories, includes components such as:

  • Grainy cottage cheese of low fat content (up to 5 percent) - 150 g.
  • Raspberry - 200 g.
  • Banana - 100 g.
  • Honey - a teaspoon.

Using a blender, all the ingredients are mixed to a mousse state, a mass of homogeneous consistency, and poured into glasses. For decoration, you can use mint leaves or fresh berries.

What to eat for breakfast kids

Now you know what the term "proper breakfast" means, your morning meal menu can be quite varied, tasty, but always equally healthy. If you are not used to eating in the morning, you can start to retrain your body with the lightest meals that do not require long preparation. Fruits with dairy products is the best combination for beginners who follow the postulates of a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, you will need several components: a hearty banana, a light apple, a diet orange. You can eat them whole or slice them for a salad. As a dressing or morning drink, it is good to use natural, low-fat yogurt without dyes or additives.

meat variety

You can also cook meat for breakfast. However, this option is preferable for lunch or dinner. In general, such a dish will perfectly set you up for a hard day, give you strength for physical and mental activity. The main ingredient is lean meat, such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or veal, but it is better to forget about pork. It can be stewed, boiled, baked in the oven or even fried with minimal oil. Steamed or fresh vegetables will help dilute the protein product.

Let's talk about drinks

A proper breakfast for weight loss necessarily includes a certain amount of liquid. It is recommended to give preference to:

Such a different breakfast

Each country has its own opinion about such a concept as "proper nutrition". Breakfast in Eastern countries begins when people go to dinner in Russia. It should be preceded by various activities, whether it be breathing exercises or hard physical labor. The first thing to do when you wake up is drink a glass of water and get to work! The morning portion of food served during the daytime is rather small and does not differ in assortment variety.

Let's talk about snacks

Proper breakfast, lunch and dinner are far from all meals of the day. Nowadays, nutritionists recommend sticking to the rule of eating little, but often. It is considered optimal to enjoy cooked meals at least 5 or 6 times in 24 hours. Snacks should begin no earlier than 120 minutes after the main meal, and their calorie content should not exceed 150 units. If you do not know what product to eat, then opt for a banana, a glass of fermented milk drink, a fresh vegetable, or a handful of nuts.

Proper nutrition, breakfast and second breakfast, will provide a charge of vivacity and strength for the whole day. Equally important is the second meal (second breakfast), consisting of a smaller portion. Its main tasks include:

  • Decrease in bile secretions.
  • Reducing the load on the pancreas.
  • Improvement of heart work.

Remember to eat right - and you can achieve amazing results. Within a few weeks, you will not only see a more slender and toned figure, but also save the result for a long time. You will be able to adjust your metabolism in the right way, improve your health, tidy up your skin, nails and hair. Compliance with the postulates of a healthy lifestyle will help strengthen the immune system, preserve youth and beauty. Start with proper nutrition in the morning, consolidate the result during the day, add sports, outdoor walks and hardening to the program.

Remember how in childhood your mother or grandmother said that breakfast is a must, and slipped her unloved oatmeal. Or when you refused to have breakfast, she said to everyone the well-known proverb “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.” Having matured, you realized that now it’s not necessary to eat in the morning, you can get by with a cup of coffee and a cookie at work or school. And if you decide to lose weight, then you think that there is no breakfast - there are no extra calories. But not everything is so simple...

If you are one of those people who think that skipping breakfast will help you lose weight faster, then think again. In the article "" you will learn how to eat right and stay healthy.

6 reasons why breakfast is important and necessary

1. Wake up the body. Think of breakfast as a necessity and a "fuel". If you skip breakfast and do not eat within a few hours after waking up, then the body reacts to such starvation and slows down the metabolism. If you eat breakfast, you wake up your metabolism and get a boost of energy to burn calories. 2. If there is - more likely to lose weight! Studies have repeatedly proven that people who eat breakfast are more likely to lose weight or keep it off. When you skip breakfast, by lunchtime you are ready to eat a horse :).

It is worth noting that the research linking breakfast and weight loss is based on the fact that breakfast should be healthy, that is, contain protein and / or whole grain fibers, but not as fat and sugar.

3. Breakfast wakes up not only the body, but also the head! Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are more active and alert than those who skip it. Breakfast is especially important for children, a hungry child can be more lethargic and irritable, and good breakfast help him to be active and think clearly. 4. Breakfast is your chance to eat foods that you might not be able to eat the rest of the day. Think it's not? Then remember when you ate last time oatmeal or cottage cheese for dinner?! 5. “You are not you when you are hungry” - remember the Snikers ad. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast in the morning tend to be in a better mood than those who skip it. If a person is hungry, he is more irritable. Why spoil your mood in the morning, it's better to start the day with breakfast! 6. If you are a parent, be an example for your children. If you skip breakfast, your kids will think that breakfast is not important. If you want to teach your child to breakfast, eat breakfast yourself, make it your habit, and the children will reach for you.

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast:

  • Omelet/boiled egg and a slice of whole grain bread with cheese
  • Oatmeal in milk with fruits, raisins or nuts.
  • Low fat yogurt with fresh fruit
  • Cottage cheese with pieces of fruit or berries

Oats are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron, and B vitamins, as well as protein and fiber. The body needs these essential nutrients, and studies show that if they are not supplied in the morning, then the chance to compensate for them during the day decreases.

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals, so try to include them in your breakfast, whether it's a banana or a glass of fruit juice.

Healthy and easy breakfast - recipes with photos

Oatmeal pancakes.

To prepare these wonderful and delicious pancakes you will need:

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup kefir (can be low fat)
  • 1 egg
  • salt, sugar and cinnamon to taste


1. Initially mix all the dry ingredients: flour, cereal, salt, sugar and cinnamon.

2. Then we drive an egg into the mixture and add kefir. We mix everything well. Add baking powder.

3. We heat the pan, grease with oil and spread the dough with a spoon. Fry oatmeal pancakes on both sides until golden brown for 3-4 minutes.

4. Pancakes can be served with honey, jam or fresh berries.

Fried toast with egg

Doctors say that breakfast is an important meal that should not be skipped. If you skip the morning meal, then the body will not have enough strength and energy to fully work during the day. A proper breakfast is the key to good health. What we eat when we wake up in the morning will determine our mood for the whole day. Start your morning with a healthy and balanced breakfast prepared according to the right recipes.

Proper nutrition is the observance of special principles and dietary recommendations regarding food. To start eating right, you need:

  • Take food at the same time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner must start at the same time every day without exception. Eating according to a clear schedule contributes to the proper assimilation of food, the normalization of the digestive system.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, this will help her digest better.
  • Do not take liquid before or immediately after a meal. It is advisable to drink water, tea, and other drinks an hour after breakfast, lunch or other meals.
  • Each meal should begin with eating raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Make your daily menu so that it contains 40% proteins, 30% carbohydrates and 30% fats, this is especially important for athletes.
  • Give up processed foods, fast food in favor of the right healthy dishes.

What is good to eat in the morning?

Many people prefer to eat in the morning what is the fastest to cook: croutons, scrambled eggs with sausage or sausages. The use of these dishes in the morning violates the principles of proper nutrition. The morning menu should be a third of the total daily diet. For breakfast, you need to choose the right nutritious dishes that will help saturate the body. It is desirable that the morning menu consists of a set of different products. To follow the principles of proper nutrition, eat for breakfast:

  • Milk and dairy products. Low-calorie cottage cheese will satisfy the body's needs for protein food, saturate it with useful vitamins, microelements, and will not harm the figure.
  • Cereals. Whole grain bread and cereals are the perfect start to the day. Oatmeal and bran bread smeared with a thin layer of butter will become sources of energy for the working day, both for adults and adolescents.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Every meal should contain some fresh vegetables and fruits, and breakfast is no exception. Dried fruits are also useful, add them in small portions to porridge for breakfast.
  • Meat, poultry. Protein foods are useful throughout the day. Eggs are not the only source of protein. Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol, which is harmful to health. Therefore, nutritionists recommend instead of the usual scrambled eggs to cook an omelet for breakfast from three proteins and one yolk. A sandwich with a piece of boiled chicken will not harm the diet, but will become a useful right morning meal.

Menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss

Thanks to a properly selected diet during breakfast, the body receives nutrients that support it and satisfy the feeling of hunger until lunch. Scientists have found that a person who skips a morning meal slows down metabolism by 7-8%, and this leads to weight gain. At breakfast, it is recommended to eat at least 25% of the calories of the daily menu. To lose weight, choose as the right morning meals:

  • oatmeal;
  • protein omelet with vegetables;
  • cottage cheese with herbs.

Do not forget about the second breakfast, it must be planned in your daily routine. Suitable for lunch:

  • sandwich with chicken fillet;
  • vegetable salad;
  • kefir with a handful of dried fruits;
  • natural yogurt without sweeteners.

Lunch is a hearty meal that consists of several courses. According to the principles of proper nutrition, at lunch you need to eat about 40% of the calories of the entire daily diet. Doctors recommend that in order to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, as well as for weight loss, include a hot dish in the lunch menu. The right lunch for weight loss is:

  • fresh vegetable salad to start the meal. A vegetable dish will help start digestion, saturate the body with useful fiber.
  • vegetable soup, lean borscht, cabbage soup or fish soup - a hot dish is recommended to be consumed daily.
  • a piece of boiled chicken, turkey, lean fish. The portion should be small, the meat should be cooked without oil and salt.

In favor of newfangled diets, many people begin to refuse dinner. Don't ever do this! A low-calorie proper dinner will help you wake up in the morning in a good mood, without a headache. If you skip the evening meal, there may be problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, up to peptic ulcer. To lose weight, for dinner it is recommended to use:

  • boiled or stewed vegetables, stew.
  • fish dishes. Fish is best steamed or baked in the oven.
  • dairy products. Both low-fat varieties of hard cheese and low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt are useful.

Recipes for delicious and healthy breakfast dishes with photos

Baked apples with cottage cheese - a healthy breakfast option


  • large apples - 5 pcs.;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • raisins - a few tablespoons;
  • candied fruits - to taste;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • natural honey- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon.
  1. We wash the apples under running water, dry. Carefully cut off the “hat” of apples, remove the core with a teaspoon.
  2. Beat cottage cheese with a blender until fluffy.
  3. Pour boiling water over raisins, candied fruits, then drain the water.
  4. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and candied fruits, add powdered sugar.
  5. We stuff the prepared apples with the curd mass.
  6. We cover the stuffed apples with cut caps, wrap each fruit in foil.
  7. We bake the dish at 180 degrees in the oven for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Serve the dish, lightly sprinkled with cinnamon and watered with natural honey.

Omelet with vegetables in the oven - a healthy and nutritious breakfast


  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • fat cream - 50 ml;
  • young zucchini or zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • small carrots - 1 pc.;
  • one sweet pepper of any color;
  • large tomato - 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of parsley and green onions;
  • hard cheese optional - a couple of tablespoons;
  • spices.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the tomato into slices.
  2. Remove the skin from the squash or zucchini, cut it into cubes.
  3. Sweet pepper without seeds is also crushed into cubes.
  4. Carrots, peeled, cut into thin strips.
  5. We finely chop the greens.
  6. In a deep saucepan, heat up a few tablespoons of sunflower oil, send carrots to it. Simmer until tender (about 7 minutes).
  7. Add all the other prepared vegetables to the carrots and simmer them under a closed lid for 5 minutes.
  8. In a separate deep bowl, beat the eggs with cream until fluffy for several minutes. Add grated cheese to the dish.
  9. We combine the egg mass with the cooled stewed vegetables.
  10. Pour the mixture into a heat-resistant dish and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. Breakfast is ready!

Healthy oatmeal - the right breakfast with a minimum of calories


  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • two glasses of skim milk;
  • to taste sugar, salt;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • one small apple.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour oatmeal into boiling milk. Stirring, cook the porridge over low heat until tender (3-5 minutes). Add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
  2. Cut off the skin of the apple and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into small cubes, add to the porridge.
  3. Scald raisins with boiling water, dry. We send it to a plate with oatmeal. The dish is ready!

Cottage cheese with herbs - a healthy and nutritious dish


  • cottage cheese 0-% fat - 200 g;
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions);
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Finely chop the greens.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, add salt to taste.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  5. Put a tablespoon of curd mass on each circle of tomato.
  6. Garnish the dish with a sprig of parsley.

Healthy sandwich - the right start to the day


  • diet bread;
  • goat cheese - 100 g;
  • sun-dried tomatoes - 50 g;
  • germinated wheat;
  • lettuce or arugula.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Dry diet bread in a toaster or grill on a grill without adding oil.
  2. Put a leafy “cushion” of germinated wheat, lettuce or arugula on the loaf.
  3. Pieces of goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes are laid out on the leaves.
  4. A little more greens on top, cover the sandwich with a second loaf. Breakfast is ready!

Check out the options for each day.

The perfect and balanced start to the day from Herbalife

If you don’t have time at all to prepare the right breakfast in the morning, then we recommend that you pay attention to Herbalife products. The benefit of Herbalife's breakfast cereal is that you don't have to calculate your protein, fat, and carbohydrate ratios to make it healthy for your body. It is only necessary to drink ready-made cocktails with a correctly selected calorie content.

The Herbalife Perfect Breakfast is a ready-to-eat product. According to the scheme indicated in the instructions, add dry mixes to low-fat milk, beat the cocktail in a blender and consume it in the morning for breakfast. The formula of the cocktail is chosen so as to saturate your body with all the useful substances and vitamins. If you want to learn more about the right and healthy breakfast, watch the video below.

Video: breakfast options with proper nutrition

With the help of our recommendations and step-by-step recipes, you will be able to cook the right one for yourself. healthy breakfast. Use your imagination while cooking, add new products, experiment with ingredients, then you will get a delicious dish. If you want to learn even more recipes for the right breakfast dishes and get inspired to cook, we advise you to watch the video master class below. After watching the video, you will learn how to cook even more dishes that fully comply with the principles of proper and separate nutrition.

Breakfast is considered to be an important meal of the day. However, if you are on a calorie deficit, it is not so important. Translation of an article from the authoritative Examine.com about what is more beneficial for maintaining body weight: eat breakfast or skip it?

Some scientists believe that breakfast creates a feeling of satiety, increases physical activity, promotes weight loss and body mass index (BMI), and regulates the production of hunger hormones.

According to other data, breakfast has a small but potentially negative impact on daily energy intake .

The thesis that breakfast "starts" metabolism deserves special attention, although it is not confirmed either for people of normal build or for those who are obese. In general, an important question: “To have breakfast or not to have breakfast?” remained unanswered for a long time.

Experiment: with and without breakfast

To solve this problem, specialists from Brigham Young University (USA) conducted an experiment, the scheme of which is shown in the figure:

The experiment involved 49 women aged 18 to 55 who typically ate breakfast less than twice a week, slept more than six hours a day, and always got up early. All participants had a stable weight and were healthy for 3 months. They were divided into two groups: 26 women had to eat breakfast every day, 23 made up the control group and could follow established habits.

Participants in the control group did not eat or drink anything until 11:30.

The experiment lasted 4 weeks.

Before and after the experiment, the researchers determined the weight, height, BMI, and fat content of the participants. Women had to write down what and how much they eat per day, and during the last week assess the feeling of hunger before each meal (there is a special scale for this). Every day, the participants noted how much they sleep and what they eat for breakfast. Physical activity was also not forgotten, it was determined using an accelerometer.

Experiment results shown in the figure:

In short: breakfast added an average of 266 kcal and 43 g of carbohydrates to the daily diet.

At lunch, lunch and dinner, participants in both groups consumed approximately the same amount of calories, physical activity was also commensurate. The feeling of hunger, thirst and "fullness" in different groups also did not differ.

At the same time, women who regularly ate breakfast gained an average of 0.7 kg, and BMI increased from 22.6 to 22.9 (the difference is small, but significant). The fat content slightly increased from 32.5 to 32.9%. In the control group (those who did not eat breakfast), weight and BMI remained stable and by the end of the experiment were significantly lower than in the breakfast group. Muscle mass in all women remained unchanged.

If there is no breakfast habit, do not force yourself

The results supported the researchers' hypothesis that Breakfast contributes to weight gain, BMI, and calorie intake. However, other assumptions did not materialize. The extra meal did not make the women more physically active or make them feel fuller throughout the day. At lunch or dinner, they ate no less than usual.

But the old empirical knowledge was confirmed that one should not force a person to eat when he is not hungry. He will only gain weight and gain fat from this.

Why the breakfast did not add satiety to the ladies, the researchers do not know. The only component whose intake increased as a result of the morning meal was carbohydrates.

The work of American researchers, who forced women who were not accustomed to breakfast, confirmed that food without a feeling of hunger is harmful. These data contradict the results obtained in 2005 by British scientists from the University of Nottingham.. They showed that breakfast can reduce calorie intake and help control weight. However, the participants in the British experiment were accustomed to breakfast, in contrast to the American women, who usually did not eat breakfast. Obviously, the regularity of the meal significantly affects its result.

The effect of a meal on weight depends on its composition and caloric content, which, in turn, change the level of hormones of hunger and satiety. The physiological action of these hormones is shown in this figure:

When a person wakes up, plasma levels of cortisol and ghrelin reach peak levels. High levels of ghrelin cause hunger and require an immediate breakfast, while cortisol increases concentrations of free fatty acids, which increase insulin resistance, thereby making glucose uptake more difficult. If breakfast is eaten in the first 2 hours after waking up, blood glucose levels rise, which serves as a signal to start a series of physiological reactions.

What else would you like to know?

What are the physiological consequences of living without breakfast? People who skip breakfast have slightly higher blood glucose levels than those who eat breakfast regularly. In addition, in the morning, the level of the satiety hormone leptin is reduced, which gives way to ghrelin. At the same time, the content of glucagon-like peptide decreases, and all together increases the feeling of hunger.

What breakfast ingredients contribute to weight gain? Caloric content and the composition of the meal, of course, affect body weight. For example, whole grains and dietary fiber help manage weight. Protein creates the feeling of a full stomach. To maintain weight, low-calorie, but bulky foods (rich in dietary fiber and protein) are also useful.

American researchers did not teach participants what a healthy breakfast should be, and we cannot judge how their morning menu affected the results.

Why did the researchers force those who were not used to breakfast to eat breakfast? Because previous work has shown that skipping the morning meal is harmful, first of all, to those who are used to breakfast.

But the described experiment showed that women who were not used to breakfast did not benefit from breakfast - within four weeks they overate and gained weight.

Conclusion: do not torture yourself with "healthy" rituals if you do not have the habit and desire to have breakfast - this can only be to your advantage. Ultimately, it doesn't matter how many times a day and when exactly you eat, what matters is the total intake of nutrients throughout the day. Eat the way you feel comfortable and keep your calorie balance in mind.

Translation: N. Reznik.

If you do not have time in the morning to cook a delicious and healthy breakfast, then you can do it this evening. We will tell you what dishes you can prepare in advance so that you can enjoy a nutritious breakfast in the morning and save time.

Before you start cooking your favorite dish, you should pay attention to two simple but effective rules that will save you time.

  1. Plan your menu ahead of time. Nothing helps save precious time in modern society like the ability to plan. Thinking over the plan of dishes for breakfast in advance (preferably a week in advance), you can make your meals varied, which means more healthy and tasty.
  2. Prepare the kitchen for the fight in advance. The cooking time of many dishes in the morning can be reduced if you prepare for this process in the evening. For example, put plates, cups, forks on the table, pour tea into a teapot or coffee into a coffee machine. These simple steps will allow you to save some time, which is so lacking in the morning.

To get more done in the morning or get a few extra minutes of sleep, find a little more than half an hour in the evening to prepare nutrition bars. Moreover, such a tasty and healthy dish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and even taken with you as a meal.



  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • ½ cup oatmeal;
  • 1 handful of dried fruits;
  • 2-3 slices of grated dark chocolate;
  • ⅓ cup of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.


Mix all dry and liquid ingredients separately. Combine both mixtures and mix well until a thick homogeneous mass. Spread the dough in a layer of 5-7 millimeters on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cut the hot dough into bars, turn them over and leave for another 5-7 minutes in the oven.

To diversify your breakfast, dried fruits in bars can be replaced or supplemented with nuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, chopped banana or other fruits.


A portion of natural yoghurt without additives and slices of your favorite fruit is an excellent cold breakfast that will not only save you time, but will also be very useful. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and so on) can be an excellent substitute.

If you are used to starting your morning with a nutritious scrambled egg, try replacing it with a delicious frittata. Having prepared an Italian omelet in the evening with any ingredients to your taste, in the morning you will only have to warm up breakfast.



  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g chanterelles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon of grated parmesan;
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


Fry finely chopped mushrooms with onions in olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Whisk the eggs with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan and pour over the mushrooms. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished frittata with herbs and cheese and cut into portions.

If you cook oatmeal in the evening, it will become tender and fragrant, absorbing yogurt (or milk) with your favorite spices. Moreover, this diet dish looks like a delicious dessert.



  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
  • berries to taste;
  • vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom to taste.


Combine cereal, favorite spices, and yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, simply add berries, shredded coconut, nuts, or dried fruit.

To the delight of those with a sweet tooth who are watching their figure and health, we offer a delicious and nutritious dessert without flour.



  • 2 cups nuts (preferably hazelnuts or almonds);
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 4 proteins;
  • vanillin to taste.


Grind the nuts with sugar in a blender until fine crumbs. Beat egg whites with salt, then gradually add the nut mixture and vanilla, continuing to beat. Spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees until golden brown (about 30 minutes).


Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don't have time to cook it? Then use the benefits modern technologies. Pour wheat, corn, rice or other porridge into the multicooker in the evening, pour milk with water (the ratio of porridge and liquid is 1: 3), add salt, sugar and seasonings to taste - everything else will be done by the multicooker. In the morning, a hot and healthy breakfast will be waiting for you.


If you have not yet purchased such a miracle of technology as a slow cooker, then you still have many other options for making porridge. For example, fill buckwheat with kefir in a ratio of 1:3 (cold option) or boiling water in a thermos (warm option) and leave overnight. In the morning, breakfast, filling you with B vitamins and trace elements, is ready.

8. Berry Parfait

Sometimes in the morning you want to please your soulmate (maybe yourself) with something special and beautiful, but at the same time simple and useful. This recipe is just for such cases.



  • 150 ml vanilla yogurt;
  • 150 g corn flakes;
  • 150 g of berries.


Layer the berries, yogurt and cereal in a tall glass in equal proportions. Just a few minutes, and your delicious, bright and a little romantic breakfast is ready.

The recipe for cheesecakes in the oven is good because there are several options for serving it in the morning. They can be prepared in advance and served cold for breakfast, or warmed up in the microwave. You can also knead the dough in the evening, lay it out in forms or on a baking sheet, and in the morning just send the cheesecakes to the oven. While you are getting ready, a fragrant and airy breakfast will be ready.



  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g flour or semolina;
  • 5-6 apricots;
  • sugar and vanilla to taste.


Mash cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar and rub. Add flour or semolina in small portions, mixing with a spoon each time. Divide apricots into four parts. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and brush with a little oil. Spread out half of the mass with a spoon. Put a slice of apricots on each cheesecake, and the rest of the mass on top. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


In the evening, prepare a set for - a banana, an apple, half a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of milk (yogurt or kefir) and refrigerate. In the morning, all you have to do is mix all the ingredients.


Grind seeds, nuts, dates in a blender with natural yogurt. You can add any other ingredients you like on top, such as raspberries, blueberries, or coconut flakes. Put the finished dish in the refrigerator, and in the morning enjoy a beautiful and nutritious breakfast.


Thanks to salmon toast in the morning, you will get a treasure trove useful elements- protein, omega-3, fatty acids and iron. This breakfast should definitely be included in your diet due to its high sodium content.

Everything is elementary simple: take whole grain bread or a loaf, put a slice of salmon on top, and then, if desired, cucumber, tomato, onion or greens. Such a healthy and nutritious breakfast will calmly wait for you in the refrigerator until the morning. Most importantly, do not forget to cover it with cling film on top.

Unleavened bread or crispbread and homemade pate. Your morning will start with a breakfast rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus.



  • 400 g chicken or beef liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • spices to taste.


Cut the liver into pieces, add salt and spices to taste. Simmer covered until tender (about 15-20 minutes). Grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry over moderate heat. The cooled ingredients must be ground in portions in the blender bowl, together or separately. Mix everything again and put it in a container.

The benefit of baked apples is that in the process of their preparation, a maximum of useful substances, minerals and vitamins are preserved. First of all, it is potassium and iron.



  • 1 apple;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


Remove the core of the apple, fill the indentation with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Optionally, you can add raisins, walnuts, or fill apples with cottage cheese and fruit.


Simply cut a banana in half and top with natural yogurt, coconut, muesli and some honey. This is a very simple but tasty and healthy breakfast.

This low-carb meal is rich in vitamins A and C, making it a great source of keratin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Polenta is often served cold, which means it can be made the night before.



  • 300 g of polenta;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 300 g of cane sugar;
  • 100 g white sugar;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons cream "Angleuse";
  • 2 oranges;
  • 10 g ginger.


Whisk in the polenta, cane sugar, eggs, butter, and half the vanilla pod until smooth. Fill ⅔ of a buttered pan with batter and bake for an hour.

Melt the white sugar in a pan along with the remaining vanilla. Add the peeled and sliced ​​oranges to the melted caramel and remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle with grated ginger for spice.

Put the caramelized oranges with ginger on the cooled cupcake and garnish with the Anglaise cream.


Finally, the simplest, but no less healthy dish. Boil a few and leave in the refrigerator. In the morning you will have a breakfast with an excellent source of protein.

Using the proposed 17 dishes, you can combine and create many breakfast options yourself. Just replace or supplement some ingredients with others according to your taste or mood.

Agree, now you have absolutely no excuses left to skip an important morning meal. Having prepared any of the proposed breakfast options in the evening, you will only have to cook a cup of good or brew tea in the morning.

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